Detailed horoscope for Sagittarius on

With certain efforts on your part, 2017 will become for you one of the most fruitful and eventful years of your life. Expand your circle of interests and acquaintances, plan and develop. Your goal is to grow this year both professionally and spiritually. You will need endurance, organization and, most importantly, consistency in decisions.

In January, it is necessary to create a certain financial foundation for the whole year. In February, you will have to communicate a lot, meet new people (perhaps there will be romantic meetings among them); it is also a month of active professional activity. April is a golden time for planning future projects and events, use it to the maximum, because already from the end of April until almost the end of summer there will come a period when it will be very easy for you to implement well-thought-out ideas.

In early September, be careful with papers and money: let everything be in order, otherwise there is a chance to lose something very important. From the end of September to mid-November, a period of increased work activity awaits you, try not to lose momentum and solve all the tasks assigned to you. At this time, you may want solitude and tranquility - do not deny yourself this, you just need to take a breath sometimes. December will also bring a lot of business and fuss, but all this will be a joy, you will celebrate the New Year in a great mood.

Love horoscope 2017 Sagittarius

For Sagittarians, 2017 will be a year of love. In the first half of the year, the circle of acquaintances of Sagittarius will expand significantly. New interesting personalities will appear, in the power of which to irreversibly change the life of Sagittarius. Lonely people will be given the opportunity to diversify their lives by starting an unusual romance. Most likely, the new hobby of Sagittarius will live in another city (country), which will only strengthen the love and bring notes of charming romanticism into the relationship. It is difficult to say how this relationship will end, but, nevertheless, there is a possibility of its continuation. Therefore, interrupting it without thinking is stupid.

The love horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius warns that hard times are coming for those who have a spouse or a permanent partner. During this period, relationships can not only undergo major changes, but also completely stop. The second half of the year will only aggravate the situation, as ill-wishers can enter the personal relationships of many Sagittarians. Subsequent gossip and intrigue will affect not only personal, but also professional affairs.

Family and stable Sagittarius will have to give a lot of time, effort and finances to children. But the troubles caused by the younger generation will be pleasant and, most likely, will relate to changing the future of children for the better.

In early spring, love at first sight is possible. But already in April, relations will stabilize and by the summer, you will already know what you want from a partner. It is also possible that at the end of summer you can meet another person. Initially, the relationship will begin as a friendship.

This year, special attention should be paid to people whom you will meet on the 5th and 23rd of any month, especially if their names begin with "B" and "E".

Career horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius

Sagittarius, the first days of the New Year will bring some pleasant and very significant event in the business sphere: perhaps you will have a chance to implement some long-planned project, or the authorities will instruct you to take on a responsible business, offering a large reward. There will be many opportunities to express yourself, but be extremely focused and do not succumb to the feeling of euphoria. With joy, you can begin to transfer strength from one thing to another, as a result, you can be scattered and not do anything worthwhile. Remember: the one who is in no hurry anywhere succeeds everywhere. Be consistent and attentive in your work, then this work will help you greatly advance in your career.

In the spring, Fate will not only continue to delight you with opportunities and happy coincidences, but, on the contrary, will continue to reward you with more and more professional benefits. You will have the opportunity to change direction and do something fundamentally new, not only for you, but in your field in general. Extensive horizons of activity will open before you, you will only have to study them and make attempts to occupy a worthy niche in what you will do. It is very important now not to drift off and be confident in yourself.

In the summer it is worth devoting time to rest - this will be required by the body tired of work, and there will be a slight stagnation in business. There will be no new proposals during this period, and old issues will also be difficult to resolve. In general, this summer you are simply shown a few weeks of vacation. There is nothing to worry about: for the first half of the year you have already managed to provide yourself financially and earn a name, so it is unlikely that a short break in business can greatly affect your condition.

In autumn, the representatives of the sign, having rested and gained strength, will resume their march up the career ladder. You will be on horseback again: active and decisive, you will easily solve the most difficult tasks. By the end of the year, your efforts will be rewarded: you will be promoted, or you will become so wealthy that you will open a new profitable business. In general, the year will bring unprecedented income, you will be realized in the profession and wealthy.

