Task 16 exam in literature lyrics comparison. Poem "The Bronze Horseman". The structure of the exam in literature

It is inconvenient to search for each poem on the Internet or bookmark it in a collection. It takes time that can be spent memorizing poems. It is better to spend a couple of hours and print it so that all the poems are in one place. I got an impressive stack. Here is a google doc file with all the verses.

A stack of poems and volumes 3 and 4 of "War and Peace"

Learning poems printed on paper is better for me than from the screen of a phone or laptop: there is no temptation to close the tab with a poem and open Telegram to write to friends about how difficult and tedious it is to learn poetry.

You don’t need to delete the Google Doc or Word file containing the poems immediately after you have printed all the poems: it will come in handy to teach poems where it is not possible to carry a printout with you, for example, at school or in transport.

Distribute by authors, years and topics

This is important for task 17, where there are essays on lyrics, for example, “what is the originality of the sound of the patriotic theme in the lyrics of A.A. Akhmatova". It is easiest to write such an essay, showing how this topic develops chronologically, in different years and periods of creativity.

For task 16, this is also important: you need to remember two poems similar in theme to the one given in KIM.

Many poems are suitable for several topics at once. They need to be taught first. For example, in the poem "Pines" B.L. Pasternak reveals the theme of the unity of man and nature and the theme of memories.


This is necessary for tasks 15, 16 and 17 (if it contains an essay on lyrics). We were taught in school to do a 22-point analysis.

    Date of writing and publication

    The place that the poem occupies in the work of the author, the artistic method

    Creative history (genre choice, tradition, censorship)

    Main theme

    The meaning of the name

    Lyrical plot and its movement

    Composition, framing, main structural parts

    The main moods, tone of the poem

    Leading keynotes; base words that convey them

    Lyrical hero, his originality, ways of his self-disclosure

    Lyrical characters, their experiences, their destinies

    Collision or connection of different levels of consciousness?

    Music of the poem

    Rhythm and time signature

    Rhyming, the nature of rhymes

    Vocabulary, language expressive means

    Poetic Syntax

    Sound writing, phonetic coloring of the verse

    The idea of ​​the poem, revealed as a result of the analysis

    Reviews of critics about the poem

    The sound of a poem today

If you analyze poems according to this plan, you do not need to read this article. Superheroes have better things to do.

I did the analysis according to this plan several times. The analysis of one poem took three sheets of A4, and I did it for at least an hour and a half. In order not to waste a lot of time, I reduced the analysis plan to four points:

    History of creation

    Tropes (artistic means of expression)

Here you can also add the size, the nature of the rhyme and the composition, if it is difficult for you to determine them right away.

The analysis on 22 points is the most complete, but four are enough for the exam. On the exam, you are limited in time (3 hours 55 minutes) and in format: in 15 and 16 tasks you need to write only 5-10 sentences. In the 17th essay, you don’t need to write so much either: you need to choose only the material that fits the topic.

Analyzing 147 poems a week before the exam is possible, but difficult. In order not to hate poetry for the rest of your life and not to overwork, analyze one poem a day for five months before the exam.

Associate and Visualize

When you read poems, imagine the images the poet is talking about. If you present a complete picture, it will be easier for you to remember the poem. It is easy to visualize the poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev and other poets of the "golden age" (do not say that you cannot imagine how snow lies under the blue skies with magnificent carpets). It is already more difficult to imagine the “charm of elegiac undertakings” from Akhmatova’s poem “I don’t need odic rati ...”, but the image of a “yellow dandelion near the fence” also appears there - it must be associated with the poem.

To make it easier, you can look for illustrations for poems. Even cooler is to draw them yourself.

Illustration by S. Glazunov to the poem by A.A. Blok "Stranger"

Learn by heart

Everyone has their own way of learning by heart. I need to read the poem five or seven times to myself and two or three more times out loud.

Some poems can be learned by song. The poems of Russian poets are set to music by "The Retuses", "Spleen", Alla Pugacheva. Here is my selection of songs based on verses by Russian poets. Remember that the lyrics of a poem and the lyrics of a song are two different things. Some stanzas may be changed or thrown out altogether.

Learning a poem in its entirety is great, but not necessary: ​​quoting the entire text is not required on the exam. Analysis is needed here: be sure to learn the lines that you quote in the analysis - they are needed to understand the work.


Vasilisa Shpot, great talk about the interval method of repetition. Repeat the verses on schedule so that you don't forget them immediately after you have learned them.

The guys from the HSE Lyceum made a bot for Telegram — @memorization_bot. In order not to suffer with reminders, you can use a bot: it sends notifications at regular intervals.


Once a week or two, take out a stack of printed poems and reread them all. It takes me about an hour.

A little secret for the lazy

The most universal authors are A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov. Their poems must be learned first. They are suitable for many topics (for example, Lermontov's poem "I go out alone on the road ..." refers to both landscape and philosophical lyrics). Compositions based on the poetry of Pushkin and Lermontov come across most often.

To memorize verses from the codifier, you need:

  1. print them all
  2. Distribute by authors, years and topics
  3. Analyze each
  4. visualize
  5. Learn by heart
  6. Repeat
  7. reread

These materials will help graduates in passing the exam in literature.

Nature theme (landscape lyrics)

16. Which of the Russian poets addressed the theme of man and nature?

The true adornment of Russian literature are poems about native nature. A.S. Pushkin, A.A. Fet addressed the theme of man and nature.

