All fairy tales about the letter e. Everything about the letter Y and something else. Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter Y

Where, for example, did the letter "Y" come from? Who crossed out the young letter "Yo" from all the books that came to hand? Where do Belarusians get "Ў" from? And what will happen if you read the full names of Cyrillic letters in a row?

The answers to these questions can surprise even the most boring person. And most importantly: why do we need to know at least something about letters? Write to yourself - and history is a matter for specialists.

Photo: udf. b y

The discoverers of letters

But if you realize that the alphabet, this foundation of any culture (what are cultures, the foundation of everything that surrounds us, because without the alphabet there is no work, no study, no simple intimate communication, they just took it - and smart people came up with it), if to realize this - somehow you begin to look at the role of the individual in history and at your own role in a different way.

Why is it possible for Karamzin or Dubovka to invent whole letters for an entire nation, while we are afraid to offer a tiny innovation to the leadership?

Here, for example, Cyril and Methodius took from distant Soloniki - and they came to Russia, to a huge incomprehensible country without an alphabet.

Well, what a titanic work: to learn a language, to understand how sounds are combined, singled out and articulated in it, to come up with letters for these sounds, so that they are convenient to write and easy to read!

Their Glagolitic alphabet (did you know that Cyril invented the Glagolitic, not Cyrillic? Cyrillic is already his students) is a unique alphabet: it is completely artificially invented, made up of three Christian symbols: a cross, a circle and a triangle.

Very beautiful, but inconvenient to use alphabet.


The alphabet was beautiful, but inconvenient: when writing, the letters merged, got confused, and in general looked like a heap of circles and crosses.

And then the Cyrillic alphabet appeared - a light, fast letter based on the Greek alphabet. This one came out with both beauty and convenience!


And then the creators of the alphabet made a little joke. Or maybe they didn’t play a joke, but encrypted the message for us. Try to read in its entirety, as a text, the ancient names of Cyrillic letters:

“Az beeches vede. The verb is good. Live green, earth, and, like some people, think of our peace. Rtsy word firmly - uk furt her. Tsy, worm, shta ra yus yati.

The translation of the text into modern language is impressive:

“I know letters. The letter is a treasure. Work hard, earthlings, as befits reasonable people - comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction: knowledge is a gift from God! Dare, delve into, in order to comprehend the light of existence!

The process did not stop with Kirill and his students: many wonderful people, among other things, invented letters. The historian Karamzin, for example, came up with the letter "Yo", our Vladimir Dubovka - special letters for the Belarusian affricates "J" and "DZ", and with our cult "Y" a detective story came out.

Forbid the language, but invent a letter

There was such a scientist - Pyotr Alekseevich Bessonov. If you look strictly - the evil genius of our history. A major official, a Slavophile, even a Pan-Slavist. A man who does not recognize any other Slavs, apart from Russians, he was not based on bare emotions - on facts.

Before denying the right of Belarusians to self-determination, he studied the Belarusians in the most thorough way and even described them in some places.

He had plenty of material for observations: Bessonov changed dozens of various responsible posts in the Vilna education, was a member of the team of Count Muravyov, who was closely involved in Russian schools in the North-Western Territory, while collecting Belarusian folklore (under the label of Russian) and casually came up with the letter "Ў" to denote a specific sound characteristic of the Belarusian move.

Pyotr Alekseevich Bessonov. Photo:

Bessonov was a strange person: he invented the letter, but denied the differences between Belarusians and Russians. However, he was generally an inconsistent person: his scientific works on Russian folklore, which, due to the highest positions of the author, filled the science of that time, are examples of the wild imagination of the researcher.

He invented non-existent songs and fairy tales, talked about seemingly completed expeditions, drew sudden conclusions from events that had never happened - in a word, no one even argued with him, because how to argue with something that does not exist?

Following the alphabet

It's never too late to come up with a letter. The grateful people, who need this letter, will gladly pick up the innovation.

The letter “E” appeared in the alphabet of the Belarusians in the 15th century, “Y” - at the end of the 16th century (we needed it more than the others, since our language strives for melody and a proportional alternation of vowels and consonants), and it got into the Russian alphabet in 1735 year. The letter "Yo" was invented by Russians at the end of the 18th century and picked up by Belarusians a hundred years later, and Russian users were not all happy with the letter at once.

