Full-time extramural weekend group. And on Saturdays to the institute, or what is a weekend group. Is there any compensation for tuition on weekends?

Ah, higher education! How can you find time for you when you spin all day long, like a squirrel in a wheel: work - home, home - work. Go to the correspondence department - then goodbye to the desired vacation for a long six years; go to daytime - you have to part with ambitions and a career. And what the fuck did I not study before? Although I seem to have an idea...

Weekend group: who needs it? Family, busy and clearly aware of the need for higher education. “Students of the weekend groups rarely become graduates of secondary schools,” says Alla Shestakova, executive secretary of the admission committee of the Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship. “As a rule, these are adults who are clearly focused on obtaining knowledge. The average age is 28-30 years old. They are studying for the first time in a university or come for a second (third) higher education necessary for further career growth. They prefer to master a new specialty on a correspondence basis in a weekend group. This is a completely conscious decision."

How many people, so many destinies: someone limited himself to secondary specialized education, someone left the university and went to work, and someone is forced to retrain and get a second higher education. Both those and others often choose a weekend group, which, in its popularity, is second only to the daytime form of education. For many, studying on weekends is the only way out. On weekdays - work, there is no time for evening lectures, but spending one of the days off at the institute is the best option. “The weekend group is very popular, and its demand is growing every year,” says Galina Belkova, a methodologist at the Institute of Business and Law. “Students are people who have made up their minds in life, hungry for knowledge. they don't know what they want. But it's natural at that age."

The weekend group also wins in comparison with part-time education, because not every employer (especially in commercial organizations) provides an employee with paid study leave. Going twice a year on vacation at your own expense is an unaffordable luxury for many.


Classes usually take place on one of the days off - on Saturday or Sunday. Sometimes both weekends and even evening hours on weekdays are involved (very rarely). The lecture schedule is posted a month in advance. With a standard study schedule (once a week), students sit at the institute for 8 hours. Classes can be both theoretical and practical. Of course, it is hard to endure such a "brainstorming" - but this many hours of information flow falls on you only once a week. The remaining six days, students must digest what they heard in their heads and replenish their knowledge on their own.

What should be clarified when choosing a weekend group

  • What form of study will be indicated in the future diploma
  • Will you be able to use the library, computer room, etc. on weekends?
  • What form of knowledge testing is adopted in this university - a fixed or current session - sometimes this issue is fundamentally important.

Many universities, especially non-state ones, practice a non-standard scheme of passing and tests in weekend groups - the so-called "current session". Students take a test or exam immediately after completing a course of lectures on a particular subject. There are many advantages to such a system:

  • the material does not have time to be forgotten - students take the exam, as they say, in fresh footsteps
  • a lot of other, equally important information in other disciplines is not superimposed on the knowledge gained
  • no need to study several subjects at the same time, as happens during the classical session (usually full-time and part-time students go to exams with a "square" head).

Agree, it is much easier to learn and pass several subjects sequentially than to do it at the same time.

In some universities, students of weekend groups take only tests during the semester, and exams are postponed to the session. But even such a scheme makes life much easier, because sometimes it is much more difficult to pass a test than an exam.

And what is written in the diploma?

Weekend groups, despite their popularity, are not yet available in all universities. But time dictates its own rules: this form of education is in demand and promising, so more and more universities use it in their practice.

The most interesting thing is that officially this form of education does not exist. Of course, this does not mean that universities are breaking the law. Formally, a weekend group is a type of distance learning, and how to organize this very training - each university decides in its own way. It turns out that classes on weekends are a kind of adaptation of universities to the needs of students.

As for the future diploma that the graduate of the weekend group will receive, the situation here is rather vague. According to all the rules, this document should indicate the correspondence form of education. But some universities interpret the weekend group as a part-time form, while others write about the part-time form in their diploma, and specify in the insert: the training took place on weekends. It is unlikely that these subtleties will become a problem when applying for a job (especially since you are most likely already working), but if you want everything to be in order, find out these details before applying. Then "waving fists" will be too late.

Students of the weekend group study the same amount as part-time students - from five to six years (depending on the university). If a student receives a second or third education - three to four years.

Pro et contra

The educational material that students of the weekend groups receive is, of course, given in abbreviation. But, in contrast to the classic "correspondence", there are still more classes here. In addition, students always have the opportunity to communicate with the teacher and find out their questions. And yet, it is worthwhile to prepare yourself in advance for the fact that you will study for the most part at home.

