Regulations on the department of operation of information systems. Regulations on the department of capital construction I. General provisions

Process management

Organization of technical operation and scheduled preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures


This standard is intended for carrying out work on the organization of operation, preventive maintenance and repair of buildings and structures of the enterprise.

The standard was developed by the repair and construction department in the development of section 6 of ISO / TS 169492009 “CMK. Special requirements for the application of the ISO standard

9001:2008 in the automotive industry and organizations supplying the corresponding spare parts” (clause 6.3 Infrastructure). When developing the standard, the requirements of ISO 9001 were taken into account, and a block diagram of the algorithm "Organization of operation and repair of buildings and structures" was also used.

Introduced for the first time.

  1. Application area
  2. Normative references
  3. Definitions
  4. Designations and abbreviations
  5. General provisions
  6. Organization of technical operation of industrial buildings and structures
  7. Organization of technical supervision over the condition, maintenance and repair of industrial buildings and structures
  8. Technical supervision of the state of industrial buildings and structures during operation
  9. Repair Instructions
  10. Storage and maintenance of design and production documentation for industrial buildings and structures
  11. The procedure for acceptance into operation of industrial buildings and structures after major repairs
  12. General provisions on labor protection during repair and construction work
  13. Cleaning (sanitary cleaning, garbage collection)

Block - scheme "Organization of operation and planned preventive maintenance of buildings and structures."

Annexes A - K

Annex A (mandatory) "Technical journal for the operation of buildings and structures."

Appendix B "Acceptance certificate for operation by the acceptance committee of the completed overhaul of the facility."

1 area of ​​use

This Standard establishes the procedure and organization of technical operation and scheduled preventive maintenance of buildings and structures of the enterprise.

The standard was developed on the basis of the Regulations "On the conduct of scheduled preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures" and "On the technical operation of buildings and structures", international standards ISO 9001 and ISO / TS 16949.

2. Normative references

The following guidelines and normative documents are used in this standard:

GOST R 1.0 - 92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions.

ISO 9000:2005 Quality management system. Fundamentals and vocabulary.

ISO 9001:2008 Quality management system. Requirements 180/T8 169492009 Quality management system. Specific requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 In the automotive industry and organizations supplying related spare parts.

SNiP III -10 - 75 "Improvement of territories"

SNiP 2.01.02. Fire regulations

SNiP 2.09.02 Industrial buildings

SNiP 3.01.04-87 Part III. Rules for the production and acceptance of work.

Chapter IV. Safety in construction

STP Enterprise Standard. Quality management system Documentation and data management. Development of enterprise standards.

STP Enterprise Standard. Quality Management System. Documentation and data management. Organization of the development of regulations on divisions, job and work instructions.

Quality Management System. Documentation and data management. Regulations on the archive.

Instruction “On Ensuring Confidentiality at the Enterprise.

On state regulatory requirements for labor protection in the Russian Federation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.08.94 N 937)

Regulations on carrying out planned and preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures (Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee of December 20, 1973 N 279)

Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of rules and instructions for labor protection and Methodological guidelines for the development of Rules and instructions for labor protection (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 01.07.93 N 129)

Regulations on the technical operation of buildings and structures (Sectoral regulatory document for enterprises, institutions, organizations and industries of machine-building profile POT RO - 14000 - 004 - 98.)


This Enterprise Standard uses the following terms and definitions:

Enterprise Standard- a standard approved by the enterprise and applied only at this enterprise.

System planned — preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures is a set of organizational and technical measures for supervision, maintenance and all types of repairs carried out in an appropriate planned manner.

Current repair of industrial buildings and structures is a set of works for the systematic and timely protection of parts of buildings and structures and engineering equipment from premature wear by taking preventive measures and eliminating minor damage and malfunctions.

Capital repairs of industrial buildings and structures- this is a set of works in the process of which the worn-out structures and parts of buildings and structures are replaced or replaced with more durable and economical ones that improve the operational capabilities of the repaired objects, with the exception of a complete change or replacement of the main structures, the service life of which in buildings and structures is the longest (stone and concrete foundations of buildings and structures, all types of building walls, all types of wall frames, pipes of underground networks, bridge supports, etc.).

Technical operation of buildings and structures is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety, safety and operational reliability of buildings and structures by organizing proper care for them, their timely and high-quality repair and constant technical supervision of their condition.

Technical passport of the building- this is the main document for the object, containing its constructive and technical and economic characteristics, compiled taking into account all architectural, planning and design changes, which is filled in according to a single industry-accepted form and includes the year of construction, cubic capacity and area of ​​​​the object and its parts, length and other data on structures, expanded areas of elements that require periodic painting, structural characteristics of parts and elements of a building and structure, etc.

Technical journal for the operation of industrial buildings and structures- this is the main document characterizing the state of operated facilities, it contains records of all maintenance and current repairs performed, indicating the type of work and location, which reflect the technical condition of the building or structure for a given period of time, as well as the history of its operation.

Inspection is a regular inspection of the technical condition of buildings and structures of the enterprise in order to timely detect and control the elimination of identified malfunctions and damages that occur during operation.

Technical supervision of buildings and structures- this is the provision, together with workshops, departments, sites, of safety, proper technical condition and constant operational suitability of building structures of buildings and structures by carrying out current and major repairs performed in a planned manner in accordance with a unified system of preventive maintenance (PPR).

cleaning- this is a system of measures taken to improve the working conditions of employees of the enterprise and improve the culture of production by carrying out sanitary and hygienic measures and maintaining cleanliness and order in the workplace.

4. Designations and abbreviations

  • BUSK– Quality System Management Bureau
  • GOST- state standard
  • WGC- chief designer department
  • CDP— chief technologist department
  • OGE— department of chief power engineer
  • OMTS— logistics department
  • OH&S— department of organization of labor and wages
  • OOiB- department of security and safety
  • OOTEiN— department of labor protection, ecology and supervision
  • PPR- scheduled preventive maintenance
  • PEO- planning and Economic Department
  • RSO- repair and construction department
  • QMS- Quality Management System
  • SNiP- building regulations
  • TD- technical documentation
  • THAT— technical conditions
  • XO- maintenance department

5. General provisions

The system of planned and preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures is a set of organizational and technical measures for supervision, maintenance and all types of repairs carried out in an appropriate planned manner.

Industrial buildings and structures during operation should be under the systematic supervision of engineering and technical workers responsible for the safety of these facilities

All production buildings and structures of the enterprise or parts of them (span, floor) by order of the director of the enterprise are assigned to workshops, departments and other divisions of the enterprise (organization) occupying the indicated areas.

The heads of the relevant subdivisions (workshop, department, etc.) are responsible for the correct operation, safety and timely repair of the buildings, structures or individual premises assigned to the subdivision.

Landscaping of the territory of the enterprise (landscaping, cleaning, watering, etc.) is carried out by the economic department of the enterprise. Repair of driveways, sidewalks is carried out by the repair and construction department.

In addition to systematic monitoring of the operation of buildings and structures by specially authorized persons, all industrial buildings and structures are subject to periodic technical inspections. Inspections can be general and private.

During a general inspection, the entire building or structure as a whole is examined, including all structures of the building or structure, including engineering equipment, various types of finishes and all elements of external improvement, or the entire complex of buildings and structures (for example, railway tracks with artificial structures).

