Download presentation on the Black Sea theme. This is our beautiful sea the name of the sea in antiquity. a legend is known: when the brave Greek sailors sailed into the Black Sea, it met them. Which mollusk feeds on oil and is able to filter out polluted

Presentation on the topic "Black Sea" in geography in powerpoint format. In this presentation for schoolchildren, the most important questions concerning the study of the Black Sea: its origin, nature, significance for human activity and ecology. Presentation author: Kuskova Anastasia.

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The Black Sea is the warmest and friendliest of our seas, the inland sea of ​​the basin Atlantic Ocean in the south of Russia. The surface of the Black Sea is the water border between Europe and Asia.

Origin of the Black Sea name

There are several versions about the name of the sea Black. According to one of them, the sea is so named as a result of its storminess - and storms here are severe up to 8 points. During such a storm, the color of the water away from the coast becomes black, and the destructive force of the waves fully justifies its name. According to another theory, the sea is so named because metal objects lowered on great depth, and then raised to the surface become black, for example, anchors. There is also a mythological theory. It is connected with the idea of ​​the Eastern peoples about the color of the cardinal points. According to these ideas, everything that is in the south is white and red, and in the north - black. This theory is confirmed at the present time - the Turks still call the Black Sea Kara Deniz - the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, the color of the water of which is much darker than the Black Sea - Ak Deniz - the White Sea, only because it is located to the south. United scientific theory on this issue no

Origin of the Black Sea Basin

Geologically, the Black Sea is young. The origin of the basin is attributed to the end Quaternary period when the mountains of the Crimea, the Caucasus and Asia Minor were formed. Along the edges of the depression now continue to move earth's crust followed by earthquakes

Nature of the Black Sea

  • The climate is mild Mediterranean subtropical.
  • Vegetable world- green, brown and red algae, phytoplankton
  • Only hydrogen sulfide bacteria live in the deep layers.
  • There are a lot of fish in the upper layer of the Black Sea.

Importance of the Black Sea

The significance of the Black Sea is great: fishing, shipping, strategic and military importance. Novorossiysk is the largest port in Russia, and Black Sea coast Caucasus is the most important recreational area in the south of Russia.


  • Over the last 15 years ecological situation worsened in the Black Sea.
  • The main type of Black Sea pollution is oil products.
  • The construction of new oil terminals, the operation of the Blue Stream gas pipeline, the construction of an ammonia pipeline, roads and facilities to Olympic Games in Sochi.

The Black Sea is frozen

  • The northwestern Black Sea near Odessa froze for the first time in 30 years as a result of anomalous cold weather established in the region. The thickness of the ice on the beaches, according to the ScanEx engineering and technology center, already exceeds 40 centimeters.
  • According to satellite data, as of February 7, the northwestern part of the Black Sea is covered with ice for 13 kilometers from the coast, and small "icebergs" can be observed 100 meters from the coast. Rescuers from Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine announced yellow and orange danger levels on the coasts, urging the population not to go out on the ice. The work of Ukrainian seaports has been suspended until February 15.
  • An ice miracle formed during severe frosts in Odessa, never ceases to amaze. The crust of ice on the sea extends for hundreds of meters. Mini-icebergs formed off the coast. They rub against each other and against the piers and emit a frightening creak. It is also interesting to watch how the sea "breathes" - waves still try to break through under the ice. Then the ice crust begins to move, as if something is melting under it.

BLACK SEA Presentation by a student of 9 "A" class MOU secondary school No. 18 Gnuskina Alena Basic data on geography and hydrology of the Black Sea The greatest depth of the Black Sea The greatest distance from coast to coast 2212 m The length of the coastline 4340 km The volume of the Black Sea 550 000 km3 Sea surface area 423 000 km2 Drainage basin area Surface water salinity Sea depth temperature (deeper than 150 m) Oxygen-free zone boundary 2,300,000 km2 17‰ 9oC 140-200 m 1200 km There are few islands in the Black Sea. The largest island is Dzharylgach, its area is 62 km². The highest point is 2 m. The rest of the islands are much smaller, the largest ones are Berezan and Serpentine (both with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 1 km²). The shores of the Black Sea are scarcely indented and mainly in its northern part. The only large Crimean peninsula. The following largest rivers flow into the Black Sea: the Danube, the Dnieper, the Dniester, as well as the smaller Mzymta, Psou, Bzyb, Rioni, Kodori (Kodor), Inguri (in the east of the sea), Chorokh, Kyzyl-Irmak, Ashli-Irmak, Sakarya ( in the south), Southern Bug (in the north). In the Black Sea, due to its desalination by rivers, there are two masses, two layers of water, which mix weakly with each other. The mountain river The Main Black Sea Current is directed counterclockwise along the entire perimeter of the sea, forming two noticeable rings (“Knipovich glasses”, named after one of the hydrologists who described these currents). The climate of the Black Sea, due to its mid-continental position, is mainly continental. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the southern coast of Crimea are protected by mountains from cold northern winds and, as a result, have a mild Mediterranean subtropical climate. The waters of the Black Sea are not subject to freezing. The water temperature does not drop below +8 °C The Black Sea is an important transportation area, as well as one of the largest resort regions in Eurasia. The largest port cities on the Black Sea: Novorossiysk, Sochi, Tuapse (Russia) Burgas, Varna (Bulgaria) Batum, Poti (Georgia) Sukhum (Abkhazia / Georgia) Constanta (Romania) Samsun, Trabzon (Turkey) Odessa, Evpatoria, Ilyichevsk , Yuzhny, Kerch, Sevastopol, Yalta (Ukraine) A characteristic feature of the Black Sea is the complete absence of life at depths of more than 150-200 m due to the saturation of the deep layers of water with hydrogen sulfide. Dense thickets of brown alga cystoseira begin right from the water's edge. Red algae Laurensia Red algae Callitamnion corymbose Enteromorpha Flora of the sea includes 270 species of multicellular green, brown, red bottom algae Ceramium ciliary Ulva algae Brown algae Scytosiphon Cladostephus and corallina 2.5 thousand species inhabit the Black Sea. animal species (of which 500 species are unicellular, 160 species of vertebrates - fish and mammals, 500 species of crustaceans, 200 species of molluscs, the rest are invertebrates of various species). Bottlenose dolphin Marble crab Glossa plaice Palemon shrimp cold water the presence of hydrogen sulfide at great depths. Dolphins are the only whales that are found in the Black Sea Amphipod crustaceans Spirorbis Greenfinch Rulena Barnacle - sphinx Troeper Sphynx mullet Black Sea seahorse Stone crab Black Sea shells mollusks of solid soils of the Black Sea Dangerous animals of the Black Sea dragon The history of the Black Sea shows that man is much more dangerous for the sea and its inhabitants than they are for him. Children often ask - do crabs bite? They do not bite, but pinch - not with teeth, which they do not have, but with pincers. And only when we ourselves try to grab them. Large marble crab, or a stone crab can pinch a finger very painfully; if he nevertheless grabbed you, do not pull him - you will tear off the claw. Crabs release their legs and claws, just like lizards release their tail. Better to just leave him alone, he will unhook himself. Every year in all countries of the Black Sea region the International Black Sea Day is celebrated. MATERIALS FROM THE INTERNET WERE USED IN THE PRESENTATION / /

