Topic maintenance and control of the web server. Mail server administration. "Knowledge Base" of the Escort Department

Maintenance and control of the mail server Control of sending and receiving mail. Setting user access rights to mail accounts.

You can work with letters not only through the Yandex.Mail web interface, but also with the help of various mail programs installed on your computer.

You can see the settings for email programs on mobile phones and tablets in the Access from mobile phones and tablets section.

  1. Configure the program using the IMAP protocol
  2. Configure the program using the POP3 protocol
  3. Problems with the mail program

Configure the program using the IMAP protocol

When using the IMAP protocol, the mail program synchronizes with the server and maintains the folder structure of your mailbox. The letters you send through the mail program will be stored not only on the computer, but also on the server, and you can access them from various devices.

Before configuring the mail program, enable the IMAP protocol:

  1. Open the Settings menu:
  1. Enable the option From server via IMAP protocol.
  2. Save your changes.

To configure a mail program using the IMAP protocol, you must specify the following data:

Incoming mail

mail server address -;

connection protection - SSL;

port - 993.

Outgoing mail

connection protection - SSL;

port - 465.

Support for the IMAP protocol will be enabled automatically upon first authorization in the mail program.

Configure the program using the POP3 protocol

When using the POP3 protocol, all messages from the folders that you specify in the Settings → Mail programs menu will be saved by the mail program to your computer in the Inbox folder. If necessary, you can set up filters in your mail program to automatically move messages to the correct folders. The emails you send will only be stored on your computer.

Note. When downloading emails from a server using the POP3 protocol, Yandex.Mail automatically saves copies of emails on the server, but you can delete emails manually using the web interface. If you want to delete emails with an email program, use the IMAP protocol.

Before setting up the mail program, enable the POP3 protocol:

  1. Open the Settings menu:
  1. Select Mail Programs.
  2. Enable the option From server via POP3 protocol.
  3. Save your changes.

To configure a mail program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following data:

Incoming mail

mail server address -;

connection protection - SSL;

port - 995.

Outgoing mail

mail server address -;

connection protection - SSL;

port - 465.

To access the mail server, enter your Yandex username and password (or application password if you have enabled two-factor authentication). If you are setting up receiving mail from a mailbox of the form " [email protected]”, the login is the part of the address before the “@” sign. If you use Yandex.Mail for a domain, you must specify the full mailbox address as a login.

If you have a small office and it is too expensive for you to buy Exchange and you don't have *nix- then this review is for you.

1) hMailServer

A fairly simple and convenient server. Has in the composition IMAP/POP3/SMTP server. There is a built-in spam protection system. For those who like to watch mail through Web- must be screwed separately Web-muzzle.

2) Mail Enable

I note that there are paid and free versions of this product. Has in the composition POP3/SMTP, but does not have IMAP server. But there is a built-in Web interface (which I never managed to get to work on IIS7)

3) Xmail

A fairly simple and functional mail server ( POP3/ESMTP, but no IMAP) with support for multiple authorization types ( PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 POP3-forward-SMTP and custom)

4) Office Mail Server

There is no official site, as the project is not developed. But you can download from here

A simple, compact yet fully featured LAN mail server with dial-up internet connection. Works under Windows 95-98-NT-ME-2000. Can work like NT service. A powerful sorter allows you to provide each user on the local network with a personal e-mail address. The program combines POP3 And SMTP servers, POP3 And SMTP clients, a sorter, a session scheduler, a dialer and a shell for setting up the server through the menu system and dialogs.

5) shicks!

Simple POP3/SMTP server written in python

6) Courier Mail Server

Almost similar to Courier Mail Server 1.56 (completely free) - however, there are minor flaws. For example, a glitch with displaying the interface when working with the server through a terminal session. However, this does not affect the work of mail. Its revised version 2.xx - Unfortunately, paid. Only up to 3 mailboxes work in it for free.

