Here is the forest of stately aspens. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence. Perform morphemic analysis of words

Lipetsk region

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence

Didactic material

I. Comma and semicolons

Comma is put in a non-union complex sentence to separate parts that are closely related to each other (you can put a union between them and ) and denoting simultaneously or sequentially occurring events.

Cannonballs are rolling, bullets are whistling, cold bayonets hang. (A. Pushkin)

Semicolon is put in the case when the parts of the non-union complex sentence are less interconnected (in meaning and intonation they are close to independent sentences), and also when the parts are already common (have commas) or are grouped according to the meaning (in this case, the use of a comma between the parts of the non-union complex offer is an insufficient sign).

The morning is magnificent; the air is cool; the sun is low.(I. Goncharov) The pale gray sky grew lighter, colder, bluer; the stars now twinkled with a faint light, then disappeared; the earth became damp, the leaves were sweating, in some places living sounds, voices began to be heard. (I.Turgenev)

Exercise 1. Read the text. Observe intonation, stylistic features of non-union complex sentences, justify the use of commas and semicolons.

It's fun 2 to make your way 6 along a narrow path 6 6 , between two walls of high 3 rye. Ears of wheat quietly beat 1 you in the face, cornflowers cling 6, 2 to your legs, quails scream around, the horse runs at a lazy 2 trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately 5 aspens high babble 6 above you 3; long hanging birch branches barely move 6 ; a mighty oak stands like a fighter near a beautiful linden 4, 7.

(I. Turgenev)

Attention! Parts of a non-union complex sentence, separated by a semicolon, are pronounced with a lower voice towards the end of the part (almost like a dot) and significant pauses between parts. The pace of speech in such sentences is usually slow.

Given this information, prepare an expressive reading of I. Turgenev's text. Try to feel the mood that the author conveys.

    Determine what linguistic means of expression are used in the last sentence.

    Choose a synonym for the word stately.

    Specify the types of one-part sentences. What is their role in the text?

Task 2. Read the non-union complex sentences and find the grammatical bases in them. Decide which non-union complex sentences need a comma between the parts, and which ones need a semicolon. Justify your choice.

Write sentences with punctuation marks. Insert the missing letters, open the brackets.

1) In the meantime, the night shone and fell like a thundercloud, it rose together with the evening vapors from_everywhere it rose and even (from) above it was dark. 2) Everything around quickly turned black and died down, only per_sang occasionally shouted. 3) Already I (with) difficulty distinguished separate (n, nn) ​​objects, the field shone indistinctly around (behind) it (with) every moment, gloomy darkness rose up in huge clubs. 4) One p_log hill was replaced by another p_lya endlessly, but the bushes rushed after the p_lyami as if suddenly rose from the ground in front of my very nose. 5) Everywhere, large drops of r_sa were scattered with radiant _diamonds, and I met them clean and clear, as if they were also washed in the morning (n, n) with cold, the sounds of kol_k_la came. 6) The wind fell as if the wings were alive and froze with a cold soulful warmth that blew from the earth. 7) The night, hard and damp, sighed to me in a hot (n, n) face, it was getting ready for black clouds, merging and crawling across the sky, I could see my smoky eyes.

(I. Turgenev)

1) Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud; it seemed that together with the evening vapors, darkness rose from everywhere and even poured from the heights. 2) Everything around quickly turned black and subsided, some quails occasionally screamed. 3) Already I could hardly distinguish distant objects; the field was vaguely white all around; behind it, with every moment advancing in huge clubs, gloomy darkness rose up. 4) One gently sloping hill gave way to another, fields stretched endlessly after fields, bushes seemed to suddenly rise from the ground in front of my very nose. 5) Large drops of dew blushed everywhere like radiant diamonds; towards me, clean and clear, as if also washed by the morning coolness, came the sounds of a bell. 6) The wind fell, as if folding its wings, and froze; fragrant night warmth wafted from the earth. 7) The night smelled heavy and damp in my flushed face; it seemed that a thunderstorm was preparing; black clouds grew and crawled across the sky, apparently changing their smoky outlines.

(I. Turgenev)

Task 3. (Formation of speech skills and punctuation skills.) Continue the sentences so that you get unionless complex: a) with a comma; b) with a semicolon.

1) The sky in the east began to darken...
2) Lights lit up in the evening streets...
3) Lightning shone almost continuously...
4) The river overflowed heavily during the flood ...
5) Thunder rumbled outside the village ...
6) All nature breathes freshness ...
7) The air is clean and transparent...

Task 4. Prepare an expressive reading of the text, paying attention to intonation and choice of punctuation marks in sentences.

Do you know what pleasure leave in the spring dawn? You go out onto the porch... On dark gray sky somewhere stars twinkle; damp breeze occasionally runs in a light wave; a low, indistinct whisper is heard nights; the trees faintly rustle, drenched in shadow ... Behind the wattle fence, in the garden, snoring peacefully watchman; each sound seems to stand in the frozen air, stands and does not pass. Here you sat down; the horses set off at once, the cart rattled loudly ... You are a little cold, you cover your face overcoat collar; to you dozing... But now you have driven four versts ... The edge of the sky turns red; in birch trees they wake up, jackdaws awkwardly fly; sparrows chirp near the dark stacks. Brightens air, more visible road, clearer the sky, the clouds turn white, the fields turn green. In the huts with red fire are burning splinters are heard behind the gate sleepy vote. And meanwhile the dawn flares up; here are the golden stripes stretched out in the sky, in the ravines swirl steam; larks sing loudly, predawn the wind blew - and quietly emerges crimson sun. The light will rush in like a stream; heart in you startle, like a bird. Fresh, fun, love! .. The sun is fast rises; the sky is clear... you climbed the mountain... what a view! River winds ten versts, dimly blue through the fog; for her watery green meadows; beyond the meadows gentle hills; far away lapwings screaming curl above swamp; through the moist sheen, poured in the air, the distance clearly stands out ... How freely the chest breathes, how cheerfully are moving members like grows stronger the whole person engulfed fresh breath of spring!

(I. Turgenev)

    Title the text, define its main idea.

    How many paragraphs can be distinguished in this text?

    What is the role of non-union complex sentences in the text?

    What explains the differences in punctuation marks (comma and semicolon) between parts of non-union complex sentences?

    What means of expression are used by the author?

    Explain the spelling of the underlined words.

    Write a short text, using non-union complex sentences with semicolons and semicolons, on one of the following topics:

1. Before a thunderstorm.
2. Early in the morning.
3. Summer evening.
4. Snowstorm.
5. Leaf fall.

II. Colon staging

Colon between parts of an asyndetic complex sentence is placed in the following cases:

1. If there is a causal relationship between the parts (the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first sentence), in this case, unions can be put before the second part because, since .

Ignorance should never boast: ignorance is impotence.(N. Chernyshevsky)

2. If there are explanatory relations between the parts (the second part explains, concretizes the expressed idea of ​​the first part), in this case explanatory-attaching unions can be put before the second part namely, that is .

The weather was terrible: the storm wind roared from the night, the rain poured down like a bucket. (I. Goncharov)

3. If the second part complements the content of the first part by expanding one of its members (usually a predicate). In the first part, in this case, you can insert the verbs of speech, thoughts, feelings, perceptions ( hear, see, feel and the like). Test unions: what how .

He raised his head: through the thin steam, the golden Bear shone.

Exercise 1. Read the sentences. Indicate non-union complex sentences in which the second part
a) indicates the reason for what is said in the first part;
b) reveals, explains the content of the first;
c) complements the meaning of the first part.

1) I entered the hut: two benches and a table and a huge chest near the stove made up all of its furniture. 2) I could not sleep: in front of me in the darkness, a boy with white eyes kept spinning. 3) I got up and looked out the window: someone ran past him a second time and disappeared God knows where. 4) We looked at each other: we were struck by the same suspicion. 5) I looked up: on the roof of my hut stood a girl in a striped dress, with loose braids, a real mermaid. 6) She was pretty: tall, thin, her eyes were black, like those of a mountain chamois, and looked into your soul. 7) I am stupidly created: I do not forget anything. 8) Grushnitsky took on a mysterious look: he walks with his hands behind his back, and does not recognize anyone. 9) A long-forgotten thrill ran through my veins at the sound of that sweet voice; she looked into my eyes with her deep and calm eyes: they expressed incredulity and something like a reproach. 10) One thing has always been strange to me: I have never become the slave of the woman I love; on the contrary, I have always acquired an invincible power over their will and heart, without even trying to do so. 11) One should never reject a penitent criminal: out of desperation, he can become twice as criminal. 12) Oh, I ask you: do not torment me as before with empty doubts and feigned coldness. 13) I laugh at everything in the world, especially at feelings: it starts to scare her. 14) I looked at her and was frightened: her face expressed deep despair, tears sparkled in her eyes. 15) Our conversation began with slander: I began to sort out our acquaintances present and absent, first showing their funny, and then their bad sides. 16) These patients are such a people: they know everything. 17) I got down and crept up to the window: the loosely closed shutter allowed me to see the feasters and hear their words. 18) Here are my conditions: today you will publicly renounce your slander and ask me for forgiveness. 19) I ask you one thing: shoot quickly. 20) Everything is arranged as best as possible: the body has been brought ... the bullet has been taken out of the chest. 21) A lot of time has passed since then: I have penetrated into all the secrets of your soul. 22) I will never love another: my soul has exhausted all its treasures, its tears and hopes on you. 23) I took from the table ... an ace of hearts and threw it up: everyone's breathing stopped. 24) I walked around the hut and approached the fateful window: my heart was beating strongly. 25) I like to doubt everything: this disposition of the mind does not interfere with the decisiveness of character. 26) There are two people in me: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him.

    What story are these lines taken from? Name the author.

    How to explain the frequent use of personal pronouns I in these proposals?

    Give a complete punctuation description of sentence 10.

    Draw a sentence diagram 9.

Task 2. Read. Determine the semantic relationships between the parts of non-union complex sentences. Write down sentences, punctuating, emphasizing grammatical basics, in the following sequence:

1) the second sentence indicates the reason for what the first sentence says;
2) the second sentence reveals, explains the content of the first one;
3) the second sentence complements the meaning of the first sentence.

1) There are such happy faces in the world that anyone can look at them like they are warming you or stroking you. 2) It was not only by the half-wild charm spilled over her entire subtle body that she attracted me; I liked her soul. 3) It wasn’t my legs that carried me, it wasn’t the boat that carried me, I was lifted by some kind of wide strong wings. 4) Suddenly I hear someone calling me. 5) My head was spinning too many impressions flooded into it at once. 6) He loved her passionately and never forbade her anything; in his heart he considered himself guilty before her.

(I. Turgenev)

Task 3. Continue the sentences so that you get non-union complex sentences with a colon. Determine the semantic relationships between the parts.

1. Plants freshen the air: ...
2. The forest affects the air temperature: ...
3. Love nature: ...
4. Read the book by V. Kaverin "Two Captains": ...
5. I looked at the sky: ...
6. I'm happy: ...
7. I ask you one thing: ...

III. Setting a dash

Dash is placed between parts of an asyndetic complex sentence in the following cases:

Feet carry - hands feed. (Proverb)

2. If the first part indicates the time or condition of what is said in the second part. Verification unions: time - when , terms - if .

1) Evening will come - the stars will light up in the sky. 2) If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.(Proverb)

3. If the second part contains a conclusion or a consequence of what is said in the first part. These relationships can be tested by unions so, therefore .

The layer of clouds was very thin - the sun shone through it.(K. Paustovsky)

4. If the parts of a non-union complex sentence have a comparison value. Test unions: as if, as if, as.

Look - the ruble will give. (Proverb)

5. If the parts of a non-union complex sentence draw a quick change of events.

Cheese fell out - with him there was such a cheat. (I. Krylov)

6. If the parts of an all-union complex sentence are connected by concessions. Test unions: although despite the fact that .

I spoke the truth - they did not believe me. (M. Lermontov)

Exercise 1. Read the sentences. What semantic relations are expressed by a dash in these non-union complex sentences? What alliances can test these relationships? Draw intonation schemes of the 1st, 2nd, 8th sentences. Write out the words with the highlighted letters, explain their spelling.

1) I was g about Comrade to love the whole world - m e nya n and who (not) understood. 2) He (not) r a waved his hands - a sure sign of some secrecy of character. 3) I repeat about ril pr and pronouncement - he and what (not) answered. 4) Vd a whether in and dust cleared - Azamat sk a feces per l and hom Karagoze. 5) Try about shaft go p e shkom - my legs one to about tried. 6) Shot p a surrendered - smoke filled the room a that. 7) Mountain lake e ro sv e barks in the sun - shimmers with all colors e Tami in about magical krista ll. 8) Mist of Ra ss e I lysya - in e rshiny again a St. e roared in the sun. 9) I was modest - m e nya obv and nyali in bow in stve.

(M. Lermontov)

Task 2. Write off, grouping the proverbs according to the semantic relationships of their parts. Insert the missing letters, highlight and mark the spellings in these words.

1) Summer adds - winter gives. 2) Darkness does not like light - the evil one does not tolerate the good. 3) They go ahead - they don’t burn in_los. 4) The source quenches thirst - a kind word enlivens the heart. 5) By eye, turn_sh_ - crookedly measured_sh_. 6) The brave ones win - the cowardly ones die. 7) Do not shout about s_be - let others quietly say about you. 8) Science does not work for nothing - science gains by labor. 9) They teach the alphabet - for the whole hut kr_chat. 10) Finished the job - walk boldly. 11) There is patience - bud_t and skill. 12) Business time - fun hour. 13) Human labor feed_t - laziness port_t. 14) Better plowing_sh_ - more bread in_zmesh_. 15) The red sun rose - goodbye, the moon is bright. 16) A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a garden. 17) From the world on a thread - a naked shirt. 18) The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing. 19) I believe in Altyn - they don’t believe in the ruble. 20) It fell from the cart - you can’t find it_. 21) A white pen is a black soul. 22) With stupid people - you yourself are stupid. 23) Talk to a smart person - drink water. 24) A friend quarrels with a friend - an enemy in_with_lit_sya. 25) If you don’t know how to wave a stick, your neck will hurt. 26) The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 27) A scientist without practice is a bee without honey. 28) I read a good book - I met a friend. 29) Together they take up the cause - the desert blooms. 30) One tongue, a pair of ears - once say, two p_listen. 31) Do not look for an impeccable friend - stay alone. 32) Diseases pass, and diseases pass - habits remain forever. 33) A happy whistle talks about luck - an unhappy one cries loudly about his misfortune. 34) He smacked him with love - he gave him half his health. 35) The rich man did not find a heifer in his herd - he took the last heifer from a b_day. 36) Do not regret the work, do not fill it up - in the flower_current, in the end, the key is pr_vr_tit_sya. 37) The first stone crookedly grew into the ground - the whole wall went awry. 38) Offended by a friend - lie down with a stone word. 39) A smart head feeds a hundred heads - thin and does not feed one. 40) Mel_t day until evening - there is nothing to listen to. 41) If you read books, you will know everything. 42) The enemy of the poddakiva_t is the friend of the dispute_t. 43) Do not get up in the morning - the day is gone. 44) Khv_stun will tell the truth - no one will believe him.

    Indicate sentences whose content is based on the use of antonyms.

    Name the proverbs that are synonymous in meaning.

IV. Training exercises

Exercise 1. Read the sentences. Convert compound and complex sentences into complex non-union sentences. Write with proper punctuation.

1) Proverbs and sayings are always short, and the mind and feelings are invested in them for whole books. (M. Gorky) 2) With his feet, a person must grow into the land of his homeland, but let his eyes survey the whole world. (J. Santayana) 3) There is a popular belief that lightning bolts “bury bread”, that is, they illuminate it at night. This makes the bread pour faster. (According to K. Paustovsky) 4) Small rooms or dwellings gather the mind, while large ones disperse it. (Leonardo da Vinci) 5) If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first. (A.Vampilov) 6) Not only did you collect the books, but the books also collected you. (V. Shklovsky) 7) If you want to be rich, do not think about increasing your property, but only reduce your greed. (K. Helvetius)

    Determine the main idea of ​​the proverbs (sentences 8, 9, 10). What advice is contained in the proverb Read without thinking - what to eat without chewing?

Task 2. Write down sentences, put punctuation marks, justify your choice. Underline the grammatical foundations of the sentences.