All universities that practice weekend studies try to provide their students with the same opportunities that full-time students have. A library, a computer class, a language laboratory, foreign courses - in a good university, all this should function on Saturday and Sunday. But still, in order not to get into trouble, it is better to clarify this issue before you submit documents. And, preferably, the students themselves - they definitely will not deceive.

Another obstacle may be your work. Well, if you have a regular five-day week, but what if you suddenly have a sliding schedule? Like it or not, but working days will periodically coincide with weekends. “Often our students literally run away from work to take the exam,” says Alla Shestakova. “Employers are very harsh in this regard - they require proof that the employee went to the institute, and not to their beloved grandmother’s birthday. So some have to issue certificates almost every weekend - I was at the institute, passed the test. If you have a shift work schedule, it is better to discuss with your superiors in advance how you will attend lectures that fall on working days.

Difficulties encountered during the course:

  • you need to accept the fact that you will not receive the training material in full. 50% of the information, or even more, will have to be drawn from textbooks
  • You will have a day off, at best, once a week. And sometimes you have to work and study all day long ...
  • prepare yourself mentally and physically for the fact that within one day you will be "loaded" with a huge amount of new and diverse information
  • to study, in comparison with the full-time department, it will take longer (however, as in general at the correspondence school) for six months - a year
  • it is unlikely that you will be able to experience all the delights of student life
  • Forget the scholarship and discount travel card.

There are also many positives:

  • can combine study and work
  • there are few days off, but there is a vacation that you don’t have to spend on a session (as in a regular “back office”), and after the end of the working day you are absolutely free (unlike the evening department)
  • you will constantly communicate and consult with teachers
  • you will have to pay less for tuition in a weekend group than for tuition in a day or evening department
  • in many universities there is no fixed session in the weekend group - tests and exams are taken after each subject passed.

Quote in the labor market
Oksana Sokolova, General Director of the GOST-Univer recruitment agency:
- The form of study indicated in the diploma is not so important. Of greater importance is how well the applicant passed the interview, how clearly he showed his professional skills and personal qualities. Some organizations accept full-time graduates. But basically, it is experience that is highly rated on the labor market, and not "crust". Moreover, each person is always evaluated individually.
In my opinion, the employer does not have any special relationship with the graduates of weekend groups. One thing I can say for sure: the ability to sacrifice your weekends for the sake of knowledge (when busy at work) is a trait inherent in a purposeful, hardworking and motivated person. This is an indicator of his active life position, which is highly valued in the labor market.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Literally in the first words of this article, I would like to emphasize that we are not talking about such a phenomenon as a weekend group in kindergarten, but about a weekend group when studying at a university and receiving higher education. Therefore, I will try to talk about what a weekend group is at a university, how training is organized, what the law says about this, and what are the pros and cons of this form of education. After announcing the approximate plan of the article, you can no longer stretch the article with unnecessary words, but get down to business.

The first thing I wanted to say is that this is such a mysterious form of education in general. This is something that, from the point of view of common sense, should not exist. At all. Because this form of education involves classes ONE day a week, as the name suggests, day off. And on this one and only day, 4 pairs or ribbons pass, as it suits you. Sometimes there is such a schedule when students study 2 times a week in the evening. And they have 2 classes a day. By simple calculations, we get that in any case there are 4 classes per week. Not enough for higher education?

Days marked in red may not be days off for you, but quite working days

Inadvertently, the second point of the plan was also overwhelmed, without really writing anything on the first point. Okay, let's add a little. All these classes, which, as can be understood from the previous paragraph, are vanishingly few lectures. That is, there will be no practical classes, and it is not so easy to remember the material from the lecture, it is much better to remember what took place during practical classes. This, of course, is a personal opinion, but my blog and my opinion.

Further on the plan is a very interesting point, which can be formulated something like this: what the laws say about the form of training for the weekend group. But they do not say anything, there is simply no such form of education. If there is either a form of training, then there are no weekend groups. But after all, private universities want to earn money, and in most cases there is a weekend group in private universities, and they use tricks when issuing a diploma. In the diploma, they usually write that it was ordinary distance learning, but at the same time, in the insert with grades, it can be signed that the form of education was studying in a weekend group. I don’t know how legal this is and whether this diploma is recognized as a fake, but there are some doubts about the honesty of universities.

