What did the exhumation of Dmitry Shimko show. Drunk boy Alyosha Shimko new explanations about a high-profile accident: parents are not allowed to exhume the body of a dead child

The lawyers of Alyosha Shimko, accused of the death of a six-year-old boy, continue to reveal the “scandalous circumstances” that preceded the conclusion of their client in a pre-trial detention center. They claim that the autolady is “pressured” by law enforcement officers, who are also biased towards her.

The day before, the investigation into the case of an accident in which a baby died, in whose blood experts found 2.7 ppm of alcohol, was extended until September 16. All this time, the suspect Alisova will spend in prison.

The head of the Just Russia parliamentary faction, Sergei Mironov, turned to Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev and the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, with a request to initiate the exhumation of Alyosha Shimko's body for additional forensic medical examination.

According to the leader of the Just Russia party, this is necessary in order to "once and for all eliminate the nonsense about a drunk boy."

The lawyer of the 31-year-old figurant immediately began to give interviews. Thus, on July 11, Alisova's human rights activist Natalia Kurakina stated on Best-Fm that the investigating authorities were "distorting the real picture" of what was happening.

“There is an open revenge for pointing out the shortcomings of the investigation. They deny us every request. We say that we will not put up with this and will appeal against their actions. In her decision, the judge of the Zheleznodorozhny Court did not refer to many of the circumstances that were examined in court. I personally have the opinion that the judge complied with the order of her leadership. The court simply did not examine all the evidence properly. He accepted the version of the prosecution without checking it, and unreasonably rejected the version of the defense without checking it,” the lawyer said.

Latest news on the case of Alyosha Shimko: An employee of the Internal Affairs Directorate, where the case of the "drunk boy" was investigated, was detained for a bribe. Alexander Solodovnikov first planted drugs on a guy in New Moscow, and then "resolved" the issue of his detention for 600 thousand.

Employees of the “M” department of the FSB of Russia decided to check the Balashikha police department after the case of the “drunk boy” and immediately caught one of the operatives on a bribe.

Apparently, Alexander Solodovnikov was not embarrassed by the fact that in his department, after a high-profile investigation into the circumstances of the death of six-year-old Alyosha Shimko, an audit is underway and all criminal and personal cases are being studied.

According to preliminary information, an employee of the Balashikha police department first planted drugs on a guy in New Moscow, and then “resolved” the issue of his detention for 600,000 rubles.

All the materials that the FSB officers managed to collect on Alexander Solodovnikov, they transferred to the Department of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The operative was arrested. Two more are now wanted in a bribery case.

Based on this fact, an internal audit is being carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made to dismiss the employee for negative reasons.

Also, his leadership was brought to strict disciplinary responsibility, - a representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region told Life.

Recall that in relation to Olga Alisova, accused in the case of hitting a child in the city of Balashikha near Moscow, the Zheleznodorozhny City Court decided to change the measure of restraint. The reason was that the defendant violated the recognizance not to leave the place. The court issued a decision to detain the defendant in the case of an accident in Balashikha on April 23, as a result of which a six-year-old boy who was knocked down by her died from injuries.

"The petition of the investigation for the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention until September 15 against citizen Alisova"
satisfied, said the press secretary of the Moscow Regional Court Natalia Osipova.

It also turned out that the forensic medical examination, which was carried out immediately after the accident, contained numerous violations. It turns out that it is impossible to rely on its results.

Experts say that the procedure for the seizure of samples did not meet the requirements of the law. A negligence case is currently pending. It is likely that Mikhail Kleymenov, who conducted the examination, will be charged later. The decision to exhume the body of the "drunk boy" Alyosha Shimko has not yet been made. And in any case, this decision should be made only by the investigation.

The reason for the results of the forensic examination, which showed the presence of alcohol in the blood of a 6-year-old child, could be a gross error in the regulations for this procedure. It is likely that the blood samples were taken incorrectly.

In addition, before conducting an exhumation, experts must know exactly what to look for - a trace of alcohol or some kind of intervention: the presence of ethyl alcohol in the bone marrow, dosage, and other indicators. And while no one can say for sure what exactly needs to be found.

The latest explanations about the high-profile accident with the “drunk boy” are such that the expert Mikhail Kleymenov, the one who took the tests from Alyosha Shimko, turned out to have a dacha in the cooperative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And now many believe that he can be at one with law enforcement agencies.

Forensic experts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs could not find traces of alcohol in Alyosha's blood stains, explaining that they had dried up and the alcohol had long since evaporated.

The intrigue around the condition of six-year-old Alyosha Shimko, who was hit to death by a car in the town of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow, 31-year-old Olga Alisova, continues. The re-examination, which the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted from June 19 to 22 in its own Expert Forensic Center (EKC), could not confirm the scandalous version of 2.7 ppm of alcohol in the child's blood. Experts say that over the past two months, the biomaterials of the child from the interior of Alisova's car have dried up, so there are simply no traces of alcohol left in them. Now the post-mortem examination, which will be carried out after the exhumation of Alyosha's body, should establish the final truth.

