My desktop gadgets. Childhood toys that you have replaced with gadgets. Magic Screen vs Tablet

egg separator

What to replace: empty plastic bottle

You can also manually separate the yolk from the protein, but there is always a risk of accidentally damaging its shell with the shell. To prevent this from happening, use a proven trick. Break the required number of eggs and pour their contents into a deep bowl. Take an empty plastic bottle, squeeze it with your hand, bring it to the yolk and release its edges. The bottle will begin to fill with air, with which the yolk will gently pull inward.

meat tenderizer

What to replace: a can of canned beans

The tenderizer gives amazing softness to beef, while retaining all the juices inside. But if you do not have this useful gadget (or, in extreme cases, a culinary hammer), a can of beans will help you out. In principle, any canned food is suitable for beating meat, but it is the beans that give it the right weight.

Wrap the jar with several layers of cling film and break the fibers with it - the steak will turn out to be more tender.


What to replace: two forks

The cost of a good whisk made of high-quality stainless steel can reach several thousand rubles - and even more if it is electric. It's not worth spending so much! Two forks overlapped together will do the job just as well as a whisk.

For convenience, wrap the handles with a paper towel, laying several layers of paper between the forks. Even professional confectioners use this secret!

Electric jar opener with screw cap

What to replace: rubber band

Some banks are simply impossible to open. Your hands glide over the smooth metal surface, even if you wrap it in a kitchen towel. We agree that for such cases, an electric opener is a real salvation. But there is another option that does not require large expenditures.

Wrap the lid with a few rubber bands so that they fit snugly on the surface. This will improve grip. Just a few movements - and the bank will open. Checked multiple times!

Cherry pitting machine

What to replace: funnel

Removing pits from cherries is easier than you think! Take a funnel with a narrow neck and place it on a plate with the wide side down. Press the berry against the opening of the funnel and press lightly - the seed will easily slip into the opening. In this way, you can quickly and inexpensively process the entire crop of cherries.

Citrus Juicer

What to replace: kitchen tongs

Using kitchen tongs, you can quickly and easily squeeze all the juice out of lemons and limes. It is enough to cut the fruit in half and squeeze strongly with tongs. True, with this method, pieces of pulp and bones can get into the juice, so if necessary, it will need to be filtered through a sieve.

garlic press

What to replace: ordinary knife

A garlic press is a useful thing, but washing it is a real hard labor. You can replace the gadget with an ordinary knife. Crush an unpeeled garlic clove with the flat side of it by pressing it down with your hand, and then remove the husk.

Herb cutting knife

What to replace: scissors

Fashionable kitchen accessory with two handles easily and quickly cuts greens, rolling from side to side. It looks very nice, but it is quite expensive. Replace an expensive kitchen gadget with ordinary scissors. With their help, you can "cut" the grass into small, neat pieces, and it will take quite a bit of time.

Good day, dear readers of the Start Luck blog! I think that we all periodically come across words and expressions that are not entirely clear to us, but often used. And it seems that intuitively and from the context we guess about their meaning, but we cannot confidently give a definition. In modern life, some new terms come into use almost daily.

To keep up with the times, I propose to deal with one of these. I am one hundred percent sure that everyone reading this article has heard, and maybe even used the word "gadget" himself. But can you tell me what exactly it means? What is its origin? Having a hard time? Nothing! Now let's dot all i, so that in the future these questions will not be dead ends even for "dummies".

What does it mean?

So, gadget - what is it? There is no specific definition, as gadgets are very different. These are portable, pocket-sized devices that somehow simplify human life. They come as additions to some existing devices. It is quite possible to do without them (and some do), but if you look around you will see that you are surrounded by gadgets. Headphones were one of the first things that came to my mind. So, a phone, a computer, a player can work without them, but not vice versa!

Many mistakenly call smartphones, laptops and similar autonomous items of equipment gadgets. For them, too, there is a special generalizing word - "device". And you probably heard it. People often confuse these two concepts, because they are very similar. But we, as advanced users, remember their main difference: a device is an independent device, and a gadget is an extension to it.

It is worth saying a few words about another related concept - the widget. This is a gadget that resides in the software of smartphones and PCs. A widget is a small program: it can be the weather forecast on your phone or an alarm clock for Windows 7.

In general, gadgets have long entered our lives and are not going to stop. They surround every person more and more. And no wonder. Let's be honest, humans are pretty lazy creatures. Even if they do not refuse some tasks, they want to make them easier, speed up, reduce unnecessary actions and come up with various gizmos for this.

Where did it come from?