7) UserGate Mail Server

User Gate Mail Server is a solution for organizing secure email messages in a company with built-in anti-spam and anti-virus protection modules. The product has a modular structure, which increases fault tolerance and makes it possible to run the server on a distributed system.
Among the main functions User Gate Mail Server- domain and user management, web client, support for mailing lists, work with remote accounts, support LDAP, as well as a flexible and powerful system of rules. User Gate Mail Server capable of handling more 2000 letters per minute.
To provide access to mail in UserGate Mail Server implemented protocol support SSL, POP3s, SMTPs and IMAPs. Mail message security can now be ensured by three anti-virus modules at once: Kaspersky Antivirus, Panda Antivirus And Entensys Zero Hour based on cloud technologies.
In the processing of incoming messages in User Gate Mail Server filtering is performed in several stages - by connections, by source address, by destination address and by content. User Gate Mail Server supports the following spam filtering methods:
based DNS (DNSBL, RHSBL, Backscatter, MX, SPF, SURBL);
based on a distributed anti-spam system ("cloud" anti-spam);
based on statistics (own implementation of Bayesian filtering).
Besides User Gate Mail Server maintains control SMTP protocol (control of the correctness of commands in accordance with RFC), limits the maximum message size, the maximum number of recipients, etc.
The "cloud" antispam in the mail server filters messages based on the analysis of their content and heuristics.
IN User Gate Mail Server implemented integration with IMAP- server MS Exchange or Lotus Domino. Integration provides the ability to create a shared folder IMAP on a remote mail server and processing messages in these folders.
User Gate Mail Server provides information about all messages processed by the mail server. Message monitoring allows you to filter by date, by processing status (delivered/blocked), by source or destination address, push messages blocked as spam, and create exclusion lists.
Free license for 5 mailboxes
To get the opportunity to use UserGate Mail Server for 5 mailboxes for free, you need to:
Download distribution; In the registration window User Gate Mail Server select "Get a free version for 5 boxes".
The free mail server license does not include additional modules.
User Gate Mail Server supports backing up email messages, sending automatic replies, setting up mail processing rules, managing services in the web console, and selecting an arbitrary date range in the message history.

8) Rumble Mail Server

Rumble is a miniature mail server for personal use. The application can only be run from the command line interface of your system.

Features of the program "Rumble":
1. Support SMTP, POP3 and IMAP
2. Working with Apache
3. Easy to use
4. Rumble is free!

9) Humster

Hamster is a free server application for Windows that allows you to fully work with usenet news via the NNTP protocol and mail via the SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols on the local network. Its feature is advanced message processing capabilities. It can independently collect mail from mailboxes on the Internet (similar to the operation of the fetchmail program in *nix), send it to a local mailbox after processing (similar to the operation of the procmail program in *nix), distribute via POP3, send via SMTP and NNTP. There is a setting of access rights to server resources for users. Rich macro language. SSL supported.

10) Axigen

Axigen mail server is a high class communication server integrating SMTP, POP3, IMAP and WebMail services. With very good configuration and security, it gives administrators excellent control over mail server traffic.

One of the common and popular services is the administration of the email server. E-mail in our time remains the most popular and most frequently used means of exchanging information in electronic form. Active email correspondence inevitably accompanies the work on any project, documents are sent via email, business negotiations are conducted. The importance of email in today's world cannot be overestimated. This means that the tasks of ensuring its smooth operation are of particular importance. Of course, there are a significant number of free and fairly large e-mail systems on the World Wide Web, already maintained by high-level professionals. Such systems work stably and reliably, but their use in business correspondence is completely unacceptable for two reasons.

  • It is not safe.

The situation when electronic messages, often of a confidential nature, are stored on a foreign server is too high a risk in terms of information security.

  • The use of mailboxes registered in one of the free mail systems for business correspondence is simply undignified and absolutely does not fit with the image of a successful, modern company.

For many years I have been successfully engaged in technical support of client mail servers. And I can provide:

  • constant monitoring of the technical condition of the mail server, the operation of its software; anti-virus check of incoming e-mail; application of a number of effective methods of protection against spam;
  • backup of mail messages stored on the server;
  • the ability to use a specialized web interface to work with mail.

The automated monitoring system used quickly and effectively captures all the failures in the operation of software and hardware, promptly notifying about them, which makes it possible to ensure stable and reliable operation of the administered server. And the applied data backup system prevents data loss in case of technical problems or accidental deletion by the client's employees.

