Dandelion jam step by step recipe 300 pieces. Dandelion blanks: jam and salads (with photo). Cold method for preparing sugar jam

Many are interested in the recipe for making dandelion jam, but few people know about the absence of harm and the benefits that it has on the human body. It is interesting that outwardly the delicacy resembles the sun, to taste - close to honey. The healing properties are to improve the immune system, which helps to survive the most severe frosts without depression and colds.

For 100 g of delicious dessert you have:

  • 1 g of proteins;
  • 49 g of carbohydrates;
  • 192 kcal;
  • 3 g of dietary fiber;
  • 0.15 g fat.

As for the mineral composition, it contains iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese and zinc. The delicacy is also rich in copper, iodine and calcium.

With the use of jam, a large amount of folic acid, tocopherol, ascorbic and pantothenic acid, thiamine and riboflavin enters the body.

Beneficial features

It is also worth adding that dandelion jam treats liver diseases, restoring the organ at the cellular level.

It is useful to eat a sweet dish for those people who need to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. The delicacy is recommended to be added to the diet for patients diagnosed with gastritis.

If there are problems with the flow of bile or if the deformation of the gallbladder is obvious, it is worth using jam, which will have a mild effect, gradually removing bile.

It is good and useful to use a treat for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the bladder. It will also be effective in case of failure of the digestive system, which was caused by E. coli. Interestingly, jam must be added to the diet of people who work with substances harmful to the body. The plant helps to eliminate toxins and poisons.

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, the delicacy helps to improve skin condition, slow down aging and prevent oncological processes.

The benefit of flower delicacy also lies in the fact that it helps to cure colds and bronchitis, gout and arthritis. By its very appearance, a bright and sun-like jam calms and has a positive effect on the nervous system. It is recommended to use it for insomnia, stress and neuroses.

What does the product work well with?

dandelion jam

The benefits of dessert almost double when paired with the right foods. With a cold, it is better to eat it with lemon and honey. To relieve stress and calm the nerves, sweetness is combined with chamomile or mint infusion. A weak tea with bergamot is also suitable.

With lemon

Interestingly, some recipes include citrus fruits, namely lemon. The dessert attracts with a slight sourness, and is considered ideal for those who do not like too sweet. Moreover, it provides benefits to the body, for example:

  • eliminates inflammation on the skin;
  • increases appetite;
  • relieves swelling;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses the body;
  • replenishes vitamin C.

You should be careful with the product if the doctor has diagnosed increased acidity in the stomach.


It is important that the product is prepared independently, from pre-assembled flowers. You should be sure that the plants grew in an ecologically clean area and do not contain harmful radicals. For cooking jam, it is better not to use inflorescences that grew near multi-storey buildings or along highways.

As a rule, the finished product does not cause allergies. But with excessive use, pimples can appear on the face. You should not eat dessert if you have sensitivity to iodine. Among the contraindications are stones in the gallbladder. Otherwise, sweetness does not cause harm to the body, especially if you feast on them in small portions.

Dandelion jam during pregnancy

  • replenishment of vitamins and minerals;
  • improvement of the condition of the skin and removal of edema;
  • cold protection;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • cleansing of waste and toxins.

Doctors advise eating no more than a volume of jam every day. The best optionas an addition to tea.

Collection of flowers


In order for the prepared dessert to be as useful as possible, it is important to properly prepare the raw materials. To do this, it is better to go to the country or out of town, and also follow the following tips:

  • biennial plants are suitable for cooking, which have the most beneficial effect; flowers have a massive rhizome and look larger than the rest;
  • use large inflorescences;
  • pluck inflorescences without dark petals;
  • cut the flowers under the hat.


Housewives use different recipes for making dandelion jam, because it is beneficial, but not harmful. Below are simple recipes with which you can prepare an incredibly healing delicacy.

sweet syrup

To prepare such a dessert, you need to follow these steps:

  • take 400 flowers, 500 ml of water and 1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • wash the inflorescences, dry and place in a saucepan;
  • pour in water and boil;
  • cook for two minutes, then drain the broth into another container;
  • discard the inflorescences, and add sugar to the broth and cook for 9 minutes, be sure to remove the foam;
  • Pour the finished syrup into sterilized jars.

thick jam

Wash and chop 350 yellow florets. Pour the crushed mass with 600 ml of water, cook for about twenty minutes. Pour 1.3 kg of sugar, cook for another 7 minutes. Pour hot mass into jars.

