IEC standards. event protocols. Norma Mac Review

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the principal international standardization organization for electrical, electronic and all related technologies, including the design and manufacture of temperature sensors. The IEC was founded in London in 1906. The first president of the IEC was the famous British scientist Lord Kelvin. It consists of representatives of 82 countries (60 countries are full members, 22 countries are associate members). Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are full members of the IEC. Representatives of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are members of many IEC technical committees and working groups. Standards for temperature sensors are developed mainly within the framework of TC 65V / RG5 (SC 65B - Measurement and control devices , WG5 - Temperature sensors and instruments). On the basis of the Russian Tax Code of the IEC, the Russian Group of Experts on Temperature (RGE) was created, the task of which is to actively participate in the development of IEC standards for temperature. Details are in the EWG section. All information about current and newly developed IEC standards is obtained from the IEC portal:

Current standards:

About the participation of Russian specialists in the development of IEC standards - in the section

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

Work on international cooperation in the field of electrical engineering began in 1881, when the first International Congress on Electricity was convened. In 1904, at a meeting of government delegates to the International Congress on Electricity in St. Louis (USA), it was decided that it was necessary to create a special body dealing with the standardization of terminology and parameters of electrical machines.

The formal creation of such a body - the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) - took place in 1906 in London at a conference of representatives of 13 countries.

The areas of activity of ISO and IEC are clearly demarcated - the IEC is engaged in standardization in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, radio communications, instrumentation, ISO - in all other industries.

IEC official languages ​​are English, French and Russian.

The objectives of the IEC, according to its Charter, is to promote international cooperation in solving issues of standardization and related problems in the field of electrical engineering and radio electronics.

The main task of the commission is to develop international standards in this area.

The highest governing body of the IEC is the Council, in which all national committees of countries are represented (Fig. 4.2). The elected officials are the President (elected for a three-year term), Vice President, Treasurer and General Secretary. The Council meets annually at its meetings in turn in various countries and considers all issues of the IEC's activities, both technical, and administrative and financial. The Council has a financial committee and a consumer goods standardization committee.

Under the IEC Council, an Action Committee has been established, which, on behalf of the Council, considers all issues. The Action Committee is accountable for its work to the Council and submits its decisions to it for approval. Its functions include: control and coordination of the work of technical committees (TC), identification of new areas of work, resolution of issues related to the application of IEC standards, development of methodological documents for technical work, cooperation with other organizations.

The IEC budget, like the ISO budget, is made up of contributions from countries and proceeds from the sale of International Standards.

The structure of IEC technical bodies is the same as that of ISO: technical committees (TC), subcommittees (SC) and working groups (WG). In general, more than 80 TCs have been created in the IEC, some of which develop international standards of a general technical and intersectoral nature (for example, committees on terminology, graphic images, standard voltages and frequencies, climatic tests, etc.), and the other - standards for specific types of products (transformers , electronic products, household radio-electronic equipment, etc.).

The procedure for the development of IEC standards is governed by its Constitution, Rules of Procedure and General Directives for Technical Work.

Currently, more than two thousand IEC international standards have been developed. IEC standards are more complete than ISO standards in terms of the presence of technical requirements for products and methods of testing them. This is explained by the fact that safety requirements are leading in the requirements for products within the scope of the IEC, and the experience accumulated over many decades makes it possible to more fully address standardization issues.

IEC International Standards are more acceptable for use in member countries without revision.

IEC standards are developed in technical committees or subcommittees. The IEC Rules of Procedure establish the procedure for the development of IEC standards, which is identical to the procedure for the development of ISO standards.

IEC standards are advisory in nature, and countries have complete independence in matters of their application at the national level (except for countries that are members of the GATT), but they become mandatory if products enter the world market.

The main objects of IEC standardization are materials used in electrical engineering (liquid, solid and gaseous dielectrics, magnetic materials, copper, aluminum and its alloys), electrical equipment for general industrial purposes (motors, welding machines, lighting equipment, relays, low-voltage devices, switchgears, drives, cables, etc.), electric power equipment (steam and hydraulic turbines, power lines, generators, transformers), electronic industry products (discrete semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, microprocessors, printed circuit boards and circuits), household and industrial electronic equipment , power tools, electrical and electronic equipment used in certain industries and in medicine.

One of the leading directions of standardization in the IEC is the development of terminological standards.

