Trilogy "Back to the Future. "Back to the Future": where are they now Personality of Marty McFly

Marty McFly is a simple 17-year-old guy, moderately energetic and quick-witted, who, because of his friendship with Dr. Emmett Brown, had to travel in time and change the future.

Source: film trilogy "Back to the Future"

Role performer: Michael Fox

The film does not tell us how Marty met Dr. Emmett Brown, but in the original script Doc hired Marty to work for fifty dollars a week, free beer and access to old music records. However, Marty and Doc, despite the difference in age, image life and character, became friends. Emmett had no one else to ask for help and chose Marty as his assistant for the time travel experiment.

Known circumstances forced Marty to travel back in time to 1955. There, he accidentally upset his parents' acquaintance and put his future in jeopardy. With the help of Emmett Brown from 1955, he solves this problem and travels back to 1985, only to be drawn into new adventures by Doc.

Marty and Emmett travel to the future to help their children, but leave the time machine unattended and let old Biff Tannen change the past. Marty went back to 1955 and thwarted Tannen's plans. But circumstances turned out so that Doc, due to an accidental lightning strike, fell into the past in 1885.

Marty went after him and almost died at the hands of a cowboy and bandit, Biff's ancestor. Nevertheless, Marty defeats him and, together with Doc, go back to 1985, but Doc, in love with a school teacher, leaves Marty to save her.

Marty and Doc Time Travel Results

Time travel has changed the lives of Marty and his family for the better. He made his father a real man and gave him faith in himself. After that, Biff Tannen went from Marty's father's boss to his servant. In the future, Marty saved his son from jail. Besides, Marty saved himself from the accident.

Marty, with his guitar playing at the Charm Under the Sea ball, influenced the future of Chuck Berry, who stole the tune from him.

Marty inspired the self-confident black janitor Goldie Wilson with the idea of ​​becoming mayor of Hill Valley. Undoubtedly, this determined the career success of the latter.

Marty ruined Biff Tannen's life by making him his father's henchman, George McFly.

Marty McFly personality

Marty is a very dexterous, savvy and nimble young boy. In critical situations, he always finds a way out. Although in ordinary life he is an ordinary guy from a poor family who dreams of becoming a musician.

Marty is very agile and is a great skateboarder. It rescues him in all three films. Interestingly, the actor Michael Fox, during the time elapsed between the first and second film, has matured and forgot how to ride.

Marty, despite his height and weight, fights well. He defeats Buford Tannen in a fight, knocks down Biff Tannen with one blow. True, this trick does not work with Biff's grandson and Marty flees.

Marty plays the guitar well and enjoys rock music. He is not recognized at school, but in the past, in 1995, Marty's game impresses everyone, including Chuck Berry. By the way, actor Michael Fox performed the melody of Chuck Berry himself.

Marty has a complex because of his height and build and tries to prove that he is not weaker than others. Therefore, when he is provoked and called names, he cannot restrain himself. This trait made him disabled and almost killed him in the future, but Marty was able to realize his mistake.

Marty is an excellent shot with a revolver, having learned this by playing computer shooters.

Relatives of Marty McFly

Brother and sister

Dave McFly is Marty's older brother. Dave works at Burger King, where he travels by bus because he can't afford to buy his own car. However, when Marty returns home from 1955, Dave appears to have become a fairly successful young man working in an office.

Linda McFly is Marty's older sister. She doesn't get along well with young people, but in the corrected reality, Dave says that he "can't keep track of all the friends" of his sister: who called her - Paul, Greg or Craig?


George McFly is Marty's father, a weak man who is constantly humiliated by Biff, both in his youth and in adulthood. Marty in 1955 makes him believe in himself and George's life changes - he becomes a successful writer.

Lorraine McFly is Marty's mother, a woman with a conservative view of gender relations. But when Marty shows up in 1995, Lorraine is drinking whiskey, smoking and making out with young guys on dates. Interestingly, she fell in love with George because he was weak and defenseless, but when Marty intervened, she fell in love with his father because he could protect her.

Martin McFly Jr. is the son of Marty and Jennifer. He is very similar in appearance to his father, but weak in character. Marty will save him from the influence of Grif, the grandson of Biff Tannen, and from prison.

Marlene is the daughter of Marty and Jennifer. After capturing Martin, she tries to arrange an escape for him, but she is caught and also imprisoned. Marty fixed her future as well.

