First day at university. A few tips. First time in the first year: what can a student expect? First day of school at the institute

Passed the exams, entered the university, it would seem that you can breathe freely. But already in August you start to think: how will it be there? How will classmates react? Are teachers strict, and how is studying at a university different from studying at school?

So, all the interesting things for you will begin on September 3, your first day at the university. Actually, this is the day X, starting from which you can use the advice of a wise fourth-year student.

Good old jeans or a new suit?

Knowledge Day is always a holiday for a freshman. In our university, on this occasion, a solemn event is held with the participation of the leadership of the university. Put on something smart: this guarantees you and those around you a good mood. The Freshman General Assembly will be streamed on so friends and family can see you at the Temple of Science from the comfort of your home. By the way, the photographers of the editorial office of the RosNOU website are always on the alert, and you, so handsome and serious, will have a chance on the very first day to be featured on the main page of the RosNOU website.

What to bring?

A passport, a notepad for writing down everything important and interesting, and, if desired, a camera - after all, the first day at the university happens once in a lifetime.

Leave early?

Yes, if you do not want to waste already scarce nerve cells. Transport in Moscow is unpredictable, like jogging in the jungle (for example, in the morning at the exit of the Baumanskaya metro station there is often a “traffic jam”). And it will not be difficult to find RosNOU, the university is very conveniently located. Be careful, tram lines are being overhauled on Baumanskaya Street, so the routes of trams No. 37 and 50 have been changed. But Mosgortrans promises to repair everything by September 3rd. How to get there, see

Oh, the guard gets up early ...

Our guards are always on duty. So on September 3, they will let you into RosNOU, most likely without any documents. However, from September 4, entrance to the university building will be possible only with electronic passes (passes and student cards will be issued to you at the dean's office). Do not forget it at home, otherwise you will not get to the couples.

Famous Malachite

All solemn, cheerful, smart and important university events are held in the Malachite Hall, which was designed by the great Soviet aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev. It is there that the celebration dedicated to the Day of Knowledge will take place, therefore, upon entering the university, immediately go to the 7th floor and take one of the comfortable chairs in the hall.

Rector and all-all-all

The speech of the leadership is the most serious part of the Day of Knowledge. Listen carefully, shake your mouth. And write it down! No wonder you dragged a notebook ....

All points abovei

After the general meeting, you, along with the freshmen of your faculty, will go to a meeting with the dean and deputy deans. During the conversation, you will find out everything (after all, you are already a student, and you can be trusted) and you will receive a student ID card and a RosNOU pass.

Where does childhood go?

Bye bye school! At universities on September 3, everyone is studying, even freshmen. Therefore, as soon as the solemn event in Malakhitovo ends and no less solemn conversation with the dean, you will have to go to class. See below for details on your schedule.

Tick-tock or all about the schedule

Where can I see the timetable?

    At the information stands of your faculty

In order to find out the audience in which the classes will be held, look at the schedule on the stand, every day the room number is indicated there. The first digit of the auditorium number indicates the floor. For example, room 704 is the seventh floor, room 330 is the third floor, and so on.

Also in the schedule there are the following abbreviations: L - lesson-lecture; С - workshop-seminar; P (or PZ) - a practical lesson. If on any of the days there is nothing in the box opposite the subject, then there will be no classes in this subject.

Lesson time:

Full-time education

1st couple: 9:00 – 10:30

2nd couple: 10:35 – 12:05

3rd couple: 12:30 – 14:05

4th couple: 14:05 – 15:35

5th couple: 16:00 – 17:30

6th couple: 17:35 – 18:55

part-time (evening) form of education

19:00 – 20:20, 20:30 – 21:30

Don't be scared, this does not mean that your classes will be held every day from 9:00 to 18:55. The first course usually has 4 pairs per day, but classes do not always start at 9 ... sometimes, for example, from 12.

Where to get textbooks?

