And King Solomon made a great throne out of. King Solomon's airship. What happened to the throne after Solomon's death

"And the king made a great throne of ivory." The throne was covered with the best gold from Ophir and strewn with pearls, onyx, opals, topazes, emeralds, carbuncles and other semi-precious stones of white, green and red tones.
The device throne was like this:

The top is rounded at the back high above the seat. There are six steps, and on them there are figures of pure gold. On the first step lie: on the one hand - a lion, on the other - an ox. On the second step - a wolf and a lamb. On the third - a leopard and a kid. On the fourth - a bear and a deer. On the fifth - an eagle and a dove. On the sixth - a hawk and a sparrow. The back ended with the figure of a dove holding a hawk in its claws.

Above the upper rounding is a lamp with all its accessories: lamps, tongs, ashtrays, cups and chased flowers. On the right side of it are seven stems with the names of the seven patriarchs of the human race: Adam, Noah, Shem the firstborn, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Job with them. And on the left side are seven stems, and on them are the names of the seven righteous universal: Levi, Kohath, Amram, Moses, Aaron, Eldad and Medad, and Hur with them. At the top of the lamp, a golden oil storage was approved, from where oil was taken for temple lamps, and under it was a large bowl with oil for lighting the same lamp; on the cup was inscribed: "Elius", on two stems from it - the names of the sons of Elius: "Hophni" and "Phineas", and on the drainpipes inside the stems: "Nadav" and "Avigu".

On the sides of the throne were two chairs - for the high priest and for his viceroy, and seventy chairs in front of the throne - for seventy elders, judges of the Sanhedrin.

In the level with the temples of the seated - the figures of two naiads.

On either side of the throne were twenty-four vines, forming a canopy over it; behind the vines are date palms decorated with white linen fabrics and ivory peacocks on them.

Immediately, hollow inside, the figures of two lions filled with incense. Incense began to ooze as Solomon ascended the steps of the throne.

A mechanism was placed inside the throne, which came into action as soon as the king stepped foot on the first step. At the same moment, the lion held out its paw, ox leg, and the king, leaning on them, as if on a railing, climbed to the next step. The same thing was repeated on each of the six steps. When the king reached the upper step, the eagles flew down and seated him on the throne, after which the largest of the eagles placed a crown on his head.

At that moment, the silver serpent hidden in the mechanism began to move - lions and eagles strengthened the canopy over the king, and the dove, placed on a special column, rose from its place, opened the ark and placed the scroll of the Testament taken out of there in Solomon's hands. Then the high priest with the elders, greeting the king, took their places on both sides of the king and proceeded to the affairs of the court.
The appearance of false witnesses caused a special action of all mechanisms: their wheels began to rotate with extraordinary speed and force. The lowing of oxen, the growling of lions and tigers, and the roar of bears merged with the bleating of lambs, the cries of goats, the cry of hawks, the chirping of sparrows. Wolves, deer, eagles, peacocks rushed from side to side ... Trembling and horror seized the false witnesses. "Because of us," they said, "the whole world will collapse!" - and involuntarily began to show one pure truth.

Subsequently, this throne was taken, along with other booty, by Pharaoh Necho and taken to Egypt. The minute the pharaoh stepped on the first step, raised the lion's paw and hit him in the thigh so hard that he remained lame for the rest of his life. Hence the name Necho. 2 . From Egypt, the throne was taken away by the wicked Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon, and at the first attempt to ascend the throne, the lion threw Nebuchadnezzar to the ground with a blow of his paw. After the destruction of Babylon, the throne was taken by Darius and taken to Media, but Darius did not try to sit on it. The throne was brought to Egypt by Alexander the Great, taken from there by Yenifon, and, during its transportation on a ship, one of the legs was damaged, and not a single master in the world managed to fix it.

Located in the center of Osh city. The height of this mountain at the highest points reaches 100-150 meters, the length is one and a half kilometers, the width, together with the deluvial train, is 120 meters, and the absolute mark is at an altitude of 1106 meters above sea level.