Regular general technical inspections of buildings are carried out twice a year in spring and autumn. The date of inspections and the composition of the commission is approved by order of the director of the enterprise.

During a private inspection, individual buildings or structures of the complex or individual structures or types of equipment (for example, trusses and beams of a building, wells on a sewer or water supply network) are examined.

The state of fire-fighting measures in all buildings and structures, both during periodic and current inspections, is checked by persons responsible for the fire-fighting condition of the enterprise at a time depending on the specific operating conditions of industrial buildings, but at least once a month.

In addition to regular inspections, there may be extraordinary inspections of buildings and structures after natural disasters (fires, hurricane winds, heavy rains or snowfalls, after fluctuations in the earth's surface - in areas with increased seismicity, etc.) or accidents.

In addition to the listed tasks for the inspection of buildings, the purpose of technical inspections is to develop proposals for improving the technical operation of buildings, as well as the quality of all types of repairs.

The results of the inspections are documented in acts that indicate the defects found, as well as the necessary measures to eliminate them.

6. Organization of technical operation of industrial buildings and structures.

6.1 Technical operation of buildings and structures is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety, safety and operational reliability of buildings and structures by organizing proper care for them, their timely and high-quality repair and constant technical supervision of their condition.

The general management of the complex of works to ensure the proper technical condition of industrial buildings and structures is assigned to the chief engineer.

Responsibility for the technical condition and operating conditions of industrial buildings and structures rests with the heads of workshops and other structural divisions on the balance sheet or in whose jurisdiction these buildings and structures are located.

6.2 The main tasks of technical supervision of buildings are:

6.2.1. Ensuring, together with workshops, departments, sites, safety, proper technical condition and constant operational suitability of building structures of buildings and structures by carrying out current and major repairs performed in a planned manner in accordance with a unified system of preventive maintenance (PPR).

6.2.2. Organization of the implementation and control over the implementation of measures aimed at maintaining the condition and improving the performance of buildings and structures.

6.2.3. Exclusion of downtime and unscheduled shutdowns of production due to the unsatisfactory condition of the building structures of buildings and structures.

6.3. The main areas of technical supervision are:

6.3.1. Supervision of compliance by shops, departments, sections with the rules for the maintenance and care of building structures of buildings and structures.

6.3.2. Supervision of compliance by shops, departments, sections with the necessary conditions for the implementation of the normal course of production processes.

6.3.3. Organization of systematic observations and technical inspections of the state of building structures of buildings and structures.

7. Organization of technical supervision over the condition, maintenance and repair of building structures of industrial buildings and structures

7.1 Control over the implementation at the enterprise of a complex of organizational and technical measures for the operation of building structures of industrial, warehouse, administrative, household and other buildings;

elements of improvement of the territory of the industrial site (fencing of the territory of the organization, sidewalks, platforms, etc.), etc., is assigned to the engineer for organizing the operation of buildings and structures.

7.2 The engineer for the organization of the operation of buildings and structures must monitor compliance with the workshops, departments, sections in charge of buildings, structures or individual premises, measures to ensure safe working conditions and the normal course of production processes (monitoring the condition of the supporting and enclosing structures of buildings , keeping the surfaces of structures clean, compliance with the requirements for the operation of buildings and structures, production dimensions, closing and sealing openings for the winter period, etc.).

7.3 The engineer for the organization of the operation of buildings and structures carries out his activities in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation, as well as in accordance with orders and instructions for the enterprise.

8.Technical supervision 3a of the state of industrial buildings and structures during operation

8.1. The technical condition of industrial buildings and structures and the level of their operation should be determined in the process of systematic observations and periodic technical inspections.

8.2. Observations and inspections of buildings and structures should be carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the implementation of the PPR. Particularly carefully should be inspected the places where work was carried out to repair and strengthen building structures. They must be monitored regularly.

8.3. Inspections of the building and structure are divided into current, regular and extraordinary.

8.3.1 Current (visual) observations of structures are carried out by shop personnel

8.3.2. At the next inspection, a visual inspection of all elements and engineering systems of buildings and structures is carried out.

Regular inspections should be carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn. Spring inspection of buildings and structures is carried out in order to:

  • checking the technical condition of load-bearing and enclosing structures and engineering systems of buildings and structures;
  • determining the nature and danger of damage resulting from the operation of buildings and structures in the winter;
  • checking the serviceability of opening mechanisms for windows, lanterns, gates, doors and other devices, as well as the condition of gutters, gutters, blind areas and storm water inlets;
  • checking the level of technical operation, supervision and maintenance of buildings and structures. Autumn inspection is carried out in order to check the readiness of buildings and structures for operation in the winter. During the autumn inspection, the following checks are made:

  • serviceability of opening elements of windows, lanterns, gates, doors and other devices;
  • the availability of tools and equipment for cleaning snow from coatings;
  • serviceability of engineering systems (heating, water supply, sewerage, etc.);
  • condition of drains, gutters, storm sewers, roofs;
  • serviceability of landscaping elements;

8.4. Extraordinary inspections of buildings and structures are carried out after natural disasters (fires, hurricane winds, heavy rains, heavy snowfalls, earthquakes) or accidents.

8.5. Regular and extraordinary inspections of buildings and structures should be carried out by a special technical commission appointed by order of the head of the organization. The same order establishes the procedure and duration of the work of the technical commission.

8.6. The commission includes the heads of workshops, departments, services, sections that directly operate the buildings, the head of the facility and employees of the technical supervision service.

8.7. The results of all types of inspections are documented in acts that indicate the defects found, as well as measures for their elimination, which is recorded in the technical journal for the operation of buildings and structures.

9.Repair instructions

9.1. The basis for the correct technical operation of industrial buildings and structures is the timely repair work.

Repair work of industrial buildings and structures are divided into 2 types:

  • Maintenance;
  • overhaul.

9.2. Current repairs are carried out in order to prevent premature wear of the building structures of buildings, structures and their engineering systems, while

9.2.1 All current repairs are divided into preventive repairs planned in advance and unforeseen.

9.2.2 The frequency of preventive maintenance should not exceed two years. Repair work should be carried out regularly throughout the year according to a schedule developed on the basis of inventories of general, current and extraordinary inspections of buildings, as well as at the request of personnel directly responsible for the operation of the building (shop managers, etc.).

9.2.3 Unforeseen current repairs must be carried out urgently to eliminate defects identified during the operation of buildings and structures, the maximum terms for troubleshooting when performing unforeseen current repairs are given in Appendix D.

9.3. The overhaul of buildings and structures includes such works during which the following is performed: repair or replacement of worn-out structures and parts or their replacement with more durable and economical ones; replacement or replacement of more than 20% of the main structures, the service life of which is the longest. For buildings, these are stone and concrete foundations, all types of walls, all types of wall frames. For structures, these are pipes of external networks, bottoms and walls of tanks, sedimentation tanks, filters, enclosing the structure of underground channels, subgrade of roads, etc.

9.4 Annual repair plans are drawn up by the repair and construction department on the basis of data from technical inspections of buildings and structures, individual structures and types of engineering equipment and are approved by the General Director of the enterprise.

9.5 Repair planning is carried out on the basis of the estimated lists of works for the facilities within the approved budget of the enterprise.

