The best concealed carry knives for self-defense: review, types, features and reviews. Types of knives for self-defense

Most of the knives available for free sale (we are talking primarily about folding, the most convenient to carry) belong to the category of household knives, they are not considered weapons and their wearing is not prohibited. In connection with this, as well as with the general change in mores in society, the carrying of knives became popular.

The answer to the question "why" is usually:

  • as a tool (“open the box, cut the sausage”);
  • for self defense.
Photo: Depositphotos

It is on the second point that I want to dwell in more detail.

AT last years in Russia, knife fighting schools are actively opening and operating. It is taught in almost all schools, books are being published, not to mention the video, which is innumerable on the Web. Sports championships are also held. In general, this topic is actively promoted. And some (quite a significant) part of the population has an idea to use a knife as a weapon of self-defense.

As is often the case, the potential "self-defender" believes that simply having a weapon is enough. Very few people get to training. But now it’s not about the fact that hooligans can take away a knife from an inept self-defender and shove it to him ... somewhere. A knife is indeed a serious weapon, capable of causing considerable harm even in the hands of an incompetent.

When carrying a knife "for self-defense", you must be clearly aware that you are carrying a murder weapon. Exactly like this and nothing else. And if you are not ready to take full responsibility for your actions, do not carry a knife even "just in case".

Why is a knife not suitable for self-defense?

Photo: Depositphotos

This is quite possible. But is it worth counting on it? I do not advise. It is not in vain that the “determination to use” the knife is mentioned above. The enemy can feel the absence of this very determination, understand that he is being frightened. And then everything can turn out for the "self-defender" much worse than it could - just for threatening with a knife.

Perhaps the demonstration of the knife will provoke the attackers to use weapons: cold or traumatic. But would it be better if you, having demonstrated sufficient determination, adequately meet the enemy? I repeat: in a real battle, there is no time for choosing techniques and zones of destruction! Perhaps there are great masters with vast experience and fantastic reflexes, able to completely control the enemy and strictly dose the defeat. Maybe. I haven't seen or even heard of them.

A knife is a weapon that is too dangerous and difficult to control. Both in their own hands and in others. Almost none are reliable. The speeds are too high, the striking ability is great, plus a small combat distance. They don’t fencing with a knife, it almost does not allow you to control the enemy - but it’s very easy to stumble upon a knife in a dump (which almost inevitably turns Street fight). Add to that the inevitable stress. Add the lack of training in the vast majority of the stronger sex. Plus, in the heat of a fight, a person may not even feel a serious injury and continue aggressive actions - possibly getting new injuries.

There are cases when experienced fighters-athletes easily dealt with aggressors armed with a knife, receiving severe (and sometimes fatal) injuries by chance. For example, a person who has received a blow in the fall brandishes a knife ... ready. The athlete's stomach is torn open.

Or more than once there were cases with wrestlers who dealt with the attackers with the help of a throw (with a serious injury to the aggressor) and received an accidental poke with a knife along the way. Sometimes to death.

So don't rely on cutting your attacker's hand or forehead, or sticking a knife in his thigh. Yes, all this is possible to do, and experts have such methods. But they are also aware of the risk of using a knife for self-defense. Because experience teaches them that real combat is unpredictable. That a cut on the hand or face can stop the enemy, or it can make him furious. That attacking the face, you can easily hit the carotid artery or jugular vein, attacking the thigh - damage the femoral artery. And it's almost inevitable quick death opponent and a prison term for a "self-defender". I'm not talking about pangs of conscience and regrets about my own broken fate. I wanted to scare, but it turned out ...

The knife is a tool
Photo: Depositphotos

I understand that a knife is a favorite toy of many men. Especially now, when it has become possible and fashionable to carry knives. But you need to understand and remember that a knife is primarily a tool. And certainly not. The only purpose of a knife as a weapon is to kill. Everything else is self-deception, dangerous for oneself and others.