Health Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius

At the beginning of 2017, the stars do not promise health troubles for Sagittarius. True, general weakness and a feeling of fatigue are quite likely by the end of February - a natural reaction to an active lifestyle and hard work of the representatives of the sign. In all spheres of life, there are now enough routine cases and unresolved current issues, which greatly gets on your nerves. During this period, it would be best to take a day off from work for a couple of days or even go on vacation for a week. Nature and a little rest from people and constant attention is what you need now. Having relieved stress, you will feel like a perfectly rested person, full of new strength.

Spring will be the peak of your physical well-being. Unlike most of those around you, no ailments will overtake you during this period, your general state of health can only be envied. But the feeling of lightness and self-confidence should still be controlled: when celebrating numerous spring holidays and weekends, do not be zealous with drinks and snacks. Even a single failure in the body, provoked by gastronomic excesses, will lead to other, much more unpleasant consequences.

Summer is a time of energy and well-being for representatives of the sign. You will look great and feel the strength in yourself for any adventures and exploits. It’s not worth arranging special physical activities for yourself now, let it be better to be light and pleasant dancing, swimming or simple walks in the air. In the summer, of course, do not deny yourself a well-deserved vacation trip, best of all - to the sea coast.

Autumn and the beginning of winter are also favorable times for the health of Sagittarians. True, on one condition: you still limit yourself to alcohol and eat a balanced diet. Otherwise, wait for troubles with the stomach and intestines, and in the very near future. Do not risk being in a hospital bed on the eve of the New Year holidays, it is better to move more and nurture your fortitude.

Sagittarius - horoscope for a year

Dreams come true! In fact, this is true, but for some reason you all imagined otherwise. According to the Sagittarius horoscope for 2017, the sky is leading you in the right ways, and you are required not to be afraid of change and not stop in your movement.

The Fire Rooster is very supportive of purposeful Sagittarius. In 2017, he will support all their undertakings and open up new horizons. And this is not surprising, because both are filled with the energy of fire and, moreover, philosophers. And the short-sighted Rooster will teach the large-scale Sagittarius to appreciate and achieve small and modest goals, although this is not in the nature of an ambitious sign. This year, luck will always wander around you, so there is no need to delay before an important event - everything will turn out even better than you expected. Of course, there is a possibility that after a long run of luck, there will come a moment when a failure occurs in some area. But you calmly accept such bad luck and they will quickly pass.

The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, and he endows his wards with indestructible life optimism, the energy of creation, and the discovery of new knowledge, especially philosophical ones. 2017 will bring pleasant surprises to these lucky ones in life, but financial issues, nevertheless, should not be left to chance, otherwise you can be stranded by the middle of the year. Moreover, 2017 is the time to take a risk and invest in a project that has been waiting for implementation for several years. This year will be a time of great accomplishments for many Sagittarians. The main thing is to maintain a balance between public and private life. Many representatives of this charming sign are public people. Next year, you should refrain from cheap PR and vain gossip. Dedication to work will bring good profits and career advancement, and harmony will come in family relationships. The activity of the sign, its vitality will be transformed next year into the energy of creativity, bringing new knowledge and revealing the secrets of life. 2017 will be a time of decisive steps and actions, but pay more attention to details, because it prevents mistakes and gives you self-confidence. The desire to help and teach others can translate into the creation of educational projects and integrated courses. The Sun in Capricorn will encourage Sagittarians to build a career, invest in real estate and satisfy their ambitions, which will increase exorbitantly this year. Representatives of this zodiac sign will want to prove themselves in all areas, show what they are capable of and assert themselves. The vitality of Sagittarius will increase, and authority will increase markedly, especially among friends and relatives. You will feel like the real masters of the situation in any situation.

According to the horoscope for 2017, Sagittarians will pay a lot of attention to their appearance, health and physical condition. Many will begin to actively engage in sports in order to bring their figure into perfect condition.

Those Sagittarians who have the Sun and Jupiter afflicted or weakened in their personal horoscope will show despotism and authoritarianism.

Pay special attention to self-development in 2017: read useful literature, scientific journals, attend educational courses and lectures, go to a theater or a museum. All the knowledge that you acquire in 2017 will definitely come in handy very soon.

The Sagittarius woman is one of the sexiest female types. Her optimism and vitality attracts many fans. As a husband, he chooses a husband-comrade-in-arms, capable, like her, of decisive changes and risky steps. The horoscope for 2017 recommends Sagittarius women to maximize their creative potential - after all, the stars will not converge in this way soon. In addition to creative implementation, the organization of such projects will bring a lot of pleasure and financial income.