10. Storage and maintenance of design and production documentation for industrial buildings and structures

10.1. All design and production technical documentation for operated and newly built industrial buildings and structures accepted by the acceptance committee for operation must be stored in the repair and construction department for 5 years.

10.2. The repair and construction department should store the following design and production technical documentation for buildings and structures:

  • technical projects;
  • acts of acceptance of work performed;
  • factory certificates for the supplied steel structures;
  • documents certifying the quality of applied reinforced concrete structures, assemblies, parts, hardware, electrodes, etc.;
  • acts on hidden works;
  • acts of acceptance of works on anti-corrosion protection of building structures.
  • Technical journal for the operation of an industrial building Technical passport of buildings and structures;
  • materials of engineering and geological surveys (data on the geological and tdrogeological conditions of the site of the organization, etc.);

10.3. All necessary technical and technical and economic data on buildings and structures are entered in the "Technical Journal for the Operation of Buildings and Structures", reflecting the state of the operated facility (Appendix A)

10.4 The following shall be entered in the technical journal:

  • Data on the results of systematic observations of the building and structure and their structural elements;
  • conclusions based on the results of instrumental observations of settlements and other deformations of structural elements;
  • main conclusions based on the results of periodic technical inspections of the facility;
  • information about the facts of serious violations of the rules for the technical operation of an industrial building and structure and measures to prevent such violations;
  • data on current and major repairs carried out;
  • information about the reconstructions carried out (terms, nature).

All this information reflects the history of operation of the object, its technical condition for each given period of time.

The technical maintenance log is compiled in one copy for each large object or group of small objects.

10.5 The technical passport is drawn up for each capital building and structure and is the main document containing the structural and technical and economic characteristics of the object and all the basic information necessary during its operation.

10.6 The technical passport is filled out in a single form in accordance with the Regulations on the implementation of the PPR of industrial buildings and structures (Appendix B).

11. The order of acceptance into operation of industrial buildings and structures after major or current repairs

11.1 Acceptance for operation of industrial buildings and structures after major or current repairs should be carried out in accordance with the rules of this chapter and the relevant rules

11.2 Overhauled industrial buildings and structures are presented to the commission for acceptance into operation only after the completion of all the work provided for by the approved design and estimate documentation. It is forbidden to accept for operation buildings and structures with imperfections that prevent their normal and safe operation.

Commissioning of overhauled facilities is carried out only after acceptance of the facilities by a special commission

11.3. The commission for the acceptance of repaired buildings and structures is appointed by order of the head of the organization, consisting of representatives of the workshop, site, technical supervision service, relevant services responsible for the operation of energy devices and installations, repair and construction organization, design and other interested organizations.

The commission is headed by the chief engineer of the organization.

11.4. The commission for the acceptance of capitally repaired buildings and structures must be created within five days after receiving a written notification from the repair and construction organization about the readiness of the object for delivery.

11.5 The repair and construction organization submits the following documents to the commission:

  • a set of working drawings for the overhaul of facilities submitted for acceptance into operation;
  • set of budget documentation;
  • acts of intermediate acceptance of individual critical structures and assemblies;
  • acts on hidden works;
  • production logs.

11.6 Acceptance of the work performed on the current repair of buildings and structures is carried out by the head of the workshop, department, section and the responsible officer of the relevant service and is drawn up by an acceptance certificate (Appendix E) and an entry in the maintenance log (Appendix A).

12. General provisions on labor protection during repair and construction work

12.1. When performing current and major repairs of industrial buildings and structures, the rules provided for by SNiP III-4 must be followed.

12.2. In accordance with the requirements of SNiP, the repair and construction department must develop or develop again and agree in the prescribed manner instructions and guidelines on labor protection by profession, taking into account local conditions.

12.3. These instructions must be brought to the attention of workers engaged in the construction, repair and operation of industrial buildings and structures in the prescribed manner.

12.4. When developing projects for the organization of major repairs and projects for the production of work, design organizations - general designers, organization and repair and construction organizations must take into account the requirements of SNiP III-4 and other applicable labor protection rules, as well as sanitary and fire safety standards.

13. Cleaning (Sanitary cleaning, garbage collection)

Work on the implementation of sanitary and hygienic measures at the enterprise is carried out by the economic department on the basis of SNiP III - 10 - 75 "Improvement of territories", the resolution of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, "Rules for the improvement and sanitary maintenance of the territory" and this standard.

Cleaning of the territory is carried out daily. The main part of the territory of the enterprise is cleaned mechanically.

Garbage is collected in containers installed on specially organized sites with a hard surface and fencing. Garbage removal from container sites is carried out by a specialized organization that has a license for this type of activity.

Lawn care is carried out in a mechanized way, when the height of the lawn cover reaches more than 5 cm.

The territory of the enterprise and the areas adjacent to it are assigned to the divisions of the plant by order of the general director for scheduled cleaning (after the winter season).

Snow removal in the winter is carried out by the transport service or with the involvement of third-party organizations under the contract, according to the scheme for cleaning the territory (Appendix G). Cleaning of internal administrative, household, industrial, sanitary, technical, auxiliary premises is carried out by site according to the characteristics of the site (Appendix I) and cleaning maps (Appendix K), developed on the basis of standards and SanPiov and approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise

The characteristics of the site reflect the total area, the composition of the premises. The cleaning map contains the frequency and type of cleaning (sweeping, wet cleaning, washing), the necessary resources.

The Head of Housekeeping is responsible for providing the employees of the economic department with the necessary resources, in accordance with the job description and the regulations on the economic department.

Sanitary and disinfection treatment of premises is carried out quarterly under an agreement by a specialized organization licensed for this type of activity.

Daily control over the cleanliness of the premises and the quality of cleaning is entrusted to the Head of Housekeeping and heads of departments.

Order for the enterprise on “Implementation of the enterprise standard QMS Process management. Organization of production culture at the enterprise” control inspections were organized. Time of inspections is twice a month. Based on the results of the assessment, submission of reports to the OH&S.

Maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems at the enterprise is carried out by the service of the chief power engineer.


01.04.2016 № 20

On approval of the Regulations on the department for the operation and development of the socio-economic infrastructure of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow

In accordance with the decision of the Council of Deputies of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow dated April 15, 2014 No. 56/4 “On approval of the structure of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement”, in order to implementpowers in the field of management, functioning of the housing stock and public utilities, including the maintenance of objects of external improvement, road facilities, landscaping of parks, squares, squares, -

  1. Approve Regulations on the Department of Operation and Development of the Social and Economic Infrastructure of the Administration(Appendix No. 1).
  2. Familiarize the employees of the department with this order against signature.
  3. Decree of the Head of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow No. 41 dated 12/29/2012 to recognize as invalid.
    1. Promulgate this resolution by posting on the official website of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow.
    2. This resolution comes into force from the date of its signing.

Acting Head of Administration of the Settlement

Klenovskoe in Moscow G.A. gray-haired

Application No. 1

By order of the administration

Settlements Klenovskoye in the city of Moscow

dated April 1, 2016 No. 20


Acting Head of Administration

Settlements Klenovskoye in the city of Moscow

G.A. gray-haired





  2. The department for the operation and development of the socio-economic infrastructure of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is part of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow, created to ensure the authority of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow in the field of management, functioning of the housing stock and public utilities, including the maintenance of objects of external improvement, road facilities, landscaping of parks, squares, squares.
  3. The department for the operation and development of the socio-economic infrastructure of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow legislation, the Charter of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow, Decisions of the Council of Deputies of the settlement Klenovskoye, other municipal legal acts of the Klenovskoye settlement, as well as these Regulations.