The International Electrotechnical Commission was established in 1906 at an international conference attended by 13 countries most interested in such an organization. The date of the beginning of international cooperation in electrical engineering is considered to be 1881, when the first International Congress on Electricity took place. Later, in 1904, government delegates to the congress decided that a special organization was needed to standardize the parameters of electrical machines and terminology in this area.

After the Second World War, when ISO was created, the IEC became an autonomous organization within it. But organizational, financial issues and objects of standardization were clearly separated. IEC is engaged in standardization in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, radio communications, and instrumentation. These areas are outside the scope of ISO .

Most of the IEC member countries are represented in it by their national standardization organizations (Russia is represented by the State Standard of the Russian Federation), in some countries special committees for participation in the IEC have been created that are not part of the structure of national standardization organizations (France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, etc. ).

The representation of each country in the IEC takes the form of a national committee. IEC members are more than 40 national committees, representing 80% of the world's population, which consume more than 95% of the electricity produced in the world. IEC official languages ​​are English, French and Russian.

The main purpose of the organization, which is defined by its Charter- promotion of international cooperation on standardization and related problems in the field of electrical and radio engineering through the development of international standards and other documents.

The National Committees of all countries form the Council, the highest governing body of the IEC. The annual meetings of the Council, which are held alternately in different member countries of the IEC, are devoted to solving the whole range of issues related to the activities of the organization. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes, and the president has the right to vote, which he exercises in the event of an equal distribution of votes.

The main coordinating body of the IEC is the Action Committee. In addition to its main task - coordinating the work of technical committees - the Action Committee identifies the need for new areas of work, develops methodological documents that ensure technical work, participates in resolving issues of cooperation with other organizations, and performs all the tasks of the Council.

Advisory groups operate under the authority of the Action Committee, which the Committee has the right to create if there is a need for coordination on specific problems of the activities of the TC. Thus, two advisory groups have divided the development of safety standards among themselves: the Advisory Committee on. on Electrical Safety (AKOS) coordinates the actions of about 20 TCs and PCs on electrical household appliances, radio-electronic equipment, high-voltage equipment, etc., and the Advisory Committee on Electronics and Communications (ACET) deals with other standardization objects. In addition, the Action Committee considered it expedient to organize the Coordinating Group for Electromagnetic Compatibility (CGEMS), the Coordinating Group for Information Technology (CGIT) and the Working Group on the Coordination of Dimensions (Fig. 11.2) in order to more effectively coordinate the work on the creation of international standards.

The structure of the IEC technical bodies that directly develop international standards is similar to ISO: these are technical committees (TC), subcommittees (PC) and working groups (WG). 15-25 countries participate in the work of each TC. France, the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and the Netherlands lead the largest number of TC and PC secretariats. Russia maintains six secretariats.

IEC International Standards can be divided into two types: general technical, which are interdisciplinary in nature, and standards containing technical requirements for specific products. The first type includes regulatory documents on terminology, standard voltages and frequencies, various types of tests, etc. The second type of standards covers a huge range from household electrical appliances to communication satellites. Every year more than 500 new topics on international standardization are included in the IEC program.

The main objects of IEC standardization:

Materials for the electrical industry (liquid, solid, gaseous dielectrics, copper, aluminum, their alloys, magnetic materials);

Electrical equipment for industrial purposes (welding machines, motors, lighting equipment, relays, low-voltage devices, cables, etc.);

Electric power equipment (steam and hydraulic turbines, power lines, generators, transformers);

Electronic industry products (integrated circuits, microprocessors, printed circuit boards, etc.);

Electronic equipment for household and industrial purposes;

power tools;

Equipment for communication satellites;


IEC has adopted over 2,000 international standards. In terms of content, they differ from ISO standards in more specificity: they set out the technical requirements for products and methods of testing them, as well as safety requirements, which is relevant not only for IEC standardization objects, but also for the most important aspect of conformity assessment - certification for compliance with the requirements of standards on security. To ensure this area is of current importance in international trade, the IEC develops specific international standards for the safety of specific products. In view of the foregoing, as practice shows, IEC International Standards are more suitable for direct application in member countries than ISO standards.

