Waste recycling as a business: a list of equipment, a description of the production technology, the nuances of organizing a business. Start your own business ideas: income from waste How moops make money from garbage

Business on garbage: how to make money "out of nothing"

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments (reception point)

50 000 - 100 000 ₽

Starting investment (garbage disposal)

from 2 000 000 ₽

Starting investment (sorting shop)

from 4 500 000 ₽

Starting investment (processing shop)

from 5 000 000 ₽

Garbage - problems of ecology and waste disposal. How to open your business on garbage with a budget of 100 thousand rubles.

Garbage is a unique resource: they are ready to pay for both its purchase and sale. At the same time, it is inexhaustible. Every year, each resident produces 300-400 kg of household waste. This means that a city with a population of 1 million people has 300-400 tons of garbage per year. And over time, this number increases. This is the basis of the business idea.

Relevance of the garbage business

In Russia, a huge amount of household waste has accumulated, requiring urgent disposal. At the moment, only 1% of solid waste is recycled in the country, and more than 31 billion tons remain unutilized. Of these billion tons, about 60% are recyclable and recyclable. Such raw materials include paper, metal, glass, polymers, etc. But garbage continues to accumulate in landfills and pollute the environment. Today, the issue of waste disposal, which has become an environmental problem, is being discussed at all levels - and, nevertheless, has not yet been resolved. The problem of waste disposal in the 21st century seems ridiculous because at every stage of the process you can make money from almost nothing.

Not so long ago, the garbage business was not considered highly profitable. But now the situation has changed dramatically. Throughout our country there is a huge number of landfills that need to be cleaned. The small number of processing plants that operate in Russia cannot cope with the scale of work.

A business idea based on waste recycling will not lose its relevance as long as humanity produces them. And this process is unlikely to stop as long as we live as a society of consumers.

Advantages and disadvantages of a garbage business

Often in business articles about waste recycling there is an opinion that this area is with a low level of competition, but this is far from the case. The fact that there are few participants in the segment does not mean that few people want to deal with waste processing. This means that not everyone can get into it.

Since January 2016, Federal Law No. 458-F3 has been in force, regulating the procedure for the collection and disposal of waste. According to it, not commercial organizations, but regional operators will serve certain territories. They are selected on a competitive basis in the last quarter of the year for 10 years. Their competence is to coordinate the work of the management company, organize the collection, transportation, storage and processing of waste. This law leads to the centralization of business, which intensifies competition. Large players will fight for the position of a regional operator, while medium and small players will fight for survival. These processes are for new members, but will create higher requirements for newcomers.

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2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

At the same time, it cannot be said that there is no place for new players in the sphere. You can start your own business, but the market has its own specifics, which can become more complicated with changes in legislation. Therefore, those who want to open such a business on garbage need to constantly keep their finger on the pulse and carefully study everything that happens on the market. You should communicate with other market participants, analyze the actions of competitors, attend events organized by ministries, the executive branch, etc.

Why you should start a business with garbage

    Relevance. It can be seen in almost every aspect, from the fact that it benefits the environment to the fact that this business brings a lot of profit to the owner.

    Support of local authorities. This area is poorly financed, so local authorities can assist you in organizing your business.

    Unlimited supplies of raw materials.

    High business profitability, which is 60-70%.

    Ability to start small. Even if you do not have the financial ability to build a waste processing plant, you can limit yourself to a small workshop. It does not require large investments, but at the same time it brings a decent profit, which will further develop the business.

What difficulties you may encounter:

  • High investment. Equipment even for a small workshop for the processing of solid waste is quite expensive.

  • Bureaucracy. Difficulties may arise at the stage of obtaining permits from regulatory authorities, as well as with the sale of recycled raw materials from waste. There are many bureaucratic difficulties in order to build an enterprise and operate legally: licenses, permits, allocation of a sanitary zone, project preparation and other nuances turn the process of starting a business into a laborious and long process.

    High competition. You should not organize your business on garbage in regions where there are already similar enterprises. It will be almost impossible to overcome competition in this case.

    No garbage sorting. In Russia, there is a specific problem - there is no preparatory sorting of waste and separate collection of waste, which greatly complicates the entire recycling process. In order to prepare raw materials for processing, the company will need many workers to sort household waste, and this is already unprofitable for doing business. Of course, there are automatic waste sorting lines, but such expensive equipment is not available to every businessman.

Legal aspects of business on the trash

Before starting a garbage business, you must obtain a permit for this activity. This is done by the Ministry of Ecology, which issues a license for the right to collect and process municipal solid waste. And for this you need to pass a special environmental examination, which will allow you to get a conclusion. It is conducted by the local (city or regional) department of nature management. The peculiarity of the conclusion is that it is issued to the entrepreneur once and is valid for the entire period of the company's existence. Its cost is about 6000 rubles.

In addition, you will need to obtain permits from the sanitary and fire service, as well as utilities and water management. To do this, you must draw up project documentation with a detailed description of the technological processes at your enterprise. These conclusions will cost you about 1000 rubles. Also, every year you must obtain permission from the ministry to store solid waste on the territory.

Preparation of a package of documents can take up to six months. You can also use intermediary services to complete the full package of documents for starting your business. The average cost of such services is 40 thousand rubles. The paperwork, including the license, will take about 2-3 months. If you decide to independently obtain all permits, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the “Regulations on Licensing Activities for the Collection, Transportation<…>waste of hazard classes I-IV”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1062 in 2015.

State regulation of the waste business consists of environmental supervision, licensing, organization of reporting, control over the implementation of standards and setting tariffs for waste disposal.

Legal regulation is carried out by the federal law "On production and consumption waste", which specifies five classes of waste: from "extremely hazardous" waste of the first class to "practically non-hazardous" of the fifth. The first three classes are industrial and construction waste, and the fourth and fifth are household (the so-called MSW - municipal solid waste). According to the law, the owner of wastes of classes 1-4 can transfer the right to dispose of them to a person only if he has the appropriate license: for their use, neutralization, transportation, disposal. Licenses are issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. In order to obtain a permit, a number of steps must be taken:

    prepare a waste passport;

    purchase or rent special means of transport;

    conduct professional training of employees and obtain relevant certificates;

    pay the state duty in the amount of 7500 rubles.

Among other things, all entrepreneurs involved in such a garbage business must have a certificate confirming their professional training. For the processing of MSW, such permits are not required. These include food waste, metals, waste paper, wood, plastic containers, textiles, rubber.

Therefore, at the initial stage of opening, it is necessary to find out what class of waste the entrepreneur will work with. To do this, he must order the appropriate examination.