1) He who goes on the road and is bored alone, let him take a book as his companion; (Ancient Eastern wisdom) 2) Love a book, it will help you sort out the motley confusion of thoughts, it will teach you to respect a person. (M. Gorky) 3) It [the book] introduces people to the life and struggle of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations; it makes it possible to compare, understand the surroundings and transform it. (N. Krupskaya) 4) It is necessary to deal with the word honestly; it is the highest gift to a person. (M. Gorky) 5) Science must be loved; people have no power more powerful and victorious than science. (M. Gorky) 6) And my request is the following, take care of our language. (I. Turgenev) 7) I looked around my heart, it ached sadly to enter the peasant's hut at night. (I. Turgenev) 8) A narrow path led between the bushes to the steepness, the fragments of the rocks made up the shaky steps of this natural staircase, clinging to the bushes, we began to climb. (M. Lermontov) 9) It was getting hot, white shaggy clouds quickly fled from the snowy mountains, promising a thunderstorm, Mashuk's head was smoking like an extinguished torch; Around it, gray wisps of clouds curled and crawled like snakes, held back in their striving and seemed to be clinging to its thorny bushes. (M. Lermontov) 10) People from the fortress gathered around him, he [Kazbich] didn’t notice anyone, stood and talked and went back, I ordered to put money for the rams near him, he didn’t touch them. (M. Lermontov) 11) Pechorin is not indifferent listlessly he bears his suffering, he madly pursues life, looking for it everywhere, he bitterly accuses himself of his delusions. (V. Belinsky) 12) Water is the master of water and fears fire. (Proverb) 13) Do not dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall . (Proverb) 14) Do not swear, it will not be clean in your mouth. (Proverb) 15) A mare with a wolf competed with one tail and a mane remained. (Proverb) 16) Amid the noisy crowd of the unknown, those sounds more understandably reminded me twice as miraculously of power, they are all dear to my heart. (A. Fet) 17) A colored ball is jumping in the yard in front of me, this ball is very nice, it has not yet beaten glasses. (G. Vieru) 18) Each case has a special smell in the bakery it smells like dough and baking. You walk past the carpenter's shop with a smell of shavings and a fresh board. (J. Rodari) 19) You just need to do something good to do something, then our mothers will smile and cry from the happiness of their mother. (O.Shestinsky) 20) There is nothing holier and more disinterested than a mother's love; all affection, all love, all passion is either weak or selfish in comparison with it. (V. Belinsky)

    Select sentences that match the following schemes:

– ; – .


    Indicate a non-union complex sentence, the relationship between the parts of which is causal.

    Illustrate the following spellings with examples from the sentences:

1) -tsya, -tsya in verbs: ...

2) n, n in suffixes of different parts of speech: ...

3) not with different parts of speech: ...

4) roots with alternating vowels: ...

5) unstressed vowels, checked by stress: ...

    Use a dictionary to explain the meaning of the highlighted word.

    Write down the words, the structure of which corresponds to the schemes:

    Indicate the parts of speech in the 17th sentence.

Task 3. Read excerpts from literary works. Indicate the author, title of the work, define the genre.

Write off by inserting the missing letters, placing punctuation marks.

1) One poor mother did not sleep. She clung to the head of her dear sons, who were lying nearby, she combed their small, carelessly tangled (n, nn) ​​curls and wetted them with tears, she looked at them with all her feelings and could not be impudent. She raised them with her own (n, nn) ​​breast, she grew up, took them up, and only for one moment saw them before the battle. My sons, my dear sons, what will happen to you, what awaits you, she said, and the tears stopped in the mists that changed her once beautiful face.

2) Sweet good old tender
You don't make friends with sad thoughts
Listen to this snow harmonica
I ra (s, ss) tell about my life.

3) Don't leave mothers alone
They fade from loneliness.
Among worries in love (n, n) awn and books
Don't forget to be kind to them.

4) I know a lot about the exploits of women who carried wounded (n, n) fighters from the battlefield, who worked for men who donated their blood to children following their husbands along the Siberian highways. I never thought that all this had to do with my mother. To a quiet, shy, everyday oz_boche (n, n) oh, only by how to tell us to put on shod_rech_ ...
Now I look back at her life and see she went through it all. I see it with op_building. But I see.

5) If your heart has become severe
Be the children more affectionate with her.
B_r_gite Mother from an evil word
Know the children will hurt all the b_lney!
...Mother will die and not erase the scars.
The mother will die and the pain will not be relieved.
I swear take care of Mom
Children of the world take care of Mother!

6) My friend my brother my comrade my
if your mother calls you
Rush to her with your heart. Sp_shi.
Rush to her in the most winged river.
Every moment counts. Be faster than sound
and than light.
You stop on the way, you don’t forget this forever.
Ah, the maternal covenant, and what are you wiser in the world?
You take us to the stars, even on dark, deaf nights.
I dare say there are few bad mothers in the world!
Why, then, is evil still crawling on earth?
And selfishness stinks? And dries the heart hoarding?
But how on earth would it be light for people
If all the mothers of theirs were obeyed, there would be nurturing.

7) Give me a bigger soul
Kind heart
Eye (not) dormant
Goal_with soft outgoing affectionate
Hands are strong (not) spiteful
It is very difficult to be a mother!

(N. Gogol. "Taras Bulba"; S. Yesenin. "Snow jam is crushed and prickly"; A. Dementiev, Yu. Yakovlev. "Heart of the Earth"; R. Gamzatov. "Take care of mothers"; S. Ostrovoy. "Mother "; A. Yashin. "Mother's prayer.)

    Draw diagrams of non-union complex sentences, indicate the grammatical foundations in them.

    Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the underlined words.

Task 4. Prepare an expressive reading of the text.

The constant presence of my mother merges into my every memory. Her image is inextricably linked with my existence... I sometimes lay in oblivion, some kind of intermediate state between sleep and fainting: my pulse almost stopped beating, my breathing was so weak that they put a mirror to my lips to find out if I was alive; Doctors and all those around me have long condemned me to death: the doctors - on undoubted medical grounds, and those around me - on undoubted bad omens. It is impossible to describe the suffering of my mother, but her enthusiastic presence of mind and the hope of saving her child never left her. “Mother Sofya Nikolaevna,” said more than once, as I myself heard, a distant relative devoted to her soul, “stop torturing your child; after all, both the doctor and the priest told you that he was not a tenant. Submit to the will of God: put the child under the image, light a candle and let his angelic soul come out of the body with peace. After all, you only interfere with her and disturb her, but you cannot help ... ”But my mother met such speeches with anger and answered that, as long as the spark of life glimmers in me, she will not stop doing everything she can to save me, - and again put me unconscious in a fortifying bath, poured rhine wine or broth into my mouth, rubbed my chest and back with her bare hands for hours, and if that didn’t help, then filled my lungs with her breath - and after a deep sigh, I began to breathe stronger, as if waking up to life, gaining consciousness, began to eat and talk, and even recovered for a while. This happened more than once ... I attributed my salvation to vigilant care, unrelenting care, boundless attention of my mother. Attention and care was like this: constantly in need of money, interrupting, as they say, from a penny to a penny, my mother got an old Rhine wine in Kazan, for almost five hundred miles, for an unheard-of price at that time. In the city of Ufa there were no so-called French white loaves at that time - and every week, that is, every mail, a generously rewarded postman brought three white loaves from the same Kazan. I mentioned this as an example; exactly the same was observed in everything. My mother did not let the dying lamp of life die out in me; as soon as he began to fade away, she nourished him with the magnetic outpouring of her own life, her own breath.

(S.T. Aksakov)

    Formulate and write down the topic and main idea of ​​the text. (The selfless struggle of a mother for the life of her child is the theme of the text. The meaning of the text is deep: as long as there is a Mother on earth, a person is not afraid, she will kindle a light in the darkness of the night, will not let her get lost and abyss, will help, close from trouble, warm the soul, save, brought back to life.)

    Explain the punctuation marks in the text.

    Indicate non-union complex sentences in the text.

    Draw a diagram of the third sentence, give it a description.

    Remember the spelling "letters n and nn in words of different parts of speech”, illustrate it with examples from the text.

    Complete the table with examples from the text:

    Prepare to take dictation.

Task 5. Read the text. Write down, punctuating, justify your choice.

You have bought a new book... It may be in hardcover card(n,n) with calico n_covered in hard card (n, nn) ​​o (paper) cover or in soft paper cover_ke. The book is new, clean and crisp. Do you want to store it in that form? Remember

Books are afraid of 1 sunlight (do not) read 6 of them in the bright sun. 7

Books are afraid of damp (do not) read them in the rain.

Books are afraid of dirt and grease stains (do not) read them (while) eating (do not) brush with dirty hands.

Books are afraid of dust, clean 2, 3 of them, preferably with a dust_sucker.

Books are afraid of mechanical damage (not) over byte 2 them (do not) put (in) them thick objects turning over 2 grab the edge of the sheet and (do not) salivate your finger_. 7

In_use these tips, the youth of your 3 books 1 will be provided 4.

(From the calendar)

    Title the text. Determine its main idea.

    Explain the meaning of the underlined word.

    Perform the specified types of analysis.

    Choose cognates for words book, reading.

Task 6. Prove that the colons in the examples refer to three different punctograms. What is the similarity of the intonation of all sentences with a colon?

1) I rode at a pace and was soon forced to stop: my horse was stuck, I didn’t see a thing. (I. Turgenev) 2) Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need. (Voltaire) 3) I looked around: the night stood solemnly and regally. (I. Turgenev) 4) V.G. Belinsky argued: "Literature is the consciousness of the people, the color and fruit of its spiritual life." 5) Knowledge is based on three things: much to see, much to learn, and much to suffer. (W. Foscolo)

Task 7. Read. Explain the use of colons in text.



In autumn, the ants got wet wheat: they dried it. A hungry dragonfly asked them for food. The ants said: “Why didn’t you gather food in the summer?”. She said: "There was a lack of time: she sang songs." They laughed and said: "If you played in the summer, dance in the winter."

(L.N. Tolstoy)

    Formulate and write down two questions to the fable.

Task 8. Indicate where the dash is placed: a) between the subject and the predicate; b) in an incomplete sentence; c) before a generalizing word; d) in a non-union complex sentence; e) in a compound sentence.

1) Light snow began to fall - and suddenly it fell in flakes. (A. Pushkin) 2) To comprehend one's guilt to the end - this is the property of a wise man and a brave man. 3) A bird is visible by feathers, and a person by speeches. (Proverb) 4) Communication with a book is the highest and indispensable form of human intellectual development. 5) We went down into the ravine, the wind died down for a moment - measured blows clearly reached my ears. (I. Turgenev) 7) Read a book - enrich your memory, continuously learn new things.

Task 9. Find the third one. Justify your choice.

I. 1) Thoughts should be attacked with thoughts: ideas are not fired from guns. (A. Rivarol) 2) She raised her eyes with an effort and immediately turned them away: Gogol looked at her, smiling. (K. Paustovsky) 3) The homeland is made up of concrete and visible things: huts, villages, rivers, songs, fairy tales, picturesque and architectural beauties. (V. Soloukhin)

II. 1) I lived, I was - for everything in the world I answer with my head. (A. Tvardrovsky) 2) Never lose patience - this is the last key that opens the door. (A. de Saint-Exupery) 3) To be able to endure loneliness and enjoy it is a great gift. (B. Shaw)

III. 1) Do not sing, beauty, with me you are sad songs of Georgia: they remind me of another life and a distant shore. (A. Pushkin) 2) The desired time will come: love and friendship will reach you through gloomy gates. (A. Pushkin) 3) I give way to you: it’s time for me to smolder, for you to bloom. (A. Pushkin)

Task 10. Write, punctuating, inserting missing letters, opening brackets.

1) Learning is the same as going (down) with the flow. Stopped for a minute and you were thrown (on) back. 2) The morning is dawning on the white sky slope, the golden pale field is fresher and the wind is getting harder. (N.Gogol) 3) For everything that exists in the nature of water, air, clouds, clouds, rains, l_sov, a lot of rivers and lakes, meadows, fields of flowers and herbs, in the Russian language there are many good words and n_titles. (K. Paustovsky) 4) The word is the key and open hearts. (Proverb) 5) There is (in) the autumn of the initial short but marvelous f_ra all day long, as if crystal and radiant in_chera. (F. Tyutchev) 6) If a person depends on nature, then she depends on him, she did him, he remakes it. (A. France) 7) Give a man all the blessings of life, but deprive him of his understanding of the meaning of life on earth, he will be unhappy. (K.Ushinsky) 8) An evil man is like a g_rshka l_easily flies but (c) it is difficult to glue a good man like a jug of gold (c) it is hard to cling but easily glues. (Indian folk wisdom) 9) The exceptional happiness of a person is to be with his own f_st_yanny favorite business. (Vl. Nemirovich-Danchenko) 10) Closely connected is the bliss of the Russian man with the existence of a r_stenia zh_v_sya x_r_sho r_steniy х_r_sho zh_vet_sya and a man. Dying_t r_stenie an unstoppable disaster threatens a man too. (K. Timiryazev) 11) The wealth of other people (not) should be seen, they acquired him with such a price that, not according to our pocket, they sacrificed for his sake with some kind of health and honor. This is too expensive (s, h) the deal brought us only a loss. (J.Labruyère) 12) Love is a great adornment of life, it makes the birth of flowers play with colors, sing wonderful songs, dance in_l_cool dances. (A. Lunacharsky) 13) Too much dignity sometimes makes a person (un)suitable for society go to the market (not) with gold ingots, they need r_zme (n, nn) ​​th m_net, especially a trifle. (N. Chamfort)

    Indicate non-union complex sentences, draw their diagrams.

Task 11. Read. Solve riddles. Write with punctuation marks.

1) One pours 1 the other drinks the third grows. 2) One says let's run let's run 6 the other says 6 we'll stand we'll stand the third one says we'll stagger we'll stagger. 3) Little black dog 6 curled up 2 lies does not bark does not bite and does not let into the house. 4) 2 rivers are pouring 6 we are lying. Ice on the river we run 4 .

    List the parts of speech in the first sentence.

    Perform types of analysis.

Task 12. Read the text. Explain the placement of punctuation marks and highlighted spelling. Get ready to take dictation.

Summer, July morning! How gratifying br about play on z a re! green dash l about lives the trace of your feet on the river about system, pob e left handed grass. you pa h dvin e those wet bush - you will be covered with nak about drunk warm app a home of the night; all the air about en fresh bitterness about lyni, honey gr e sneezes and porridge; wda whether the wall about um oak forest and bl e stit and a l eet on co l no; still St. e and about, but already in stuve ts I am the proximity of the heat. G about l about va languidly circle ts I am from excess a G about hoots. Shrub no to about nca... Something where is wda whether e flies posp e ro zh, y h kimi p about blushes in patches e sneeze. Here is the screen and sang t e lega; sample step and paradise ts I'm a man, he puts the horse in the shade in advance ... You p about zd about rushed with him, from about walked - sound ch th la h g to about cheese a zd a e ts I'm behind you. The sun is getting higher and higher. dry quickly e t grass. It's already hot... Through the thick bushes about solver, p e R e puta nn 2 tenacious grass, descent e te 2 you to the bottom about enemy ... Under the very about break t a it is historically ch ik; oak bush greedily pa With threw his pawed bitches over the water b I; big s e R e bubbling bubbles, about sighing, up and toil from the bottom, covered with small bar a thick moss 4 ... you are in the shade, you breathe and those n a shitty cheese about stu; you x about R about sho 3... But what is it? Wind out e suddenly n a l e bodies and raced; the air trembled all around: isn’t it thunder? .. But weakly St. e lightning flashed... Eh, yes it is gr about per! The sun is still shining brightly all around. about wants b it's still possible. But the cloud a steth: its front edge is drawn and sleeved about nyah ts I am a vault. Grass, bushes, all suddenly sweat e swamped ... Hurry! out, it seems ts I'm in and today ts I am nn oh s a paradise... soon! you ext e sorry, in about walked... What's the rain like? what are lightning bolts? some- where through about scrap nn Water dripped on the fragrant hay on the roof ... But then the sun began to play again. Thunderstorm Ave about walked; you exit and those. My God, how cheerfully everything sparkles all around, like the air and 3 and liquid, how it smells e buttermilk 2 and mushrooms!..

(According to I. Turgenev)

    How can you title this text?

    How many paragraphs can it have? Which? Try to plan the text.

    Determine the artistic idea of ​​the text. Check out the means to do this.

    What means of interphrasal communication does I.S. Turgenev?

    Indicate the parts of speech in the last sentence.

    Draw diagrams of non-union complex sentences. Underline the grammatical foundations in non-union complex sentences.

    Give a full punctuation description of the fourth sentence.

    Perform types of analysis.

Task 13. Prepare an expressive reading of the text. Explain the placement of punctuation marks, spelling of the highlighted words. Prepare to take dictation.

I remember for a long time: heat, stuffiness, hair stuck together at the temples, throwing in half delirious: hard sick child. And suddenly from somewhere, as if from another world, floats something cloudy, soft, cool and smoothes the forehead, relieving pain and reducing fever; and finally comes a dream - a sound restful sleep recovery...

Mother's hands. I remember them then, in childhood, - beautiful, with long fingers. I know them and current... I also know: will it break out unexpected trouble, will the soul ache, will you lose yourself or love, the first hand extended to help, will be the mother's hand.