Attaching great importance to the development of international safety standards, ISO, together with the IEC, adopted ISO/IEC Guide 51 "General requirements for the presentation of safety issues in the preparation of standards". It notes that safety is such an object of standardization, which manifests itself in the development of standards in many different forms, at different levels, in all areas of technology and for the vast majority of products. The essence of the concept of "safety" is interpreted as providing a balance between the prevention of the danger of causing physical harm and other requirements that the product must satisfy. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that absolute safety practically does not exist, therefore, even being at the highest level of safety, products can only be relatively safe.

In the manufacture of products, safety decisions are usually based on risk calculations and safety assessments. Risk assessment (or establishing the likelihood of harm) is based on accumulated empirical data and scientific research. The assessment of the degree of safety is associated with a probable level of risk, and safety standards are almost always set at the state level (in the EU - through Directives and technical regulations; in the Russian Federation - so far by the mandatory requirements of state standards). Usually, the safety standards themselves are influenced by the level of socio-economic development and education of society. The risks depend on the quality of the project and the production process, and, to no lesser extent, on the conditions of use (consumption) of the product.

Based on this concept of safety, ISO and IEC believe that safety will be facilitated by the application of international standards that specify safety requirements. This may be a standard that is exclusively related to the field of safety or contains safety requirements along with other technical requirements. When preparing safety standards, both the characteristics of the standardization object that can have a negative impact on humans and the environment are identified, as well as methods for establishing safety for each product characteristic. But The main purpose of standardization in the field of security is to seek protection against various types of dangers. The scope of the IEC includes: injury hazard, electric shock hazard, technical hazard, fire hazard, explosion hazard, chemical hazard, biological hazard, equipment radiation hazard (sound, infrared, radio frequency, ultraviolet, ionizing, radiation, etc.).

The procedure for developing an IEC standard is similar to that used by ISO. On average, they work on a standard for 3-4 years, and often it lags behind the pace of product innovation and the emergence of new products on the market. In order to reduce the time, the IEC practices the publication of a Technical Orienting Document (TOD) adopted under the short procedure, containing only the idea of ​​​​a future standard. It is valid for no more than three years and is canceled after the publication of the standard created on its basis.

An accelerated development procedure is also applied, relating, in particular, to shortening the voting cycle, and, more effectively, expanding the re-issuance of normative documents adopted by other international organizations or national standards of member countries into IEC international standards. Technical means also contribute to the acceleration of work on the creation of a standard: an automated system for monitoring the progress of work, the Teletext information system, organized on the basis of the Central Bureau. More than 10 National Committees have become users of this system.

As part of the IEC, the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) has a somewhat special status, which standardizes methods for measuring radio interference emitted by electronic and electrical devices. Permissible levels of such interference are subject to direct technical legislation in almost all developed countries. Certification of such devices is carried out for compliance with CISPR standards.

Not only national committees, but also international organizations participate in CISPR: the European Broadcasting Union, the International Radio and Television Organization, the International Union of Producers and Distributors of Electrical Energy, the International Conference on Large Electrical Systems, the International Union of Railways, the International Union of Public Transport, the International Union on electrothermy. The International Committee on Radiocommunication and the International Civil Aviation Organization participate as observers in the work of the committee. CISPR develops both regulatory and informational international documents:

international standards of technical requirements, which regulate the methods for measuring radio interference and contain recommendations for the use of measuring equipment;

reports, in which the results of scientific research on CISPR problems are presented.

International standards have the greatest practical application, which establish technical requirements and limit levels of radio interference for various sources: motor vehicles, pleasure craft, internal combustion engines, fluorescent lamps, televisions, etc.

In 1881, the first International Congress on Electricity was held, and in 1904, the government delegations of the congress decided to create a special organization for standardization in this area. As the International Electrotechnical Commission, she began to work in

The Soviet Union has been a member of the IEC since 1922. Russia became the successor of the USSR and is represented in the IEC by the State Standard of the Russian Federation. The Russian side takes part in more than 190 technical committees and subcommittees. The headquarters is in Geneva, the working languages ​​are English, French, Russian.

The main objects of standardization are: materials for the electrical industry (liquid, solid, gaseous dielectrics, copper, aluminum, their alloys, magnetic materials); electrical equipment for industrial purposes (welding machines, motors, lighting equipment, relays, low-voltage devices, cables, etc.); electrical power equipment (steam and hydraulic turbines, power lines, generators, transformers); products of the electronic industry (integrated circuits, microprocessors, printed circuit boards, etc.); electronic equipment for household and industrial purposes; power tools; equipment for communication satellites; terminology.

