Ways of revenge. How to take revenge on the person who offended you Methods of revenge

From a discussion of the topic “How to take revenge..” on one of the forums of the vast RuNet.

“First you need to acquire information about him. As you know, information is a nuclear bomb in the hands of a girl. This can be done in different ways.
1. If your friend (former) has the Internet and he posted his page on a dating site, you can register on this site and post photos of some pretty girl. And start a conversation with him.
During the conversation with him, you can come up with something that he himself will not be happy about the fact that he started dating on the Internet.
- Find out the address of the mental hospital in your city or something similar, for example, the address of the police duty station, which is located in one of the houses in your city, and which he does not know. It is advisable that there is no sign on the door with the inscription “Police.” Just tell him NOT TO COME BY CAR, BLAME EVERYTHING ON MOM, DADDY, OR SOMEONE ELSE, THEY WILL NOT LET YOU IN IF HE COME BY CAR, THEY ARE AFRAID. It’s advisable for him to go there on foot. Also, ask him to come pick you up, and the meeting should take place at least at dusk or late in the evening, so the meeting time must be set accordingly.
Now be patient and have a camera. In general, his path to a date needs to be completely tracked and recorded on film, or possibly on video. And then do whatever you want with this material. You can post it on some website where his friends often visit, under a proud title. “How I went on a date” You can post photos around the city, preferably in places where he always stays. But the main thing is to do it all incognito, so that no one knows at all, and then it won’t be revealed that it was you who created everything. And then suddenly the guy with h/u feels bad. Or the other way around is good. And you will write a sincere confession to the police, according to his statement against you, about a public insult to his personality.
2. Information can be collected in another way. If you communicate with someone from his circle, then by chance they will sometimes tell you about him. And what they will tell better, remember. Well, then you yourself will understand from the material that you have what you can create.
Oh, there is a harmless way, but an interesting one. I hope he likes live music?

Buy a couple of bottles of valerian tincture at the pharmacy. Mix it with a glass of water. Pour it under his windows or near his door. You can use a spray bottle or syringe. Another option: twist it tightly into a condom, in the form of a ball, and throw it like a grenade. A cat concert is guaranteed for him all night.
You can do the same with his car. He will enjoy the cat meeting.

Catch a couple dozen regular bees. Take them out of the container one at a time and slowly crush them with a match. The fact is that a living bee must die a violent death, actively resisting. Throw the corpses of bees tortured to death into another jar. Fill this “mass grave” with 100-150 ml of 70% alcohol. Moonshine will not work! Seal the jar tightly and leave at room temperature in a warm place for 10 days.

Strain the alcohol into another jar; it contains the desired pheromone. Bury the squeezed out corpses of bees in a Christian manner. Now spray your enemy’s window, door or car with this tincture. Rest assured: if there are bees nearby, they will flock and bite him until he loses his pulse.

Hmm....I'm sitting here writing all this. And my boyfriend sits behind me and gives advice.
Here's one of them. Cruel but funny
-Call his mother when the subject for whom revenge is expected is not at home. Introduce yourself as Sveta, Lena, or whoever you want. And in a sobbing voice ask your ex to answer the phone. Well, naturally they will say that he is not at home. And as you wanted, so it should be. And if they ask you what to convey or something else like that, then you’re in luck; you won’t have to ask to be conveyed. In general, your words should be as follows. Just be sure to ask which of his family members is on the line
-I'm meeting your sons. We recently had sex (you can still sob into the phone for convincing) And a week later the tests that I took that month for AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, and anything came back. The main thing is to say that you are sick and ask his mother (father, grandmother, grandfather) to tell him about it. And tell him to immediately undergo examination.
Coming home, your ex will be delighted with this little dirty trick.
By the way, you can say that you are pregnant, but this is not very effective.
You can generally combine the illness and the child, and also say that you will give birth.

p/s. I ask mine:
-What is an effective method?
in response, a grin and a difficultly uttered
-Oh yeah"

The scriptwriters say: revenge is the motive that is most often followed in movies and least often in life. Indeed: how often have you done something out of a desire to punish the offender? And how often are we able to take the path of vengeance, given that in the modern world the Old Testament rule “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” no longer works? Is it possible to painlessly take revenge on an unjust boss, teacher, parent or owner (if you are a cat)?

Most likely no. But, as practice shows, you can take revenge on an unfaithful husband or lover with whom something went wrong. The news that appears in the world media confirms this. Although men, as studies show, are more likely to take revenge than women, women are still more resourceful.

