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The skill of using a spoon in the process of eating is the very first self-service skill that a baby will have to learn. Parents turn to feeding their baby with a spoon when they begin to introduce the first complementary foods with porridge or mashed potatoes. In most cases, this happens in . At this age, children are not yet able to eat with a spoon on their own. And if they hold this cutlery correctly, then they cannot feed themselves. Therefore, parents will have to be patient and calm until their baby learns to use a spoon. Our advice and recommendations will help moms and dads quickly and easily accustom their kids to a spoon.

  1. To feed the baby, you need to choose the “right” spoon: it should be shallow, rubberized, comfortable. On the shelves of children's supermarkets, you can easily find similar cutlery. And sales consultants will tell you which model is better to choose in accordance with the age of the child.
  2. Do not let your baby play with the spoon, but do not miss the opportunity to offer him to hold it at each feeding. The child must clearly learn the causal relationship “spoon-food”.
  3. Show by your own example how to properly handle this cutlery. Be sure to say the name of the subject ( "It's a spoon") and its purpose ( “They eat porridge, mashed potatoes, soup”).
  4. At first, the child must master the ability to correctly and confidently hold a spoon in his hand. The peanut will knock the spoon on the table, push it into his mouth, but just do not use it for its intended purpose. This is fine. Let the baby get to know this cutlery better.
  5. Only after that you can invite him to try to grab porridge or mashed potatoes with a spoon(this action is usually successful in 8-9 months).
  6. Children's first handling of a spoon is always uncertain. The kid can scatter half of the contents, get dirty, carry past the mouth. In no case do not scold him for this!
  7. The best thing a mother can do when teaching a child to use a spoon is to be tolerant of his little failures and rejoice at the first successes. Help the baby in this difficult task for him, gently guide his pen at every stage - from scooping up porridge to sending it to his mouth. The child should feel your help and support. And such interaction with his mother will be not only useful for him, but also very pleasant.
  8. If the baby has learned to grab the porridge with a spoon and direct it to the mouth, there is no need to rush him. Give the little one time. Sometimes self-meal can be delayed. Be patient! And soon the uncertain movements of the baby will become neat and precise.
  9. Remember that for a child, using a spoon is a process that requires concentration, effort, and coordination of movements. Therefore, such a thing can quickly tire him. Let the little one take a break (at this point, you can offer him a drink or wipe his soiled cheeks).
  10. Eat more meals with your child. Put him in a highchair, put a plate of porridge in front of him, arm the child with cutlery, and sit next to him. The child, seeing your manipulations, will imitate them. In addition, he will know - mom does the same! Psychologists believe that the visibility of actions not only contributes to the rapid development of the skill, but also causes a sense of trust in the child.

Do not forget that before the baby learns to carefully use a spoon, more than one month will pass. For him, this new and complex skill means much more than simple self-care. This is a new stage in its development!

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 03/27/2019

The kid is growing, and parents are proud to watch how every day he becomes more active and independent. The child wants to try to do everything without the help of adults - he grabs a bottle and drinks from it, takes his favorite toys out of the basket and then throws them back.

Also, the first attempts at independence relate to the process of eating. A discarded bowl of soup, smeared porridge, mashed potatoes on the head, clothes and hands - such pictures mother sees every day.

Of course, young parents lose patience with the constant dressing and washing of the child's things, and therefore strive to teach the child to eat on his own. In most cases, children happily grab a spoon and try to imitate adults - they scoop up porridge with it and carry it to their mouths. And sometimes the process of eating on your own with a spoon for a baby can be delayed, much to the bewilderment and regret of adults.

The peanut shows the first effective attempts to eat on its own at the age of 1 year; by the age of 1.5, usually all children eat relatively carefully with a spoon.

Experts advise to accustom babies to a spoon after 10 months, but not really hoping for success.

Which spoon should be chosen for the crumbs?

One of the most important questions in the learning process is which spoon to give preference to? The following types are usually used: silver, special rubber, anatomical or tea. All are good in their own way and each has its drawbacks, but as practice shows, it is best to teach a child to eat on his own with a plastic spoon. Such spoons are light, compact, bright and colorful. When a baby sees a bright spoon, he perceives it as an object of play, and will be happy to try to eat with such a spoon.

When children get older, experts advise them to choose ordinary tablespoons made of iron.

Of course, there are a lot of tips from grandmothers and girlfriends, rules and recommendations in specialized literature, as well as a video posted on the Internet on how to teach a child to eat on their own. But most importantly, every mother should remember: all children are different, the schedules for the development and knowledge of the world around the kids are individual.