The organizational structure of the IEC is shown in fig. 1.6. The highest governing body of the IEC is the Council. The main coordinating body is the Action Committee, which is subordinate to the direction committees and advisory groups: AKOS - advisory committee on electrical safety of household appliances, radio-electronic equipment, high-voltage equipment, etc.; ACET - the Advisory Committee on Electronics and Communications deals, like AKOS, with electrical safety issues; KGEMS - Coordinating Group for Electromagnetic Compatibility; CGIT - coordinating group on information technology; size coordination working group.

Rice. 1.6. IEC Organizational Structure]

Groups can be permanent or created as needed.

The structure of the IEC technical bodies that directly develop international standards is similar to the ISO structure: these are technical committees (TC), subcommittees (PC) and working groups (WG).

The IEC collaborates with ISO by jointly developing ISO/IEC Guides and ISO/IEC Directives on topical issues of standardization, certification, test laboratory accreditation and methodological aspects.

The International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) has an independent status in the IEC, as it is a joint committee of interested international organizations participating in it (created in 1934).

Standardization of the measurement of radio interference emitted from electrical and electronic equipment is of great importance due to the fact that in almost all developed countries, at the level of legislation, the permissible levels of radio interference and methods for their measurement are regulated. Therefore, any equipment that can emit radio interference is subject to mandatory tests for compliance with CISPR international standards before being put into operation.

Since CISPR is an IEC committee, all national committees, as well as a number of interested international organizations, take part in its work. The International Radiocommunication Advisory Committee and the International Civil Aviation Organization participate as observers in the work of CISPR. The supreme body of CISPR is the Plenary Assembly, which meets every 3 years.

With the development of digital technologies, manufacturers of electrical equipment did not stand aside. Despite the presence of the international ISO classification, in Russia the European standard IEC 61850 was used, which is responsible for substation systems and networks.

A bit of history

The development of computer technology has not bypassed the power grid control system. The IEC 61850 standard, which is generally accepted today, was originally introduced in 2003, although attempts to introduce systems on this basis were made as early as the 60s of the last century.

Its essence is reduced to the use of special protocols for managing electrical networks. Based on them, the functioning of all networks of this type is now being monitored.

If earlier the main attention was paid exclusively to the modernization of computer systems that control the electric power industry, then with the introduction of rules, standards, protocols in the form of IEC 61850, the situation has changed. The main task of this GOST was to ensure monitoring in order to timely identify malfunctions in the operation of the relevant equipment.

IEC 61850 protocol and equivalents

The protocol itself began to be most actively used in the mid-80s. Then, as the first tested versions, modifications of IEC 61850-1, IEC 60870-5 versions 101, 103 and 104, DNP3 and Modbus were used, which turned out to be completely untenable.

And it was the initial development that formed the basis of the modern UCA2 protocol, which was successfully applied in Western Europe in the mid-90s.

How it works

Dwelling on the issue of functioning, it is worth explaining what the IEC 61850 protocol is for "dummies" (people who are just learning the basics of working and understanding the principles of communicating with computer technology).

The bottom line is that a microprocessor chip is installed at the substation or power plant, which allows you to transfer data on the state of the entire system directly to the central terminal that performs the main control.

But, as practice shows, these systems are quite vulnerable. Have you watched American movies when in one of the episodes the power supply to the whole block is turned off? Here it is! Power grid management based on the IEC 61850 protocol can be coordinated from any external source (it will be clear later why). In the meantime, consider the basic system requirements.

Standard R IEC 61850: requirements for communication systems

If earlier it was assumed that the signal should be transmitted using a telephone line, today the means of communication have stepped far ahead. The built-in chips are capable of transmitting at the level of 64 Mbps, being completely independent of providers providing standard connection services.

If we consider the IEC 61850 standard for dummies, the explanation looks quite simple: the power unit chip uses its own data transfer protocol, and not the generally accepted TCP / IP standard. But that's not all.

The standard itself is the IEC 61850 secure communication protocol. In other words, connecting to the same internet, wireless network, etc. is done in a very specific way. The settings, as a rule, involve proxy server settings, since it is precisely these (even virtual ones) that are the most secure.