Lemon jam

Recipe: for 300 grams of lemons, stock up on 400 flowers, 500 ml of water, and 1.5 kg of sugar.

Cooking process:

  • pour washed inflorescences with cold water, set aside for 7-8 hours;
  • squeeze the raw material, pour it with 500 ml of water, boil and cook slowly for 15 minutes;
  • cut lemons into slices with zest, throw into the broth and boil for 3 minutes;
  • remove from heat and leave in the cold for a day;
  • add sugar;
  • cook for about 15 minutes, cool; repeat three times.

Recipes can be adjusted according to your preferences. For example, sometimes the mass is supplemented with currant leaves, cinnamon or oranges. Inflorescences can be both removed and left in a yellow mass.

Dandelion jam can not only be served with tea. It makes an excellent impregnation for biscuits and cakes, a sweet sauce for pancakes, pancakes and cheesecakes.


To make dandelion flower jam you will need:

  • granulated sugar - 600 g;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • dandelions - 350 pcs;
  • juice of one lemon (add to taste)

How to cook dandelion jam. Recipe

Like any flowers, you need to pick dandelions early in the morning, when they have a lot of pollen and the flowers are fully opened. Do not think that collecting 350 pieces is an impossible task. It took me about 15 minutes, however, there were a lot of flowers around! I plucked only the flowers themselves, without the stems. I advise you to process the collected raw materials immediately. Plucked dandelions quickly wither, close, and after a few hours are no longer suitable for processing.

When assembling insects, I shook them off, but it is possible that some living creatures remained in the flowers. Therefore, I scattered dandelions in one layer on the board, left for half an hour. During this time, all the goosebumps, the bugs got out of them. Don't wash dandelions, the water will wash away the pollen. But if this is important for you, pour over with cold water.

Now I had the most laborious work to do: to separate the green part from the yellow petals. I took one flower at a time, cut off the base with green sepals with scissors. Probably spent half an hour.

Yellow petals are the raw material for dandelion jam. The green part, which gives bitterness, is not put in the jam. Or they soak the flowers for a long time, change the water, drain the broth.

I pour dandelions into a saucepan, pour half a liter of cold water.

Advice. For cooking dandelion jam, do not use an enamel pan. The flowers will stain the enamel yellow.

I put on a very low fire. From the beginning of boiling, cook for 10-12 minutes, stirring several times.

Dandelions will gradually get wet, lose volume, and the broth will turn yellow. I turn it off, cover it with a lid and leave it until the morning.

By morning, the broth was infused, the color changed to greenish. I think that it was possible to insist less, three or four hours would have been enough. To make the jam transparent, strain the flower broth through a sieve.

The petals were still squeezed well, the cake was thrown away. Although I read that a good compote is cooked from it.

Squeezed juice from a lemon, mixed with dandelion broth. Do not look that the color of the broth is so dark, in the process of cooking it brightens surprisingly, acquires a honey hue.

Add sugar, stir and put on medium heat. Stir until all grains are dissolved. Then he turned the flame down to barely noticeable, and on such a quiet flame he boiled dandelion jam for half an hour. You can cook longer or reduce the cooking time, depending on the desired thickness of the finished product.

During the cooking process, the liquid evaporates, the jam thickens and becomes a very beautiful amber or honey color.

Advice. Be sure to taste the jam, you may want to add sweetness or vice versa - acidify it.

Boiling dandelion jam was poured into sterilized jars with a capacity of 0.25 liters. It turned out two jars and about the same amount remained for testing. If you do not cook in the winter, then pour into a suitable container and cool.

I read a lot about the fact that dandelion jam is very similar to honey, and finally I tried the finished product of my own preparation. Yes, it is - it looks like honey in taste, color, and consistency. After cooling, it thickens, becomes like a very thick syrup or May honey. Fits perfectly.

There are still a lot of dandelions, I recommend using the recipe and preparing this wonderful dandelion jam for the winter. In winter, you will often praise yourself for your diligence, and I hope you remember me with a kind word. Good luck with your preparations and pleasant culinary discoveries! Your Plushkin.

Dandelion jam with lemon is not just an exotic jam, it is also a source of various vitamins that the body lacks in winter and early spring.

I think there is no person who has never seen a modest yellow dandelion. In childhood, wreaths of these flowers were woven, and simply collected in bouquets. But the fact that these little suns make such an original dandelion jam, similar to honey, is not known to many.