Academician Shishkov, for example, personally blacked out dots from all the books that entered the home library, and so far in Russian spelling “E” instead of “Yo” is not considered a mistake, but obedient and orderly Belarusians decided to write YO - and not to resist, and now our schoolchildren, if they do not put dots, will receive a mark one point lower.

This heroic letter was even erected a monument in Ulyanovsk.


And some letters from the alphabets fall out at the sharp turns of history. So, Peter the Great was the first to “clean up” the Cyrillic alphabet and throw out the letters “psi”, “xi” and “omega” from there. I wanted to remove the Izhitsa and the Firth, but for some reason the clergy needed them, and under the threat of heavenly punishment, Peter retreated.

However, Izhitsa and Firth did not last long in the alphabet, they wrote it less and less, and in 1918 they stopped altogether due to the mass expulsion of religious texts from mass reading.

It is believed that the Bolsheviks canceled it along with the yat and fita, but in the famous reform of 1918, the reformers already forgot about the Izhitsa, so it died by itself.

Someone can’t streamline their only alphabet in any way, and Belarusians can’t decide which of the possible ones to finally choose: we are the happy owners of the Cyrillic alphabet and “krapivinsk” spelling, the Cyrillic alphabet in Bronislav Tarashkevich’s version - and the Belarusian Latin alphabet, which, by the way, is seriously different from Latin Polish or Czech.

We see this half-forgotten, but, they say, the most understandable alphabet for our language every day before our eyes: it is in the Belarusian Latin alphabet that all the inscriptions in the renovated Minsk metro and signs in the historical center are made.

Belarusian Latin is perceived by Minsk residents as native.


So what, you ask? Why do we need to know the history of letters?

Yes, if only because the history of letters is always the history of people, and you can write your name in history in the most direct sense with the help of a letter.

It is still somehow more humane than inventing machine guns, dynamites or nuclear bombs.

VELVET: Anna Sevyarynets

A story about the letter Y.
Agree - this is an important letter. What would you do, accidentally nailing your finger with a hammer in the presence of a boy, if not for this great letter. What would you replace Yo-mine with? - although ... even if you went deeper in your literary research, regardless of the moral censorship, to which the public might have obligated, then again you would not have done without the letter Y ... without clarification, right? How many important words of joy and disappointment began with this letter! We would never have experienced our first New Year without her, and our first drunken New Year too - what a winter without fir trees. We wouldn't know about the psychedelic friends who drowned the horse: well - these animals are just like a couple from Dogma, don't you think? How would we wash Soviet milk bottles without this letter. And what would our poor heart do at the sight of the most beautiful sissy of the school? What to do before the first most important exam on the most uncomfortable chair in the world? So that we finally drink after a decent pass on the "3" of this very exam and this is for student money ?! Imagine at least a dozen words that are so dear and necessary to you without her, without our native and familiar. She was evicted to the far left corner of the clave, abolished in the press. It is possible that such an abolition is a new mafia way of money laundering - oh, I hope I still didn’t guess ... - that is, they supply the top with two dots above the letter, and the middle dots hold these same dots, paint is saved accordingly, matrices wear out less, and maybe the work force is not so tired. Here it is - a conspiracy - and money through bypass channels, slandered with us - legitimate fans of Russian literature, money, literally, licking such important points from the pages of the Russian press, goes into the pocket of some bezёshnik. And what now order to put at the most crucial moment? After all, they will soon get to "Y". And what then will schoolchildren of all Russia confuse with a vowel sound all the time, huh ?! I'm asking you? Where then will be the great variability of the Russian genius, expressed in the language and fixed by such language lovers as Lomonosov, Tolstoy. So what if he wrote a lot, but he did not neglect the letters! Do not read War and Peace, who makes you. Look at the screen version - you can't cut out the sounds. How can we do without this adorable with a cute dot on top? After all, there are only three of them in the alphabet, how can you leave her alone without help? Here you go to bed in the evening and only in your thoughts, Yo yes Y. What would it be for?
In general, what I want to say. We are, of course, international. And everything is only "for". Yes, and alphabetical discrimination is most likely arranged by our dear Russians. Well, at least the Russians. And, on whose orders they dance and what motive they compose for themselves, flavoring it with Americanized words like a nasty hamburger with ketchup, I personally don’t care. But don’t you think, dear citizens, comrades and gentlemen (about gender discrimination in words - next time), that every self-respecting book publisher and periodical should think and imagine the world in a couple of hundred years, their great-grandchildren, explaining themselves with emoticons, gestures (I suspect - for the most part - indecent) and interjections, proudly calling themselves civilization. Don't be ashamed, gentlemen. Well, everyone will get their own.
And yet I will not rest until I say:
Manifesto to her, we will protect her life! Let's create a flag with the letter Yo - only without folklore liberties! Let's support the real Russian letter.
All for Y.
Maria Karachentseva.