Often supporters of "self-defense" as a "irresistible" argument say that "The knife is an essential attribute of the life of a free city dweller." Maybe that's the way it is. That's just it implies a clear understanding of the consequences of their actions. And responsibility for them.

Therefore, if you cannot appreciate all the consequences of using a knife for self-defense, do not even try to use it. Use something less lethal, or better yet, just be careful. As is known, the best weapon self-defense - head.

No matter how civilized our society may be today, many people prefer to buy a self-defense knife to feel safe. Despite the abundance of self-defense, some prefer a simple and reliable knife, one appearance which can discourage an attacker from any desire to commit an attack. On the this moment there are many models of knives: folding, flick and solid. They are made from various materials and differ in both price and characteristics. But is it possible to wear such items without permission? And how to choose best knife for self defense?

Can you carry a knife for self defense? By law, a knife is a public tool as long as it is used for domestic purposes. Kitchen, tourist, souvenir and other models are allowed to be stored and freely transported if such a need arises. However, if you decide to use the knife as a weapon, albeit for self-defense, then this may entail a number of negative consequences, because in this case we are already talking about edged weapons.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, cold and firearms subject to mandatory registration. Storage, wearing, and even more so the use of such structures without an appropriate license is punishable by law.

What knife is considered a melee weapon?

When buying a knife in a store, require a “Knife Certificate”, also called an “Information Sheet”, which contains a record that the knife is not a cold weapon and refers to household, tourist, or other knives that can be safely carried

In the current legislation, the parameters of edged weapons are quite clearly spelled out. Such a high attention to detail was dictated by the widespread use of the knife for domestic purposes.

At the moment, there are three types of melee weapons:

  1. Combat. It is used in combat and service-operational purposes and can be both manual and rifle type. The use of this is based on the relevant law of the Russian Federation "On the use of edged weapons." Therefore, such knives can only be found in military organizations.
  2. Service. Issued to representatives law enforcement, civil servants.
  3. Civil. To date, a license to carry knives can be issued to any adult citizen who meets certain criteria.

Civilian edged weapons can be used for hunting, self-defense and in some sports.

When determining whether a knife is a melee weapon, two parameters are taken into account:

  1. wedge characteristics. During the inspection, not only the point and length of the blade are taken into account, but the offset relative to the butt line, thickness, degree of sharpening, etc.
  2. Handle. The ease of use of a knife largely depends on the shape and length of the handle. An experienced specialist can easily determine the purpose of a particular knife, since the shape of the handle of a cold weapon is designed for convenient fixation by hand.

What blade is considered a melee weapon

In professional circles, they say that "a blade is fit for thrusting" if:

  • the product has a point (sharpened tip for striking);
  • the location of the tip is within 5 mm above the butt line;
  • blade length exceeds 90 mm;
  • blade thickness - more than 6 mm;
  • the presence of a hook for ripping;
  • the blade is well sharpened;
  • blade hardness is 25 HRC;
  • blade material is high quality steel;
  • the butt line has a deflection of less than 5 mm with a blade length of about 20 mm.

If, when measuring the length of a knife blade, it is at least a millimeter less than 90 mm, then this is a 100% guarantee that you are holding an ordinary item that is not a melee weapon.

Parameters of the handle of a knife related to melee weapons

The handle is a very important element of the knife, since it is it that allows you to conveniently fix such a weapon in your hand. In household models, the handle may have an ergonomic shape, but it is not designed to hold the knife during the fight. If the handle is too large or small, has defects and other shortcomings, then such a knife cannot be classified as a cold weapon.

So, the handle will correspond to the parameters of a melee weapon if it:

  • has a length of more than 7 cm;
  • has more than one limiter or notch;
  • the thickness of the butt is in the range of 2.5-6 mm;
  • the dimensions of the subdigital notch exceed 5 mm;
  • the blade sits tightly in the handle;
  • has a shape other than barrel-shaped (there are no significant differences in diameter);
  • there are no notches that weaken the design of the handle.

