Feast of Peter and Paul. Icon of the supreme apostles. Icon "Peter and Paul" and its meaning

Christian iconography knows many variations in the image of the venerable saints. The first images are found during the birth of this divine art. The Apostles, faithful disciples of the Savior, were more often represented in scenes from the Gospel on tomb reliefs or on frescoes. The icons of Saints Peter and Paul mercifully provide assistance to repentant atheists, Orthodox Christians who have lost their faith, as well as those who came to Christianity from another religion. They support people in undertaking noble deeds.

The history of the appearance of the holy face

The apostles came to faith in different ways, but their tremendous loyalty and love for the Lord elevated their names and united their destinies. Preaching together, they saved many people from godlessness and the fall.

Apostles Peter and Paul

Peter was the son of a simple fisherman and subsequently saw all the events from the life of Christ. The apostle three times renounced the teachings of the Savior, but each time he returned with repentance. Paul initially hated Christians, killed and persecuted the unfortunate, and, being a great orator, misled the people. However, he soon changed his rage to fiery love.

The most famous image of the great disciples of Christ is of East Slavic origin and was created in the middle of the 11th century. The icon is considered an early example of Russian easel painting; it is kept in the collection of the Novgorod Museum.

Tradition says that the canvas with the two apostles was brought from Korsun (Chersonese) by Prince V. Monomakh. Academician V. Lazarev suggests that the miraculous icon was painted in Novgorod, since it was in this city that sacred images of considerable size were often created. The author of this work of church art is considered to be a Byzantine master who was inspired by fresco images. Some time after its creation, the icon was decorated with gilded silver.

  • The image of the saints was taken out of its native Novgorod three times: in the 16th century it was done by Tsar John IV, during the Second World War it was stolen by German troops, and in 2002 it was borrowed by Russian restorers. However, the icon always returned to its original place.
  • The sacred image was painted on five linden canvases, which were held together using curly dowels, as evidenced by the marks on the reverse side. The icon was updated by Russian craftsmen in the 16th century; in the mid-20th century it was covered with special wax. In the period from 2002 to 2008. the canvas was freed from the salary and the mistakes of past restoration work were corrected.
  • In the image, the great apostles are presented in full growth, with a half-figure of the Messiah on top of them. The heads of Peter and Paul are slightly turned, in the hands of the first is the tree of the cross, a sacred scroll and the keys to the heavenly kingdom, in the second is a book. The icon is well preserved, from the original colors of the 16th century. fragments of robes and background remain. However, the original painting of the limbs of Paul and Peter has been completely lost.
On a note! In prayer before this ancient icon, believers glorify the great apostles for their dedication and desire to give their lives for the sake of the Truth. Further, it speaks of the broken hearts of Christians who see enormous troubles around them and pray for protection from the ravenous wolves of sinfulness. Believers ask the apostles to become great protectors because they themselves are not able to resist great temptations.

Help coming from the canvas

Jesus personally chose the merciful Peter and the eloquent Paul to continue their missionary work and preaching. The apostles acquired the gift of spreading God's word, and at the end of their life they together accepted martyrdom for their Lord. Since ancient times they have been revered in all branches of the Christian faith.

Icon of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Icons and frescoes depicting Peter and Paul are found everywhere in many churches around the world.

  • In the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Moscow, Orthodox believers will find not only images of the Messiah’s faithful disciples, but also their miraculous remains, which were brought from Rome.
  • A similar temple, where the paintings of the saints are kept, is located near St. Petersburg, in the city of Sestroretsk, as well as in Novotroitsk, in the Orenburg region.

The Peter and Paul Icon is considered miraculous and grants healing from various ailments of the flesh and mind.

The people ask the great apostles, who are active disseminators of the word of God, that sincere faith will take root in the souls of people and never leave them. Prayer helps simple lay people, who are easily tempted, to become more righteous and purer in their thoughts.

Advice! You can contact the saints either individually or two at the same time. Peter helps those who want to get closer to the very essence of religion, and Paul helps in matters of education and blesses them in their studies.

Other images

Researchers classify images where the faces of saints are combined into a special group.