The Sagittarius man is a pleasant combination of external gloss, spiritual depth and professional ambitions. The only thing that complicates their life is excessive idealism. If a Sagittarius man set a goal for himself, but could not achieve it, then his life, and the life of his loved ones, turns into a painful marathon for an unrealizable chimera. In 2017, astrologers recommend that Sagittarius men not only concentrate on work, but go into it entirely.

Sagittarius, like no other sign, will feel the attention of Saturn. This planet will be in your sign for most of 2017 (until December 21st). Moreover, from the third decade of April until almost the end of August, Saturn, being in a retrograde, will force you to solve problems of a more serious order than you might think.

Saturn will force you to start changing. You will have to overcome something in yourself, reconsider something, understand something more thoroughly ... In fact, you are required to understand what in your life should be left in the past, what to focus on, and so on.

Sagittarius, born in the third decade of the sign, deserve special attention. Much more will be required from them in 2017 than from the rest, namely: a lot of responsibility and no less self-discipline.

Jupiter will bring great positive into your existence. This planet will be quite generous to you, allowing you to expand your sphere of influence and achieve success in various areas of life.

Love and relationships: 2017 horoscope for Sagittarius

Your personal life in 2017 can become the epicenter of passions. And in many respects this will happen due to the fact that relationships with a loved one run the risk of colliding with goals related to the professional sphere. True, you do not need to be afraid of this, because in this way the stars will test the strength of your (and your partner or partner) feelings for strength. Therefore, in difficult situations, keep a reasonable balance between personal life and career, do not go headlong into one thing.

It is very important for Sagittarius women to watch what they say. Remember that any awkward joke, inopportunely thrown statement can become the impetus for a whole chain of fatal events that can drastically affect relationships that are valuable to you. This feature is the result of the influence of Jupiter on your life, which, giving a lot of opportunities to experience joy and happiness, at the same time will make you remember about responsibility. In addition, it is advisable for you to be very careful with new acquaintances and not trust random people, even if they seem very nice to you.

Sagittarius men should try to avoid love triangles. And - casual relationships, because this will almost certainly create problems for you in the future in the form of blackmail, a bad disease, or something else. Another important point is this: know that feeling jealous in 2017 is far from the best way to make a woman love herself more.

Career and Finance: 2017 Horoscope for Sagittarius

Saturn, influencing Sagittarius during this period, can make you come to the conclusion that your activity has become obsolete, has lost its relevance. Of course, this does not mean that you will necessarily feel the futility of what you are doing. But know that if such a feeling and understanding arises, then it is not accidental.

On the other hand, 2017 will give you good opportunities to “clear up” the old blockages at work and correct the mistakes made earlier. And besides, to move forward significantly, because your achievements will become noticeable and will be appreciated (although this may not seem enough to you). But all this should not make you believe in your own infallibility (or indispensability, etc.). Behave carefully and do not think that you can act selfishly and recklessly in any situation. Know how to wait for favorable moments.

Health: horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Sagittarius men definitely need to monitor the condition of their spine. This means that any negative symptoms must be dealt with promptly and responsibly. Save yourself from excessive physical activity. Quit smoking if you have already acquired this habit.

Do not lose sight of your emotional state. Be sure to spend part of your free time alone, take a break from people. Ideally, you should go on holiday somewhere unaccompanied.

For Sagittarius women, the problem of functioning is most likely to be relevant. digestive system. And to solve it, it will not be enough for you just to make changes in the diet. In addition, limit yourself to alcohol and focus on sports.

Do not infringe on your emotional comfort. Do not attend all parties and other events just because it is customary or you are afraid of offending someone. Follow your inner needs first.