True, sometimes we appreciate it too much. late and belated we are trying with flowers redeem my callousness, inattention, and sometimes - that they were shy for some reason talk to her about love. In life.

Differently their fates, the fates of our mothers, were formed. Look at these hands, like the branches of an old tree, sadly flow down they are on their knees. Years left their marks on them: deep paths marked loss, grief, fatigue, lack of sleep, swollen, like streams in flood, overburdened veins ... I see my mother on the threshold of the house: I worked from dawn until evening, she went out onto the porch, sighed, sat down on the heated steps, folding her hands in her lap. waiting something? Maybe yes: son, what a long time ago was not away, daughter, what grew imperceptibly, grandchildren. Here they come running - she will caress them, she will tell a long a fairy tale or sing a song, sorting through children's curls...

Invest mother's hands in yours, raise, zoom in to your face, look into wrinkled fingers. They are once upon a time were flexible and agile, soft and smooth. But whatever they are - young or old, smooth or "with knots", nothing there is no more beautiful than them and cannot be in the world.

(According to O. Kuzmina)

    Express your attitude to the problem raised in this text in a small creative work. Think about questions like:

2) how can we repay, repay mother for her love, carried like a burning candle through all the years of her life? for sleepless nights spent near our crib, in the fight against enemies and ailments that often fall to the lot of children? for the daily, painstaking, ongoing from year to year, and at the same time so inconspicuous work around the house, around the house?

(According to A. Vladimirov)

Use, where possible, non-union complex sentences to express your thoughts.

Task 14. Read the sentences. Try to name the author, work, genre. Write with punctuation marks.

1) Suddenly the cheese spirit Fox stopped Fox sees cheese Fox cheese captivated. 2) The crow croaked at the top of its crow's throat, the cheese fell out with him, it was such a cheat. 3) I will find a secret and I will open the Casket for you in Mechanics and I am worth something. 4) Here he began to twirl the Casket from all sides and breaks his head. 5) Ignorant they judge exactly what they don’t understand, then everything is a trifle with them. 6) "And to be angry in vain, he deigns to stir up a drink for him, in no way I can." 7) You look at the businessman of another, he is busy rushing about, everyone is amazed, he seems to be torn from the skin, but everything does not move forward like a squirrel in a wheel. 8) The frog in the meadow, seeing Ox, started herself in fertility she was envious of equaling him. 9) With Pylades, my Orestes gnaw, only shreds fly up by force, finally they were poured with water. 10) I am your old matchmaker and godfather came to put up with you not at all for the sake of a quarrel, let's forget the past, set a common fret! 11) Everything has passed with the cold winter, the need for hunger is coming The dragonfly no longer sings, and who in the mind will go to the stomach to sing hungry! 12) Although it [the bridge] is simple in appearance, but a liar has a wonderful property, not one of us dares to cross it until it reaches halfway, fails and falls into the water. 13) This Pike teaches you to be smarter and not to follow mice. 14) The peasant's undertakings are not great, he immediately found a good thing in Bulat. 15) That's what I heard about that from the side dry the lion showed contempt for the mosquito, the lion took an evil offense, not having endured the mosquito, he rose up against the lion in war. 16) Here the Nightingale began to show his art, began to click, whistled in a thousand frets, pulled, shimmered. 17) There are many such examples in the world, no one likes to recognize himself in satire.

    Explain punctuation marks. Draw diagrams of non-union complex sentences.

    Give a complete punctuation description of sentences 5, 7, 9, 11, 12.

    Determine the meanings of the highlighted words.

    What is the meaning of the word dry in the 15th sentence? Choose synonyms for it.

    Remember the rule "Spelling -tsya, -tsya in verbs” and illustrate it with examples from these sentences.

    Perform types of analysis.

    Indicate the parts of speech in the 9th sentence.

    Continue the formulation of the conclusion: "I. Krylov's fables contain ...".

    What phenomena, vices does I. Krylov ridicule in his fables?

Task 15. Read the sentences. What punctuation marks should be placed in them? Explain your choice. Fill the table.

1) The day turned out to be slushy in the morning, sleet began to fall interspersed with rain ... (B.Mozhaev) 2) Fomich examined his dilapidated tarpaulin boots and decided to tie the rubber soles with rawhide straps. The road to Tikhanov is a long one. (B.Mozhaev) 3) The day was chilly milky white tousled clouds rose to meet him in the blue span between the houses. (V.Nabokov) 4) She looked at herself in the mirror: her face was paler than usual. (V.Nabokov) 5) In his appearance there was something like a badger, a blunt-nosed face stretched forward with a black mustache and a white beard, a sloping low forehead and a gray stubble of short hair lying tightly, as if licked. (B.Mozhaev) 6) It’s not for nothing that winter is angry that its time has passed, spring knocks on the window and drives it out of the yard. (F. Tyutchev) 7) October has already come, the grove is shaking off the last leaves from its bare branches. (A. Pushkin) 8) Over the hills in clean hours, the air smoked, carrying the bitter, intoxicating smell of dry wormwood, distant voices sounded clearly, flying birds screamed. (V.Rasputin) 9) I lost a lot of weight, my mother, who arrived at the end of September, was scared for me. (V.Rasputin) 10) Frightened by the elk, Nastenka looked in amazement at the snake, the viper still lay curled up in a warm ray of the sun. (M. Prishvin) 11) The air is already beginning to get dark and everything around is cooling. (M. Prishvin) 12) The autumn cold has died, the road freezes through. (A. Pushkin) 13) It was so customary in their family that all misfortunes fell just on Frolov's day. (B.Mozhaev) 14) Renovation would be the death of the house. (V.Belov) 15) I remember a wonderful moment you appeared before me. (A. Pushkin) 16) Freedom and licentiousness of the concept are completely opposite to each other. (Quintilian) 17) Education needs three things in giving science exercise. (Aristotle)

    What proposals did you not write down? Why?

    Which columns of the table are left blank? Fill them in with your own examples: make up your own sentences or write them out from literary works.

Stories for children about summer, nature and animals in summer.

My Russia

Since that summer, I have forever and with all my heart become attached to Central Russia. I do not know a country that has such tremendous lyrical power and is so touchingly picturesque - with all its sadness, calmness and spaciousness - as the middle zone of Russia. The magnitude of this love is difficult to measure. Everyone knows this for themselves. You love every blade of grass drooping from the dew or warmed by the sun, every mug of water from a summer well, every tree above the lake, trembling leaves in the calm, every cock crow, every cloud floating across the pale and high sky. And if I sometimes want to live up to a hundred and twenty years, as grandfather Nechipor predicted, it is only because one life is not enough to experience to the end all the charm and all the healing power of our Central Ural nature.

summer in the forest

Good in the woods on a hot afternoon. What can you not see here! Tall pines hung spiky peaks. Christmas trees bend thorny branches. A curly birch flaunts with fragrant leaves. Trembling gray aspen. A stocky oak spread out carved leaves. A strawberry eye looks out of the grass. A fragrant berry blushes nearby.

Lily of the valley catkins swing between long, smooth leaves. With a strong nose, a woodpecker knocks on the trunk. Oriole screams. A tenacious squirrel flashed its fluffy tail. There is a crackling noise in the distance. Isn't that a bear?


And then you order to lay the racing droshky and go to the forest for hazel grouse. It's fun to make your way along a narrow path between two walls of high rye. Ears of wheat softly beat you in the face, cornflowers cling to your legs, quails scream all around, the horse runs at a lazy trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you; long, hanging branches of birches hardly move; a mighty oak stands like a fighter, next to a beautiful linden. You are driving along a green, shadowy path; big yellow flies hang motionless in the golden air and suddenly fly away; midges curl in a column, brightening in the shade, darkening in the sun; the birds sing peacefully. The golden voice of the robin sounds innocent, chatty joy: it goes to the smell of lilies of the valley. Further, further, deeper into the forest... The forest is dying... An inexplicable silence sinks into the soul; and the surroundings are so drowsy and quiet. But then the wind came up, and the tops rustled like falling waves. Tall grasses grow here and there through last year's brown foliage; mushrooms stand separately under their hats. The white hare suddenly jumps out, the dog rushes after him with a ringing bark.

The aspen forests grew dark in the depths, the forest became a thick cloud, and over the white trunks of birches the newly reddened, but already blackening crowns silently closed. The sky was still light, but it was burning down from the sunset edge. The birds chattered less and less frequently, shaking themselves on the branches before going to sleep. Thrushes quarreled grumpily, and woodcocks seldom flew through the kulizhka, marked in the middle by last year's black snow, dropping their summoning cry and shaking their beaks in harmony with their leather creaking.
... In the evening, which has already swaddled the forest, in the cooling sky, in eared anemones-flowers that have closed their white eyelashes at night, in spreading corydalis, in spiny herbalists, in an anthill, leaning against a stump, in a mouse rustle under a haystack, in every aspen , a birch, a fir-tree - in everything, in everything, the joy of awakening, close to me, was hidden, although it seemed that everything around was going to rest.
It seemed like child's play to me. Nature closed only one eye at night, pretended to be sleeping - after all, the sun had set, and evening had come, and there was supposed to be peace, and sleep, and rest.
The earth sighed, damply fogged the distances, but did all this with a cunning, as if playing at sleep and obedience.
Chu! Mutters in the log, covered with dark bird cherry, a snowy stream; a hare wailed in the aspen forests, having lost its fear and caution in passion; and a raven, a silent raven, flitted about in the fir trees and purred, such a talk, that it seemed that there was not a single living soul in the whole forest kinder and more in love with him. Somewhere a little peasant, a merry cavalryman, is calling; somewhere a black woodpecker darted with its beak along a dry trunk. He pulled and listened to himself - what music! And far, far away, in quiet and deserted fields flooded with puddles, lapwings burst into tears and awakened a groan in the chest of a lonely crane that for the third day walks lanky across the field and calls, calls someone with a sick voice ...
There is no sleep, there is the appearance of it. There is no peace either, and there will be none until the first leaf. Everything lives, rejoices and plays mischief in the homelessness of the forest, enjoying freedom, disorder, a premonition of love.
Mother Earth and all nature wisely, with a condescending grin, are watching their children - soon, very soon all this will end: nests will twist, burrows will be dug, hollows will be found in trees, there will be fights on currents, only feathers will fly, passions will rage. The brotherhood of the forest, careless and reckless will boil over, rage, divide into families and gain a foothold in caring for children and the house. Efficiency and long troubles will enter the world, respectful labor will triumph in the forest...
In the meantime, the emaciated, but well-dressed forest people, who subsist more with songs than with God's food, are impatiently waiting for the first sunbeam, raving about the inevitable impending love. In the veins of all living things, in the cores of trees, in the hearts of birds and animals, the juices and blood of spring flow, throb, roam.

On the field in summer

Fun on the field, free on the wide! To the blue stripe of the distant forest, multi-colored fields seem to run along the hills. The golden rye is agitated; she inhales the strengthening air. Young oats turn blue; blooming buckwheat with red stems, with white-pink, honey flowers, turns white. Farther away from the road, curly peas hid, and behind them a pale green strip of flax with bluish eyes. On the other side of the road, the fields turn black under the flowing steam.

The lark flutters over the rye, and the sharp-winged eagle vigilantly looks from above: he sees the noisy quail in the thick rye, he sees the field mouse, as she hurries into her hole with a grain that has fallen from a ripe ear. Hundreds of invisible grasshoppers crackle everywhere.

morning rays

A red sun swam up into the sky and began to send its golden rays everywhere - to wake the earth.
The first beam flew and hit the lark. The lark started, fluttered out of the nest, rose high, high and sang his silver song: “Oh, how good it is in the fresh morning air! How good! How fun!”
The second beam hit the bunny. The bunny twitched his ears and hopped merrily across the dewy meadow: he ran to get himself juicy grass for breakfast.
The third beam hit the chicken coop. The rooster flapped its wings and sang: ku-ka-re-ku! The chickens flew off our nests, clucked, began to rake up rubbish and look for worms. The fourth beam hit the hive. A bee crawled out of the wax cell, sat on the window, spread its wings and - zoom-zoom-zoom! - flew to collect honey from fragrant flowers.
The fifth ray hit the nursery, on the little lazy boy's bed: it cuts him right in the eyes, and he turned on the other side and fell asleep again.

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich

I remembered the month of August in our village: the day was dry and clear, but somewhat cold and windy; summer is running out, and soon I have to go to Moscow again to miss French lessons all winter, and I am so sorry to leave the village. I went behind the threshing floor and, descending into the ravine, climbed up to Losk - that was the name we had for the thick bushes on the other side of the ravine, all the way to the roshi. I am completely immersed in my work, I am busy: I break out a walnut whip for myself to whip frogs with it; whips of hazel are so beautiful and so fragile as compared to birch. I am also interested in insects and bugs, I collect them, there are very elegant ones; I also love small, agile, red-yellow lizards with black spots, but I'm afraid of snakes. However, snakes come across much less often than lizards. There are few mushrooms here, for mushrooms you have to go to the birch forest, and I'm going to go. And I loved nothing in my life so much as the forest with its mushrooms and wild berries, with its insects and birds, hedgehogs and squirrels, with its damp smell of decayed leaves that I love so much.

Nikita's childhood


The languor and heat intensified. The birds fell silent, the flies hung on the windows. By evening, the low sun had disappeared into a scorching haze. Twilight came quickly. It was completely dark - not a single star. The barometer needle firmly indicated - "storm" ...
And in the dead silence, the willows on the pond were the first to rustle, muffled and important, the frightened cries of rooks flew up. The noise grew louder and more solemn, and finally a strong gust of wind crushed the acacias near the balcony, smelled of a fragrant perfume in the door, brought in a few dry leaves, a fire flickered in the frosted ball of the lamp, the rushing wind whistled and howled in the chimneys and in the corners of the house.
Somewhere a window slammed, broken glass rang. The whole garden was noisy now, trunks creaked, invisible peaks swayed.
And now - the night opened up with a white-blue dazzling light, for a moment low-leaning trees appeared in black outlines. And again darkness. And it crashed, the whole sky collapsed. Behind the noise, no one heard how drops of rain fell and flowed on the windows. Rain poured down - strong, plentiful, a stream.
The smell of moisture, preli, rain and grass filled the hall...

Bezhin meadow

It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happens when the weather has settled for a long time. From early morning the sky is clear; the morning dawn does not burn with fire: it spreads with a gentle blush. The sun - not fiery, not hot, as during a sultry drought, not dull-purple, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - peacefully emerges from under a narrow and long cloud, shines freshly and plunges into its purple fog. The upper, thin edge of the stretched cloud will sparkle with snakes; their brilliance is like the brilliance of forged silver ... But here again the playful rays gushed, - both cheerfully and majestically, as if taking off, the mighty luminary rises. Around noon there usually appear many round high clouds, golden gray, with delicate white edges. Like islands scattered along an endlessly overflowing river flowing around them with deeply transparent sleeves of even blue, they hardly budge; further, towards the sky, they shift, crowd, the blue between them can no longer be seen; but they themselves are as azure as the sky: they are all permeated through and through with light and warmth. The color of the sky, light, pale lilac, does not change all day and is the same all around; nowhere does it get dark, the thunderstorm does not thicken; except in some places bluish stripes stretch from top to bottom: then a barely noticeable rain is sown. By evening, these clouds disappear; the last of them, blackish and indefinite as smoke, fall in rosy puffs against the setting sun; in the place where it set as calmly as it calmly ascended into the sky, a scarlet radiance stands for a short time over the darkened earth, and, quietly blinking, like a carefully carried candle, the evening star will light up on it. On such days the colors are all softened; light, but not bright; everything bears the stamp of some touching meekness.

On such days the heat is sometimes very strong, sometimes even "floating" over the slopes of the fields; but the wind disperses, pushes the accumulated heat, and whirlwinds - cycles - an undoubted sign of constant weather - walk along the roads through the arable land in high white pillars. In dry and clean air it smells of wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat; even an hour before night you don't feel damp. The farmer wants such weather for harvesting grain ...

Summer July morning: an oak forest stands like a wall and shines, reddens in the sun; It's still fresh, but the proximity of the heat is already felt.
And how beautiful this same forest is in late autumn... There is no wind, and there is no sun, no light, no shadow, no movement, no noise; in the soft air there is an autumn smell, like the smell of wine; a thin mist stands in the distance... the earth is elastic underfoot... the chest breathes calmly...

In the early summer morning, go to the forest, to the river that flows quietly between the trees.
Take care of food: take bread and butter with you. Near the river, sit down on a mossy bank, undress and throw yourself into the cold water.
Don't be afraid to catch a cold. Discover willpower. After swimming, find an open spot and lie down in the hot sun. Do this daily and you will be healthy. And a summer, July morning!.. You move apart a wet bush - you will be covered with the accumulated warm smell of the night. Through dense hazel bushes, entangled with tenacious grass, you descend to the bottom of the ravine. Precisely: a spring lurks under the very cliff... You throw yourself on the ground, you get drunk, but you are too lazy to move, You are in the shade, you breathe odorous dampness; you well...

