In the Orenburg region, the stork distributes babies all year round. Minister of Labor: - It is not the stork that brings children to the family, but confidence in one's own life

Minister of Labor and Employment Vyacheslav Kuzmin

Today, 20 November, in Orenburg an information briefing by the regional Minister of Labor and Employment was held at the House of Soviets Vyacheslav Kuzmin on the topic "The need for specialists in the regional labor market".

Registered unemployment rate - 1.3%

Popular professions among Orenburg graduates

The Minister of Labor said that this year the situation in the labor market of the region is stable, which is a consequence of the revival in industry and agriculture. The number of registered unemployed is 12.8 thousand people. It's on 1.2 thousand. fewer people than last year. Registered unemployment rate - 1,3% from the economically active population (in 2016 - 1.4%.). Since the beginning of the year, the employment service has received 85 thousand vacancies (of which 70% are working professions), which is 1.2 times more than last year - 69 thousand. vacancies.

The regional minister said that his department pays special attention to the development of the agro-industrial complex and deep processing. He indicated that more 40% The population of the Orenburg region lives in rural areas, and this must be taken into account when training personnel.

- With a strong agro-industrial complex, we will live without oil. If in our region there will be all 5 stages of processing meat, grain, milk.

Vyacheslav Kuzmin also spoke about which enterprises now especially need highly qualified specialists:

- Orenburg Locomotive Repair Plant;
- "Nsplav";
- "Volma-Orenburg";
- "South Ural Mining and Processing Company";
- Orenburg plant of drilling equipment.

Speaking about the new Volma-Orenburg enterprise, the Minister of Labor and Employment said that he specifically found out how many children were born in the families of workers:

- There were born already 10 children. Stable salary, young family. It is not the stork that brings children to the family, but confidence in one's own life.

The minister spoke about problematic plants

Checkpoint of the Orenburg silicate plant

After the main part of the information briefing, Minister of Labor and Employment of the Orenburg Region Vyacheslav Kuzmin answered questions from the media.

Ural56.Ru: − What is going on at the Orenburg Silicate Plant now?

Vyacheslav Kuzmin: − There are already people who want to buy this plant. I will not name a name. This enterprise requires very large investments. At a time when people in the neighboring region learned how to make high-quality and inexpensive bricks, there were too many owners at our factory, each of whom wanted to relax. For some reason, they sold their quarry, a lot of strange things happened there. Now we need to actively work there: change equipment, modernize production. I met with a man from there the other day, asked why there were no cuts. He replies - "and we are all relatives, we have no one to cut." That is, there are many owners, they all arranged for their relatives to be in charge, as a result - there is no one to lay off. There shouldn't be much trouble from the change of ownership. The main thing is that the next team knows where to get clay, how to burn bricks, and be able to sell it all.

Ural56.Ru: − What is going on at the Orsk Carriage Works now?

Vyacheslav Kuzmin: − The other day a commission came to them in order to certify production and issue a brand. Everything has been done, 30 enterprises have already ordered the repair of wagons. There are small debts for electricity. The Commission has identified minor comments. Next week, without going to the enterprise, they will receive a brand. Of the 500 previously laid off workers, 300 have already been rehired. The salary is paid.

Criticism of the Minister

Vyacheslav Kuzmin at an information briefing

During the briefing, Minister of Labor and Employment Vyacheslav Kuzmin was critical of the statement of the regional Minister of Education Vyacheslav Labuzova that the number of workers in the technical profession is increasing due to graduates of colleges and technical schools. Vyacheslav Kuzmin said that his ministry had not raised salaries for 15 years, the ministry was downsizing and there was a shortage of personnel.

Tatyana Televich
About 40 percent of men who applied to the regional Center for Family Planning and Reproduction cannot have children. More than a thousand Orenburg women are in line for in vitro fertilization.
Tatyana Televich

Cause - lifestyle
An ad on a street in the center of Orenburg read: “A man under 35 years old is required. The presence of higher education is mandatory ... ”Do you think this is another vacancy? Is the firm or company staffing? No. This is a sperm donor requirement. And he must also lead a healthy lifestyle and have at least one child.
The sperm bank is located on Gaya Street in the regional Center for Family Planning and Reproduction. The vault is in its eighth year and was originally created for artificial insemination of women (when spermatozoa are directly transplanted into the uterus). However, the progressive deterioration of male and female health has made this technique not effective enough. In addition, sadly, real fathers are less and less genetically suitable for the responsible role of inseminator. Since 2007, children in the laboratory of the Center have been "conceived" in test tubes with the help of donor sperm.
According to the chief physician of the regional Center for Family Planning and Reproduction Mark Grigoryevich Shukhman, the cause of male infertility and the inability to conceive a healthy child lies in the lifestyle. Promiscuous relationships and, as a result, sexually transmitted diseases affect reproductive function. Spermatozoa become immobile or the number of normal ones is so small that they are simply not enough to participate in the natural “race”. Notable weight in this problem are nicotine and alcohol. It is pointless to talk about the ethics of such a birth of life. The growing statistics of childless couples speaks for itself. It's time for the sperm bank to expand...