Dandelion jam recipe with photo

Preparing such a healthy delicacy is very simple, and most importantly, it is not expensive for the family budget, which is important for many families.

And to get such an exotic product, it is enough just to fulfill some conditions.
So, to make dandelion jam with lemon, pick flowers exclusively in meadows or glades, which are quite far from industrial areas, dusty roads.

Dandelion picking time is early morning when the flowers are full of healing nectar. Wait for the flowers to fully open.
Here, perhaps, are all the simple tips for making jam. Now, among the whole variety of homemade preparations, you will also have a very tasty, fragrant and sunny dandelion jam, which has absorbed the aroma of a spring meadow and a drop of bright sun. And now for the readers of the site Good recipes we will tell and show step by step.

how to make dandelion jam


  • dandelion flowers - 350 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1200 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • purified water - 2 cups.

Cooking process:

To make dandelion jam, we only need inflorescences. Therefore, when collecting raw materials, we immediately carefully monitor so as not to pluck with the stem. We lay out the collected inflorescences on the working surface and leave it for literally 10 minutes. During this time, all insects that also like sunflowers will come out of their hiding places, and we will simply brush them off. In no case do not rinse the flowers!

Pour dandelions with clean cool water so that all flowers are covered with liquid.

We send the dishes with flowers to the stove and boil for literally 2 minutes, no more. We must preserve the beneficial properties of dandelions to the maximum. Next, remove the pan from the heat and leave it for 12 hours so that the broth is infused. We cover the dishes with a lid so that the moisture does not evaporate.

After 12 hours, the cooled broth looks slightly cloudy. It acquires a light yellow color and a rich smell of dandelions.

We send the broth to the stove and boil again for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, let cool.

When the contents of the dishes have completely cooled down, carefully pour the broth into a separate bowl, in which we intend to cook jam. We throw the flowers themselves into a colander and squeeze them. It is even better if the inflorescences are squeezed through several layers of gauze. We try not to let the petals fall. The liquid from the flowers is also added to the broth.

At this stage, care must be taken. Firstly, even with a slight boil, the syrup gurgles very strongly. Secondly, all 10 minutes after boiling, the syrup must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. Especially until the sugar dissolves. If foam appears, be sure to remove it. Before the end of cooking, add the juice of one lemon. The jam immediately acquires a sunny yellow color and an exceptional aroma.

First you need to prepare a container in which the jam will be stored. Jars and lids must be sterilized. Immediately before pouring the jam into glass containers, they must be warmed up. That is, pour boiling jam exclusively into hot jars. We immediately cork the containers, turn them upside down and wrap them up. Keep it that way until it cools down completely.

Delicious Dandelion Lemon Jam is ready! This is not only a very tasty jam, but also very healthy. Enjoy your meal! Author of the recipe and photo: Sofia Berezina. Especially for readers of the site Good recipes

Dandelions are not only cheerful golden meadows in spring and a thunderstorm for gardeners and gardeners, but also very useful plants. Moreover, they are completely useful - from the tips of the roots to the flowers. In folk medicine, dandelions are used in the treatment of all diseases that cause the formation of stones, in diseases of the stomach, constipation, swelling and hemorrhoids. Fresh leaves are devoid of bitterness and look great in salads. And dry ones can be set on fire and smoke inhaled in the treatment of cough. Dandelion roots contain healthy juice. German soldiers during both world wars used dried and roasted dandelion roots to make a coffee substitute. By the way, in China, dandelion is still considered a vegetable, unlike Europe, which is diligently fighting it like a weed.

Dandelion can be used to prepare many healthy and tasty dishes. These are the first spring vitamin salads, all kinds of tinctures and liqueurs, from the juice of the roots and leaves, mixed with honey, they get a useful medicine that promotes blood circulation and improves liver function. Even wine is made from dandelions - fans of science fiction remember Ray Bradbury's story "Dandelion Wine". This wine has long been prepared in England, and it has good medicinal properties. But the most famous dandelion dish is jam or "honey". It used to be that dandelion jam had love properties. Perhaps that is the way it is. But what is beyond doubt is the health benefits of dandelion jam. Dandelion jam has a positive effect on liver cells, helps to treat urinary tract disorders. Dandelion jam contains antioxidants that remove toxins from the body, which helps in the fight against excess weight. Dandelion jam is useful for high blood pressure, diabetes, anemia, jaundice, and can even be used to prevent cancer.