The poem “This morning, this joy ...” by A.A. Fet is filled with sounds, smells, colors, it infects with joy from the feeling of spring. It is noteworthy that there is not a single verb in the poem, but it is surprisingly dynamic. The poet paints a picture with strokes, one picture will be replaced by another, and only in the last line it becomes clear that a series of beautiful moments of nature is spring.

In a poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Winter Morning" reflects the harmony of the state of nature and the mood of man. In the evening, the “blizzard was angry” and the girlfriend “sat sad”, and with the change in weather, the mood also changes. In contrast to yesterday's storm, the splendor of a winter morning is felt even stronger. From admiring the beauty of nature, the author moves on to the theme of love. The cheerful picture of a frosty morning is consonant with the feelings of a man in love. The whole poem is permeated with light, a joyful feeling of winter Russian nature: blue sky, dazzling sunlight, sparkling snow carpet.

Under blue skies, magnificent carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies ...

Thus, poets achieve unprecedented skill, depicting pictures of their native nature.

The theme of the search for meaning in life (philosophical lyrics)

16. In what works of Russian poets does the motif of the transience of life sound?

The motive of the transience of life sounds in the poems of S.A. Yesenin “Now we are leaving a little”, A. Akhmatova “Primorsky Sonnet”, A.S. Pushkin "Elegy".

So, in S. Yesenin's poem “We are now leaving a little”, written a year before the death of the poet, the lyrical hero reflects on the meaning of life. The work is filled with sadness, longing for the fun days lived. LG does not want to leave this world where he was so happy.

That's why people are dear to me,

that live with me on earth.

In the philosophical poem "Elegy" ("Mad Years Faded Joy") by A.S. Pushkin, the composition is based on the antithesis technique. The first part of the poem depicts the poet's complete disappointment in the world around him. The second part is opposed to the first. The lyrical hero accepts life in all its contradictions, with its sufferings and joys. The main value for him is life itself, the ability to love, think, feel.

In A. Akhmatova's poem "Primorsky Sonnet" the idea is affirmed that a person cannot exist forever, human death is replaced by a new life. Such is the law of being. LG treats his death calmly, philosophically. She feels like a part of a huge world.

Thus, both S.A. Yesenin, and A.S. Pushkin, and A. Akhmatova think about the “eternal”, comprehend the past and understand how valuable human life is.

The theme of freedom (freedom-loving lyrics)

16. In what works of Russian poets does the theme of freedom sound?

The theme of freedom sounds in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.

So, for example, A.S. Pushkin writes the poem “To Chaadaev” in the genre of a friendly message, dedicating it to his friend, like-minded Peter Chaadaev. The comrades dreamed of liberating Russia from the oppression of the autocracy and serfdom, but Chaadaev did not believe in the realization of their hopes. Pushkin, on the other hand, tried to convince his friend that their dreams would soon come true and that both of them would take part in the destruction of the autocracy. The poet calls:

Let's dedicate to the Fatherland

Souls are wonderful impulses.

In the poem "Duma" M.Yu. Lermontov is upset that the younger generation has come to terms with the autocracy, has recognized the revolutionary struggle as useless. The poet is convinced that freedom does not come by itself, they fight for it, suffer, go to hard labor and even die. He reproaches the younger generation for inaction.

Thus, A.S. Pushkin, and M.Yu. Lermontov believe that it is necessary to fight against the autocratic-feudal system.

Friendship Theme

16. Which of the Russian poets addressed in his lyrics to friends or fellow writers?

In his lyrics, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.

In the poem "In the depths of Siberian ores" A.S. Pushkin supports his friends - the Decembrists. The poet gives the poem to the wife of the Decembrist Muravyov, who was leaving Moscow for her husband. The author assures his friends that the revolutionary struggle was not in vain, that the time will come when the people will be liberated from the oppression of the autocracy.

Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Poet" is divided into 2 parts. In the first, the combat dagger is the central image. He was removed by a brave Cossack from the murdered gentleman, and then became the subject of purchase and sale. The dagger was turned into a toy with gold trim. Such a dagger is harmless, but also inglorious. The central image of the second part is the poet. His fate is like that of a dagger. In the past, the voice of the poet sounded, but now poetry also does not fulfill its purpose. The author accuses contemporary poets of having renounced the struggle, their mission.

Thus, the word, according to poets, should be a weapon in the struggle for a just cause.

Clash of dreams and reality

16. In the works of which Russian poets is the clash of dreams and reality reflected?

The collision of dreams and reality is reflected in the poems of M.Yu. Lermontov, M. Tsvetaeva.

So, for example, in the poem "The Beggar" by M. Yu. Lermontov, in the center of the first two stanzas, the image of a beggar is given, who asks for a piece of bread. Callousness, heartlessness and indifference of people are expressively demonstrated in the following lines:

And someone put a stone in his outstretched hand.

In the final stanza, a parallel is drawn between the beggar and the lover. The discord between dream and reality also penetrates into this beautiful, bright feeling: love brings not joy, but pain and suffering.

The poem "Longing for the Motherland!" For a long time ”is one of the most tragic in the work of M. Tsvetaeva. The tragedy lies in the fact that the lyrical heroine, selflessly in love with her homeland, was deprived of her.

Thus, the poets are not satisfied with reality, so they remember the beautiful past.

Motherland Theme

16. In what works of Russian poets does the theme of the Motherland occupy a central place?

The theme of the Motherland was raised in his work by M.Yu. Lermontov and A. Blok.