Ancestors of McFly

Seamus is a hunter and owner of the McFly farm. Together with his brother Martin, he moved from Ireland to the United States. Martin is soon killed after getting into a fight in a saloon. Apparently the character of Marty was exactly in him. Seamus immediately senses that Marty is his descendant.

Maggie is the wife of Seamus, with whom she had a son, William, who became the first McFly to be born in America.

Interestingly, all McFlys suffer from Tannens. George is humiliated by Biff, Seamus by Buford, and Martin by Grif. Only Marty is spared from this. One by one, he defeats all the Tannen.

Marty McFly quotes

Hard case…

Doc, you're Doc...

Mom! You are so... so... BIG!

The shark is still implausible!

It's Strickland! Has he always been bald?

Why don't we always have time?

God, George! How was I even born?

No one dares to call me a coward!

I respect you more and more, Doc.

Hey dad! George! Hey you, on a bike!

Yes, you don’t need it, pa ... parapap.

Are you saying that THIS crap is nuclear?!

Shut up, earthling. I am Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan!

So you are Uncle Joey? Get used to the bars, baby!

Doc, what will happen to us in the future? Are we going to be nerds or what?

You may not be ready for this kind of music yet, but your kids will love it...

Can I get a receipt?!

Someday, Jennifer... someday...

Interesting facts (based on Wikipedia)

The Calvin Klein brand was relatively unknown in Europe in 1985. Therefore, in the Italian dub, Marty is called "Levi Strauss" in 1955. In the French dub, his name is "Pierre Cardin"...

The huge amplifier that Marty hooks up his electric guitar to in Doc's lab at the beginning of the movie is called the CRM-114. This is the name of the message decoder in Stanley Kubrick's film Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Atomic Bomb. In addition, this is the number of the spaceship from the movie A Space Odyssey 2001, also by Stanley Kubrick.

California Raisin, a raisin manufacturer, paid $50,000 to have their product appear in the film. But there was no place for raisins in the script, besides, according to Bob Gale, "on film, raisins look like a pile of shit." Therefore, the company logo was painted on the bench, on which the homeless Red sleeps at the end of the film. The firm protested - and the fee was returned to her.

When Back to the Future was released in cinemas in Australia, Michael J Fox had to make a TV spot for Australian television and warn the public about the dangers of clinging to cars on a skateboard.

On October 26, 1985 at 1:20 am, in the parking lot of the Puente Hills Mall, where the Two Pines Mall was filmed, a crowd of fans gathered to see if anything was going to happen. The film was released in the USA in June 1985, so the events of 1985 shown in the film were just ahead ...

During the performance of "Johnny B. Goode", the leader of the band at the ball, Marvin Berry, calls his cousin Chuck and lets him hear Marty perform. Chuck Berry wrote the song "Johnny B. Goode" in 1955.

At the beginning of the film, Marty drives up to meet Doc at the Twin Pines Mall. Since he crushed one of Peabody's pine trees in 1955, the mall is named Lone Pine Mall at the end of the film.

At the end of the film, in the scene of sending Marty back to the future, before the car starts, Doc sets his alarm clock and tells him that he should start as soon as it rings. But Marty did not drive immediately after the call, but a few seconds later, for the reason that the car refused to start. It turns out that if he had started exactly on the call, he would have missed the lightning strike.

During the filming of The Future, Michael J. Fox played himself in his old age, his daughter and his son. Applying makeup took about 4-5 hours. The episodes were filmed without the use of computer special effects, the frames were simply superimposed on one another. All the props that fell into the frame had to be glued so that they would not move when shooting the same scene later.

During the filming of the school party, Michael J. Fox actually plays the guitar on his own. It's not a montage, it's not an understudy. The music was broken down into chords and the actor learned each one chord by chord to make the performance look 100% believable. The scene was filmed for 2 weeks.

In the five years since the filming of Back to the Future (1985) ended, Michael J. Fox had forgotten how to ride a skateboard.

During a television interview, Robert Zemeckis said that "flying boards have been invented a long time ago, only skateboard companies don't want to mass-produce them, but the film crew still managed to get a few of them." The director was just joking, but after the release of the program, Mattel (the logo of this company can be seen on flying boards) was inundated with phone calls from people who were interested in when such boards would go on sale.