The regulation on the Department is approved by the order of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow.

  1. The department for the operation and development of the socio-economic infrastructure of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement is a structural body of the administration without the rights of a legal entity, reports to the deputy head of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement, in charge of housing and communal services and landscaping.
  2. When exercising its functions, the department interacts with other bodies and structural subdivisions of the Administration of the Klenovskoye settlement.

1. The main tasks of the Department are:

  1. Ensuring the activities of the Administration of the settlement of Klenovskoye Klenovskoye in the exercise of powers in the field of management, the functioning of the housing stock and utilities, including the maintenance of external improvement facilities, road facilities, landscaping parks, squares, squares.
  2. Organization within the boundaries of the settlement Klenovskoye electricity, heat, gas, water supply to the population, sanitation.
  3. Ensuring reliable and efficient functioning of housing and communal services and improvement facilities.
  4. Creation of conditions for the provision of high-quality housing and communal services to the residents of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  5. Organization of complex improvement, gardening of residential areas and citywide areas of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  6. Organization of maintenance and repair of road facilities in the Klenovskoye settlement.
  7. Organization of arrangement of places of mass recreation of the population.
  8. Organization of collection and removal of household waste and garbage.
  9. Organization of collection and removal of unauthorized landfills on the territory of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  10. Organization of street lighting and installation of signs with street names and house numbers.
    1. Organization of work on the implementation of the implementation in accordance with the established procedure on the territory of the settlement Klenovskoye of state and municipal target programs in the areas of activity of the Department.
    2. Development of draft decisions of the Council of Deputies of the Klenovskoye settlement, draft resolutions and orders of the Head of the Administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow in the field of housing and communal services and improvement.
    3. Control, in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation, over the use and safety of the housing stock, landscaping and road facilities, as well as the technical condition of the common property of apartment buildings and its engineering equipment, timely performance of work on its maintenance and repair.
    4. Implementation of powers for the privatization of residential premises in the municipal housing stock.
    5. Ensuring a unified procedure for documenting, organizing work with documents received for execution by the Department, monitoring their execution.

2. In order to implement the assigned tasks, the Department performs the following functions:

  1. Development and implementation of program activities for the reform and modernization of housing and communal facilities of the Klenovskoye settlement in order to improve the quality of services provided.
  2. Drawing up plans for the overhaul of municipal housing stock, engineering infrastructure, landscaping and road facilities, submitting them for approval to the Head of the Administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow.
  3. Coordination of work on the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings, engineering infrastructure, improvement and road facilities of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  4. Coordination of work on preparing the housing and communal services of the Klenovskoye settlement for operation in the autumn-winter and spring-summer periods.
  5. Improving the management system of housing and communal services, creating conditions for the introduction of market mechanisms for managing the housing and communal system, attracting alternative organizations to this activity on a competitive basis.
  6. Implementation of operational control over the technical condition and operation of housing and communal services, regardless of departmental affiliation, and preparing them for work in the autumn-winter period.
  7. Organization of work with electronic systems: ACS ODS, IAS RTOs, EIRTs.
  8. Organization of landscaping of the territory of the Klenovskoye settlement (including street lighting, landscaping of the territory, installation of signs with street names and house numbers, placement and maintenance of small architectural forms).
  9. Carrying out a survey of the territory of the Klenovskoye settlement in order to identify zones of sanitary and environmental problems and organizing measures to eliminate them.
  10. Interaction with state control bodies in the field of housing stock maintenance, improvement, sanitary condition of the territory of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  11. Carrying out planned supervision of the technical condition, operation and repair of housing and communal and road facilities, as well as external improvement, their preparation for seasonal operation, the work of managing organizations for housing maintenance and the sanitary condition of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  12. Implementation in accordance with the established procedure, in cooperation with the sectoral bodies of the Administration of the Klenovskoye settlement and organizations operating in the field of housing and communal services, regardless of the form of ownership, collecting information for the development of targeted programs in the field of housing and communal services and improvement.
  13. Participation in the development of programs for the socio-economic development of the Klenovskoye settlement in the direction of the Department's activities.
  14. Preparation of analytical materials on completed activities in the field of housing and communal services.
  15. Formation of consolidated statistical reporting on housing and communal services of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  16. Organization and conduct of inspections of managing organizations and homeowners associations in the manner prescribed by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  17. Organization of the convening of a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building to resolve the issue of terminating the contract with the managing organization, choosing a new managing organization or changing the way the apartment building is managed.
  18. Provision of methodological, informational and organizational support to organizations and enterprises of housing and communal services and communal energy in the direction of the Department's activities.
  19. Preparation of draft legal acts and plans for the development of housing and communal services of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  20. Participation in the acceptance into operation of completed construction, overhaul, reconstruction of housing and communal services, landscaping and road facilities.
  21. Assistance in the development of a competitive environment, demonopolization of the activities of enterprises in the field of housing and communal services of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  22. Participation in the formation of the draft budget of the Klenovskoye settlement in terms of housing and communal services and the distribution of budgetary funds for various sectors of housing and communal services.
  23. Control over compliance with the rules for landscaping the territory of the Klenovskoye settlement, which establish requirements for the maintenance of buildings (including residential buildings), structures and land plots on which they are located, for the appearance of facades and fences of the relevant buildings and structures, a list of landscaping works and the frequency of their implementation, establishes the procedure for the participation of owners of buildings and structures in the improvement of adjacent territories.
  24. Participation in commission inspections of objects and inspections of organizations of housing and communal services and municipal energy.
  25. Carries out a consolidated record of citizens in need of better housing conditions and the provision of residential premises, as well as records of workers of enterprises and organizations located in the territory of the settlement who need better housing conditions.
  26. Prepares materials for consideration by the public housing commission. Participates in meetings of the public housing commission of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement.
  27. Concludes contracts for social rental of residential premises, within the competence of the department.
  28. Develops draft orders, resolutions on registering citizens in need of improved housing conditions, deregistration and provision of residential premises, replacement of residential premises in the manner prescribed by law, as well as on other housing issues requiring decisions of these officials.

Carries out, on the basis of resolutions of the head of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement, registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, deregistration and provision of residential premises.

2.46. Implementation of the powers to provide the state service "Privatization by citizens of residential premises of the housing stock of the city of Moscow" in the city of Moscow.

2.47. On behalf of the head of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow, it performs other functions related to the work of the Department, the functioning of the housing stock and public utilities, including the maintenance of external improvement facilities, road facilities, landscaping parks, squares, squares.


  1. 1. The department, in order to carry out its activities, has the right to:

1.1. Providing organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties of the employees of the Department;

1.2. Obtaining, in the prescribed manner, information and materials necessary for the performance of official duties, as well as making proposals for improving the activities of the Administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow;

1.3. Advanced training of the Department's employees in accordance with the municipal legal act at the expense of the local budget;

1.4. On behalf of the head of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow, visits in the prescribed manner to public authorities and state institutions of the city of Moscow, local governments, organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, public associations in the city of Moscow.