So, in the poem "Motherland" M.Yu. Lermontov calls his love "strange" because he loves nature, people in his country, and not its history and glory, "bought by blood." The lyrical hero contrasts this pompous Russia with another, dearly loved by him: with boundless steppes, overflowing rivers, thatched huts, with drunken peasants.

The result of A. Blok's thoughts about his fate about the fate of his country is the poem "Russia". The central theme is a passionate declaration of love for a poor, but at the same time beautiful homeland.

Russia, impoverished Russia

I have your gray huts,

Your songs are windy for me -

Like tears of the first love.

The poet depicts “gray huts”, “loose ruts”, “a sad song of a coachman”, at the same time he loves Russia, since this is his homeland.

Thus, M.Yu. Lermontov, and A. Blok's image of the Motherland is woven from contradictions, but poets love it and believe in the future of their country.

mother image

16. What poems of Russian poets are addressed to a mother or a loved one?

A.S. Pushkin and S.A. Yesenin in his poems confess their love for people close to them.

In Russian poetry, a sincere word about the mother sounded more than once, but Yesenin's works, perhaps, can be called the most touching declarations of love. In Letter to Mother, the lyrical hero admires the endless patience and tender love for his "old lady":

They write to me that you, concealing anxiety,

She was very sad about me,

What do you often go to the road

In an old-fashioned ramshackle.

LG realizes with bitterness that the mother has reason to worry about her bad son: she knows about drinking bouts, about tavern fights, tries to console her mother, promises to return home.

In the poem "Nanny" A.S. Pushkin also raises the theme of selfless maternal love. Her incarnation is the nanny to whom the work is dedicated. It is permeated with tenderness, love and infinite gratitude to LG. Turning to the nanny, he finds the most touching and affectionate epithets: "a friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove."

Thus, poets endlessly love their loved ones, confess their love to them, understand that they often bring them experiences, anxiety, troubles.


Zhukovsky "Svetlana"

The beginning of the ballad

"Once on Epiphany evening

The girls guessed:

Behind the gate slipper

Having taken off their feet, they threw ... "

"The best friend to us in this life

Faith in Providence"

Fonvizin "Undergrowth"


"Guilty Without Guilt"

Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Contemporaries about comedy:

Katenin "Uma and Salt Darkness"

Famusov “My custom is this:

Signed, so off your shoulders "

“No other sample is needed,

Chatsky "Ranks are given by people,

And people can be deceived

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

"Eugene Onegin"

“Are you in love with a smaller one?

When I was like you, a poet"

Always as cheerful as the morning

How simple is the life of a poet,

Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe

Their poetic fire

“Nor the beauty of your sister,

nor the beauty of her ruddy,

"Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid,

She is in her family

But I am given to another;

"They kept in a peaceful life

“What do you want more?

The world decided

"And here, my hero,

In a minute, evil for him,

Reader, we will now leave,

Long, forever"

Subject of comparison


Poem "The Bronze Horseman"

"On the shore of desert waves

He stood, full of great thoughts

And looked into the distance. (about Peter 1)

Gogol "Overcoat"


"Dead Souls"

The exterior of the estate

State of the economy

master's house

Interior decoration

Characteristics of the landowner

Lermontov "Mtsyri"

"I couldn't tell anyone

…I have seen others

Fatherland, home, friends, relatives,

But I did not find myself

Not like lovely souls - graves!

"Hero of our time"

Chronology of chapters: “Taman”, “Princess Mary”, the beginning of the story “Bela”, “The Fatalist”, the end of the story “Bela”, “Maxim Maksimych”, the preface to the “Pechorin Journal”

Before the duel with Grushnitsky, Pechorin reflects: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?

“Really, I thought, my only purpose on earth is to destroy other people's hopes?” (Pechorin)

“After all this, how would it seem not to become a fatalist?” (Pechorin)

“And if there is definitely predestination, then why are we given will and reason?” (Pechorin)

"The hero of our time is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation in their full development"

Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

Katerina “You know, sometimes it seems to me that I am a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you are drawn to fly” (liberty, desire for freedom)

Laws of the "dark kingdom":

It's run by money

“Do whatever you want, as long as it’s sewn and covered” (Varvara Katerina)

Any living word, living thought, living feeling is persecuted in the city.

Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Pisarev "To die the way Bazarov died is the same as doing a feat"

Bazarov is a nihilist, i.e. “a person who does not bow to any authorities, who does not take a single principle on faith, no matter how respect this principle is surrounded.” (Arkady explains this way)

Bazarov "A decent chemist is 20 times more useful than any poet"

"Rafael is not worth a penny"

“Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it”

“Such a rich body! Even now to the anatomical theater!” - Bazarov about Odintsova (cynicism)

Before the duel with Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov thinks: “No, I will loom in the world for a long time”

Katya says to Arkady "He is predatory, and we are tame"

Before the death of Bazarov Odintsova: “Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out”

Chekhov "Ionych"

Doctor Dmitry Ionych Startsev turns into Ionych.

Turkin family

"The Cherry Orchard"

Lopakhin: “Come, everyone, to see how Yermolai Lopakhin will hit the cherry orchard with an ax, how the trees will fly to the ground!”

Gorky "At the bottom"

Luke "What you believe, you are"

“In my opinion, not a single flea is bad: everyone is black, everyone jumps”

About a person "he is whatever he is, but always worth his price"

"A person can do everything ... If only he wants to"

"To caress a person is never harmful"

Satin "Man - it sounds proud!"

