Donald Trump's inaugural speech in Russian. Donald Trump's full speech during the inauguration in Russian. Video. Obama's farewell speech

NEW YORK, December 29th. /Corr. TASS Igor Borisenko/. US President-elect Donald Trump is writing his own inaugural address, which he will deliver at a ceremony on January 20 in Washington. Christopher Brinkley, a historian of the U.S. presidency, said Thursday in an interview with CNN, who met with Trump to discuss the inauguration ceremonies of former presidents.

“According to Trump, he wants his inaugural speech to be short,” the historian said. “He said that it would be specific and that he wrote it himself. Yes, of course, experts are involved in the work on the speech, but Trump wants that this historic speech be his work."

Asked how the billionaire assesses the transfer of power and what kind of relationship he has with the current owner of the White House, the historian said, “in Trump’s opinion, the transfer process could have gone more smoothly at the executive level, but personally he likes the intelligence of President Obama and his willingness to make personal contacts." "On the whole, Trump thinks his relationship with Obama is pretty good right now," he added.

Inauguration January 20

The inauguration ceremony of the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump will be held on January 20, 2017 in Washington, on Capitol Hill, near the Congress building. A special dais is already being built there, from which Trump will be sworn in as President of the United States.

By tradition, the inaugural platform is made individually for each such ceremony. This year it will have an area of ​​929 sq. meters - exactly the same size as at the inauguration of George W. Bush on January 20, 2005. It will accommodate ceremony attendees and more than 1,600 guests: outgoing President Barack Obama and his family, incoming President Donald Trump and his family, Vice President Joe Biden and incoming Michael Pence, former and new cabinet ministers, members both houses of Congress, members of the Supreme Court, former US presidents, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, state governors and members of the diplomatic corps. A separate platform is created to accommodate the choir.

On the day of the inauguration, a religious service is held for the incoming president. This tradition began in 1933 under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Outgoing President Barack Obama will then escort President-elect Trump to the Capitol for the swearing-in ceremony, where the ceremony has been held since 1801. After the oath, the new president will make a speech in which he will outline the main directions of his policy.

At the conclusion of the swearing-in ceremony, the resigned president leaves Capitol Hill. A guard of honor was lined up for this ceremony, but in 1977, under Gerald Ford, a tradition was born whereby the former president leaves the Capitol by helicopter - weather permitting. The inaugurated President and Vice President return to the Capitol Building, where the Congressional Joint Inauguration Committee hosts a dinner in their honor.

Previously, the outgoing president and his wife organized a reception for the new president at the White House, and the tradition of holding a gala reception at the Capitol originated in 1953 when Dwight Eisenhower took office, when chicken in sour cream sauce, baked ham and mashed potatoes were served on the table. Now the menu for the gala dinner is designed to include dishes typical of the new president's home state.

At the conclusion of the meal, the president and vice president lead a solemn procession down Pennsylvania Avenue from the House of Congress to the White House. The inauguration day will end with traditional Washington balls. Their number varied from year to year: in 1949 under Harry Truman there was one ball, under Dwight Eisenhower - two, under Bill Clinton the number of balls increased to 14, and under Barack Obama it was reduced to 10.

Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, dear Americans and people around the world: thank you.

We, the citizens of America, are now united in a nationwide effort to rebuild our country and fulfill our promises to all our people.

Together we will set the course for America and the world for years to come.

We will face challenges. We will face difficulties. But we will do the job.

Every four years we meet on these steps to legally and peacefully transfer power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their hospitality and generosity and gracious assistance throughout the transition. They were great.

Today's ceremony, however, has a special meaning. Because today we're not just handing power from one administration to another - we're taking power away from Washington DC and giving it back to you, the American people.

For too long, a small group of people in the capital of our country have received the fruits of government that ordinary people have paid for.

Washington prospered - but the fruits of this prosperity did not fall to the people.

Politicians were getting rich, but jobs were being cut and factories were closing.

The establishment defended itself, but not the citizens of the country.

Their victories were not our victories, their triumphs were not our triumphs; while they were celebrating in our capital, there was little reason for distressed families across the country to celebrate.

