Laima - the meaning of the name. Lyme and her personal life. Zodiacal and sacred number of the name Laima

Forms of the name Lyme

Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name: Laimochka, Laimushka, Laimusha, Laimunya, Laimusya.

Laima name in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 萊姆 (Lái mǔ). Japanese: ライム (Raimu). Kannada: ಲೈಮ್ (Laim). Hindi: लाइम (Lā "ima). Ukrainian: Laima. Gujarati: લીમ (Līma). English: Lyme (Lyme).

origin of the name Laima

Laima is a female name ancient history and goes back to the mythology of the Baltic peoples. That was the name of the goddess of happiness and fate, who patronized lovers. In Russia, Lyme has become the most famous and popular in Soviet times. Now it is not widely used.

The nature of the name Laima

The phonosemantics of this name determines mobility, emotionality and the ability to control one's feelings in it. As a rule, this is an active, creative, sometimes unpredictable woman, capable of impulsive actions, but in general, she is well in control of herself and always tries to control her life. AT childhood Lyme is very energetic. She is constantly on the move, sings, dances, runs, loves to do social work, attends many circles, loves dancing and sports.

The little owner of this name is quite stubborn, so her parents have a hard time with her. Adult Lyme is domineering, a little selfish, often has no sense of humor, can easily get involved in a conflict. She treats her work with great dedication and responsibility, demanding of herself and others. In society, Lyme tends to be self-confident, so people are a little afraid and shun her. But still, she has enough fans, and her innate beauty and self-confidence allow Lime to always be in the spotlight.

The secret of the name Lyme

Such a woman inherits from her father stubborn character. It is hard for her to prove anything, she makes her own decisions.

In choosing a partner for family life she is picky. She is in no hurry to get married for a long time, and therefore often remains alone for a long time. In family life, Lyme tries to subjugate all household members. This often results in various conflicts.

Lyme treats money easily, although he loves a large amount of it. She can spend all her money in one evening or throw out a large sum to buy things. Lyme is also a hard-working woman who always achieves her goal.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Lyme name incompatibility

Difficult relationships are likely with, Severyan, Delight.

  • Woman's name
  • The meaning and origin of the name Laima: The name has Baltic roots and means "Happiness".
  • Energy named after Lyme: Mobility, purposefulness, impulsiveness

The name of Lyme has a rather unusual energy, it feels good mobility, poise and purposefulness, however, in the very center of this energy, a somewhat unstable position is created, which enhances Lyme's impulsiveness and provides some unpredictability of her behavior. In general, a woman with that name is rather self-confident in society. She is undoubtedly very proud and emotional, but she perfectly controls her feelings - much like an experienced driver confidently drives her car along a familiar track. All the more unexpectedly, this dangerous slippery area appears on her way, where the car lacks grip, and, in relation to Lyme herself, some endurance.

In fact, Lima's energy is arranged in such a way that at the moment of the greatest tension, significant uncertainty is created in it, which is further complicated by the emotional impulsivity that increases at this moment. Because of this, a certain danger of nervous breakdowns appears in Lyme's life, when only God knows where suddenly increased emotions will bring Lyme. At the same time, it cannot be said that these emotions are distinguished by some incredible strength, no, their main danger lies precisely in the suddenness and absence of solid ground under their feet at the time of their occurrence. As if, having entered a slippery section of the road, Lyme, instead of hitting the brakes, accidentally pressed the accelerator.

Of course, in real life, such unpredictability is not as dangerous as driving a car, but even here it can create certain difficulties. Most often, the purposeful and balanced Lyme tries to persistently go towards her goal, she is logical and consistent, but often the impulsiveness that awakens in her can push her to rash and illogical steps. In these moments, she can splash out all those emotions that she previously seemed to manage so successfully. Lyme can suddenly say a lot of nasty things to a person in their hearts, or suddenly quit the job they have started halfway.

Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, the same quality can sometimes give Lime a certain charm and originality, because what matters here is how exactly all this will manifest itself. The main thing is that confrontation with others is not behind this, then unpredictability begins to be perceived as impulsive immediacy. If, in addition to everything, you learn to treat yourself with humor, then this quality will not only not break fate, but will also enrich life with new colors.