Before starting work, you must register with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. For the garbage business, the legal form of an LLC is more suitable. To register with the Federal Tax Service, you must prepare a package of documents and select codes for your business activities in accordance with the OKVED-2 classifier. For example, if you decide to establish a garbage collection business, then the following codes should be indicated in the application for registration of the business:

    38.11 - Collection of non-hazardous waste;

    38.12 - Collection of hazardous waste;

    49.41 - Activities of road freight transport.

Depending on what services you will provide, the codes may be different, so it makes no sense to list them all.

How can you make money off garbage?

The garbage business is divided into three major sectors: garbage disposal; garbage sorting; recycling or waste disposal. Each of the sectors requires a lot of effort and money to develop, so it is useless for a novice entrepreneur to try to cover everything. It is better to start a garbage business by organizing one of these stages. Below we will consider what are the features of each type of waste business.

Option 1. Garbage disposal

The initial task of waste disposal is to remove them from the territory of the consumer. Disposal of waste is, in general, quite simple. The most difficult stage is the preparation for this work and obtaining the necessary permits. After the legal issues are settled, you can start buying equipment.

Equipment. In order to organize a waste disposal business from garbage, a minimum set of equipment is required - these are special trucks equipped with an elevator or garbage containers if the main object is household waste.

The cost of new special equipment is from one and a half million, but you can purchase equipment on lease.

More economical and profitable are garbage trucks with built-in presses. This equipment reduces the number of flights and, accordingly, reduces fuel costs. If you are planning to remove construction debris, you may need large trucks.

Office. Despite the fact that this service sector is associated with constant transport movements, an office space will still be needed. It can accommodate administrative staff, accounting and dispatchers. 15-20 sq.m. will be enough for an office. - this is enough to organize a reception and create conditions for workers. The office should be equipped with appropriate furniture, computer equipment and communication facilities.

Staff. In order to organize a garbage disposal business, you will need the following staff: drivers, dispatchers, administrator, accountant. Also, with an increase in the fleet, it is recommended to hire a mechanic.

Client base. The main customers of garbage disposal companies are various restaurants, cafes, canteens - those who daily produce a large amount of food waste.

It is also possible to conclude agreements with public utilities, which will allow garbage to be removed from the residential complex. The main advantage of working with residential buildings is large volumes. Despite the fact that the tariff rate in this case is lower than garbage collection from the commercial sector, you can make good money due to large volumes.

Another direction is services for the removal of construction waste both to individuals and construction organizations.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Peculiarities. You need to conclude agreements with landfills, where they will take out waste on coupons. It is also necessary to solve the main problem of this business - reducing transport costs. This can be done in two ways, which involve increasing the capacity of garbage containers. You can take care of everything in advance and purchase a garbage truck with a press, which will significantly increase the productivity of transportation. Another option is to purchase a bin with a press, which reduces the frequency of garbage disposal.

Pros and cons. The advantages of this garbage business include the fact that it does not require the lease of large areas and the purchase of complex, expensive equipment. Compared to other garbage business options, organizing waste collection services is not so expensive. And the main disadvantages are high fuel costs and the need to conclude an agreement with a landfill for waste storage or an enterprise for their disposal. The cost of waste storage is 1,500–2,000 rubles per 5 tons;

How much can you earn from garbage collection?. The cost of exporting a standard container with a volume of 0.8 cubic meters. m. in a large city is from 300 rubles. One garbage truck includes 25-60 such containers. This means that for one flight you can earn from 7,500 to 18,000 rubles. In a month, the amount will increase to 400-500 thousand rubles. According to companies that are engaged in garbage collection, they receive 500 rubles from each Russian. per month. By simple calculations, we get that from the inhabitants of a city with a population of 100 thousand people, such companies have 50 million rubles. per month.

Starter kit: investments of about 2 million rubles, special vehicles, drivers, dispatchers who will take orders and coordinate the routes of garbage trucks.

Option 2. Collection and sorting of garbage

In European countries, up to 80% of household waste is returned to production. And in Russia, the system for collecting recyclables is still at an early stage of development. For many entrepreneurs, this is a good chance to start a profitable business on the trash with minimal investment.

Any recycling of garbage is impossible without sorting. At the same time, a significant part of recyclables loses its properties when mixed in a common container - for example, paper becomes damp and rots. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the proper sorting of garbage at the collection stage. This will allow reusing up to 60-80% of the composition of MSW.

Collection. Those who have just entered the garbage business are advised to start with the organization of the collection of recycled materials. This will require about a million rubles. For this money, you can buy several containers - each for a certain type of waste, get permission from the municipality and rent a small area for containers. It remains only to find a buyer for recycled materials. Many processing companies have their own special equipment, so you do not need to purchase expensive equipment.

Within a month, garbage can be sorted out:

  • 7-8 tons of waste paper (cardboard boxes, wrapping paper). The cost of one ton is up to 1500 rubles;

  • 900-1000 kg of polymers (film, fruit boxes). The cost of one ton is up to 9000 rubles;

    150-200 kg of plastic bottles and aluminum cans. The cost of one ton is up to 15,000 rubles.

Sorting. If you want to open a waste sorting business, you will need more investment. The most minimal set of equipment consists of a sorting line, a storage hopper, a crusher, a magnet and a press. All equipment is expensive and requires investments of about 4 million rubles. This is how much the most budget equipment will cost.

It should be noted that almost all work in the sorting plant is done manually, so a medium-sized sorting plant will require at least 5 workers. And these are costs for at least another 100 thousand rubles. per month.

Also, a sorting shop will need a room with an area of ​​at least 300 sq.m. The cost of renting a production facility with such an area will be about 50 thousand rubles. per month.

If we add the cost of obtaining permits, organizing and running a waste sorting business will cost about 4.5 million rubles. initial investment and monthly costs of at least 250 thousand rubles.

The sorting shop of medium capacity is capable of producing 15-20 tons of products per month. The cost per ton depends on the type of waste. The average income of the sorting shop varies between 100-150 thousand rubles.

Supply of raw materials. If you are planning only a sorting plant, you will have to take care of the supply of garbage. To do this, the easiest way is to conclude agreements with the head of local landfills, representatives of points for the collection of containers and plastic waste. In addition, local supermarkets, which throw away a lot of cardboard and plastic boxes, paper, etc., can become reliable suppliers of raw materials.

Peculiarities. Sorting can be organized in the form of buying up certain types of waste (sorting at the collection stage). We are talking about the reception of glass containers, waste paper, plastic waste. This form is less profitable, but does not require large investments. Such a garbage business can be opened with 50-100 thousand rubles. To do this, you just need to find a small area where the waste collection point will be located.

