Kaminsky start a new life summary. Funny story for children about school. M. Zoshchenko "No need to lie"

Section: All about me.

Lexical topic: Hello, school!

Lesson #1

Lesson topic: L. Kaminsky "I'm starting a new life."


The date:

Teacher's name:


Number of people present:


Learning objectives

niya, which

dedicated eye

puppy lesson: write creative works using drawings / applications /

photographs (with the help of a teacher).



1.1 Understanding the content of audio / video information.

2.1 Using reading types.

3.3 Writing texts using various forms of presentation.




All students will be able to:

Answer simple content questions.

Express your opinion on the content of the text.

Most students will be able to:

Describe the event that the poem is about.

Create a cluster.

Improve oratory skills.

Arrange the pictures in order.

Match the pictures with sentences from the text.

Some students will be able to:

Choose associations for words.

Write creative work using drawings / applications / photo-

graphic literary devices.



Basic terms and phrases: expressive reading, conscious reading, glossary of terms.

Language used for dialogue/writing in the lesson: Russian.

Issues for discussion:

How was the Day of Knowledge holiday?

How did you spend your summer? Where have you been, what have you learned?




Program material of the 1st class.


Temporary planning

planned activities


0-1 min

Creating a positive emotional state.

The bell rang

He managed to collect everyone in the class!

Don't slouch, stand up straight

Is everyone ready for the lesson?

I let everyone sit down

And we start the lesson!


1-5 min

Updating life experience.

Listening to the song "Peers, peers."

(K) The teacher suggests thinking about why the first lesson

begins with the song "Peers, peers."

(D) Explain the meaning of the words "Peers, peers."

(P) What will we talk about in the lessons of literary reading?

Goal setting.

The purpose of our lesson is to learn:

Answer simple questions about the content;

Express your opinion on the content of the text;

Write creative work.




song "Ro-

springs, ro-


Words: I.


Music: A.


5-12 min

Work on the cross-cutting topic of the lesson section.

(TO) Introduction to the new textbook.

(G) Acquaintance with the cross-cutting theme "Everything about me."

The teacher offers to remember what knowledge was gained in the 1st grade in this section. Fill in 1 and 2 columns.

Textbook work.

(G) Consider illustration. Compose a story.

(AND) Listen or read a poemN. Alimkulova "Call" aloud correctly, consciously and expressively.

(G) Answer simple content questions.

The development of connected speech.

(P) Make up a story about how the children spent the summer and how the school met them.

F.O. The teacher asks to raise his right hand if he managed to complete the oral creative work.

(D) Clustering "What do I want to learn this year?"

sheet with a table, felt-tip pens


12-14 min

dynamic pause


14-17 min

Textbook work.

(P) The teacher offers to perform a speech warm-up. "School of Public Speaking". Introduction to the word "orator".


17-27 min

Work on a literary work:

L. Kaminsky "Starting a new life."

(TO) Acquaintance with the work of L. Kaminsky.

(D) The teacher reads aloud correctly and expressively read the work.

(AND) Pupils choose words unfamiliar for understanding.

(TO) Vocabulary work.

(G) Reading aloud correctly, consciously and expressively.

(TO) Answer simple questions about the content of the work and complete tasks for the text.

(P) The study of the action plan of the hero of the work.

(TO) Finding out with the help of a teacher what qualities of character the hero of the work should cultivate.

(G) With the help of the teacher, the students determine what plan they would make themselves.

(P) Arrangement of illustrations in order. Selection of sentences from the text.


27-29 min

(D, K) Dynamic pause

The game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

29-36 min

AND) Checking the understanding of the content of the text of L. Kaminsky "I'm starting a new life." Completion of test task No. 1 in the notebook "What I know and can do."

(G) Comparison of plan items in notebook No. 2 and in the textbook.

(P) Students connect with a line the qualities of character that the hero of the work needs to cultivate in himself. Number 3.

(AND) Writing your own goal and action plan. No. 4.

(AND) Evaluate your work in class.(F.O.)


working tete-

please, illus-


36-38 min

Warm-up for the eyes "Summer".