Now let's move on to the pros and cons of such training. Perhaps I'll start with the pros, since there are very few of them:

  1. Education in this form can be combined with work. A very significant plus.
  2. Unlike another form of education popular among working people, namely correspondence, teachers can be seen quite often and learn from them something that you did not understand

That's it, enough pluses, now a weekend group, minuses:

  1. Classes once a week for four lectures will not allow you to give out the material in detail and clearly. When studying full-time, sometimes there are 2-3 such days a week, the rest of the days are unloading and there are only 3 classes.
  2. Such disgrace is not free, unlike full-time or part-time education.
  3. It is believed that students will independently study what they did not receive in lectures. Read textbooks, understand. Yes of course.

I wrote everything I could about this form of education, but I can’t get rid of the feeling that it was necessary to write in plain text that this is nonsense, and not training, but I won’t, the thinking person will understand. See you on the blog pages site

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If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer as detailed and clear as possible or just chat

M.G. Moshkovich, lawyer

On the day off you are sent to study: what about the payment?

The management sends you to advanced training courses on the weekend, but is not going to pay for this day. He says that this is necessary only when you are away from work, and on the day off you do not come off work. Studying is a good thing, but losing a day of rest, and even without compensation, is a shame. Let's see if the boss is right.

Can your boss force you to study on your day off?

Training in itself is mandatory for an employee only if it is provided for:

  • <или>legislation (for example, auditors should improve their qualifications annually paragraph 9 of Art. 11 of the Law of December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ);
  • <или>labor (collective) agreement m Part 2 Art. 196 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In other cases, this is the subject of your "gentleman's" agreement with the management.

But in any case, the weekend is a rest time that you have the right to use at your discretion. articles 106, 107 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. That's why forced to send you to study on the weekend (as well as in the evening after work Art. 107 Labor Code of the Russian Federation) the employer is not entitled to. He can only offer, and you can agree or disagree.


Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

“The employer has no right at all to force the employee to improve his qualifications, except in cases where this is a condition for conducting certain activities and provided for by law. And under no circumstances can a worker be forced to improve his qualifications on his days off.

If you are not ready to sacrifice your days off, make a note about it on the order for sending you to study.

Personal signature

Ivanova S.A.

date 04.07.2012

Is there any compensation for tuition on weekends?

The question of whether it is necessary to compensate the employee for the day off spent on training is not regulated in the Labor Code. In our opinion, this is resolved by agreement of the parties. Part 2 Art. 196, part 2 of Art. 197 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

So, if the training is of personal interest to you, you can not insist on any compensation. For example, you want to get a second higher education in your field and the management is ready to pay for it. You will spend weekends or evenings studying, but you do not claim any compensation.


If in the order on sending to study on a day off sign on the familiarization line, this may be interpreted as consent to such training.

Another thing is that the manager wants to conduct a weekend training, without which employees will not be able to work on new equipment. It is already logical to demand either to do this during working hours, or to somehow stimulate you for such training by providing some kind of compensation.

The representative of Rostrud believes that the employee should be given an additional day off.


“ If the study falls on a day off, then an order should be issued to send the employee to study and provide him with an additional paid day of rest. There is no specific rule on this in the Labor Code, but such a conclusion follows from the provisions on the right of an employee to use the day off at his own discretion and the impossibility of involving an employee to work on a day off without his consent. And in case of consent, he has the right to compensation in the form of a day of rest.


This additional day off can be paid based on average earnings Letter of Rostrud dated December 19, 2007 No. 5202-6-0. You can also agree with your manager not to provide you with an additional day off, but on other compensation, for example, payment for the time spent on the day off for training.

Your agreement with the manager must be recorded in writing:

  • <или>in the supplementary agreement to the employment contract Part 2 Art. 196 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • <или>in a learning agreement Art. 197 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • <или>at the direction of the leader.

Reader's opinion

“Work on weekdays, study on weekends... And when should people live, relax, fall in love, raise children?.. Nobody cares!”


However, with compensation under the agreement, the organization may have tax problems. As we have already said, you can pay average earnings for an extra day off. And average earnings are taken into account in “profitable” expenses only if its payment is provided for by labor legislation. p. 6 h. 2 art. 255 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Paying for tuition time can also raise questions from the tax authorities. It's not wages Part 1 Art. 255 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, not a scholarship under a student agreement Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 08.06.2011 No. 03-03-06/1/336, not tuition costs sub. 23 paragraph 1 of Art. 264 Tax Code of the Russian Federation and not paying for advanced training with a break from work p. 19 h. 2 art. 255 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is risky to take it into account when taxing profits.

If you have a trusting relationship with management, you can verbally agree on a day off on any day without writing. So your interests will be respected, and there will be no headache considering the costs.