General scope

It is clear that according to the requirements that GOST IEC 61850 sets, it will not work to install equipment of this type in an ordinary transformer box (there is simply no place for a computer chip).

Such a device will not work with all the desire. It needs at least an initial I/O system akin to BIOS, as well as an appropriate communication model for data transfer (wireless network, wired secure connection, etc.).

But in the control center of the general or local power grid, you can access almost all the functions of power plants. As an example, although not the best one, we can cite the film "The Core" (The Core), when a hacker prevents the death of our planet by destabilizing the energy source that feeds the "backup" version of the promotion

But this is pure fantasy, rather even a virtual confirmation of the requirements of IEC 61850 (although this is not directly stated). However, even the most primitive IEC 61850 emulation looks exactly like this. But how many disasters could have been avoided?

The same 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, if diagnostic tools were installed on it that corresponded to at least the IEC 61850-1 standard, might not have exploded. And since 1986, it remains only to reap the fruits of what happened.

Radiation - it is such that it acts covertly. In the first days, months or years, they may not appear, not to mention the half-lives of uranium and plutonium, which few people pay attention to today. But the integration of the same into the power plant could significantly reduce the risk of staying in this zone. By the way, the protocol itself allows you to transfer such data at the hardware and software level of the involved complex.

Modeling technique and conversion to real protocols

For the simplest understanding of how, for example, the IEC 61850-9-2 standard works, it is worth saying that not a single iron wire can determine the direction of the transmitted data. That is, you need an appropriate repeater capable of transmitting data on the state of the system, and in encrypted form.

Receiving a signal, as it turns out, is quite simple. But in order for it to be read and decrypted by the receiving device, you have to sweat. In fact, to decode an incoming signal, for example, based on IEC 61850-2, at the initial level, you need to use visualization systems like SCADA and P3A.

But based on the fact that this system uses wired communications, GOOSE and MMS are considered the main protocols (not to be confused with mobile messages). The IEC 61850-8 standard performs such a conversion by sequentially using MMS first and then GOOSE, which ultimately allows displaying information using P3A technologies.

Basic types of substation configuration

Any substation using this protocol must have at least a minimum set of means for data transmission. First, it concerns the physical device itself connected to the network. Secondly, each such aggregate must have one or more logical modules.

In this case, the device itself is capable of performing the function of a hub, gateway, or even a kind of intermediary for transmitting information. The logical nodes themselves have a narrow focus and are divided into the following classes:

  • "A" - automated control systems;
  • "M" - measurement systems;
  • "C" - telemetric control;
  • "G" - modules of general functions and settings;
  • "I" - the means of establishing communication and the methods used for archiving data;
  • "L" - logical modules and system nodes;
  • "P" - protection;
  • "R" - related protective components;
  • "S" - sensors;
  • "T" - measuring transformers;
  • "X" - block-contact switching equipment;
  • "Y" - power type transformers;
  • "Z" - everything else that is not included in the above categories.

It is believed that the IEC 61850-8-1 protocol, for example, is able to provide less use of wires or cables, which, of course, only positively affects the ease of equipment configuration. But the main problem, as it turns out, is that not all administrators are able to process the received data, even with the appropriate software packages. Hopefully this is a temporary issue.

Application software

Nevertheless, even in a situation of not understanding the physical principles of operation of programs of this type, IEC 61850 emulation can be performed in any operating system (even in a mobile one).

It is believed that management personnel or integrators spend much less time processing data coming from substations. The architecture of such applications is intuitive, the interface is simple, and all processing consists only in the introduction of localized data, followed by automatic output of the result.

The disadvantages of such systems include, perhaps, the overestimated cost of P3A equipment (microprocessor systems). Hence the impossibility of its mass application.

Practical use

Until then, everything stated in relation to the IEC 61850 protocol concerned only theoretical information. How does it work in practice?

Let's say we have a power plant (substation) with a three-phase power supply and two measuring inputs. When defining a standard logical node, the name MMXU is used. For the IEC 61850 standard, there can be two: MMXU1 and MMXU2. Each such node can also contain an additional prefix to simplify identification.

An example is a simulated node based on XCBR. It is identified with the application of some basic operators:

  • Loc - definition of local or remote location;
  • OpCnt - method for counting performed (performed) operations;
  • Pos - operator responsible for location and similar to Loc parameters;
  • BlkOpn - switch blocking disable command;
  • BlkCls - enable blocking;
  • CBOPCap - selection of the switch operation mode.