There are miracles...
Today, this unusual storage is a small treatment room, which houses the in vitro fertilization laboratory. Here is the great mystery of the origin of life.
A small window connects this room with the operating room. Through it, “ready” sperm or female eggs are transferred for transplantation.
The laboratory assistant has six large containers at hand. Each contains about twenty servings of seminal fluid frozen in liquid nitrogen (minus 196 degrees Celsius). All flat jars are numbered. Donors have their own code. By the way, there are places in the sperm bank for those who wish to postpone the birth of a child until better times. You can donate sperm. This service costs seven thousand rubles a year, but so far it is not in demand.
Donor ejaculate must also stand the test of time. You can use it only after six months.
- This is a mandatory condition, - says Mark Grigoryevich. - Diseases such as HIV can only be detected with full certainty after six months of laboratory analysis.

For the best result, two or three eggs are fertilized in a test tube at once. A few weeks later, by the same “route”, through a small window, the embryo is transferred to the operating room, where the expectant mother is waiting for him. The transplant process is painless and fast. But even this sacrament performed by doctors is not a guarantee of success. A woman becomes pregnant only in thirty percent of cases.
For two years, more than four hundred women were examined in Orenburg. Only a hundred of them managed to get pregnant safely. Sixty babies have already been born as a result of IVF. Among them are one triplets and eleven twins.
Previously, this service was inaccessible, you had to go to Samara and pay crazy money. Today you can make your dream come true with us and absolutely free. The IVF program is supported by the Government of the Orenburg Region. Forty million rubles have already been allocated for it. Twenty more this year. Thanks to this, every year 250 women have a real chance to give birth to a long-awaited child.
- It is not always possible to get the desired result the first time, - Mark Grigoryevich explains, - but you can repeat the attempt more than once.
Determined women do two, three, sometimes four of these procedures. Those who do not want to wait in line carry out this operation at their own expense. It costs about one hundred thousand rubles. And to increase the chances, potential mothers require strong and healthy donors.

Who are you, dad?
As we said, not everyone can become them. Those who wish undergo a thorough selection - starting from general tests and the so-called spermogram and ending with an examination by a geneticist and a psychiatrist. For example, out of two hundred who applied to the Center for the announcement of the role of genetic fathers, only five came up. Four Slavs and one Asian.
The mother-to-be will never know the name or surname of her child's father. The genetic father is selected according to the description, according to the phenotype. Inside the five there is a blue-eyed blond and brown-eyed brown-haired, tall and short ...
- We observe all the legal details of this process, - M.G. Shukhman, - we conclude an agreement with future parents, according to which, even in the event of a divorce, the biological father is not responsible for the baby.
The task of donors is to regularly donate seminal fluid. This procedure should not occur more than two or three times a week. The cost of one ejaculate sampling is one thousand rubles.
According to doctors, money is not the main motive for men to become donors. Two out of five are wealthy people, and donate sperm because they want to help childless couples.
It is impossible to be a permanent donor. Such services are refused after the birth of the twentieth, maximum twenty-fifth child. This will eliminate later possible marriages between brothers and sisters.
The current donor pool will soon run out. Thousands of couples dream of a child. And if the stork is in no hurry with the gift, and it was not possible to find it in the cabbage, then who is stopping you from finding it ... in a test tube?

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Over a decade, more than 5,000 IVF operations have been performed in the Orenburg region, not all attempts were successful, as a result, one and a half thousand healthy babies were born. From 2007 to 2012, annually from the regional treasury 24 million rubles were allocated for the procedure of artificial insemination, for which 250 IVF operations were performed per year (free of charge for the parents themselves).

In 2016, referrals were already issued to 564 couples, a third of them ended in childbirth - 164 children were born. Almost 55 million rubles were spent on their birth from the MHI funds. This year, more than 60 million rubles have been allocated for the implementation of the program. Next year, according to the regional Minister of Health Galina Zolnikova, the number of operations is going to increase to a thousand. Today, 700 Orenburg women are waiting in line for the long-awaited operation.

A month ago, the regional center for family health and reproduction on Gaya Street was reorganized, now the Reproductology Center has moved under the arches of the regional clinical hospital No. 2 on Nevelskaya Street. Recently, the first pregnancy occurred here by artificial insemination. According to statistics, today 15 percent of couples in the region face the problem of infertility. The IVF procedure currently guarantees a positive result in 40 percent of cases.

In the regional perinatal center itself, 5.5 thousand births were accepted during the year of work. The weight of the smallest newborn that local doctors have ever nursed was only 510 grams (the baby was born at the 22nd week of pregnancy). Technologies allow for pathologies to perform operations on unborn children in utero - if suddenly the child’s kidney does not work or there is incompatibility due to the Rhesus conflict, then specialists perform blood transfusion, allowing the child to wait until the time when it is possible to be born.

How to do IVF for free

To become a member of the IVF program, you need to contact your doctor at the antenatal clinic. If infertility is detected, the patient receives a referral to inter-district offices of infertile marriage, where, after examination and treatment, a package of documents is formed, which is sent to the regional Ministry of Health. According to the conclusion of the commission, the Ministry of Health of the region issues a referral for IVF treatment. At the same time, for the IVF procedure, the patient himself can choose a medical institution on the territory of the Russian Federation, including the federal center. Infertility treatment by IVF is free of charge - at the expense of compulsory medical insurance.


In 1986, 42 thousand children were born in the Orenburg region, in the 2000s there was a drop to 22 thousand births per year. In 2013, 30 thousand births were accepted. This year, according to forecasts, the number of births should be within 24 thousand people, although the capabilities of local maternity wards allow the previous 40 thousand births to be accepted.

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