38-43 min

Creative work.

(G) Make a cluster “How did I spend my summer? Where was I in the summer? Project presentation.

(TO) Mutual evaluation according to the criteria: creative, creative, interesting presentation-protection of the project.

(AND) Write your story in your notebook.

(AND) Evaluate your work in classtrack of success (F.O.)



Working tete-

for the sake of

43-45 min

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

To answer the questions, you need ... .

You have to express your opinion...

Additional Information

* Formative assessment strategies are described in more detail in the introduction.



Intersubject communications

In the process of working on

lesson teacher

helps individually

students to answer

simple questions

corrects pronunciation

when reading aloud

poems, together

develop a plan

story. Teacher

stimulates capable

students to answer

questions and determine

poems and pick

word associations,

write creative work

using literary


Formative assessment.

Self-assessment by track

success in the notebook "What I know and

I can."

Peer-to-peer work

couple, group, class.

The results of observation teach-

lem of the quality of student responses to


Determining the level of assimilation

skill on the topic (notebook "What am I

I know and can).

fine art



Knowledge of the world

Reflection for the teacher:

Important questions for the lesson:

Yura was lying on the couch, looking at the ceiling and mentally scolding himself: “It’s high time to take up the lessons, but I’m lying to myself, and at least that! Absolutely no willpower! So life will pass, and I will not have time to do anything. No discoveries, no records... I remember reading somewhere that Mozart was already composing music at the age of three. And I? I can't even write a letter to my grandmother! And the school is in trouble. Take at least the last month. Slept twice. In physical education - "couple": I forgot my sneakers at home. Literature - triple: he could not remember why Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich ... No, it will not go any further! It's time to start a new life. Right from tomorrow. What do we have tomorrow? Friday? No, better from the new week! I miss two days and immediately - from Monday! And no self-indulgence!”

Yura resolutely jumped up from the sofa, tore a sheet of paper out of his notebook and began to write:


1. Start a new life (from Monday).

2. Get up at 6:15 every day.

3. Buy dumbbells and do exercises, followed by dousing with ice water.

4. Correct the deuce in German and learn two more foreign languages.

5. Arrive at school 10 minutes before the teacher arrives.

6. Reply to grandmother for last year's letter.

7. Find out why Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich.

Well, let's wait until Monday!

On Monday Yura was late for school. No, he didn't sleep. On the contrary, I got up half an hour earlier to start a new life. According to plan. But it's easy to say: "According to the plan"! And where he?

It wasn't on the table, it wasn't on the couch either. Yura looked for it under the bed, on the closet, turned the whole room over - no results: “Action Plan No. 1” fell through the ground!

“Nothing,” Yura reassured himself, “difficulties only temper willpower!”

He resolutely tore a piece of paper out of his notebook and wrote:


1. Find "Action Plan No. 1".

2. Start a new life (from next Monday)."

How many of you boys and girls can say, “I am a reader! And I'm proud of it!"

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak wrote: "Literature needs talented readers just as much as talented writers"...

"How many books are read - it does not matter, but it matters for a very long time daily, evening reading, nightly - with a lamp lit - through the window. And as long as the circle from the lamp on the round table turns off only at late dawn, everything is in order on a round and bright Earth , a reader-inhabited planet."

Boris Slutsky

Anna Gavalda "35 kilos of hope"

"This book tells about a 13-year-old guy who lived in France. He had a serious problem with school: he hated it, he was left twice for the second year. Parents often cursed, if my mother helped with the lessons, she cried from hopelessness, and if dad tried to help with the lessons, then the guy cried. But the guy had a good heart and he loved to do some crafts. I advise you to read this book - it is interesting. "

Sergei V.

A. Usachev and M. Barnetev "Lamb or a Big Reward Promised"

"I read about brother Yura and sister Nyura, who met Barabashka. Barabashka told them about the treasure that was hidden in their house, after which it disappeared. The children started looking for the treasure, but found nothing. They had a very harmful neighbor, who complained about them all the time and once he complained to his parents about a knock coming from their house. Mom asked: "Who knocked?" Boy Yura answered that it was him and knocked the ball, after which mom threw the ball out the window ... Yura and Nyura were upset... And then the most interesting thing began...