For a long time in the Russian language there was no famous letter "ё". But this letter can boast that the date of its birth is known - namely, November 29, 1783. The "mother" of the letter is Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, an enlightened princess.

Let's take a look at the details of this event...

In the house of Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, who at that time was the director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, a meeting of the Academy of Literature, created shortly before this date, was held. Present at that time were G. R. Derzhavin, D. I. Fonvizin, Ya. B. Knyazhnin, Metropolitan Gabriel, and others.

And somehow, during one of the meetings, she asked Derzhavin to write the word "Christmas tree." Those present took the offer as a joke. After all, it was clear to everyone that it was necessary to write “iolka”. Then Dashkova asked a simple question. Its meaning made academics think. Indeed, is it reasonable to designate one sound with two letters when writing? The proposal of the princess to introduce into the alphabet a new letter "e" with two dots on top to denote the sound "io" was appreciated by connoisseurs of literature. This story happened in 1783. And then off we go. Derzhavin began to use the letter "ё" in personal correspondence, then Dmitriev published the book "my knick-knacks" with this letter, and then Karamzin joined the "yo-movement".

The image of the new letter was probably borrowed from the French alphabet. A similar letter is used, for example, in writing the car brand Citroën, although it sounds completely different in this word. Cultural figures supported the idea of ​​Dashkova, the letter took root. Derzhavin began to use the letter ё in personal correspondence and for the first time used it when writing a surname - Potemkin. However, in print - among the typographic letters - the letter ё appeared only in 1795. Even the first book with this letter is known - this is the book of the poet Ivan Dmitriev "My knick-knacks". The first word, over which two dots were blackened, was the word “everything”, followed by the words: light, stump, etc.

A well-known new letter yo became thanks to the historian N.M. Karamzin. In 1797, Nikolai Mikhailovich decided to replace two letters in the word “sl io zy" for one letter e. So, with the light hand of Karamzin, the letter "e" took its place under the sun and was fixed in the Russian alphabet. Due to the fact that N.M. Karamzin was the first to use the letter ё in a printed publication, which was published in a fairly large circulation, some sources, in particular, the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, it is he who is erroneously indicated as the author of the letter ё.

In the first book of the poetic almanac “Aonides” (1796) published by him, he printed the words “dawn”, “eagle”, “moth”, “tears” and the first verb with the letter ё - “drip”. But, oddly enough, in the famous "History of the Russian State" Karamzin did not use the letter "e".

In the alphabet, the letter fell into place in the 1860s. IN AND. Dahl placed ё together with the letter "e" in the first edition of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. In 1875, L.N. Tolstoy in his "New ABC" sent it to the 31st place, between the yat and the letter e. But the use of this symbol in typographic and publishing was associated with some difficulties due to its non-standard height. Therefore, officially the letter ё entered the alphabet and received serial number 7 only in Soviet times - on December 24, 1942. However, for many decades publishers continued to use it only in case of emergency, and even then mainly in encyclopedias. As a result, the letter “e” disappeared from the spelling (and then the pronunciation) of many surnames: Cardinal Richelieu, philosopher Montesquieu, poet Robert Burns, microbiologist and chemist Louis Pasteur, mathematician Pafnuty Chebyshev (in the latter case, the place of stress even changed: Chebyshev; exactly the beets became beets). We speak and write Depardieu instead of Depardieu, Roerich (who is pure Roerich), Roentgen instead of the correct Roentgen. By the way, Leo Tolstoy is actually Leo (like his hero, the Russian nobleman Levin, and not the Jew Levin).

The letter ё also disappeared from the spellings of many geographical names - Pearl Harbor, Koenigsberg, Cologne, etc. See, for example, the epigram on Lev Pushkin (authorship is not exactly clear):
Our friend Pushkin Lev
Not devoid of reason
But with champagne fat pilaf
And duck with milk mushrooms
They will prove to us better than words
that he is healthier
The power of the stomach.