Especially for the film, a slot machine with the game "The Wild Gunman" was created. This game was developed exclusively for the "Nintendo Entertainment System" platform and has never been released for arcades. In the movie, the game's sound effects are exactly the same as those for the video game console, but the graphics are completely new. Paradoxically, in a real video game, the animation was an order of magnitude better.

On the square, a man approaches Marty with the call "Throw a hundred bucks and help save the clock tower." This is probably a nod to US inflation in 2015. The price of a trip to the McFly house that Biff paid is also quite high ($174.5).

On November 12, 1955, between the time Biff arrives (around 6:00 AM) and 6:38 PM, there are 4 DeLoreans in Hill Valley:
on which Marty was taken to 1955 in the first film;
in which Biff returns to 1955 to deliver the sports almanac to himself;
in which Marty and Doc return to 1955 to collect the almanac;
which was hidden by Doc in an abandoned mine.
September 1 to September 7, 1885. There are 2 DeLoreans in the vicinity of Hill Valley:
which Doc hit in 1885 after being struck by lightning in a DeLorean;
on which Marty got into 1885 from 1955;

It is interesting that: After trying to start the engine with alcohol (the most
strong, which is in the bar), which led to damage to the "suction pipeline", the professor complains - "it will take me at least a month to fix it." Although, you don't need to do anything. There is a spare in the car in which Doc moved. Perhaps there is even gasoline. On the other hand, this would create a temporal paradox, since the car in which Doc moved is from a subjectively earlier time than the one in which Marty moved.

Before demonstrating the moonwalk to Mad Dog, Marty begins to hum the song "Billie Jean" from the repertoire of the same Michael Jackson.

When Marty finally returns to 1985, he is approximately 14 days, 3 hours and 27 minutes older than he should be; Jennifer, on the contrary, is 7 hours and 26 minutes younger.

When Marty's hanging scene was filmed, the rope actually tightened too much around the actor's neck. The film crew marveled at how believable Fox was, until he passed out. Many believe that this episode led to the development of his Parkinson's disease.

In Back to the Future 2 (1989), in an alternate 1985, Biff watches A Fistful of Dollars (1964), in which Clint Eastwood's character uses a sheet of steel as body armor. Marty sees this episode and uses the stove top as body armor in 1885.

In 1885, Marty introduces himself in a bar as Clint Eastwood. Paying attention to the sign at the railroad crossing in 1985, you can find out the name of the gorge into which the engine fell, which dispersed the DeLorean to a speed of 88 miles per hour in 1885 - Eastwood Gorge. This is the former Clayton Gorge - Clara Clayton fell into it along with the wagon when the horse harnessed to the wagon was frightened by a snake. However, Doc saved Clara, and as a result, the engine crashed there, accelerating the time machine, in which there was Marty, who introduced himself as Clint Eastwood.

Michael J Fox

Before the release of the trilogy, the performer of the role of Marty McFly, Michael J. Fox, was already a big TV star, but it was this tape that opened the doors for him to a big movie. Force majeure circumstances that changed his life forever arose two years later during the filming of the romantic comedy "Doctor Hollywood": Michael was disturbed by a strange nervous tic in his little finger, and a medical examination revealed that the actor had Parkinson's disease syndrome - a terrible incurable disease leading to the destruction of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. He could not memorize the text and control his movements. He was only thirty years old. Fox decided to keep his diagnosis a secret and even underwent experimental brain surgery in 1998. Now the actor practically does not act in film, only occasionally appearing in small roles on television. He devoted most of his time to his charitable foundation, which finances the search for a cure for Parkinson's disease.

Christopher Lloyd

Christopher Lloyd, who embodied the image of Dr. Emmett Brown on the screen, was a fairly well-known theater and film actor. Now Lloyd periodically flashes in small roles (one of the recent ones is Piranha 3D). This summer, Christopher again tried on the Doc costume - for advertising and an Argentine appliance store.

Leah Thompson

Lea Thompson played Marty McFly's mother in the trilogy, although, in real life, she is the same age as the lead actor Michael J. Fox (and Crispin Glover, who played Marty's father, is three years younger than Fox). In the mid-90s, the actress took a break from acting and devoted her life to her family. She returned to the profession at the beginning of the 2000s, playing in several productions on Broadway. Now Leah most often appears on television screens, although in the near future she can also be seen in the movies - she played one of the roles in Clint Eastwood's new film "Hoover", a biography of FBI Director Edgar Hoover.