Most textbooks will be given to you at the library from 3 to 15 September (the exact date will be announced by your dean's office). On this day, take a bag or package with you (in case you still forget, there is a stationery kiosk on the 1st floor).

How many notebooks do I need, and in general, is it worth recording lectures?

As an experienced student, I can give advice: instead of a bunch of notebooks, buy better blocks. This is such a plump (but one) notebook with dividers for different subjects. For example, 14 items need only 2 blocks. Also, if you wish, you can bring a laptop or tablet, but only if you really will record lectures, and not play Warcraft or Angry Birds. Whether to record lectures at all - decide for yourself. This is not a school, so no one forces you to write, but preparing for the exam is more convenient for those who still have lectures.

Carefully! English testing

Usually, to study a foreign language, students are divided into two groups according to the level of knowledge. Testing has been taking place since September 3, you can repeat something before that ... for example, the English alphabet will come in handy.

Headman - a botanist or the soul of the company?

On the first day of school, you will face a rather important task - to choose the head of the group. It's not as easy as it seems. A responsible, sociable person should become the headman, because all informational and organizational issues, which in the early days, oh, how many, will fall on him. But the headman has opportunities that other guys do not have. Choose wisely.

Late? Late... Late!

Being late is bad. Oh no no no. But if it suddenly happened, it's okay - try to quietly enter the audience, and if the teacher nevertheless paid attention to you, smile sweetly and apologize, then everything will definitely be fine. More likely.

Dedicate, dedicate, dedicate, dedicate!

Dedication to students. This intriguing event, of course, awaits you too, dear freshman. The holiday will be prepared by senior students of your faculty together with the dean’s office, but you, the heroes of the occasion, will also have to prepare a “business card” to show the entire faculty how young, cheerful, cool and talented you are. Get ready.

session and second chance

Yes, right after the initiation, you can start thinking about it. Full-time students have two sessions per academic year: winter (December-January) and summer (May-June). In the event that you do not pass any exam or test, you have a “second chance” - a retake. True, this is already a paid educational service. Retaking the test - 300 rubles, retaking the exam - 500 rubles. And keep in mind - you can’t retake it indefinitely.

5 minutes before the seminar or RosNOU Wi-Fi

RosNOU is a university of advanced technologies, so, of course, we have Wi-Fi, and it's FREE. The password is qwerty2012. Sometimes with the help of this feature, particularly smart students find the abstract 5 minutes before the seminar. Be careful - it's addictive!

Who eats well, he studies well!

Verified by students. For these purposes, RosNOU has a student cafe (hall on the 1st floor) and a dining room (after entering the university, immediately to the right). I remind you that the dining room is located in front of the turnstiles, so when going there from the audience, do not forget to take your electronic pass with you, otherwise it will be very difficult to enter back - you will have to convince the guards that you are you.

Dr. Aibolit and "Cardiocode"

RosNOU cares about its students, and even more so about their health. A modern medical center is equipped on the 1st floor, everything is there - from valerian to the modern Cardiocode device.

Don't worry, freshman, a lot of interesting things are waiting for you!

Well, that's probably all that is useful to you in the first days of study. Good luck and don't be afraid. And if you have any questions, employees of the PR department of RosNOU are always waiting for you in office 217-3.

Communicate constantly. One thing you'll learn at university, if you haven't already, is that friends don't necessarily make themselves. Interact with people, talk, ask questions. Do it within reason, of course. If you are interested in people, they will show interest in you. The best time to start this is during Freshman Week when everyone is in the same boat and actively looking for people to be friends with.

Chat with your roommates. This doesn't mean you have to be best friends with them, but keep in mind that you're together almost 24/7 and share a kitchen/common wall. Bad relationships with flatmates bring your whole apartment down, so do your best, even if you don't like them very much, to include yourself and them in activities such as walking, shopping, gym, etc. There will be times when you get mad at one of your roommates for drinking your milk, or at another for not washing your bowl after use, but being on good terms can be helpful.