What do you think about the name Laima?

The name - Laima, of Lithuanian origin, meaning - "happiness", "luck". AT early childhood, Lyme grows up as a very stubborn and restless girl who likes to get sick very often. She inherited her character from her father, and her appearance from her mother. As an adult, Lyme very carefully chooses her friends and wants them to obey her unquestioningly. She also appreciates money, but treats it lightly and spends it irrationally. Although Lyme is endowed with a difficult character, he often helps her out, even in the most difficult situations. But it is worth noting that a woman with this name also has positive traits character, such as - honesty, independence, determination, eccentricity of thinking and curiosity.

In any case, the bearer of this name is almost always the personification of femininity, beauty and charm. And her desire for power and intransigence often turn into additional problems for her in life. Sometimes she is overly cruel and caustic lady. He will never let you control his actions and thoughts. Often, Lyme is determined quite early on her path in life, so many women with that name become not only strong politicians, but also professionals. high class in any field of activity. Lyme never advertises his personal life and hides it even from relatives and friends. She usually chooses her life partner for a long time and meticulously.

Lyme spends his money easily

The man of her dreams must be brave and strong, possess the qualities of a real macho. At the beginning of the relationship, Lyme will imperceptibly check his feelings for him, but when he is convinced of the seriousness of his intentions, he decides to open his love. In family relations, the bearer of this name does not like to lead at all, therefore, she will willingly transfer all responsibility to her husband, and she herself can only advise and recommend.

Lima's name day

  • Lime's name according to the zodiac sign: suitable for Aquarius.
  • Lime Talisman: labrador.
  • Laima name compatibility: favorable relations with the names: Alfred, Vladislav, Gennady, Dmitry, Igor, Lev, Severin, Seraphim, Cheslav.

The female name Laima has an ancient history and is rooted in the mythology of the peoples of the Baltic states. That was the name of the goddess of happiness and fate, who patronized lovers. In Russia, the name Laima became the most famous and popular in Soviet times. Now it is not widely used.

Characteristics of the name Laima

The phonosemantics of this name determines mobility, emotionality and the ability to control one's feelings in it. As a rule, this is an active, creative, sometimes unpredictable woman, capable of impulsive actions, but in general, she is well in control of herself and always tries to control her life. In childhood, Lyme is very energetic. She is constantly on the move, sings, dances, runs, loves to do social work, attends many circles, loves dancing and sports. The little owner of this name is quite stubborn, so her parents have a hard time with her. Adult Lyme is domineering, a little selfish, often has no sense of humor, can easily get involved in a conflict. She treats her work with great dedication and responsibility, demanding of herself and others. In society, Lyme tends to be self-confident, so people are a little afraid and shun her. But still, she has enough fans, and her innate beauty and self-confidence allow Lime to always be in the spotlight.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

This name is most suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Aries or Leo. Impulsive Aries (March 21-April 20) is similar to Lyme with a strong, assertive and even slightly aggressive disposition, therefore, under his auspices, she will retain these qualities, adding enterprise, straightforwardness and optimism to them. The Proud Leo (July 23-August 23) is also suitable for Lyme, as he is similar to her in many character traits (energy, exactingness, careless handling of money), and can also make her more successful, strong and purposeful.

Pros and cons of the name Lyme

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Lyme? On the one hand, it is a beautiful, ancient, sonorous and energetic strong name. Because of its familiarity, it goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, moreover, it has several euphonious reductions and affectionate forms, such as Laimochka, Laimushka, Laimusha, Laimunya, Laimusya. Some distrust of parents choosing this name for their daughter can cause self-confident, strong, and therefore a little complex disposition of many of its owners, but it is also impossible to say that character is a drawback of this name.


Lima is in good health. As a child, she may suffer from physical injuries that are the result of her restlessness, and at an older age, she needs to keep track of her work. gastrointestinal tract and save your nerves.