Summer evening

In the distant and pale depths of the sky, stars were just emerging; in the west it was still red - there the sky seemed clearer and cleaner; the semicircle of the moon shone gold through the black mesh of the weeping birch. Other trees either stood like gloomy giants, with a thousand gaps like eyes, or merged into continuous gloomy bulks. Not a single leaf moved; the upper branches of lilacs and acacias seemed to be listening to something and stretched out in the warm air. The house grew dark near; long, illuminated shadows were drawn on it in patches of reddish light. The evening was mild and quiet; but a restrained, passionate sigh seemed to be in this silence.

Thunderstorm in the forest

Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich But what is this? The wind suddenly came up and rushed; the air trembled all around: is it not thunder? You are coming out of a ravine... what is that lead line in the sky? Is the heat thickening? Is the cloud coming? But then the lightning flashed weakly ... Eh, yes, this is a thunderstorm! The sun is still shining brightly all around: you can still hunt. But the cloud is growing; its front edge is extended by a sleeve, tilted by a vault. Grass, bushes, everything suddenly darkened ... Hurry! over there, it seems, you can see a hay shed ... rather ... You ran, entered ...
What is rain? What are lightning bolts? In some places, water dripped onto the fragrant hay through the thatched roof ... But then the sun began to play again. The storm has passed; Are you getting off. My God, how cheerfully everything sparkles all around, how fresh and liquid the air, how it smells of wild strawberries and mushrooms!..

The newly risen sun flooded the whole grove with a strong, though not bright, light; dewdrops glittered everywhere, in some places large drops suddenly lit up and reddened; everything breathed freshness, life and that innocent solemnity of the first moments of the morning, when everything is already so bright and still so silent. All that was heard was that the friable voices of larks over the distant fields, and in the grove itself two or three birds, in a hurry, brought out their short knees and seemed to listen afterwards how it turned out for them. The wet earth smelled of a healthy, strong smell, clean, light air shimmered with cool jets.

The weather was beautiful, even more beautiful than before; but the heat did not subside. Across the clear sky, high and sparse clouds barely rushed, yellow-white, like late spring snow, flat and oblong, like lowered sails. Their patterned edges, fluffy and light as cotton, slowly but visibly changed with every moment; they melted, those clouds, and no shadow fell from them. We wandered around with Kasyan for a long time. Young offspring, which had not yet managed to stretch out above a arshin, surrounded blackened, low stumps with their thin, smooth stems; round spongy growths with gray borders, the very growths from which tinder is boiled, clung to these stumps; strawberries let out their pink tendrils over them: mushrooms immediately sat closely in families. Feet constantly tangled and clung to the long grass, satiated with the hot sun; everywhere there were ripples in the eyes from the sharp metallic sparkle of young, reddish leaves on the trees; blue clusters of “crane peas”, golden cups of “night blindness”, half purple, half yellow flowers of Ivan da Marya were full of flowers everywhere; in some places, near the abandoned paths, on which the tracks of the wheels were indicated by stripes of red fine grass, heaps of firewood towered, darkened from the wind and rain, stacked in sazhens; a faint shadow fell from them in oblique quadrangles - there was no other shadow anywhere. A light breeze either woke up or subsided: it suddenly blows right in your face and seems to play out - everything makes a merry noise, nods and moves around, the flexible ends of the ferns gracefully sway - you will be delighted with it ... but now it froze again, and everything again quieted down. Some grasshoppers tremble in unison, as if embittered - and this incessant, sour and dry sound is tiring. He goes to the relentless heat of noon; it is as if he was born by him, as if summoned by him from the hot earth.

A summer, July morning! Who, except the hunter, has experienced how gratifying it is to wander through the bushes at dawn? A green line lies the trace of your feet on the dewy, whitened grass. You will move apart a wet bush - you will be showered with the accumulated warm smell of the night; the air is full of fresh bitterness of wormwood, honey of buckwheat and "porridge"; in the distance, an oak forest stands like a wall and glistens and reddens in the sun; It's still fresh, but the proximity of the heat is already felt. Head languidly spinning from an excess of fragrance. There is no end to the shrub... somewhere in the distance ripening rye turns yellow, buckwheat turns red in narrow stripes. Here the cart creaked; A peasant makes his way at a step, puts the horse in the shade in advance ... You greeted him, walked away - the sonorous clang of a scythe is heard behind you ... The sun is higher and higher. Grass dries quickly. It's already hot. An hour passes, then another... The sky darkens around the edges; the still air breathes with prickly heat. "Where would you like to get drunk here, brother?" - you ask the mower. "And there is a well in the ravine."

Through dense hazel bushes, entangled with tenacious grass, you descend to the bottom of the ravine. Precisely: under the very cliff there is a source; an oak bush greedily spread its palmate boughs over the water; large silvery bubbles, swaying, rise from the bottom, covered with fine velvet moss. You throw yourself on the ground, you are drunk, but you are too lazy to move. You are in the shade, you breathe odorous dampness; you feel good, but against you the bushes become hot and seem to turn yellow in the sun. But what is it? The wind suddenly came up and rushed; the air trembled all around: is it not thunder? You are coming out of a ravine... what is that lead line in the sky? Is the heat thickening? Is a cloud approaching?.. But then the lightning flashed faintly... Eh, yes, it's a thunderstorm! The sun is still shining brightly all around: you can still hunt. But the cloud is growing: its front edge is stretched out by a sleeve, tilted by a vault. Grass, bushes - everything suddenly darkened ... Hurry! There, it seems, you can see a hay barn ... hurry! You ran, entered... What's the rain like? What are lightning bolts? In some places, water dripped onto the fragrant hay through the thatched roof ... But then the sun began to play again. The storm has passed; Are you getting off. My God, how cheerfully everything sparkles all around, how fresh and liquid the air, how it smells of wild strawberries and mushrooms!..

But then the evening comes. The dawn blazed with fire and engulfed half the sky. The sun is setting. The air nearby is somehow especially transparent, like glass; in the distance lies a soft steam, warm in appearance; together with the dew, a scarlet gleam falls on the glades, until recently drenched in streams of liquid gold; long shadows ran from the trees, from the bushes, from the high stacks of hay... The sun had set; the star has lit up and trembles in the fiery sea of ​​the sunset... Here it is turning pale; blue sky; separate shadows disappear, the air is filled with haze. It's time to go home, to the village, to the hut where you spend the night. Throwing your gun over your shoulders, you are walking fast, despite your fatigue ... And meanwhile, night is falling; for twenty steps you can no longer see anything; the dogs barely turn white in the darkness. Here, above the black bushes, the edge of the sky becomes vaguely clear. What's this? Fire?.. No, it's the moon rising.

The heat forced us to enter the grove. I rushed under a tall hazel bush, over which a young, slender maple spread its light branches.

Kasyan sat down on the fat horses of a felled birch. I looked at him. The leaves swayed feebly in the air, and their liquid-greenish shadows quietly glided back and forth over his frail body, somehow wrapped in a dark coat, over his small face. He did not raise his head. Bored with his silence, I lay down on my back and began to admire the peaceful play of tangled leaves in the distant bright sky. It's amazingly pleasant to lie on your back in the forest and look up! It seems to you that you are looking into the bottomless sea, that it spreads wide under you, that the trees do not rise from the ground, but, like the roots of huge plants, descend, fall vertically into those glassy clear waves; the leaves on the trees either shine through with emeralds, or thicken into a golden, almost black green. Somewhere far away, ending with itself a thin branch, a separate leaf stands motionless on a blue patch of transparent sky, and next to it another sways, resembling the play of a fish pool with its movement, as if the movement is unauthorized and not produced by the wind. White round clouds quietly float and quietly pass like magical underwater islands - and then, suddenly, all this sea, this radiant air, these branches and leaves bathed in the sun - everything will stream, tremble with a fleeting brilliance, and a fresh, trembling babble will rise, similar to endless fine sand of a sudden swell. You don't move - you look; and it is impossible to express in words how joyful, and quiet, and sweet it becomes in the heart. You look: that deep, pure azure excites a smile on your lips, innocent, like itself, like clouds across the sky, and as if together with them, in a slow string, happy memories pass through your soul, and everything seems to you that your eyes are leaving further and further and pulls you along with it into that calm, shining abyss, and it is impossible to break away from this height, from this depth...

("Taras Bulba")

The further the steppe became more beautiful. Then the whole south, all that space ... up to the very Black Sea was a green, virgin desert ... Nothing in nature could be better. The entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-golden ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed ... an ear of wheat, brought in God knows where, poured into the thick ... The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. The hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass... A gull rose from the grass with measured strokes and luxuriously bathed in the blue waves of the air. There she disappeared in the sky and only flickers like one black dot; there she turned over her wings and flashed before the sun ... Damn you, steppes, how good you are! .. "

How agonizing are those hot hours when noon shines in silence and heat.
... Everything seems to have died; only above, in the depths of heaven, a lark trembles, and silvery songs fly along the airy steps to the land in love, and occasionally the cry of a seagull or the ringing voice of a quail resounds in the steppe. Lazy and soulless, as if walking without a goal, the cloudy oaks stand, and the dazzling strokes of the sun's rays light up entire picturesque masses of leaves, throwing a shadow dark as night over the others, over which gold spurts only with a strong wind. Emeralds, topazes, yahontas of ethereal insects are pouring over the motley vegetable gardens, overshadowed by old sunflowers. Gray haystacks and golden sheaves of bread are encamped in the field and roam through its immensity. Wide branches of cherries, plums, apple trees, pears bent over from the weight of the fruits: the sky, its pure mirror-river in green, proudly raised frames.

The forest is noisy

Korolenko Vladimir Galaktionovich

The forest is noisy...

There was always a noise in this forest - even, drawn out, like the echo of a distant ringing, calm and vague, like a quiet song without words, like a vague memory of the past. There was always a noise in it, because it was an old, dense forest, which had not yet been touched by the saw and ax of the forest dealer. Tall hundred-year-old pines with mighty red trunks stood in a gloomy army, tightly closed at the top with green peaks. It was quiet below, smelling of tar; through the canopy of pine needles, with which the soil was strewn, bright ferns made their way, splendidly spread out with a bizarre fringe and stood motionless, without rustling their leaves. In damp corners, green grasses stretched in tall stems; the white porridge bowed its heavy heads, as if in quiet languor. And above, endlessly and without interruption, the noise of the forest was drawn, like the vague sighs of an old forest.

What is the dew on the grass

When on a sunny morning, in summer, you go to the forest, then in the fields, in the grass, you can see diamonds. All these diamonds shine and shimmer in the sun in different colors - yellow, red, and blue.

When you come closer and see what it is, you will see that these are drops of dew gathered in the triangular leaves of grass and glisten in the sun. The leaf of this grass inside is shaggy and fluffy, like velvet.

And the drops roll on the leaf and do not wet it.

When you inadvertently pick off a leaf with a dewdrop, the drop will roll down like a ball of light, and you will not see how it slips past the stem. It used to be that you would tear off such a cup, slowly bring it to your mouth and drink a dewdrop, and this dewdrop seemed tastier than any drink.


I returned home through the fields. It was the middle of summer. The meadows were cleared and they were just about to mow the rye.

There is a lovely selection of colors for this time of year: red, white, pink, fragrant, fluffy porridge ... milky white, with a bright yellow center "love-not-love" with its rotten spicy stink; yellow colza with its wise smell; high-standing purple and white tulip-shaped bells; creeping peas; yellow, red, pink, purple, neat scabioses; with a slightly pink fluff and a slightly audible pleasant smell of plantain cornflowers, bright blue in the sun and in youth, and blue and blushing in the evening and in old age; and delicate, almond-scented, immediately withering, dodder flowers.

I picked up a large bouquet of different flowers and was walking home when I noticed in a ditch a wonderful raspberry, in full bloom, burdock of the variety that we call "Tatar" and which is diligently mowed, and when it is accidentally mowed, mowers are thrown out of the hay so as not to put your hands on him. I took it into my head to pick this burdock and put it in the middle of the bouquet. I climbed down into the ditch and, having chased away the hairy bumblebee that had dug into the middle of the flower and sweetly and languidly fallen asleep there, I began to pluck the flower. But it was very difficult: not only did the stem prick from all sides, even through the handkerchief with which I wrapped my hand, it was so terribly strong that I fought with it for about five minutes, tearing the fibers one at a time. When I finally tore off the flower, the stem was already all in tatters, and the flower no longer seemed so fresh and beautiful. In addition, due to its rudeness and coarseness, it did not fit the delicate flowers of the bouquet. I regretted that in vain I had ruined a flower that was good in its place, and I threw it away. “What, however, is the energy and strength of life,” I thought, remembering the efforts with which I tore off the flower.

How he strongly defended and sold his life dearly.

young growth

Currant bushes, willows, alders and forest raspberries huddled together along the banks of the river; green, juicy sedge entered the very water, where it shone and bent under the pressure of the river stream, as if alive. In some places, logs sticking out of the ground were rotting, and young shoots of honeysuckle were already crawling out from under them; immediately the pink shoots of Ivan-tea swayed and swampy yellow flowers dazzled. Near the old stumps, like expensive lace, fragrant meadowsweet clung with its yellow caps. Near the forest stretched out a whole island of young aspen, shimmering in the sun with its ever-moving, metallic foliage, and further on, a birch forest rose like a green wall and left the eyes along the river. But the most beautiful were the young spruce and birch trees that grew along the dumps and dumps: they looked like a crowd of children who ran out to the steepness with all their might and from here admired everything that was lower. It seemed that it was the youth of the forest slyly whispering among themselves, happy with a sunny day and with the fact that only youth full of strength gives.

Summer nights in the Urals

At the end of July, summer nights in the Urals are especially beautiful: a bottomless blue depth looks at you from above, flickering with intense phosphorescent light, so that individual stars and constellations are somehow lost in the general light tone; the air is quiet and sensitively catches the slightest sound; sleeps in the mist forest; without moving, water stands; even the birds of the night appear and disappear in the frozen air without sound, like shadows on the screen of a magic lantern.

At the beginning of August

The first days of August have arrived. Two cold matinees fell, and the forest flowers that had not had time to bloom faded, and the grass became covered with yellow spots. The sun no longer shone so brightly from the blue sky, it rose later and went to bed earlier; a gusty wind rushed in from nowhere, shook the tops of the trees, and quickly disappeared, leaving a cooling jet in the air. The joys of the short northern summer were coming to an end, and the endless autumn with its torrential rains, bad weather, dark nights, mud and cold was approaching menacingly. I spent almost all my free time in the forest, hunting; the coniferous forest became even better with the onset of autumn and seemed to be fresher every day.


On a beautiful summer day, when the sun's rays had long since swallowed up the night freshness, my father and I drove up to the so-called "Hidden kolk", consisting for the most part of young and already quite thick, straight lindens, like a pine, - kolku, long commanded and saved with particular rigor. As soon as we climbed up to the forest from the ravine, a dull, unusual noise began to reach my ears: now some kind of jerky and measured rustle, for a moment interspersed and re-emerging, then some kind of sonorous metallic shuffling. I now asked: "What is it?" - "But you'll see!" replied the father, smiling. But nothing was visible behind the young and dense aspen growth; when we rounded it, a wonderful sight struck my eyes. About forty peasants mowed down, lining up in one line, as if by a thread; scythes flew up brightly in the sun, and thick cut grass lay in orderly rows. Having passed a long row, the mowers suddenly stopped and began to sharpen their braids with something, merrily exchanging joking speeches among themselves, as one could guess from the loud laughter: it was still impossible to hear the words. Metallic sounds occurred when the braids were sharpened with wooden spatulas coated with clay and sand, which I found out later. When we drove up close and my father said the usual greeting: "God help!" or “God help you”, loud: “Thank you, father Alexei Stepanovich!” the clearing was announced, echoed in the ravine, and again the peasants continued to swing their scythes widely, deftly, easily and freely! There was something kind and cheerful in this work, so I did not suddenly believe when they told me that it was also very difficult. What a light air, what a wonderful smell wafted from the nearby forest and the grass mowed early in the morning, abounding in many fragrant flowers, which had already begun to wither from the hot sun and emit a particularly pleasant aromatic smell! Untouched grass stood like a wall, waist high, and the peasants said: “What grass! Bear bear!” Jackdaws and crows were already walking along the green, high rows of cut grass, flying in from the forest where their nests were located. I was told that they pick up various insects, bugs and worms, which previously hid in the thick grass, but now ran in full view over the overturned stems of plants and on the bare ground. As I got closer, I saw with my own eyes that this was absolutely true. Moreover, I noticed that the bird was also pecking at the berries. In the grass the strawberries were still green, but unusually large; in open places, she already kept pace. From the mowed rows, my father and I collected large bunches of such berries, from which some came across larger than an ordinary nut; many of them, although not yet reddened, were already soft and tasty.

grassy sea

From the very first step, lush grasses enveloped us from all sides. They were so high and so thick that a person seemed to be drowning in them. Below underfoot - grass, in front and behind - grass, from the sides - also grass, and only at the top - blue sky. It seemed as if we were walking on the bottom of a grassy sea. This impression became even stronger when, having climbed some hummock, I saw how the steppe was agitated. With timidity and apprehension, I again plunged into the grass and walked on. It is as easy to get lost in these places as in the forest. We lost our way several times, but immediately hurried to correct our mistake. Finding some bump, I climbed it and tried to see something ahead. Dersu grabbed the wormwood with his hands and bent it to the ground. I looked ahead - everywhere in front of me was an endless grassy sea.