Do not allow yourself to spend all the money while walking. You are a university student, of course you want to go out! But keep in mind that finances are one factor, and bars aren't going anywhere. As cheap as college campus drinks may seem, if you add up all these purchases, you run the risk of falling into debt, or perhaps not being able to afford necessary purchases, such as groceries and paying bills. Drinking can be a well-known student pastime, but be aware of other recreational options available to you, such as the gym, societies and club meetings.

Hide food and utensils away. This may seem a bit extreme, but in my experience, it's for the best. Just remember that most of the time your flatmates won't take food maliciously, only when they just ran out of milk and they decided to drink some of yours, or someone came home very hungover and ate your mom's delicious lasagna, taking from refrigerator. Many universities expected this problem, and cabinets come with lock holes on the doors. By blocking your food and dishes, you save food, money, time, energy and dishwashing.

Develop a smart coping strategy. Most people who have considered going to university fall into three categories: 1) they can't wait to get away from their parents, 2) they're afraid to leave the comfort of their own home, and 3) they're nervous and anxious. These are all perfectly normal and acceptable feelings. Chances are you'll be homesick from time to time, especially if something negative is going on, like the stress of working too hard, having a fight with a friend, or being worried about money. Remember that your parents will be thinking about you and will be more than happy to talk to you if you need help or advice. Some may find that regular calls/home visits are therapeutic in helping to cope with separation, while others may find that limited contact stops them from thinking about home. Formulate a smart strategy that works for you and helps you stay productive and happy. First of all, make sure you're busy.

Don't leave all your work to the last minute. This may seem very tempting as you will have long deadlines, sometimes a couple of months, as well as extended holidays (also sometimes a month), but the deadline will soon start to quickly approach. A very useful strategy, although a little boring, is to get the job done as soon as you get it, or as soon as possible thereafter. That way, the notes are still fresh in your head, and you'll have more time to play after you've finished and won't worry about that essay you were supposed to start a week ago.

Do not turn on the nocturnal lifestyle. It's also very tempting because you won't have a parent whining that you have to go to bed at a reasonable time. Either way, you have to set up your own sleep, but getting to the point where you go to bed at 6am and wake up at 4pm is just too ridiculous. University is fun but hard; give your body everything else it needs and the rest will follow.

Don't be afraid to raise a question or ask for help. A university is very different from a school and a college. The learning styles are different, the work is harder and you are expected to develop your own way of learning. In fact, you will learn much more on your own than under the guidance of a teacher. Teachers understand that it takes time and patience to adjust to this state of affairs, so if you don't understand something, ask them. It won't make you look stupid as if you weren't listening, in fact, you'll be smarter because you will know exactly what is expected of you and how to do it, unlike a classmate who decides to fall asleep during a lecture rather than follow it.

The preparations for studies were over, the first of September passed, in my soul a strange feeling of annoyance from the incomprehensible procedure of initiation into students, which took place somewhere on the steps of the most beautiful building of the university or even in a huge conference room. By the way, write in the comments your impressions of initiation into students. What's next? Let's try to give some advice to freshmen on what to do in the first days of study and what to get used to.

1 . Start with a schedule right now. Very often it can be not only rewritten, but also downloaded from some site that all undergraduates know about. Find out from one of the undergraduates - print. But remember, the schedule can change, especially for the first week of school.

2. Remember all your bosses: the head of the group (find out the mobile phone number), the curator of the group (write down the last name and first name, patronymic), remember the patronymic name of the deputy dean as something sacred, try to remember the dean himself - God forbid where to run into some kind of booze .

3 . Write down the phone number of the dean's office - it may come in handy when you need to find out something urgent or warn that you will not be able to come to class.

4 . You should be given two documents - a student card and a record book. Try not to lose them in the first troubled days of classes. Restore long and disgusting.

5 . Sign up for the library and try to get there as early as possible so that the best textbooks are not sorted out.

6. Join a student union. It is necessary to pay dues, but you never know what - all of a sudden when they intercede, if you fill up the session.