But I will not continue the story, I want the guys from my class to read this funny story and I want to keep the intrigue!"


Leonid Kaminsky "Lessons in laughter"

"The book consists of humorous stories, reminiscent of the plots of the Yeralash TV magazine. I liked the stories: "Starting a New Life", "Normal Monument", "Composition", "The Most Incredible Story", "Sense of Humor". Over each story, you can not only laugh, but also draw certain conclusions. For example, in the story "I'm Starting a New Life" it all started with the fact that the lazy boy Yura, lying on the sofa, decided to start a new life on Monday. He resolutely tore out a piece of paper from a notebook and wrote in large letters: PLAN ACTION #1

1) Start a new life (from Monday).

2) Get up at 6:15 every day.

3) Buy dumbbells and do exercises with the next dousing with ice water.

4) Correct 2 in German and learn two more foreign languages.

5) Come to school 10 minutes before the arrival of the teacher.

6) Reply to grandmother on last year's letter.

And what do you think, he went to bed, and when he woke up at 6 o'clock, he did not find his plan. Yura turned the whole house over and couldn't find it. Then he wrote ACTION PLAN #2:

1) Find "ACTION PLAN #1."

2) Start a new life (from next Monday).

It seems to me that Yura never started a new life, because he kept putting it off until later. I liked this book because you can laugh heartily while reading it. I advise you to read it."

Lisa Baklushina

A. Nekrasov "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"

"This is a very interesting adventure story about sea captain Khristofor Bonifatievich Vrungel and his team. Lom (very strong, but not very smart) and Fuchs (a little unkempt, but kind) traveled with him. And here they are on their yacht "Trouble" ( at first it was "Victory", but the first two letters fell off as soon as the yacht sailed) set off in search of adventure around the world.In the campaign they had to do different things: grow pasta trees, survive by floating on a palm tree in the Pacific Ocean, meet their doubles , sail upside down on your yacht, travel with an iceberg and a walrus on it, fight a giant snake, play golf with boomerangs ... In general, all their adventures can be listed for a long time, but I really want the guys to read and express their opinion about this book. I wish you all a pleasant experience with this book!"

Sonya V.

"Tomek looking for Bigfoot" Alfred Shklyarsky

"The fourth book about the adventures of Tomek Wilmowski and his friends in Asia. Spurred by a letter from Jan Smuga, Tomek, his father and boatswain Nowicki sail to Bombay. From there they undertake an adventure full of adventures and dangers across India to Tibet in search of gold and Bigfoot. Smuga's brother was sent to Siberia. and exhaustinge journey, risked their lives. However, the expedition is over...

Sasha G.


excerpts from school essays

(collected by Leonid Davidovich Kaminsky)


Ancient people lived in huts, caves and hostels.

In the process of evolution, the great ape begins to engage in social activities.

Archaeologists in excavations found shards of ancient people.

Savages destroyed mammoths, because then there was no Red Book.

Ancient people walked on four hands.

Ancient people ran with spears after mammoths and drove them into the abyss, and then someone climbed into it and took out the mammoth.

Ancient people built nests for themselves.

Ancient people were covered with bristles.

Ancient people were covered with moss.

Primitive people did not wear coats because it was hot then.

In primitive man, the legs hung below the knees.

Primitive communal people lived in packs.


What is archeology?

The science of the excavation of scientists.

Why did dinosaurs become extinct?

Because they weren't vaccinated!

How did people know about the existence of dinosaurs?

From the memoirs of contemporaries.

What difficulties did primitive people have?

They did not have tractors and collective farms.

How did ancient people hunt mammoths?

They dug a deep hole, mammoths fell into it and broke their arms and legs.

What was the first animal domesticated by early humans?


How did primitive people save themselves from the cold?

They are getting furry!

How did primitive people hunt?

They dug a hole, drove wild animals into it and threw them with tools ...

Why did ancient people settle by the sea?

They loved to swim and sunbathe.

Why did ancient people live in tribes?

That was not boring!