In the woods

We go further and further into the forest, into the bluish haze, cut by the golden rays of the sun. In the warmth and comfort of the forest, some special noise quietly breathes, dreamy and exciting dreams. The crossbills creak, the tits ring, the cuckoo laughs, the oriole whistles, the jealous song of the chaffinch sounds incessantly, the strange bird squints thoughtfully. Emerald frogs jump underfoot; between the roots, raising his golden head, lies already and guards them. The squirrel clicks, its fluffy tail flickers in the paws of the pines; you see incredibly much, you want to see more and go further.

Night fire in the forest

And at night, the forest took on an indescribably eerie, fabulous look: its blue wall grew higher, and in the depths of it, between the black trunks, red, furry animals rushed madly, jumped. They crouched to the ground to the roots and, hugging the trunks, climbed up like dexterous monkeys, fought with each other, breaking branches, whistled, hooted and hooted.

Infinitely various figures of fire were built between the black trunks, and the dance of these figures was indefatigable. Here, clumsily bouncing, somersaulting, a red bear rolls out to the edge of the forest and, losing shreds of fiery wool, climbs up the trunk, as if for honey, and reaching the crown, embraces its branches with a shaggy embrace of crimson paws, sways on them, showering needles with a rain of golden sparks; here the beast easily jumped onto a neighboring tree, and where it was, on the black, bare branches, blue candles were lit in a multitude, purple mice run along the branches, and, with their bright movement, it is clearly visible how intricately the blue hazes smoke and how crawling up and down the bark of the trunk, hundreds of fire ants.

Sometimes the fire crawled out of the forest, stealthily, like a cat hunting for a bird, and suddenly, raising its sharp muzzle, looked around - what to grab? Or suddenly a sparkling, fiery oatmeal bear appeared and crawled along the ground on its stomach, spreading its paws wide, raking the grass into its huge red mouth.

Native places

I love the Meshchersky region because it is beautiful, although all its charm is not revealed immediately, but very slowly, gradually.

At first glance, this is a quiet and uncomplicated land under a dim sky. But the more you get to know it, the more, almost to the point of pain in your heart, you begin to love this extraordinary land. And if I have to defend my country, then somewhere in the depths of my heart I will know that I am also defending this piece of land, which taught me to see and understand the beautiful, no matter how unprepossessing it may be, this forest pensive land, love for who will never be forgotten, just as first love is never forgotten.

summer thunderstorms

Summer thunderstorms pass over the earth and fall below the horizon. Lightnings either strike the ground with a direct blow, or blaze on black clouds.

A rainbow sparkles over the damp distance. Thunder rolls, rumbles, growls, rumbles, shakes the earth.

summer heat

It was hot. We walked through pine forests. The bears were screaming. It smelled of pine bark and strawberries. A hawk hung motionless over the tops of the pines. The forest was heated with heat. We rested in thick bowls of aspens and birches. They breathed the smell of grass and roots. In the evening we went to the lake. The stars glittered in the sky. Ducks with a heavy whistle flew to the lodging for the night.

Zarnitsa... The very sound of this word, as it were, conveys the slow night brilliance of distant lightning.
Lightning occurs most often in July, when the bread is ripening. Therefore, there is a popular belief that the lightning "bury the bread" - illuminate it at night - and this makes the bread pour faster.
Next to the lightning stands in the same poetic row the word dawn - one of the most beautiful words in the Russian language.
This word is never spoken out loud. It is impossible even to imagine that it could be shouted. Because it is akin to that settled silence of the night, when a clear and faint blue is occupied over the thickets of a village garden. "Unsightly", as they say about this time of day among the people.
In this glowing hour, the morning star burns low above the earth itself. The air is as pure as spring water.
In the dawn, in the dawn, there is something maidenly, chaste. At dawn, the grass is washed with dew, and in the villages it smells of warm fresh milk. And the shepherd's pity sing in the fogs beyond the outskirts.
Lights up quickly. In a warm house, silence, dusk. But then squares of orange light fall on the log walls, and the logs light up like layered amber. The sun is rising.
Dawn happens not only in the morning, but also in the evening. We often confuse two concepts - sunset and evening dawn.
Evening dawn begins when the sun has already set over the edge of the earth. Then she takes possession of the fading sky, pours over it a multitude of colors - from pure gold to turquoise - and slowly passes into late twilight and into night.
Corncrakes scream in the bushes, quails beat, bitterns hum, the first stars burn, and the dawn lingers for a long time over the distances and fogs.


Innocent blue-eyed forget-me-nots peeped out from the mint thickets near the water's edge. And further, behind the hanging loops of blackberries, wild rowan blossomed along the slope with tight yellow inflorescences. Tall red clover mingled with mousepeas and bedstraws, and above all this closely crowded community of flowers rose a gigantic thistle. He stood firmly up to his waist in the grass and looked like a knight in armor with steel spikes on his elbows and kneecaps.
The heated air above the flowers "shimmered", swayed, and from almost every cup protruded the striped belly of a bumblebee, bee or wasp. Like white and lemon leaves, always at random, butterflies flew.
Farther on, hawthorn and rose hips rose like a high wall. Their branches were so intertwined that it seemed as if fiery rosehip flowers and white hawthorn flowers smelling of almonds had by some miracle blossomed on the same bush.
The wild rose stood with large flowers turned towards the sun, elegant, completely festive, covered with many sharp buds. Its flowering coincided with the shortest nights - our Russian, slightly northern nights, when the nightingales rattle in the dew all night long, the greenish dawn does not leave the horizon, and in the deadest time of the night it is so light that mountain peaks of clouds are clearly visible in the sky.

blessed rain

In early June, it often rained, unusual for summer: quiet, calm in autumn, without thunderstorms, without wind. In the mornings, an ash-gray cloud crawled out from the west, from behind distant hillocks. It grew, expanded, occupied half the sky, its dark underwings darkened ominously, and then descended so that its lower flakes, transparent as muslin, clung to the roof of a windmill standing in the steppe, on a mound; somewhere high and good-natured, in a barely audible octave, thunder spoke, and blessed rain descended.

Warm, like splashes of steamed milk, the drops fell vertically onto the ground hidden in a foggy silence, swelling like white bubbles on the wet, foamy puddles. And this sparse summer rain was so quiet and peaceful that the flowers did not bow their heads, even the hens in the yards did not seek shelter from it. With businesslike preoccupation they rummaged around the sheds and the damp, blackened wickerhouses in search of food, and the wet and slightly lost their majestic posture, despite the rain, crowing at length and in turn. Their cheerful voices merged with the chirping of sparrows shamelessly swimming in puddles and the squeak of swallows, as if falling in a swift flight to the smell of rain and dust, affectionately beckoning the earth.

In the steppe, the wheatgrass rose above the knee. Behind the pasture bloomed sweet clover. By the evening the honey smell spread all over the farm. Winter grains stood up to the horizon in a solid dark green wall, spring grains delighted the eye with unusually friendly seedlings. Serosopes densely bristled with arrows of young shoots of corn. By the end of the first half of June, the weather was firmly established, not a single cloud appeared in the sky, and the steppe, blooming, washed by rains, marvelously painted under the sun! She was now like a young breastfeeding mother - unusually beautiful, subdued, a little tired and all shining with a beautiful, happy and pure smile of motherhood.

Rain in the forest

A large dark cloud rose, covering half the sky. Thunder rumbled.
A strong whirlwind swept through the forest tops. Trees rustled, swayed, plucked leaves swirled over the path. Heavy drops fell. Lightning flashed, thunder struck.
Drop by drop, warm torrential rain poured down.
After a heavy rain, there is a strong smell of mushrooms in the forest. Strong mushrooms, pink wet russula are hiding in the grass near the path, fly agarics are blushing. Like little guys, black-headed boletus boletus crowds.
Between the white trunks of birches, a young, frequent spruce forest has grown densely. Fragrant milk mushrooms and red-headed aspen mushrooms are hidden here.
And in the forest clearings the first mushrooms appeared, golden chanterelles turn yellow.

Summer has begun

In the distance it thumped deafly - dark heavy clouds crawled over the village. They crawled slowly, menacingly swirling and powerfully growing to the very horizon.
The village became dark and silent. Even the cattle fell silent in anticipation. And suddenly a deafening roar shook the ground.
Doors and gates slammed all over the village. People ran out into the street, put the tubs under the streams and, in the pouring rain, joyfully called to each other. Barefoot children rushed through the puddles like foals, the short northern summer began.


August brought dry wind with him. The heat has begun. In the mornings, the dew was not seized by a white haze, streams and rivers dried up, and by noon the leaves withered on the trees. In the sultry, white-hot sky, an ash-gray buzzard darted around for days on end, crying piercingly and sadly:
"Pee-it! .. Pi-it! .." Summer is over.
The short northern summer is over.
A squirrel came out on the home pine forests, still red, not faded. With the first snow, when autumn passes over it like a blue fog, the squirrel will migrate into the deaf sesame, onto a fir cone.
Fog, fog over the village...
As if white clouds descended to the ground, as if rivers of milk spilled under the window.
By noon, the fog will settle, the sun will emerge for a while, and you will see cranes in the sky. They fly in their well-known wedge, mournfully and plaintively cooing, as if apologizing: we, they say, are flying to warm lands, and you are here to cuckoo.

And little by little start back
Pull him: to the village, to the dark garden,
Where the lindens are so huge, so shady,
And lilies of the valley are so virginally fragrant,
Where are the round willows above the water
From the dam they leaned in succession,
Where a fat oak grows over a fat cornfield,
Where it smells like hemp and nettle...
There, there, in the open fields,
Where the earth turns black with velvet,
Where is the rye, wherever you throw your eyes,
It flows quietly with soft waves.
And a heavy yellow beam falls
Because of transparent, white, round clouds;
It's good there ........................................................

(From a poem burnt.)

The reader may already be bored with my notes; I hasten to reassure him with a promise to confine myself to printed passages; but, parting with him, I cannot but say a few words about the hunt. Hunting with a gun and a dog is beautiful in itself, für sich, as they used to say in the old days; but suppose you were not born a hunter: you still love nature; you, therefore, cannot but envy our brother... Listen. Do you know, for example, what a pleasure it is to leave in the spring before dawn? You go out onto the porch ... In the dark gray sky, stars twinkle here and there; a damp breeze occasionally runs in a light wave; a restrained, indistinct whisper of the night is heard; the trees faintly rustle, drenched in shade. Here they put a carpet on the cart, put a box with a samovar at the feet. The tie-downs huddle, snort, and dapperly step over their feet; a pair of white geese that have just woken up silently and slowly move across the road. Behind the wattle fence, in the garden, the watchman snores peacefully; each sound seems to stand in the frozen air, stands and does not pass. Here you sat down; the horses set off at once, the cart rattled loudly... You drive - you drive past the church, from the mountain to the right, across the dam... The pond barely begins to smoke. You are a little cold, you cover your face with a hissing collar; you are dozing. Horses slap their feet loudly through the puddles; the coachman whistles. But now you have driven off about four versts ... The edge of the sky is turning red; in birch trees they wake up, jackdaws awkwardly fly; sparrows chirp near the dark stacks. The air is brighter, the road is more visible, the sky is clearer, the clouds are turning white, the fields are turning green. Splinters burn with red fire in the huts, sleepy voices are heard outside the gates. And meanwhile the dawn flares up; golden streaks have already stretched across the sky, vapors swirl in the ravines; the larks sing loudly, the pre-dawn wind blew - and the crimson sun quietly rises. The light will rush in like a stream; your heart will flutter like a bird. Fresh, fun, love! Visible all around. There is a village beyond the grove; over there is another one with a white church, over there is a birch forest on the mountain; behind it is a swamp, where are you going ... Quicker, horses, quicker! Big trot ahead! .. Three versts left, no more. The sun is rising fast; the sky is clear... The weather will be glorious. The herd stretched out of the village towards you. You climbed a mountain... What a view! The river winds for ten versts, dimly blue through the fog; behind it are watery-green meadows; gentle hills beyond the meadows; in the distance, lapwings hover over the swamp with a cry; through the damp sheen, spilled in the air, the distance clearly stands out ... not like in summer. How freely the chest breathes, how cheerfully the limbs move, how the whole person grows stronger, embraced by the fresh breath of spring! .. A summer, July morning! Who, except the hunter, has experienced how gratifying it is to wander through the bushes at dawn? A green line lies the trace of your feet on the dewy, whitened grass. You move a wet bush aside - you will be covered with the accumulated warm smell of the night; the air is full of fresh bitterness of wormwood, honey of buckwheat and "porridge"; in the distance, an oak forest stands like a wall and glistens and reddens in the sun; It's still fresh, but the proximity of the heat is already felt. Head languidly spinning from an excess of fragrance. There is no end to the shrub... In some places, in the distance, ripening rye turns yellow, buckwheat turns red in narrow stripes. Here the cart creaked; A peasant makes his way at a step, puts the horse in advance in the shade ... You greeted him, walked away - the sonorous clang of a scythe is heard behind you. The sun is getting higher and higher. Grass dries quickly. It's already hot. An hour passes, then another... The sky darkens around the edges; the still air blazes with prickly heat. “Where would you like to drink here, brother?” you ask the mower. - And over there, in the ravine, a well. Through dense hazel bushes, entangled with tenacious grass, you descend to the bottom of the ravine. Precisely: under the very cliff there is a source; an oak bush greedily spread its palmate boughs over the water; large silvery bubbles, swaying, rise from the bottom, covered with fine, velvety moss. You throw yourself on the ground, you are drunk, but you are too lazy to move. You are in the shade, you breathe odorous dampness; you feel good, but against you the bushes become hot and seem to turn yellow in the sun. But what is it? The wind suddenly came up and rushed; the air trembled all around: is it not thunder? You are coming out of a ravine... what is that lead line in the sky? Is the heat thickening? Is a cloud approaching?.. But then the lightning flashed faintly... Eh, yes, it's a thunderstorm! The sun is still shining brightly all around: you can still hunt. But the cloud is growing: its front edge is stretched out by a sleeve, tilted by a vault. Grass, bushes, everything suddenly darkened ... Hurry! over there, it seems, you can see a hay shed ... hurry up! .. You ran and entered ... What is the rain like? what are lightning bolts? In some places, water dripped onto the fragrant hay through the thatched roof ... But then the sun began to play again. The storm has passed; Are you getting off. My God, how cheerfully everything sparkles all around, how fresh and liquid the air, how it smells of wild strawberries and mushrooms!.. But then the evening comes. The dawn blazed with fire and engulfed half the sky. The sun is setting. The air nearby is somehow especially transparent, like glass; in the distance lies a soft steam, warm in appearance; together with the dew, a scarlet gleam falls on the glades, until recently drenched in streams of liquid gold; long shadows ran from the trees, from the bushes, from the high stacks of hay... The sun had set; the star has lit up and trembles in the fiery sea of ​​the sunset... Here it is turning pale; blue sky; separate shadows disappear, the air is filled with haze. It's time to go home, to the village, to the hut where you spend the night. Throwing your gun over your shoulders, you are walking fast, despite your fatigue ... And meanwhile, night is falling; for twenty steps it is no longer visible; the dogs barely turn white in the darkness. Over there, above the black bushes, the edge of the sky is vaguely clear... What is it? fire?.. No, it's the moon rising. And down below, to the right, the lights of the village are already flickering ... Here is your hut at last. Through the window you see a table covered with a white tablecloth, a burning candle, dinner... And then you order to lay the racing droshky and go to the forest for hazel grouse. It's fun to make your way along a narrow path, between two walls of high rye. Ears of wheat softly beat you in the face, cornflowers cling to your legs, quails scream all around, the horse runs at a lazy trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you; long, hanging branches of birches hardly move; a mighty oak stands like a fighter, next to a beautiful linden. You are driving along a green, shadowy path; big yellow flies hang motionless in the golden air and suddenly fly away; midges curl in a column, brightening in the shade, darkening in the sun; the birds sing peacefully. The golden voice of the robin sounds innocent, talkative joy: it goes to the smell of lilies of the valley. Further, further, deeper into the forest... The forest is dying... An inexplicable silence sinks into the soul; and the surroundings are so drowsy and quiet. But then the wind came up, and the tops rustled like falling waves. Tall grasses grow here and there through last year's brown foliage; mushrooms stand separately under their hats. A hare suddenly jumps out, a dog with a ringing bark rushes after ... And how beautiful this same forest is in late autumn, when the woodcocks arrive! They do not stay in the wilderness itself: they must be sought along the edge. There is no wind, and there is no sun, no light, no shadow, no movement, no noise; in the soft air there is an autumn smell, like the smell of wine; a thin mist hangs in the distance over the yellow fields. Through the bare, brown boughs of the trees, the still sky peacefully whitens; in some places the last golden leaves hang on the linden trees. The damp earth is elastic underfoot; tall dry blades of grass do not move; long threads glitter on the pale grass. The chest breathes calmly, and a strange anxiety finds in the soul. You walk along the edge of the forest, you look after the dog, and meanwhile your favorite images, your favorite faces, dead and alive, come to mind, impressions that have long since fallen asleep suddenly wake up; the imagination flies and flies like a bird, and everything moves so clearly and stands before your eyes. The heart will suddenly tremble and beat, passionately rush forward, then irretrievably drown in memories. All life unfolds easily and quickly, like a scroll; man owns all his past, all his feelings, forces, all his soul. And nothing around him interferes - there is no sun, no wind, no noise ... And an autumn, clear, slightly cold, frosty day in the morning, when a birch, like a fairy-tale tree, all golden, is beautifully drawn in a pale blue sky, when the low sun no longer warms, but shines brighter than summer, a small aspen grove all sparkles through, as if it is fun and easy for her to stand naked, the frost still turns white at the bottom of the valleys, and the fresh wind quietly stirs and drives the fallen warped leaves - when blue waves joyfully rush along the river, rhythmically raising scattered geese and ducks; in the distance the mill knocks, half-covered with willows, and, motley in the bright air, doves quickly circle over it ... Foggy summer days are also good, although hunters do not like them. On such days you can’t shoot: a bird, fluttering out from under your feet, immediately disappears in a whitish haze of a motionless fog. But how quiet, how unspeakably quiet all around! Everything is awake and everything is silent. You pass by a tree - it doesn't move, it basks. Through thin steam, evenly poured in the air, a long strip blackens in front of you. You mistake her for a nearby forest; you approach - the forest turns into a high bed of sagebrush on the boundary. Above you, all around you, fog is everywhere... But then the wind stirs slightly - a patch of pale blue sky vaguely emerges through thinning, as if smoking steam, a golden-yellow ray bursts suddenly, streams in a long stream, strikes the fields, rests against the grove - and here it all went haywire again. This struggle has been going on for a long time; but how unspeakably magnificent and clear the day becomes when light finally triumphs and the last waves of warmed fog either roll down and spread out like tablecloths, or soar and disappear in the deep, gently shining heights ... But now you have gathered in the outgoing field, in the steppe. About ten versts you made your way along country roads - here, finally, is a big one. Past endless carts, past inns with a hissing samovar under a canopy, wide open gates and a well, from one village to another, through boundless fields, along green hemp fields, you drive for a long, long time. Magpies fly from rakita to rakita; women, with a long rake in their hands, wander into the field; a passer-by in a worn nanke coat, with a knapsack over his shoulders, trudges along with a tired step; a heavy landowner's carriage, harnessed by six tall and broken horses, is sailing towards you. A corner of a pillow sticks out of the window, and on the heels, on a bag, holding on to a string, a footman in an overcoat sits sideways, spattered to the very eyebrows. Here is a county town with crooked wooden houses, endless fences, merchants' uninhabited stone buildings, an old bridge over a deep ravine ... Further, further! .. Let's go to the steppe places. You look from the mountain - what a view! Round, low hills, plowed up and sown to the top, scatter in wide waves; ravines overgrown with bushes wind between them; small groves are scattered in oblong islands; narrow paths run from village to village; the churches are whitening; a river sparkles between the vineyards, intercepted by dams in four places; far away in the field, drachvas stick out in single file; an old manor house with its services, an orchard and a threshing floor nestled next to a small pond. But further, further you go. The hills are getting smaller and smaller, the trees are almost invisible. Here it is at last - the boundless, boundless steppe! And on a winter day, walking through high snowdrifts after hares, breathing in frosty, sharp air, involuntarily squinting at the dazzling fine sparkle of soft snow, admiring the green color of the sky over a reddish forest! .. And the first spring days, when everything around shines and collapses, through The steam of melted snow already smells of warm earth, on the thawed patches, under the slanting ray of the sun, larks sing trustingly, and, with a cheerful noise and roar, streams swirl from ravine to ravine ... However, it's time to end. By the way, I started talking about spring: in spring it is easy to part, in spring the happy ones are drawn into the distance ... Farewell, reader; I wish you continued well-being.