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History of the Black Sea Each sea, like each person, has its own image, character, habits, and finally, history. The Black Sea has much to be proud of. Over millions of years, it has repeatedly changed its appearance: it became either a lake or a sea. And it all started like this ... *

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History of the Black Sea Tens of millions of years ago, in the area of ​​the modern seas of the Mediterranean, Marmara, Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral, the bay of the ancient huge Tetis Sea stretched. *

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History of the Black Sea The bay consisted of two parts, western and eastern. The western part was salty, and the eastern part was desalinated, since many rivers flowed into it. Terrible, monstrous prehistoric fish and lizards reigned in its depths. *

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The history of the Black Sea in diagrams * As a result of the formation of giant mountain ranges, the Tethys Ocean broke up. On the site of the current Black Sea, a closed, freshwater Sarmatian Sea-lake was formed, and it was during this period that freshwater flora and fauna developed in it, the remains of which have survived to this day. Crimea and the Caucasus were islands in the Sarmatian Sea. Later, a connection with the ocean reappeared, the salty Meotic Sea formed, it was inhabited by marine animals and plants; at that time there were even huge whales here - now paleontologists dig up their skeletons, etc.

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History of the Black Sea Last modified sea ​​occurred about 8 thousand years ago and was catastrophic. The strongest earthquake split the land. The modern Bosphorus arose. *

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History of the Black Sea Huge masses of salty Mediterranean water rushed into the Black Sea basin, causing the death of a huge number of freshwater inhabitants. So many of them died that the decomposition of the remains of their organisms in the depths of the sea, devoid of oxygen, created the initial supply of hydrogen sulfide, which continues to exist to this day. The Black Sea became the "Sea of ​​the Dead Depths". * Map of the Black Sea 1590

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The history of the Black Sea Historians believe that this whole cataclysm took place before the eyes of a person who lived here. Are these events flood? After all, as you know, Noah moored his ark to Caucasian mountain Ararat, which then could well look like an island in a raging stream at the confluence of two seas. *

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recent history Black Sea * Now nature has taken a time out. There is only a very slow uplift of the mountains surrounding the sea - a few centimeters per century. The mountains are growing, but the sea is advancing. Moreover, it comes faster than mountains rise - 20-25 centimeters per century. It would seem a little, but the ancient cities of Taman have already disappeared at the bottom of the sea.

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Short story Peoples of the Black Sea * The emerald waters of the Black Sea keep the memory of great peoples and great achievements. In ancient times, the legendary Argonauts sailed the Black Sea in search of the Golden Fleece.

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Why is the sea called Black? * Exists whole line hypotheses regarding the reasons for the emergence of such a name: Turks and other conquerors who tried to conquer the population of the sea coast met a fierce rebuff from the Circassians, Adyghes and other tribes, for which they called the Karadengiz sea - Black, inhospitable.

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Why is the sea called Black? * Another reason, according to some researchers, may be the fact that during storms the water in the sea becomes very dark. However, storms in the Black Sea are not very frequent, and the water darkens during storms in all the seas of the earth.

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Why is the sea called Black? * Another hypothesis of the origin of the name is based on the fact that metal objects (for example, anchors) lowered into the sea water deeper than 150 meters long time, covered with a black coating due to the action of hydrogen sulfide.

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Why is the sea called Black? * One of the most common hypotheses is the assumption that the name is associated with memories of the breakthrough of the Bosphorus 7500-5000 years ago, which resulted in a catastrophic rise in sea level by almost 100 meters, which in turn led to the flooding of a vast shelf zone and the formation of the Azov seas.

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Why is the sea called Black? * Exists Turkish legend, according to which a heroic sword rests in the waters of the Black Sea, which was thrown there at the request of the dying wizard Ali. Because of this, the sea is worried, trying to splash out of its depths deadly weapon and is dyed black.

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Flora and fauna of the Black Sea * The flora of the Black Sea includes 270 species of multicellular green, brown, red bottom algae.

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Flora and fauna of the Black Sea Far East. Numerous crabs live in the crevices of the coastal rocks and among the stones, there are shrimps, there are different kinds jellyfish (cornerot and aurelia are the most common), sea anemones, sponges.

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