“You have to respect the person! Do not pity, do not humiliate him with pity "

"Truth is the god of a free man, lies are the religion of slaves and masters"

Akhmatova's poem "Requiem"

Dedicated to the victims of Stalin's repressions.

In the first lines of the "Introduction" there is an image of a "terrible world":

"It was when he smiled

Only the dead, glad for peace,

And swayed with an unnecessary pendant

Near the prisons of their Leningrad"

The drama of all innocent Russia is depicted:

“I will be like archery wives,

Howl under the prison towers"

The epigraph is the lines of their Art. “So it was not in vain that we talked together”:

"Not! And not under an alien sky,

And not under the protection of alien wings -

I was with my people then

Where my people, unfortunately, were"

Little people

Bashmachkin "Overcoat" Gogol

Samson Vyrin "The Stationmaster" Pushkin

Eugene "The Bronze Horseman" Pushkin

Lisa "Poor Liza" Karamzin

Marmeladov, Sonya, Katerina Ivanovna "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky

Makar Devushkin "Poor People" Dostoevsky.

Epic novels

"War and Peace" Tolstoy

"Quiet Flows the Don" Sholokhov

"The Life of Klim Samgin" Gorky

Epic poem "Who lives well in Russia"

Comparison of the themes of the USE lyrics in literature C4


Zhukovsky "Svetlana"

The beginning of the ballad

"Once on Epiphany evening

The girls guessed:

Behind the gate slipper

Having taken off their feet, they threw ... "

"The best friend to us in this life

Faith in Providence"

Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

Starodum "Small souls are found in the big world"

"It is unlawful to humiliate your own kind by slavery"


"Guilty Without Guilt"

“people live and lived without sciences”, “learning is nonsense”, most importantly, “sufficiency to be able to earn and save” - the philosophy of the ignorant nobility

“He has been studying for four years already” - about Mitrofanushka (the meaninglessness of his education)

Eremeevna receives "five rubles a year, and five slaps a day"

Prostakova “Isn’t a nobleman entitled to beat a servant whenever he wants?”

Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Contemporaries about comedy:

Pushkin "A lot of intelligence and funny in poetry", "a striking picture of morals"

Katenin "Uma and Salt Darkness"

Sofia "Happy Hours Don't Watch"

“He is out of his mind” (about Chatsky) - the first spreads the rumor.

Famusov “My custom is this:

Signed, so off your shoulders "

“No other sample is needed,

When the example of a father is in the eyes ”(Sofya)

“He who is poor is not a couple for you” (Sofya)

“What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say!” (the phrase ends the comedy, Famusov's dependence on someone else's opinion)

Molchalin: “At my age, one should not dare

Have your own judgment" (spinelessness and servility)

Testament of father Molchalin - "to please all people without exception"

"Evil tongues are worse than a gun"

Chatsky "Ranks are given by people,

And people can be deceived

"Houses are new, but prejudices are old"

“And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us ...”

“I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve”

"The silent ones are blissful in the world!"

“But vrochem, he will reach the degrees of known

After all, now they love the dumb "(about Molchalin)

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

“Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age” - an epigraph, a testament to Grinev from his father

“I came to ask for mercy, not justice” - Masha Mironova to Catherine II

Shvabrin describes Masha Grineva as a "perfect fool"

“Just don’t demand what is contrary to my honor and Christian conscience” - Grinev to Pugachev.

"Eugene Onegin"

“Are you in love with a smaller one?

And what? “I would choose another

When I was like you, a poet"

"Always modest, always obedient,

Always as cheerful as the morning

How simple is the life of a poet,

Like a kiss of love is sweet ”(Olga)

“He traveled the world with a lyre:

Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe

Their poetic fire

The soul ignited in him ”(Lensky)

“Nor the beauty of your sister,

nor the beauty of her ruddy,

She would not attract eyes ”(Tatyana)

"Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid,

She is in her family

It seemed like a stranger girl ”(Tatiana)

“I love you (why lie?),

But I am given to another;

I will be faithful to him for a century ”(Tatyana’s last explanation with Onegin)

"They kept in a peaceful life

Habits of sweet old times” (traditions in the Larin family, which partly explain Tatyana’s passion for mysticism, fortune-telling, her love of nature)

“What do you want more?

The world decided

That he is smart and very nice ”(about Onegin, secular society is narrow in views, petty, low)

"Isn't he a parody?" (Tatyana about Onegin)

“With your mind, to be the feelings of a petty slave? (Tatyana Onegin, the question of Tatyana's doubts about Eugene's love for her)

The compositional feature of the novel is an open ending, the author leaves Onegin after an explanation with Tatiana

"And here, my hero,

In a minute, evil for him,

Reader, we will now leave,

Long, forever"

Subject of comparison

The theater for Onegin is a place where you can show yourself and admire unfamiliar ladies in a lorgnette with impunity.

For Onegin, love is "the science of tender passion", a prerequisite for which is the ability to "be hypocritical, hold hope, be jealous, dissuade, make believe, seem gloomy, languish"


Onegin is deprived of the ability and opportunity to express himself in creativity “hard work, he was sick; nothing/ came out of his pen"

Poem "The Bronze Horseman"

"On the shore of desert waves

He stood, full of great thoughts

And looked into the distance. (about Peter 1)

Gogol "Overcoat"

"Why do you offend me?" - the phrase that influenced the young man sounded biblical: "I am your brother."

A significant person who frightened Bashmachkin to death with his bossy shout, upon learning of his death, “was even amazed, heard remorse and was out of sorts all day”


“I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform the most unpleasant news: the auditor is coming to us,” this phrase of Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky opens the play.