5 Class

The sky cleared before dawn. It has no clouds or clouds. A blue fog spreads over a narrow river. There is no one to meet here at this early hour. The pre-dawn silence is not broken for a long time by any sounds, no voices. You can't see anything in the morning mist. Only the grass, heavy with dew, lies low to the ground and glitters with silver drops. But there was a slight breeze. The sound of a woodpecker is heard, and the forest is filled with birdsong. A slanting hare jumped out of the bush and dropped dew drops from the branches.

Now there is no danger of getting lost in the fog. The hot sun rises. It casts its rays on the spring earth. Mornings are never as beautiful as early spring. Breathe easy, enjoy nature.

Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens murmur softly above you. Hanging branches of birch trees barely move. A mighty oak stands next to a beautiful linden. You are driving down a narrow path. Large yellow flies hang motionless in the golden air and suddenly flock. Midges curl in a column, brighten in the shade, darken in the sun.

You drive further into the forest. An inexplicable silence sinks into the soul, and around is so drowsy and quiet. The wind came up and the tops of the trees rustled. Tall grass grows in places through last year's foliage. Mushrooms stand in the roadside grass under their oil caps.

And how beautiful the forest is in late autumn! No bright sun, no traffic, no noise. Through the boughs of the trees the sky peacefully whitens. The last green leaves hang on the lindens. Tall dry blades of grass move quietly. Long threads glitter on the pale grass. The chest breathes calmly.

(125 words.) (According to I. S. Turgenev.)

In front of me was a gray desert field. One guard mound stood in the distance and seemed to vigilantly guard the plains. It was cold and windy in the steppe in the morning. The wind, drying the ruts of the road, rustled last year's weeds. Behind me, in the west, a ridge of chalk mountains was picturesquely drawn on the horizon. Darkening with patches of forests, like old, dull silver, she was drowning in the morning mist. The wind blowing towards me chilled my face. The steppe captivated, OJ~,!

Behind the mound flashed a hollow, round, filled with spring water. There is something pure and cheerful about these April swamps. Voiced lapwings hover above them, gray wagtails run along its banks, leaving their star-shaped footprints on the silt. In the water, shallow, transparent, clear azure and white clouds of the spring sky are reflected.

The barrow was wild, never yet touched by a plow. "His time

I thought - forever passes. In centuries of oblivion, he only remembers the distant past, the former steppes, the former people. (141 word.)

bear cub

I came across a clearing in the taiga. It burned out from a forest fire, but on. the black earth was already growing shiny lingonberry leaves. On the edge were thickets of raspberries. I was picking raspberries, and ahead of me some kind of animal was walking, rustling in the leaves. I decided to find out what kind of animal it is. He sat down on a stump and began to whistle softly. The beast first stopped and froze, and then began to creep up on me. He thought that I would not see him, but the tops of the raspberry bushes were moving and giving him away. I knew right away it was a teddy bear. Then I began to creak about a stump to attract his attention. The bushes parted, and I saw a black nose and two eyes. I just wanted to play with him."

Final control dictation

5th grade

mushroom hike

At the end of summer we went to the surrounding forest for mushrooms. We decided to collect only porcini mushrooms, boletus and boletus. We went down the gentle slope of the hill, and we were surrounded by birch trees. Among them came across aspens and single pines.

Whole families of mushrooms grew around the birch, which were located close to each other here. In the clearings on the green grass, bright caps of boletuses and yellow mushrooms stood out well.

We cut the mushrooms, carefully cleaned them from the ground. Soon we began to meet local mushroom pickers with heavy full baskets and buckets.

The wind played with birch and pine tops. We were tired, sat down under the trees, laid out our prey, and began to sort through the mushrooms. (90 words)

(According to V. Tetyurev)

Grammar tasks

1. Make a morphemic analysis of words

Option 1: Surrounded, boletus, local

Option 2: Boletus, cut off, surrounding

2. Make a phonetic analysis of words

Option 1: birch

Option 2: here

3. Parse the indicated sentences

Option 1: We cut the mushrooms ...

Option 2: The wind played ...

Final control dictation

Every year cranes return from distant countries to their native swamp. Over the seas and the wide steppe, over the rivers and vast forests, they fly in the spring to their homeland.

A large swamp is overgrown with reeds and last year's sedge. Cautious cranes build their nests in the most remote places. It is good for them to live in the swamps. No one will disturb their peace.

In the spring, cranes lead cheerful round dances, they gather in a circle in the swamp and flap their wings. Soon they will hatch little cranes. They will grow up quickly and fly.

(According to I. Sokolov - Mikitov) (78 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Determine the number of letters and sounds.

Option 1 - wings

Option 2 - your

2. Perform morphemic analysis

Option 1 - by the seas, going, small

Option 2 - reeds, bred, distant.

Option 1: swamp (1 offer)

Option 2: reeds (3 offer)

4. Perform syntactic analysis of the specified sentences

Option 1 - A large swamp is overgrown with reeds and last year's sedge.

Option 2 - Little cranes will hatch soon.

Final control dictation

I like to wander along narrow forest paths among trees and bushes in early spring. I stop at every clearing, examine the tracks of animals in the snow, listen to the sonorous chirping of woodpeckers.

The path leads me to a wide Volga bay. Here is a real celebration of colors and light. I sit on a stump and look at the bay.

Snow in the sun is sparkling, pinkish, and blue in the shade. And the forest turned pink in the morning light, glowed, sparkled.

But now the sun rises higher and extinguishes the warm pink light on the earth. Now the snowy distance of the bay, and the shore, and the forest become white, silvery.

There is a long March day ahead, which I will spend on the ice fishing.

(According to G. Skrebitsky) (100 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Perform morphemic analysis

Option 1 - paths, sparkling, looking

Option 2 - animals, silver, sit down

2. Perform syntactic analysis of the specified sentences

Option 1 - I sit on a stump and look at the bay

Option 2 - And the forest turned pink in the morning light, warmed up, sparkled.

3. Make a morphological analysis of words

Option 1: in the clearing (2 offer)

Option 2: Bay. (3 offer)

Final control dictation

6th grade

One summer night I was sitting at my desk in my room. In the complete silence of the night under the floor, some quiet voices were suddenly heard. They were like the whispers of chicks that have awakened in the nest. But what kind of chicks could be underground? For a long time I could not understand who was talking under my floor. Then I guessed it was hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are meek and meek animals. Of course, they don't know how to talk. It was I who heard them fuss. They harm no one and fear no one. They sleep during the day and go hunting at night. They destroy harmful insects, fight rats and mice.

For the winter, hedgehogs fall asleep. Their small lairs are covered with snowdrifts, and they sleep peacefully all winter. (110 words)

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out pronouns, determine the category

Option 1: 1 paragraph

Option 2: 2, 3 paragraph

2. Make a morphological analysis

Option 1: sat (First sentence)

Option 2: cover (Last offer)

Option 1: They sleep during the day and go hunting at night.

Option 2: They destroy harmful insects, fight rats and mice

Final control dictation

“Well, there will be a thunderstorm after such a heat,” everyone said.

And the storm finally came. She approached slowly, and we followed her from the very morning. The sky was filled with smoke. Behind him were puffs of black, as if petrified cotton wool. It was a thundercloud peeping through the smoke.

There was dead silence all around. The frogs and birds fell silent, the fish stopped splashing. Finally, the earth sighed freshly and lingeringly.

The first thunder rolled through the forests and went far to the south over the loaves rustled by the wind. Then everything howled and whistled. Centennial lindens creaked. A yellow haze rushed over the earth itself. Glass fell off. A yellow fireball swept over the noisy peaks. It crackled and smoked, and then exploded with a dry roar.

Finally the downpour came down. Solid hopeless streams poured into the neighboring park. (According to K.G. Paustovsky) (117 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Perform phonetic analysis of words

1st option - yellow

Option 2 - ground

2. Perform morphemic analysis

Option 1 - translucent, thunderstorm, peaks

Option 2 - whistled, fiery, smoke

3. Make proposal schemes

1 option - 1 offer

2nd option - 3rd offer

4. Make a morphological analysis of words

Option 1 - was approaching (3 offer)

Option 2 - sighed (9 offer)

Final control dictation

(6th grade)

The sky cleared before dawn. It has no clouds or clouds. A blue fog spreads over a narrow river. There is no one to meet here at this early hour. The pre-dawn silence is not broken for a long time by any sounds, no voices. You can't see anything in the morning mist. Only the grass, heavy with dew, lies low to the ground and glitters with silver drops. But there was a slight breeze. The sound of a woodpecker is heard, and the forest is filled with birdsong. A slanting hare jumped out of the bush and dropped dew drops from the branches.

Now there is no danger of getting lost in the fog. The hot sun rises. It casts its rays on the spring earth. Mornings are never as beautiful as early spring. Breathe easy, enjoy nature. (109 words)

grammar task

1. Determine the number of letters and sounds

Option 1 - cleared up

Option 2 - handed out

2. Perform morphemic analysis

Option 1 - morning, adjacent, sounds

3. Make a morphological analysis of words

Option 1 - spread out (3 offer)

Option 2 - see (sentence 6)

4. Make proposal schemes

Option 1 - There is a knock of a woodpecker, and the forest is filled with bird singing

Option 2 - An oblique hare jumped out of the bush and dropped dew drops from the branches.

Final control dictation

7th grade

spring song

Far, far away the spring song of the lark was carried through the fields, through the meadows and through the deaf forests. slums.

Hearing this spring song, everyone who was hiding from the fierce winter cold hastily climbed out of their minks, from the lye, from the cracks. Beetles, spiders, insects got out into the sun, basked there, spread their wings, antennae, legs.

A fat lazy badger also crawled out of the hole. Even the huge bear shifted from side to side in his lair.

All the animals, and birds, and tiny insects listened to the song of the lark. And everyone thought that now the fierce cold was no longer terrible, that there was nothing to fear from it, because bright spring days always come after the winter storm.

And the lark kept singing, rising higher and higher. The bright sun illuminated him, and now he no longer looked like a gray bird from the earth, but a golden star, born of the earth itself. (130 words) G. Skrebitsky

Final control dictation

(7th grade)

spring song

Far, far away the spring song of the lark carried through the fields, through the meadows, and even through the forest thickets.

Hearing this spring song, everyone who was hiding from the severe winter cold crawled out of their minks, from lye and cracks. Beetles, spiders, insects, climbed out into the sun, warmed themselves and spread their wings, antennae and legs.

A badger crawled out of its hole, and even a huge bear turned from side to side in its lair.

All animals, birds and tiny insects listened to the song of the lark. They thought of one thing, that the fierce cold was no longer terrible, that there was nothing to fear from it. They rejoiced that bright spring days had come.

And the lark kept singing, rising higher and higher. The bright sun illuminated him, and now he no longer looked like a gray bird from the earth, but a golden star, born of the earth itself. (123 words)

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

grammar task

1. Perform morphemic analysis

Option 1 - hearing, listening, winter, wings

Option 2 - got out, stepped on, gray, spiders

Option 1 - selected (3 offer)

Option 2 - born (9 offer)


Option 1 - And the lark kept singing, rising higher and higher.

Option 2 - All animals, birds and tiny insects listened to the song of the lark

Final control dictation

7th grade

In the bird sanctuary

Already at sunrise we were in the bird sanctuary. Surrounded by innumerable flocks of birds, resting on a light oar, we quietly sailed through the middle of a mirror-calm bay. The bright spring sun was reflected in the golden surface.

The circle of birds surrounding us imperceptibly opened up and again converged behind the stern. Invariably we remained in the center of the living circle of birds.

Individual flocks of birds were visible to the right and left. Over the very smooth surface of the bay, spreading their wings, reflected in the mirror water, huge pelicans flew by. And the swans, reminiscent of fairy-tale ships, were not far from us.

Surrounded by innumerable birds, we made our way into the depths, and, sitting in the boat, I wrote down several stories of our guide. (119 words)

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Grammar tasks

1. Make a morphemic analysis of words

Option 1: golden, on the right, resting, converged

Option 2: those around, on the left, were, reflected

Option 1: reminiscent

Option 2: surrounding

3. Parse the indicated sentences

Option 1: The circle of birds surrounding us imperceptibly opened up and again converged behind the stern.