All these changes – which start right here and right now, because this moment is your time, it belongs to you.

It belongs to all who have gathered here today and to all who are watching [the ceremony] across America.

This is our day. This is your holiday.

And this is the United States of America, your country.

What really matters is not which party governs the state, but whether the people govern our state.

January 20, 2017 will go down in history as the day when people regained power Forgotten women and men will no longer be forgotten.

Now they will listen to you.

Tens of millions of people have traveled this path to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen.

The interests of this movement are centered around the fundamental belief that the nation exists only to serve its people.

Americans want good schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves.

These are all reasonable and just demands of a righteous society.

But most of our citizens live in a different world: mothers and children are hostages of poverty in our cities; rusted factories are scattered like tombstones across the expanses of our country; the education system is overflowing with money, but our young and brilliant students are devoid of knowledge; and crime, and criminal gangs, and drugs, which have stolen too many lives, have stolen from our country its unrealized potential.

This extermination of the American people stops here and now.

We are one nation. Their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams. Their success will be our success. We have one heart, one home, and one brilliant destiny.

The oath I took today is an oath to all Americans.

For many decades we have enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry;

Subsidized the armies of other countries, allowing our troops to be depleted. We defended the borders of other peoples, refusing to defend our own.

We have spent trillions of dollars abroad while American infrastructure has fallen apart and is in disrepair.

We have made other countries strong and rich, while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has disappeared over the horizon.

One by one, factories closed without even thinking about the millions and millions of American workers left behind.

Wealth taken from our middle class was redistributed around the world.

But now it's in the past. Now we will only look to the future.

We are here today to establish a new order that will be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, in every government building.

Starting today, we will be guided by new principles.

From now on, America comes first.

Every decision about trade, taxes, immigration, foreign affairs will be made only in the interests of American families.

We must protect our borders from the destructive influence of other countries that manufacture our products, stealing from our companies and destroying our labor capital.

Protecting [our interests] will lead to prosperity and strength.

I will fight for you to the last breath and I will never, ever let you down. America will start winning again, winning like never before.

We will return our work. We will take back our borders. We will return our wealth. And we'll get our dreams back.

We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways throughout our beautiful country.

We will bring people back from welfare support back to the work of rebuilding our country with American hands and with the help of American labor.

We will follow two simple ones: buy American and hire Americans.

We will establish friendly and benevolent relations with world countries, but we will do this with the understanding that, first of all, every nation has the right to take care of its own interests.

We will not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather allow it, in all its brilliance, to become an example for others.

We will strengthen our old alliances and form new ones. We will unite the forces of the civilized world to counter radical Islamic terrorism, which we will wipe out from the face of the earth.

The solid foundation of our policy will be total loyalty to the United States: through loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.

When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible says, "How joyful and gratifying it is when God's creatures live in harmony."

We must speak our minds openly, argue about what we disagree with honestly, but always strive for solidarity.

When America is unified, America is absolutely unstoppable.

We should not be afraid of anything - we are protected, and we will always be protected.

We are protected by great men and women, our military and our law enforcement agencies, and more importantly, we are protected by God.

Finally, we must think big and dream big.

In America, we understand that a nation lives as long as it develops vigorously.

We no longer listen to politicians who talk all the time and do nothing - constantly complaining but doing nothing to solve problems

The time for empty talk is over.

Now comes the time to act.

Don't let anyone tell you it's impossible. No obstacle can be stronger than the heart, courage and spirit of America.

We won't fail. Our country will prosper and prosper again.

We are on the threshold of a new millennium, ready to discover the secrets of the cosmos, free the Earth from misfortune and disease, and use the energy and technologies of tomorrow.

A new national pride will inspire our souls, lift our eyes, and resolve our differences.

Time to remember the old wisdom of our soldiers: whether we are black, brown or white, we all have the same patriotic blood, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all pay homage to the same great American flag.

Whether a child is born in the suburbs of Detroit or the windy plains of Nebraska, they look at the same night sky, their hearts are filled with the same dreams, and the breath of life is infused in them by the same almighty Creator.

May all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words:

You will never be ignored again.