If your Ascendant... (You can ): Aries: You risk every now and then getting into situations where your behavior or way of thinking will turn out to be something out of the ordinary. And this is unlikely to be your forte. In most cases, this will cause you additional problems. Taurus: Your strong point in this period is solidity and striving for stability. This will help you avoid extremes and excessive subjectivity in judging certain situations and circumstances. And the desire for pleasures that you will really want can let you down. Gemini: At this time, you will be able to solve many tasks and problems facing you. But for this, it is strongly recommended to abandon your inherent superficiality in judgments and the desire to cover everything at once. Cancer: This year your susceptibility will help you, however, your vulnerability to aggression and cynicism of the outside world will prevent you. However, it seems that this is exactly what you will need in order to solve your problems. Although there is no guarantee that you will solve them all. Leo: You will be able to sensibly and objectively orient yourself in what fate has prepared for you this year. And, therefore, do not lose face in difficult situations for yourself. But pay attention to your selfishness, because this is what can become a real stumbling block for you. Virgo: Your conscientiousness, as well as inner modesty, seems to be a real find for you. Both together will provide you with the ability to subtly feel your place in a given situation and get the most out of it for yourself. Libra: A sense of harmony and comfort will mean too much to you. Meanwhile, life will not always be able to provide you with the opportunity to achieve them. Hence the dissatisfaction and fears. However, you will be able to maneuver between external problems and internal requirements for yourself and society. Scorpio: You will try to solve your problems with enthusiasm and perseverance. Moreover, so persistently and even passionately that when solving one problem, you will, at times, immediately acquire a new one for yourself. And therefore it is difficult to predict how productive this year will be for you. Sagittarius: You seem to be not so much concerned with existing problems and tasks as setting new goals for yourself. Perhaps such a position will be justified to some extent. But you should understand that you cannot build your life on the “base” of unresolved problems, endlessly piling up new ones on top of them. Capricorn: This year may not be easy for you, because you will repeatedly have to limit yourself in some way, take responsibility, make a lot of efforts. You can become tougher, more distrustful, even more selfish. Some may not like it, but it will definitely benefit you. Aquarius: It will be hard for you during this period. You will even begin to miss the times when you can afford some frivolity and carelessness. And this will often lead to the fact that you will not be able to focus properly on every task before you. Pisces: This year you will be in your place. Your sensitivity, ability to listen to your own intuition, willingness to sympathize and help will become an excellent “base” for you, starting from which, you can live a successful year for yourself. But don't take on too much.

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This is one of the most interesting signs - it combines the incompatible and hides the undisguised. This year, men have tactics and decision-making in their heads. Decisions that will change their lives forever. The Sagittarius man considers the horoscope for 2017 as an instruction for action, because he internally feels this need. All his steps will be directed towards creation. This is the time to make plans that you have been putting off for some reason.

Health and sports can no longer wait for your readiness - it's time to take all the actions to solve the accumulated promises to yourself. Back pain is the most important thing to pay attention to. This pain will not go away on its own, and its cause is banal - you take on too much at work. Go to the doctor, the treatment completed in the period before spring will benefit. Running, yoga, football and dancing! You need not power, but cardio loads. Take care of proper breathing, pay attention to your weight!

Love and relationships of any kind can reach a dead end, because for all your confidence in everything that is happening around you, you are not ready to change the relationship to a more serious one. Single representatives of the sign, keep in mind that decisive action is expected of you. They will be justified, but it is necessary to think carefully about the pros and cons. First of all, start from the call of your heart - if you cannot live peacefully without a person for one day - this is your person, do not push him away, otherwise he will soon get tired of it. Family signs will find new and beautiful in their half. This new, repeated love will allow you to experience wonderful moments, do not drown it out in yourself.

Finances are stable, but this does not mean that you should sit back. The horoscope for 2017 for the male Sagittarius is significantly action oriented in all areas. The question of money is also not bypassed. At your place of work, the moment has come to ask for a salary increase, this is the moment when you can objectively prove your strength and the importance of your presence in the role of leader. The money that was promised to you, or the loan that you could not get, it's time to take it. They look at you differently now, because you are more than ever full of determination and self-confidence.

Rest and travel should be planned by you from the beginning of the year - this will help not to hurt yourself much in finances by the fall. The velvet season near the sea with family or friends is what you need. Avoid extreme sports and high speeds - excessive self-confidence, which you now have in abundance, slightly overshadows reality and overestimates your real strength and endurance. A relaxing holiday with the sea, massage and diet food - everything is yours!

In 2017, take up active rest, as frequent overwork can occur due to work. Rest often, albeit a little, but rest is needed. A short bike ride will not take you much time, you can even ride a bike to the store every day.