The first examination of Alyosha Shimko's biomaterials, the results of which were received in early June, led to a stormy public outcry. Specialists of the State Budgetary Institution "Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination" of the Moscow Regional Research Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky (MONIKI) found that at the time of death, the boy's blood contained 2.7 ppm of alcohol, which corresponds to a strong stage of intoxication. The experts were suspected of falsifying the results of the conclusion in favor of Olga Alisova, and the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article "Negligence", and also asked to transfer the investigation of the high-profile accident to its employees. The Ministry of Internal Affairs responded with a categorical refusal.

A post-mortem examination can give an accurate picture of the boy's condition, but this requires the exhumation of Alyosha's body. Theoretically, it was still possible to examine the blood samples of the child, which remained in the back seat of the "Hyundai Solaris" of the accused Olga Alisova, which the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to do, but not in a civilian laboratory, but in its ECC.

According to the Mash public, a re-examination was conducted from June 19 to 22 by order of the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the premises of the center and the State Budgetary Institution "Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination" of the Moscow Region. The investigator provided the experts with tampons with Alyosha Shimko's blood washes, as well as a cover from the back seat of the car on which he lay after the accident and where his blood remained. The results of the examination did not clarify anything.

The commission included six experts, including an expert from the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Captain Alexander Podmarkov. He put his signature under the final results of the re-examination. The commission wrote in its conclusion that samples with biomaterials are no longer suitable for research.

It is not possible to establish the presence of ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde due to their volatility in dry gauze swabs with swabs containing Shimko's blood submitted for study, the members of the commission wrote. The experts gave a similar explanation for the cover from the car seat - spots of dry blood cannot be established.

Thus, now the investigation will have to exhume the body of Alyosha Shimko and make a final examination.

It is noteworthy that on Friday, the Moscow region police have already refuted the re-examination.

The ECC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region does not conduct an examination to determine the presence and amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, says a press release that appeared on the official website of the Moscow Region Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Recall that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee recently confirmed that the blood sample that forensic expert Mikhail Kleimenov sent for research to MONIKI belongs to Alyosha Shimko. For this, an additional molecular genetic examination was carried out, which showed the identity of Alyosha's mother's blood and samples in the laboratory.

Earlier, forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov, who signed the results of the first examination, said that questions should not be asked to him and not to police officers, but to his relatives.

It is necessary to ask questions to the people who surrounded the child, - summed up Kleimenov. The expert does not exclude that the relatives simply did not know that the boy could drink alcohol.

How so much alcohol could be in the blood of a child is still unclear. On the day of the tragedy, next to the boy was his grandfather Nikolai Shimko. However, he claims that with him the grandson did not eat or drink anything suspicious.

This is out of the question. Everything is strange, very strange. This is some kind of evil spirit, - Nikolai Shimko told Life.

The boy's father, Roman Shimko, is sure that during the first study, the experts could inject alcohol directly into the child's liver.

The conclusion of the examination indicated that the respiratory tract was not burned, the mucous membrane of the tongue was not burned, and even in the urine there is no alcohol, while it came from somewhere in the blood. I think it was deliberately injected into the liver, he says.

Recall that the tragedy broke out on April 23 in the Pavlino microdistrict of the city of Zheleznodorozhny. After lunch, six-year-old Alyosha and his grandfather went to the playground. The boy walked in front, and his grandfather carried his bicycle. It was a stone's throw to the site - it was only necessary to cross the road near the house. Before Alyosha had time to step on the asphalt, he was hit by a black Hyundai Solaris.

31-year-old Olga Alisova, who was driving a foreign car, was charged under Article 264 of the Criminal Code (“Violation of traffic rules resulting in the death of a person”). For her, they chose a measure of restraint in the form of a written undertaking not to leave.

The examination of the body of six-year-old Alyosha Shimko, who died under the wheels of a car in the Moscow region, could have been carried out with gross violations. It is for this reason that alcohol was found in his blood. This version is followed by Pavel Astakhov's bar association, whose employees are engaged in protecting the interests of the family of the deceased boy.

Lawyers said that the medical examiners who conducted the study violated the procedure when removing blood samples. “There are requirements of the legislation in the field of medicine when carrying out such procedures, and in this entire process of the very first examination, numerous violations were recorded, which are simply obvious. Any manipulation related to law enforcement has instructions. And there were deviations from this instruction, and not one thing that can put all the results of the examination [into doubt]," Gazeta.ru quoted lawyers as saying. In this regard, the defense of the Shimko family will insist on the annulment of the results.

The criminal case on negligence during the examination was initiated on the fact, and not against specific persons, therefore there are no defendants in this case. Law enforcement officers did not make any claims either to forensic expert Mikhail Kleimenov, who conducted the procedure, or to the police officers who were supposed to investigate the accident.

In order to confirm or deny the presence of alcohol or its traces in the tissues of the deceased child, it is necessary to carry out an exhumation. However, this issue is dragging on. "Everything should take place within the framework of the law. Even the exhumation should be initiated by the investigation. You can't just take it and do it at the request of the father, and no experts and guests of the talk show will be able to do it of their own free will," the lawyers explained.