Pros and cons. The demand for waste collection and sorting is quite high. Therefore, when starting such a business, on the garbage, you can be sure that your services will be in demand. But the disadvantage of the garbage business is the significant cost of expensive equipment. To open a sorting shop, you will need to purchase expensive equipment and find specialists who can work with it. For example, the costs of organizing separate waste collection in St. Petersburg cost 1.5 billion rubles. Although in this segment there is an opportunity to spend a minimum to open your own business. A small stall that accepts a certain type of waste is also a garbage business, but the profits here are much more modest.

How much can you earn on the collection and sorting of garbage. The amount of profit depends on the quality of raw materials. If you sell recyclables compressed, the price will be higher. A small stall for receiving glass containers, for example, can earn 30-50 thousand rubles a month. And its own sorting shop can bring about 200 thousand rubles. net income for the month.

starter kit. The sorting shop will require: about 4.5 million rubles. investments, premises, equipment, staff. To organize a waste collection point, you need a start-up capital of 50-100 thousand rubles. and renting a small retail space to house the item.

Option 3: Recycling

The most difficult process in this segment is waste processing. Recycling - everything that turns garbage into something useful: energy, new raw materials, fertilizers, etc.

A business on garbage brings not only economic benefits to its owner, but also benefits for the environment and society. Therefore, the topic of waste recycling is spreading so actively, being of interest to investors.

With the advent of new technologies in waste processing, it became possible not only to dispose of MSW, but also to create recyclable materials from them. By opening a business on garbage, you can improve the ecological state of the city, as well as make good money on it.

This area is constantly developing, and today there are several directions and methods of waste processing. Before planning the creation of a plant, you need to decide which method will be used: composting, briquetting, pyrolysis, pressing, etc.

The income of your enterprise will depend on what type of waste it is able to accept and process. Experienced entrepreneurs in this field admit that it is most profitable to deal with paper and plastic. The processing of this raw material is considered the most profitable (50-70%).

Stages of opening a waste processing enterprise:

    Decide what type of waste your company will work with;

    Enlist the support of the leadership of the region and local authorities;

    Register an enterprise, obtain all necessary permits and licenses;

    Obtain a land plot for a plant and a landfill for storage (burial) of MSW;

    Obtain technical conditions for connecting to communications;

    Build structures in which production will be located;

    Purchase equipment, install and configure it;

    Train staff to operate the equipment;

    Find suppliers of raw materials;

    Find buyers for the plant's finished secondary products.

room. A waste processing plant needs a large space. Its minimum size is 500 sq.m. Of these, for the processing shop - 300 sq.m., and for the warehouse - 200 sq.m. In addition, you need to have about 100 sq.m. for an administrative office. The office can be located both on the production site and outside it.

An important nuance: workshops located next to a city dump can reduce the cost of delivering raw materials and renting premises.

    Convenient truck access to the territory

    Asphalt or concrete flooring

    Floor height not less than 7 m

    Availability of water supply (at least 3 cubic meters per hour) and industrial sewage

    The presence of heating, which maintains in winter the temperature is not lower than + 21C

    Power supply designed for power consumption up to 300kW

    Availability or possibility of industrial ventilation equipment

    The presence of several large gates for the passage of trucks.

    Possibility of installation of special equipment

Such premises are quite easily rented out by the owners or sold. An important nuance: since the placement of technological equipment will require quite a serious preparation of the site, it is advisable to conclude a long-term lease agreement (lasting 3-5 years).

About 150 thousand rubles will have to be spent on renting premises per month.

Equipment. On the production area you can place:

    storage bin;


  • front loader.

It should be noted that for each type of equipment there is additional equipment, which is also not cheap. Therefore, plan your budget with a margin. Also, for processing with some types of waste, specific equipment will be required. You can save money by buying used equipment. Domestic options are considered the most affordable and functional.

The table shows the approximate amount of equipment costs. Do not forget that you need to add the cost of installation to this.

The cost of equipment for a waste processing plant

Technological process. To plan production, you need to clearly understand the entire technological process. It includes the following steps:

    purchase of raw materials for processing;

    processing of secondary raw materials and pressing waste that do not meet the needs of production;

    sale of secondary raw materials and burial of pressed briquettes.

Since the equipment necessary for collecting and sorting waste is very expensive, it is possible to concentrate the work of the workshop only on processing, and purchase already prepared raw materials.

Raw material. To ensure the production of an uninterrupted supply of waste, plan the supply in advance. Here, the location of the plant in close proximity to the city dump is another advantage. You can negotiate the supply of recyclables with local waste collection companies, housing and communal services, owners of city landfills, waste collection points, etc. It is cheaper and more profitable to conclude an agreement with large waste-collecting special enterprises or municipal utility organizations. You can also consider the prospect of opening your own collection points for recyclables. This will save on the purchase of raw materials.

As a rule, small factories buy recycled plastic at a price of 14,000 to 18,000 rubles, then process it into special granules and sell it for 30,000 rubles per ton.

It is better to organize the transportation of raw materials to production using your own vehicle fleet, but this will still increase the size of the initial investment.

What rubbish to work with. This issue needs to be addressed at the initial stage of project planning, because the list of equipment, the nuances of processing, and the client base depend on the type of waste chosen.

The most profitable waste for recycling:

    Tires for car wheels. The technology of their processing is carried out using pyrolysis or depolymerization. It occurs as a process of decomposition of rubber to steel cord, gas, carbon and synthetic oil. These decomposition products are in demand raw materials;

    Construction waste: wood, metal, concrete, brick, etc.. For high-quality processing of this type of waste, automatic waste sorting is necessary. Further processing yields secondary crushed stone, metal shavings and other types of recyclables. Most of the processing goes to the production of building materials;

    waste paper- recycled into toilet paper, soft roofing, cardboard. Modern technologies allow waste-free processing of paper waste. During this process, a large amount of thermal energy is generated, which can be converted into electrical energy and used to service production;

    Batteries as a type of waste for recycling has appeared recently, but has become quite a popular business. The difficulty with this type of waste is that there is no specialized collection of batteries; as a rule, they go in the general stream of garbage. Therefore, if you decide to recycle batteries, we recommend organizing your own waste collection point.

    wood waste- a fairly common and profitable type of garbage business. Here, the most promising and cost-effective is the processing of wood waste into fuel briquettes and pellets;

    glass waste- bottles and other glass containers. Large volumes of this type of waste require their own collection point for glass containers, as well as the supply of scrap from canneries. It is possible to sell processed raw materials to glass factories and factories for the production of ceramics;

    plastic waste are also quite profitable for recycling and sale as recyclables. To organize a mini-workshop, 700 thousand rubles will be enough for equipment. A full-fledged production will cost several million.

Client base. An important step in the work of the waste processing industry is the stable sale of finished products. You must conclude long-term contracts for the supply of processed raw materials in advance. Thanks to the timely solution of this problem, you can quickly reach a decent profit and recoup the initial investment. Otherwise, the business will be unprofitable, since profit depends on sales volumes.