Crispin Glover

For Crispin Glover the role of Marty's father, George, was a big break in the career of a young actor. However, while preparing for the filming of the sequel, Glover did not find a common language with the producers and decided to turn down the role. Director Robert Zemeckis had to take on a different actor and also use archival material with Crispin. But no one asked the actor's permission, so he sued the creators. The case was resolved amicably, but Glover harbored a slight grudge against the director. After some time, fate brought them together again - Crispin played one of the roles in Zemeckis' Beofulf cartoon.

Claudia Wells (top) and Elisabeth Shue (bottom)

Marty's girlfriend, Jennifer, was played by Claudia Wells in the first picture. During filming, her mother was diagnosed with cancer, and the actress refused to work on the sequel. Elisabeth Shue replaced Claudia for the second and third series. Wells' film career did not work out, now she devotes all her free time to business and appearances at fan conventions, but Elizabeth is filmed with enviable regularity. One of her latest roles is the sheriff from Piranha 3D, in which, by the way, she has joint episodes with Christopher Lloyd. Claudia Wells returned to the image of Jennifer in the computer game "Back to the Future", which is, in its way, the fourth part. The actress voiced her character in the third episode, Citizen Brown, in which Marty travels to an alternate year of 1986 and discovers that his girlfriend has become a punk.

Thomas Wilson

Thomas F. Wilson, who portrayed the villainous Biff Tannen, began his career as a stand-up comedy actor (performances in front of the public, when the performer of monologues or miniatures speaks directly to the audience), and "Back to the Future" became his feature debut. Wilson also voiced the animated version of Biff in the animated series based on the trilogy. On the big screens, he appears infrequently (from the recent - "The Informant" with Matt Damon), preferring to perform comedy performances around the US and paint.

Mary Steenbergen

Doc Brown's love interest from the third film, teacher Clara, was played by Mary Steenbergen. According to the actress, her own children, big fans of the first tape, persuaded her to participate in the film. After the film's release, Mary also voiced Clara Clayton in the Back to the Future animated series. Now Steenbergen continues to actively act in films and on TV, even finding time

James Tolkan

Principal Strickland, played by James Tolkan, is probably one of the most memorable cameo characters in the trilogy. A master of small roles, Tolkan still appears in films and on TV, despite his advanced age - the actor is already eighty years old.

Michael Balzari

Another charismatic episode - Michael Balzari, known under the creative pseudonym Flea, played a guy named Noodles. According to the plot of the second part, he invited Marty to arrange a small race, which led to a severe accident, after which the future of McFly changed forever. Playing a movie is a small hobby for Michael, but his main profession is a musician. Balzari plays bass in the American band Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Elijah Wood and Billy Zane

The Robert Zemeckis trilogy has become an excellent platform for starting the career of young actors. So, one of Biff Tannen's assistants was the budding artist Billy Zane. After the film's release, Zayn was bombarded with job offers. The pinnacle of his career was his collaboration with James Cameron in the Oscar-winning Titanic. Also in the second part in the episode with slot machines in one of the children you can recognize the star of "The Lord of the Rings" Elijah Wood - this is the first appearance of the actor in the movie.

Last year, at the launch of the Blu-ray edition of the trilogy, the crew got back together. Of course, all journalists asked director Robert Zemeckis - will there be a fourth part? He confidently stated that Marty McFly's new adventures should not be expected. But still, the story of "Back to the Future" continues: after the release of the third part, an animated series was released on television, and last year a computer game was released, in the creation of which the screenwriter of the picture Bob Gale took part, and some characters were voiced by actors from the original trilogy.

Based on the universe of the science fiction trilogy "Back to the Future"


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Total characters - 34

Arthur McFly

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Father of George McFly, grandfather of Marty. He first appears in Back to the Future: The Game, where it is revealed that in 1931, during Prohibition in Hill Valley, Arthur worked as an accountant for Kid Tannen, the father of Biff, a notorious gangster at the time running an illegal manufacturing plant. alcohol in the basement of the soup restaurant.

Biff Tannen

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The main negative character of the trilogy. A bully with a bad temper who terrorizes McFly. In the alternate reality of 1985, he becomes rich from the second film, in the same year in another reality, he works for the McFly family.

Beauregard B. Tannen

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Father of Buford Tannen. First appears in the episode "Brothers" of the animated series. All that is known about him is that in 1864 he was a general in the war (the leader of the southerners).

Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen

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Great-grandfather of Biff Tannen. The menace of the people of Hill Valley, a bandit and a murderer with a bad temper. Buford killed "12 people, not including Indians and Chinese." In one of the alternate realities, he killed Dr. Brown. Was defeated by Marty McFly.

Verne Newton Brown

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Youngest son of Doc and Clara. He loves video games, watching TV and always wears a David Crockett hat, even when swimming in a river or pool. Unlike Jules, Vern is the most popular boy in school and has many friends, including Marty McFly.

William McFly

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Great-grandfather of Marty McFly, father of Arthur, son of Seamus and Maggie, the first McFly to be born in America. She first appears in the third film as a child. He is also in the photograph, which depicts his entire family. He finally appears on October 13, 1931 in a computer game where he is about 46 years old.

Gertrude Tannen

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Biff's grandmother. Appeared only in the second film of the trilogy in two scenes: when Marty came to Biff's house in 1955 and when Biff was leaving for the dance.

Griff Tannen

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Biff's grandson and very reminiscent of him in his youth - the same bully, used to getting what he wants with the help of force, rude and unpredictable. In 2015 he goes to prison.

Delores Miskin

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Marty's relative through his paternal grandmother. Her image can only be seen in 1876 in a painting hanging in Borgard Tannen's bar. Seeing her, Marty was naturally surprised by the resemblance of a woman with his grandmother's last name to "Trixie".

jennifer jane parker

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At the time of the events of the first part, she is Marty's girlfriend. Marty and Jennifer later got married at the Chapel of Love. Jennifer is a well-mannered, intelligent girl. She is kind and tactful, always knows how to cheer Marty up.

Gerald Strickland

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the strict, authoritarian headmaster of Hill Valley School, who has a strong dislike for people who can be described by the word "scum" (in particular, those, in his opinion, were George McFly and his son, Marty). Mr. Strickland maintains a strict discipline.

George Douglas McFly

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Father of Marty, Linda and Dave, husband of Lorraine. In one of the realities - a loser and a weakling. After his son changes the future, he becomes a successful businessman and writer.

Dave McFly

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The eldest son of George and Lorraine, was born in 1963 in the town of Hill Valley, California. He is the older brother of Linda and Marty. Dave works at Burger King, where he travels by bus because he can't afford to buy his own car. However, when Marty returns home from 1955, much changes in the life of the McFlys and in the life of Dave, in particular, Dave seems to have become a fairly successful young man working in the office.

Daniel "Danny" Parker Jr.

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Jennifer's father. Works as a shoe salesman. He has a brown car that he drives to pick up Jennifer on October 25, 1985. This is the only time he can be seen in normal reality, and it's not very good.

Jules Eratosthenes Brown

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Eldest of Doc and Clara's sons. Born around 1886 and named after his parents' favorite writer, Jules Verne. Jules is an incredibly smart boy for his age.

Irving "Kid" Tannen

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A rather arrogant Hill Valley resident of 1931. Doesn't like to think. Until 1931, he kept Arthur McFly, Marty's grandfather, who worked for him as an accountant, at bay. For some time he also managed the underground production of alcohol. After the arson, he arranges a bar with singer Trixie Trotter.

Clara Clayton

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Beloved, and later wife, of Emmett Brown.


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Doc's dog from 1955 in the first film, Doc tests a mind-reading machine on him, and in the third, the dog, along with Doc and Marty, goes to get a DeLorean from the mine, and then finds the grave of Doc, who was killed in 1885.

0 0 0

Part of Griff's gang. This is the only time a girl appears in Tannen's gang.

Linda McFly

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Middle child and only daughter of George and Lorraine McFly. She graduated from Hill Valley School in 1984. In one of the realities - a modest, unpopular girl, in another - has many fans.

Lorraine McFly

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Marty's mother, George's wife. In an alternate reality, she meets her son instead of her future husband and falls in love with him. In another 1985 version, she is Biff's wife.

Marlen McFly

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The eldest child in the family, daughter of Marty and Jennifer, sister of Martin. Probable year of birth - 1996. Outwardly similar to her father, she loves her grandmother Lorraine very much.

In one of the versions of 2015, he arranges for his brother to escape from prison, for which he also receives a term.

Martin "Marty" McFly, Jr.

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Son of Marty and Jennifer, born in 1998. He has one sister, Marlene. In one of the versions of reality in 2015, he ends up in prison. In another version, McFly Sr. saves him from this fate.