7. Carefully write down in a notebook - full name. teachers and write your last name and group number on the title page. You can even write them on every page - there is less chance that your abstract will be stolen.

9 . Find out where there is free Wi-Fi in the university buildings.

eleven . Meet the laboratory assistants at the department (you can get exam questions, solved control or drawings from them). Make friends with the methodologist from the dean's office. This, too, can be useful.

12 . Become an activist. There are a lot of positions in the student council where you can only be listed without doing anything.

13 . Always say hello to everyone - you never know. Be polite to the point of disgust.

14 . Find out all the student traditions of your university, faculty. Follow them - there will be something to remember later. Don't drink burnt vodka.

15 . Keep your cell phone muted in class. Do not run into the teacher's wrath. Don't show up late. They will quickly remember - you will excuse yourself for a long time.

16 . Always remember - in the student canteen they want to poison you. And dreamed about it all my life. Exactly you. And this is a hobby for canteen workers.

17 . Believe in omens. This will save your nerves. Read carefully everything that is written on the desks. There is a lot of valuable information there.

18 . Do not sit on the last desk. The teacher will remember you and the stereotype will work - you will be an idler in his eyes.

19 . Immediately after the class, approach the teacher and ask something you do not understand from the lecture. You want five points on the exam, don't you?

20 . Never lose your sense of humor. Take the opportunity to laugh more. It relieves stress. Once you get your degree, you won't be laughing. Don't let yourself be fooled, sleep whenever and wherever you can.



First time for the first course. Boys and girls who have finished school discover the real world of "adults" for the first time. There are no kind teachers here who raised you from the first grade, there are no friends with whom you ate more than one pood of salt, here you will not be "pulled" - you need to achieve everything on your own. Journalists learned how not to drown in a sea of ​​new knowledge, acquaintances and circumstances.

Artem Tretyakov, environmentalist from NSU

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression" - be sure to remember this proverb. And the second, which will come in handy for you - "Meet by clothes, see off by mind." From the very first day at the university, teachers and classmates will look at you, and here you need not to miss the chance to show yourself, because there are still 5 years of teaching side by side ahead.

I changed three specialties and, accordingly, three groups. In the first there were only guys, some of them after the army and technical school. In such groups, it is important to immediately show that you are a "normal man", and not a "nerd" and a nerd, otherwise you can easily become an object of ridicule and harassment for the next couple of years. Remember that in almost every team there is such a "black sheep" - you don't want to take this place, do you?

Meet by clothes. Photo:

In no case should one be cunning and hypocritical - such "slippery types", as a rule, are quickly figured out and stop communicating with them, or simply "smear". More respect is caused by those who are truthful and frank in relationships - do not be afraid to say if you do not like something, or provoke a conflict - it is better to resolve all possible issues in the first months and live happily for the remaining 5 years.

In the second group, I did not stay long, but in the third there were 30 girls and 3 guys. But that's a completely different story...

Denis Minin, computer engineer from DNU

When I studied at the university, I did not perceive some subjects because I simply did not need them in the future, and that is why I did not pay attention to studying them and did not spend precious time preparing for exams. But here it is important to VISIT them and be constantly in the eye of the lecturer - this is the most important thing for him. Teachers will never fail you in exams if they see your respect for them.

The student is sleeping - the lecture is on. Photo:

And in terms of communication with the team - do not drink, do not smoke, play sports! This is the most important factor for people to perceive you. Now those who smoke, drink, and, moreover, do it while studying, are perceived as children who have not taken place in this life (teenagers who imagine themselves to be adults) and at the same time look ridiculous.

This is especially true for girls who smoke near the body on the tape! They don’t even suspect that young guys look at them like walking ashtrays…

Andrey Logvinenko, labor protection engineer from DIIT

I studied at DIIT - you yourself understand what it says. Studying at this university is one of the most difficult in Dnepropetrovsk.