All incoming and outgoing emails are automatically checked for the absence of malicious software and viruses, and anti-spam methods are also applied and constantly improved, based on a deep understanding of the functioning of the Network in general and email transmission protocols in particular.

For the convenience of clients, specialized web interfaces can be deployed for accessing personal electronic mailboxes and for administering the mail system: creating new mailboxes, managing disk resources available for each mailbox, etc. Working through the web interface is possible using any modern browser (web browser) and is carried out using a secure protocol, which guarantees the security of the connection. In addition, two-level mail systems were tested and implemented, consisting of an internal intranet system and an external mail server designed to work with electronic correspondence via the Internet. Such systems can significantly reduce the cost of external Internet traffic for the intra-office computer network, because. on the one hand, all spam is blocked at the level of an external mail server, and on the other hand, when using e-mail for internal correspondence of employees, their e-mails do not leave the local network.

By the way, the latter circumstance also makes it possible to further significantly increase the security of information exchange within the serviced organization.

The functioning of any information system is impossible without timely, competent maintenance of servers. The quality of maintenance of server hardware directly affects the availability of data, their safety and security, as well as access to them and its speed.

Our specialists have vast experience in server administration, accumulated while working with a variety of systems, from simple SOHO solutions to the most complex, constantly under high load. We successfully connect and support a wide variety of server solutions: universal servers for small organizations, terminal, file, vpn, Web, multifunctional Internet gateways, VoIP, database servers, BackUP servers and mail servers.

For many years of our work in the field of IT services, we have come across a wide variety of, and often even exotic, solutions to certain problems. This allowed us to accumulate vast experience and knowledge in the field of server hardware, software solutions and technologies used. It is thanks to this that we are ready to provide system administration and server maintenance services for any company, regardless of the software or hardware used.

What does server maintenance (support) include?

Our company provides comprehensive server maintenance services. Conventionally, maintenance of servers can be divided into two components, this is server administration (server software maintenance) and server maintenance (maintenance of hardware components). We provide support services for any hardware and software solutions.

System administration. Maintenance of server software.

Often, system administration, erroneously, means only setting up server software and server services. This is wrong. System administration is a combination of procedures and processes designed to secure and reassure the operation of the server.

  • Connecting a server. Procedures that are designed to increase the reliability of your server. The server connection includes: backing up the data stored on the server, backing up the power connection scheme, backing up the ability to access the Internet and, if possible, backing up the functions that the server performs.
  • Server optimization is a set of measures whose main task is to increase server performance. The maximum return, and therefore financial benefit, from the server can be
    get only with proper configuration of all software products installed on it. Optimization works are carried out after a thorough analysis of the services provided and an assessment of the priority of certain business tasks. As a rule, optimization work is carried out immediately after the transfer of the server for maintenance, and then when any new services or services are introduced
  • Server status monitoring - we understand that some business processes of your organization do not stop for a minute, even at night, weekends or holidays, that some of your employees need round-the-clock access to certain services, such as e-mail. It is to ensure constant access to critical services that we carry out round-the-clock monitoring of the status of the serviced servers.
  • Regular backup.Our specialists develop and then implement a backup system for information stored on the server. At the same time, based on its criticality, copying can be carried out at different time intervals, and data copies can be stored for an arbitrarily long time.
  • Updating server software. Updating the software used allows you to secure the server, speed up its work.
  • Analysis of server logs. Logs, in other words, system logs, are special files in which the server and installed software create marks, so-called notifications, about all events, including errors that occurred during their operation. The analysis of such log files allows you to detect the problem at an early stage, preventing data loss, as well as equipment failures.
  • Anti-virus protection. Anti-virus protection of the server, systematic updates of anti-virus signatures and comprehensive checks of the operating system help to avoid infecting your
    servers with viruses and worms. Since all users on a corporate network interact with servers, store their files on them or exchange them, protecting servers from malware is a critical task.
  • Security setup. The server is the concentration of corporate information, and therefore a critical segment of the IT infrastructure. Its failure is capable of permanent
    paralyze the work of the office, and sometimes the entire company, and the theft of information stored on the server leads to catastrophic consequences. A comprehensive full-fledged server security setup, including both protection against intrusion from outside and from within the network (for example, against accidental or deliberate deletion of files) is a prerequisite for its stability.