But the most important thing is that dandelion, unlike some medicinal herbs, has no contraindications, does not have any side effects and is absolutely safe. Therefore, this jam can be eaten all winter just as a yummy for tea.

Dandelion must be picked on a clear sunny day, at noon, so that all the flowers are open. Dandelions are best collected away from the benefits of civilization, somewhere in distant meadows or forest clearings. In no case do not collect dandelions from the roads, near factories or factories - otherwise you risk getting a jam full of harmful chemicals. Dandelion jam is prepared in different ways. Someone prefers the flowers freed from the green receptacle to be washed or soaked first, while someone is sorry to wash off the beneficial pollen. Our site has selected several recipes for you, according to which you can make dandelion jam in one way or another, according to your own taste.

Dandelion jam is poured into clean jars and closed with strong nylon lids. Store it in a cool place, in a refrigerator or cellar.

Dandelion jam №1

370-400 pcs. dandelions,
2 stack water,
7 stack Sahara.

Rinse the flowers, fill with water and put on fire. Boil for 2 minutes from the moment of boiling. Line a colander with gauze, drop dandelions on it and squeeze. Pour sugar into the resulting broth, put on fire and boil. Boil the jam for 7 minutes from the moment of boiling, pour the jam into clean jars and close the lids.

Dandelion jam №2

370-400 pcs. dandelions,
500 ml of water
1-2 lemons
1 1.5 kg of sugar.

Soak dandelion flowers in cold water, squeeze, pour 500 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. 3 minutes before the end of cooking, add the lemons, along with the skin, cut into slices. Remove the decoction from the heat and let it brew for a day. Strain, squeeze, add sugar and boil in 2-3 doses until the viscosity of honey.

Dandelion jam №3

3 liter jar of dandelion flowers,
2 lemons
2.5 kg of sugar,
2 liters of water.

Put the washed and sorted flowers in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and leave overnight. Strain, add diced lemons, sugar and put on fire. Cook the jam over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly.

Dandelion jam №4


500 pcs. dandelion flowers,
2 lemons
12 cherry leaves
6 stack water,
1.6 kg of sugar.

Rinse the flowers quickly with cold water, dry, add the lemons, grated together with the skin, and cherry leaves. Pour in water and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, let it brew for a day. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth, add sugar and cook for an hour, stirring occasionally. Cool, pour into jars.

Dandelion jam №5

400 pcs. dandelion flowers,
1 kg of sugar
1 liter of water.

Sorted heads of dandelions, without washing, put in a saucepan and cover with water. Cover with a lid and let the infusion cool. Strain, add sugar and cook for 20 minutes. After boiling, remove the white foam. Pour the finished jam into jars.

Dandelion jam with citric acid

300 pcs. dandelions,
1 kg of sugar
2 stack water,
½ tsp citric acid.

Make syrup from water with sugar. Dip the peeled and washed flowers into the boiling syrup, mix and let it boil. Cook from the moment of boiling for 20 minutes. 2-3 minutes before readiness, add citric acid (or juice of half a lemon), boil and remove from heat. Leave for a day. The next day, squeeze the mass through cheesecloth, put it on fire again and boil for 20 minutes.

Dandelion jam with lemons and oranges

250 g dandelion flowers,
1.5 liters of water,
1 lemon
2 oranges
750 g of sugar for every liter of broth.

Wash oranges and cut into thin slices. Wash and dry the flowers. Place the dandelions and oranges in a bowl, cover with water and boil for an hour. Strain the decoction. Calculate the amount of sugar, add it to the broth, pour in the lemon juice and cook for another hour over low heat, stirring occasionally. Cool, pour into jars.

Dandelion jam with pectin

400 pcs. dandelion flowers,
6 stack water,
6 stack Sahara,
1 lemon
6-8 tsp powder pectin.

Pour the washed and sorted flowers with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Remove from fire and cool. Cover and leave overnight. Strain, put on fire and heat. Add sugar and boil. Cook, stirring, until sugar dissolves, removing foam, for 10 minutes. Remove from fire and cool. Add pectin, heat until thickened (according to package instructions), remove from heat and pour in lemon juice. Pour into sterilized jars. Cover with capron lids. Store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Dandelion honey

Lay the washed flowers without a green receptacle in layers in a glass jar, sprinkling them abundantly with sugar. Sugar needs to be taken about 2 times more than dandelions. Cover the jar tightly with a lid and put it in the sun to ferment for 2 weeks. Strain the resulting juice and squeeze. Store in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of which can be found on the Internet and in this article will appeal to everyone. Of course, for many housewives, a more familiar type of jam is those that were made from strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, plums, apricots, but very few have tried dandelion sweetness, which is why it is worth learning about the benefits of such a product, as well as how to make it at home. This article will introduce the best dandelion jam options.