From the first day of my stay at the university, I realized that it would not be easy. Two huge buildings with many classrooms, strict teachers and a Spartan class schedule. And punched cards, PCs and MK - few students from other universities in the city know what they are. The main thing that you need to understand right away when entering such universities is that either you go to tapes and devote maximum time to studying (as it will be in abundance with each new semester), or you do not pass the session (money and connections practically do not solve academic performance issues) and you will not be placed in a hostel on the next course. Here is the motivation!

Clarification of the relationship may well end in a fight. Photo:

The hostel is a different story. It's no secret that between the faculties of the university there is a certain spirit of rivalry, sometimes growing into real enmity. There were cases of a kind of "hazing" within the walls of the hostel. Engineers are guys with a steel rod! Based on the foregoing, a few tips for recruits: 1. Study in the system and not miss - you will pass everything and on time, as in DIIT. like nowhere else, it is knowledge that is valued! 2. Immediately find friends and unite, as mutual assistance and friendly shoulder is support both in studies and in communication with undergraduates. But in general - everything is real and without any problems for those young people who are determined to get a higher education. Forward, friends, forward without stopping - not without reason they call us DIIT!

Igor Bozhchenko, journalist from DNU

There are three options, three strategies of behavior, each with its own pluses and minuses.

1. Find your people. Within a couple of weeks, you will understand with whom (usually 2-3 people from the entire faceless crowd that make up your group) you can have fun drinking and skipping couples, and then frantically prepare for the session and help each other out. Or there, go to the horizontal bars, to the rocking chair and ride a bike. Or watch art-house movies in "free spaces" and share your impressions of a freshly read book by Slavoj Zizek. These people will probably become your family for the next 5 years, stick to them, cover your rear and everything will be cool, you will have something to remember when sciatica catches. Studies? No, you haven't heard!

2. Public path. In each university there are various kinds of student councils, young parliaments and cells of the "Young Re..nov", by order of the rector's office, always ready to gather a hundred or two cretins from rural areas for a rally, Saturday work or lecture by Leonid Danilovich Kuchma. To advance and become an important figure in this kind of formations, you need to be able to: a) flatter; b) bend; c) laugh at the boss's stupid jokes. First of all, you need to become the head of the group through intrigue and maneuvering, and then everything will go like clockwork. Pluses: free trips to sanatoriums, the rector shakes your hand, classmates run after you and ask you to "decide". Cons: everyone hates you, and the social circle is limited to the same zombies from other faculties.

3. Learn. Learning is sad, boring and uninteresting.

Psychologist's opinion

Elena Beletskaya, psychologist. Photo from personal archive

- The first course is always stressful. Around everything is new and frightens with its unknown. Even the bravest and most daring have disturbing thoughts - how will relations with classmates and teachers develop, what will happen if I am late for a lecture by this terrible professor, but have I made the right choice at all ?! And what can we say about those students who, even in familiar situations, are not distinguished by courage and emancipation?

The first thing to understand is that your anxiety is completely natural and normal. By allowing ourselves to be afraid, we automatically reduce the degree of danger by at least half.

To feel more confident in an unfamiliar environment, it is advisable to enlist the support of one of the undergraduates. Useful acquaintances can be made in the cafeteria, the gym or at the smoking room. And in general, it is necessary to find out as soon as possible where strategically important objects are located - educational buildings, a canteen, a library, a trade union, a dean's office. And don't be afraid to ask if you don't know something.

Active participation in student life itself will help you quickly integrate into student life. Find out what volunteer programs are supported by your university and take an active part in them. This can be planting trees in parks, helping orphanages or homeless animals. In any case, you will feel your involvement and need. After all, students are not only studying, but also rest, dating, parties.

Still, I would like to warn the first-year students a little. Changing school status to student status brings freedom and independence. But this is exactly the same medal, the reverse side of which is responsibility. Of course, sometimes you can skip classes and not prepare for the seminar, but instead go to a coffee shop with friends. The main thing is that this does not enter the system, because winter, and with it the session, will come very quickly.

And now rejoice - you did it! Ahead of 5 years of fun, eventful student life. So stop being afraid - relax and have fun!