Together, we will make America strong again.

We will make America rich again.

We will make America proud again.

We will make America safe again.

And yes, together we will make America great again.

Thank you, God bless you, God bless America.

The 45th President of the United States Donald Trump wrote his inaugural speech personally. Previously, his team said that the speech would outline the main course of policy that Trump intends to profess. "KP in Ukraine" cites the literal text of the inaugural speech of the new US president:

“My fellow citizens and citizens of the world, thank you. We, the citizens of America, are united in a nationwide effort to rebuild our country and keep our promises to our people. Together we will set the course for America and the world for many, many years to come.

We will face challenges, there will be difficult situations, but we will bring our work to the end. We will get results. We gather here every four years and there is a peaceful transfer of power. We are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, who willingly helped us. They have performed fantastically. Thank you.

Today's ceremony has a special meaning. Today we are not just transferring power from one government to another, from one party to another, we are transferring power from Washington, the capital of the United States, to the people of the United States.

For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped all the rewards of power, and Americans have paid the price. Washington flourished, but did not share wealth with the people. Politicians were getting successful, but jobs were being cut and factories were closing. The establishment defended itself, but not the citizens of our country.

Their victories were not your victories, their triumphs were not your triumphs. And while they were celebrating in the capital, suffering families across the country had nothing to celebrate. I'm talking about people all over our country. It will all start to change right here and right now, because this moment is your moment. This moment belongs to you. This is your day. The USA is your country.

What really matters is not which party controls the government, but whether the government is controlled by the people. January 20, 2017 will be remembered as the day when the people again became the ruler of this country.

The forgotten women and men of our country will no longer be forgotten. Tens of millions have joined a movement the world has never seen before. At the center of this movement is the belief that government exists to serve its citizens. Americans want good schools for their children, they want to be safe, they want jobs, good jobs for themselves. And these are just motivated demands of good people, society. But for many of our citizens now there is a completely different reality.

Mothers and children are stuck in poverty in the depressed regions of the country. Our country is filled with ruined factories that are scattered around our country like tombstones. The education system is full of money, but does not give knowledge to our young and beautiful students. Crime, gangs and drugs have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of great potential. This American bloodshed and mockery of America stops right here and now.

We are one nation. Everyone's pain is everyone's pain. Dreams, success of everyone - dreams of everyone. We have one heart, one home and one beautiful future. I took an oath of allegiance to all Americans.

For many years we enriched foreign rich people. At their own expense, they provided subsidies to the armies of other countries, allowing our military to weaken. We defended the borders of other countries, refusing to defend our own borders. We have spent trillions, trillions of dollars abroad at a time when America's infrastructure has fallen apart and rotted. We have made other countries rich, but the wealth of our country, its strength has disappeared over the horizon. Factories closed one by one. No one thought about the millions of American workers who were out of work. The wealth of our middle class has been snatched away and distributed around the world. But that's already the past. Today we are only looking to the future.

Today I want our call to be heard throughout the world, in every government. From now on, our country is guided by a new vision - the principle of "America First". Every decision about trade, taxes, migration, foreign policy will be made in the interests of our employees. For the sake of our families, we must protect our borders from the abuses of other states. They steal our jobs, destroy our industry, abuse our trust. We will protect our producers and prosper. I will fight for each of you until my last breath and I will never let any of you down.

America will win again - win like never before. We'll get jobs back, border controls. We will return our wealth. And we'll get our dreams back. We will build new highways, bridges, airports, tunnels throughout the country. We will give jobs back to our people.

We will restore the greatness of our country with the help of our workers. We will have two simple rules: buy American, hire Americans.

We will be friends with all countries in the world, but at the same time we will take into account the fact that each country has the right to defend its interests. We will not impose our way of life on anyone, but let the American way of life be the model for all. We will be leaders. And let those who want to inherit us.

We will strengthen old alliances and form new ones. Let's unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will completely wipe out from the face of the earth.

The basis of our policy is complete loyalty to the United States. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us that unity brings joy to the people.

We must think openly, have open discussions. Even without agreeing on something, strive for solidarity. Nothing will stop a united America.