The Bolsheviks, having come to power, “scrambled” the alphabet, removed the “yat” and fita and Izhitsa, but did not touch the letter Yo. It was under Soviet rule that the dots over yo in order to simplify typing disappeared in most words. Although formally no one forbade or abolished it.

The situation changed dramatically in 1942. Supreme Commander-in-Chief Stalin received German maps on the table, in which German cartographers entered the names of our settlements to the point. If the village was called "Demino", then Demino (and not Demino) was written in both Russian and German. The Supreme appreciated the enemy's meticulousness. As a result, on December 24, 1942, a decree was issued requiring the mandatory use of the letter Yё everywhere, from school textbooks to the Pravda newspaper. Well, of course, on the cards. By the way, no one has ever canceled this order!

Often the letter "e", on the contrary, is inserted into words in which it is not needed. For example, "scam" instead of "scam", "being" instead of "being", "guardianship" instead of "guardianship". The first Russian world chess champion was actually called Alexander Alekhine and was very indignant when his noble surname was spelled incorrectly, “commonly” - Alekhin. In general, the letter "ё" is contained in more than 12 thousand words, in about 2.5 thousand names of citizens of Russia and the former USSR, in thousands of geographical names.

The categorical opponent of the use of this letter when writing is designer Artemy Lebedev. For some reason she didn't like him. I must say that on the computer keyboard it is really located inconveniently. Of course, it is possible to do without it, as, for example, the text will be understandable, even if it does not contain all glans bkv. But is it worth it?

In recent years, a number of authors, in particular Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Polyakov and others, some periodicals, as well as the scientific publishing house "Great Russian Encyclopedia" publish their texts with the obligatory use of the discriminated letter. Well, the creators of the new Russian electric car gave their brainchild a name from this one letter.

Some statistics

In 2013, the letter Yoyo turns 230 years old!

She stands at the 7th (lucky!) place in the alphabet.

In Russian, there are about 12,500 words with the letter ё, of which about 150 words begin with it and about 300 words end with ё!

For every hundred characters of text, there is an average of 1 letter ё. .

There are words in our language with two letters Ё: “three-star”, “four-bucket”.

In Russian, there are several traditional names in which the letter Y is present:

Artyom, Parmen, Peter, Savel, Seliverst, Semyon, Fedor, Yarem; Alena, Matryona, Thekla and others.

Optional use letters ё leads to erroneous readings and the inability to restore the meaning of the word without additional explanations, for example:

Loan-loan; perfect-perfect; tears-tears; sky-sky; chalk-chalk; donkey donkey; merry merry...

And, of course, a classic example from "Peter the Great" by A.K. Tolstoy:

Under such a sovereign take a break!

It was meant - " let's take a break". Feel the difference?

And how do you read "We'll Sing"? Do we all eat? Do we eat everything?

And the name of the French actor will be Depardieu, not Depardieu. (see Wikipedia)

And, by the way, A. Dumas has the name of the cardinal not Richelieu at all, but Richelieu. (see Wikipedia)

And it is necessary to pronounce the name of the Russian poet correctly Fet, not Fet.

And on the floor below the letter "D" there lived two sisters - the letter "E" and the letter "Yo". They were exactly the same, only the letter “Yo” had magic dots-circles, which, due to its absent-mindedness, constantly lost.

The letter "E" is a magic letter because it could change into other letters. How? But like this:

For example, if the letter "E" stood up on its arms and legs, it turned into the letter "t". And if she stood on her head, she turned into the letter "E". And if she lay down on her back, she turned into the letter "Sh"! Here is such a magic letter "E"!

She also looked like a ladder, and if someone needed her help, she never refused.

Once the letter "E" went for a walk in the forest, where spruces grew and hedgehogs ran. There she met one hedgehog. At first, the letter "E" thought: "Oh, what a big thorn lies in the grass!" She touched the hedgehog and immediately pricked her finger and cried: “Oh-oh-oh!”

The hedgehog immediately removed his thorns, straightened up, before that he was curled up in a ball, and said to the letter "E":

– Forgive me, please, I didn’t see you, I thought that someone dangerous was coming. Now I will attach a plantain leaf to your finger, and everything will immediately heal.

He found a plantain leaf, applied the letters “E” to his finger, which she pricked, and the finger immediately stopped hurting. And then they suddenly heard someone crying.

- A-A-A! – someone went and cried.

The letter "E" together with the hedgehog went towards and saw ...

They were very surprised because they saw the letter "E".