The origin of the term is a highly controversial issue. From the very first mention (it was at the end of the nineteenth century), “gadgets” were called everything. The first atomic bomb included! In general, it is generally accepted that those objects began to be called that, whose real names are too long, difficult to remember, or simply unknown.

Most likely, the English word "gadget" came from the French language. There are four versions here. First, one French company that took part in the design of the Statue of Liberty and made its miniature named it after itself - Gaget, Gauthier & Cie. To be honest, I see little connection here, but many will not agree with me. Well, their right!

The second version: there are sources claiming that the roots grow from the vocabulary of French sailors, or rather from the word gâchette, which means a trigger lever. Once again, it’s not clear to me, what does the gadget familiar to us have to do with it?

The fourth opinion is most common: “gadget” comes from the French gagée, which means “small accessory” in Russian. Here everything is absolutely clear, understandable and justified.

There are other options. For example, the Scots look for the origin of a gadget in engineering jargon. They have a measuring tool called a gadge. Who knows, maybe they are right!

Specific examples

I suggest you read articles on gadgets: a headset that reflects the mood or a prototype of an earpiece-translator. And I, driven by ordinary interest, decided to see what gadgets can be found on Aliexpress. As you know, everything is there!


The first interesting thing squeezer (I'll call it that) cherry and olive pits. If you're making a cherry pie, you don't need the bones in it, right? And cutting them yourself is long and inconvenient. As for olives and black olives, they are already sold without pits. But didn’t fatal mistakes happen to you - they mixed up the jar or simply didn’t look at what they took, but there was no time or opportunity to buy another one. In general, the subject is not the most useless.

Another kitchen gadget - corn tool . True, I do not know how to call it better, but I will explain its essence. You put the cob in there and twist it - the blades cut off the corn. Good alternative to canned food!


Noticed a lot of these brushes . You pour the cleaning agent into a special compartment and, when necessary, press the button so that it gets on the brush itself.

I was also interested in washcloth ”, as the description says, for glasses. I don’t know how she will actually clean, but in theory she should help out bespectacled people. Small, always with you, the eyepieces got dirty - rubbed.


Frequently seen in the thread small lamps and fans that connect via a USB cable. At first I wanted to show you them, and then I came across a set! Judging by the comments, the product is really good: the light is bright, the fan blows strongly for its size.

On this I will probably stop. And yes, since we are talking about useful acquisitions, I recommend that you buy the course " Secrets of productive work at the computer ". What is it for? You will learn about the hidden abilities of your PC and be able to get more out of it than you thought.

Now that's all! I hope you liked this article and found it useful. If so, recommend the blog to your friends and subscribe to the public Start Luck Vkontakte . And I wish you success in all your endeavors and all the best!

Today's kids no longer play hide-and-seek and daughter-mothers. They rarely walk outside with friends, rarely fall from trees and do not really like to throw snowballs. That without which we cannot imagine childhood is a thing of the past!

Instead of friends around the yard and classics on the pavement, today's children have friends in social networks and shooters on the computer. But launching a bird into a bunch of pigs on a tablet (who doesn’t know - this is the plot of the most popular game Angry Birds) is not at all the same as getting hit on the head with a scoop in the sandbox! What will children grow up to be, for whom the window to the outside world is Windows?

I brought down all these universally important questions on the head of Marina Chizhova, Vice-Rector of the Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology.

Tablets instead of books

Parents always say: “We weren’t like that at your age!” Is it really because of the dominance of gadgets that modern children are really closer to the terminators than to moms and dads?

It's true, picking up gadgets, children change, - Marina Alekseevna nods. - But it normal! The environment around us is also changing, and we adapt to it. There is nothing we can do about the development of gadgets. If we throw tablets and TVs out of the house, then the child will bury himself in them, having come to visit someone. Simply because now mastering gadgets is an evolutionary task. Immediately, as with alcohol: the right parent understands that the child will encounter it anyway. So let him try alcohol at home.

- But the problem is that you can’t drag children away from the screen by the ears!

And addiction occurs when a person does not have an internal regulator of behavior. If an alcoholic drinks, he becomes well. But on his own, without alcohol, he cannot do it “well”. And with gadgets the same story. As long as I have a tablet in my hands, everything is simple. He dictates what we should do: run and shoot or give likes. They cut off the Internet or electricity - and emptiness, it is not clear what we should do. In order not to become addicted, we must learn to regulate ourselves. Or rather, we should be taught this by parents in childhood. But the child will not learn to determine his needs in any way if mom and dad severely limit him.

- So after all, the parents themselves, who buried themselves in the book, who in the TV ...