If the knife does not meet at least one of the above parameters, then obtaining permission to carry and store it is not required.

How to get permission?

Regarding Article 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons”, the sale, storage and carrying of the following types of knives is prohibited in Russia:

  • with retractable blades (ejection is carried out due to the impact on the corresponding lever or button);
  • with fast blade ejection;
  • with a blade length of more than 90 mm.

For self-defense use of such knives, a permit is required. To do this, a citizen should prepare a certain package of documents and contact the police department.

The list of documents required to obtain a permit to carry knives:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Certificate of medical examination.
  3. Certificate of no criminal record.
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  5. The act of inspecting the place where edged weapons will be stored.
  6. Two 3x4 size photographs.
  7. Sample application.

Inspection of the place of storage of weapons is carried out by an authorized representative. According to the law of the Russian Federation, firearms and edged weapons must be stored in an appropriate safe.

If we are talking on collecting weapons, the conditions for their storage must meet the following criteria:

  • it is desirable to hide collectible items from prying eyes;
  • if storage is supposed to be in showcases, then they must be made of shock-resistant glass, closed with a lock;
  • military edged weapons and hunting knives are stored in safes or in specially designated areas, while access to the storage place should be available only to a person who has the appropriate license.

According to the law, any fact of the transfer of edged weapons to third parties is punishable in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Consequences of application

Using a knife against another person without an appropriate good reason is punishable by law.

Some people, in an effort to protect their lives, disregard the requirements of the law by acquiring edged weapons without a permit. As a rule, such purchases are made on the black market. In this case, the detection of weapons by a law enforcement officer may entail the following consequences:

  1. If the knife was discovered during its transportation, then it is subject to confiscation with a corresponding fine.
  2. In case of illegal use of weapons in self-defense, the appropriateness of its use, the degree of danger, etc. are assessed. As a result, the use of weapons can be recognized as an aggravating circumstance in court.

Even if the person who used the knife in self-defense has the appropriate permission, this does not relieve him of responsibility. The fact is that, according to the law, self-defense measures must correspond to the level of danger at which they were involved.

If nothing threatened the health and life of the “victim”, and the attacker was seriously injured, then it is possible to consider the case from a radically different side, when the degree of bodily injury is assessed. In this case, the proceedings may have an unpredictable outcome, up to the criminal liability of the defender.

It should also be understood that wearing any means of self-defense requires a certain psychological and physical training. The appearance of the knife can only anger the attacker, and if you do not know how to handle cold weapons, then this situation can have unpleasant consequences for you.

Types of knives for self-defense

At the moment, there are several types of knives that are great for self-defense purposes. In search of the best knife for self-defense, let's take a closer look at each of the groups.

Hunting and outdoor fixed knives

Most of these models do not require a license and have the widest range applications. They are also good for self-defense.

Experts note that such knives are good both for chopping, cutting, and stabbing movements. However, this is where the tangible benefits of such knives end.

The disadvantages of fixed should include:

  1. The inconvenience of wearing large specimens and the impossibility of hidden socks.
  2. Self-defense must be very careful, because when using such a knife, the risk of murder increases.

Folding knives

A folding knife can only be recognized as a melee weapon if, after opening, the blade rests on the latch

Many lovers of edged weapons carry a small folder with them every day. Such a knife is useful not only for self-defense purposes - it is good for everyday tasks. And in case of danger, it is great for self-defense needs. However, for this, the following factors must be observed:

  1. Secure lock. This is a very important parameter, since designs with an unsuccessful addition mechanism can let you down at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, instances that involve spring fixation of the blade are absolutely not suitable in this case. Therefore, it is better to choose the simplest, but modern liner lock. He will hold the blade in open position even under heavy loads.
  2. The blade should not be small. It should be understood that a knife with a blade less than 90 mm in length will be ineffective in defense. All models with smaller blades can be considered nothing more than toys.