  • Forget about diets this year. Your physical form is normal, and you do not need to exhaust yourself with hunger. Nothing terrible will happen if on the weekend you want to lie on the couch and relax. Do not forget about regular small workouts, and you will keep your figure without much effort.
  • In the year of the Rooster, you may often be tormented by insomnia, in order to avoid it, learn how to properly rest and relax. Sign up for yoga, with its help you can relax at any time without much effort. Or take up meditation.
  • Spend your free time on the street more often, and even better somewhere outside the city or in the village with your grandmother. Regardless of the weather, a walk in the fresh air will not hurt you. Also, water procedures will help you. On weekends, you can safely go to the river, and if you haven’t been on vacation for a long time, it’s time to go to the sea with the whole family, they will definitely be in favor.

Family horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

This year will be a good one to build relationships with your family. Do some household chores on your own, they will show you that it is not so difficult, and at the same time you will help your relatives.

  • Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12) It's time to become the main one in your family, you will succeed without problems, don't even worry. You know how to behave during family disputes, besides, there will not be very many of them in the coming year. And with the relatives of your other half, you get along even better than with your own.
  • Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12) For you, this will be favorable in the field of repair. You can add a couple of rooms in the house. Your design skills will surprise your family, so don't be afraid to do something new. In the country, you can also build something unusual, for example, grow grapes or various fruit trees.
  • Sagittarius 3 decades (13.12-21.12) Don't be so strict with your family, treat them a little. Stop controlling your children a lot, a little freedom will not hurt them. And your older household members will definitely rejoice at your attention. Try to give gifts for no special reason and arrange small holidays. This will please the whole family. And don’t forget about yourself, sometimes you can relax with friends.

Children's horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Your children will want to explore the world on their own, so do not limit their freedom. So you will become the perfect parents for them.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12) These active kids want to become more independent every day. They can even bring a bunch of kids to visit, which is not bad, your child just wants to communicate with peers. Try to invent new games and entertainment in which the child will be in the lead role and will be able to control everything.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12) And for such children, on the contrary, your attention will always be needed, without it they will go crazy. Do not be afraid to take your child to work or visit, he will behave calmly in front of people. Perhaps he will even express his opinion on some subject, which will make anyone smile, and this may even help you.

Sagittarius 3 decades (13.12-21.12) Little archers will be just at the peak of their activity, and certainly will not give you rest. They will be able to shine at least 10 nannies crazy. Calmness is not for them, get ready to catch your baby when he once again falls from a tree. To make the energy beneficial, send the child to the sports section.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Be careful with the feelings of other people, your desire to be independent and free has already broken a bunch of hearts.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12) You can easily captivate any fan with your sensuality, and this can be taken as a hint of a serious relationship. If you're not ready for it yet, try to contain it. You don’t need to promise anything to anyone, warn the person right away about your intentions, if your views are similar - enjoy your chosen ones and don’t fill your head with unnecessary things.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12) You are a master of your craft, if you like a person, you easily manage to keep him around. But do not use this gift too often, because you certainly do not need a bunch of people around you. Better wait for the moment when you meet your future half.

Sagittarius 3 decades (13.12-21.12) To finally find your chosen one, you have to try a little. Change your lifestyle, change your social circle, in a word - change. Becoming better, you will easily find the right person. In addition, in the year of the Rooster, you will become much more romantic than usual.

Business horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Financial increases will constantly visit you, and wherever you hide, they will still appear.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12) Lay your eyes on the Fire Cockerel, and he will not leave you without work. Anywhere you will have a chance to make a good deal. There will always be great deals nearby that you should not refuse, so buy plenty of pens to sign documents.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12) It's time to find out how many really close people you have. Tell them that you don’t have any money at all, half of it will surely suddenly disappear somewhere. Only the most loyal friends will stay with you, who will help you in the future. Let it be better to have fewer friends, but real ones. You can immediately take them as business partners.

Sagittarius 3 decades (13.12-21.12) It's time to fulfill your dreams, which you may have already forgotten about. Remember what you dreamed about a few years ago and try to finally do this business. 2017 will be a good year for starting your own business. By choosing a creative job, you will not find rivals in your city.

Horoscope for Sagittarius by year of birth

Sagittarius Rat

Good luck will surely come to your house, but still you should not forget about attentiveness. It should be shown both in work, when choosing a business partner, and in personal life. Although Cockerel will select the best candidates for you, be careful and choose the one you are confident in.