Don't be afraid, we will be protected. We will always be protected by the brave men and women who serve in our troops and police. We will be under the protection of the Lord God.

It's time to have big dreams and thoughts. We must be ambitious. Americans must understand that a nation is alive as long as it has zeal. We will no longer accept politicians who only talk and never deliver on their promises. We will not accept those who only complain but do nothing to change the situation. The time for empty talk is over. It's time for action.

Never let anyone tell you that something cannot be achieved. There is not a single challenge that is beyond the power of the Americans. We will win, our country will prosper again.

We are now witnessing the birth of the new millennium. We are ready to reveal the secrets of the Universe, overcome diseases, discover the technologies and energies of the future. A new national pride will allow us to look to the future and unite us. It is necessary to remember the old wisdom that our soldiers will never forget: "Regardless of whether we are black, brown or white - we all have the same blood of patriots."

We all salute the freedoms, the great American flag. To all Americans, wherever they are, from ocean to ocean, from one mountain to another, I say: no one will ignore you anymore. Your voices, hopes, dreams will determine the fate of America, and your courage, love and kindness will guide the path of reason.

We will make America strong, rich again. We will give America back its pride, its security. Together we will make America great again.

Thanks to all. Way the Lord bless you. May God bless America. Lord bless America.

On January 20, the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, took place in Washington. Following the ceremony, which was followed live by Meduza, Trump delivered his first speech as the nation's official president. He promised to return power to the American people, rebuild America and always put its interests first, and wipe out radical Islamic terrorism from the face of the earth. Meduza publishes a full translation of Donald Trump's first presidential speech.
Judge Roberts, Presidents Carter, Clinton, Bush, Obama, dear Americans and people around the world - thank you!

We, the citizens of America, have a great common effort to restore our country and what it means to all its inhabitants. Together, we will set the course for America and the world for many years to come. We're in for a lot of trouble, but we'll get through it.

Every four years we meet at these steps to effect a peaceful transfer of power. And we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle for their kind assistance throughout the transition. They were just amazing. Thank you.

But today's ceremony has a special meaning and a special meaning. Today we are not just transferring power from one administration to another, and not from one party to another. Today we transfer power from Washington to you - the people.

For too long, a small group of people in the capital enjoyed the laurels of power, and the people paid for it. Washington prospered, but the people did not get his wealth. Politicians lived happily ever after while jobs fled abroad and factories closed. The establishment was protecting itself, not the citizens of our country. Their victories were not your victories, their triumphs were not your triumphs, and while they were celebrating them in Washington, distressed families across the country had no time for the holidays.

All this will change - here and now. Because today is your day, it belongs to you. To everyone who came here today, and to everyone who watches us all over America. This is your day, this is your holiday, and this country, the United States of America, is your country.

What really matters is not which party controls our government, but that the government is controlled by the people. January 20, 2017 will go down in history as the day when the people again became the ruler of our nation. The forgotten men and women of our country will no longer be forgotten!

Now everyone is listening. You have come - tens of millions of people - you have become part of a historical movement the world has never seen before. At the heart of this movement is the belief that the purpose of a nation is to serve its people.

Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and decent jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonable demands of good people and a virtuous society. But for too many of our citizens, the reality is not at all like that. In our cities, mothers and children languish in poverty, rusted factories are scattered here and there like tombstones around the country, and the education system, although overflowing with money, does not provide our youth with knowledge. Crime, gangs, drugs have ruined so many lives, robbed our country of so much untapped potential. It will stop here and now!

We are one nation, and their pain is our pain, their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our common success. We have a common soul, a common home and a common glorious purpose.

The oath I took today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.

For decades we have enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry. We subsidized the armies of other countries, allowing our own military strength to deplete. We defended other people's borders while refusing to defend our own. We spent trillions of dollars across the ocean while American infrastructure fell into disrepair. We made others rich while our own wealth, strength and confidence evaporated.

One by one factories closed and sailed across the ocean. And no one even thought about the millions of American workers, they were simply forgotten. Our middle class has been ravaged by taking away its wealth and distributing it to the whole world. But this is all in the past, and now we only think about the future.