The main consumers of the products of the waste processing plant are: industrial enterprises for the production of toilet paper and cardboard; farms; ceramic and glass factories; polymer plants, etc. For example, during the processing of electronic waste, metals such as iron, copper, aluminum are formed - these raw materials can be sold to wholesale buyers of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Compost is obtained from paper waste, which is used as soil fertilizer and can be sold to farms.

Staff. To work in production, trained, trained according to a special program, personnel is required. The staff list should include at least 10 workers, a manager, an accountant and a vehicle driver.

The study of the labor market shows that it will not be a problem to meet the needs of the enterprise in the labor force for the above-mentioned vacancies, since the supply currently exceeds the demand.

Expenses. The initial costs for opening a waste processing plant average 5 million rubles. In addition to equipment, you will have to spend money on obtaining permits and other bureaucratic procedures, as well as on renting premises.

But in addition to millions of investments at the start, the waste processing plant requires up to 900 thousand rubles. monthly. This amount includes salaries to employees, and payment for consumed capacities, and rental of premises, and payment of taxes. Also, when drawing up a business plan, it is worth remembering such a type of expense as equipment depreciation.

Given the large start-up costs, the payback period of the project is 2-4 years. The practice of the waste processing business shows that in this area, payback within 5 years is a completely normal indicator.

How much can you earn from recycling. The profitability of waste processing production is estimated at 40-80%. If you get raw materials almost free of charge, then at the output any product is estimated at 10-40 thousand rubles. per ton. However, in order to achieve such indicators, it is necessary to correctly plan all stages of the technological process.

As for net profit, during the first year of operation of the enterprise, it ranges from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. per month. But in this garbage business, the prospects are most attractive, since further with the development of production, it is possible to achieve a profit of about 1 million rubles. per month.

Pros and cons. The main advantage of the processing shop as a business is its prospects, relevance and stability. This is an opportunity to build a large production that benefits society and multimillion-dollar profits for the owner. But for this to happen, it is necessary to go through a complex process of organization, have enough cash and be ready for long-term investments. This is the main drawback of this business idea.

Peculiarities. Firstly, the efficiency of waste recycling directly depends on the quality of sorting. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a complex system from the collection of raw materials to the sale of finished products to the consumer (in this case, processed products from recycled materials). Here, one cannot do without interaction with the authorities, numerous companies of the city, which is not always easy. Secondly, due to the underdevelopment of the market, prices for recyclables are very volatile: when demand grows, suppliers can no longer cope with waste collection, prices rise; when demand falls, goods quickly accumulate and fill storage, and therefore are sold at bargain prices.

Starter kit for starting a business: initial capital in the amount of 5 million rubles, production premises with an area of ​​at least 200 square meters, a warehouse with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters, equipped in accordance with sanitary and fire requirements, installations, technologists and labor.

Option 4. Placement and storage of waste

If the listed types of garbage business do not suit you, you can stop at the simplest option. Waste disposal - their storage or disposal. Garbage needs to be stored somewhere. For this, the so-called landfills are used - this is a complex of equipment and structures that provide isolation and disposal of garbage masses. The storage of solid waste is arranged in the form of a pit with a natural or special internal coating. This ensures the environmental safety of the surrounding soils, groundwater and green spaces. Properly equipped landfills are located far from cities and do not harm the health of their inhabitants.

The following requirements are put forward for the location of landfills:

  • life time- 15-20 years;

  • distance from settlements- not less than 1 km;

    protective strip- not less than 20 m;

    distance to groundwater- more than 2 m;

    absence near natural water bodies.

To date, there are slightly more than 1,000 landfills officially operating in Russia, but their occupancy is approaching or already exceeding 100%. Therefore, the business of creating landfills is in demand.

To implement this idea, you will need several hectares of free land outside the settlement, water protection and recreational areas. Ideally, the landfill should be built, as there are some requirements for it. In addition, you need to get permission to create a placement. This permit confirms compliance with geological, hydrological and other regulations). It is also necessary to enter the landfill in the unified state register and monitor the environmental situation - even after the end of operation.

How much can you earn from garbage storage. The profitability of landfills is low, since the municipality sets the rates for disposal. In large cities, the landfill can accept municipal waste for 250 rubles. per cubic meter, and commercial - for 500-600 rubles. At a time, a garbage truck brings from 2 to 10 tons.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

An integral part of human life is the formation of various types of waste - food, electronic, household. And the more complex our lives become, the more we consume, the more waste we produce. According to statistics, there are 200-300 kg of garbage (MSW) per person per year, and in Russia as a whole, the generation of garbage is estimated at 30-35 million tons annually.

Unlike Western countries, where garbage is efficiently recycled, in Russia all this volume ends up in landfills, where it remains lying for decades, polluting the environment. The lack of a culture of sorting and recycling at least the most hazardous waste, such as, for example, mercury lamps, batteries, medicines, only exacerbates the current situation. Only a small part - no more than 5% - ends up in waste incineration plants, which, in fact, pollute the environment almost more than the landfills themselves.

Of course, our country does not stand still. At the end of 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed a package of amendments to the law on production and consumption waste, which approved the disposal fee, as well as tightened the requirements for the use of waste, in particular, a ban was introduced on the disposal of waste that has not lost its consumer properties.

Ideally, the waste is subject to almost complete processing in order to reuse the resulting materials. In Europe, this is exactly what happens - up to 80% of solid waste is recycled there. With proper processing, almost all of this volume can be reused. And this means that selling recycled garbage, you can earn good money.

Organic waste can be composted and used as fertilizer. Waste car oil and other liquids can be turned into biopreparations and physiologically active compounds. Paper and cardboard can be produced from recycled paper and cardboard, and polymers from polymeric materials. And so on.

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In general, all work with waste can be divided into several stages: collection, transportation, sorting, processing (utilization, storage). Often, enterprises in this industry have a narrow specialization at any stage. This is logical, since the creation of an integrated organization for the collection, sorting and disposal of waste not only requires huge capital investments, but is also organizationally difficult.

Figure 1. Structure of MSW in Russia

In addition, this business area is perhaps one of the most corrupt in our country, and the market has been divided for a long time. Disposal of garbage and its burial in landfills is the most common way to get rid of it today. Garbage removal companies working for years in the same urban area or with the same industrial enterprises work here. According to some estimates, the profitability of such a business reaches 20%. However, for this reason as well, it is practically impossible for a new player to enter this market.

Waste sorting in itself is hardly of interest from the point of view of entrepreneurship - at least because the main consumer of this service is processing companies, which are still very, very few in Russia. Thus, we come to the logical conclusion that the sorting and processing complex can be the most profitable. And if, after these words, the imagination draws a territory built up with multi-storey industrial buildings, with conveyor belts, access railway tracks, and so on, then in reality everything is much more prosaic. We will talk further about how you can organize an enterprise for the collection and processing of garbage.

