I got a speck in my eye and I can’t get it out. Getting the speck out of your eye at home - useful tips. We pulled out a speck - what to do next?

Even the smallest speck that gets into the eye causes a lot of trouble. The sensitive mucous membrane begins to react to the foreign body, painful sensations appear, tears appear, and the whites turn red.

I want to close my eye and rub it. Often it is enough to blink, and the foreign body will move to the corner of the eye. But sometimes you can’t do without special manipulations. How to remove speck from the eye at home if it is not visible?

Why is a speck in the eye so painful?

Any little thing can get into the eye - a grain of sand, speck, midge, lint, hair, eyelash, shavings, splinter, cream or other cosmetic product. The particle scratches the sensitive cornea, causing irritation. Sharp and too large foreign bodies in the eye can cause significant harm to the organ, damaging the protective layer and penetrating deeper into the layers of the cornea. Rubbing the eye can also help change the position of the speck and not at all for the better.

Thanks to the protective reflexes of the cornea, the organ immediately begins to fight the foreign body, trying to cleanse itself. The first reaction is an increase in corneal moisture. The person begins to blink intensely, under the influence of which the foreign body moves closer to the open area. But this can lead not only to the removal of the speck, but also to “driving” it deeper under the eyelid. How to remove a speck from under the upper eyelid if it is not visible? Can it be cleaned without assistance?

Tips on how to remove speck from your eye at home

  • Fill a bowl with warm boiled water. Immerse your face in the liquid and try blinking in the water. A large amount of fluid and a moving eyelid help flush out a foreign body from the surface of the eye, even if it is stuck in the depths.
  • If you don’t have a basin at hand, but have a washbasin, fill your palms with water, lower your face and try to do as described in the first tip.

  • You can also rinse the eye using instillation, for example, with artificial tears, a light saline solution, saline solution: treat, blink. Let the liquid do its job.
  • Wash and dry your hands. It is advisable not to wipe with a towel, as lint may remain on your fingers. But for the next manipulation of the eye this should not happen. Go to the mirror, add light. Now gently use the fingers of one hand to push back the lower eyelid and carefully examine its inner surface for the presence of a foreign body. If a piece of debris is found, use the finger of your other hand to gently move the piece of debris to the inner corner of the eye, where it will be easier to remove it. You can use a cotton swab dipped in water or a corner of a scarf. However, remember that there may be lint on the fabric; be sure to carefully inspect the surface before use.
  • If the speck is not visible, then it may not be possible to remove it quickly. Perhaps the foreign body is caught somewhere under the upper eyelid or deep in the outer corner of the eye. We continue the study, gently pulling the eyelid around the entire perimeter of the eye. Found it? Now carefully remove the debris with a cotton swab.

  • There is another way to remove a speck from under the upper eyelid. Using your index finger and thumb, gently pull the upper eyelid forward by the eyelashes, then again and again. It’s like “getting” the garbage out of your eye. It may happen that you won’t even notice how everything went. Ultimately, the problem of discomfort turned out to be the tip of an eyelash getting caught on the eyelid.

If you are unable to remove the speck from your eye on your own because it is not visible, ask someone to help. If you couldn’t cope together, then there’s only one thing left: put a bandage on your eye and immediately seek medical help. Now it is important to provide rest to the injured, irritated cornea so that it does not get worse. And the hospital will definitely help you.

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The eyes have a very delicate structure, so the entry of various debris, debris, sawdust, metal shavings or scale into them is a rather serious problem that can have a sad outcome, including complete loss of vision. You need to know how to properly remove a speck, metal shavings, splinter or debris from your eye and what to do if scale (spark) from the grinder gets into your eye.

Severity of eye damage

The concept of the eye includes 3 anatomical substrates:

  • The orbit (orbit) is a paired cavity in the skull where the eyeball with its nerves, vessels, ligaments and muscles is located;
  • The eyeball itself;
  • The eyelids are folds of skin and mucous membranes that moisturize and protect the eyes.