Sagittarius Ox

On New Year's Eve, having made a wish, or even a few, in the near future you will see how quickly they will begin to be fulfilled. Cockerel will not be difficult to bring them to life. So go ahead, be hardworking and do not give up, then everything will turn out well. There will be no particular problems with money, on the contrary, there is a chance to win the lottery.


You can not be afraid of opponents and rivals, they all fled a long time ago and gave you the path to success. So you can rest easy, although soon you will get tired of doing nothing, and you yourself will go to work, where you can’t go anywhere without you. There you are already waiting.

Sagittarius-Rabbit (Cat)

To achieve your goals, you have everything, especially you can easily exist in different conditions, this can provide you with career growth. Such changes can attract the attention of all sorts of flattering personalities, who, of course, cannot be trusted. Be careful, because now a lot of envious people may appear.

Sagittarius Dragon

Very soon you will be provided with a new place, with a large salary. And all this is due to the fact that your head is full of all sorts of new ideas that will appeal to colleagues and superiors. Major changes are expected in personal life. Free dragons will find their spouse or consort. And for families there is news, soon you may have a little dragon.


It's time to open your own business, profitable offers and plans are already waiting for you. Prepare a pen for signing contracts. Partners already know that they can deal with you, you will be able to achieve anything with your charm. Soon you will be replenished financially, you will often have to count money.

Sagittarius Horse

In your field of activity you will be successful, and in general, whatever you do, things will go well in everything. But do not forget about your family, they are of course happy for your victories, but you also want attention. Arrange yourself a vacation and go on vacation with your family. Nothing will happen if you are away from work for a few days.

Sagittarius-Sheep (Goat)

In 2017, the Cockerel will give you a lot of happiness. There will be no particular problems with money, but be careful, it is better not to scatter them anywhere. If you are single, then this is not for long, the very chosen one will soon appear who will please you with beautiful deeds.

Sagittarius Monkey

This year you will easily become the soul of any company, both among friends and among colleagues. Your sense of humor will definitely help with this. But with influential people you should not constantly joke, be serious. And in love affairs, everything will work out for you, you will begin to understand each other, and resolve small problems quickly without quarrels.

Sagittarius Rooster

Expect various surprises in 2017. The financial condition will improve, and without much work. The main thing is to find those deals that bring good money. Use your charm, but use it only towards those people who are attractive to you. Otherwise, you can get unnecessary fans.


Hurry up to change jobs, Cockerel has already picked up some good places for you. You will be able to achieve success in business, find good partners you can trust. Only sincere and kind people will surround you, so hide your fangs, you won't need them. Enjoy life and don't worry.

Sagittarius-Boar (Pig)

You will easily fulfill all your desires in 2017. Try to attend social events more often, where you will find good connections that will definitely help you in the future. One has only to make a little effort and all dreams will come true. So go ahead, do not wait for anything, but act right now.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

The coming year will bring a lot of interesting things to Sagittarians. Serious changes are not expected this year, but you are ready to make plans for the future and immediately implement them. You can take the first steps towards a new life at the beginning of the year, and this will be the right time: now everything is developing by itself, requiring a minimum of your participation. Do not put off your decisions for autumn and winter, otherwise you will not wait for such ease and mobility in business.

Responsibility topics are relevant to you now. Develop in yourself such character traits as the desire for discipline, commitment. If you promised something, be sure to do it, because otherwise the unfulfilled tasks will accumulate like a snowball, wasting your strength and nerves. Communication with relatives older than you can be especially difficult due to a conflict in values, but be lenient and pay more attention to them.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 by months

In January, you will motivate yourself to make more money, and most likely you will succeed. But after that, you will be ready to spend even more than you have earned, so control your spending and be careful. Conflicts with your other half on the topic of finance are likely.

February will bring financial unrest, although they may not be if you properly dispose of the amounts that will come to you at the beginning of the year. March can bring problems in relations with children - you should be more careful in your statements and not impose your interests on the child. In addition, this month you can reconsider your previous hobbies and realize that they no longer interest you.

In April, there may be minor difficulties at work. You should be more attentive to the documents at this moment, and then difficulties can be avoided. In addition, you should not believe the rumors that will be spinning at work at this time - most likely they will not be true, but relationships with colleagues can be ruined.

The summer months are the best time to plan a vacation. At this time, you will not be as active as usual, and you will want to take a break from the hustle and bustle and disappear from the field of view of others. For recreation, it will be favorable to choose the most remote places from noisy cities.