While men use the most vulgar methods of taking revenge on an unfaithful lover - for example, they post intimate photos on the Internet (another reason not to send their naked selfies to anyone), women strike back in very sophisticated ways. Like the lady from Texas, for example, congratulated with the help of an advertisement in the newspaper of an unfaithful husband and his mistress with the birth of a child. Or a woman from New York who sold the house of an unfaithful spouse while he was away on a business trip.

The coolest thing, of course, was the lady who, according to one version, became the source of the leak at Mossack Fonseca and provoked Panamagate. However, whether this will make her feel good personally is a big question. Psychologists, for example, are not sure about this.

Sweet revenge - bitter aftertaste

It’s not for nothing that revenge is called sweet – and not only in Russian. A study by Swiss scientists from Zurich (published in the journal Science in 2004) showed that when an offended person thinks about revenge, the area in his brain responsible for the reward system is especially active. The same process occurs when eating sweets. So those who talk about the sweet taste of revenge are not lying.

However, they do not finish speaking. Research by other scientists has shown that not everything is so simple: in order for a person to feel satisfaction, it is not enough to spoil the offender or simply see that he suffers. Everything is a little more complicated.

This was shown by a series of experiments conducted by American psychologists Kevin Carlsmith, Timothy Wilson and. They suggested that people cannot always say exactly what feelings they will experience in certain conditions. This means that, dreaming of revenge, they may somewhat exaggerate its expected sweetness, and having carried out their plans, they may not feel satisfaction.

During the study, scientists selected several groups of people who were supposed to play a game under their control, where everyone was supposed to make a profit. At the same time, a group was identified that would pocket the money, as well as three other groups - those who would have to come up with a punishment, those who would be forbidden to take revenge, and “fortune-tellers” who were not allowed to punish the scammers, but who would need to dream about it.

As a result, it turned out that those who punished the offenders felt worse than the “predictors” assumed.

Moreover, even those who did not have a chance to take revenge were better off! For them, the story was closed - they were deceived, well. At the same time, the Avengers continued to think about the unpleasant incident and get angry. “I think suspense prolongs and intensifies emotional experiences, and the avengers unwittingly prolong unpleasant emotions,” Carlsmith suggested then. “Those who cannot take revenge are, in a sense, forced to move on and focus on other matters. And they feel happier.”

Justice in response to injury

And yet the avenger can feel happy! But for this it is not enough to place a button on the offender’s chair and then giggle from around the corner - this, as we have already understood, does not bring joy. Psychologists prove: in fact, we do not need the suffering of the offender. We long for retribution, a real “eye for an eye,” so that a person understands why he is suffering and repents.

As evidence, one can cite a study by German psychologist Mario Gollwitzer. His experiment also consisted of a complex game with monetary reward and appropriation of it, but he came up with another trick: those who were deceived by their opponents had to punish them (also with a ruble - that is, the euro, of course) and explain in writing the reasons for the punishment. The responses they received varied: some received messages from repentant swindlers who admitted their mistakes, others from insolent people outraged by the fact of punishment.

The results of the study are easy to guess: those avengers whose opponents repented and repented felt satisfied.

If the offender does not understand why he was punished, or he refuses to acknowledge the very fact of the disgrace he committed, then it is somehow pointless to punish him.

Avengers in the service of evolution

However, some scientists argue that revenge serves the benefit of evolution, and out of fear of punishment, we all become better people. These ideas are expressed by American behavioral psychologist Michael McCullough. He argues that when we take revenge on an offender, we thereby prevent further offenses from being caused. Therefore, we deprive him of the advantages that he could have had if he continued to do nasty things to us.

Moreover, the scientist believes that we crave revenge especially strongly if the offense was inflicted publicly: in this case, it turns out that if we remain silent, this will be a signal that we can be treated at will, not only to the offender, but also to other people. In addition, dreams of revenge, according to the professor, activate the area in the brain responsible for planning - thus developing our skills in step-by-step movement towards the goal that we really want to achieve.

However, all this does not mean that revenge is the only possible response to offense. The same Michael McCullough offers three more options.

The first is to avoid the offender, thereby making it impossible to inflict further injury.

The second is to accept the fact of the offense, deciding that the person is important to you or you need the job (girls, don’t listen!). The third is to forgive and expect that this will serve as a signal to the offender that you can change and behave more decently. It seems that the professor in his theory has gone from the Old Testament to the New - I wonder where he will go next.

In the life of every person there are situations full of injustice. Everyone has encountered betrayal, which not only caused bitterness of resentment, but also gave rise to the desire to take revenge on the offender for his actions. But many offended people do not know how to take revenge on the person who offended you.