A foreign object that gets into any of these structures is a foreign body to the eye. It can be anything: dust, sand, hair, fragments of glass, stone, metal, sawdust, scale, thorns and plant fibers, sharp objects - a needle, a screwdriver and many other objects of various sizes.

There are 3 types of damage, depending on where the foreign body in the eye is located:

  • Conjunctiva - fixed in the membrane covering the eyelids from the inside and the eyes from the outside;
  • Cornea - located in the very anterior part of the eye, in the membrane that performs the function of light refraction;
  • Intraocular – located in the area of ​​the iris, lens, vitreous body and fundus;
  • Orbits - located between the eyeball and the bone wall of the eye socket, often accompanied by a through perforation of the eyeball.

The larger the foreign body, the deeper the tissue damage. Any foreign body in the eye falls under the category of ocular trauma.

The criterion for determining the severity of eye damage is the severity of visual impairment; there are 3 degrees of severity:

  • Mild – the damage is superficial, visual acuity is not impaired;
  • Medium – the damage is shallow, visual acuity is temporarily impaired;
  • Severe – damage to the deep structures of the eye, persistent impairment of visual function.

A severe degree can also develop if a foreign object is shallowly located in the eye and complications develop.

Symptoms of the pathological process

The membranes of the eye contain a huge number of nerve endings, so the entry of debris, sawdust, shavings, scale and debris into the eye is accompanied by a complex of pronounced symptoms, These include:

  • Pain and burning sensation in the eye;
  • Burning sensation;
  • Profuse lacrimation;
  • Redness and swelling of the eye;
  • Photophobia;
  • Involuntary blinking and spasm of the eyelids;
  • Decreased vision of varying degrees - a feeling of “fog”, blurred contours, dark spots, loss of visual fields.

It is typical that the strongest sensations are caused by foreign bodies in the superficial membranes, and when they are located in the deep layers, signs of visual impairment prevail.

How to get a speck out of your eye

To pull out (get) a speck from under the upper and lower eyelids, the eyeball and the conjunctiva of the eyelids you need to do the following:

  • Ask the victim about the circumstances of the eye injury;
  • If sand or small debris gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with running water under a tap or from a bottle so that the water flows in the direction from the nose to the temple;
  • Carefully examine the affected eye, move the lower eyelid down, carefully turn out the upper eyelid with your fingers and examine the entire conjunctiva of the eyelids and eyeball;
  • If there is a superficial foreign body on the conjunctiva, you should try to carefully remove it using a sterile napkin or a clean, ironed handkerchief;
  • After removal, instill eye drops with a solution of albucid or antibiotic;

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  • If the sensations of eye irritation go away, lacrimation decreases, and vision is not impaired, you need to use eye drops for another 3-4 days until the symptoms disappear completely;
  • If shavings, sawdust, fragments of metal or wood, or other sharp objects are tightly fixed in the shells, you need to drop albucid or an antibiotic into the eye, cover it with a dry sterile bandage and urgently take the victim to the hospital.

It must be remembered that in any case, even after successful removal of a foreign body from the eye, an examination by an ophthalmologist will never hurt. Even minor trauma to the eye membranes always has a certain degree of risk of developing inflammation and associated complications.

How to get dross out of your eye

People who work with metal - grinders, welding machines - know well what scale is. These are small hot metal shavings that, when they fall on the body, “stick” to it. And if it gets into the eye, it penetrates deeply, causing, in addition to mechanical damage, a burn.

This happens when there is a lack of protective equipment, when either safety glasses are not used at all, or they do not meet the standard that prevents fragments from entering through the gap between the skin of the face and the eye.

Such an eye injury is very dangerous, and the most vulnerable place is its most convex shell - the cornea.

Damage to it can lead to clouding, deformation, and the development of inflammation with transition to the adjacent iris and choroid. To To remove scale from the eye, you need to perform the following steps:

When providing first aid to a person when a speck, shavings or scale gets into his eye, it is important not to use methods that can harm him. What not to do if sawdust, grinder shavings, scale, glass shards or any debris get into your eye:

  • Rubbing your eyes will only worsen the damage;
  • Wash them with soap, soda, alcohol-containing solutions, they will increase irritation of the membranes;
  • Trying to extract“grandmother’s method” - using the tongue, because the oral cavity contains a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Trying to remove a fixed foreign body from the eye using a needle or tweezers, this cannot be done even if it is located on the surface, removal is performed only in a hospital setting;
  • Postpone visiting an ophthalmologist, if the foreign object is not removed, the symptoms of eye irritation do not go away, in the hope that it will go away on its own.