Option 2: Over the very surface of the bay, spreading their wings, reflected in the mirror water, huge pelicans flew by.

Final control dictation

8th grade

(According to M. Gumilevskaya)

Grammar tasks

2. Make a morphological analysis of words

3. Parse the indicated sentences

Final control dictation

(8th grade)

Unfamiliar estate

One day, returning home, I accidentally wandered into some unfamiliar estate. The sun was already hidden, and evening shadows were stretched on the flowering rye. Two rows of closely planted fir trees stood, forming a beautiful alley. I climbed over the hedge and walked along it, gliding over the spruce needles. It was quiet and dark, and only on the peaks a bright light trembled here and there and shimmered like a rainbow in the webs of a spider. I turned down a long linden alley. Here, too, desolation and old age. Last year's leaves rustled underfoot. To the right, in an old orchard, an Oriole sang in a weak voice, probably also old. But now the limes are gone. I passed a house with a terrace, and suddenly a wonderful view opened up in front of me: a wide pond with a bath, a village on the other side, a high narrow bell tower. A cross burned on it, reflecting the setting sun. For a moment I felt the charm of something familiar, very familiar. (130 words)

(According to A.P. Chekhov)

grammar task

1. Perform morphemic analysis

Option 1 - rustled, lime, to the right, sliding

Option 2 - hiding, long, quiet, planted

2. Make a morphological analysis of words

1 option - blooming (2 offer)

Option 2 - coming in (12 offer)

3. Perform syntactic analysis of the specified sentences

Option 1 - Once, returning home, I accidentally wandered into some unfamiliar estate.

Option 2 - I climbed over the fence and walked along it, sliding on spruce needles.

Final control dictation

8th grade

The number of stars visible in the sky with the naked eye seems to be innumerable. In fact, there are not so many of them. At the same time, in our field of view, as scientists say, there are no more than three thousand stars, because we see half of the firmament.

The stars are the same suns. They appear to us as brilliant dots, distant from the Earth at boundless distances.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that some groups of bright stars form different shapes. By dividing the entire sky into constellations, astronomers compiled star maps. All stars, even the smallest ones, were assigned to one constellation or another.

Both the location of the stars in the constellations and their distance from each other seem to be unchanged. This is explained by the fact that astronomical science appeared relatively recently. The stars during this time have not yet had time to change their apparent position in the sky. They move at great speeds in different directions, but we do not notice this movement. (135 words)

(According to M. Gumilevskaya)

Grammar tasks

1. Do a syntactic analysis of phrases.

Determine the type of subordinating relationship between words.

Option 1: with a simple eye, made maps, appeared recently.

Option 2: the vault of heaven, seem to be points, form figures.

2. Make a morphological analysis of words

Option 1: Visible (First sentence)

Option 2: shiny (Fifth sentence)

3. Parse the indicated sentences

Option 1: They seem to us as brilliant points, distant from the Earth at immense distances.

Option 2: Dividing the entire sky into constellations, astronomers compiled star maps.

Final control dictation

8th grade

The number of stars visible in the sky with the naked eye seems to be innumerable. In fact, there are not so many of them. At the same time, in our field of view, as scientists say, there are no more than three thousand stars, because we see half of the firmament.

The stars are the same suns. They appear to us as brilliant dots, distant from the Earth at boundless distances.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that some groups of bright stars form different shapes. By dividing the entire sky into constellations, astronomers compiled star maps. All stars, even the smallest ones, were assigned to one constellation or another.

Both the location of the stars in the constellations and their distance from each other seem to be unchanged. This is explained by the fact that astronomical science appeared relatively recently. The stars during this time have not yet had time to change their apparent position in the sky. They move at great speeds in different directions, but they are so far from us that we do not notice this movement. According to scientists, it will be possible to notice it only after tens of thousands of years. (156 words)

Final control dictation

8th grade

Singer Russian forests

Enter the hall of the Tretyakov Gallery, where paintings by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin hang, and it will seem to you that the damp breath of the forest, the fresh wind of the fields have wafted in, it has become sunnier and brighter. In Shishkin's paintings, we see either an early morning in the forest after a forest storm, or the endless expanses of fields with a path running towards the horizon, or the mysterious twilight of a forest thicket. Contemporaries called Shishkin a forest hero. In these words there was both a friendly joke and respectful admiration. Indeed, none of the Russian landscape painters, except for Shishkin, could embody the power and beauty of the Russian forest in painting on such a grand scale. His paintings excite us with the touching love of the artist for everything that he sees in nature. The landscape painter also notices the red caps of mushrooms hidden in the grass, and circles on a sawn cut of a tree, branches of dried pine needles. He comprehends the beauty of the most seemingly ordinary things and objects. The picturesque language of Shishkin's landscapes is extremely precise and simple. His paintings resurrect impressions and images that are stored in our memory all our lives.

On the landscapes of Shishkin, the nature of Russia is presented in its everyday, familiar and natural appearance. (165 words)

Final control dictation

8th grade

On the lake

Beyond the roadside bush rose a mixed forest

On the left hand, black water gleamed from time to time. We were only waiting for the path to rush along it into the depths of the mysterious forest and find out what was there. And here is the path.

Before we had time to take two hundred steps along it, a boisterous, angry yelping of a little dog stopped us. Not far away stood the forester's hut.

The forester invited us into the house and wanted to dispose of the table. But we said that we did not need anything and that we turned off the main road solely to find out what kind of water glittered between the trees.

The water began about fifty paces from the threshold, but much lower than it, since the house stood on a hillock. The narrow boat on which we boarded was so light that, under the weight of four people, it sank to the very edges of the water. The lake of extraordinary beauty surrounded us. The dark green oaks and lindens that densely overgrown the lake shores were clearly reflected in the still water. Rare and clear, like stars, the cool flowers of white lilies rested on the water. Each flower was set off so sharply by the blackness of the lake glass that we usually noticed it two hundred, three hundred meters away. (175 words)

According to V. Soloukhin

Final control dictation

Grade 9

Meanwhile, before the eyes of the riders, a wide, endless plain, intercepted by a chain of hills, was already spreading out. Crowding and peering out from behind each other, these hills merge into a hill that stretches to the right from the road to the very horizon and disappears into the purple distance. You go and go and you can't make out where it starts and where it ends... The sun has already peeked out behind the horizon and quietly, without hassle, set to work. At first, far ahead, where the sky converges with the earth, near the mounds and the windmill, which from a distance looks like a little man waving his arms, a wide bright yellow strip crawled along the ground. A minute later the same streak lit up somewhat closer, crept to the right and engulfed the hills. Something warm touched Yegorushka's back: a streak of light, creeping up from behind, darted over the britzka and horses, rushed towards other streaks. And suddenly the whole wide steppe threw off the morning penumbra, smiled and sparkled with dew.

Harvested rye, weeds, euphorbia, wild hemp - everything turned brown from the heat, red and half-dead, now washed with dew and caressed by the sun, came to life to bloom again. (155 words)

(According to A.P. Chekhov)

Grammar tasks

1. Write out from the sentence

Option 1: The sun has already peeked out ... a phrase with the link AGREED.

2. option: And suddenly the whole wide steppe ... a phrase with the connection CONNECTION.

2. Find in the text

Option 1: sentences with separate definitions and underline them.

Option 2: sentences with isolated circumstances and underline them.

3. Make a scheme of a complex sentence, determine the type of subordinate clause, the type of subordination.

Option 1: First, far ahead ...

Option 2: You go, you go and nothing ....


Introductory control dictation in the Russian language in the 5th grade.

Summer thunderstorm.

Storm clouds rolled into the sky. The old forest is quiet. A strong gust of wind blew out from behind the tops of the trees, whirled the dust along the road, and sped away.

Heavy raindrops hit the leaves. Suddenly a wall of water hit the ground. Lightning flashes, thunder rumbles.

The summer storm passes quickly. It brightens, the distance clears up. The sky is blue. Above the field, above the forest, above the water surface, light steam floats.

The sun was already out, but the rain hadn't stopped yet. These are drops from trees and sparkle in the sun.

Grammar task:

1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: Storm clouds ran into the sky.

2. Parsing words by composition: water, passes, strong, trees, ran, turns blue.

3. Pick up single-root words:

They came running, thunderstorms, peaks, a wall, it is clearing up.


Control dictation for the first quarter in grade 5.


One day in late autumn I wandered through the forest until dark. The night was coming on. I built a hut under a large pine tree so that at night I would not shiver from the cold.

At dawn, the leaves rustled around me. A dry branch crackled. There was a slight crack.

I looked out of the hut. A round ball with prickly needles on its back ran past me. Hedgehog! He slipped under a low bush and fumbled there for a long time. Then he crawled out from under the bush and disappeared into the thicket of the forest.

Soon the hedgehog returned. I saw an apple on its thorns. He went to his hiding place and disappeared into it.

All morning the hedgehog dragged mushrooms and forest apples into the mink.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: I saw an apple on its thorns.
  2. analysis of words by composition: wandered, hedgehog, approached, rustled, bush.
  3. Phonetic analysis of the word: mushrooms.


Control dictation in grade 5 for the II quarter.

In the morning the boys and I went fishing. The sun has already illuminated the distant forest and the river with low banks. From the meadows the wind carried the sweet smell of flowers and the buzzing of bees. They hurried to harvest the honey harvest.

On the shore, the fishermen spread their fishing rods and waited for a good catch. By lunchtime, fish were splashing in my bucket.

But then a huge cloud appeared on the horizon. She quickly approached from behind the forest. The leaves of the bushes stirred anxiously, whispered. Slightly damp. It was getting darker. The birds were silent. Sharp gusts of wind charged the water and drove the leaves along the river. Torrential rain poured down.

We ran home, but we were soaked to the skin.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: Sharp gusts of wind charged the water and drove the leaves along the river.
  2. Analysis by composition: sweet, approaching, charged, torrential.
  3. Phonetic analysis of the word: fish


Control dictation for the III quarter in the 5th grade.

Snowballs are flying.

Winter has come. A cold wind blew from the north, and snowflakes fell from the sky. They spin in the air and fall to the ground - one is more beautiful than the other! Here is a flower with six petals, here is an asterisk with six rays, here is a plate with six sides! With a strong wind, their rays and edges break off, and white flowers and stars turn into snow dust.

Falling to the ground, snowflakes cling to each other and form flakes.

Layer after layer of snow falls on the ground, and each layer is loose at first, because the snowflakes do not lie tightly to each other.

Winter is coming, snowdrifts are growing, and the snow cover is gradually becoming dense.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: A cold wind blew from the north ...
  2. Analysis of words by composition: lies down, snowy, spinning, strong, falling.
  3. Morphological analysis of the noun: from the sky.


Final control dictation in grade 5

mushroom hike

At the end of summer, there are many mushrooms in the surrounding forests. And here we are in the forest. We decided to collect only porcini mushrooms, boletus and boletus. We went down the gentle slope of the hill, and we were surrounded by birch trees. Among them came across aspens and single pines.

Entire families of boletus mushrooms grew around the birches, which were located close to each other here. In the clearings on the green grass, bright caps of boletuses and yellow mushrooms stood out well.

We cut the mushrooms, carefully cleaned them from the ground. Soon we began to meet local mushroom pickers with heavy full baskets and buckets.

The wind played with birch and pine tops. It was quiet downstairs. We were tired, sat down under the trees, laid out our prey, and began to sort through the mushrooms.

Grammar task:

1. Perform parsing of sentences: Option 1 - We cut the mushrooms ... Option 2 - The wind played ...

2. Analysis of words by composition: collect, descended, surrounded, tops, birch.

3. Morphological analysis of the word: 1st option - (around) birches, 2nd option - white.

4. Phonetic analysis of the word - 1st option - pines, 2nd option - mushrooms.


Introductory control dictation in the Russian language in the 6th grade.

Titmouse and snowflakes.

I sat at the table in the upper room. I looked out the window and see that a titmouse is sitting on the wire. He sits and pulls his head to the left, then to the right. At the same time, her thin beak opens and closes. What is she doing?

I moved closer to the window. From above, white snowflakes slowly flew. I looked closer and saw that the titmouse was catching snowflakes in its mouth.

Here's a lazybones! She did not want to fly to the river. Or does she mistake snowflakes for midges and quench her thirst with them? No wonder people say about the first snowball: "White flies flew."

Summer is over. It's time to leave the village. This titmouse was the last of all the village living creatures that I met that summer.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

From above, white snowflakes slowly flew.

  1. In the first paragraph, determine the type of verbs.
  2. Analysis by composition: titmouse, head, flew.


Control dictation in Russian

in the 6th grade for the 1st quarter.

In the evening.

The evening light faded. The fog rolled in.

I decided to return home. With quick steps I passed through the thickets of bushes. At my feet stretched the plain, and beyond the wall rose the gloomy forest. I went down the hill. The tall grass was white as an even tablecloth. Bats flew over my head.

Where did I go? How to find the way?

I went out to the edge and went through the field. It was difficult to get through the narrow path. High rye grew all around. The night bird flew low and touched me with its wing. My footsteps resounded in the silence.

But in the evening sky the stars lit up. The new moon has glimmered. Now I recognized the way and thought that in an hour I would be at home.

Grammar task:

  1. Sentence parsing: Bats flew over my head.
  2. Analysis of words by composition: night, caught fire, turned white, rushed, evening.
  3. Phonetic analysis of the word night.


Control dictation in the 6th grade for the 2nd quarter.

The first snow falls in late autumn. He changes everything around. Fluffy snowflakes gently touch the ground, and she dresses in a dazzling outfit. Paths and roofs of houses turned white. Multi-colored sparks of hoarfrost light up, glitter. Leaden water darkens among the thickets of reeds.

What a beautiful birch grove! The twigs are covered with flakes, but snowflakes crumble at any touch. The Christmas tree has become like a bizarre snowman. On a smooth surface, traces of forest animals can be seen.

In the pre-winter days, one does not sit at home. People of all ages take to the hiking trails. Everyone wants to feel the freshness of the first frost, play snowballs.

"Hello winter!" people say happily.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: Fluffy snowflakes ...
  2. Morphological analysis of the noun: 1st option: snowflakes; Option 2: freshness
  3. Phonetic analysis: snow


Control dictation for the III quarter in the 6th grade on the topic "Numeral".

People have always sought to unravel the mystery of the depths of our planet. What is at the center of the earth? Why do earthquakes happen on Earth? Where are minerals found? Are the continents moving or standing still? Why do some areas of land rise and others fall? What is the age of our planet? What was the Earth like millions of years ago?

It's not easy to find out. And if you cut a well to the center of the Earth? Drilling is one of the methods for studying the earth's interior. It allows you to learn a lot about the structure of our planet. The deepest well does not exceed fifteen kilometers, and the distance from the surface to the center of the Earth is six thousand three hundred and seventy kilometers.

And yet, with the help of drilling, scientists realized that the temperature rises towards the center of the Earth. On average, for every hundred meters of depth, it increases by three degrees.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: People have always sought to unravel the mystery of the depths of our planet.

2. Analysis of words by composition: located, earthquakes, terrestrial, surfaces, rise.

3. Morphological analysis of the numeral: into three

4. Phonetic analysis of the word: stand


The final control dictation in the 6th grade.


Grammar task:

  1. Phonetic analysis: branches


Introductory control dictation in grade 7.


Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens whisper softly above you. Hanging birch branches barely move. A mighty oak stands next to a beautiful linden. You are driving down a narrow path. Large yellow flies hang motionless in the golden air and suddenly flock. Midges curl in a column, brighten in the shade, darken in the sun.

You are entering the forest. An inexplicable silence sinks into the soul, and around is so drowsy and quiet. The wind came up and the tops of the trees rustled. Tall grass grows in places through last year's foliage. Mushrooms stand in the roadside grass under their oil caps.

And how beautiful the forest is in late autumn! No bright sun, no traffic, no noise. Through the boughs of the trees the sky peacefully whitens. The last green leaves hang on the lindens. Tall dry blades of grass move quietly. Long threads glitter on the pale grass. The chest breathes calmly.

Grammar task:

  1. Analysis of the proposal: Big yellow flies hang motionless ...
  2. Analysis of words by composition: stately, turns white, long, last, last year.
  3. Morphological analysis of the noun: in the air
  4. Morphological analysis of the verb: darken


Control dictation for the 1st quarter in the 7th grade.

There are such warm days in autumn, when it seems that gentle summer comes back and warms the chilled nature.

The air is cool and fresh in the morning. Light frosts crunch, and fallen leaves lie on the ground covered with hoarfrost.

And during the day it hosts and warms the sun. Light clouds float in the deep blue of the sky. That special mysterious silence reigns all around, which happens only in autumn.

The whole forest, dressed up in autumn colors, is festively beautiful. A birch forest shines with a yellow carpet, ruddy clusters of mountain ash attract birds to them.