What did ancient people do?

What did primitive people eat?

Everything that they met on their way, they ate everything!

How can you find out what the ancient people ate?

For tin cans!

How did primitive people differ from modern people?

Primitives walked the streets in herds, and modern ones - in families.

What do you know about the monkey?

The monkey is the ancestor of man. She has two arms...

And four legs!

Kyiv princes were very fragmented

Pechenegs ate cookies ...

Prince Oleg was predicted that he would die from a snake that would crawl out of his skull.

The besieged threw stones from the walls of the fortress and poured boiled water on the enemies.

Cossacks wore long mustaches, forelocks and bald heads.

The horse looked at the driver over his back shoulder.

In front of him, sitting on a horse, stood a rider.

When Suvorov was little, he got up early, did exercises, washed himself and went to fight with the Tatar-Mongols.


What restrictions did the Novgorod prince have?

He was not allowed to marry his mother. And he also wanted to live in the center, but he was constantly thrown out of town.

What shoes did the ancient Slavs wear?

Bast shoes and ancient sneakers.

What tribute did the prince of Kyiv collect from the ancient Slavs?

The Slavs gave him oil, pots and their skin, which they got in the forest.

What kind of life did the Tatar-Mongols lead?


The chronicle is called so because it was usually written in the summer.

From beyond the horizon, Prince Igor saw the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Courage, a sense of honor, love for the Motherland clashed in Prince Igor.

Of the entire army of Prince Igor, only fifteen Red Army soldiers remained.

The parents of Ilya Muromets were simple collective farmers.

Alyosha Popovich was sitting in a helmet with a lance in his hand.

Alyosha Popovich is sitting on a horse. He is dark brown.

Ilya Muromets played well and danced on the harp.

On the head of Ilya Muromets was a helmet, and on his feet boots with ancient laces.

Alyosha Popovich vigilantly looked at the back of the head of Ilya Muromets.

The hero was wearing chain mail and a helmet made of scrap metal.

Dobrynya Nikitich sat on his horse and peacefully plucked the grass.

Ilya Muromets sits on a horse with a large mane and a magnificent tail.

Ilya Muromets holds a spear with one hand, and looks ahead with the other.

The heroes were wearing helmets, chain mail and mittens.

Suddenly the ground shook: it was the Serpent Gorynych who was landing...


Name a positive hero in a Russian fairy tale.

Chicken Ryaba. She laid a golden egg for Grandfather and Baba.

Tell us about the character of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga hid her kind soul in a mortar with a broom.

Nevsky Prospekt is called so in honor of Alexander Nevsky, who lived on this avenue

Suvorov dreamed of becoming a Suvorov member as a child.

Pugachev was kind. He didn't attack people.

Pugachev went to the scaffold and shouted: "Proletarians of all countries, unite!"

Peter the Great sits on a horse, raising his front legs high.

Emelyan Pugachev was sentenced to death by pardon.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky sent a telegram to the Russian Tsar.

Not only peasants, but also animals suffered from serfdom.

Russian nobles were easily vulnerable and therefore died in duels.

The noble nobility drowned in luxury.

A coachman was sitting on the box, wrapped in a sheepskin coat, and inside was a gentleman.

Previously, there was an Institute for Noble Girls in Smolny.


Three horses were driven by a bearded box in a sheepskin coat.


Years of life: 1931 - 2005.

Since childhood, I have loved funny books; I have a special shelf for them in my closet. Only the mood begins to deteriorate - he extended his hand, took a book, read it, laughed - and felt better. Among such books I include "Lessons in laughter" by Leonid Kaminsky.

If you ask who Kaminsky was by profession, I cannot answer you. Rather, I can, but it will take a long time to list: he is a writer and artist (illustrated himself), a journalist (led funny sections in various newspapers and magazines), a collector (he collected the largest collection of school humor in the country).

And he was also a teacher. And not just a teacher, but a teacher of laughter. For many years he traveled to schools and conducted “laughter lessons”, which, as you understand, are not in the school curriculum. I visited these lessons, I saw with my own eyes how children not only laugh, but slide off their chairs onto the floor. I slipped myself.