  1. 2. The Department, in carrying out its activities, is obliged to:
  2. Comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of Moscow, the Charter of the Klenovskoye settlement and other municipal legal acts and ensure their implementation;
  3. Perform job duties at a high professional level in accordance with the job descriptions of employees;
  4. Observe in the performance of official duties the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and citizen, regardless of race, nationality, language, attitude to religion and other circumstances, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of organizations;
  5. Comply with the procedure established in the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow for working with official information;
  6. Not to disclose information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal laws, as well as information that became known to employees in connection with the performance of official duties, including information relating to the private life and health of citizens or affecting their honor and dignity;

2.6. Protect state and municipal property, including those provided to the Department for the performance of functions;

2.7. Consider citizens' appeals in a timely manner and make decisions on them in accordance with federal law;

2.8. Ensure equal, impartial treatment of all individuals and legal entities and organizations, do not give preference to any public or religious associations, professional or social groups, citizens and organizations and not allow bias against such associations, groups, organizations and citizens.


  1. The Department is headed by the Head of the Department for the Operation and Development of the Socio-Economic Infrastructure of the Administration of the Klenovskoye Settlement (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the Department), who is appointed and dismissed by the order of the Head of the Administration of the Klenovskoye Settlement in the City of Moscow on the proposal of the Deputy Head of the Administration of the Klenovskoye Settlement in the City of Moscow, who oversees the Department.
  2. Other employees of the Department are appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow on the proposal of the head of the Department.
  3. Department head:

Manages the activities of the Department ensuring the solution of the tasks assigned to the Department;

Performs the duties established by the job description approved by the order of the head of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow;

Represents the Department at meetings held by the head of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow, operational meetings, as well as in relations with sectoral bodies of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow, municipal enterprises and institutions of the Klenovskoye settlement;

Submits proposals to the head of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement on changing the structure and staffing of the Department, appointing and dismissing employees of the Department, improving their qualifications, applying incentives and disciplinary measures to them;

Determines the procedure for the work of the Department, coordinates its activities, submits to the deputy head of the settlement administration in charge of the department draft job descriptions for the employees of the Department;

Gives instructions to the employees of the Department on the activities of the Department;

Signs on behalf of the Department, service documentation, resolves in the prescribed manner the issues of secondment of employees of the Department;

Directs employees of the Department to participate in the work of working groups and commissions.


  1. The responsibility of the employees of the Department is determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow on municipal service.
  2. Employees of the Department carry out their work in accordance with job descriptions and are personally responsible for its implementation.


1. Logistics, information support for the activities of the Department is carried out by the relevant sectoral bodies of the administration of the Klenovskoye settlement in the city of Moscow in the prescribed manner.

REGULATIONS on the department for the operation of buildings and structures of educational institutions of the resource support department I. General provisions 1.1 The department for the operation of buildings and structures of educational institutions is part of the structure of the department of education and is a subdivision of the resource support department. 1.2. The department for the operation of buildings and structures of educational institutions in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Lipetsk region, municipal legal acts of the city of Lipetsk, the Regulations on the Department of Education and these Regulations. 1.3. The activities of the department for the operation of buildings and structures of general educational institutions of the department of education of the administration of the city of Lipetsk are directed and coordinated by the head of the resource support department of the education department. 1.4. The head and specialists of the department are appointed and dismissed by order of the chairman of the education department on the proposal of the head of the resource support department. II. Main tasks The main tasks of the department for the operation of buildings and structures of educational institutions of the management of resource support are: 2.1. Implementation of control over the strengthening of the material and technical base of educational institutions subordinate to the Department of Education. 2.2. Implementation of control over the organization of work in the OS for the operation of buildings, structures, life support systems, for the repair work. 2.3. Performing the functions of the customer for the overhaul and current repairs, technical surveys, design estimates for objects of the Department of Education. 2.4. Preparation of initial data for drafting long-term, annual and operational plans for the financial and economic activities of the Department of Education. 2.5. Verification and approval of budget documentation during current and major repairs in educational institutions. 2.6. Ensuring the organization of work on health and safety, civil defense and emergency situations in subordinate institutions of the Department of Education and ensuring control over its implementation. 2.7. Ensuring the organization of work on security and anti-terrorist activities in educational institutions and control over its implementation.. III. Functions of the department for the operation of buildings and structures of educational institutions 3.1. Control over the performance of work on the maintenance and operation of systems of heat and power equipment, fire alarms, ventilation, water supply and sewerage. 3.2. Implementation and organization of work on the implementation of energy saving programs and control over their implementation. 3.3. Implementation of control over the operation of the main constructs of buildings and structures (roofs, walls, window and door blocks, basements and attics, fences, sports facilities). 3.4. Implementation of control over the preparation of educational institutions for the heating season (revision of valves, thermal insulation of pipes, insulation of auditory openings, adjustment of heating points). 3.5. Implementation of control over the state of the territories of subordinate institutions. 3.6. Interaction on the operation of engineering equipment with energy supplying and controlling organizations: LGEC, Energonadzor, State fire supervision, Rospotrebnadzor. 3.7. Negotiating with organizations on issues related to the operation of buildings and structures, representing the interests of subordinate institutions of the department, as well as performing other actions within its competence. 3.8. Conducting visual inspections of the technical condition of buildings, structural elements, drawing up inspection reports, defective statements, estimates. 3.9. Implementation of the collection of applications for repairs in the OS, the development of plans for capital and current repairs. 3.10. Implementation of technical supervision and control over the performance of construction work, the quality of their performance and the building materials, products, structures used. 3.11. Preparation of technical documentation for procurement of repair work. 3.12 Provision of consulting services to educational institutions. 3.13. Control over the implementation of labor protection rules, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks. 3.14. Accounting for the availability and technical condition of alarm systems, alarm and burglar alarms, video surveillance systems in educational institutions. IV. Organization of the activities of the department In order to carry out the tasks assigned to the department, the department has the right to: 4.1. Request and receive, in accordance with the established procedure, the necessary materials and information from educational institutions of the Department of Education. 4.2 Submit proposals, develop recommendations on issues within the competence of the department, for consideration by the chairman of the education department, head of the resource support department. V. Responsibility 5.1 The head of the department for the operation of buildings and structures of educational institutions of the management of resource support is responsible for: - organizing the activities of the department to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the department; - organization in the department of operational and high-quality preparation and execution of documents, record keeping in accordance with applicable rules and instructions; - observance by employees of the department of labor and production discipline; - selection, placement and activities of department employees; 5. 2 Specialists of the department for the operation of buildings and structures of educational institutions of the management of resource support are responsible for: - high-quality and timely performance of the functional duties established by the job description; - Ensuring the safety of property and compliance with fire safety rules in the workplace.