Therefore, in their attempts to teach the child to eat on their own, all mothers must be patient. Today the child throws a spoon or plays with it, and tomorrow he confidently holds it in his hands and makes the first successes. All moms should try to show their talent and arm themselves with perseverance and patience before she picks up the approach to the baby and can teach him to eat properly.

A great incentive to take a spoon in your hands and try to eat without help is the presence of the whole family at the dinner table. Adults should be sympathetic to a long meal, because often joint dinners for young children are not a satisfying hunger, but a time when you can play and chat with loved ones. It's also wise to allow your baby to eat off their parents' plates, as long as they use a spoon.

It often happens that the science of teaching a toddler to a spoon is not always simple and easy. You can slowly take a small hand along with a spoon in your hand and gently guide it to the baby's mouth. In no case should you force a child and put him in any framework.

Nutrition experts have long proven that any violence during meals negatively affects the digestion and psyche of a person, especially children.

It is important to accustom the child to a spoon when the child is really hungry and wants to eat. In the desire to satisfy his hunger, he will not be indulging in food, and the hungry state will be a good incentive to learn how to eat with a spoon.

You should also not miss the moment when the child is full and begins to grab food with his hands or smear it on the table. It is necessary to immediately stop such actions and remove the plate with a spoon.

Eating with a spoon is the best way to teach a child his favorite dishes, which invariably arouse his special delight and interest. An important point is the consistency of the cooked dish. The food should be easily scooped up with a spoon, not be too liquid or hard. Accordingly, it can be cereals, thick soups, children's cottage cheese.

Essential in the study will be the observance of the feeding regimen. Even if the baby still does not quite know how to use a spoon, you should immediately give it to him in his hands as soon as he sits down at the table.

Experienced mothers practice this way of learning how to handle a spoon as eating “two spoons”. One spoon is in the handle of the baby and he tries to eat to the best of his ability, and the other carefully feeds his mother.

Almost all pediatricians who have published books on child care, including Dr. Komarovsky, emphasize that in the beginning, when the child is just learning such an object as a spoon, the mother should feed him the main dish herself. Well, a delicious dessert, you can offer to try to eat it yourself. Especially, this applies to those mothers who are worried that after using the spoon on their own, the child will remain hungry.

Also, a variety of popular methods of raising children (methods of Montessori, Doman and others) convincingly argue that the child must be given freedom and choice of actions. Therefore, when adults impose a spoon against the wishes of the crumbs, this can lead to an increase in the period of getting used to it.

Neatness and good table manners

At first, you can not remember the good manners and accuracy of the child at the table, the process of mastering independent food does not contribute to their development. Starting from 2-3 years of age, a mother should slowly teach her child how to behave at the table, gently and patiently explain what behavior at the table is acceptable and which is not. Remember, accuracy and good manners are a matter of time. It is quite possible to teach this.

A spoon is one of the first tools that a baby begins to use "for its intended purpose." For a child, this is a very serious matter - to learn to eat on their own, and one cannot do without the help of an adult.

At what age a child learns to eat independently, first of all depends on the parents. The more they take care of the baby, the slower he learns new skills. And vice versa, a baby, whom his mother does not limit in his desire for independence and supports him in everything, will quickly master this difficult task.

When teaching a child the skills of independent use of a spoon, parents need to be patient. Feedings will take longer than usual, and the learning process will take more than one day. We must prepare for the fact that while eating, the baby will dirty not only himself, but everything around him. After each meal, you will have to wipe the table, floor, hands and face of the child smeared with food. But this is not a reason to abandon the goal and return to spoon-feeding.

When should you start teaching your child to eat on their own?

Children master the skill of using a spoon at different speeds, but, as a rule, by the age of 1–1.5 years they already begin to eat on their own.

Independence in eating is first manifested in a child at the moment when he himself begins to eat cookies, crackers, bread. At the next stage of its development, the baby begins to take food from the plate with his hands. In no case should you scold him for this - this is a kind of training: he takes food with his hands and learns to get food into his mouth. It is these actions that bring the little person closer to mastering the skill of self-eating food. After all, before you start eating with a spoon, the child must learn to take and hold objects between the thumb and forefinger. When the baby has mastered this important skill - and this will happen by about 7-8 months - you can begin to teach him how to use a spoon.

We have self service

From a very young age it is necessary to teach the child to eat in the kitchen or in the dining room. For feeding, you need to purchase a special highchair with a removable table, at which it will be convenient for the baby to eat.

Also, the crumbs should have their own dishes: a spoon, deep and shallow plates, a cup. All children's utensils should be unbreakable, as they may have to fall on the floor more than once. Heat-resistant food-grade plastic meets these requirements.