Why is this jam beneficial?

Probably many have heard about how useful dandelions themselves are, because these flowers contain a large amount of various minerals and essential vitamins, each microelement helps the body to work at full capacity. This jam has really wonderful properties, because it contains a lot of useful substances that can fight diseases such as gastritis and ulcers of the gastric mucosa, various liver diseases, and this "honey" can help with constipation, frequent poisoning and swelling on the limbs.

Dandelion jam (step-by-step recipe with photo) helps to eliminate some attacks of diseases, for example, if a person often suffers from bronchitis, and asthma attacks become very frequent, then dandelion honey will help prevent attacks and respiratory diseases. This is what perfectly affects the metabolism in the body, accelerating it, and adjusting the rest of the processes of the organs. If you regularly eat such jam, then the girl may notice an improvement in the general condition of the body, as well as an improvement in the health of the skin of the face. After all, it is the dandelion that has been called the real "elixir of long life" for many years in a row, which is why it is worth cooking several jars of such a tasty and simple jam of their yellow flowers for your family.

How to choose the right flowers for jam

If you read a little more about this flower, you can find out that at exactly noon, dandelions begin to actively produce an elixir, which contains a lot of vitamin substances, so in order to cook dandelion jam according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo, you need to start picking flowers during the period from twelve o'clock to two.

It is also worth choosing the right place for picking flowers, because if the flowers are in close proximity to the road, they absorb a large amount of harmful substances and gases that will affect the taste and benefits of the resulting product. It is also better not to collect these plants in places where dogs are often walked, but finding a good clearing outside the city where dandelions grow would be ideal. And so that the flowers do not begin to oxidize quickly, it is worth taking an ordinary bag or a glass bowl for collection. To make the right jam, you need to take only the flowers themselves, cut them off and put them in a bag, while the buds should be fully opened.

The process of preparing flowers and cooking jam

After collecting the flowers, you need to start preparing a delicious treat as soon as possible, and in order to cook dandelion jam according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo, you must first find out the traditional recipe for this delicacy, and only then use various additives that add a special flavor and aroma to the resulting jam .

Nevertheless, dandelions are first prepared, for this, cups are removed from all flowers, on which the leaves are kept, so it turns out that each dandelion leaf will be separate. And after that, the flowers are washed very well with clean water, but only very cold water is used, it helps to remove bitterness from dandelions. Some housewives prefer not to wash dandelions, because during washing, vitamins quickly leave this plant, but if dandelions are not washed, this can result in poisoning and other health troubles. Also, small spiders and bugs can live in dandelions, which can be washed with water. When the flowers are well washed, you can put the dandelions in a colander and leave them until the water drains completely from them. But after that, you should think about what method to cook with a photo - cold or hot.

Flower jam with lemon (hot method)


1) About four hundred dandelion flowers;
2) Sugar - one kilogram;
3) Fresh lemon - 1 piece.

Cooking process:

Preparing such a jam is not difficult, first you need to prepare the flowers, they are washed well and allowed to drain, and then the buds are laid out in a large saucepan and everything is poured with water (about one sheet of water is needed). Next, the lemon is cut, you can cut it into small slices, but it is better to cut it a little smaller. The resulting mixture is boiled for one hour, and after that the mass is covered with gauze, and after that the broth is left for one day to infuse.

During this period, the petals will have time to give all their benefits, and the juice will also give the lemon, which was boiled with dandelions. A day later, this broth is well filtered through gauze or a sieve, the resulting cake can be thrown away, since it is not used to make jam, and to cook dandelion jam according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo, you only need the broth itself. The pot with the broth is put on medium heat, one kilogram of sugar is poured into it, and then boiled until a thick mass is obtained. It is important to keep an eye on the jam, as it may not be too thick when hot, but after hardening it will become like rubber. To understand how thick the jam is, they simply drop it on a plate and wait until it cools down a bit, and the density of the delicacy is checked. When the jam is ready, it is immediately poured into sterilized jars, and then closed with clean lids.

Special broth jam

This method of making dandelion jam according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo is one of the simplest and fastest, while the speed of its preparation will not affect the final taste of the finished product, in the end you will get a delicious and very fragrant jam that everyone at home will like.