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2 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS page 2 of the Department for the operation of software and hardware and databases of the Center for Telecommunications and the operation of software and hardware of the Center for New Information Technologies (OEPTSiBD TstiEPTS TsNIT) is a structural subdivision of the center for new information technologies created by order of the rector a D-164 from g and reports directly to the Deputy Director for Information Technology (IT). 2. MANAGEMENT AND STRUCTURE OF OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT 2.1. The organizational structure of the EPTSiDB department of the TsTiEPTS CNIT is shown in Figure 1. DEPARTMENT OF OPERATION OF SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE FACILITIES AND DATABASES HEAD OF THE EPTSiDB DEPARTMENT PROGRAMMER TECHNICIAN Figure 1 - Organizational structure of the EPTSiDB department of the TsTiEPTS CNIT 2.2. The structure and staffing of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT is approved by the director, and on the basis of the functions performed by the center and based on the conditions and characteristics of the activities of the university on the proposal of the deputy director for information technology. programmer OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS TsNIT; equipment OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS TsNIT; 2.4. The scope of work among employees is distributed in accordance with their job responsibilities. Official salaries of employees of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT are set by the director in accordance with the salary scheme. 3. MAIN TASKS OF OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT

Page 3 page 3 of 7 The department of operation of software and hardware and databases of the Center for Telecommunications and the operation of software and hardware of the Center for New Information Technologies is designed to solve the problems of ensuring the operability of information channels for connecting BTI departments to each other and accessing the Internet, the operability of network services, ensuring authorized user access to them, ensuring a sufficient level of information security, optimizing information flows. The tasks of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT are: 3.1. Management of the telecommunications infrastructure of the information and computer network (IVS) of the BTI Management of user access to network services (access control tools, accounts). 4. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF OEPTSIBD TSTIEPTS CNIT 4.1. The rights of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT associated with its activities are exercised by the head of the department. The rights of the head of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT are determined by his job description. inform the head of the OEPTSiBD about violations of regulations, instructions and orders on informatization issues; to control the process of functioning of informatization facilities in subdivisions. Employees of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT are obliged to: in a timely manner, in accordance with approved plans, carry out a set of measures to ensure the smooth operation of the IVS BTI; accurately and clearly fulfill their duties, observe labor discipline, as well as the internal regulations of the BTI; Accurately and timely comply with the orders of the government, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Education, higher organizations, as well as orders and orders of the director, deputy director for information technology, head of the TsTiEPTS, head of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT. comply with the rules and regulations of safety and labor protection. 5. RESPONSIBILITY 5.1. The responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the performance of the functions of the department lies with the head of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT. The responsibility of the employees of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT is established by the relevant job descriptions. 6. INTERACTION, RELATIONS 6.1. To perform the functions and exercise the rights of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS TsNIT

4 page 4 of 7 interacts with structural subdivisions a, providing them with information about the planned actions and procedures related to informatization of the university and related to the activities of these subdivisions about their activities and developments, receiving similar information from them. 7. FINANCING, MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT 7.1. Financing of the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT is carried out both at the expense of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds, incl. through their own contracting activities. 7.2. To perform its functions, the OEPTSiBD TsTiEPTS CNIT is provided with the necessary office space to accommodate the employees of its divisions. 8. LIST OF DOCUMENTATION REGULATING THE WORK OF THE DIVISION 8.1. In its activities, OEPTSiBD is guided by: The Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on education issues; Regulations on the Biysk technological e; Orders, orders of the leadership a; Management policy in the field of quality; Guidelines for the quality of the Biysk Technological a; This regulation and the job descriptions of the employees of the unit; Documented procedure QMS DP “Infrastructure management. Management of information and technical resources”; Regulations on the management of software licenses in the Biysk technological e (QMS OPD PD); Documented procedures of the quality management system related to the direction of informatization; Instructions in the field of labor protection and fire safety; Internal labor regulations; Collective agreement between the trade union organization and the administration a; Regulations on BTI;

5 page 5 of 7 RECORDS AND THEIR PROCESSING Name of the record Responsible for the development Development period Where the work plan of the unit is submitted Head of the department December TsTiEPTS The log of registration of workstations and servers in the BTI TDF The log of registration of changes in user accounts Head of the department of TsTiEPTS Head of the department of TsTiEPTS Report on the work done Head of Department December TsTiEPTS

Page 6 page 6 of 7 READING SHEET WITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE DIVISION I am familiar with the regulation of the division:

Page 7 of 7 REGISTRATION SHEET OF CHANGES Change number Numbers of new sheets Date of introduction of the change replaced canceled Reason for making changes Signature Signature transcript Date

REGULATIONS ON THE CENTER OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS page 2 of 6 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 The Center for Information Systems of the Center for New Information Technologies (CIS CNIT) was created by order of the director a D-369 dated 01.11.2008

Organizational and legal clause page 1 of 9 Organizational and legal clause 1 General provisions page 2 of 9 1.1 This provision has been developed in accordance with the metrology rules PR 50-732-93

Contents 1. General provisions 3 2. Structure and staffing of the technical support department 3 3. Main tasks 4 4. Functions 4 5. Rights and obligations of the technical support department 5 6. Responsibility

Page 2 of 10 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 This provision regulates the activities of the Center for Information Computing (hereinafter - CIVTiSO) of the Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the Federal State

FOREWORD 1. DEVELOPED: 2. RESPONSIBLE PERFORMER: 3. PERFORMERS: 4. ACCEPTED at the meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute in 2011, protocol. 5. INTRODUCED by order of the director of the institute from 2011

Biysk (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State Technical University. I.I. Polzunov "() I APPROVE Director of the BTI

Page 1 of 10 page 2 of 10 This Regulation is a document of the OGIS quality management system. It applies to the activities of the headquarters of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations and establishes its main tasks, functions, composition,

PS Issue 1 Change 0 Copy 1 Sheet 1/6 Issue 1 Change 0 Copy 1 Sheet 2/6

M I N O B R N A U K I R O S S I Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southwestern State University" Quality Management System Approve

"APPROVED" Rector of MIM LINK Shchennikov S.A. 2017 QUALITY SYSTEM REGULATIONS ON THE STRUCTURAL UNIT Information Technology Center (CIT) LINK-SK-PSP-7.1-08-02-17 Date of introduction: 02/01/2017 "AGREED"

General provisions 1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter and other local regulations of the GOAU DPO PK IRO (hereinafter referred to as the Institute). 1.2. Information technology

Page 2 of 13 1. General Provisions 1.1. is a structural subdivision of a, created in accordance with the order of the director of the BTI D-424 dated September 30, 2009 and reports directly to the chief engineer.

FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business

2 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Regulations on the Department of Education Quality of the Department for Development and Quality of the Educational Process of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

EDUCATION Quality Management System" Version 1 page 1 of 8 EDUCATION Quality Management System" Version 1 page 2 of 8 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 Monitoring, Accreditation, Licensing Department

APPROVED by the Rector of the PEI VO “CHIEP them. M.V. Ladoshin” G.I. Ladoshina (signature) 2015 M.P. Regulations on the Information Technology Department Approved Head of the Human Resources Department N.R. Valieva Agreed chief

Page 1 of 10 "APPROVE" Director of VPI (branch) VolgGTU V.F. Kablov "" 2007 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM General requirements for the construction, content, design and approval of the "Regulation on

REGULATIONS ON THE DEPARTMENT OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT Nizhnevartovsk - 2013 QMS-PSP Version 1 Date 12/21/2013 Page 1/9 CONTENTS: page 1. General provisions 3 2. Main tasks 3 3. Functions 4 4. Rights and obligations

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Azovo-Chernomorsk Engineering Institute, a branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Don State

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SAMARA STATE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMY" REGULATIONS ON THE INFORMATION SUPPORT DEPARTMENT

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Quality Management System QMS-PSP REGULATIONS ON THE FINISHING OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT BOARD REGULATIONS ON THE DEPARTMENT OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT Nizhnevartovsk - 2013 QMS-PSP

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Vladimir region REGULATION of the Kameshkovsky District Administration dated August 21, 2017 1253 On approval of the Regulations on the Information and Computer Department of the Kameshkovsky Administration


Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ryazan State Radio Engineering University" 5.5.1 Responsibility and authority



Page 1 of 8 Biysk (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State Technical University. I.I. Polzunov "() I APPROVE

FEDERAL RAILWAY TRANSPORT AGENCY Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University of Railways

Approved by the Rector of IvSU V.N. Egorov "01" November 2013 Regulations on the Department of Accounting and Financial Control of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ivanovo State University" 1. General provisions 1.1. Present

I APPROVE: The head of the city of Livny L.I. Faustov "" 2013 JOB INSTRUCTIONS of the leading specialist of the information technology department of the administration of the city of Livny, Oryol region 1. General provisions 1.1.