There are many ways to punish an offender. It is important that the methods are not illegal and do not entail criminal penalties. It is worth choosing humane methods of revenge that can morally “crush” a person without causing him physical harm.

Variety of punishment methods:

  • Through magical spells.
  • Through actions.
  • Via the Internet/social network.
  • Through the oppression of a person’s personality in moral terms.
  • By damaging personal items.

Each method is unique and has its own emotional load. The offender himself decides which method to accept. The choice of method depends on the type of offense and the situation.

Situation A method of revenge through actions and oppression of the individual
A loved one betrayed/cheated Betrayal is rewarded with the same coin. Cheat on your loved one, clearly showing that your choice fell on a more attractive and wealthy partner.

After the betrayal, block him from entering your personal page on a social network.

A person humiliated me at school/at work/among friends For such an offense, start ignoring the person. This will hurt his self-esteem and not meet his expectations for a response.

This way you will maintain your dignity and show your level of education.

A loved one threw Start a new relationship with someone close to him.
Resentment from a manager/colleague Order delivery of intimate items to work in his name.

Such an act will embarrass the person and disgrace him in front of his colleagues.

The offender did not repay the debt Post a notice about an arrogant, bad person who did not want to return what he lent.

Come to work, cause a scandal and disgrace the fraudster.

Tell mutual friends about him, emphasizing that he is a scammer.

If you have a receipt, contact law enforcement.

You need to ruin your reputation and show others the insignificance of this act.

For offense of any nature, use the following methods:

  • Attach the windshield wipers to the car with glue.
  • Paint the car with paint. It is worth considering that if you are caught by law enforcement agencies, punishment cannot be avoided.
  • Pour a bottle of valerian infusion onto the front door. A night accompanied by the cries of cats will be guaranteed to the enemy.
  • Express unflattering expressions towards him. Subtly hint at a lack of style, qualifications, ability or skills in a wide circle of people. “Prick” your enemy in the most painful place with words.

If the offense is not strong, give up revenge. The moment will come when the scoundrel will need your help. This will be a lesson to him.

Ways to know his phone number

Not everyone understands how to take revenge on a person knowing his phone number. Such methods will greatly damage the nerves and personal life of an evil person.

Table: methods of revenge.

Situation How to teach a lesson
Your loved one abandoned you Install a program with automatic dialing to the specified phone number. The young guy/girl will regularly receive messages, voice notifications, and receive calls at different times of the day.

Such a program will not leave the scoundrel alone. He will be able to disable the program. But by the time he finds a way, he will begin to hate his cell phone or landline.

The offender committed something mean Three options for revenge:

Order the SMS flood service to a phone number. The villain will constantly receive text messages with content written by the victim.

Place a free ad for the sale of cheap goods that will create demand among those who want to buy them. People will “torment” the scoundrel with calls until the ad is removed.

Order the “alarm clock service” service to his phone number, which will help wake up the scoundrel in the morning. Getting up in the morning for no reason is very annoying, and a person who has not had enough sleep becomes apathetic and aggressive in society. This will affect his relationships with friends and work process.

If the offense has deeply hurt the offender, then you can:

  • Indicate the scoundrel's phone number as a confirming contact in the online sex toy store.
  • Indicate the number on the dating site with a note about gay orientation.

Revenge via the Internet

If a person has seriously offended and does not repent of what he has done, then you can teach him a lesson beautifully from a distance on social networks on the Internet (Odnoklassniki, Facebook, VKontakte).


  • If a person has set you up or used you, then post compromising photos on a social network that will ruin the offender’s reputation among friends and acquaintances.
  • If a person has severely offended you, then you should hack his personal page. After hacking, write unpleasant things to the enemy’s friends that will help break up friendships.
  • Steal the community.
  • Create a group of enemies of the offender and invite all victims to it.
  • Report the page to the social network administrator. After consideration of the complaint, the page will be closed. The culprit will have to create a new one or prove his case to the administration of the social network.


With the help of magic you can:

  • Harm a person in his career.
  • Ruin your personal life.
  • Affect your well-being and health.
  • Influence material well-being.

But it is worth remembering that magic is not a toy. People resort to her help in difficult situations: a person has been beaten, deprived of the most valuable thing, framed, etc.
To take revenge for loss of health, you will need to make a voodoo doll. Gradually mutilating the doll, the scoundrel will begin to feel worse.

You can teach a lesson using spells.

A water spell is made to cause problems for the enemy. The victim will need to know his residential address.

To carry out the ritual, water is collected and placed on the Bible in front of the mirror surface.

Then the words of the conspiracy are read: “Whoever has good thoughts will remain with them, whoever has evil thoughts will receive them, whoever has bad words will choke on them.”