By avoiding these actions, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of severe complications associated with eye damage.

Why is it necessary to remove the foreign body as soon as possible?

Any object that gets into the eye, regardless of size and origin, must be removed as quickly as possible. for the following reasons:

  • Any object from the environment is contaminated microorganisms is a potential source of infection, which develops well in the moist environment of the eye.
  • Resulting inflammation in the outer membranes can easily spread to the deep eye tissues;
  • Foreign body injures ocular tissue, the body’s defense system automatically tries to get rid of it and isolate itself from it. The flow of blood, lymph, and protective cells to the eye increases, thickening and clouding of tissue occurs, and a sharp decrease in vision;
  • Metal foreign bodies, reacting with eye moisture, form dangerous oxides that have a toxic effect on the tissues of the eye, change their structure, causing a sharp decline in vision, including retinal atrophy.

Even a small speck or grain of sand stuck in the membrane of the eyelids can lead to inflammation of the conjunctival-cartilaginous layer, deformation of the cartilage and the entire eyelid, to its inversion and loss of function, which will require complex plastic surgery.

Treatment after removal of an object in the eye

The treatment regimen depends on the severity of the eye injury:

  • Superficial foreign bodies of the eye are usually removed on an outpatient basis, after which the doctor prescribes eye drops with antiseptics, special eye hygiene - washing with a sterile cloth with saline solution or boiled water, wearing glasses that protect from sun rays and wind.
  • After complex inpatient operations to remove deeply located foreign bodies Along with external treatment, general medications are prescribed - antibiotics that improve blood circulation and microcirculation of the eye, normalize intraocular pressure, as well as immune and vitamin preparations that stimulate recovery processes.
  • Ophthalmic physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed according to indications.– quantum therapy, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, phonophoresis, UHF, electrical stimulation. In each individual case, therapeutic agents are selected individually.

The patient is observed by an ophthalmologist until complete healing and restoration of vision.

What to do if the cornea is cloudy

After removing even a tiny speck, shavings or grain of sand from the cornea, there is always a high probability of an inflammatory process, tissue infiltration and loss of transparency of collagen fibers - their clouding.

The situation worsens when dense scar tissue develops and a cataract forms.

As a rule, this is the result of improper treatment and non-compliance with medical instructions after removing a foreign body from the eye. Clinical signs:

  • Initially manifested by redness of the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation and a feeling of a cloudy spot in the eye;
  • Then the thorn becomes noticeable to the naked eye, is, as a rule, light in color up to a white spot.

It can be located in any part of the cornea, but the location in the center is most dangerous for vision. The development of scar tissue leads not only to a loss of transparency, but also to the elasticity of the cornea as a lens, changes its curvature and astigmatism develops.

At the very first signs of clouding, you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist.

Complex conservative treatment does not always give effect even in the initial stages. The radical method is surgical treatment – ​​keratoplasty, corneal transplant.

What to do if a speck gets into a child’s eye

Situations where something gets into the eye happen to every child at least several times. More often these are small specks. Such an incident does not go unnoticed, because the baby always reacts to discomfort in the eyes, cries and rubs them with his hands. Necessary steps to remove a speck from a child’s eye:

  • The first thing you need to do is calm and sit the baby down. and carefully examine your eyes;
  • If a speck of dirt is visible from the inside of a retracted eyelid, it must be carefully removed with a sterile swab;
  • If the specks could not be found, Perhaps they have already been washed away by tears; you still need to wash your eyes with cooled boiled water or a pharmaceutical saline solution. It is better to draw it into a plastic syringe without a needle or a small syringe, under light pressure, slightly tilting the child’s head, direct the stream into the eye obliquely in the direction from the outer to the inner edge of the eye;
  • You should not allow your child to rub his eyes with his hands. If after some time there are no complaints, you can put special children’s drops or “artificial tears” in your eyes, but it is still advisable to visit an ophthalmologist.