Plate. At first, a plate with high sides and a suction cup will suit the baby - it is attached to the table, and the baby is unlikely to be able to turn it over. It will be more interesting for a baby to eat if various animals or fairy-tale characters are depicted on the plate. You can compose some fairy tale story for him and interest him in the drawn plot. There are heated plates; they have a reservoir inside where hot water is poured - thanks to this, the food remains warm for a long time.

A cup. It is better to choose a cup of a small size (no more than 100–125 ml), with handles on both sides. The child can hold it with both hands.

A spoon. Now they make special spoons for babies: small in size, with a non-slip comfortable handle, often rounded, easy to grip with a child's palm.

Fork. A baby can be introduced to a children's fork at about 1.5–2 years old, when he is already well controlled with a spoon. The teeth of a child's fork should not be sharp, but rounded so that the baby cannot injure himself. The child must be shown that if you have to prick pieces of food with a fork (pieces of cutlets, fish, etc.), then it must be held with the prongs down, and if you eat mashed food (mashed potatoes, vermicelli) with a fork, then it must be held like a spoon.

Mom must show the baby how to prick food on a fork and how to carefully remove food from the fork with your mouth so as not to get hurt.

There is also a special educational tableware for toddlers. Plastic spoons and forks from such sets are shaped, curved towards the face. Thanks to this crumb, it is easier to bring food to your mouth.

Knife. A little later, at 2.5–3 years old, you can give the child a non-sharp children's knife, after demonstrating how to use it correctly.

Bib. So that the baby does not get dirty while eating, it is necessary to put on a special waterproof apron or a bib with a pocket at the bottom. It is better to have several aprons, since after each feeding they will have to be washed. Bibs with a curved bottom edge are very convenient, as they prevent liquid food from dripping onto your baby's clothes. These bibs are made of special soft and flexible plastic. They are good because they do not need to be washed - they are easy to wash and dry quickly. It will be quite enough for a baby to have one such bib. Washed after eating, it is ready for use again in 5 minutes.

How to teach a child to eat with a spoon? Basic principles

To teach a child to eat with a spoon, several principles must be followed consistently.

  • The decision that the baby will learn to eat on his own should be agreed with all family members. So that it does not happen that the mother teaches the baby to use a spoon, and the grandmother or other relatives feed him themselves. In this case, the baby will be lazy and the learning process may be delayed.
  • You need to teach your child to eat with a spoon every day so that he does not forget the skills he has already acquired. However, if the baby is sick, he is teething, he is tired, or he is just in a bad mood - do not force him to eat on his own. It is better this time to feed the baby from a spoon, and when the child's condition returns to normal, again offer him to eat himself.
  • Parents must show how they eat themselves. To do this, try to organize joint meals. The main feature of children's behavior is imitation, therefore, looking at adults, he will take an example from them and will strive to eat on his own.
  • It is better to feed the child at a strictly set time.
  • For the first attempts to use a spoon on their own, cereals and mashed potatoes are best suited - this is a thick food, and it is easier for the baby to bring it to his mouth. If you give the crumbs to eat soup on their own right away, then he will simply splash the contents of the spoon without bringing the food to his mouth.
  • It is better to offer the child to eat on his own when he is really hungry. It is desirable that these are delicious, favorite dishes.
  • It is not necessary to put on the table in front of the child at once everything that is prepared for dinner. Otherwise, he will choose and refuse the rest. The first and second course should be served separately, from different plates.

We eat with a spoon

In order for the baby to understand how to eat with a spoon, mom needs to put the "tool" in his pen and show how to use it correctly. Mom takes the child's hand in hers, scoops food from the plate and helps him bring the spoon with food to his mouth. When this procedure is repeated several times, the baby will understand how to use the spoon. At first, he will hold the spoon in his fist, as his fine motor skills and coordination of movements are still poorly developed. It's just hard for a baby to hold this cutlery correctly.

His main goal at this stage is to bring food to his mouth. But all the same, the baby needs to be shown how to hold the spoon correctly, then he will gradually learn this as well.

If the child independently and with appetite began to eat on his own, but quickly got tired, the mother should feed him. It is better to do this in parallel - with a second spoon. If the baby is unable to collect food in a spoon on his own, you can offer him a spoon already filled with food. Also, the crumbs can be offered this option of food: one spoonful of food is put in his mouth by his mother, the other - by himself.

How to teach a child to drink from a cup on their own?