Hardware support, maintenance of servers.

Like any device, the server and its components have their own service life and threshold of maximum permissible loads. For the servers to function correctly, many factors must be observed, for example, the temperature regime and humidity in the room. As part of the hardware part of server support, we will carry out the following work:

  • Constant monitoring of the state of the server hardware components;
  • Modernization or replacement of hardware parts of server equipment;
  • Preparation of recommendations on the organization of the server room;
  • Organization of an uninterruptible power supply system;
  • Automatic server recovery in case of failures.

Why is it worth entrusting the administration and maintenance of servers to us?

The experience accumulated by our specialists gives us the opportunity to offer you any mutually beneficial scheme of cooperation and vouch for the quality of the services provided. We are ready to provide support for any server solution running on any platform, be it a solution based on Linux Server or Microsoft
windows server.

We are happy to provide support services for servers based on any operating systems:

  • Service, support of servers Microsoft Windows Server 2000;
  • Maintenance, support of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 servers;
  • Maintenance, support of servers Microsoft Windows Server 2008;
  • Maintenance, support for Ubuntu servers;
  • Maintenance, support of CentOS servers;
  • Maintenance, support of FreeBSD servers;
  • Maintenance, support of Debian servers;
  • Maintenance, support of Mandriva servers;
  • Maintenance, support of RedHat servers.

Based on the size of your company, the number of full-time IT specialists (if any), we will develop for you a personal, mutually beneficial cooperation scheme that meets your needs, while not going beyond your budget. Flexible pricing policy is determined by an individual approach to each client. We are ready to offer you comprehensive server maintenance services, which includes all the work necessary for the optimal functioning of your server. If, for some reason, you cannot transfer all server equipment to us, we are ready to take on any segment of the enterprise's server infrastructure, for example, one or more servers, any server service (corporate mail, Internet gateway, web server, etc.). or hardware support for servers.

In addition to server maintenance, we are ready to offer our customers a lot of related services. For example, if necessary, a server maintenance agreement may include the possibility of providing a replacement server, because, as a rule, warranty or post-warranty repair of a server takes a long time, and the availability of any server is critical. We are also ready to provide replacement hardware components of the server, not the entire server. If you are expanding, you open a new office, representative office, store or warehouse and you need a server, we are ready to provide you with a server for rent for any time you need, with the possibility of further redemption, or without it. If you are afraid for the safety of your information, or the physical safety of the server, for example, you are afraid of breaking into the office, we will help you place your servers on favorable terms in the most reliable data centers and organize round-the-clock remote access to them.

our clients

Any work with server hardware requires more skills and much higher qualifications. We will connect the required servers to the network, install software, configure server services, such as: web server, proxy server, dns server, file server, anti-virus center, office network domain controller, information services and much more.


Server- a computer (or special computer equipment) dedicated and/or specialized to perform certain service functions.

Server software (server, English server from to serve- serve; plural servers, in colloquial language server is also used) - in information technology - a software component of a computing system that performs service (servicing) functions at the request of the client, providing him with access to certain resources or services.

Server role

Concepts server And client and the roles assigned to them form the program concept " client-server».

To interact with the client (or clients, if simultaneous work with several clients is supported), the server allocates the necessary interprocess communication resources (shared memory, pipe, socket, etc.) and waits for requests to open a connection (or, in fact, requests for the provided service ). Depending on the type of such resource, the server may serve processes within the same computer system or processes on other machines through data channels (eg, COM port) or network connections.

The format of client requests and server responses is defined by the protocol. Open protocol specifications are described by open standards, for example, Internet protocols are defined in RFC documents.

Depending on the tasks being performed, some servers, in the absence of service requests, may be idle waiting. Others may be doing some work (for example, collecting information), for such servers, working with clients may be a secondary task.


The word "server" has another meaning - a computer that performs server tasks, or a computer (or other hardware) specialized (by form factor and / or resources) for use as a hardware base for service servers (sometimes - services of a certain directions).