If the foreign body could not be detected, washed or removed, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

There is a saying: “protect like the apple of your eye,” and it’s hard to argue with it. You should make it a rule to visit a specialist for any problem that arises with your eyes, including when a foreign object gets in your eye.

Unremoved foreign bodies of any origin, especially metal ones, require urgent treatment.

Even if it is successfully removed according to all the rules at home and the unpleasant symptoms subside, you need to seek advice and have a doctor examine the eye. Complications after damage to eye tissue may not develop immediately, but at a later date.

It is necessary to see an ophthalmologist, and if this happened at night, go to an ambulance, emergency room or emergency hospital.

Preventive measures

The main contingent of patients with eye damage are men from working professions - builders, machine operators, welders, working with metal and wood. The cause of the damage is poor eye protection. The second place is occupied by children, especially those playing outside in the summer season, left without proper supervision.

Preventive measures follow from the reasons themselves:

  • For people working in highly dusty conditions, during agricultural, carpentry, plumbing, welding and construction work, you need to protect your eyes with special glasses with rubber rims adjacent to the skin of your face;
  • Do not leave children unattended, make sure that they do not take small or sharp objects and do not have access to tools and electrical equipment.

And to prevent complications from metal shavings, grinder scale, debris, sawdust, sand and any debris getting into the eye, you must follow all first aid rules, do not try to remove a foreign body if it gets into the eye and does not come out, do not self-medicate and Be sure to visit an ophthalmologist.

Carelessness at home and at work, unsafe games, or simply an unfortunate accident can cause a variety of accidents with adults and children. A foreign body in the eye is a common nuisance, but at first glance, it’s not the worst. But if you don’t know how to remove a speck from your eye according to all the rules, so as not to injure your visual organs with a foreign object, the consequences can be very serious. The fact is that any, even the tiniest particle in the eye injures the surface of the cornea. An infection can easily penetrate a micro-abrasion, and then inflammation will begin. Correct first aid will help get rid of discomfort and prevent complications.

For information. A surge in accidents associated with foreign bodies entering the organs of vision occurs during the New Year holidays and the summer season. During the winter holidays, emergency rooms are filled with victims of champagne corks, sparklers, Christmas tree needles and shards of broken decorations. During the summer holidays, people are injured while working in their summer cottages (spraying and sawing trees, mowing lawns) and while relaxing on the river or seashore, or on country picnics. Mindfulness, caution and moderation in drinking alcohol will help avoid painful injury and a visit to the doctor.

What to do first

Most people - especially young mothers and grandmothers - self-confidently believe that they know what to do if a speck gets into their eye. And they make the most serious mistakes when trying to remove the speck, but in the end they only cause pain and even greater harm to the victim. It is worth understanding in detail what to do if you feel a foreign body in the eye, what needs to be done immediately, and what should not be done at all.

If a midge or piece of garbage gets into your eye, under no circumstances should you rub it with your hands; the first action is to rinse it with clean water.

Establish, if possible, the causes of burning, discomfort, tingling, lacrimation

Sometimes these symptoms manifest themselves in the initial stage of stye, conjunctivitis, and some other ophthalmological diseases. Therefore, if a person was indoors and did not perform any dangerous work or other actions that could lead to a foreign body entering the organs of vision, the speck in the eye most likely had nothing to do with it.

The cause of foreign body sensation in all other cases may be:

  • metal shavings from a grinder;
  • pieces of grass or soil when using a lawn mower;
  • wood chips when chopping wood;
  • grains of sand, dust, debris that got into the eye.

Usually, an adult patient himself can explain what happened and where foreign particles come from under the eyelids; it is more difficult to establish the cause if something gets into the baby’s eye.

Do not rub your eye to remove the interfering speck, neither with your hands, nor with a handkerchief, nor with a napkin.