1 General provisions 1.1 The Information Technology Department is a structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh State

State educational institution of higher professional education "Kemerovo State University" (KemSU) "APPROVED" Rector of KemSU Full name 20 POSITION DIVISION NAME

Issue 1 Change 0 Copy 1 Sheet 1/9 Issue 1 Change 0 Copy 1 Sheet 2/9 This Regulation determines the purpose, goals, tasks, functions, rights, responsibilities and fundamentals of the Department's activities

CONTENTS of the section Title of the section Page 1 2 3 1 General provisions 3 2 Organizational structure of the unit management 4 3 Purpose and tasks of the unit 4 4 Activities and functions of the unit

1. General provisions 1.1. The Accounting Department and (hereinafter referred to as the Department, UBUiFK) is the main structural unit for the organizational and methodological management of accounting and


Sheet 1 The document is not subject to transfer, reproduction and copying without the written permission of the representative of the quality management Sheet 2 This job description was developed and approved by

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Tyva State University SK P-29 Position Surname / Signature Date Developed by Chief Accountant R.N. Evgrafova Agreed Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education VOLGA STATE UNIVERSITY OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATICS GUIDELINE RD PGUTI 1.55.7 2016 System

Page 1 of 10 I. General provisions page 2 of 10 1.1. Regulations on training and production (hereinafter - the Regulations) is a document that determines the legal status of the structural unit of the federal

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow "LEGAL COLLEGE" QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Regulation

CONTENTS 1. General provisions... 3 2. Structure.... 3 3. Main tasks. 3 4. Functions ... 5. Rights and obligations .. 6. Interaction with structural units ..... 7. Responsibility .. 8. Criteria

M I N O B R N A U K I R O S S I I Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southwestern State University" Quality Management System I Approve

PS Sheet 1/7 Sheet 2/7 This Regulation determines the purpose, goals, tasks, functions, rights, responsibilities and fundamentals of the Canteen of the Moscow Humanitarian University. Regulations on the Canteen

Sheet 2 of 6 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The Department of Additional Educational Services (hereinafter UDOU) is a structural unit of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Contents Page 2 of 10 1. Purpose and scope... 3 2. Normative references... 3 3. Terms and definitions... 3 4. Abbreviations and conventions... 3 5. Requirements for the construction of SRP... 3 5.1

Page 1 of 10 Page 2 of 10 I. General Provisions 1.1. (hereinafter -) is a document defining the legal status of a structural unit of the federal state budgetary educational


APPROVED by the Rector of the PEI VO “CHIEP them. M.V. Ladoshin” G.I. Ladoshin (signature) 2015 M.P. Regulations on the Department of Education Quality Management Approved Head of the Human Resources Department N.R. Valieva Agreed

SMK-PSP-34/23-2015 Regulations on structural divisions and councils APPROVED by Rector E.V. Zaitsev August 25, 2015 REGULATIONS ON THE STRUCTURAL UNIT QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Version 3.0 Introduction date:

Page 1 of 11 Page 2 of 11 I. General Provisions 1.1. (hereinafter - the Regulation) is a document defining the legal status of a structural unit of the federal state budgetary educational

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SAMARA STATE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMY" REGULATIONS ON THE INFORMATION SUPPORT CENTER

M I N O B R N A U K I R O S S I I Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southwestern State University" Quality Management System I Approve

Edition 01 Copy 1 Sheet 1 / total 10 Approved by the order of the director of the college on February 16, 2017

2 I. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation on the Department of Information Support of the FGBU DPO VUNMTs of the Ministry of Health of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) is a document of the education quality management system of the federal


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education VOLGA STATE UNIVERSITY OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATICS GUIDELINE RD PGUTI 1.71.6 2016 System

Sheet 1/9 Sheet 2/9 This Regulation determines the structure, goals, objectives, functions, rights, responsibilities and interaction of the Department of Economics and Marketing (hereinafter referred to as the Department) of the Moscow Humanitarian

Contents 1 Purpose and scope of the Regulations 3 2 Definitions and abbreviations 3 3 General provisions 3 4 Structure of the CMA 4 5 Main tasks and functions of the CMA 5 6 Rights and obligations of CMA employees 7 7 Sheet

M I N O B R N A U K I R O S S I I Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southwestern State University" Quality Management System I Approve


Seversk Technological Institute - a branch of NRNU MEPhI (STI NRNU MEPhI) APPROVED by the order of the head of STI NRNU MEPhI dated 07/05/2012 110 REGULATIONS on the quality management center PSP-5.5-01-STI - 32 Seversk

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "RUSSIAN STATE HUMANITARIAN UNIVERSITY" (RSUH) REGULATIONS on the Administration

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA State educational institution of higher professional education "Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D.I. Mendeleev" (RCTU named after D.I. Mendeleev) "APPROVED"

XX / 01-16 about the structural unit Considered at the meeting of the Academic Council of the South Ural State Agrarian University in 2017 (minutes) APPROVED by the Rector of the South Ural State Agrarian University V.G. Litovchenko 2017 Order

Annex 20 Approved by the Order of the Rector of the NOU VPO "MSPU" dated February 20, 2013 27 REGULATIONS on the personnel department Moscow, 2013 1. General provisions 1.1. The Human Resources Department is a structural subdivision of the Non-State

Ill Regulations on the structural unit 4.2.3 Document management Regulations on the quality management department I APPROVE Rector Shipitsyna 20 Yug. REGULATIONS ON THE STRUCTURAL UNIT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

Subdivision a Federal Agency for Education Page 1/10 Volgogradsky State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTENT, DESIGN

1.1 Scope

1.1.1 This document is the main regulatory document that establishes the goals, objectives, functions, rights and responsibilities of the Information Systems Operations Department of XXX LLC, regulating the organization of its activities, the procedure for business interaction with other structural divisions and officials of XXX LLC, external companies.

1.1.2 The Information Systems Operation Department is a structural subdivision within the Department of Information Technologies of XXX LLC, which performs functions in the Company to ensure continuous support of information services.

1.1.3 In its activities, the Information Systems Operations Department is guided by:

Legislation of the Russian Federation;

Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Charter LLC "XXX";

Regulations on the personnel nomenclature of LLC "XXX"
(P. HR-445.04 dated 22.06.2004);

By this Regulation.