Hardware servers are called highly specialized solutions with embedded software (Eng. firmware; unlike computers, where software must be installed), defining the specialization and possible services provided. Hardware servers tend to be simpler and more reliable, use less power, and are sometimes cheaper. But at the same time, they are less flexible (because they are initially limited in the tasks they perform) and often limited in resources.

It is important to understand that a server, as this article understands it (that is, a server that provides some kind of service, such as a proxy server), is always a program (or software module) running on some kind of hardware. Without this program, the hardware cannot provide anything. Even "hardware servers" (or routers) are no exception, because in them the service is also provided by (embedded) software. Sometimes, for simplicity, the service server (for example, the same proxy server) is called software and hardware as a whole, especially if this software and hardware complex performs only one task.

Theoretically, an arbitrary number of servers can run simultaneously on one piece of hardware (with the exception of servers that conflict with each other in terms of resources or their number), they will share hardware resources among themselves. In practice, between the extremes of "one computer - one service" and "one computer - all services" everyone finds their own compromise.

Service servers can be run on a workstation to run in the background, sharing computer resources with user-run programs. This mode of operation is called "non-dedicated", as opposed to "dedicated" (Eng. dedicated) when the computer performs only service functions. Strictly speaking, several servers are always running on a workstation (for example, under Windows XP) - a remote access server (terminal server), a remote access server for the file system and printing system, and other remote and internal servers.

Classification of standard servers

As a rule, each server serves one or more similar protocols. Servers can be classified according to the type of service they provide.

Universal servers

Universal servers are a special kind of server program that does not provide any services on its own. Instead, generic servers provide service servers with a simplified interface to IPC resources and/or unified client access to various services. There are several types of such servers:

  • inetd(from English. i nter net super-server d aemon- IP service daemon) - a standard UNIX system tool - a program that allows you to write TCP / IP servers (and network protocols of other families) that work with the client through inetd redirected standard input and output streams (stdin and stdout).
  • RPC(from English. R emote P rocedure C all- remote procedure call) - a system for integrating servers in the form of procedures available for calling by a remote user through a unified interface. The interface invented by Sun Microsystems for its operating system (SunOS, Solaris; Unix system) is currently used by both most Unix systems and Windows.
  • Applied client-server technologies Windows:
    • (D-)COM(English) (D issued) C component O object M dress- composite object model), etc. - Allows one program to perform operations on data objects using the procedures of other programs. Initially, this technology is intended for their "object embedding and linking" (OLE). O object L inking and E mbbedding), but in general allows you to write a wide range of different application servers. COM works only within one computer, DCOM is available remotely via RPC.
    • Active X- COM and DCOM extension for creating multimedia applications.

Generic servers are often used to write all kinds of information servers - servers that do not need specific networking and have no tasks other than serving clients. For example, as servers for inetd ordinary console programs and scripts can act.

Most of the internal and network specific Windows servers run through generic servers (RPC, (D-)COM).


Strictly speaking, a routing server is not a server in the classical sense, but is a basic network support function of the operating system.

For TCP/IP, routing is a basic function IP stack(TCP/IP support code). Any system on the network routes its own packets to its destination, but only routers (also known as routers or gateways) perform forwarding of other people's packets. The tasks of the router when forwarding the packet:

  • accept package
  • find the machine this packet is destined for, or the next router on the route to it (in the route table)
  • send a packet or return an ICMP message about the impossibility of its delivery for the following reasons:
    • destination unattainable Destination unreachable) - the package ran out of " lifetime'before he reached his destination
    • host unreachable ( Host unreachable) - the computer or the next router is turned off or does not exist
    • network unreachable ( network unreachable) - the router has no route to the destination network
  • if the packet cannot be delivered due to router (or network) overload, discard the packet silently

Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routing solutions are designed to collect information about the current state of a complex network and maintain a route table through this network to ensure that a packet is delivered along the shortest and most efficient route.

Of these solutions, only BGP uses the client-server model. B order G ateway P rotocol- Border Gateway Protocol) used for global routing. Local solutions (RIP OSPF) use broadcast and multicast mailings in their work.

Network Services

Network services provide the functionality of the network; for example, DHCP and BOOTP servers provide initialization of servers and workstations, DNS - translation of names to addresses and vice versa.