An ancient icon depicting the venerable disciples of the Messiah Peter and Paul was created in Novgorod and is considered miraculous. Merciful saints, hearing the prayers of ordinary lay people, instill strong faith in their hearts and help get rid of unwanted passions. The people extremely reverence Paul and Peter, praising their missionary work and the courage that allowed them to offer their lives on the altar of Truth.

Icon of Peter and Paul of the XXI century

And Paul is one of the most familiar to everyone who has ever turned to images of Christian saints. Their canonical appearance has been preserved unchanged since those ancient times, when followers of the doctrine of the risen Savior gathered for their services in the depths of the catacombs. The key to the gates of the Kingdom of God is in the hands of one of them and the sword - a symbol of sacrifice - in the hands of the other - evidence that before us are exactly those who are usually called the supreme apostles.

Features of their image

The researchers came to the conclusion that the description of the saints given in early legends apparently corresponds to reality, and on its basis the image that the icon conveys was formed. Peter and Paul lived in the era when the first chronicles of their ascetic ministry were compiled, the authors of which may well have been familiar with them, or at least seen them. This probably explains the permanence given to their portrait features.

It is believed that the icon “Peter and Paul” owes this extraordinary constancy to the traditions of Roman sculptural portraiture, which by that time had been brought to perfection. The authors of the first frescoes discovered on the walls of the catacombs were undoubtedly familiar with the technique of portraiture, which allowed them to give the images of the apostles truthful and realistic features.

Proximity of individual traits

Comparing the works of masters who lived in different eras, in different parts of the Christian world and never saw each other’s creations, you are amazed at the similarity of the faces they depict. For example, the icon “Peter and Paul”, painted in ancient Byzantium, and its analogue from the Novgorod school of the 16th century, undoubtedly convey the features of the same people. Moreover, it is known for sure that the painters from the banks of the Volkhov were not familiar with the works of their predecessors.

A special place in the iconography of the holy apostles is occupied by their joint images. Such compositions are often associated with the circumstances of the life of saints and their martyrdom, which took place on the same day. Apocryphal texts are often used as plots, telling about their last meeting and farewell shortly before the execution. Usually the icon “Peter and Paul”, painted on its basis, is an image of the apostles fraternally embracing and kissing each other.

Veneration of the Holy Apostles on the banks of the Dnieper and Volkhov

Since the adoption of Christianity, the image of the supreme apostles was considered one of the most revered in Rus'. It is known that upon his return from Korsun, Saint Prince Vladimir brought the icon “Peter and Paul” to Kyiv, which later became a gift. It has not survived to this day, but in the ancient temple you can still see a fresco of the 11th century, painted on this subject.

Spirituality at the heart of the image of the apostles

Nowadays, in the iconostases of most churches, an integral part of the Deesis row is the icon of Peter and Paul. Its significance has increased immeasurably over time. The reason lies in a more complete understanding of their images. They are symbols of boundless faith in the truth of Christ’s teaching, which allows even a simple, unlearned and weak person, as Peter was before, to rise to the heights of holiness.

In addition, this is a symbol of the openness of the path to spiritual perfection for those who initially not only did not accept the teachings of Christians, but were also their furious persecutors, like the Apostle Peter. Of course, in our post-atheistic times, such images are very relevant, especially since the Orthodox Church is conducting extensive educational work aimed at filling those gaps in the religious education of the people that arose during the era of theomachism. In general, any depiction of the apostles is a visual preaching of the Christian faith, opening the gates to eternal life.

Wonderworkers Peter and Paul are two opposites of each other, two pillars of faith and righteousness. Each of the apostles will help strengthen faith, overcome difficulties and torments of the soul.

The lives of Peter and Paul were different, but they were united by one thing - loyalty and love for the Savior. The supreme apostles made great efforts to spread the Christian faith. They converted many to Christ, for which they were canonized. Deeply religious people tirelessly ask Peter and Paul for help near their icon. The apostles depicted on the shrine can be prayed to both together and separately. Each of the apostles will hear you and help you in any godly endeavor.

Peter and Paul had different paths to faith. But ardent love and genuine loyalty to God elevated them and united them together. Having become inseparable, the main Christian apostles saved many from unbelief and the terrible fall into sin. Teachers among teachers converted more than one thousand lost souls to Christ.

