State in a market economy. Breakthrough strategy How to deal with a sudden collapse of a building

At present, the probability of emergency situations at explosive and fire hazardous facilities remains quite high. This is primarily due to the depreciation of fixed production assets 1 and the lack of opportunities for their renewal. In addition, the severity of the problem in ensuring the safety of the operation of pipelines (oil pipelines, gas pipelines and product pipelines) has recently increased due to the expansion of work on the extraction and transportation of oil and gas in Russia.

The threat of accidents in the transportation of a large number of flammable and explosive goods by various modes of transport (railway, road and water) is not reduced. And this poses a serious threat to the life and health of people living in the areas of transport routes.

Recall that objects where dangerous situations associated with explosions and fires can occur belong to the class of explosive and fire hazardous objects. Obviously, the damage from the consequences of accidents at such facilities depends on the amount of explosive and flammable substances located on them. In this regard, in the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" (adopted by the State Duma on June 20, 1997), all hazardous production facilities were divided into 2 categories and the maximum standards for hazardous substances at the facility were determined.

  • flammable substances (gases which, at normal pressure and when mixed with air, become self-igniting);
  • oxidizing substances (substances supporting combustion);
  • combustible substances (substances capable of spontaneous combustion, as well as ignite from an ignition source and burn after its removal); explosives.

Co. second category of hazardous production facilities include objects using equipment under high pressure (more than 0.07 MPa) or with a water temperature of more than 115 ° C. Such explosive and flammable objects can be not only industrial, but also vehicles with explosive cargo.

In addition, the law defines the limit norms for hazardous substances, the presence of which at an explosive and fire hazardous facility is the basis for the mandatory development of an industrial safety declaration (see table). Declaration is carried out in order to ensure control over compliance with safety measures, assess the sufficiency and effectiveness of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies at hazardous production facilities. At present, in order to increase the stability of the functioning of economic facilities in emergency situations, practically in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, special commissions (republican, regional, facility) have been created to ensure the safety of the operation of economic facilities, and plans for major events have been developed.

    The EMERCOM of Russia includes the State Fire Service, mobile and efficient, aimed at combating emergencies and fires, as well as eliminating their consequences.
    To receive messages about emergencies, including those caused by fires, single numbers 01 and 112 are installed in the telephone networks of settlements, by which you can call both firefighters and rescuers of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

At present, it is planned to carry out a number of effective measures to improve the safety of the operation of hazardous production facilities.

For these purposes, it is planned:

  • transfer of potentially dangerous objects of the economy to modern, safer technologies and their withdrawal from settlements;
  • introduction of modern control and management systems for hazardous technological processes;
  • improvement of the system for training production personnel and the population in emergency situations and a number of other measures.

To ensure the safety of the personnel of the facilities and the population living near explosive and fire hazardous facilities, the specialists of the Russian Emergencies Ministry have developed practical recommendations for behavior in emergency situations caused by an accident.

If you live near a fire and explosion hazardous facility, be careful. Sirens and intermittent beeps of the enterprise (vehicles) mean the signal “Attention everyone!”. When you hear it, turn on your loudspeaker, radio, or TV immediately. Listen to the information message about the emergency and act according to the instructions of the territorial Department of Civil Defense and Emergencies.

How to deal with a sudden collapse of a building

If you hear an explosion or find that the building is losing its stability, try to leave it as quickly as possible, taking documents, money and essentials. When leaving the room, go down the stairs, not the elevator, as it can fail at any time. Once outside, do not stand near buildings, but move to open space.

If you are in a building, immediately turn off the water, electricity and gas. If it is not possible to leave the building, take the safest place: the openings of the main internal walls, the corners formed by these walls, under the frame beams. If possible, hide under a table - it will protect you from falling objects and debris.

Open the door from the apartment to secure an exit if necessary. Don't panic and stay calm. Stay away from windows, electrical appliances.

If a fire breaks out, try to extinguish it immediately. Don't go out to the balcony. Do not use matches as there is a risk of gas leakage and explosion.

How to act in the rubble

Breathe deeply, don't panic, and don't lose heart. Focus on what's most important. At the moment of collapse, it is important to choose a place and position that does not crush any part of the body, especially the limbs, as this will lead to a loss of blood circulation. Try to survive at any cost, believe that help will come for sure. Give yourself first aid if necessary.

Try to adapt to the situation and look around, look for a possible way out. Try to determine where you are, if there are other people nearby: listen, give a voice.

    A person is able to withstand thirst for up to three days, and hunger is much longer if he does not waste energy uselessly.