Today we are gathered here to issue a new decree - for all cities, for all world capitals, for all governments. From today, our land will be guided by a new vision. From now on, America will always come first. Every decision - about trade, about taxes, about immigration, about foreign policy - will be made for the benefit of American workers and American families.

We will protect our borders from predatory raids by other countries that manufacture our products, steal our companies and destroy our jobs. This protection will bring us prosperity and strength.

I will fight for you with every breath I take and I will never let you down. America will start to win again, and in a way that has never happened before. We'll get our jobs back, we'll get our borders back, we'll get our wealth back and our dreams back. We will build new roads, highways, bridges, airports, tunnels and railways across our beautiful country. We'll take our people off welfare and put them to work. We will rebuild our country with American hands and American labor.

We will have two simple rules: buy American and hire American. We will seek friendship with all the peoples of the world, but we recognize that every nation has the right to put its own interests first.

We do not want to impose our way of life on anyone. Let our example become a shining beacon for all. We will shine, and let everyone follow us.

We will strengthen old alliances and make new ones. We will unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism and completely wipe it off the face of the earth.

Our policy will be based on complete, unconditional loyalty to the United States of America. And through loyalty to our country, we will rediscover loyalty to each other. There is no room for prejudice in those who have opened their hearts to patriotism. The Bible tells us, "How good it is when people live together and in unity." We must be open about what we think, argue honestly about differences, but always strive for solidarity. When America is united, America cannot be stopped at all.

Do not be afraid - we will be protected, and we will always be protected. We are protected by the distinguished men and women who serve in our armed forces and law enforcement. And most importantly, the Lord will protect us.

Finally, we need to think boldly and dream even bolder. We know that a nation lives only when it prospers. We will no longer listen to politicians who only talk but do nothing. Who complain all the time, but do nothing.

The time for empty talk is over. It's time for action. Don't let anyone tell you something is impossible. The spirit and soul of America can handle any task. We won't fail. Our country will prosper again.

We are on the threshold of a new millennium. We are ready to reveal the mysteries of the cosmos, cure the Earth of diseases, harness the energy and technologies of the future. A new pride will enter our souls and heal our schism. Time to remember the old wisdom that our soldiers never forgot: we are black, brown or white, we all have the red blood of patriots. We are all given the same freedoms and we all salute the one great American flag. A child born in urban areas of Detroit and a child of the expanses of Nebraska see the same sky, live the same dream, and are created by the same almighty Creator.

Therefore, to all Americans in all cities, from one ocean to another, I want to say: now you will always be reckoned with. Your voice, your hopes and your dreams will determine the American destiny. And your courage and kindness will lead us along this path.

Together we will make America strong, rich, proud, safe again. And yes, together we will make America great again.

Thank you! God bless you all and God bless America!

Patriotism, protectionism and the promise to make America great again - what were the first 1432 words of Donald Trump as President of the United States

US President Donald Trump

Moscow. January 20th. Website - On Friday, Donald Trump is President of the United States. Interfax publishes an inaugural speech in which the 45th American president talks about his plans for the next four years.

"Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow citizens and everyone in the world: thank you.

We, the people of America, are united today in a single national effort to rebuild our country and bring what has been promised to all its inhabitants.

Together we will determine the path America and the world will take for years to come.

We will face obstacles. We will overcome the difficulty. But we will complete our tasks.

Every four years we gather at these steps in order to transfer power in peace and in accordance with the law. We thank President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their generous assistance in this. They were great.

However, this ceremony has a special meaning. Today we are not only transferring power from one administration to another, from one party to another, but we are returning the power held in Washington back to you Americans.

For too long, a small group of people in our nation's capital have reaped the fruits of government for which the people have paid.

Washington was in bloom - but its wealth did not belong to the people.

Politicians prospered - but jobs were scarce and factories closed.

The establishment was protecting itself, not the people of the country.

Their victories were not your victories, their triumph was not your triumph. They organized festivities in our capital, but suffering families across the country were not up to the holiday.

This state of affairs will change - right here and now, because this moment is your moment, it belongs to you.

It belongs to all who are gathered here today, and to those who are watching this ceremony throughout America.