Peter is a fisherman’s son who later became a witness to all the events of the Savior’s life. Having renounced the teachings of the Lord three times, he returned each time in repentance, becoming the founder of the Christian faith.

Paul was the greatest opponent of the Son of God. During his lifetime, he persecuted and brutally killed Christians everywhere. His oratorical abilities, literacy and noble origin incited hatred of Christ among the nobility and ordinary people. Such fierce resistance of Paul gave way to fiery love for God.

It was Paul and Peter who were chosen by Jesus himself to continue his missionary work. Two apostles, an inspired poor man and a lively activist, received the gift of carrying the word of God further. The chief apostles suffered martyrdom together. In the fourth century, a temple was erected in their honor in Rome, and the righteous themselves became a stronghold of faith.

Where is the image

Peter and Paul are well-known apostles, revered in all varieties of Christianity. Of course, their images, icons, and frescoes can be found in every temple. In many cities of Russia there are churches built in honor of the disciples of Christ. The most common lists of icons can be found in the following cathedrals:

  • the Church of Peter and Paul in the city of Moscow contains not only the image of the saints, but also the remains of the supreme apostles brought from Rome;
  • the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the city of Sestroretsk, which is located near St. Petersburg;
  • Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the city of Novotroitsk;
  • Moscow Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

Description of the icon

It is customary to depict Peter and Paul together in icon painting. Ancient icon painters tried to convey in this image the spiritual brotherhood found in the faith by which all adherents of Christianity are bound. Based on the surviving frescoes of the supreme apostles, the main canons for painting their images were laid down.

In ancient centuries, the faces of saints on the icon were depicted facing the audience; later, their faces began to be painted facing each other. In Peter's left hand there is a bunch of keys to heaven. Paul holds a staff and a book with his works. Thanks to these distinctive features, the saints cannot be confused.

How does the icon of Peter and Paul help?

Prayer near the icon of Peter and Paul turns any hesitation in faith into dust. Saints save from lack of faith, delusion, and the fall. Each of the apostles patronizes something different, but any of your requests will be heard and supported.

The Apostle Paul helps repentant atheists, non-believers, and those who have begun to lose their faith. Prayers addressed to him heal mental and physical illnesses. The saint also patronizes learning, especially the mastery of complex sciences. The Apostle Peter will support you in starting your own business, giving you hard work, determination and financial success.

Prayer before the icon of Peter and Paul

“Oh, holy apostles Peter and Paul, do not renounce us, sinful servants of God (name). Do not allow us to be separated from the love of the Lord. Become strong defenders of our faith. Beg God for intercession and forgiveness of sins. May the Lord destroy all the immeasurable sins of his slaves. Amen".

Icon Veneration Day

The day of the icon's celebration coincides with the veneration of Saints Peter and Paul. The celebration was established in the fourth century, almost immediately after the terrible execution of the saints of God. On July 12, according to the new style, all Christians celebrate the day of remembrance of the supreme apostles.

The life of the righteous apostles Peter and Paul is the embodiment of Christian faith and unity. Having independently eradicated unbelief and anger in themselves, taking the path of true destiny, the disciples of Christ converted a huge number of people to faith. Words of repentance, spoken near the icon of Peter and Paul, will relieve you of a heavy burden and direct your life along the right course. Be happy, have strong faith, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Probably, the icon of the apostles Peter and Paul is one of the most familiar to everyone who has ever turned to images of Christian saints. Their canonical appearance has been preserved unchanged since those ancient times, when followers of the doctrine of the risen Savior gathered for their services in the depths of the catacombs. The key to the gates of the Kingdom of God is in the hands of one of them and a sword? a symbol of sacrifice - in the hands of another? evidence that before us are precisely those who are commonly called the supreme apostles.

The researchers came to the conclusion that the description of the saints given in early legends apparently corresponds to reality, and on its basis the image that the icon conveys was formed. Peter and Paul lived in the era when the first chronicles of their ascetic ministry were compiled, the authors of which may well have been familiar with them, or at least seen them. This probably explains the permanence given to their portrait features.