You can start teaching your baby how to use a cup at 6-8 months. Many parents use a sippy cup as an intermediate when transitioning a baby from a breast or bottle to a cup. After all, learning to drink from a drinking bowl is much easier for a child than from a cup. A drinking bowl is a plastic cup, on which a special cap with a spout is put on, the liquid from this spout falls exactly into the baby's mouth. But it is not at all necessary that a child should drink from a drinking bowl before learning to drink from a cup.

First of all, the mother must show the baby how to use the cup. To do this, she must drink from the cup herself in front of the child. Then you need to gently press the cup to the child's lips, tilt it slightly and let him take 1-2 sips of his favorite drink. At first, it is imperative to hold the cup and control the actions of the child, insuring him. Very soon, the baby will understand what the angle of inclination should be so that the liquid enters the mouth, and then he can be allowed to drink from the cup on his own. When teaching, it is important to follow two rules:

At first, pour a little liquid into the cup - for 3-4 sips - so that the baby does not accidentally choke;
drinking should be necessarily habitual for the crumbs.

Etiquette for a child

From an early age, the child develops proper eating behavior and habits. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately teach him how to behave at the table.

  • Before eating, be sure to wash your child's hands. This is one of the main hygiene skills. Mom should show the baby how to wash their hands properly, and try to explain in an accessible way why this should be done.
  • No need to feed the child outside the kitchen and during the game. Many mothers, trying to feed the baby, surround him with various toys - this is wrong. From the very beginning, you need to make it clear to the baby that you need to eat while eating, and play later.
  • Children should not be allowed to play with food and cutlery. When the baby begins to indulge, you should immediately stop feeding.
  • No need to scold the child for carelessness - it is better to teach him how to use a napkin. Suitable age for this is 1.5 years. First, the mother should show the baby by her own example what a napkin is for, and then you can offer it to the baby.

Rules for adults

  • You should not force-feed the child, as he may develop a negative attitude towards food.
  • You can not rush the baby while eating.
  • You can not leave the child while eating alone; he may choke or choke.
  • Be sure to praise the baby, even if he does not succeed.

And finally, two universal rules that are important to remember for adults who teach a baby to be independent:

  • do not make excessive demands on the child;
  • Don't do for your child what he can do for himself.

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Doctors believe that from the age of 6 months you can begin to teach your child to eat with a spoon. Isn't it too early? In fact, there are reasons for this.

The earlier the better.

Doctors believe that from the age of 6 months, as soon as the child began to eat "adult" food, give him a plastic spoon. What for? After all, he still can't control it! But in fact, the sooner the child understands that he needs to eat with a spoon, and not with his hands (which, of course, is more convenient), the sooner he begins to wield cutlery on his own. That is, by giving a child a spoon, you immediately accustom him to the culture of behavior at the table.

Also not unimportant in early accustoming to a spoon is the second point - the development of fine motor skills of the baby. He holds a spoon with his fingers, learns to use it, scoop up porridge, tries to bring it to his mouth (which, of course, is not always possible). But gradually the movements of the baby become more and more accurate.

Where to begin?

The main thing is to choose your baby's favorite dish. Something that he loves very, very much and will certainly want not to spread on the table, but to eat.

You can just give a plate of your favorite food and put a spoon next to it. It is more likely that the child will begin to eat with his hands. If this happens, then you need to show why there is a spoon nearby.

You can just feed the baby yourself, and at that time let him just hold his spoon, swipe it around the table and plate, get used to it. After the meal, leave some food on the plate and give the baby freedom of action. If he is not doing well, help him: put food in a spoon, and let him carry it into his mouth.

They also told me this trick. We put a tablespoon of porridge on the child’s plate on the suction cup so that it fumbles, smears and tries to get into the mouth with a spoon, and at the same time mother feeds from another plate. And the sheep are safe, and the wolves are full!


My friend, the mother of one-year-old Masha, after each such workout with a spoon, cries bitter tears: at least do a new renovation in the kitchen! Not to mention the fact that she should immediately wash her hair and wash herself completely, and the child too. Helps to dress the child for meals either in special clothes, or in a special "cloak" with sleeves (sold in Ikea). Well, mom, in order to remain safe and sound, can sit on the other side of the table at a safe distance.

Well, you can, in order to avoid cleaning and headwashing, feed the child yourself, and give out a spoon when there is something like rice or green peas in the plate so that it does not smear.

The main thing is to stop fooling around about the fact that the baby is smeared, and give him freedom of action - and he will begin to show more independence.

When do babies start eating on their own?

It depends on the kid. Someone only masters this skill at the age of two, when it is time to go to kindergarten. And someone already in the year abruptly refuses to be fed like a little one with a spoon. There are no clear deadlines, it depends on the nature and mental development of the child.

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