Suleiman Mountain is covered with legends and folk tales, which has been considered sacred since time immemorial. Suleiman Mountain, its slopes and foothills abound with the most valuable historical monuments of the past, both archaeological and architectural. From the Neolithic period to the period of the late Middle Ages - such is their chronological range.

Since the time of Claudius Ptolemy, geographers have been unsuccessfully searching for the Stone Tower, which became known to the scientific world from the stories of ubiquitous merchants. Only in 1843, after A. Humboldt's trip to Central Asia, did the Stone Tower begin to be compared with the mountain Takht-i-Suleiman, located in the center of the city of Osh.

Until the 16th century, Suleiman Mountain was called Bara Kuh (beautiful mountain). So, in any case, Zahir ad din Mukhamed Babur, the founder of the state of the Great Moguls, called her. When Babur was only the ruler of Fergana, he built a hujra on the top of the Beautiful Mountain - a gazebo where he liked to spend time.

The new name Takht and Suleiman (Throne of Suleiman) was given to the mountain after the Muslim prophet Suleiman Sheikh was buried at its foot. Since that time, the city has become one of the centers of the religious world of Islam. Thousands of pilgrims from different parts of Asia reached out to the sacred mountain. They believed that their prayers would directly ascend to God, and their requests would be fulfilled.

At the very top, an inclined stone slab shines with its polishing. According to legend, Solomon himself sat on it. Every devout Muslim is obliged to visit this sacred stone at least once in his life.

Suleimangora keeps the most valuable informational material. Hundreds of petroglyphs are carved on the rocky outcrops of the mountain: stone slabs, on the walls of caves and grottoes. The oldest of the petroglyphs were made several millennia ago.

Among the rock carvings there are whole inscriptions. The most famous of them was partly read in 1885 by N.I. Veselovsky. The inscription is located on the southern side of the first peak of Suleiman Mountain. It is executed in Kufic script and contains the name of the Samanid emir Nasr ibn Ahmed and the date - 329 AH (940-941).

Petroglyphs of the Suleiman Mountains attracted the attention of scientists for more than a decade. However, a systematic, purposeful study of them began recently, in 1994, with the start of the activities of the Southern Regional Branch of the National Academy of Sciences.

In 1956, excavations were carried out in the Rusha Un-kur cave - the Orlov cave (now one of the halls of the cave complex of the Osh United Historical and Cultural Museum of the Reserve). As a result of the excavations, a whole collection of stone tools from the Late Neolithic period was discovered. This collection is stored in the Osh Museum-Reserve.

In 1967, on the southern slope of Suleiman Mountain, the archaeologist of the Osh Museum of Local Lore E.V. Druzhinina discovered pottery identical in painting and manufacturing method to the pottery of the Chust culture. An assumption was made about the existence of the first settled settlement. This assumption was fully confirmed in 1976, when during the construction of the road, here on the southern slope, the outcrops of the cultural layer of the terraced settlement of ancient farmers were uncovered. The outcrops of the cultural layer were recorded by the archaeologist E.V. Druzhinina.

At the eastern foot of the Suleiman Mountain there is a local history museum, according to experts, it is the largest in the republic. From the tourist infrastructure in Osh, there are several starless hotels and guest houses, the services of which are used by local and Bishkek tour operators.

In the Hebrew Bible, the third king of Israel, Solomon, is presented as a wise, strong, and wealthy ruler. He ruled between 965 and 925 BC. The scripture tells that while he was on the throne, magnificent palaces and fortresses were erected in Jerusalem, and the construction of the first temple was carried out in order to preserve the legendary Ark of the Covenant, where the Ten Commandments transmitted by God to Moses are stored on a gilded tablet. Where did Solomon's treasures go?

Solomon's temple was destroyed by the Babylonians from 597 to 586 BC. The Ark of the Covenant and other riches have disappeared, and nothing is known about them until now.