It is believed that the icon “Peter and Paul” owes this extraordinary constancy to the traditions of Roman sculptural portraiture, which by that time had been brought to perfection. The authors of the first frescoes discovered on the walls of the catacombs were undoubtedly familiar with the technique of portraiture, which allowed them to give the images of the apostles truthful and realistic features.

Proximity of individual traits

Comparing the works of masters who lived in different eras, in different parts of the Christian world and never saw each other’s creations, you are amazed at the similarity of the faces they depict. For example, the icon “Peter and Paul”, painted in ancient Byzantium, and its analogue from the Novgorod school of the 16th century, undoubtedly convey the features of the same people. Moreover, it is known for sure that the painters from the banks of the Volkhov were not familiar with the works of their predecessors.

A special place in the iconography of the holy apostles is occupied by their joint images. Such compositions are often associated with the circumstances of the life of saints and their martyrdom, which took place on the same day. Apocryphal texts are often used as plots, telling about their last meeting and farewell shortly before the execution. Usually the icon “Peter and Paul”, painted on its basis, is an image of the apostles fraternally embracing and kissing each other.

Veneration of the Holy Apostles on the banks of the Dnieper and Volkhov

Since the adoption of Christianity, the image of the supreme apostles was considered one of the most revered in Rus'. It is known that upon his return from Korsun, Saint Prince Vladimir brought the icon “Peter and Paul” to Kyiv, which later became a gift to the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod. It has not survived to this day, but in the ancient temple you can still see a fresco of the 11th century, painted on this subject.

Spirituality at the heart of the image of the apostles

Nowadays, in the iconostases of most churches, an integral part of the Deesis row is the icon of Peter and Paul. Its significance has increased immeasurably over time. The reason lies in a more complete understanding of their images. They are symbols of boundless faith in the truth of Christ’s teaching, which allows even a simple, unlearned and weak person, as Peter was before, to rise to the heights of holiness.

In addition, this is a symbol of the openness of the path to spiritual perfection for those who initially not only did not accept the teachings of Christians, but were also their furious persecutors, like the Apostle Peter. Of course, in our post-atheistic times, such images are very relevant, especially since the Orthodox Church is conducting extensive educational work aimed at filling those gaps in the religious education of the people that arose during the era of theomachism. In general, any depiction of the apostles is a visual preaching of the Christian faith, opening the gates to eternal life.

Prayers to the apostles Peter and Paul at the opening of works

The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul became glorified before the Lord by their pious deeds and desire to proclaim Him, even in moments of danger. Why are young entrepreneurs advised to pray to them?

The fact is that the task of every entrepreneur and businessman is not just to sell something or provide a service for money, but to do it in the Name of Christ. Having prayed to the Lord and asked for his blessing, a person’s soul will most likely always remember that in business one must be honest and decent. You cannot deceive customers and clients.

In order for the work to be carried out successfully, you need to ask for help from the Lord, the Mother of God and His holy Apostles. Saints Peter and Paul are intercessors before God for pious and honest employers, entrepreneurs and businessmen.

“Without me you cannot do anything,” - this is what the Lord said in the Gospel. This also applies to any work. You should definitely pray to Him, ask for protection from enemies visible and invisible. Saints Peter and Paul will certainly become heavenly patrons of those who pray for well-being in their field of activity. Daily prayer to Peter and Paul about work will help you cope with any godly task.

Prayer 1

About the supreme Apostle: Peter, the steadfast exponent of the faith of Christ, and Paul, the sweet-talking gusset of the teachings of the Lord! We see you, like a multi-flowing river of the legends of Christ’s words, flowing from the true bowels of God and revealing the entire depth of the well of God-revealed truths to us, who thirst for them. We see you, like luminaries, from the sky currents of warmth of divine love that make clear to us: we please you, who have accepted labors and sweats, in the hedgehog of all the divine teachings of the seeds: we kiss your feet, flowing around the ends of the earth, and in the trembling of sin we see your heads, humbly bowing to to the most pure feet of the Lord: one by the way of the cross (by hanging) and the other by beheading with a sword. We tenderly ask you, holy Apostles, to make us more sinful before our Teacher, Lord, to cut off the pride of our head with the revealed teaching: may the Lord satisfy our spiritual hunger with food, indicated from heaven itself, like Peter: but you, Paul, are saturated with Christ. words, strive to lead us to the third heaven with your unceasing prayers for us to the Lord, so that we there too may glorify with the faces of the Angels and Apostles the wondrous Father of all in His saints, and Him who was sent into the world to save and guide us to eternal life, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who is consubstantial with Him. Amen.