Trustee of charitable institutions Strawberry "A simple man: if he dies, then he will die, and if he recovers, then he will recover anyway"

“The only positive hero of my comedy is laughter,” Gogol admitted.

Doctor with the ominous surname Gibner "does not know a word of Russian"

Mayor “What are you laughing at? "You're laughing at yourself!"

"Dead Souls"

The principle of the image of landlords:

The exterior of the estate

State of the economy

master's house

Interior decoration

Characteristics of the landowner

His relationship with Chichikov

About Manilov “stupidly and uselessly preparing in the kitchen”, “empty in the pantry”, and meanwhile, erected “an arbor with a flat green dome, wooden columns and the inscription “Temple of secluded solitude”” (spiritual emptiness)

Box "strong-headed" and "club-headed"

“Nozdryov at thirty-five was exactly the same as at eighteen and twenty: a hunter for a walk”

Plyushkin "hole in humanity"

General features of the landowners: inhumanity, idleness, vulgarity, spiritual emptiness.

“You will do everything and break everything in the world with a penny!” - father said to Chichikov (father's testament)

Gogol about Chichikov: "it is most fair to call him the owner - the acquirer"

Lermontov "Mtsyri"

Mtsyri lives in an alien environment, devoid of all relatives:

"I couldn't tell anyone

The sacred words "father" and "mother".

…I have seen others

Fatherland, home, friends, relatives,

But I did not find myself

Not like lovely souls - graves!

"Hero of our time"

Chronology of chapters: "Taman", "Princess Mary", the beginning of the story "Bela", "The Fatalist", the end of the story "Bela", "Maxim Maksimych", preface

Comparison of the themes of the USE lyrics in literature C4




A. Pushkin

"Oct 19, 1825" In Mikhailovsky, in "darkness of imprisonment ", the poet is lonely, but his imagination "calling comrades ", and the thought of them warms the time of separation. Kuchelbeker P. calls "my dear brother by muse, by fate »

"Pushchin" « My first friend, my priceless friend! / And I blessed fate, / When my yard is secluded, / Covered with sad snow, / Your bell announced »

Nanny P. calls "girlfriend of my harsh days ", and beloved"lovely friend »

B. Okudzhava

"Let's hold hands friends" « Let's join hands, friends, / So as not to disappear one by one »


« Song about a friend "(If a friend turned up suddenly)"Let him be in a bundle in one with you - / There you will understand who he is ”“ So, as on yourself / Rely on him »


A. Pushkin

Oh yeah "liberty » « I want to sing freedom to the world, / On the thrones to strike vice! »

« To Chaadaev » Freedom is the possibility of realization «souls of beautiful impulses »

« Prisoner » « We are free birds, / it's time, brother, it's time »

M. Lermontov

"Prisoner" « Open the dungeon for me / Give me the radiance of the day »

« Sail "(eternal spiritual anxiety, eternal search and anxiety gives rise to the desire for freedom)


A. Pushkin

« I loved you », « On the hills of Georgia », « I remember a wonderful moment »( TO*** ). Love for all ages: “It doesn’t suit me and not for my years ... It's time, it's time for me to be smarter! But I know by all the signs The sickness of love in my soul "Confession"

F. Tyutchev

Love is the maximum closeness of people,"the union of the soul with the soul of the native » and unequal struggle;"union", "fusion", "combination" and - "fatal duel" Predestination »)

A. Fet

Poems about love are impressionistic, the focus is on the lyrical hero himself. "Whisper, timid breath "- 12 lines paint a picture of a passionate love date from the first seconds in the late evening to parting at dawn.

V. Mayakovsky

« Lilichka! "- an excited lyrical monologue, which expresses the reckless love feeling of the hero of Art. The love theme continues to develop in Art. "Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love ». « Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva ”- an intimate love experience is translated into a socio-political plan. In love lyrics, Mayakovsky's evolution from a lyric poet to a poet-tribune, a citizen, is obvious.


As a rule, A. captures the nuances of thoughts, feelings of a rejected woman, who understands that, together with her lover, life itself leaves her.“I ran away without touching the railing, I ran after him to the gate, Breathless, I called out: "Joke, all that was, Leave, I'll die!" Smiled, calmly and terribly, And told me, "Don't stand in the wind" « She clenched her hands under a dark veil » A.’s love turns into a duel of strong personalities (Art. “He loved », « And I thought I was like that too », “You obedient? You are crazy! ») In the collection "Beads ”poems appear that tell about overcoming love anguish, about understanding that life is beautiful, endless, incomprehensible, that nature and God can heal the unhealed wounds of love:“I learned to live simply, wisely, Look up to the sky and pray to God. And wander long before evening, To relieve unnecessary anxiety. When burdocks rustle in the ravine And a bunch of yellow-red rowan droops, I compose funny poems About life perishable, perishable and beautiful. “I learned to live simply, wisely”

M. Lermontov

« Prayer "- the lyrical hero does not pray for himself, ("I do not pray for my desert soul") but for his beloved.« Beggar - love brings not joy, but pain and suffering:"So I begged for your love, With bitter tears, with longing, Yes, my feelings are the best Deceived forever by you!


A. Pushkin

"Caucasus", "Winter Morning", "Autumn", "Demons", "Winter Road", "Winter Evening" - the landscape serves as a means of revealing the state of mind of the poet.