Treasures of King Solomon

Treasures of King Solomon

Solomon is depicted in the historical records as a king with great wealth. For example, in the Book of Kings I, it is written:

Solomon received 666 talents of gold per year. He also owned merchant ships, collaborated with merchants and kings of all Arabia and the governors of countries.

The scripture also states:

And King Solomon made two hundred large shields, it took six hundred shekels of gold. And he made three hundred shields Three pounds of hammered gold went into each shield, and the king set them up in a house of Lebanese wood. They made a great ivory throne for the king and overlaid it with pure gold. And all the vessels for drinking were with the king of pure gold, and all the vessels of the house from the forest of Lebanon, there was not a single thing of silver. And that time fell on the days of Solomon. Solomon excelled all the kings on earth in wealth and wisdom.

These descriptions led everyone to believe that there really are countless treasures of gold that were hidden in. Everyone was waiting for the discovery of this wealth.

Treasures of Solomon movie

Where are the treasures of King Solomon kept?

A Hebrew manuscript entitled "Treatise of the Judgments" states that Solomon's treasure includes the Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle, musical instruments of gold, and the vestments of the high priest.

Magic Ring of Solomon

Other legends contain an indication of other jewels belonging to the king: this is a ring on which is engraved. With the help of this item, Solomon could command the demons, and they carried out his orders.

Solomon's Golden Throne

Another item attributed to Solomon is a table mentioned in the history of the Islamic conquest of Iberia. The governor of Morocco, Musa ibn Nasir, who commanded the invading army, ordered Tariq ibn Ziyad, a Berber vassal, to carry out a military takeover. His landing place was Tarik, the modern name of Gibraltar. Tarik defeated Roderic, king of the Visigoths, and captured their capital, Toledo. It was in this city that, according to rumors, they found a golden tablet from the temple of Solomon. She was taken as war booty.

Treasures of Solomon

When Ibn Nasir arrived in Toledo, he heard about the golden throne and wanted to present it as a gift to the Caliph in Damascus. As a result, the trophy was withdrawn. Vassal, outraged by such actions, broke one of the legs of the throne, which was soon replaced. When the item was presented to the caliph, he asked about the damage, and Ibn Nasir replied that he found it in this form. Tariq kept the golden leg from the throne as evidence of war booty. Ibn Nasyr was punished, and the mention of the artifact disappeared from history.

One of the last stories about Solomon's treasure can be found in the tale " Legend of Prince Ahmed Al-Kamel or Pilgrim of Love". Its content can be found in the stories of Washington Irving in the Alhambra. He compiled this collection while he was in the Moorish palace in Granada.

There are many legends about the personality of King Solomon. It was said that he studied the language of birds, the Queen of Sheba taught him this skill. He is mentioned in history as the owner of a silk carpet kept in a box and sandalwood together in Toledo. Jews took refuge under its cover during the attack on Jerusalem. The carpet had magical properties and was used by the prince to fly back to Granada with his princess.

Treasures of King Solomon: Disappearance

In 589 BC the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar II laid siege to Jerusalem, culminating in the destruction of the city and Solomon's temple in the summer of 587 BC. It is generally accepted that it was at this moment that the treasures disappeared, and no one else saw them.

According to the Treatise of Judgments, the gold was hidden near the Levites and the prophets in hidden places in the land of Israel and Babylonia. Others were handed over to the angels Shamshiel, Michael, Gabriel, and probably Sariel.

Archaeologists and historians are unsure if the Ark of the Covenant was stolen, destroyed, or hidden, but many continue to search for these long-lost treasures.

The story of the search for the lost treasures of Solomon is reflected in the film "Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark".

Film Treasures of King Solomon

During solemn ceremonies. In a figurative sense - monarchical power, in connection with which the church term "throne", indicating the divine nature of the monarchy, is also often used as a synonym.