Water is poured out on the enemy's doorstep. When he steps into it with his feet, he will begin a series of failures.


You need to take revenge on a vile person. He should be taught a lesson to prevent similar actions towards other people. But in the process of taking revenge on the deceiver, it is worth remembering that you cannot go beyond certain boundaries.


  • The damage caused to the offender must correspond to the damage done.
  • Think about the consequences. Revenge should not give rise to eternal confrontation and enmity.
  • Don't involve strangers. Carry out all procedures yourself.
  • If necessary, wait for the blow to become more crushing and painful.
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Intelligent people use this type of retribution as a tool. How to take revenge on a person? I used to dream about adding blue dye to the school principal's shampoo. I thought this was the best way for me to get back at her. Because she didn’t allow me to move to another class with my friend. Of course, it was pure fantasy and it was childish to think about it, but it made me feel better and stronger.

How to take revenge on a person?

By thinking about revenge and how to get back at someone, you stimulate an area of ​​the brain that becomes active when you expect pleasure or some kind of reward, such as sex, receiving money, or eating a tasty dish. Research shows that while most people believe that revenge will make them feel better, the opposite is true.

In one experiment, participants were divided into punishers,who could take revenge, who “killed” them twice during the game, and non-punishers whocould only think about taking revenge on those who “killed” them twice. Both punishers and non-punishers rated their feelings immediately after the game, as well as 10 minutes later. The punishers felt worse than non-punishers , despite the fact that they received the opportunity to take revenge. And the punishers continued to feel worse at the 10-minute time point. In some cases, the punishers remained so distracted by their feelings that they could not concentrate on the next game.


10 intelligent ways to get revenge or How to take revenge on a person.

She can't make you feel better, but sometimes it's necessary. There will be times in life when you must stick to what is right and stop people from trying to take advantage of you. When these people go too far, you will have to reconsider your boundaries. No one else will do it for you.

Author and psychologist Professor Michael McCullough explains that revenge serves an evolutionary purpose. Thanks to her, you make the other person lessprofitable,” which helps them avoid hurting you and others in the future.

The main thing is to take revenge wisely without distracting too much from your overall goal in life.

Here are 10 smart ways to get revenge:

  1. Take revenge through work.

How to take revenge on a person? Bestthe way to get revenge is to remain highly rational. Don't let your emotions dictate your actions. And don't take personal revenge. Getting emotional and personal will distract you and make you do things that will make you feel bad later. Instead, do it professionally.

Act as if getting revenge is just a business decision. Someone has influenced the cost-benefit ratio of your life, and now you need to move the chess piece so that they can no longer take it from you in the future. The best way to do this is to pay attention to their behavior. But again, beprofessional.

How to take revenge on a person or company? Write a review about them online. Use them as examples in a professional article, book, or speech. Create a URL with their name and use it to report your sneaky activities. Just make sure you're honest and that it's truly worth the effort.

  1. Transparency.

Most people hate conflict. But at the same time, most people have hidden aggressive desires. So these people have learned to go underground and attack others passively.

There are always those in life who will talk about you behind your back, promise support that never comes, or get others to attack you on their behalf. How to take revenge on a person? The best revenge against these passive aggressive actions is transparency.

Don't try to hide the conflict you are involved in. Show it off instead. Talk about your shortcomings and your conflicting feelings. Use what you have gathered to teach others. This kind of vulnerability doesn't go away easily. It takes practice. The more you practice transparency and authenticity, the better you position yourself against others who want to attack you.

In any battle, the person who can be the most vulnerable without losing his position wins.

  1. Grow your network.

When you're under attack, especially by someone nearby, one of your first instincts is to isolate yourself. You will feel overwhelmed and unsure of who you can trust. You will begin to raise walls around you. It's always a mistake.

Isolating yourself after an attack simply opens you up to further attacks. The best strategy is to move directly into the forces coming against you. Walk into the obstacle, not around it.

Instead of turning away from people, open yourself up. Talk to friends and family and make new friends. Create your network. The more connections you have, the more connections you have. Tautology - but it is true. And communication is the most important component of winning any battle.

  1. Switch your attention.

The worst thing is that they can get into your head and take over your focus. And once they are in your head, fighting them is like fighting yourself.

The best way to get someone out of their head is to redirect their focus. Whatever the case, you think about how they hurt you and they think about how you could respond. So the best option is to move your focus to another object.

  1. Take advantage of them.

Imagine that someone is blatantly taking advantage of you, and you reach out to them to give them a gift, or a job, or to ask for advice. Who will be strong in this scenario? Who will become weak?