Kaminsky also knew how to draw caricatures - funny portraits of his friends and acquaintances. Once, when we were working together in the house of creativity, he drew a very funny caricature of all the artists in our group, including me.

Leonid Kaminsky began to write and draw for children when he had a daughter, Masha. He composed fairy tales for her and drew pictures for them. Then he began to write down her funny remarks. From these recordings came the stories that were printed in children's magazines. You will find stories about Masha in his books. One story tells how the first-grader Masha could read, write and count, but did not yet know how to say “cat” in English. Now she already knows, because she has become an adult and teaches English to students herself.

I think that you will like any book by Leonid Kaminsky that you pick up. His books can be read by the whole family: they will be of interest to both kids and schoolchildren, and dads and moms (there is also something about them there). And I'm sure that when you reread his works, you will laugh, laugh and laugh!

In the director's office

“Ah, is that you, Bryukvin?” Come in, come in, I've been waiting for you for a long time. You see, what an honor you are: the director of the school himself put aside his affairs in order to talk with you!

I will no longer...

Yeah, the cat knows whose meat it ate! So, do you have any idea what the conversation will be about?

I will no longer...

We have already heard this. Here is a list of your adventures before me. Just some mythological hero! Twelve Labors of Hercules!

I will no longer...

Let's start on the first of April. You weren't at school that day. That's what the teachers thought. But in fact, you spent all the lessons in the "Live Corner", pretending to be a chimpanzee!

I will no longer...

On April 4, on Monday, at a physical education lesson, you threw a backpack of student Anya Karnaukhova into a basketball basket, which fell on the head of physical education teacher Eduard Nikolaevich! ..

I will no longer...

On April 6, at a history lesson, you made a sensational discovery: it turns out that the Decembrists got their name because they were all born in December and celebrated their common birthday on Senate Square!

I will no longer...

On April 11, during the break, you demonstrated karate techniques, as a result of which you broke through the partition with your foot and flew into the teacher's room! ..

I will no longer...

On Tuesday, the twelfth of April, you climbed into the chemistry room and tried to dissolve your diary in nitric acid, but, fortunately, no suitable dishes were found ...

I will no longer...

A week later, on the nineteenth, the Russian language teacher asked you to write today's number on the blackboard. And you, without hesitation, wrote: “Today is fluoronek, April 14th,” which caused Lyudmila Arkadyevna to have a heart attack.

I will no longer...

Yesterday at the lesson of literature you got two deuces at once. One for prompting, and the second for prompting incorrectly: in your opinion, it turns out that Mumu is the nickname of a cow that drowned itself, unable to withstand the oppression of the tsarist autocracy!

I will no longer...

Well, what should I do with you, Bryukvin ?! But if you want, you can study well.

For example, last month you got a well-deserved A in math!

I will no longer...

Cases of Yura Seryozhkin

- The third party! Petukhov and Seryozhkin! I'm sorry to interrupt your fascinating conversation, but we need to continue the lesson. Petukhov, to the blackboard! So imagine that you are a writer. Compose us a short story of two or three sentences and write it on the board. Did you write? Good. Let's see what you got. The teacher went to the blackboard and read: “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then he promised to improve.”

Wonderful. It looks like the story is taken straight from life. But we are now more interested in grammar. Underline all the nouns in your story. Ready? Thank you, sit down, Petukhov. Now Yura, it's your turn. Decide what case these nouns are in.

Did you understand the assignment, Seryozhkin?

Understood, Lyudmila Arkadyevna.

Then start.

- "Father and mother". Who what? Parents. So the case is GENENTIAL. Scolded whom, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. So NOMINAL. Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. The case is CREATIVE. Further - Vova was silent as? Guilty. So, here Vova has an ACCUSATIVE case. Well, the “promise” is, of course, in the DATIVE, since Vova gave it. Here, everything...

Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring the diary, Seryozhkin! I wonder what mark you would suggest to give yourself?

What? Of course, five!

So five? By the way, in what case did you call this word - "five"?


In a prepositional? Why?

Well, how! After all, I suggested it myself!

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