Thrones in antiquity

From time immemorial, thrones have been seen as a symbol of kings and gods. The throne served at coronations and enthronesments. The ancient Greeks, according to Homer, reserved an extra empty throne in the royal palace and temples for the gods.

Throne of King Solomon

And make the king a throne from the bones of elephant greats, and gild it with gold to the tempted. There are six degrees to the throne, and the images of calves are behind the throne, and the top of the throne is round without creating it, and the hand is everywhere and everywhere on the throne of the seat, and two lions standing at the hands. And two ten lions standing there on six degrees everywhere and everywhere: there was no such thing in every kingdom.

That is, the throne was decorated with ivory and gold, 12 lions stood on six steps.

Throne in Byzantium

Chronicles attributed to Emperor Theophilus give a description of the throne of the Constantinople palace. At the throne were placed mechanical lions and other beasts. The gilded lions stood up and roared as they approached the human throne. Around the throne stood golden trees, on whose branches gilded mechanical birds perched. The birds sang songs. The Chronicle says this:

... create the same organs, any art is gold-forged, the breath is sculpted by cunning, the good-voiced and sweet singing of the exclamation. Golden woods are also with them, on them singing birds are golden-forged gray, as if on poplar branches, that is, woody or peaked pevgokh, cunningly publishing songs of honey.

Throne in Russia

In Russia until the 18th century, the throne was called royal throne, or royal place. The royal throne was installed in the front rooms of the palace, or reception chambers. Since the 16th century in Russia, royal places have been decorated with special splendor, in imitation of Byzantium.

In addition, the Royal Seat or Throne is the place of honor of the king in the temple.

Royal seats were installed in the front, or red corners of the chambers. Thrones were decorated with gold, silver, precious stones, golden fabrics.

Georg Paerle left a description of the throne of False Dmitry: a high chair under a canopy, under the canopy a double-headed eagle cast of pure gold, under the eagle a golden crucifix with a huge topaz, above the chair is an icon of the Mother of God, adorned with precious stones. Three steps led to the throne, in front of the throne lay four silver lions, half gilded. Two griffins stood on high silver legs on either side of the throne, one griffin held an orb (apple), and the second a sword.

In 1635-1636, silver royal places were arranged in the Golden and Faceted Chambers. In June 1636, the throne in the Golden Chamber was upholstered with fabrics: crimson velvet, Venetian taffeta, cherry silk and kindyak. The thrones were made by German craftsmen, according to Olearius, the throne in the Faceted Chamber cost 25 thousand

Throne of King Solomon

And make the king a throne from the bones of elephant greats, and gild it with gold to the tempted. There are six degrees to the throne, and the images of calves are behind the throne, and the top of the throne is round without creating it, and the hand is everywhere and everywhere on the throne of the seat, and two lions standing at the hands. And two ten lions standing there on six degrees everywhere and everywhere: there was no such thing in every kingdom.

That is, the throne was decorated with ivory and gold, 12 lions stood on six steps.

Throne in Byzantium

Chronicles attributed to Emperor Theophilus give a description of the throne of the Constantinople palace. At the throne were placed mechanical lions and other beasts. The gilded lions stood up and roared as they approached the human throne. Around the throne stood golden trees, on whose branches gilded mechanical birds perched. The birds sang songs. The Chronicle says this:

... create the same organs, any art is gold-forged, the breath is sculpted by cunning, the good-voiced and sweet singing of the exclamation. Golden woods are also with them, on them singing birds are golden-forged gray, as if on poplar branches, that is, woody or peaked pevgokh, cunningly publishing songs of honey.

Throne in Russia

In 1673, in the Kolomna Palace, the watchmaker of the Armory, Pyotr Vysotsky, built roaring lions near the royal place. The lions roared, rolled their eyes and opened their mouths. The bodies of the lions are copper, covered with sheepskins. The mechanics of the lions was located in a special closet. In 1681, during the renovation of the palace, the mechanism of the lions was repaired, and at the beginning of the 18th century, the broken lions were stored in the basement pantry of the palace.

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