1.1.4 This Regulation is a document of direct action and is mandatory for execution from the date of its approval.

1.1.5 Changes to the Regulations are approved by the General Director of XXX LLC.

1.2 Normative references

This Regulation uses normative references to the following documents:

1. Regulations on strategic planning of LLC "XXX" (P-509 dated 21.04.07);

2. Regulations on planning the activities of departments (P-283 dated 05.06.01);

3. Regulations on the reports of LLC "XXX" (P-250 dated 08.09.00);

4. Principles of management of the "Distribution" segment;

5. Regulations on the involvement of external consultants for the provision of consulting and information services (P. DS-517.07 of 10.01.07);

6. Regulations “On the Head of the Information Systems Operations Department of LLC XXX”.

1.3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

The following terms, definitions and abbreviations are used in this Regulation:

DB - database;

GNI - internal regulatory document;

SDCs – subsidiaries and dependent companies;

DIT - Department of Information Technology;

ECTS - a single corporate telecommunications network;

DGD for IT - Deputy General Director for Information Technology;

DGD for HR - Deputy General Director for HR;

IS - information system;

Company – LLC "XXX";

LAN - local area network;

ODR - Department of Document Management and Regulation;

OS - operating system;

OEIS - Department of Information Systems Operation;

Cognos e. Planning - automated information system for budget planning;

OEBS - Oracle E-Business Suite - a set of business applications from integrated software modules designed to create corporate ERP systems for Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management and electronic trading platforms;

STOCK & WSERT - software designed to automate inventory control and prepare certificates for medicines;

WABC is an automated information system for commodity and financial accounting.

2.1 OEIS is created and liquidated on the basis of the order of the General Director of XXX LLC.

2.2 The organizational structure of the OEIS is agreed with the DDG for IT, the DDG for personnel and is approved by the order of the General Director of XXX LLC. Proposals for changing the organizational structure are made by the Head of the OEIS or the DDG for IT.

2.3 The staffing of the Information Systems Operations Department is coordinated with the DGD for IT, the DGD for Personnel and approved by the order of the General Director of XXX LLC. Proposals for changing the staffing table are made by the Head of the OEIS or the DGD for IT.

2.4 The number and name of the divisions that are part of the OEIS, the number of employees working in them may vary depending on the organizational, functional and structural changes of the Company, changes in the specifics of its activities. Changes in the goals and organizational and functional structure of the OEIS are coordinated with the DDG for IT, the DDG for personnel and are approved by order of the General Director of XXX LLC. Proposals are made by the Head of the OEIS.

3.1 The organizational structure of the OEIS is built on a linear-functional basis.

3.2 The organizational and functional structure of the OEIS is given in Appendix A "Organizational and functional structure of the Information Systems Operations Department".

3.3 The activities of the structural units within the OEIS are regulated by these Regulations.

3.4 The OEIS is managed by the Head of the OEIS, whose activities are regulated by the Regulations “On the Head of the Department for the Operation of Information Systems of LLC XXX”.

3.5 The following are directly subordinate to the Head of the OEIS:

Employees of the OEIS Administration;

OEIS group leaders.

3.6 The procedure for appointment and dismissal of positions, distribution of duties within the OEIS systems is determined by the job descriptions of the employees of the unit, approved by the State Duma for the personnel of LLC "XXX".

4.1 The main goal of the OEIS is to provide support for information services that are in the area of ​​responsibility of the OEIS, in accordance with the level of performance, availability, continuity and security required by the business.

4.2 The sub-objectives of the OEIS are:

4.2.1 ensuring uninterrupted operation:

OEBS systems and information systems associated with it;

Unix OS and Oracle databases;

Windows OS and information services deployed on this platform;

Internet services, LAN and communication channels;

Circulation business applications;

1C systems;

Telecommunication services.

4.2.2 Ensuring a reliable and stable technical infrastructure
LLC "XXX" and its development.

6.1.3 Interaction with the Department of Personnel on the selection, training and motivation of OEIS employees.

6.1.4 Interaction with all divisions of XXX LLC on the functioning of databases, operating systems, circulation business applications, Internet services, communication channels, network equipment and telecommunication services.

6.1.5 Interaction with the Department of Logistics on the issues of providing the OEIS with the materials necessary for the activities of the department.

6.2 Interaction with external companies

6.2.1 Interaction of OEIS with external companies is carried out on a contractual basis and in accordance with clauses When performing the tasks and functions specified in sections 4-5 of these Regulations related to the following issues:

1. Strategic issues;

2. Questions of a methodological nature;

3. Issues of an intercompany nature (i.e., affecting the interests of different companies of the group);

4. Significant issues in terms of amount (issue price - more than 5 million rubles);

5. Issues of long-term impact on the company's activities;

6. Issues that the employees of the unit in their practice encounter for the first time;

7. Other issues that the employees of the unit cannot solve due to lack of labor and time resources, or these issues cannot be effectively resolved by the IP Operations Department,

The head of the OEIS has the right to initiate, before the General Director of XXX LLC, the involvement of specialists - external consultants for consultations on these issues, in accordance with the Regulations of XXX LLC "On the involvement of external consultants for the provision of consulting and information services."

The competence of the Head of the OEIS includes the adoption of management decisions on the recommendations provided by external consultants, as well as their implementation in the practice of the unit. The solution of other issues that are within the competence of the OEIS, interaction on information exchange issues is based on the principles enshrined in the regulatory documents of XXX LLC.

7.1 The planning of the activities of the OEIS is carried out on the basis of the "Regulations on the strategic planning of LLC XXX" (P-509 of 04.21.07), "Regulations on planning the activities of departments" (P-283 of 05.06.01), the Action Plan to achieve the strategic goals of the company for a year, monthly operational plans and budgets, Orders and Instructions of the General Director of XXX LLC.

7.2 The strategic goals of the OEIS for the year are set by the Head of the OEIS in accordance with the strategic goals of the DIT, agreed with the Head of the Planning and Development Department and approved by the General Director of XXX LLC.

8.1 Reporting of OEIS data is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the reports of OOO" XXX "(P-250 of 08.09.00).

8.2 Based on the results of the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the year, the Head of the OEIS submits to the Head of the Planning and Development Department an annual report on the activities of the OEIS and the achievement of strategic goals for reporting to the General Director of XXX LLC.

8.3 Based on the results of the implementation of the operational (monthly) work plan of the OEIS, the Head of the OEIS provides a report to the DDG on IT.

8.4 Reporting and analytical materials of the OEIS may be provided to other divisions and employees of the Company in agreement with the Head of the OEIS, the CDD for IT or with the General Director of XXX LLC.

9.1 As the key performance indicators of the OEIS, on the basis of which the results of its activities are evaluated, the indicators given in Appendix B “Key Performance Indicators of the OEIS” are accepted.

9.2 Absolute and relative values ​​of key performance indicators are planned for OEIS as part of the strategic planning for the year ahead and are recorded in the strategic plans of the Company. Fixing the actual values ​​of indicators occurs within the framework of reports on the implementation of strategic plans.

11.1 The Head of the Information Systems Operation Department is responsible to the General Director of XXX LLC for achieving the set goals and implementing the Strategic Development Plan in terms of the scope of the OEIS in accordance with the Labor Code and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11.2 The Head of the IS Operations Department is responsible for the risks arising in the area of ​​competence of the OEIS.

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  • Position


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