Look in your pockets or nearby for objects that could help to make light or sound signals (for example, a flashlight, a mirror, and metal objects that can be tapped on a pipe or wall and thereby attract attention, such as a mobile phone, if you have one). you have a). If the only way out is a narrow hole, try to squeeze through it. To do this, you need to relax the muscles of the body and move, pressing the elbows to the body.

Of course, you understand that it is impossible to give advice for all occasions, and these recommendations 2 are made for adults. However, you should study them in order to choose something useful that can be useful to you at a critical moment in your life.


  1. What factors are responsible for maintaining a high degree of probability of an emergency at fire and explosion hazardous facilities?
  2. Into what categories and on what grounds are explosive objects divided?
  3. Under what conditions is it necessary to develop an industrial safety declaration at a fire and explosion hazardous facility?
  4. What created the conditions for the emergence of the State Fire and Rescue Service in the country?


Carefully study the recommendations of the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the rules of safe behavior in an emergency situation that arose due to an accident at a fire and explosion hazardous facility. Think about how you would behave if you were in one of these situations. Record your findings in a safety diary.

1 Production assets are a set of means and objects of labor necessary for material production. The main production assets are machinery and equipment, tools and fixtures, industrial buildings and structures, means of moving goods, means of communication and information.

Apparently, a one-party parliament may appear in Kyrgyzstan, which, according to opposition parties, will be a significant setback in the democratic development of the country.

According to the preliminary results of the country's December 16 parliamentary elections, the Ak Zhol People's Party, founded by President Kurmanbek Bakiyev two months ago, is aiming for an outright victory with at least 48% of the vote.

Thus, it left far behind its closest rival, the Ata-Meken party, which, according to initial calculations, received about 9 percent of the vote.

Under Kyrgyzstan's controversial electoral law, parties not only had to pass the nationwide 5 percent threshold of the national vote, but they also had to win at least 0.5 percent of the vote in each of Kyrgyzstan's seven regions, as well as in major cities such as Bishkek. and Osh. This means that the parties had to win more than 13,500 votes in each region, regardless of the number of inhabitants.

After preliminary counts, it became known that the Ata-Meken party failed to pass the threshold of 13,500 votes in the Batken region in the south of the country, and commentators predict that this main opposition party may not be able to win a single seat in parliament.

Kimmo Kiljunen, Short-Term Observer Coordinator for the OSCE Election Observation Mission in Kyrgyzstan, said he was "disappointed" with the election results announced for today, the conduct of the vote and the way the votes are being counted. According to him, it was "a step backwards compared to the 2005 elections."

First of all, according to Kiljunen, there was little opportunity for the opposition parties to clearly state their intentions. "Debates were held too late - after 11 p.m. - and it was difficult for candidates and parties to gain access to the media," he said.

The OSCE coordinator was critical of the introduction of the need to overcome regional thresholds, and added that some of the observers were forced to leave the polling stations they were assigned to, while other observers noted that posters of the Ak Zhol party were hung in the polling stations.

Tolekan Ismailova of Citizens Against Corruption disagrees with the preliminary results, as she believes they are falsified.

She said that observers from her organization told her that they thought Ak Zhol and the opposition parties had the same results.

According to Ismailova, the authorities tried to use "administrative resources" - a term that refers to the vast resources that the incumbent government can use to achieve the desired results in the elections - "to make the parliament one-party."

"This election poses a threat to all of us because of the unprecedented use of force against the electorate," she added.

Ak Zhol is a relatively new party on the political scene in Kyrgyzstan, appearing in October, days before President Bakiyev's proposed version of the constitution won popular support in a popular referendum and the president announced the dissolution of parliament.

Many observers, including those from the OSCE, said the October 21 referendum was held with many irregularities and ballot falsification.

Despite this, the new Constitution of Kyrgyzstan and the Electoral Code, which establishes a new procedure for holding general elections, have been legalized.

The day before the parliamentary elections, the Ak Zhol party filed an application with the Supreme Court demanding the abolition of the regional 0.5 percent threshold. Party officials have said they are protesting the CEC decision on principle, but some observers insist that Ak Zhol is only pretending to sympathize with opposition parties that are likely to fail due to the regional threshold.

Other observers, however, believe that Ak Zhol is not seeking to take all the seats in parliament; its leaders would ideally prefer to divide the opposition in two - allowing one part of it into parliament and leaving the other outside.

The Supreme Court is expected to deliver its verdict on the regional threshold on December 18. If the court does not lift the requirement to pass the 0.5 percent threshold, Ak Zhol is likely to win all 90 seats in parliament.

If the court reverses this ruling, the situation will partially turn in favor of the opposition, and at least one party will receive seats in parliament, although not many. About 80 percent of the seats will go to Ak Zhol anyway, and 20 percent may go to the Ata-Meken party.