The entrance exams were left behind, and with them all the anxieties and worries regarding the choice of a suitable educational institution were gone. And finally, September 1 has come, and the newly minted student with a beating heart enters an audience full of newcomers like him.

It's no secret that student life for the majority of the population is more associated with fun and carefree days in the company of best friends than with active and intense study that opens the way to a brighter future. If you were often connected with classmates from school only territorially, then at the university, as a rule, people who are closest to you in terms of views, interests and level of education gather. It is among them that there are those who can become the most reliable, close and understanding friends who accompany you all your life. In addition, university acquaintances are also your potential future employers, clients, competitors, as well as just people who can be useful. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the procedure of acquaintance and building relationships with classmates.

How to overcome fear and get to know your classmates?

  • First, you need to remember the most important thing: in the audience there are exactly the same people as you, who know very few people at the university, who have just entered and have not had time to get comfortable. Most of them, with rare exceptions, just want to make a good impression on everyone (including you, yes).
  • Secondly, within the newly created team, at the first stages of study, separate closed societies have not yet emerged, therefore, theoretically, you can approach almost any person you meet. The exceptions are groups of people who recognized each other before entering, from school or from preparatory courses. However, even people already familiar with each other, who have fallen into a new team, are unlikely to behave hostilely.
  • Thirdly, at the university, no one is yet familiar with you and your oddities, because of which, perhaps, you could experience discomfort and receive ridicule at school. Studying at a university is like a blank page, another chance to show yourself as a good (or not so) person, to step over yourself or even radically change the style of communication and life.

In fact, there is nothing easier than making friends in the first courses at the university. At this age, most young people have a desire to communicate, as well as a disposition to make new acquaintances due to the flexibility of their character. Sometimes a fleeting conversation at a desk, in the corridor or on the way home is enough to understand a person and trust him. Therefore, do not hesitate to approach people and talk to them, chat with a random neighbor at a lecture. Even if you didn’t find common topics for conversation in the first days of your acquaintance, you can always discuss the entrance exams and the impressions that came from your studies and teachers.

The age of information technology will also help you meet and network with your classmates. Most of the students of any university can be easily found on popular social networks. Therefore, if at first you are embarrassed to communicate with a person live, write to him via the Internet. As a rule, even the most shy and secretive people support this way of communication.

Below are a few rules, if followed, the chances of winning over new members of the group will increase:

Don't be afraid to experiment

It is rarely possible to predict in advance which of a group of people will understand and support you. Therefore, boldly approach even the most unfriendly characters in your opinion, it is quite possible that a kind, shy and sympathetic person is hiding behind external rudeness and silence. Scary? Then imagine that you are 10 years old and do not yet know what embarrassment and failure are. In any case, even if you do something stupid, it is unlikely that anyone except you will remember it.

Don't miss out on collaborative activities

In no case do not refuse if you are invited to the cinema, cafe, concert or just for a walk. Otherwise, after a couple of weeks, you run the risk of being isolated, since the part of the group that attended these events will become a kind of closed society. But the presence will not only bring you closer to the group, but also allow you to know your surroundings better. In addition, you will have shared memories, and possibly vivid photos. If you are not shy, you can even organize the event yourself, but get ready for the fact that at first it will be up to you to keep the conversation between the participants.

Don't be afraid to talk about yourself

When meeting new people, don't hesitate to talk about yourself. Otherwise, you may be mistaken for a closed, dissatisfied person who is not happy to meet new people. The main thing in this matter is to observe the measure.

be interested in people

All people, with rare exceptions, love to be interested in them. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask about hobbies, interests and opinions - this will put the interlocutor in your favor.

And finally, it is worth noting that the university is the best of the few opportunities in life to make friends. After the release of situations that contribute to the emergence of friendship, it will become less and less, so do not lose such a wonderful chance and enjoy your youth at the university to the fullest.

Gladkova M.P., VolgGTU, PrIn-5 group (2011)

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