Or maybe work on a weekend or a business trip?

In practice, some employers arrange weekend training in this way. It is wrong to equate study and work - TC separates education and work par. 4 hours 2 tbsp. 1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Service order m

Extramural studies- was originally offered for those people who could not break away from the production process and immerse themselves in studies for the whole day (i.e. for those who were employed). At the same time, distance learning can be chosen by anyone who wants to get an education, spending less time on it. In addition, the cost of part-time education is much less than the cost of daytime. This factor has no less influence on the choice of modern applicants.

Consider the specifics of distance learning. So, part-time education:

- allows you to combine the educational process with professional work,

- obliges students to be much more independent when working with educational materials,

- Can be used for professional development

- uses a common curriculum for all.

Educational and methodological complexes for part-time education are adapted specifically for part-time students. The working programs of the course contained in them, guidelines for the implementation of individual written assignments, texts of lectures provide all the necessary information to students.

Access to university library materials is increasingly becoming possible remotely, i.e. there is no need to waste time on a physical trip to the library - it is enough to access its resources via the Internet.

Correspondence form of education: types

The development of educational technologies does not stand still, and at the same time the nature of the educational process is changing. If earlier, a couple of decades ago, the student had no choice - he had to attend lectures, work with textbooks in the library, now, with the use of computer technology, students are given a huge choice in organizing their educational process. In this regard, the correspondence form of education has several subspecies:

1. Correspondence form of education: the classic version

The educational process is organized as follows:

Several times a year (from two to four, depending on the university) study sessions are held. During this period, tests and exams are given, provided for by the curriculum, a course of lectures is listened to, individual and group consultations with teachers are organized.

In the period between sessions, the student must independently study the educational materials received at the lectures, as well as those contained in the TMC (educational and methodological complexes. During the same period, students write control and term papers.

The final stage of training is state examinations and certification.

2. Correspondence form of education: distance learning

In this case, traditional and innovative methods of education are combined. The basis of this form of education is the intensive independent work of the student, while he himself can be in any place convenient for him. The schedule of classes and the attestation period can be compiled individually.

Teachers' consultations can be received by students both personally (when visiting the university) and remotely - entering the personal account on the university website, forum or email).

As well as in the classical form of correspondence education, the final stage is the passing of state exams and the defense of diplomas.

3. Correspondence education: evening education

In some universities, distance education is also offered in the evening form.

Training is held several times a week in the evenings. This is especially convenient for those who work on a five-day work schedule - after work immediately to study. But physical activity seriously increases with such training.

4. Correspondence form of education: weekend group.

Some universities also offer weekend courses. For example, according to this schedule: training every Saturday from 8.45 to 15.30 (sometimes on Sundays), the beginning of training from October 8 and throughout the year until the end of June.

The conclusion from all of the above: at the moment, educational institutions offer a fairly large selection of forms of distance learning. Anyone can choose the option that suits them. The main thing is to be motivated to get an education. in correspondence courses, students should be much more independent during the educational process than full-time students.

The activity of a part-time student in relation to obtaining education is an additional guarantee of the effectiveness of training.

The distance learning process is adapted for those who do not have the opportunity to attend classes daily, but strive to acquire new knowledge. It provides an opportunity to consolidate theoretical knowledge and practical experience gained in the course of work.

During their studies at the college by correspondence, students acquire the skills of independent work, do homework and final tests, term papers and projects, pass tests and exams in the studied disciplines, undergo pre-diploma (industrial) practice, receive consulting assistance when writing a final qualifying work.

Distance learning in college will help you save your time without losing the quality of the education you receive.

WEEKEND GROUP (training on Saturdays)

Weekend classes are held on Saturdays in accordance with the schedule approved by the director. The weekend group is a form of study in which students can afford to effectively and profitably combine study with work and with their traditional rhythm of life.

Classes in academic disciplines are conducted by the block method: the teacher conducts orientation and practical classes in the amount provided for by the working curriculum, issues individual written assignments and conducts a final control of knowledge in the discipline.

The program of the discipline "Physical culture" is implemented by the student independently, to control its implementation, a written test is provided.

CLASSIC (session) form

Correspondence form of education (classical) implies self-study of the material and stay in college twice a year at the test-examination session to listen to the installation lectures, conduct practical classes, defend control and term papers, as well as pass exams and tests (a total of 160 classroom hours in year). The duration of each session, with distance learning, is 20 calendar days.

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