Doing something nice for someone who offends you is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of intelligence. Turning the other cheek dissipates the power of other people. This sharpens the contrast between you and them, emphasizing their negative actions against your positive response. It also has a stunning effect that gives you a deep look into how these people think and what they really want.

  1. Create a void.

When someone attacks you, your first reaction will be to follow up on them and figure out what's wrong. You will want to seek justice, hold a mirror up to their face and show them why they are wrong. It's a waste of time.

No one will think they are wrong, at least not right away. By reacting to attacks, you add energy to the situation. You also reveal your position. The best strategy is to sit back and control yourself and let them talk. This is especially effective when someone is attacking you online. Don't show any signs of weakness or distress. Instead, slowly remove yourself from the situation. Then wait to see how others react. Create a void and see what fills it. This will give you perspective and help you understand how to best use this situation to your advantage.

  1. Create fog.

Start seeing people who are going against you. At least now you know where they are. And once you know where they are, you can start directing your next steps.

There are many people in life who will want to keep you from getting what you want.They won't keep you around because they want what you want., but because your growth emphasizes their inaction. When you come across such people, just pay attention to who they are and don't tell them anything personal in the future. Without knowing who you really are and what you really want, these people won't know how to keep you.

  1. Get the form.

People who work out 2-3 times a week are more emotionally intelligent, make better decisions, and maintain more balanced hormone levels. Plus, if you look great and feel great, who cares what else happens to you?

Your health is worth more than all the money or power in the world, which is why maintaining it is such a great way to get revenge. It replaces everything in life, but is often taken for granted. So, when you stay fit, you stand out from those who fade away.

  1. Start a business.

Doing something for yourself is the best revenge.

Sometimes it can feel like the whole world is trying to hold you back. But this is just an illusion. In reality, very few people are concerned about you. Everyone is too busy trying to improve their lives, and rightfully so. A good way to get back into a world that will support you is to build something of your own.

Study art. Show initiative. Start a business, form a partnership, or start a non-profit. Don't overdo it, just start a business and see where it takes you.

  1. Include it in the WHY question.

The desire to take revenge and how to take revenge on a person is a powerful, motivating force. This nagging feeling occurs when someone treats you poorly.

Study after study shows that revenge, once done, is not sweet. So use this to your advantage. Turn your desire for revenge on those who wronged you into a question“ WHY?". The answer will show how obvious the benefits of revenge are to you.

You came home from a corporate party at two in the morning, opening your door on autopilot, or you just decided to save money and came late from a late-night screening of a new movie—it doesn’t happen to anyone. But then Saturday morning comes, and when all the normal people are sleeping, some fucking... especially economic ones continue their repairs, which have been going on for 2 years.

I sometimes wonder what can take so long to drill? Probably drill holes on an experimental concrete block in order to achieve perfection in this matter.

Method number 1: Musical instruments

Did the bear dance lezginka on your ears? Is it easier for you to learn Japanese than sheet music? Feel free to buy any musical instrument (preferably a violin). Demoralizing your neighbor will be successful, especially if you carry it out in the evenings around 21-22, when it is legal. Try not to play at the same time so that your neighbor doesn’t get used to it.

Method number 2: Karaoke

Every day sing “Oh God, what a man” or “Without you” from the repertoire of Stas Mikhailov. True, if your neighbor does not hang himself, he will give you a long and painful death.

It's good to listen to metal and sing along. In English. Growling.

Method number 3: Chemical weapons

Don’t be alarmed, after applying it, democracy will not come to you from the USA. You just need to insert a piece of fish or a raw egg into the keyhole (use a syringe). A little time will pass and he realizes his mistake.

Method #4: Warning

A simple dialogue can work wonders. Although you could stick a horse's head on your neighbor's door with a note saying, "You're next."

Method number 5: Gift

Give your neighbor a cat after weaning him off the litter box and teaching him to scratch wallpaper and furniture.

Method No. 6: Technological

Hack wi-fi (you can use any available one), and rename the access point, for example, “45kv-perforast-ebaniy”. It seems that you are not insulting anyone, and you conveyed your thoughts in the correct form.

Method number 7: Elevator

If someone is harassing you below or above your apartment, attach a notice in the elevator: “For technical reasons, the elevator moves up/down first to the %offender’s floor%, then to the one you need. Administration » Many people will not check whether this is true or not, and the noise of an elevator in a house with poor sound insulation can really irritate you.

Method number 8: Mystical

Sacrifice to Cthulhu or ask the Flying Spaghetti Monster for help. Chances are it will work.

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