F. Tyutchev

Nature means "peace, universe » (solid image)

« And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -

Everything echoes cheerfully thunders

« spring thunderstorm »

Nature in T. is spiritualized, endowed with a soul and consciousness. About the autumn evening:

“That meek smile of fading,

What in a rational being do we call

Divine bashfulness of suffering.

Nature and man are interconnectedHow the ocean embraces the globe”, “Silentium! »)

A. Fet

Fet sings of the beauty and originality of every moment of human life, the unity of nature and man, personality and the universe.

“And as in a dewdrop, a little noticeable

You will recognize the whole face of the sun,

So merged in the depths of the cherished

You will find the whole universe."

"Good and evil"

"To tell that the sun has risen,

What is hot light

The sheets fluttered.

Tell that the forest will wake up.

All woke up, each branch.

Startled by every bird

And full of spring thirst"

« I came to you with greetings »


Nature, eternity is a reference, a criterion for all actions and feelings.

The poet bows before the mysterious beauty of winter:

« And the white, dead kingdom,

Throwing mentally trembling.

I whisper softly, “Thank you!

You give more than they ask, .

« Frost »

M. Lermontov

« When the yellowing field worries "- the unity of man and nature


M. Lermontov

« Both boring and sad "The poet is lonely among people -"and no one to give a hand ", he has no place among the crowd and the light -"how often surrounded by a motley crowd ». “I go out alone on the road” “Sail”

V. Mayakovsky

Art. "Violin and a little nervous "continues the theme of loneliness, indifference to each other and disunity of people, the theme of the poet and his mission, the relationship between the poet and the crowd, raised in"Listen! ». « Good relationship with horses ”- the theme of loneliness and misunderstanding of a person by a person is raised. A touching story about a fallen horse is just an excuse to tell the reader about himself, about his "animal longing ". The crying horse is a kind of double of the author:


We are all a bit of a horse,

Each of us is a horse in his own way"

The theme of the poet and the crowd is also raised:

"Kuznetsky laughed,

Only one me

M. Tsvetaeva

"Homesickness! For a long time…"


M. Lermontov

"Clouds" « eternal wanderers", "clouds of heaven" are likened to an exile, a lyrical hero.

F. Tyutchev

“Here I am wandering along the high road / In the quiet light of the fading day”

N. Nekrasov

"Who in Russia to live well"


A. Fet

Creativity is a subconscious process, these are unconscious impulses of the soul

« I don't know what I will

Sing - but only the song matures »

"I came to you with greetings"


Creativity is a subconscious process. The universe enters into co-authorship with the poet (Art. “Definition of poetry”, “February. Get ink and cry »)

The highest complexity of life is simplicity. Simplicity of poetic formulations with depth of meaning. This declares one of his most famous articles:

« In everything I want

Get to the bottom of it:

At work, in search of a way,

In heartbreak.

All the time grasping the thread

Fate, events.

Live, think, feel, love,

Complete opening. »

The connection of the poet and time in Art. "Night »:

« Don't sleep, don't sleep artist

Don't fall asleep

You are a hostage of eternity

Captured by time »

M. Tsvetaeva

Feels the involvement of high poetry, refers to Derzhavin, Pushkin, Blok in his articles. not because she considers herself equal to them, but because she considers herself a like-minded person, she serves the same great and sizzling art that they do:

« I know that our gift is unequal,

What do you want, young Derzhavin,

My ill-bred verse! »

« Nobody took anything »

The theme of the poet and poetry / Appointment of the poet

M. Lermontov

« Death of a poet", "Poet » - the theme of the poet and the crowd

« But we are bored with your simple and suitable language

We are entertained by sparkles and deceptions »

A. Pushkin

“I erected a monument to myself”, “Prophet”, “Poet”

N. Nekrasov

Creates an image of histhe unkind and unloved Muse, the sad companion of the sad poor ».

The poet is not separated from the crowd:

« I am from your bones and flesh,

frenzied crowd »

« Why are you tearing me apart? »

A. Fet

True poetry is the ability to turn suffering into joy, to understand other people and share feelings with them, to see the beauty and infinity of the world:

« Give life a breath

Give sweetness to secret torments,

Someone else instantly feel your own,

Whisper about what I'm speechless,

Strengthen the fight of fearless hearts -

That's what the singer only the chosen one owns,

This is his sign and crown! »

« With one push to drive the rook alive »

V. Mayakovsky

In the poem "A cloud in pants » M. proclaimed the prophetic mission of the artist - to see what no one sees ("where people's eyes cut short "). In the country of the Soviets, poetry must join the ranks of the creators of the new reality:

« Always shine!

Shine everywhere!

Until the days of the last bottom »

« Incredible adventure... »

The possibilities of art are endlessThe poet's rhyme is both a caress, and a slogan, and a bayonet, and a whip "- art. "Conversation with the financial inspector about poetry »)

poem "In a loud voice. First introduction to the poem » - participation in the construction of a new life is affirmed as the main advantage of poetry and the main criterion for assessing its level. Sums up his work, the poet addresses his descendants, looks into "communist far »


« The whole essence is in one - the only covenant »

The central idea of ​​the article is the creator's right to absolute freedom.

« About what I know best in the world,

I want to say. And the way I want at"


M. Lermontov

« Motherland " Love "strange ", inexplicable -"For what, I don't know myself"

A. Blok

In Art. "autumn will "the poet speaks of the impossibility of life without Russia, feels kinship with her:"Shelter you in the immense shares”, “how to live and cry without you! ". The expanses of the Fatherland are dear to the block, the sad fate of the people - the tiller: "I will cry over the sadness of your fields, / I will love your expanse forever »

In Art. "Rus » The homeland appears as a fabulous enchanted kingdom.