Martin "Marty" McFly

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The protagonist of the trilogy. A teenager who travels through time with his friend Dr. Brown.

Maggie McFly

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Maggie is the wife of Seamus, from whom she gave birth to a son, William (great-grandfather of Marty McFly, father of Arthur), who became the first McFly born in America in April 1885.

Officer Daniel "Danny" J. Parker

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Police officer. In 1931 he worked on the Tannen case. In the early morning of June 13, he tried to detain his truck. And some time later, on August 25, with the help of Arthur McFly and Trixie, Trotter arrests him and puts him in jail.

McFly are a British pop rock/pop punk band that first rose to prominence in 2004. The London-based band was founded by Tom Fletcher (vocals/guitar/piano) and also consists of Danny Jones (vocals/guitar), Dougie Poynter (bass/vocals) and Harry Judd (drums). They cooperate with Prestige Management. The band signed a record deal with Island Records in 2004, but did not renew it at the end of 2007 and founded their own label, Super Records. McFly's first album Room on the 3rd Floor debuted on the UK National Chart at #1. So they became the youngest performers, whose debut album immediately hit the first place, the previous record was held by The Beatles. A month after the release of the album, the band embarked on their first UK tour. McFly's second album "Wonderland", also a #1 hit, was released in 2005. The release of the third album "Motion in the Ocean" took place on November 6, 2006, the maximum position in the national chart is No. 6. McFly also released All the Greatest Hits on November 5, 2007, which peaked at number four in the UK. The band's fourth studio album, Radio:Active, was given away for free as a supplement to the Mail On Sunday newspaper on July 20, 2008. In 2006, McFly starred in the romantic comedy Lucky Kiss, starring Lindsay Lohan and Chris Pine. The band members played themselves. In addition, the album "Just My Luck" was released especially for the USA, which also served as the soundtrack to the film. As of August 2008, McFly had 14 singles that hit the top 10 of the national UK chart (2 of them double singles), 7 reached the No. 1 position.


McFly was founded by frontman Tom Fletcher, who also came up with the name. After an unsuccessful audition at Busted (the record label decided to make an ensemble of three, not four musicians), Fletcher was in this group, according to him, only a day. But still the company was interested in working with Tom as a songwriter. Together with James Bourne, a member of Busted, they co-authored more than one hit for the group. Fletcher claims that it was Bourne who taught him "to write songs properly". While Busted were recording their second album, Tom was asked to help film an audition for the new boy band V. That was when Jones and Fletcher first met: Danny came to the audition by mistake, thinking they were recruiting musicians for a rock band. . Fletcher was impressed by Jones' unique style and invited him to write songs with him and Bourne. After the "composing project" for Busted came to an end, Tom and Danny decided to form their own band and settled in the InterContinental Hotel in London for 2 months to concentrate on writing new musical material. Bassist Dougie Pointer and drummer Harry Judd became members of the band after they answered an NME magazine audition ad. Coincidentally, both came on the same day and immediately got to know each other: Pointer noticed The Starting Line logo on Judd's T-shirt, and it turned out that both of them liked this group. The name "McFly" became the name of the new team. The idea was Fletcher's: he's a fan of the sci-fi trilogy Back to the Future.

Room on the 3rd Floor

The early McFlys are a mixture of rock and pop. Their debut single "5 Colors in Her Hair" was released on March 29, 2004 and immediately hit number one on the national chart, where it stayed for the next week. In July 2004, the band's second single "Obviously" also topped the charts. The album itself "Room on the 3rd Floor" also became No. 1 and received the status of double platinum in the UK. The idea for the album's title came simply: Jones and Fletcher wrote most of the songs for it in the InterContinental Hotel on the third floor. The third single, "That Girl", released on September 6, 2004, lost the battle for number one to Brian McFadden's "Real to Me", going #3. The fourth single Room on the 3rd Floor, which was released on November 15, 2004, reached number five on the chart. McFly and V supported Busted on their first nationwide tour in February 2004. Later, in September 2004, McFly embarked on their own UK tour.