Tunneling servers (for example, various VPN servers) and proxy servers provide communication with a network that is not accessible by routing.

AAA and Radius servers provide a single network authentication, authorization and access logging.

Information Services

Information services include both the simplest servers that report information about the host (time, daytime, motd) and users (finger, ident), as well as monitoring servers, such as SNMP. Most information services operate through universal servers.

Servers are a special type of information services. time synchronization- NTP; In addition to informing the client about the exact time, the NTP server periodically polls several other servers to correct their own time. In addition to time, the speed of the system clock is analyzed and corrected. The time correction is carried out by speeding up or slowing down the system clock (depending on the direction of the correction) in order to avoid the problems that can occur with a simple permutation of the time.

File servers

File servers are servers for providing access to files on a server disk.

First of all, these are file transfer servers on order, via FTP, TFTP, SFTP and HTTP protocols. The HTTP protocol is focused on the transfer of text files, but servers can also give arbitrary data as requested files, such as dynamically created web pages, pictures, music, etc.

Other servers allow mount disk partitions of the server into the disk space of the client and fully work with files on them. This allows NFS and SMB protocol servers. NFS and SMB servers work through the RPC interface.

Disadvantages of a file server system:

  • Very heavy load on the network, increased bandwidth requirements. In practice, this makes it almost impossible for a large number of users to work with large amounts of data at the same time.
  • Data processing is carried out on the user's computer. This entails increased requirements for the hardware of each user. The more users, the more money will have to be spent on equipping their computers.
  • Blocking data when editing by one user makes it impossible for other users to work with this data.
  • Safety. To be able to work with such a system, you will need to give each user full access to the whole file, in which he may be interested in only one field.

Data access servers

Data access servers maintain the database and return data upon request. One of the simplest services of this type is LDAP. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol- a lightweight protocol for accessing lists).

There is no single protocol for accessing database servers, however, a number of databases are united by the use of common rules for generating queries - the SQL language (eng. Structured Query Language- structured query language). Along with them, there are others - NoSQL databases.

Messaging Services

Messaging services allow the user to send and receive messages (usually text messages).

First of all, these are e-mail servers operating under the SMTP protocol. SMTP server accepts the message and delivers it to the user's local mailbox or to another SMTP server (destination or intermediate server). On multi-user computers, users work with mail directly on the terminal (or in the web interface). To work with mail on a personal computer, mail is retrieved from the mailbox through servers operating on the POP3 or IMAP protocols.

To organize conferences, there are news servers operating via the NNTP protocol.

For real-time messaging, there are chat servers. There are a large number of chat protocols such as IRC, Jabber and OSCAR.

Remote access servers

Remote access servers, through the appropriate client program, provide the user with an analogue of a local terminal (text or graphic) for working on a remote system.

The telnet, RSH, and SSH servers provide access to the command line.

The graphical interface for Unix systems - the X Window System - has a built-in remote access server, since it was originally developed with this capability. Sometimes the ability to remotely access the X-Window interface wrong called "X-Server" (this term in X-Window is called a video driver).

The standard server for remote access to the Microsoft Windows GUI is called a terminal server.

Some kind of management (more precisely, monitoring and configuration) is also provided by the SNMP protocol. The computer or hardware device must have an SNMP server for this.

Game servers

Game servers serve for the simultaneous game of several users in a single game situation. Some games have a server in the main distribution and allow you to run it in a non-dedicated mode (that is, they allow you to play on the machine on which the server is running).

Server solutions

Server solutions - operating systems and / or software packages optimized for the performance of server functions by a computer and / or containing a set of programs for implementing a typical set of services.

As an example of server solutions, we can cite Unix systems that were originally designed to implement a server infrastructure.

It is also necessary to allocate packages of servers and related programs (for example, a web server / PHP / MySQL kit for quickly deploying hosting) for installation under Windows (Unix is ​​characterized by modular or “packaged” installation of each component, so such solutions are rare [ source not specified 726 days] , but they exist. The most famous is LAMP).

In integrated server solutions, all components are installed at the same time, all components are more or less tightly integrated and pre-configured with each other. However, in this case, replacing one of the servers or secondary applications (if their capabilities do not meet the needs) can be a problem.

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