1) Purified water for jam - about two glasses;
2) Dandelion flowers - about 300-350 pieces;
3) Sugar - 5 glasses.

The process of preparing treats

Many housewives may like this method of making jam, first you need to take two glasses of water and pour them into a saucepan, pour the required amount of dandelions there, put the resulting mixture on fire and leave to boil, after which the broth is immediately turned off and left for a couple of minutes, to make him calm down a bit. When the broth is infused, it is filtered and they start cooking dandelion jam, a step-by-step recipe with a photo of which is presented to the housewives above. For jam, you should not use cake, just take the broth itself and pour about five glasses of granulated sugar into it, and then leave the mass on low heat until the jam thickens well. It is recommended to leave the broth on the fire for about ten minutes, and then immediately pour it into jars and close the lids. this recipe is huge.

Cold method for preparing sugar jam

If a woman wants to make jam as useful as possible, then she should use not a hot, but a cold method for making it. With this cooking option, a lot of useful vitamins remain in dandelion jam, so you should try to cook a delicacy according to this recipe.


1) Dandelion flowers - about 300 pieces;
2) Sugar - as much as you need.

The process of preparing sugar jam

To begin with, a sterilized jar is taken, a thin layer of prepared dandelions is placed in it, it is necessary to cover the flowers with a layer of sugar on top. The more layers are made, the more juice will be obtained, which is released from the flowers, thanks to the sugar. When the flowers are sprinkled with the last layer of granulated sugar, the flowers in the jar must be slightly pressed down with a beam or pusher.

If the hostess can wash the flowers well, they will give their juices faster, and they will also release an elixir, on which the final taste of the product will depend. To prepare a delicious dandelion jam according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo, you need to let the delicacy brew, but before that, the jar is covered with a dense layer of gauze, everything is tied up with a string or rubber band so that the gauze tightly closes the neck of the jar. The resulting mass is sent to a cold place and left to infuse for several months. If you want to get jam faster, then the jar of jam is placed in a fairly warm place, so it begins to ferment, after two weeks the mass is filtered and put in the refrigerator.

Recipe for delicious jam with crushed dandelions

This jam is quite easy to cook, and due to the fact that crushed flowers are placed in it, they give more nutrients and extract to the jam, so it turns out to be more saturated and fragrant. And to make jam, you need to take only one kilogram of flowers, they are washed well and passed through a meat grinder (you can chop them with a blender). When the flowers are prepared, they are sent with granulated sugar, while for a kilogram of dandelions you need to take about one and a half kilograms of sugar. The mass is left until the sugar is completely dissolved in the dandelion juice, this process often takes more than one day, which is why it is worth constantly stirring the jam with a wooden spoon.

Approximately on the third day, sugar is already completely dissolved in the juice of plants, the resulting flower-sugar mass can be poured into sterilized jars, covered with paper lids and placed in a refrigerator. It is important to keep the jars at room temperature for about two weeks.

Variant of honey jam

When the flowers are crushed, you can fill them with delicious bee or meadow honey, you need to use only liquid, in which case the jam will turn out to be very tasty. This delicacy is obtained very quickly, but its taste is superior to all other recipes.

Contraindications to the use of jam with honey for food

Since dandelion jam is often made with honey, you will have to keep in mind some contraindications in which eating this delicacy is strictly prohibited. For example, if a person suffers from stomach diseases or has an acute intolerance to honey, then he should not eat such dandelion jam for 300 pieces according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo, it is also not recommended to eat a treat for those who often suffer from diarrhea. In other cases, it is worth paying attention to the tendency to be allergic to dandelions or acute intolerance to other components that make up the jam.

By the way, in addition to sweet jam, we offer.

I would like to note that all these recipes are only a small part of the dandelion delicacy options, there are many more recipes that will help a woman make wonderful jam for the winter season. Each housewife has her own trick in preparing this delicacy, someone likes to add a little honey to the jam, others put lemon slices to add a little sourness to the sweetness. Do not be afraid to experiment, you should try more interesting ingredients that will go well with the taste of dandelions. Such jam can be stored not only in the refrigerator, because if the delicacy was cooked by the hot method, then it is closed in jars and sent to the cellar before the onset of winter, and if necessary, the jam is opened and its excellent taste is enjoyed. And if there is a delicacy not just with tea, but also with pancakes and pancakes, then you get a full healthy breakfast.

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