First of all, it is necessary to decide whether we will limit ourselves to sorting and processing, or whether we will try to cover all links in the chain by ensuring that garbage is collected directly from its source. As mentioned above, this market is divided and not subject to redistribution. However, you can find your own source, which will provide the enterprise with a small but stable amount of material. Such a source can be a cottage settlement, of which a lot is currently being built; it can be an industrial enterprise - just opened or already operating. In the second case, strong arguments will be required in order to convince the management of the enterprise to abandon the already established relationship with the service organization. Still, working with an industrial enterprise is more profitable, because. will be able to provide our company with a stable volume of waste of a certain fraction, on which it is possible to build specialization. And specialization, as we understand it, reduces costs. Actually, finding a source, collecting and transporting waste from it is not a costly business: you need one or two containers for collection and a truck to transport it. Transportation costs can be reduced by using a press at the collection point, if the material being collected allows it.

If we are not interested in organizing the supply of material directly from the source, we will focus directly on sorting and recycling. Here we return to the issue of specialization. It can be approached from two opposite sides: from the processed material or from the waste source.

The most common material for recycling today is PET containers, that is, ordinary plastic bottles for drinks, sunflower oil, etc. But almost anything can be recycled in this business - from cars to wood, from consumer electronics to paper. Naturally, the more complex the initial product, the more complex the technology for its disposal will be. We spoke about specialization at the source above - it can be a factory, a shopping center or a cottage village. The first gives one or two main fractions, the second two - a much larger assortment.

The most simple and affordable waste disposal technologies include pressing and grinding. Actually, they can be used both individually and sequentially in a complete technological cycle: a crusher, a sorting line, a press, a storage bin, a magnet.

The equipment is broken down depending on the type of waste and the required performance. For example, a press for aluminum and other non-ferrous metals, which allows you to press, for example, cans from drinks, will cost about 100 thousand rubles. A press for wool and rags, with which you can press spinning waste, has a higher cost - about 250 thousand. A press for briquetting PET containers and waste paper costs from 180 thousand rubles. Such a press produces a finished briquette that meets the requirements for acceptance by pulp and paper mills. More serious industrial presses from Western manufacturers are one or two orders of magnitude higher. For example, a German used semi-automatic horizontal press will cost 46,000 euros, and a two-shaft Austrian shredder will cost 26,000 euros.

Various types of crushers and shredders are designed for grinding waste, which are also selected depending on the type of material being processed, productivity and the required degree of grinding. The cost of domestic-made crushers for polymers, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, fabrics, glass today is 90-100 thousand rubles.

Some suppliers offer ready-made universal program-controlled lines for the processing of a wide range of MSW, including everything down to conveyors, protective fences, etc. The cost of such a line with installation will be approximately 5 million rubles.

There is also a mass of specialized equipment - for processing electronic circuit boards (machines for removing components from circuit boards, vibrating tables, hammer mills), bag breakers, various extruders and granulators, dryers for organic fractions and much more. Manufacturers and distributors of such equipment also offer comprehensive solutions depending on the planned direction of the enterprise, their cost is announced upon request. It should be expected that for a more or less serious line it will be at least 3-4 million rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

There are more unconventional ways to make money from waste. For example, landfill gas processing. At the moment, there is at least one such plant in Russia, founded by a Swedish company. The principle of operation of the plant is relatively simple: gas is collected through wells from the "body" of the landfill, collected in a furnace for its combustion, during which electricity is generated. The plant itself consists of several mobile buildings, “roaming” around the landfill from an exhausted gas source to a new one. According to rough estimates, the energy produced by the plant is enough to supply electricity to a city of 50,000 people. Of course, such an enterprise will require more investments than a sorting and recycling line - such projects are beneficial only in the long term, especially given the imperfection of Russian legislation in the field of environmental supervision.

Depending on the type of waste being processed, the territories and premises are subject to various requirements set forth in SanPiN. As a rule, they are all quite tough, because. the processing organization should not pollute the atmosphere and soil, not discharge wastewater, have high fire safety ratings, etc. Perhaps this can be called one of the main obstacles to starting such a business.

If it was possible to deal with the premises or territory, then licensing of activities will be required. According to the legislation, activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of waste of I-IV hazard class are subject to licensing (Class I is extremely hazardous waste that causes irreversible damage to the environment; these include, for example: vinyl chloride, lead oxide, polonium , plutonium, mercury, hydrogen fluoride, etc.). The accumulation of waste of any hazard class, as well as activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of waste of the 5th hazard class are not subject to licensing. The licensing procedure is carried out by Rostekhnadzor, and the duration of its implementation can reach 3-5 months.

As for the profitability of the "garbage" business, according to experts, a sorting and processing line can pay off within two to five years. Important factors that provide profitability are: slowly but steadily growing demand for recyclable materials and a fairly low level of risks due to fixed tariffs for waste disposal from municipalities. And, of course, the extremely low level of competition in this area.

Of the difficulties of an entrepreneur, a collision with a bureaucratic apparatus, often corrupt, awaits here. If there are potential competitors in your area, be prepared for the fact that they will try their best to prevent you from entering the market.

Denis Miroshnichenko
(c) - portal of business plans and guides for starting a small business

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Russians annually produce hundreds of tons of garbage. It accumulates in landfills, buried, burned. By the way, it's all money! Yes, by burying garbage in landfills, we are burying capital in the ground. But a significant part of the garbage can be recycled and make money on it.

Moreover, this is not necessarily a multimillion-dollar investment in a complex and large plant. In fact, organizing a waste recycling business is easier than it seems. Need sorting line, a press, a couple of trucks and a garbage truck. Everything, with this arsenal you can "go into battle."

The essence of recycling

Let's immediately dot all the "i". We will not talk about the business of full-fledged waste processing. This is quite an expensive business. It is much easier to start sorting and selling waste paper, plastic bottles and cans for further processing.

In this case, your job is as follows: you receive the garbage, sort it, selecting plastic, tin, paper and cardboard. Then send it all to the press. After that, ready-made briquettes made of plastic, tin or paper are loaded into the machine and sent to customers.

Who is the buyer? There are many, you just have to look. In fact, these are almost all companies engaged in the production of plastic products, producing cardboard, tin products.

According to the reviews of people involved in such a business, it is important to choose the right staff here. What to hide, the work itself is not prestigious and rather specific, especially at the sorting stage. Where you literally have to sort through tons of garbage with your hands, in search of the things you need.

And this is one of the key problems of this business. According to the entrepreneur Igor Sviridov, who deals with waste processing in Volgograd, there is nothing more difficult than finding people to sort.