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Prayers to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Prayer is sometimes the only thing that can save us in difficult moments of our lives. Every Christian should remember that prayers coming from the purest heart can bring light and love into life.

Prayers to the holy apostles Peter and Paul will always help you overcome despondency and get rid of bad thoughts. The main thing is that your conversation with God and the saints should be devoid of pretense and hypocrisy. A prayer for help to a saint is as powerful as a prayer text addressed to the Creator himself.

Lives of Saints Peter and Paul

Both of these supreme saints died for their faith, but their fates were very different. Peter was a family man, engaged in fishing with his brother. His brother Andrei was the first to know about the Savior’s coming to Earth. It was he who led Peter, whose original name was Simon, to Jesus Christ. He was named Peter by none other than Jesus, who took him with him. From that moment on, Peter followed his teacher everywhere.

One day Peter invited Jesus to his home. Having discovered that the mother of the apostle’s wife was very sick, he healed her, freeing her from torment and restoring the joy of life. After performing a miracle with fishing nets, which, with the help of Christ, caught a huge amount of fish where this could not have been by definition, Peter fell at the feet of the Savior and said that he was not worthy of all this. He left his home and went to share his faith with Jesus.

He became the chief of the 12 apostles. Even after Jesus died, he carried a heavy burden on his shoulders called doubt and fear. For the good deeds of Peter and for the fact that he converted two wives of the Roman emperor Nero to Christianity, the latter executed him, but Peter expressed a desire to be executed upside down, saying the following: “Before Jesus died, he looked down from above, watching people, but I I want to look up from below, because I am unworthy of any other honor.”

Saint Paul belonged to a noble family. His original name was Saul. He grew up in a family that hated Christians and considered them criminals. He shared this opinion. He imprisoned people for their faith and saw many deaths.

He received an order to go to the city of Damascus and bring all Christians to trial. On his way there, he saw a bright light descending from the heavens, which blinded him. Saul was brought to the temple of God, where he was healed and believed in God. From that moment on, his path changed and never returned to its previous path. He also died a violent death - his head was cut off, which, according to legend, hit the ground three times, and springs began to flow from these places.

Prayers to Peter and Paul

In Orthodoxy, the memory of Peter and Paul is expressed by a great holiday, which is celebrated on July 12. The holiday is preceded by Peter's fast. On this day, prayers are read in churches and festive liturgies are held. Previously, we wrote about all the main church traditions of this important day in the Orthodox calendar.

The memory of these different saints is celebrated on the same day, because according to many sources, their deaths were almost simultaneous or on the same day, but with a difference of exactly a year. For many this remains a mystery, but the Catholic Church accepts the version that they died almost at the same time.

Those who cannot visit the temple on the day of remembrance of saints usually read prayers at home. Here are two most important prayers dedicated to the torment of Peter and Paul:

About the holy apostles Peter and Paul,

do not be separated in spirit from us, sinful servants of God (names),

May we not be completely separated from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession,

May the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers,

may the handwriting of our immeasurable sins be destroyed,

and may he grant with all the saints the blessed Kingdom and marriage of His Lamb,

To him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship forever and ever.

Holy Supreme Apostle Peter, the rock of faith, on Christ, the cornerstone, established in the Church by confession! Pray, and I, always shaken by intelligent thoughts and carnal lusts, on that same Christ, the living, chosen, honest Stone, ordained by faith, I am always fulfilled by love in a spiritual temple, in a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices to God to Jesus Christ. Holy Supreme Apostle Paul, chosen vessel of Christ, full of the grace and glory of God! Pray to the Creator who has power over creation, that I, now a destroyed vessel, will create for Himself a vessel in honor, sanctified and useful, prepared for every good thing. Amen.