In September and October, your strength will go to prove yourself at work. You may be offered a new project or given additional responsibilities that you will never be more excited about. This is a good opportunity for you to develop the necessary qualities for improvement.

November and December will be quite active for you. Activity will manifest itself rather on an emotional plane, because at this time you will be sensitive and will be more involved in your inner life.

Sagittarius Man: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are most often presented as life enthusiasts who want adventure and are not always close to family obligations. Although in fact they are cheerful and love change, they want to feel every moment of life and fill every moment with positive impressions.

This year, those born under the sign of Sagittarius will be lucky in travel and adventure. The horoscope speaks of opportunities to meet friends on your trips with whom you will be firmly connected in the coming years. In addition, it is favorable to set ambitious goals for yourself, because this year almost all your desires will be fulfilled as if by magic.

Sagittarius Woman: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Sagittarius women are sensitive friends with whom you will never get bored: they can cheer up anyone, and even in the most difficult situation they will find soothing words and a positive connotation. With such women, you can comfortably spend time at home, and go on vacation, and even have a crazy party until the morning. It is always interesting with them, and they are ready for any development of events.

The coming year promises Sagittarius women a large number of events to which they will be invited by friends. You will be able to surround yourself with those who are close to you in spirit, and there will be more and more such people.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

July is one of the most romantic months of the year. At this time, you can expect a happy and harmonious atmosphere at home and in the family. In July, it is favorable to spend a romantic vacation with your lover, go on a trip, or just be together more often, arrange dates. The energies of this month will help cement your union, and for a while, feelings will sparkle with new colors.

December will be the second most favorable. At this time, you will already be in a romantic mood and will try to give yourself completely to a loved one. It is also a good time to meet friends or events where you need to show your charm.

Finance and career horoscope for 2017

Many Sagittarians, especially those born between December 5th and 21st, are going through a difficult time right now. These can be difficulties both in the field of the profession, and fundamental changes in consciousness that force you to make the most of your efforts, although the result is not yet visible. Most importantly, do not despair, because the influence of this period will soon end. Now you need endurance and patience, perhaps even humility, because you have no way to control the situation.

In the professional field, too much can be expected of you, and you will periodically feel that you are not coping. Try to be less critical of yourself and your achievements at this moment, and be sure to leave a place to rest, because right now you can overwork. In addition, watch your health, especially your heart.

Forecast for Sagittarius according to the Chinese horoscope

Sagittarius-Tiger: This year you have a strong support in the face of loved ones. No matter what problem you turn to them, they will always be able to help and cheer you up.

Sagittarius-Rabbit: This may be a difficult year for you, and you will be tormented by doubts about moving, or you will want to spend most of your time away from home. Decide on a change, everything promises to go smoothly.

Sagittarius Dragon: Auspicious year for changes within the home. You can think and plan repairs, buy new furniture, because you will want to be creative in changing the interior.

Sagittarius-Snake: The coming year will help you become more responsible. You need discipline now, so don't procrastinate, but try to do everything at once and quickly.

Sagittarius Horse: This year is suitable for learning and education. Try to improve your professional qualities, because success at work will positively affect all other areas of life.

Sagittarius-Goat: A good year to devote to his communication with the family. Be more attentive to the needs of your older relatives, spend more time with them and ask for advice more often - they will be very pleased.

Sagittarius Monkey: This year is suitable for clearing your circle of acquaintances from those people who take up your time and constantly ask for advice, but they themselves are not ready to help you. If you recognize a person in this description, think about how much you enjoy his company.

Sagittarius Rooster: There can be competition at work, so you need to work on making sure you have a circle of allies that will always be by your side. Be patient, and it is better not to go into open conflict.

Sagittarius-Dog: You will be smart and will pour quotes from famous people, you will want to teach your loved ones or those closest to you. You should be careful, otherwise you risk offending many.

Sagittarius Pig: Favorable year for travel, especially abroad. Travel promises to be smooth and will help you take your mind off the complexities that can come with life.

Sagittarius Rat: It is worth spending a lot of time on your health, especially relaxing beauty treatments. This will help you to always be in good shape and have a supply of vitality to solve any problems.

Sagittarius Ox: In the coming year, you will not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex, and if you are in search of the second half, you will definitely be able to find yourself a worthy companion.

See the general horoscope for 2017 for all zodiac signs.

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