“This has become a real problem, yes, the work is unskilled, yes“ dirty ”, respectively, the salary is not the highest, but I paid garbage sorters decently, at least, more than loaders in a nearby hypermarket, - says Igor. - It did not help. After working for a short time, they always quit. I tried to hire homeless people and the so-called downtrodden element. But it didn't help. The solution was found through trial and error. First, I improved working conditions. And my sorters have disposable wraps for clothes, beautiful and comfortable uniforms, a clean and modern locker room, a shower. Secondly, I and other employees in every possible way demonstrated to the sorters that they are a key link in our chain of success. Thirdly, at first I myself worked with them on sorting. In the end, I solved an impossible task and coped with the staff turnover in the sorting shop!

Where to get raw materials?

At the landfill. Do not laugh. In fact, only there you will find a lot of ownerless plastic bottles, cardboard, glass containers. The point is small - to agree with the management of the landfill that you are allowed to "rake up the rubble." Problems can arise here, but, as practitioners say, a little help from the landfill administration solves all issues.

As the primary sorters who will select the garbage you are interested in, local homeless people are quite suitable. They know very well what lies where, and for little money they are ready to give you this stuff. The only thing is that they need strict control.

But there is another option - you can conclude an agreement with shops, markets, various institutions. They regularly have tens of kilograms of paper waste that needs to be put somewhere. According to Igor Sviridov from Volgograd, he easily signed a contract for the export of empty cardboard boxes with a supermarket chain. For this he pays little money. But it is guaranteed to receive paper and cardboard in large volumes, which are then handed over to processors in a compressed form.

“If you do not take into account the costs of transportation, wages, and so on, then I sell a kilogram of waste paper at least 10 times more expensive than I bought it from a supermarket,” Igor clarifies. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to build such a supply chain with plastic bottles.

Where and how to sell

Main consumers waste paper, plastic and tin- various productions. They are in almost every region, and, as experience shows, they are happy to take recycled materials.

But they take it by weight. In addition, no one will be happy if you bring a full KAMAZ of plastic bottles or waste paper. After all, half of it is air, and such recyclables will take unreasonably much space. Also, are you willing to pay for air freight?

Therefore, the main part of the waste processing enterprise is the press. It should be a universal press that will make dense cubes from your garbage. It is these cubes that you will sell. Moreover, as the current entrepreneurs say, it is quite profitable.

Unfortunately, Igor Sviridov does not disclose the amount of his profit. But he emphasizes that the profitability of his business is almost 100 percent, and the demand for products is constantly growing.

Ivan Muraviev
Photo from wordpress.com, giport.ru, icd.com.vn, xakac.info, liveinternet.ru

Greetings! Abroad, garbage has long been learned to recycle repeatedly into something useful. I recently read a joke on the Web: “It takes three containers to throw away a tea bag in England. Tea - for food waste, a label and a bag - for paper, a paper clip - for metal. The funny thing is that there is some truth in this joke.

In Russia, unfortunately, garbage is just garbage. Which is good only to take it to the landfill. Or burn it in a recycling plant.

But you can make good money on recycling. This is a stable, profitable and socially useful business. With good prospects and for the village.

I offer a couple of not quite standard, but, in my opinion, very promising options. True, the unappetizing "garbage" business is hardly suitable for women. Although, who knows. So, business ideas for beginners with minimal investment.

Disposal of old tires occurs in one of the ways. For example, "bald" tires can be burned. Or bury in the ground "to the waist" in the yards of high-rise buildings. By the way, such ugliness can only be found in the yards of the former USSR.

Neither one nor the other way suits us. First, it is harmful to the environment. And secondly, such barbaric disposal will not bring money.

There are two “paid” options to make money on tire recycling at home:

  1. Crushing into crumbs. In cities, crumb rubber is used as a filler for soft surfaces on children's and sports grounds.
  2. Pyrolysis (or depolymerization). In a nutshell: pyrolysis decomposes rubber into gas (similar to natural gas), carbon black, synthetic oil and raw materials for metallurgy (steel cord)

In fact, each of the four components is a sought-after raw material that can (and should) be sold.

Building concrete recycling

Construction waste contains a lot of useful things: brick, wood, metal and, of course, concrete.

How is concrete recycled? It is crushed, while extracting metal particles from it. Well, then the pieces of concrete are sorted by size - and they get secondary crushed stone. It can be used, for example, for backfilling an old pit or for “re-building”.

Abroad, old buildings have not been demolished for a long time, but carefully dismantled. Crushing and screening complexes are installed nearby. And the garbage is sorted in parallel with the dismantling process.

This approach allows you to reuse up to 80% of construction waste! And sometimes you can open a small garbage recycling business in a garage.

cullet processing

Broken glass is the basis for a good business. Collecting glass fragments "at retail" is inconvenient and unprofitable. It’s easier to agree and pick up broken glass at the factory (there is always such a “good” in bulk). It makes sense to think about organizing special reception points.

How to prepare cullet for recycling? It must be collected, cleaned and crushed on special equipment. Recycling plants melt and filter the crushed glass.

Finished raw materials are bought, for example, from a manufacturer of glass products. Remelting a “semi-finished product” requires a lower temperature than making glass from scratch. Smelting furnaces operate in a gentle mode, which saves a lot of energy.

In addition, recycled cullet is readily purchased by insulation, brick, tile, ceramic and abrasive companies.

Plastic recycling

Dozens of types of plastics end up in household waste every day. But the most promising (in terms of recycling) are plastic bottles.

Recycled PET packaging is the raw material for flex. From which you can make all the same plastic bottles, synthetic bristles, film, paving slabs and much more.

How is plastic recycled?

First, the raw materials are sorted by color. Dirt, stickers and foreign objects are removed from the bottles. Then the raw material is pressed. Then, on a special line, the resulting mass is crushed and processed in a steam boiler (where it is polished and rinsed).

Paper recycling

Unfortunately, paper cannot be recycled indefinitely. It can withstand no more than 3-5 cycles. But, despite this, the "waste" market is still far from saturation.

Most often, manufacturers use a simple (or wet) technology:

  1. Using a pulper, the paper dissolves in water
  2. With the help of a cyclone cleaner, all foreign objects are removed from it
  3. If cardboard is recycled, a thermochemical treatment step is added
  4. The finished mixture is filtered through a sieve (fine cleaning)

Two-thirds of the recycled paper is used to make toilet paper and packaging board. But sometimes such raw materials are also used in the production of roofing materials.

Examples of successful business ideas "on the trash"

The desire to at least slightly protect the environment from tons of garbage allowed TerraCycle to open a very interesting and useful business. The authors of the idea launched a fashionable line of garbage accessories.

TerraCycle designers turn defective packaging from juices and other food products into cute lunch boxes, pencil boxes, bags and even jewelry for girls.