In March 2005, McFly released the double single "All About You/You"ve Got a Friend", featuring a 60-piece orchestra. The single reached number one on March 13, 2005, with all proceeds going to Comic Relief. The video clip for the song "You" ve Got a Friend "was filmed in Uganda, McFly visited the country for charity. A few months later, on July 2, they performed at the Live 8 concert in Japan along with Björk and Good Charlotte. The second single from "Wonderland", released on August 15, 2005, is called "I"ll Be OK", it became the fourth No. 1 in the history of the group. The album Wonderland itself was released on August 29, 2005 and reached number one in the charts. "I Wanna Hold You" - On October 17, 2005, he only made it to the top three, losing the battle for first place to the Arctic Monkeys. The fourth and last from this album, but the double single "Ultraviolet/The Ballad of Paul K" was released on December 12, 2005 and only reached ninth place. McFly's second UK and Ireland Wonderland Arena Tour kicked off on September 15, 2005. James Tyler and Famous Last Words were their opening act. A live DVD filmed at the MEN Arena in Manchester was released on 28 November. In 2005, the band also performed at the Royal Variety Performance in front of the Queen.

In 2006, McFly decided to get America's attention by appearing in the film A Kiss for Good Luck with Lindsay Lohan. The film was released on May 12, three days after the soundtrack, which is a collection of songs from "Room on the Third Floor" and "Wonderland", as well as a new version of "Five Colors In Her Hair". The band played several shows in Los Angeles and New York, and they also attended the film's American premiere in Hollywood.

motion in the ocean

McFly's first single in the UK in 2006 is Please, Please, a double single featuring the new song "Please, Please" and a cover version of Queen's hit "Don't Stop Me Now". It was released on July 17, 2006, a cover became the official song of the charity event Sport Relief 2006. The single reached number one in the UK charts on July 23 and became the band's fifth No. 1. The third album Motion in the Ocean was released on November 6, 2006, peaking at number six. "Star Girl" was released on October 23, 2006 and became No. 1 in its first week of sales. The third - "Sorry's Not Good Enough / Friday Night" - December 18, 2006 and reached number three. The song "Friday Night" became the soundtrack to the film "Night at the Museum". The next single "Baby's Coming Back / Transylvania" was released on May 7, 2007 and became the seventh No. 1 in the history of the group. It was originally supposed to be released on February 26, but the musicians chose to postpone the release of the single in order to again go to the village of Kamwokya in Uganda, where they were already in Comic Relief in 2005. The Motion in the Ocean tour began on September 17, 2006, with The Click Five and Nylon as support acts. Up Close and Personal The third album was re-released, the updated version was released on May 14, 2007 and contained the bonus song "Baby's Coming Back" and a DVD with a recording of the band's concert at Wembley Stadium.

All the Greatest Hits

This best-of compilation was released on November 5, 2007 and reached #4 on the charts. The only single from this album, The Heart Never Lies, made it to number three. Besides "The Heart Never Lies" there are also two new songs on the disc: "The Way You Make Me Feel" and "Don" t Wake Me Up". The tour in support of the album began in late November 2007. they were Elliot Minor and Saving Aimee.

On May 20, 2008, McFly confirmed that their fourth studio album would be titled Radio:Active (spelled Radio:ACTIVE). The CD was distributed free of charge as a supplement to The Mail on Sunday on July 20, 2008. In addition, a deluxe version of the album with 4 additional tracks, a DVD and a 32-page booklet went on sale on September 22. The release of the album became known after the band left Island Records due to creative differences. McFly have founded their own record label, Super Records, but so far no other artists are being recorded, although this is expected to be done in the future. The first single released was One for the Radio. The song premiered on BBC Radio 1's Nick Grimshaw on 1 June 2008. The music video for One For the Radio was filmed in Toronto, Canada. The single was released on July 14, 2008. As for the song, on June 25, it hit the A-list of BBC Radio 1, i.e. it was very often included in the daytime broadcast. The maximum position in the chart is #2. The second single from Radio:Active, its deluxe version, was the song Lies. The release took place on September 15, 2008. The music video for Lies premiered on August 23, 2008. It lasts 6 minutes and is filmed in the spirit of the movie "Mad Max". The video contains a prologue that lasts about a minute. In addition, the clip was filmed on widescreen film. The highest chart position is No. 4. McFly's UK and Ireland arena tour began on November 7, 2008 in Sheffield. McFly will perform at 14 venues. The band also played four shows in Brazil, from 5 to 11 October 2008. The band's third single will be Do Ya/Stay With Me (double single). The release is scheduled for November 23, 2008. This is the official single for 2008 of the Children In Need charity. McFly will perform Stay With Me at the Children In Need charity telethon on November 14. This is a cover version of Rod Stewart's hit. The song premiered on November 9, 2008 on BBC Radio 1. The song peaked at #18 on the national chart, without reaching the top ten.