Such actions will only further injure the eyeball if there is actually a foreign body under the eyelid. It's better to try to bring tears. If they are already leaking, very good. Often this is how you can quickly and painlessly remove the speck. If not, you can gently rub the healthy eye to provoke watering.

Examine the eye in good lighting

Some people practice examining the eyeball with their tongue, no matter how crazy it may sound, and even try to remove the interfering speck in this way. You should never do this to another person or allow it to happen to yourself. If upon examination no speck is found, you can try to gently pull the upper eyelid over the lower eyelid.

It is better if another person examines the affected eye, but it is important not to try to pull the eyelids if such actions cause acute pain

If the cause of discomfort was hidden under the upper eyelid, it may move to the center of the eyeball, and then it will be easy to remove. How to do this correctly is described in detail below. Still nothing to see? Then the same should be done with the lower eyelid. But if attempts to pull the eyelid over the eyelid are accompanied by acute pain, the action must be stopped immediately.

Important: if shavings of metal, wood, or plastic get into the eye, it is better to entrust the removal of the foreign body to specialists. Independent attempts to remove scale can lead to severe injuries to the cornea, deterioration of vision, and even blindness.

Ways to solve the problem

If it is definitely established that a speck has gotten into your eye, you can try the following methods to remove it:

  • Pull the eyelid over the eyelid. If the speck was small and managed to cause lacrimation, after this procedure it will slip out from under the eyelid by itself.
  • If a speck is found, you can make a flagellum out of cotton wool, moisten it in water and carefully touch the speck. It will stick to the flagellum and will be easy to remove. Instead of a cotton wool flagellum, you can use a piece of fabric or a scarf.
  • Rinse eye. But this does not mean that you need to open the tap and expose your eyes to the pressure of the stream. The correct way to rinse is to fill a cup or other small container with water, place your open eye in it and blink. The foreign body should come out completely painlessly. If it was not possible to get rid of the speck in this way, you can try another method of washing the eye. To do this, the victim must lie on his side. With clean hands, open the eye slightly, pulling back the upper and lower eyelids. Then water is gently poured onto the eye until the speck is washed away. This method is suitable for young children who find it difficult to explain what needs to be done. But mother should pour water very carefully, preferably from a pipette or a small spoon.

To remove debris, use only fabric or cotton strands soaked in clean water; paper napkins are excluded.

The necessary actions do not end with removing the foreign body from the eye. Most likely the cornea was damaged. To prevent infection and inflammation of scratches, it is recommended to administer antibacterial eye drops. Albucid, Levomycytin or Sulfapyridazine sodium are suitable. Tetracycline ointment is also suitable as an alternative. Under no circumstances should you use hormonal drugs. If a small child is injured, it is important to carefully read the instructions for the drug to see if it is contraindicated at that age.

After the administration of an antibacterial drug, itching, burning, and pain may intensify. This is a natural reaction, because there are wounds on the cornea, it is irritated, you just need to be patient a little. To ensure that the medicine remains where it is needed and does not get into the nasolacrimal duct, after instillation, you should close your eye and gently press your finger on the eyelid in the outer corner for a few seconds.

Sometimes even after removing the debris, it’s as if there is still something left in the eye. This is a sign that the cornea has been damaged. If the injury is minor, the micro-abrasion heals on its own within 24 hours. If after two or three days the eye still stings, it swells, turns red and itches, you can’t hesitate, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. But even if everything ended well, you should carefully monitor the condition of the eye and visual acuity for several more days. For any atypical symptoms - pain, photophobia, decreased visual acuity, etc. – You should also consult an ophthalmologist, even if such symptoms occur only from time to time.

Helpful tip: Never use tweezers, scissors or other pointed objects to remove a piece of earth, wood, blade of grass or scale from the eye. A paper napkin is also not suitable: it can leave small fibers that will cause the same discomfort as a speck. But it will be much more difficult to remove them.

When to see a doctor

In some cases, you should go straight to the emergency room rather than try to deal with the problem yourself, so as not to harm yourself even more. These include the following foreign bodies getting into the eye:

  • metal or glass particles;
  • lime mortar and other chemicals;
  • any foreign object that gets into the eye of a newborn or small child.