Another example. Architect Michael Reindols and his company Earthship are building houses out of garbage and tires. The load-bearing walls are old tires filled with earth. And the internal partitions are recycled bottles, canisters and other containers. It turned out that such structures provide ideal thermal conductivity in houses!

The most interesting thing is that the main income for a creative architect is not so much the construction itself, but rather the holding of training seminars and the sale of his own "cover" technology.

How do you feel about the recycling business?

In the economic realities of modern Russia, trying to open your own business is akin to playing roulette. The competition for raw materials and sales markets is so high that a newcomer does not always manage to gain a foothold in the market, and even more so, develop his business at least to a medium size. Therefore, already at the planning stage, it is necessary to calculate all possible risks, pluses and minuses. As practice shows, one of the most win-win options for today is the waste processing business.

Waste recycling is the most promising business

According to statistics, every year the population and industrial enterprises of Russia produce up to 44 million tons of various waste. Of all this volume, only a third is recycled, and the rest ends up in landfills. Previously, they tried to solve the problem of a growing rubbish shaft by simply burning or burying it in the ground. However, such actions lead to a sharp deterioration in the environmental situation, poisoning the soil, groundwater and atmosphere.

The solution to the problem of efficient and safe disposal of industrial and domestic waste is seen in only one thing - the development of a wide network of waste processing enterprises. In the countries of Western Europe, hundreds of private organizations are engaged in waste processing, which gives rise to intense market competition with all the ensuing consequences. Waste recycling as a business in Russia is practically not developed, which provides a lot of potential opportunities.

Pros and Cons of a Waste Recycling Business

The "garbage business", like any other commercial enterprise, has its undeniable advantages and its pitfalls. The pluses include:

  • Fast payback periods. The funds invested in the waste processing industry will pay off fairly quickly. With skillful and efficient management of the case, these terms are about 3-5 years.
  • High profitability of the waste business, reaching 30% for each ruble invested. This is a pretty good indicator, given that according to Rosstat, the profitability of medium and small businesses in Russia is about 12-15%.
  • Support for businessmen who decide to open a waste processing enterprise from government agencies. On the part of the federal authorities, such businessmen are provided with tax incentives regarding the costs of purchasing equipment, renting/purchasing/construction of premises.
  • Local municipal authorities are also ready to provide all kinds of assistance to entrepreneurs-garbage processors. The responsibility for maintaining cleanliness in a city or village lies entirely with the local authorities, so the private business of waste processing removes a significant part of the current concerns from the municipal administration.
  • Almost unlimited amount of free raw materials, available in large quantities in any region of Russia.
  • Low cost of raw materials. Unlike many other business sectors, recycling as a business requires minimal costs for the purchase of raw materials. You will have to spend money only on containers for collecting waste, and on specialized vehicles for their delivery to the place of processing.
  • Demand for secondary raw materials that have passed the initial processing stage is traditionally high among domestic industrial enterprises. Therefore, a waste processing businessman does not have to worry about the markets for his goods.
  • For entrepreneurs with increased social responsibility, there is another motivating factor - moral. Recycling of waste allows solving the problem of environmental pollution of native nature, preserving it for future generations.

But, despite such a large number of positive aspects, people who decide to start their own business in this area should approach this as responsibly as possible. There may be problems with the collection, delivery, sorting of garbage, as well as financial costs for unforeseen expenses and the like.

Often there is aversion to the neighborhood with a waste processing plant on the part of local residents who start sluggish litigation. This litigation often takes the entrepreneur a lot of time and effort that could be spent for its intended purpose - to start production. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary at the initial stage to draw up a business plan for waste processing, in which all possible force majeure situations will be taken into account in advance.

How to Start a Waste Recycling Business

Let us consider in more detail how to start a waste recycling business in the light of modern Russian realities. At the stage of the initial organization of production, the future entrepreneur will need more time, effort, and involvement in solving various pressing issues of local administrative resources than financial costs. Of course, it is absolutely possible that local officials of different levels and departments will want to receive some kind of “fee” for a positive solution to your issue.

If a businessman has a sufficient amount of free funds, the temptation to speed up the permit procedure with a bribe can be great. But we should not forget that such an act falls under the jurisdiction of the Criminal Legislation of the Russian Federation, and not only the person who accepts the bribe, but also the one who gives it is liable. Therefore, we will consider how to open a waste processing business in full compliance with the law.

Company registration

The very first step for starting a garbage business from scratch is registering your organization. You can register an enterprise both in the status of an individual entrepreneur and in the form of an LLC. According to the recommendations of experts, the form of registration in the form of an LLC is more preferable. This makes it possible in the future, if necessary, to expand the scope of activities by engaging in some kind of related production. This may be, for example, the independent production and sale of consumer goods from recycled materials.

Registration procedures of the enterprise are carried out in the territorial department of the tax service. To do this, the registration department of the Federal Tax Service will need to submit an application drawn up in accordance with the established form, and a package of related documentation. You can familiarize yourself with the sample application on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, or directly at the office of this institution. The list of documents required for registration of an LLC, in addition to the application, includes:

  • Protocol, which reflects the decision of the meeting of co-founders on the creation of a legal entity in the form of an LLC.
  • Agreement on the establishment of an LLC, endorsed by all co-founders.
  • Articles of association.
  • Notification of the choice of a particular taxation system. The most profitable from a financial point of view, for an LLC is the simplified tax system.
  • Receipt of payment of the registration fee - 4 thousand rubles.

The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur engaged in waste processing as a business is much simpler. To do this, you will need to submit an application that will indicate individual passport data and selected OKVED codes. The application will also need to be accompanied by a photocopy of the passport (all pages, from the first to the last), and a bank receipt confirming payment of the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

The choice of economic activity code depends on the specific area of ​​business. The waste processing business belongs to class No. 38, which is divided into several subclasses:

38-1. Organization of waste collection, including:

  • Non-hazardous - 38.1.1.
  • Dangerous - 38.1.2.

38-2. Organization of primary processing and disposal of waste, including:

  • Non-hazardous - 38.2.1.
  • Dangerous – 38.2.1.

After successfully resolving the issue of state registration of the future enterprise, we proceed to the next stage of the implementation of the business plan for waste processing.

Obtaining permits

Waste processing is considered a potentially hazardous industry, due to the high degree of contamination of the soil and atmosphere with recyclable waste. It is also possible that any toxic or hazardous substances may enter the total mass of recycled waste. And this is fraught with health problems for the employees of the enterprise.