Love and family relationships

AT family relationships Lyme is rarely lucky - she is too independent, arrogant and demanding. Not every husband is able to withstand her commanding tone, it is even more difficult for Lima's children, who until adulthood will live the way their mother wants, demanding unquestioning obedience in everything.

Professional area

AT professional field Lyme fit creative activity, the opportunity to change your life and live according to a schedule that is convenient for her. She can make a good sculptor, artist, book illustrator, ceramist, actress, photographer, florist, writer, choreographer.

name day

Lyme does not celebrate her name day, since her name is not in church calendars.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Happiness" (Baltic)

Energy of the name and character: The name of Lyme has a rather unusual energy, it feels good mobility, balance and purposefulness, however, a somewhat unstable position is created in the very center of this energy, which enhances Lime's impulsiveness and provides some unpredictability of her behavior. In general, a woman with that name is rather self-confident in society. She is undoubtedly very proud and emotional, but she perfectly controls her feelings - just like an experienced driver confidently drives her car along a familiar track. All the more unexpectedly, this dangerous slippery area appears on her way, where the car lacks traction, and, in relation to Lyme herself, some endurance.

In fact, Lima's energy is arranged in such a way that at the moment of the greatest tension, significant uncertainty is created in it, which is further complicated by the emotional impulsivity that increases at this moment. Because of this, a certain danger of nervous breakdowns appears in Lyme's life, when only God knows where suddenly increased emotions will bring Lyme. At the same time, it cannot be said that these emotions are distinguished by some incredible strength, no, their main danger lies precisely in the suddenness and absence of solid ground under their feet at the time of their occurrence. As if, having entered a slippery section of the road, Lyme, instead of hitting the brakes, accidentally pressed the accelerator.

Of course, in real life, such unpredictability is not as dangerous as driving a car, but even here it can create certain difficulties. Most often, the purposeful and balanced Lyme tries to persistently go towards her goal, she is logical and consistent, but often the impulsiveness that awakens in her can push her to rash and illogical steps. In these moments, she can splash out all those emotions that she previously seemed to manage so successfully. Lyme can suddenly say a lot of nasty things to a person in their hearts, or suddenly quit the job they have started halfway.

Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, the same quality can sometimes give Lime a certain charm and originality, because what matters here is how exactly all this will manifest itself. The main thing is that confrontation with others is not behind this, then unpredictability begins to be perceived as impulsive immediacy. If, in addition to everything, you learn to treat yourself with humor, then this quality will not only not break fate, but will also enrich life with new colors.

Secrets of communication: If you like non-standard people, then try to get to know Lima better. However, be careful if in her character you find imperiousness or, even worse, a lack of a sense of humor - in this situation, it will be very difficult to avoid conflicts with her.

The trace of a name in history:

Legend of Lyme

It is probably not in vain that of all the Baltic singers and singers, it was Laima Vaikule who at one time was at the pinnacle of fame, touring not only throughout Russia, but also - very successfully - in foreign countries. In any case, the name given to the singer at birth had the most beneficial effect on her career, because according to the mythology of Lithuanians and Latvians, Laima is the goddess of happiness and fate.

In ancient times, the peoples of the Baltics greatly revered the goddess Laima, considering her able not only to predict the future, but also to patronize during childbirth, protect the feelings of lovers, help modest girls find a groom, and even lead the bride and groom to the wedding. According to legend, two goddesses appear to each newborn in the first hours of his life - Laima and Giltina (goddess of death and misfortune), each of which rewards him with his share of happiness or suffering. And Lyme, trying to give little man as much good as possible, puts a magic scarf under it, which predetermines its favorable fate.

By Higiru

The main feature of this woman is the stubbornness that she inherited from her father. She is very picky in choosing partners, and it is not easy for her to get married. Difficult in marriage - loves complete and unquestioning submission to herself. In early childhood, painful, restless. With age, he learns to make efforts on himself, but remains hard to get up in the morning (Lyme - “owl”). He loves money, but treats them easily, squanders irrationally. Her stubbornness and efficiency help to achieve her goal. Creative Limes are impulsive, energetic, optimistic. They see colored dreams.

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