These prayers are filled with love and respect for Jesus Christ and his followers. They call all people to goodness and ask God to bestow kindness on the one who is praying at the moment. We don’t always manage to be good people, and there are a million reasons for this. It is at such moments that it is better to read these prayers - when you doubt whether you are a good person or not. To find the salvation of our soul, learn to live by good deeds and look for the best in everything that happens around us - that’s why these prayers are needed.

Morning prayers and prayers for bedtime are always the most important, for they are filled with hopes and repentances. The prayers to Peter and Paul can be used as similar ones, as they express hope and faith in God's healing of our souls. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Holy Apostles Peter and Paul: icon, prayer, day of celebration

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The apostles Peter and Paul are called supreme. But their championship is completely different. Peter was one of the closest disciples of Christ during earthly life, and Peter had nothing to do with these events. He began preaching much later. He was not even approved as one of the 12 apostles. And yet these two destinies are compared today.

St. Peter

Saint Peter had the secular name Simon. He, like his brother, was a simple Galilean fisherman. Fishing was done mainly at night. He did not live richly, because of night fishing he often did not get enough sleep, and his earnings directly depended on luck and the volume of the catch. Therefore, one day, having heard the invitation of the wandering Preacher, together with his brother, without hesitation, they abandoned their nets and followed him. Thus they became the first called apostles.

Saint Paul

Paul's name in the world was Saul. He was the direct opposite of Peter. If he lived in a rich family, then this one was a representative of the elite. At the same time, he was a citizen of Rome by birth.

This gave him the right to many different privileges. Thanks to such privileges, he once asked the emperor himself for trial, thanks to which he ended up in Rome. He was educated in Jerusalem. Paul was one of the Pharisees. He tried to adhere with all accuracy to all the traditions of the elders.

The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul met when Paul set out on the road to punish the infidels in Damascus. This meeting changed Saul's life forever.

It should be noted that there is very little in common between them, and probably this commonality is that in both there was a turning point in life that became decisive.

Peter and Paul Day

Every year on July 12th we celebrate the day of Saints Peter and Paul. The Church especially honors this day, marking it with fasting. It should be noted that there is a special fast like this only before 3 great holidays: before Christmas, the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary and Lent before Easter.

These two apostles endured many different sufferings throughout their lives. They suffered enormous hardships.

  • Peter preached with such power that 5 thousand people turned to Christ at a time.
  • He healed the hopelessly sick and raised the dead. People even carried sick people out of hospitals so that his shadow would fall at least a little on the sick person and he would be healed.
  • It is Peter who is the first of all the apostles to be taken into custody first.
  • He suffered terrible beatings and insults from the Jews. He was thrown into prison and persecuted more than once. After he converted two of the Roman emperor's wives to Christianity, he was ordered to be crucified.
  • The Apostle Paul, traveling and preaching the Gospel, wrote no less than 14 epistles that protect the Universal Church from all evil. Thanks to his eloquence and wisdom, he converted more than one thousand people to faith in Christ.
  • They wanted to kill him more than once. He was chased and beaten with stones. Scarves and belts, which were taken from the apostle, healed people from illnesses and drove out evil spirits from them. The apostle also raised people from the dead.

Since Paul was a Roman citizen, the emperor ordered him to be killed with the sword. Both apostles died on the same day, July 12, according to the new style, only with a difference of one year. Since then, the feast of Peter and Paul has been established on this date.

Icon of the Apostles Peter and Paul

On the icon of Peter and Paul, the apostles are depicted as slender figures. Peter is depicted with his right hand extended in a gesture of prayer, and Paul is holding a book in his hands. According to traditions, on the day of celebration, many people go to church, light candles and pray at their icon for:

  • Good luck in starting new things,
  • They ask for help in overcoming everyday problems,
  • Those who doubt their decisions are asked to give hope.

Traditionally, the feast of Peter and Paul is highly revered among fishermen. This is not surprising, because the Apostle Peter is the patron saint of fishermen. And if you ask for good luck in fishing on this day, then be sure that you will not return home without a good catch of fish.

It is very important on this day to light candles at the icon and say the words of prayer quietly, but with soul. And only after this can you ask the saints for assistance in solving absolutely any everyday problems.