Sometimes only a specialist from the emergency room can help cope with such a seemingly innocent problem as a speck in the eye

They also consult a doctor if independent attempts to remove the speck are unsuccessful. A sterile loose bandage is applied to the affected eye, after which the patient is transported to the ophthalmologist's office.

You should consult a doctor if the speck was removed, but for several days after this the patient felt the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of vision, even slight;
  • redness of the eye, swelling, burning;
  • difficulty opening and closing eyelids;
  • intense lacrimation, photophobia;
  • redness of the sclera of the eye, the appearance of hemorrhage;
  • formation of purulent crusts on the edges of the eyelids after sleep; purulent discharge is noted during the day.

All these signs indicate a progressive inflammatory process, which is extremely dangerous to start. Some infectious diseases lead to serious damage to the cornea, retina and lens, resulting in complete or partial blindness. While timely and adequate help in case of contact with the eye will help get rid of the problem in a few days without complications or consequences.

Thus, the feeling of a speck in the eye can be caused by a variety of reasons, and it is not always a foreign body getting under the eyelid. This symptom is accompanied by many ophthalmological diseases. If it is definitely established that there is a speck in the eye, it should be removed according to all the rules so as not to injure the eyeball. A rinse or a moistened cotton swab is used. If scale from a grinder gets into the eye, or an infant is injured, it is better not to engage in dangerous experiments, but to immediately contact an ophthalmologist or emergency room. The eyes are a very sensitive and important organ and should be treated with care.

If a speck gets into your eye, what should you do? This question is asked every day by thousands of people who have had an unfortunate incident. Sometimes people are to blame for it themselves. Violation of the rules for carrying out hazardous work leads to dirt, shavings, and bark residues getting into the eye that is not protected by special glasses.

Often a speck ends up in the eye due to strong winds or the invasion of a swarm of midges. What can we say about an eyelash getting on the cornea! Let's figure out how to get rid of a speck that gets into your eye.

What you can do yourself

Many people try to get rid of a foreign body in the eye as quickly as possible, begin to fuss, rub the eye and try to get the speck out without having a clear idea of ​​how to do this. This behavior can be harmful.

How should I proceed?


Try to cry. Tears will wash away the speck. How to achieve this? Rub your healthy eye. In most cases, the irritated eye immediately begins to water. You will only help him a little. The speck will come out with tears. Did not work out?

  • Be sure to rinse your eye with boiled water and apply Visine or other eye drops. Tetracycline ointment will also work;
  • if you doubt whether you have removed all the particles from your eye, go to the hospital immediately. In the evening, you will be seen by the doctor on duty at the emergency room.

Mote under the lower eyelid

Often a foreign body gets under the lower eyelid. Check if this is true. Turn on the light. In front of the mirror carefully pull the lower eyelid as low as possible. Did you see a piece? Scoop up some water and try to wash it. Some people find it more convenient to remove the speck with a piece of cotton wool previously soaked in boiled water.

Mote under the upper eyelid

Was there nothing under the lower eyelid? Look for it under your upper eyelid. During the "operation" be sure to look down!

Place your left thumb in the middle of the eyebrow and pull the skin upward, being careful not to press on the eyeball. Place two fingers of your right hand on the corner of your upper eyelid. Your task is to pull the eyelid as far away from the cornea as possible. Blink frequently. The speck should appear and you will be able to reach it.

All that remains is to “turn” the eyelid, pulling it by the eyelashes. Use a wet cotton swab to remove the speck, gently rinse the eye and apply any disinfectant drops.

The speck is visible, but does not come out

Do you see a foreign body, but it is not removed without effort? Stop further attempts and seek medical attention immediately. A foreign body that penetrated into the membrane of the eye caused microtrauma. The consequences of wrong actions can be serious.

What not to do

Many people act incorrectly out of ignorance. Mistakes can lead to inflammation of the cornea and poor vision. Please note a few "don'ts":

  1. Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands or a handkerchief. And not only dirty! A clean towel or napkin acts on the eye like sandpaper.
  2. Do not hesitate to ask a stranger on the street for help. Delay can be costly.
  3. Do not reach for the interfering particle with sharp objects, trying to pick it up more conveniently. Tweezers, the corner of a towel and handkerchief, cotton wool wrapped around a match are prohibited.