In Art. "Russia ”represents the Motherland as“impoverished Russia ", her "gray huts », « loose ruts ". The feeling of indivisibility of the fate of the poet and the fate of the Motherland is expressed.

Art. "On the railway ». « On the Kulikovo field "- a cycle of articles in which the poet refers to history.

In Art. "Sin shamelessly , soundly ”there is an image of a terrible Russia. But this is the Motherland with which he feels an indissoluble bond:

« Yes, and such, my Russia,

You are dearer to me than all the edges »

Art. "Kite »

S. Yesenin

In Art."Rus "applies almost intimately to the homeland, as to a close person:"Oh, you, Russia, my meek homeland ". In Lermontov's way, he calls his love for Russia inexplicable:

« But I love you, meek homeland,

Why, I can't figure it out »

In a philosophical vein, the theme of the motherland is comprehended in Art.“The feather grass is sleeping. Plain dear"

« Give me in the homeland of my beloved,

All loving, die in peace! »

Art. "Goy you, my dear Russia »:

“If the holy Rat shouts:

"Throw everything, live in paradise!",

I will say: “There is no need for paradise,

Give me my motherland!”

Art. "Favorite edge », « Hewn drogs sang »

F. Tyutchev

“You can’t understand Russia with the mind”

Philosophical lyrics

A. Fet

Regrets the transience of life:

« What is life and death? What a pity for that fire

That shone over the whole universe,

And goes into the night, and cries, leaving ... »

« distant friend »

A. Fet

Art is eternal. In Art. "The night shone. The garden was full of moon "The singing of a woman gives rise in the poet to thoughts about eternity, about the great meaning of art, capable of reconciling and uniting people with its incomprehensible beauty:

« Life has no end, and there is no other goal,

As soon as you believe in sobbing sounds,

love you, hug and cry over you »

M. Tsvetaeva

In Art. "Others with eyes and a bright face She says this about the meaning of her being on earth:

« Others wander with all flesh in the flesh,

From the lips of parched breath swallow ...

And my arms are wide open! - I froze - tetanus!

To blow my soul Russian draft! »

M. Lermontov

« Sail ”- the meaning of human life in search and struggle. "Three palm trees "- the problem of the meaning of life: palm trees do not want to live"to no avail ».


« Snowing » - the transience of life

Civic lyrics

N. Nekrasov

The theme of civic service is to be "accuser of the crowd, its passions and delusions »


In 1917, when many poets leave Russia, engulfed in revolutionary madness, she refuses to do this, realizing the impossibility of living without something with which her soul has grown forever. She does not consider it possible to respond to the offer to leave her homeland. She does not even want to hear these insulting words for her dignity:

« But indifferent and calm

I covered my ears with my hands

So that this speech is unworthy,

The mournful spirit was not defiled »

"I had a voice"

Truly pitiful is the voluntary exile, for his life is meaningless. In the years of severe trials, it is not necessary to save yourself:

« And here, in the deaf haze of fire,

Losing the rest of my youth

We are not a single blow

Not turned away from yourself »

“I am not with those who left the earth »

During the Second World War, A. writes Art. "Oath", "Courage", in which the feeling common to all the people is expressed:

« We swear to children, we swear to graves,

That no one will force us to submit! »

A. Pushkin

“To Chaadaev”, “In the depths of Siberian ores »


V. Mayakovsky

Satirical hymns - "Hymn to Dinner”, “Hymn to the Scientist”, “Hymn to Criticism”. The main object of satire is philistinism and bureaucracy.

In Art. "About rubbish » M. stigmatizes philistine life. petty-bourgeois consciousness,Murlo tradesman ” seemed to him an obstacle to the realization of that utopian ideal model of a new life that he dreamed of.

In Art. "Prosessed grotesquely recreates the picture of the endless meetings of Soviet officials - bureaucrats.

Vulgarity, philistinism as an ideology, which should not have a place in the new reality, are satirically ridiculed in the comedy "Bug ».

Mores of the nobles

Fonvizin "undergrowth »

Gogol "Dead Souls »

Saltykov-Shchedrin The story of how one...

Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia »

Morals of officials

Gogol "Auditor »

Mayakovsky "Prosessed »

Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

PushkinCaptain's daughter »


N. Nekrasov

« I dedicated the lyre to my people » - elegy

« Troika "- the terrible fate of a Russian woman, defenseless before life.

"Reflections at the front door "- an appeal to the people:

« Where is the people. There is a groan .... Oh, hearty!

What does your endless moan mean?

Will you wake up, full of strength ... »

Art. "Railway »

The exam in literature in 2018 is an elective subject. Not every graduate chooses this exam - basically, only those guys who in the future want to connect their lives with philology, linguistics, journalism and other humanities where knowledge of literature is required. The complexity of this exam is due to the fact that the student needs to read a large number of works of Russian literature, both lyrical (poetic) and prose.

By no means all the guys have time to master such a volume of information in a year, since a meaningful reading of large novels takes an extremely long time. Therefore, in order to successfully pass the exam in literature in the 11th grade, it is necessary to start preparing in a timely manner - preferably not in a year, but at least from the 10th grade, while regularly referring to the theoretical base and returning to previously read works.

It is for this reason that it is more expedient to sign up for our specialists. In our training center "Godograph" we practice individual and collective classes for 3-4 people, we provide discounts for training. Our students average 30 points more!