Now the question is whether the opposition will accept the final results of the elections when they are released, or try to mobilize their supporters and organize street protests. In 2005, the first president of Kyrgyzstan, Askar Akaev, was forced to leave the country due to protests that erupted in the country after parliamentary elections, the results of which were considered rigged.

Anara Dautaliyeva, an independent election observer, said such results would be met with disbelief.

“For example, in the Ysykatinsky district, less than 30% of voters participated in the elections,” she says. “The 80% that they claimed was not there.”

“I think it will end in riots,” she said.

Cholpon Zhakupova, a member of the Ata-Meken party, rejects claims that the party received only 9% of the vote.

Nurlan Kashkaraev, IWPR editor in Bishkek, and Gulnara Mambetalieva, regular IWPR contributor.

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the emergence and sustainable development of democracy.

The main and sufficient conditions for the emergence and sustainable development of democracy are:

1) recognition of the people as the highest source of power;

2) separation of powers;

3) equality of citizens;

4) electivity of ruling bodies.

Let's take a closer look at these principles.

Recognition of the people as a source of power, a sovereign in the state. Popular sovereignty means that the people, without sharing their power with anyone, exercise it independently and independently of any social forces, using it exclusively in their own interests. In a democratic state, the only source of power and its bearer is the people. The recognition of the people as the supreme bearer of all power is an expression of popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty is indivisible, has and can have only one subject - the people. The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the prerogative of the multinational people of Russia for all power, its sovereignty. This means that the Russian people do not share power with anyone, and no one but himself can claim power in the Russian Federation. "No one can appropriate power in the Russian Federation, - it is noted in Article 3, paragraph 4 of the Constitution, - the seizure of power or the appropriation of power is punishable by federal law." It also contains a guarantee against a return to totalitarianism, the establishment of a one-man dictatorship. The people declare their adherence to the constitutional order and rejection of any power based on an extra-constitutional foundation of force. The right to revolt against tyranny, to civil disobedience, to use force against violence are the constituent elements of popular sovereignty.

The principle of separation of powers is one of the most important principles on which modern democracy rests. This principle provides checks and balances between the branches of power in relation to each other. It should be noted that in any political system, in any state, in one form or another, there is a division of labor or a division of functions between various bodies and levels of government. But the actual division of power presupposes the autonomy and independence of the branches of power separated from each other. This theory was formulated at the end - the first half of the 18th century. Hobbes, J. Locke and subsequently developed by S.L. Montesquieu. It is Montesquieu who has priority in the final formulation of the theory of the division of supreme power into three independent branches - legislative, executive and judicial. In this theory, the independence of the various branches of government is based on the fact that in any state there are certain fundamental functions that, due to fundamental differences in their very nature, can be implemented separately. Therefore, state power should be divided into several spheres, or branches, each of which has its own specific functions. The head of state, parliament, government, judiciary have strictly defined rights and powers. The condition for ensuring political freedom is the establishment of optimal relationships between the various branches and authorities. At the same time, none of the powers should be unlimited or prevail over other branches. As Montesquieu noted, "to avoid the possibility of abuse of power, such an order of things is necessary in which various authorities could mutually restrain each other" 1 .

One of the key characteristics of democracy is the political equality of citizens before the law. This characteristic implies the presence of the idea that the government should act in accordance with clearly fixed and generally accepted procedures that allow expressing and publishing the positions, interests, aspirations of all interested individuals and groups without any obstacles. Democracy presupposes that all persons who control the political power structures must periodically, after strictly established periods, be re-elected and be accountable to their constituents. Voters should be given the opportunity to organize themselves in parties in order to achieve their goals. 2

Equality of citizens can be achieved only under the rule of law, the rule of law in all spheres of society. It is such a state that is the main force in a democratic society, which is able to guarantee citizens their rights and freedoms, to protect the individual from possible arbitrariness and lawlessness on the part of certain government bodies. The basis of the activity of a democratic legal state is the principle of constitutionalism, according to which constitutional and other legal norms operate in society regardless of the change of parties and leaders in power.

The principle of electivity of government bodies corresponds to the idea of ​​popular representation, according to which representative government bodies are elected not for life, but for a certain period strictly fixed by the constitution. This is due to the representative nature of democracy in modern states. "The people" is formally interpreted as the source of power, but in reality the ruling subjects are its elected representatives. The essence of the principle of representation lies in the fact that in the political sphere the voters determine the goal, and the representative elected by them - the most, in his opinion, the most appropriate means to achieve it.