Video material

See how to properly remove a foreign body from the eye:

When to see a doctor

  • the feeling of the presence of a foreign object persists for a long time;
  • there is severe redness, burning, swelling of the eyelids;
  • it hurts to open and close your eyes;
  • if the cornea is damaged by scale or metal shavings;
  • with severe lacrimation;
  • when pus appears at the edges;
  • You develop photophobia and your vision deteriorates.

Learning these simple rules will help you not get lost and know what to do if a speck gets into your eye. Clear actions will prevent unpleasant consequences.

Today I will teach you what to do if a speck gets into your eye and how to get it out yourself without harming yourself at home. It is not for nothing that the human eyes are considered one of the most important sense organs. But this, in addition, is also the most vulnerable place, since the mucous membrane is very sensitive to all sorts of external irritants. A foreign object can become a serious problem and cause serious discomfort.

Dust, speck, eyelash, insect, or, more dangerously, metal shavings and glass will cause an unpleasant sensation, and in addition can become a source of infection with subsequent inflammation.

What to do if a speck gets into your eye

First of all, it is necessary to assess the degree of danger. If a foreign body penetrates and damages the eye, do not do anything yourself.
If the object caught under the eyelid is on the surface and in an accessible place, try to remove it yourself. Act confidently and correctly:

  1. Stand in front of the mirror and, pulling back your eyelid, try to see what exactly is there and where it is. If it doesn’t work, to help you see, rotate your eyeball.
  2. Blink for a few seconds to let the tear flow out; perhaps the speck will come out with it.
  3. It won’t help, using light pressure, move your finger from the corner to the bridge of the nose. There is no need to rub too hard to avoid causing additional injury. Often the speck is easily removed with a tear. It didn't help, move on.
  4. Rinse several times with an anti-inflammatory agent, such as albucid, boric acid. Apply a few drops at a time, generously, so that the liquid flows out of the eye. Pull the eyelid back so that the liquid gets directly under the eyelid. There were no medications available - use boiled water.
  5. Place your eye under a strong stream of water and immerse your face in a bowl. Try to pull the eyelid back and let the liquid get into the damaged area. Then, straightening up, move your eyes left and right to speed up the removal of the speck.
  6. Mote under the upper eyelid: pull it, grabbing it by the eyelashes, down, as if pulling it onto the lower one. The inner side of the upper eyelid, rubbing against the lower eyelid, will cleanse itself. You need to look down during the procedure.
  7. What to do when a speck gets stuck under the lower eyelid? It is much easier to remove a speck from the lower eyelid. Pull it off and remove the speck with the corner of a handkerchief or a cotton swab, which I recommend moistening a little (dry traumatizes). Look up while doing this.
Important: if the next day after you remove the speck yourself, your eye becomes red, watery, or swollen, immediately go to the doctor.

What absolutely cannot be done

  • Do not rub too hard; you may make the situation worse by further injuring the conjunctiva (the top layer of the outer layer of the eye).
  • If you get metal, glass, or coarse sand, don’t even try to get them out yourself, go to the hospital.
  • A speck or other object is located in the pupil or iris - it should absolutely not be touched. Do not touch if the speck is deeply stuck.
  • Go immediately to the emergency room of the nearest hospital with your eye bandaged or covered with a clean cloth.

We pulled out a speck - what to do next?

It is important to know what to do after removing a traumatic object from the eye. Take a few tips and use them to relieve irritation and redness.

  • Apply anti-inflammatory eye drops; if they are not available, then rinse your eyelids with weak, warm tea.
  • A warm decoction of chamomile has a good effect; it will relieve inflammation and cleanse the eye. The infusion can be made according to the following recipe: pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile with one glass of boiling water and leave for an hour, then strain.
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Treat your eyes with care, friends, and they will repay you with good eyesight! If a small speck gets into your eye, pull it out correctly. Health, my dears, and come visit me more often, I am interested in communicating with you.

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