If a mother is dependent on something, she cannot teach the child to be independent. It's just that parents used to go to books, now they go to Odnoklassniki. And the more a parent is attached to something, the harder he tries to impose it! Mom says: books are good, but gadgets are bad! Although there may be the same book on the tablet ... And the child does not understand how to satisfy his needs.

Birds vs dolls

- And what needs do gadgets satisfy in general? Need to post a picture on your wall?

Gadgets fulfill our need for play. It is basic, it is a normal stage of development. This is how children learn behavioral skills.

- So let them play with dolls and cars ...

It’s only in our head that such a division, and it’s normal for a child to play with dolls and on the phone. A girl who plays with a doll at home is no different from a girl who plays Angry Birds on a tablet! Parents who say video games are cruel simply haven't seen their kids play. Cars are not interesting just to roll - they need to crash and turn over ... Or do you think everything is rosy with dolls? Yes, kindergarten teachers learn this about their parents by watching their children play with dolls ... We need the game as a simulator of life. And we don’t need to work out positive situations, we are already coping well with them. We need games as a simulator to overcome negativity.

- So, it's pointless to ban computer games with rivers of blood - they will recoup on Barbie ...

If a child has a need to work off violence, there is no point in hushing it up. We need to sit down and discuss it - like a movie after watching it. And to convey the difference between real life and the game - we can say "I'll go and tear everyone", but we don't do that in real life.

- But is there a difference between shooting games on the tablet and war games in the yard?

Yes, at the same time, the bodily sensation is lost, the way it is actually experienced. But if we work out our needs in a symbolic form, then let it be clearly symbolic! We do not let a child play with another child - we give a doll. And the more unrealistic it is, the better the child understands the difference with life.

Teach to learn

- Okay, games and gadgets are needed, but not 24 hours a day...

And how is he supposed to understand that he needs to break away from the gadget? We ourselves put a tablet with cartoons in his hands to go about our business. Why should a child suddenly understand that this is bad? He was simply not taught anything else.

- So all the same, how to tear the child away from the computer? For the ears?

Well, suggesting that he do homework instead of games is definitely pointless. Consider the generation of parents themselves: 90 percent of them definitely watched TV instead of solving problems! And our strategy is not to limit the pleasant, but to offer to do something else interesting. Buy a board game and go play, and invite your child to join. He himself will crawl out from behind the computer and come to see what it's like to have fun without him. There is no need to force him and say: “Look, what a good game, now you will play and rejoice” - he should see this pleasure in the eyes of his parents.

- In general, it is necessary to set an example. And when are the lessons to be done, if we have solid games?

The best thing to do here is to stop being interested in them. Did the child get a deuce for unlearned lessons? You have to ask him: how do you like it? Don't like what the teacher scolded? Well, perhaps the lessons should have been done. And if the child does not care, then the parent should not be interested in this. Yes, the teacher will call on the third deuce - but he needs to explain that the lessons are the responsibility of the child himself. And if the parent is in contact with him, then after three or four deuces the child himself begins to prepare for the lessons. And then in elementary school we sit with him all the time on tasks - so the child gets used to the fact that his mother does the homework, and not him.

- And how to explain to him that you need to sit down and learn the years of Napoleon's life, and not peep at them in a lesson on the Internet?

We all learn through play. At first, the child and I do what he is interested in, through this he develops a skill, which he then applies anywhere. If he is interested, he himself will find and remember everything about Napoleon! And the fact that we can find any information with one click will change our school. We cannot limit the flow of information, but we do not teach children to analyze it either.

under a big ban

- Now we will enlighten our readers, and then their children will study in a regular school. Where the computer is clocked and the Internet is filtered.

It is necessary to explain to the child that school is only one of the life stages, that you need to take skills there and move on. And it's not worth killing yourself trying to make him fulfill all the school requirements. If we accept that a child can be a C student, he will grow up to be normal. And we need to support the children, not the school! The child is with you for life, and you will say goodbye to school. So why cut it for the sake of meeting abstract requirements?


Selected mobile phone - the path to suicide?

Two years ago, the Snob portal conducted its own experiment. 68 teenagers from 12 to 18 years old were asked to spend 8 hours alone without gadgets. All "human" activities - reading, playing, walking - were allowed.

Only three survived until the end of the experiment - two boys and one girl. Five hours alone were able to spend only seven.

Twenty girls and seven boys experienced hot flashes or chills, dizziness, nausea, sweating, dry mouth, tremors in the hands or lips, pain in the abdomen or chest, or a sensation of hair stirring on the head. Almost all experienced anxiety, fear, five experienced panic attacks. Three had suicidal thoughts.

All fears and symptoms disappeared immediately after the termination of the experiment.

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