Therefore, the garbage disposal business is under the control of various supervisory authorities. To start production, you will need to obtain a permissive license from these departments. The list of required permits includes:

  • To use this land for the construction of a waste processing plant. Issued by the territorial department of land use after submitting a corresponding application there.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station for the compliance of the premises used for the purposes of waste processing. Issued by the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor, the application is considered within 1 month.
  • Fire control authorities. Confirms the compliance of the premises with all the requirements and standards of fire safety.
  • Certificate from the electrical supervision on the full compliance of the production electrical supply systems with the established standards.
  • Certificate from the local environmental center, confirming the complete safety of the future enterprise for the environment.

Running a waste management business is only possible with a license. The supervisory service for nature management is responsible for issuing these documents. To obtain a license, you will need to pay a fee to the budget in the amount of 24 thousand rubles, and provide the following package of documentation to the employees of the department:

  • Confirming the availability of the entire material base for the organization of work - the appropriate production premises and the necessary equipment.
  • Confirming that the enterprise has a staff of employees with the necessary certificates. Copies of certificates with photocopies of employment contracts attached to them are provided for consideration.
  • Permission to start production activities from the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Information about the nature of the waste with which the enterprise will work as a raw material.
  • Copies of contracts concluded with solid waste landfills, on the disposal of non-recycled waste residues.

In addition, the supervisory authority will need to provide a certificate from the tax service on state registration of a waste processing organization, copies of constituent documents (for LLC) and an application. You can submit the documents in person by coming to the office of the natural supervision institution. Or by sending them by mail to the addressee by registered mail with a list of all the papers attached to the application.

Legislative standards allow employees of this department to consider the appeal for up to three months. After that, employees will either issue a license or refuse to do so. They must substantiate their refusal with reason so that the applicant has the opportunity to appeal it to higher authorities.

Choice of premises for production

But now all the necessary licenses and permits have been obtained, and the entrepreneur is faced with the question - how to start a business on waste? The next step is to find a suitable space to house all the production lines. For these purposes, an abandoned industrial premises is quite suitable - a workshop or warehouse of a closed factory, a large hangar, a car box. The main condition is that it must be spacious enough to accommodate equipment and have space for the free movement of employees.

It follows from these numbers:

  • At least 400 square meters will be occupied by the production workshop itself, where sorting and recycling of raw materials will be carried out.
  • At least another 200 m 2 will need to be allocated for the storage of imported raw materials and already sorted products.
  • We should not forget about the accompanying premises - the office, household rooms for the working staff, showers, toilets, etc.

In total, the ideal space for a waste processing plant should be at least 700-800 m2. If you could not find a suitable room, then the only way out is to build it yourself. True, pleasure is not cheap. A prefabricated structure of a hangar type of a metal frame structure, taking into account the cost of summing up all the necessary communications, will cost an average of 15 to 25 million rubles. The ideal location for the plant is next to the already existing landfill. Thus, it will be possible to save on the export of unprocessed raw materials, and simplify the coordination of all permits with the nature supervision.

Acquisition of the necessary equipment

Another important item of expenditure associated with the launch of a waste processing plant is the acquisition of the equipment necessary for these purposes. On sale in the modern market there are two types of waste processing lines: stationary and mobile. Stationary modifications require a large area for their installation, and are not intended for quick dismantling.

Mobile lines consist of separate blocks, which can be quickly, within one working day, mounted or dismantled again by a team of specialists. They are more compact and do not require permanent buildings for installation: it will be enough to have a canopy to protect electrical equipment from precipitation. The only disadvantage of such models is lower productivity than stationary equipment. In terms of cost, both options are approximately comparable, and will cost the buyer from 3 to 6 million rubles, depending on the manufacturer and configuration.

The standard set of waste processing line includes:

  • Sorting conveyor line, which moves the garbage.
  • Hopper storage for raw materials fed to the conveyor.
  • Crusher for crushing oversized waste.
  • Electromagnet for extracting metal components from raw materials.
  • Incinerator.

When purchasing a furnace for burning non-recycled waste, you need to know that this business can only be done in compliance with certain rules. Any violation of the regulations may result in the imposition of large monetary fines, and even revocation of the license.


The next very important stage will be the selection of personnel of the enterprise. It should be borne in mind that with such a seemingly simple matter as sorting garbage, in fact, far from everyone can handle it. Moreover, without the presence of a staff of workers with the appropriate certificates, it will be impossible to obtain permission to start work. Therefore, the business plan for a waste processing plant must take this factor into account.

The number of employees directly depends on the size of the processing industry. For example, a workforce for a medium-sized factory would look like this:

  • Head (director, production manager).
  • Technologist.
  • Accountant.
  • Account Manager.
  • 2-3 drivers, depending on the size of the fleet. However, there is an opportunity to save on this staff unit by concluding a transport service agreement with an outsourcing company.
  • Production line operators.
  • Workers-sorters, loaders - from 10 to 30 staff units.

In addition, at fairly large industries, the staff may include narrow specialists: electricians, adjusting technicians, security guards.

Supply of raw materials and marketing of finished products

Like any business, waste recycling is largely dependent on market conditions. Therefore, already at the planning stage, it is necessary to calculate the benefits of a particular specialization. Sorted waste is a fairly liquid product that is in demand by many industrial enterprises. For clarity, we present the market value of one ton of certain types of waste:

  • Aluminum cans for drinks - up to 50 thousand rubles.
  • Compressed plastic waste - 15 thousand tons
  • Shredded rubber of car tires - 15-17 thousand rubles
  • Paper and cardboard - 10-12 thousand rubles

The obtained data, in order to have a rough idea of ​​the possible income, must be multiplied by the average daily productivity of the sorting line, which is from 8 to 15 tons of raw materials. Based on the above data, you can already draw up an approximate business plan with calculations for waste processing.

Another question that inevitably arises before a waste processing entrepreneur is how to organize the supply of raw materials. This problem can be solved in several ways. For example, to agree with local utilities on the delivery of waste to the plant directly from the place of its collection, that is, from garbage containers. But at the same time, you should have a place equipped according to all the rules where the raw materials will be stored in anticipation of processing.

Another option is to install our own containers for separate collection of solid waste in the city, and acquire special equipment for its removal. This option, of course, is more expensive, but in the future it promises greater profits associated with the accelerated processing of garbage already sorted by the population. It is also possible to agree with the management of solid waste landfills on the collection of certain types of waste. To collect them, you can attract for a small fee various asocial persons (in other words, the homeless), who always live near large landfills.

If you have special vehicles, you can independently conclude agreements on the removal of certain types of waste with large industrial or trade organizations. In this way, you can get the necessary raw materials in advance. These can be cardboard packages, which are accumulated in excess from large supermarkets; plastic, aluminum and glass containers for drinks, which are "rich" in catering establishments, cafes and restaurants.

As you can see, waste sorting as a business can bring a considerable income to its owner. To obtain a stable profit, you only need to find financial means to start production, obtain all the necessary permits, and competently organize the business.

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