In addition to these principles, there are also others inherent in democratic states. Among them are: the principle of constitutionalism (which means the supremacy and supreme legal force of the Constitution in the state), publicity, political pluralism (multi-party system), self-government, majority priority and others.

And, of course, the concept of a democratic state is inextricably linked with the concept of a legal state. The rule of law, priority and equality of human rights and freedoms inherent in the rule of law - are integral features of democracy in the modern sense. Also, a democratic state is conceivable only in the conditions of an established civil society. Thus, these concepts - democracy, the rule of law and civil society are inseparable and interrelated.

1 Montesquieu S.L. Selected works. M., 1987. S. 289

2 Gadzhiev K.S. Introduction to political science. M. Logos., 2004. - P.159.

In relation to a market economy, the state performs the following functions:

  • issue of banknotes and control of their circulation;
  • collection of taxes and other obligatory payments;
  • protecting the interests of private owners.
The state regulates the market economy through:
  • creation of a legal framework for all subjects of economic relations;
  • maintaining competition by counteracting monopolies;
  • redistribution of income between participants in economic relations;
  • control of the labor market, pricing, economic growth rates;
  • financing of scientific activity;
  • taking measures to protect the environment;
  • optimization of the production process in order to more efficiently allocate resources;
  • subsidizing marginally profitable sectors of the economy or organizing the production of public goods and services.
The state not only regulates the private sector of the economy through various instruments, but is also a participant in economic relations, acting as a producer and buyer of goods and services.

Public sector in a market economy

The public sector includes socially significant areas of production, as well as sectors of the economy that are not of interest to private investors due to low profitability.

The public sector includes the following areas of the economy:

  • mining;
  • energy;
  • construction of roads and railways;
  • water supply;
  • healthcare;
  • education and science;
  • aerospace industry.

The influence of the state on the market economy

The regulation of the economy by the state in the conditions of a commodity economy is carried out with the help of a system of standard measures of a legislative, supervisory and executive nature implemented by authorized state institutions.

According to the objects of influence, regulation is distinguished:

  • resources;
  • production;
  • finance.
Focusing on the territorial structure, public administration is divided into federal and regional.

The influence of the state on the market economy is carried out using direct and indirect methods.

Direct methods are implemented through administrative and legal methods of influence: measures of restriction, prohibition, permission. Indirect regulation involves the use of the state's monetary policy.

Administrative-legal and monetary methods of influence are the main instruments of state regulation of the economy. A change in one element in the economic structure of the state affects other elements.

Using social science knowledge and facts of public life, give three evidence of the need to create the most favorable conditions for business development in the country.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

A firm is a subject of economic activity (or, in other words, an economic entity), whose main function is to produce goods or provide services. Like households, firms come in all shapes and sizes. At one extreme are small workshops, shops and restaurants owned by one person or family business; on the other - giant corporations with a staff of hundreds and even thousands of people, and a huge number of co-owners-shareholders. The field of finance dealing with financial decision making at the firm level is called enterprise finance, or corporate finance.

In order to produce goods and provide services, any firm, regardless of its size, needs to have capital. Buildings, facilities, machinery and other necessary resources used in the production process are called the firm's physical capital. Stocks, bonds, and loans that allow firms to finance the purchase of physical capital are called financial capital.

The first step for any firm is to determine what kind of business it would like to do, and this process is called strategic planning. Since strategic planning is associated with the evaluation of costs and revenues taking into account the time factor, it is largely referred to as financial decisions. It is not uncommon for a firm to have a core business defined by its product line, while at the same time engaging in some other activity that is related to the former. For example, a computer hardware firm may at some point decide to also produce computer programs and provide computer maintenance services.

Over time, a company's strategic goals can change, sometimes dramatically. Some corporations quite often operate in areas of business that are in no way interconnected with each other. Moreover, it is not uncommon for a company to completely cease to engage in its original activities, as a result of which the name of the company completely ceases to correspond to its modern functions and goals ... Having finally determined the scope of the company, managers need to develop a plan for the construction and acquisition of factories, machinery, research laboratories, showrooms, wholesale warehouses and other long-term assets, as well as to prepare a training project for the personnel who will manage it all. This process is called investment planning.

The unit of such analysis is an investment project. Investment planning consists in determining the main ideas for each new investment project, evaluating them, choosing the most profitable ideas and developing ways to implement them ...

(3. Body, R. Merton)


A correct answer may contain the following confirmations, for example:

1) business development contributes to the creation of jobs;

2) business development contributes to the production of a mass of consumer goods and services;

3) business development contributes to the receipt of taxes in the budget;

4) business development contributes to political stability in society.

Other confirmations may be given.

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