present tense

2009 has just begun, and the band's schedule is already full months ahead. On February 17-18, McFly will give two concerts in Japan, where they were last in 2005 at a combined performance. From there, they will fly directly to Australia, where they haven't been for almost a year, and where they will play a concert in Sydney on February 28 and take part in the Push Over Festival in Melbourne on March 8. And on April 18, McFly will perform a concert in Amsterdam. In addition, against all odds, it was decided to hold the Up Close & Personal Tour (tour of small concert venues in the UK), which starts on April 21st. Dates and venues have not yet been announced. The "Radio:ACTIVE Tour" DVD will be released on April 27th, featuring a concert filmed at Wembley Stadium and numerous bonus features. During all this time, McFly continue to write material for the new album, which is tentatively scheduled for release in November 2009.

Shot from the film "Back to the Future - 2"

Today, October 21, one of the most discussed topics around the world was the film "Back to the Future". The fact is that it was on this day 30 years ago from 1985 that the heroes of the picture Marty McFly, Doc Brown and Jennifer Parker arrived.

In Back to the Future 2, Marty McFly and Dr. Brown traveled from 1985 to October 21, 2015. According to the dashboard readings on the time traveler's car, he arrived in 2015 at 7:28 am California time. Accordingly, in Moscow, "X hour" will come at 17:28. Although many Russian-speaking commentators considered that the “arrival” had already taken place in the morning. Ok-inform generally reports that fans of the tape figured out that the heroes arrive in the fictional Californian city of Hill Valley at 16:29 local time. It is noteworthy that according to Moscow time, this is already October 22, 2:29 am.

The Internet was so eager to be in the future from the movie that in recent years hundreds of fake messages have appeared on social networks with the words “did you know that today is that day?” These fakes are over. Today is truly Marty McFly Day.(and there won't be any more).

Brands, media and back to the future fans have prepared a lot of interesting things for this day.

2015 in film

First, look at how the future (and now the present) was shown in the film:

Hello from Doc!

Christopher Lloyd, who played Dr. Emmett Lathrop Brown (better known as Doc) in Back to the Future, pleasantly surprised his fans by recording a special video message dedicated to the significant date in the image of his hero.

Skateboard on antigravitators

In the film, Marty, running away from the chase, "borrowed" a flying skateboard, or hoverboard, from the children. This summer, Lexus (part of the Toyota Motor Group) showed a working version of this device in action. He is able to "float" at a height of about an inch from the ground (2.5 cm). Experts note that the “hoverboard” cannot yet be used over ordinary concrete or asphalt, since a metal surface is required for its operation.

The same Pepsi

Drinks manufacturer Pepsi has released a limited edition soda in exactly the same bottles from which the characters in the movie drank it. Starting today, fans of the film will be able to purchase the collectible bottle, but only in the US and online.

"Almost Flying Car"

In the movie, the 2015 cars are already flying and landing vertically like helicopters. Of course, we don’t have these yet, but the prototype of the flying car, called Aeromobil, has already been built and will go on sale in 2017. For its take-off, a 200-meter strip is enough. Aeromobil runs on gasoline, in driving mode it reaches speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour, in flight - up to 200 kilometers. Fuel consumption: 8 liters per 100 kilometers in ground mode and 15 in flight. The manufacturer - a Czech company - notes that the main difficulty in the way of its distribution is in the legislation of most countries: driving an Aeromobil requires a pilot's license.

Robot vacuum cleaner

The automatic cleaning device flashed in the film became a reality a few years ago. Route selection, different cleaning modes, scheduled work - these robots can do everything. Domestic cats and dogs love to ride them.

Clothing going online

There is an episode in the film with a policewoman wearing a “creeping line” on her cap. In reality, the development of "smart clothes" has been going on since 2012.

In a word, everyone was waiting for this day, especially brands, especially those who sponsored the film thirty years ago. In Russia, they also tried.


"Yandex" has changed the logo on the main page. If you click on it, the following screen will open:

DeLorean in Russia

About the film

Back to the Future is a three-part science fiction film about time travel directed by Robert Zemeckis. The trilogy stars Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. Steven Spielberg was the producer. The first film was released in 1985 in theaters in the United States and Canada. A sequel to the film, Back to the Future 2, was released in 1989. The final part of the trilogy, "Back to the Future - 3", the audience saw in 1990.

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