This is your day. And this is your celebration. And the United States of America is your country.

It does not matter which party has gained control of the government, it is important that the government is subordinate to the people.

Those who were previously forgotten will be remembered. Everyone is listening to you now.

There are tens of millions of you and you will become part of a movement the world has never seen before. And the key belief of this movement is that the country serves its people.

Americans want their children to go to good schools, they want security for their families, and they want good jobs for themselves. These are fair and reasonable demands of law-abiding citizens.

But many now live in other conditions: mothers and their children are locked in poverty, our country is littered with rusty factories like tombs, education is bathed in money, but remains out of reach for young people.

Crime and drugs have taken so many lives and robbed our country of so many opportunities. This carnage will stop right here and right now.

We are one nation, and the pain of others is our pain, their dreams are our dreams, their achievements will be our achievements. We have one heart, one home and one great purpose.

The oath I took today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.

For many decades we enriched the industries of other countries at the expense of American industry. We invested in the armies of other countries, denying our troops. We defended the borders of other countries, but did not follow our own.

We were spending trillions of dollars abroad while America's infrastructure was falling apart. We made other states rich and strong, but faith in our country was dwindling.

One by one, factories closed in America and production left the country, but no one thought about the millions of American workers who suffered from this. The wealth of our middle class was flowing from their homes to other countries.

But that's all in the past, and now we're looking only to the future.

We are here today to establish a new order that will be heard in every city, in the capitals of other countries, and in all places where there is power. From this day forward, our country will be governed in a new way. From this day on, America first.

Every decision, whether it concerns trade, taxes, immigration, or relations with other countries, will be made for the benefit of American workers and American families.

We must protect ourselves from other countries that manufacture our goods, rob our companies and take away our jobs. The patronage will return us prosperity and power.

I will fight for your rights with all my might - and I will never let you down. America will be a winner again like it's never been before. We'll get our jobs back, we'll get our borders back, we'll get our wealth back - and we'll get our dreams back.

We will build new roads, highways, bridges, airports, tunnels, railways throughout our wonderful country.

Those who now live on welfare will get a job, we will rebuild America with the hands of the Americans. We will follow two simple rules: buy American and hire American.

We will establish friendship and good relations with all countries of the world, but along the way we will not forget that the right of every people is to take care of their own interests first of all.

We will not try to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather set a shining example that everyone will want to follow.

We will strengthen current alliances and create new ones - and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorists, whom we will completely wipe out from the face of the earth.

The basis of our policy will be faithful service to the United States of America, and through devotion to our country, we will open loyalty to each other. In a heart open to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us, "What a blessing and delight it is when God's people live together in harmony."

We must talk about what is in our hearts, openly discuss our differences, but always remain united.

When America is united, it cannot be stopped.

There should be no fear - we are all protected and will always be protected - by the beautiful women and men in our armed forces, in law enforcement, but most importantly, we are protected by God.

Finally, we must think bolder and dream big. We Americans know that a nation lives only as long as it has a purpose.

We will no longer allow politicians to talk and do nothing, complain and do nothing.

The time for empty talk is over. It's time for action.

Don't let anyone tell you that it's impossible. There is no test that America cannot overcome. We won't give up. Our country will prosper again.

We live at the dawn of a new millennium, ready to discover the secrets of the cosmos, cure diseases, ready to find technologies and ways to get the energy of the future.

Pride in the country will elevate our souls, illuminate the future, overcome disunity.

It's time to remember the wisdom that our soldiers never forgot: whether we are white, black or mulatto, we all have the blood of patriots, we all have the same freedoms and we all salute the American flag.

When children are born - in urban Detroit or on the plains of Nebraska - they look at the same night sky, their hearts are filled with the same dreams, the life is breathed into them by one almighty Creator.

So let all Americans in every city, far and near, small or large, from one mountain to another, from one ocean to another, hear these words: never again will you not be heard. Your voices, your hopes, your dreams will determine the fate of America. And your courage, virtue and love will guide us on this path.

Together we will make America strong again. We will make America rich again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And yes, we will make America great again.

Thank you. God save you. God bless America!"

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