Such a classification to describe CDC data classes is mainly used in modification 7-3 systems. However, even in this case, the configuration is based on the use of several features (FC - functional restrictions, SPS - state of a single control point, SV and ST - properties of substitution systems, DC and EX - description and extended parameter definition).

Regarding the definition and description of the SPS class, the logical chain includes the properties stVal, the quality - q, and the parameters of the current time - t.

Thus, the data is transformed by Ethernet connection technologies and TCP / IP protocols directly into the MMS object variable, which is then identified with the assigned name, which leads to the true value of any indicator currently involved.

In addition, the IEC 61850 protocol itself is only a generalized and even abstract model. But on its basis, a description of the structure of any element of the power system is made, which allows microprocessor chips to accurately identify each device involved in this area, including those that use energy-saving technologies.

Theoretically, the protocol format can be converted to any data type based on the MMS and ISO 9506 standards. But why was the IEC 61850 control standard chosen then?

It is associated solely with the reliability of the received parameters and the easy process of working with the assignment of complex names or models of the service itself.

Such a process without using the MMS protocol turns out to be very time consuming even when generating requests like “read-write-report”. No, of course, you can make this type of conversion even for the UCA architecture. But, as practice shows, it is the use of the IEC 61850 standard that allows you to do this without much effort and time.

Data verification issues

However, this system is not limited to transmission and reception. In fact, embedded microprocessor systems allow data exchange not only at the level of substations and central control systems. They can, with the appropriate equipment, process data among themselves.

The example is simple: an electronic chip transmits data on current or voltage in a critical area. Accordingly, any other voltage drop-based subsystem can enable or disable the auxiliary power system. All this is based on the standard laws of physics and electrical engineering, however, it depends on the current. For example, our standard voltage is 220 V. In Europe it is 230 V.

If you look at the deviation criteria, in the former USSR it is +/- 15%, while in developed European countries it is no more than 5%. It is not surprising that branded Western equipment simply fails only due to voltage drops in the mains.

And probably, it is not necessary to say that many of us observe in the yard a building in the form of a transformer booth, built back in the days of the Soviet Union. Do you think it is possible to install a computer chip there or connect special cables to obtain information about the state of the transformer? That's it, it's not!

New systems based on the IEC 61850 standard allow full control of all parameters, however, the obvious impossibility of its widespread implementation repels the relevant services like Energosbytov in terms of using protocols of this level.

There is nothing surprising in this. Companies that distribute electricity to consumers may simply lose their profits or even privileges in the market.

Instead of total

In general, the protocol, on the one hand, is simple, and on the other, very complex. The problem is not even that today there is no corresponding software, but that the entire control system for the electric power industry, inherited from the USSR, is simply not prepared for this. And if we take into account the low qualification of the service personnel, then there can be no question that someone is able to control or fix problems in a timely manner. How are we supposed to do it? Problem? We de-energize the neighborhood. Only and everything.

But the use of this standard allows you to avoid this kind of situations, not to mention any rolling blackouts.

Thus, it remains only to draw a conclusion. What does the use of the IEC 61850 protocol bring to the end user? In the simplest sense, this is an uninterrupted power supply with no voltage drops in the network. Note that if an uninterruptible power supply unit or a voltage stabilizer is not provided for a computer terminal or laptop, a surge or surge can cause an instant shutdown of the system. Okay, if you need to restore at the software level. And if the RAM sticks burn out or the hard drive fails, what then to do?

This, of course, is a separate subject for research, however, the standards themselves, now used in power plants with the appropriate hardware and software diagnostic tools, are able to control absolutely all network parameters, preventing situations with the appearance of critical failures that can lead not only to breakdown of household appliances , but also to the failure of all home wiring (as you know, it is designed for no more than 2 kW at a standard voltage of 220 V). Therefore, including at the same time a refrigerator, a washing machine or a boiler for heating water, think a hundred times how justified it is.

If these protocol versions are enabled, the subsystem settings will be applied automatically. And to the greatest extent this concerns the operation of the same 16-ampere fuses that residents of 9-story buildings sometimes install on their own, bypassing the services responsible for this. But the price of the issue, as it turns out, is much higher, because it allows you to bypass some of the restrictions associated with the above standard and its accompanying rules.

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