- Ouch! - said the hedgehog, - it seems to me that I have double vision and I see two letters "E"!

- No! - sobbing, the stranger answered him. - I'm not the letter "E", I'm her sister, the letter "Yo", only I lost my dots again! A-A-A! she cried again.

“Don’t cry,” the hedgehog told her, “I will call all my friends, and they will definitely find them.”

The hedgehog called all the other hedgehogs and asked for help. For a long, long time, hedgehogs were looking for dots from the letter “Yo”, but they still couldn’t find it.

And now, in the evening, a joyful hedgehog came running and shouted:

- Hooray! Hooray! We found your dots, the letter "Yo"! They were on the lake!

- Oh yes! - said the letter "Yo", - I went swimming this afternoon, and probably forgot them there.

And she took and quickly attached the dots to her.

- Hooray! - shouted the hedgehogs, now they were very happy, because they began with the letter "Yo". And they would not be hedgehogs, but hedgehogs, if they had not found these dots.

And the joyful sisters, the letters "E" and "Yo", thanked the hedgehogs and ran to their home until it got dark.

At home, the letter "Yo" very carefully removed its dots and put them in the locker.

- Now I will be very careful and attentive, and I will always watch my dots! she said to the letter "E".

And then they washed, brushed their teeth and went to bed and rest.

And they dreamed of a forest with fir trees, where hedgehogs ran, blackberries grew, and hedgehogs ate this blackberry. The blackberries were very tasty. So delicious that even our sisters smacked their lips with pleasure in their sleep.

And on the floor below the letter "D" there lived two sisters - the letter "E" and the letter "Yo". They were exactly the same, only the letter “Yo” had magic dots-circles, which, due to its absent-mindedness, constantly lost.

The letter "E" is a magic letter because it could change into other letters. How? But like this:

For example, if the letter "E" stood up on its arms and legs, it turned into the letter "t". And if she stood on her head, she turned into the letter "E". And if she lay down on her back, she turned into the letter "Sh"! Here is such a magic letter "E"!

She also looked like a ladder, and if someone needed her help, she never refused.

Once the letter "E" went for a walk in the forest, where spruces grew and hedgehogs ran. There she met one hedgehog. At first, the letter "E" thought: "Oh, what a big thorn lies in the grass!" She touched the hedgehog and immediately pricked her finger and cried: “Oh-oh-oh!”

The hedgehog immediately removed his thorns, straightened up, before that he was curled up in a ball, and said to the letter "E":

– Forgive me, please, I didn’t see you, I thought that someone dangerous was coming. Now I will attach a plantain leaf to your finger, and everything will immediately heal.

He found a plantain leaf, applied the letters “E” to his finger, which she pricked, and the finger immediately stopped hurting. And then they suddenly heard someone crying.

- A-A-A! – someone went and cried.

The letter "E" together with the hedgehog went towards and saw ...

They were very surprised because they saw the letter "E".

- Ouch! - said the hedgehog, - it seems to me that I have double vision and I see two letters "E"!

- No! - sobbing, the stranger answered him. - I'm not the letter "E", I'm her sister, the letter "Yo", only I lost my dots again! A-A-A! she cried again.

“Don’t cry,” the hedgehog told her, “I will call all my friends, and they will definitely find them.”

The hedgehog called all the other hedgehogs and asked for help. For a long, long time, hedgehogs were looking for dots from the letter “Yo”, but they still couldn’t find it.

And now, in the evening, a joyful hedgehog came running and shouted:

- Hooray! Hooray! We found your dots, the letter "Yo"! They were on the lake!

- Oh yes! - said the letter "Yo", - I went swimming this afternoon, and probably forgot them there.

And she took and quickly attached the dots to her.

- Hooray! - shouted the hedgehogs, now they were very happy, because they began with the letter "Yo". And they would not be hedgehogs, but hedgehogs, if they had not found these dots.

And the joyful sisters, the letters "E" and "Yo", thanked the hedgehogs and ran to their home until it got dark.

At home, the letter "Yo" very carefully removed its dots and put them in the locker.

- Now I will be very careful and attentive, and I will always watch my dots! she said to the letter "E".

And then they washed, brushed their teeth and went to bed and rest.

And they dreamed of a forest with fir trees, where hedgehogs ran, blackberries grew, and hedgehogs ate this blackberry. The blackberries were very tasty. So delicious that even our sisters smacked their lips with pleasure in their sleep.

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