In addition, specialists need to set a clear task - what to look for. "An exhumation is being carried out, and experts will tell us: we need to accurately look for the presence of ethyl alcohol in the bone marrow, a certain dosage, and the presence or absence of these indicators will allow us to draw specific conclusions." However, so far no expert has said which parameter needs to be studied.

At present, the lawyers want to achieve the recognition of Roman Shymko, Alyosha's father, as a victim in a negligence case. Without this, neither he nor his defense can get acquainted with the progress of the investigation and communicate with the investigator.

Sources close to the investigation confirmed that mistakes were made during the initial examination. Mikhail Kleymenov grossly violated the order of the Ministry of Health on the procedure for organizing and conducting forensic medical examinations in state forensic institutions and guidelines on conducting examinations for adults and children. "He insisted that he did everything correctly, but if you look at the legislation, he simply did not comply with the lion's share of the standards," the sources noted.

Lawyers insist that the medical examiner committed an official forgery. The eleven doctors who allegedly confirmed his findings actually confirmed the identity of the blood, and not the presence of alcohol in it, since they were not given such a task. The only task before the experts of the UK was to make sure that the analyzed blood really belonged to Alexei Shimko, and was not, for example, replaced by another sample. At the same time, in the conclusion of the experts it is written, "that it is not possible to determine the presence of ethyl alcohol or acetaldehyde in the blood due to their volatility."

Currently, the parties are getting acquainted with the materials of the case on the accident, in which Roman Shimko is treated as a victim. According to reports, the investigator in charge of the case fully agreed with the results of the general auto-technical examination, according to which it was possible for Olga Alisova, who was driving, to avoid hitting a child by applying emergency braking, but she did not. The investigator also concluded that it was the Hyundai Solaris car that led to his death, and not some unnamed injuries that the boy, according to Alisova's defense, received before or after the collision.

If Alisova is found guilty of an accident, then, according to Part 3 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of Russia, she faces up to five years in prison.

On October 18, the Investigative Committee clarified the case of the "drunk" boy. The examination, which was carried out at the initiative of the state body, proved that six-year-old Alyosha Shimko was sober at the moment when he was hit by a car. For several months, the laboratory employee who signed the conclusion, Mikhail Kleymenov, assured that there could be no mistake - there was a high concentration of alcohol in the blood of a preschooler. He gave examples of such cases and ruled out any mistake of his subordinates.

Today, Dmitry Borisov continued to understand the resonant topic. He invited the sister of autolady Olga Alisova to the studio “Let them talk”. The guests were interested to know if the woman had a patron with whom she entered into an agreement. As it turned out, the defendant's husband is serving a sentence in prison. Sister Alisova admitted that she did not know him personally.

Also in the studio began to understand the details of the traffic accident. Roman Shimko said that Olga's versions changed from testimony to testimony. Dmitry Borisov invited the boy's grandfather, Nikolai Alexandrovich. It was under his supervision that the child walked in the yard. The man told his story. In his opinion, Alisova had many fines for violating traffic rules.

“I am tired of this mockery of a murdered child and persecution of parents for almost half a year. It's all tired - numerous versions, - said Alyosha's grandfather. - We walked in the yard, in a safe area, this is not a road, but rather a parking lot. She rushed at high speed, I insisted on 60 kilometers per hour. I spoke with the investigator, he persistently assured me that I agreed to 15-20 kilometers, he asked me not to distract me from more important matters and I do not agree to 15-20 kilometers. Either I give my testimony or sign what was written from his words.

Nikolai Alexandrovich remembered that Olga hooked Alyosha. He approached already when the car was standing, and the boy was lying behind the rear wheel. According to the man, he told the investigator that as soon as he ran up to the car, he pushed it. However, this phrase was not recorded, and then Alisova and her lawyer turned it in their favor.

Lawyer Natalya Kurakina, who defends Olga, said she believed her client's testimony. Roman asked to see the clothes in which their son was - he believes that the clothes were washed to hide the collision with the child. Shimko also drew attention to the fact that in seven minutes Alisova was subjected to a drug test.

“Olga is ready to undergo such an examination, she has never taken drugs in her life,” Alisova’s lawyer said.

The human rights activist was outraged that Roman was making, in her opinion, unfounded statements. However, the entire studio and guests did not hold back their emotions of indignation about this.

The girls, who are witnesses in this case, said that the investigator proposed to set the permissible speed - 15-20 kilometers per hour.

“Who convinced you that you can behave carelessly in the yard?” - said Natalya, who is sure that the boy had to walk hand in hand with an adult.

Alisova's lawyer noted that the car did not run over the child's wheels. This was also confirmed by Mikhail Kleymenov.

“There were no specific signs. For moving with a car wheel, there are wheel prints, morphological signs - skin detachment. It didn’t happen, you can’t talk about what happened,” the man said.

Roman Shimko said that he was ready to exhume the child's body in order to prove the fact of the collision.

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