Prayer to Peter and Paul:

O glorification of the apostles Peter and Paul, who gave up their souls for Christ and fertilized His pasture with your blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered by your brokenhearted hearts. Because we are darkened by lawlessness and for this reason we are covered with troubles, like clouds, but with the oil of a good life we ​​are greatly impoverished and we are not able to resist the predatory wolf who is boldly trying to plunder the heritage of God. O strength! Bear our infirmities, do not separate from us in spirit, so that we may not be separated in the end from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on us all, for your prayers for the sake of your prayers, may He destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins and may He be honored with all the saints of the blessed The Kingdom and Marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship, forever and ever. Amen.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch a video about the holy apostles Peter and Paul:

Prayer to the holy apostles Peter and Paul.

Icon Image of Saints Peter and Paul

Prayer to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

O glorification of the apostles Peter and Paul, who gave up their souls for Christ and fertilized His pasture with your blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered by your brokenhearted hearts. Because we are darkened by lawlessness and for this reason we are covered with troubles, like clouds, but with the oil of a good life we ​​are greatly impoverished and we are not able to resist the predatory wolf who is boldly trying to plunder the heritage of God. O strength! Bear our infirmities, do not separate from us in spirit, so that we may not be separated in the end from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on us all, for your prayers for the sake of your prayers, may He destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins and may He be honored with all the saints of the blessed The Kingdom and Marriage of His Lamb, to Him be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship, forever and ever. Amen.

Second Prayer to Peter and Paul

O holy apostles Peter and Paul, do not be separated in spirit from us, sinful servants of God (names), so that we may not be completely separated from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers for the sake of, and may He destroy the handwriting of immeasurable sins ours, and may he, together with all the saints, be worthy of the blessed Kingdom and marriage of His Lamb, to whom be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship forever and ever.

Prayer three to Peter and Paul

About the supreme Apostle: Peter, the steadfast exponent of the faith of Christ, and Paul, the sweet-talking gusset of the teachings of the Lord! We see you, like a multi-flowing river of the legends of Christ’s words, flowing from the true bowels of God and revealing the entire depth of the well of God-revealed truths to us, who thirst for them. We see you, like luminaries, from the sky currents of warmth of divine love that make clear to us: we please you, who have accepted labors and sweats, in the hedgehog of all the divine teachings of the seeds: we kiss your feet, flowing around the ends of the earth, and in the trembling of sin we see your heads, humbly bowing to to the most pure feet of the Lord: one by the way of the cross (by hanging) and the other by beheading with a sword. We tenderly ask you, holy Apostles, to make us, in our rage of sin, bow before our Teacher the Lord, to cut off the pride of our head with the revealed teaching: may the Lord satisfy our spiritual hunger with the food indicated from heaven itself, like Peter: - but you, Paul, are saturated with God Christ’s words, strive to raise us to the third heaven with your unceasing prayers for us to the Lord, so that we there too may glorify from the faces of the angels and apostles the wondrous Father of all in our saints, and He who was sent into the world to save and guide us to eternal life, the Lord Jesus Christ , and the Holy Spirit consubstantial with Him. Amen.

A different prayer to Peter and Paul

Holy Supreme Apostle Peter, the rock of faith, on Christ, the cornerstone, established in the Church by confession! Pray, and I, always shaken by intelligent thoughts and carnal lusts, on that same Christ, the living, chosen, honest Stone, ordained by faith, I am always fulfilled by love in a spiritual temple, in a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices to God to Jesus Christ. Holy Supreme Apostle Paul, chosen vessel of Christ, full of the grace and glory of God! Pray to the Creator who has power over creation, that I, now a destroyed vessel, will create for Himself a vessel in honor, sanctified and useful, prepared for every good thing. Amen.

The apostles and the universal teachers, pray to the Lord of all to grant universal peace and great mercy to our souls.

Firm and divine preachers, the top of your apostles, O Lord, you accepted into the enjoyment of your good things and peace: for you accepted their illnesses and death, more than all fruitfulness, the only one who knows the heart.

We magnify you, Christ's apostles Peter and Paul, who enlightened the whole world with your teachings and brought everything to Christ.

Akathist to the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul.

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