Birds leaving their homeland are drawn to the south, to warmth, to the sun, and animals change into winter coats. Eager activity is developed by squirrels and chipmunks, preparing food for the winter. They will not be afraid of winter cold.

The tread of autumn is visible in everything, but the ground is not yet covered with snow.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: Light frosts crunch ...
  2. Analysis of words by composition: dressed up, leaving, winter, warms.
  3. Phonetic analysis of the word - tread.


Control dictation in grade 7 for the 2nd quarter

Vasyutka on the Yenisei

The boy wandered through the taiga, almost falling from fatigue. Suddenly, the forest parted, revealing before him the sloping bank of the Yenisei. Vasyutka even took his breath away - so beautiful, so wide was his native river. And before she seemed to him ordinary and not very friendly.

From joy Vasyutka began to jump, tossing sand in handfuls.

Suddenly Vasyutka woke up, and was even somewhat embarrassed, looked around. But there was no one and nowhere, and he began to decide where to go: up or down the Yenisei?

Vasyutka looks up and down the river. The shores stretch towards each other, they want to close and are lost in space.

Smoke appeared in the upper reaches of the river. The ship is coming. Long wait for him.

The ship was getting closer and closer.

It was littered with figurines of passengers. Vasyutka rushed about on the shore. Someone noticed him and waved.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of 1-2 sentences.
  2. Analysis of words by composition: friendly, looking, steamer, lost, down, appeared.
  3. The morphological analysis of the adverb is unexpected.


Control dictation in the 7th grade for the 4th quarter.

Autumn in the cedar forest.

In autumn it is noisy in the cedar forest. Accumulating fat, bears roam the forest. Chipmunks, making supplies for the winter, bustle from dawn to dusk. Even predators feast on pine nuts. Looking for other people's reserves, they rummage through the cedar forest, leaving prints of their paws on the green moss. Nuts are not good for one nutcracker. She eats them greedily and a lot, but she never gets fat. Having plucked a bump and stuffed the goiter with nuts, the nutcracker sometimes carries them very far. There she hides the nuts in the moss, between the stones and returns to the forest for a new portion.

Once we had to watch how the Nutcracker peeled a cone and hid the nuts. She flew by with a bump in her beak, then sat down on a stone and began to deftly tear off the husk, swallowing nut after nut. Having finished with the cone, the nutcracker made several jumps, looked at us in surprise, and, regurgitating the nuts, clumsily covered them with moss.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: There she hides nuts in the moss ...
  2. Analysis of words by composition: peeled, cedar, takes away, sat down, looked.
  3. Morphological analysis of the verb: hides
  4. Phonetic analysis: nuts


Control dictation for the 3rd quarter in the 7th grade


The first sailors who saw penguins in Antarctica almost mistook them for a crowd of people dressed in tailcoats and snow-white shirt-fronts.

Scientists specially came to the harsh Antarctica to learn more about these unusual birds.

Penguins are remarkably adapted to harsh conditions. They feed on fish and squid.

In icy water, their clumsy body turns into a swift flexible torpedo. Sometimes the penguin is so accelerated that it flies out of the water onto the ice, like a pebble from a slingshot.

On the polar night, penguin mothers bring a large egg into the house, and penguin fathers carry it for two months. But mothers also take care: they store food. If it is necessary to give a precious egg to a penguin, the father quickly rolls it out into the snow, and the mother just as quickly hides it in a warm nest on her stomach.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of sentences: The first sailors who saw penguins in Antarctica almost mistook them for a crowd of people dressed in tailcoats and snow-white shirt-fronts.
  2. Analysis of words by composition: sailors, snow-white, turns, pebble, rolls out, precious, nest.
  3. Morphological analysis of the union: to.


Final control dictation in grade 7.


It gets dark quickly in the taiga. Still, the darkness took us by surprise. Parting the heavy thorny branches and groping for the next bump with our feet, we moved forward. It was completely dark, but there was no escape from the voracious mosquitoes and midges flying around us, just like during the day.

The whole day we walked down the river, but the river disappeared into the darkness somewhere to the left, and we had to go at random. Fortunately, the nearest hunting hut, in which we expected to spend the night, was not far away. And indeed, when we single-handedly crossed a narrow perch thrown across a swampy forest stream, and climbed uphill, we found ourselves in front of a hut.

Without wasting a minute, rejoicing in our hearts that our calculation was justified and we got to the place at the right time, we tirelessly chopped needles, sawed small branches with a hacksaw and laid them crosswise. So our odorous, but not very soft bed is ready! My comrade no longer looks frowningly and even begins to read the verses that he once learned by heart, first in a whisper, and then in a voice, not at all suspecting how ridiculous he is at that moment.

With a quiet rustle, the wind shakes the tops of the old cedars, as if foreshadowing rain tomorrow, and somewhere in the distance some night bird calls.

Grammar task:

  1. The whole day we walked down the river, but the river disappeared into the darkness somewhere to the left, and we had to go at random.
  2. Analysis of words by composition: swinging, chopped, huts, pushing apart, forest, night.
  3. Morphological analysis of the word: flying.
  4. Phonetic analysis of the word: bird.


Introductory control dictation in grade 8.

In the mountains.

A slightly noticeable path winds along the steep slope of the mountain and goes to the left. At first it is not very difficult to walk along it, but then the ascent becomes steeper, and our path is harder. Thickets of some tenacious shrubs are very disturbing. Increasingly, large blocks of gray granite come across. They are randomly piled on top of each other and seem impassable. However, in the most difficult places, someone carefully laid the thick trunks of fallen trees. We pass over them, almost without fear of heights, as if on bridges.

But now the last obstacle is behind us, and we are at the top of the mountain. The view from here is wonderful. Never seen such a breathtaking picture. To the east goes a narrow valley, immersed in the greenery of gardens. A little to the left, the blue expanse of the lake glitters in the sun among the hills. To the right are the snow caps of distant peaks. And above everything - a blue, clear sky!

Grammar task:

  1. Analysis of the proposal: However, in the most difficult places ...
  2. Analysis of words by composition: noticeable, come across, last, wonderful, pass.
  3. Morphological analysis: glitters
  4. Phonetic analysis of the word: surface


Control dictation for the 1st quarter in the 8th grade.

In the animal world, we have likes and dislikes. Nobody likes crocodiles. This huge water-dwelling pangolin has a small brain but powerful jaws and a muscular tail that can break the legs of an adult antelope.

The crocodile is a skilled hunter. For hours, he can lie motionless in the water, sticking out only his nostrils and bulging eyes to the surface. As soon as someone approaches a watering hole and loses vigilance from thirst, he instantly rushes to the victim. In Africa, it is most often antelopes.

The size of the crocodile's prey is not at all embarrassing. On land, he does not finish her off, but drags her into the water and drowns her. The predator will not immediately tear the victim, but will place it behind a snag or in a cave dug for this in the shore under water, and wait until the prey is "wet".

The stomach of a crocodile is an infernal chemical plant that digests everything: wool, horns, hooves. Even iron hooks are gradually corroded in his stomach.

Crocodile does not avoid sushi. His favorite occupation is to bask on the sandy shore of the reservoir. In case of obvious danger, he rushes into the water, bending his body, throwing his hind legs far forward.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: The crocodile is a skilled hunter.
  2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: In case of obvious danger, he rushes into the water, bending his body, throwing his hind legs far forward.
  3. Analysis of words by composition: break, iron, bending, rushing, motionless.
  4. Phonetic analysis of the word: hooks.


Control dictation in grade 8 for the 2nd quarter.

Honor and glory.

Young soldier Teterin. He serves in a security company at an important military facility. When they began to bomb Moscow, the security company received a new task - to fight fires from incendiary bombs.

One September night, Teterin had to keep watch on the roof of a large building. Night. There are no lights on the streets. Silence. Cold. Sleepy. And suddenly something very close whistled. There was a crack. Broke the roof. Teterin rushed to the hole in the roof and jumped into the attic. There is a fascist bomb in the attic. Brighter and brighter, scattering fiery splashes to the sides, it flared up.

Teterin froze, looked around. We need sand and a shovel. Yes, there was no sand nearby. No shovel either. The soldier began to trample the bomb with his boots. Yes, you will drown. He covered it with a helmet. Small soldier's helmet. You can't cover a bomb with it. Again, the soldier was paralyzed for a second. And suddenly he fell on his chest, fell on a bomb, pressed his body with a soldier's. Teterin extinguished the fascist bomb. Saved a military facility from a fire.

When the soldier was taken to the hospital, Teterin heard the commander's words: "Our Teterin is a hero!"

Yes, it is not the service of a soldier that paints. The service is painted by a soldier. The brave is respected everywhere. Honor and glory to the brave.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: Teterin rushed to the break in the roof ...
  2. Determine the type of one-part sentences:



Yes, you will drown.

When the soldier was taken to the hospital.

I won't say much.

Broke the roof.



Control dictation for the 3rd quarter in the 8th grade.

The path, winding along the slope, led down to Bystrica. The river in this place receded, making a bend. To the left, along the entire slope, there were about two dozen oaks and aspens - all that was left of the forest, which, judging by the stumps that blackened in the meadow, had only recently come close to the village. The meadow in this river bend is swampy, the lowland is overgrown with sedge in places, and rusty water oozes from under the turf.

Tutaev crossed the bend and went out to Rattle. This dry valley ravine begins in the forest, behind the village. It thunders and rages only at the time of spring floods, and now, in the middle of June, only limestone slabs, washed by rains and spring waters, turned white at the bottom of the ravine. As soon as Tutaev crossed the ravine, dampness and forest coolness breathed on him. On the hillock, centuries-old oaks grew spaciously, without interfering with each other. Trunks in two girths, curly branches thrown high, proudly, and there, in the sky, the crowns close into a single green tent. Apparently, only out of respect for these green beauties, the men stopped cutting down the forest further. Now, under the protection of oaks, birches, aspens, and maples crowded along the ravines.

Finally, the light came on ahead. Parting the bird cherry bushes with his hands, Semyon Semyonovich went out to the very shore. Afraid of hurting himself during the descent, Tutaev decided to go further. Above, about two hundred meters, was the Znamensky pool.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: Pushing the bird cherry bushes with your hands ... Determine the parts of speech in the sentence.
  2. Analysis of words by composition: blackened, swampy, bend, centuries-old, pass, apparently.


Final control dictation in grade 8.

Unknown estate.

One day, returning home, I accidentally wandered into some unfamiliar estate. The sun was already hiding, and evening shadows were stretched on the flowering rye. Two rows of old, closely planted firs stood, forming a beautiful alley. I climbed over the hedge and walked along it, gliding over the spruce needles. It was quiet and dark, and only on the peaks here and there a bright golden light trembled and shimmered like a rainbow in the webs of a spider. I turned down a long linden alley. Here, too, desolation and old age. Last year's leaves rustled underfoot. To the right, in an old orchard, an oriole sang in a weak voice, probably also old. But now the limes are gone. I passed a house with a terrace, and suddenly a wonderful view opened up in front of me: a wide pond with a bath, a village on the other side, a high narrow bell tower. A cross burned on it, reflecting the setting sun. For a moment I felt the charm of something familiar, very familiar.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: It was quiet and dark ...
  2. Analysis of words by composition: unfamiliar, rustled, wonderful, bell tower, last year.
  3. Morphological analysis of the word: coming
  4. Phonetic analysis of the word: view


Introductory control dictation in grade 9.

In front of me was a gray desert field. One guard mound stood in the distance and vigilantly guarded the plains. It was cold and windy in the steppe in the morning. The wind, drying the ruts of the road, rustled last year's weeds. Behind me, to the west, a ridge of chalk mountains was picturesquely drawn on the horizon. Darkening with patches of forests, like old, dull silver, she was drowning in the morning mist. The wind blowing towards me chilled my face. The steppe captivated, capturing the soul, filling it with a sense of joy.

Behind the mound flashed a hollow, round, filled with spring water. There is something pure and cheerful about these April swamps. Voiced lapwings hover above them, gray wagtails run along its banks, leaving their star-shaped traces on the silt. In the water, shallow, transparent, clear azure and white clouds of the spring sky are reflected.

The mound was wild, not yet touched by a plow.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic parsing of the sentence:
  1. Analysis of words by composition: deserted, sonorous, gray, run across.
  2. morphological analysis of the word: rustled.
  3. phonetic analysis of the word: face.


Control dictation for the 1st quarter in the 9th grade.

Polar birch.

Wandering through the open thawed patches in the reviving tundra, I ended up in a whole "birch grove". Under my feet, looking for protection from the cold, tiny polar birches crawled along the ground. The height of the trees barely reached ten or twelve centimeters, but they were real birch trees with swollen spring buds ready to bloom.

With difficulty, I pulled a gnarled tree, which was firmly rooted, covered with buds, from the ground and put it in a bag. At home, I put the tree in a bottle of water, and after a few days, in the warmth, the buds began to bloom trustingly. Tender green leaves folded like an accordion appeared from them, and the whole plant suddenly revived. It was a real spring birch with tiny round and serrated leaves the size of a fly's wing. The tree smelled of an ordinary birch, and this familiar smell of spring especially reminded me of my homeland, childhood, the blossoming forest and my favorite spring hunt.

Grammar task:

Find the basics in the sentence and draw diagrams:

  1. At home, I put the tree in a bottle of water...
  2. Tender green leaves folded like an accordion appeared from them ...
  3. Analysis of words by composition: blooming, leaves, tiny, wing, quickened.
  4. Phonetic analysis of the word cold.


Control dictation in grade 9 for the 2nd quarter.

Snow coat.

If in spring, summer and autumn water vapor turns into rain, then in winter, on frosty days, they freeze and fall to the ground in the form of beautiful snowflakes, which in appearance and shape resemble various regular shapes. The quieter the frosty weather, the more beautiful and more correct in shape the falling snowflakes. When there is a strong wind, their rays and edges break off, and white flowers and stars turn into snow dust. Layer after layer of snow falls on the ground. Each new layer is loose, because there is always a lot of air between the snowflakes. 4

And who wondered why the snow crunches underfoot? 4 And it crunches because, under the weight of our body, stars and rays break off from the snowflakes.

When frost hits after the thaw, a hard crust forms on the snow, which is called the crust. At this time, it is difficult to move through the snow.

A snow coat is very important for the land, as it protects crops from the cold and helps fight drought. 4

Grammar task:

Find the main and subordinate clauses, determine the type of the subordinate clause (in the text of the sentence at number 4).


Control dictation for the 3rd quarter in the 9th grade.

It's been more than three hours since I joined the boys. The moon has risen at last; I did not immediately notice it: it was so small and narrow. Many stars have already bowed to the dark edge of the earth, which until recently stood high in the sky; everything was completely quiet all around, as usual, everything calms down only towards morning: everything slept in a strong, motionless, pre-dawn sleep. The air no longer smelled so strongly: dampness seemed to be spreading in it again.

A fresh stream ran down my face. I opened my eyes: the morning was beginning. The pale gray sky grew lighter, colder, bluer; the stars now twinkled with a faint light, then disappeared; the earth became damp, the leaves were sweaty, in some places living sounds and voices began to be heard. I quickly got up and went over to the boys: they were all asleep; Pavel alone raised himself halfway up and looked intently at me.

Before I had time to move two miles away, scarlet, red, golden streams of young, hot light poured around me. Large drops of dew blushed everywhere; towards me, clean and clear, as if washed with coolness, the sounds of a bell came, and suddenly a herd rushed past me, driven by familiar boys.

Grammar task:

Syntactic analysis of the sentence: Large drops of dew blushed everywhere ...


Final control dictation in grade 9.


The night was dark. Although the moon had risen, it was hidden by thick clouds that covered the horizon. Perfect silence reigned in the air. Not the slightest breeze rippled the smooth surface of the sleeping river, which quickly and silently rolled its waters to the sea. In some places, only a slight splash was heard near the steep bank from a lump of earth that separated and fell into the water. Sometimes a duck flew over us, and we heard a quiet but sharp whistle of its wings. Sometimes the catfish floated to the surface of the water, stuck out its ugly head for a moment and, whipping its tail along the jets, sank into the depths. Everything is quiet again.

Suddenly, a dull, drawn-out roar is heard and does not go away for a long time, as if frozen in a silent night. This deer wanders far, far away and calls the female. The hunter's heart trembles at this sound, and before his eyes a proud horn is clearly drawn, quietly making its way through the reeds.

The boat, meanwhile, glides imperceptibly, propelled by the careful strokes of the oars. The tall, motionless figure of Stepan looms indistinctly on the horizon. His white long oar moves inaudibly back and forth and only occasionally is transferred from one side of the boat to the other.

Grammar task:

  1. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: The hunter's heart trembles at this sound, and before his eyes a proud horn is clearly drawn, quietly making its way through the reeds.
  2. Analysis of words by composition: moved, passes, quietly, silent, surface.
  3. Morphological analysis of the sacrament: making its way.
  4. Phonetic analysis of the word: clear.

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