You can also sign up for. We have developed a preparation strategy in which students do not forget the material at the USE itself and do not get lost at the sight of a new wording of the question.

Let's take a closer look at what the USE in literature is in 2018.

The structure of the exam in literature

The examination paper in literature consists of two parts and includes 17 tasks. Part 1 includes two blocks of tasks. The first block of tasks refers to a fragment of an epic, or lyroepic, or dramatic work: seven tasks with a short answer (1–7) and two tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5–10 sentences (8, 9).

The second block of tasks relates to the analysis of a lyrical work: five tasks with a short answer (10–14) and two tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5–10 sentences (15, 16). Answers to tasks 1-7 and 10-14 are written either in the form of a word, or a phrase, or a sequence of numbers. The answer must be written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Part 2 includes 3 tasks (17.1–17.3), from which you need to choose only one and give a detailed reasoned answer to it in the genre of an essay on a literary topic with a volume of at least 200 words.

3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are given to complete the entire work. It is recommended to allocate no more than 2 hours to complete the tasks of part 1, and the rest of the time to complete the task of part 2.

Demonstration version of the exam in literature

The demo version allows you to get acquainted with the structure of the exam and the approximate wording of tasks. In addition, the demo version provides assessment criteria - without them it is difficult to understand how to write essays in both parts of the exam paper. You can also look at different options in the preparation collections, various manuals, as well as on the websites of the FIPI, “I will solve the exam”.

Topics in Literature USE 2018

The list of topics on the history and theory of literature, as well as the list of works whose knowledge will be tested during the exam, are presented in the USE codifier in literature 2018, which is published on the FIPI website. It includes the main works of Russian literature from the school curriculum, starting with Old Russian literature and ending with the literature of the second half of the 20th century. Please note that the Unified State Examination in Literature includes only RUSSIAN literature, and not foreign literature. And when completing tasks for comparing works, you also need to take examples from RUSSIAN literature.

Many people ask themselves the question: is it possible to know in advance the exact wording of the topics of the essays that will be in the examination paper? Unfortunately, no, this information is not disclosed, and students receive essay topics only on the day of the exam. It remains only to look and solve typical options and tasks of past years in order to get an idea of ​​​​the possible topics.

Possible USE topics in literature 2018 task 8

* Which of the heroes wins this "duel"? (Justify your answer.)

* How do the statements and behavior of the characters in this fragment help to understand the essence of their characters?

* Why can the scene described in the fragment be called tragicomic?

* What features of Nekrasov's women were embodied in the image of the heroine-narrator?

Sample USE topics in literature 2018 task 9

* In what works of Russian writers are the life and customs of the townsfolk depicted, and in what ways are these works consonant with Chekhov's Ionych?

* In what works of Russian literature are the relationships between the powerful and the subordinate shown, and in what way can these works be compared with the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"?

* In what works of Russian literature are pictures of peasant life depicted, and in what ways can these works be compared with Oblomov?

* In what works of Russian literature are vivid female characters depicted and in what way can they be compared with the character of the Nekrasov heroine?

USE topics in literature task 15

* How do various poetic devices help the author convey the feelings that engulfed the lyrical hero?

* How do the words “inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell a manuscript” correlate with the general content of the conversation between the poet and the bookseller?

* What role does the image of rain play in revealing the main idea of ​​the poem?

* How do the final lines meaningfully relate to the main part of the poem?

Sample USE topics in literature 2018 task 16

* What is the peculiarity of the image of human feelings in the lyrics of F.I. Tyutchev and what Russian poets can be called his followers?

* What are the features of the poetic solution of the theme of love by Fet and in what poems of Russian poets are the same features found?

* In what works of domestic love poetry are there pictures of nature and in what way can these works be compared with the poem by A. A. Tarkovsky?

Possible USE topics in literature 2018 task 17

* What internally unites the "fathers of the city" and the landlords in N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls"?

* How do the theme of love and the theme of conscience echo in A. N. Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm"?

* How is the finale of A. A. Blok's poem "The Twelve" connected with its main content?

* What is the originality of the sound of the patriotic theme in the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov?

* What is the role of the epilogue in F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"?

* How does the prose of I. A. Bunin reveal the theme of the earthly and the eternal?

USE tests in literature

In typical USE assignments in literature, i.e. Short answer tasks may require the student to:

* indicate the literary trend / direction in which the given work was written (classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, modernism, symbolism, acmeism, futurism, postmodernism), or its genre (novel, epic novel, story, short story, essay, parable; poem, ballad; lyric poem, song, elegy, message, epigram, ode, sonnet; comedy, tragedy, drama);

* demonstrate mastery of theoretical and literary concepts and terms;

* demonstrate knowledge of artistic means and techniques (rhetorical question, exclamation, aphorism, inversion, repetition, anaphora, comparison, epithet, metaphor, personification, metonymy, hyperbole, allegory, oxymoron, sound writing: alliteration, assonance);

* apply knowledge of the system of syllabo-tonic versification (trochee, iambic, dactyl, amphibrach, anapaest);

* demonstrate possession of facts from the history of literature;

* show knowledge of the content of the work, its characters and their characteristics, the main storyline, as well as other works of literature within the framework of this creative method.

This is not an exhaustive list of sample tasks, but you can and should be guided by it.

So, having familiarized yourself with the structure of the exam in literature, you can safely decide whether or not to pass the exam in literature in 2018. The most important advice: read more, write essays, practice and you will be able to solve the exam in literature 2018 without difficulty!

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