Less popular in recent times Balisong or "butterfly". It is also a folding knife for self-defense, but with an original shape. Thanks to the wedge-shaped geometry of the blade, this weapon can be quite formidable in combat. But it should be understood that "butterflies" with a blade of more than 9 mm belong to the category of edged weapons. Such designs are extremely dangerous, and self-defense with their use often leads to death.

Poke-type knives

According to the legislation of many countries, a butcher knife with a small blade is not a melee weapon and its various models are available for free sale.

These are the so-called push daggers, which have gained considerable popularity in recent years. They can be of two types:

  1. Large. They are equipped with long blades, and therefore they are excellent types of weapons for successful self-defense. Most of these models allow you to inflict serious damage on the enemy without killing him.
  2. Small. Designed for applying secant blows.

Criterias of choice

Any knife for self-defense should be chosen based on individual preferences. The selection criteria in this case will be as follows:

  1. Material. Main parameter A self-defense knife is a blade. It must be made of high quality metal. The requirements for the handle material are usually not high - the main thing is that the knife fits comfortably in the hand, and the blade does not loosen during use.
  2. The form. It all depends on the style of self-defense used. There are knives specifically designed for stabbing, cutting or cutting. Therefore, this parameter should be considered separately.
  3. Convenience. A good knife should be compact enough for comfortable concealed carry, but still have an acceptable blade length. This requirement is best met by various folding models, of which there are many on the modern market.

Overview of the most popular models

Consider the most popular and reliable knives for self-defense.


Scimitar-style blade with upturned tip and serrated stop for thumb, has a black matte finish and does not cast glare in clear weather

This model is characterized by automatic opening, and therefore allows you to quickly prepare for self-defense. It is enough just to draw a knife - and he will be completely ready for battle. The mere appearance of such a weapon can destabilize the enemy. Naturally, carrying such a knife requires permission, since the length of its blade is 15.4 cm. The only drawback of the model is its price, which is about 16 thousand rubles.


A very durable knife, the blade of which is made of high-quality steel with a titanium coating. Great for beginners. The blade is 3 inches long, making it truly versatile. average cost knife is about 2 thousand rubles.


Knife length - 14.2 cm, blade length - 5.87 cm, blade thickness - 3.1 mm, steel - AUS 8A

A small claw-shaped knife that is very easy to hide and is a formidable weapon. Due to the special shape of the blade, the effective use of this knife is possible even when your hand is twisted behind your back. The cost of the knife is about 3 thousand rubles.

The so-called "knife fight" is still widely known in very narrow circles. But there is progress, competitions are held (so far relatively small), exhibitions are arranged and organized, this topic is discussed on the forums. In general, knives are gradually becoming popular. It can even be said that a subculture of the so-called "knife lovers" - or cutlers - has already arisen.

Is it good or bad? On the one hand, it’s certainly good that men are interested. And not just weapons, but decorated, interestingly made weapons. This contributes to the development male character and worldview - when exactly a weapon is a status symbol, etc. On the other hand, the disadvantages of the phenomenon are so great that they can outweigh all the pluses and virtues. And take it to a dangerous extreme.

The disadvantage, first of all, is that no weapon - the sharpest, the best, the most beautiful - will make a person a man in the full sense and volume. Unfortunately, in our time, due to the lack of fatherly education, many guys lack the necessary properties and qualities of character. And instead of tempering the spirit, work on your internal content, they are bought for external, beautiful attributes and think that a “cool” knife will make them “cool” themselves. But this is absolutely not true.

A knife can't give you confidence. “It is not the weapon that kills, but the person” - this is the principle of the Russian hand-to-hand combat. The main thing is not what kind of knife is in your hand, but whether you will be able to use it. Can you step over the threshold and use the weapon?

An unprepared person with a knife in his hands can be dangerous if he is not all right with his psyche. But if his character is not tempered, even a grenade launcher in his hands will not help him. The problem is that many guys who do not think about it think that by buying a knife they have already secured themselves, they have fully worked out everything that is needed. They do not think about the most banal, the simplest things.

The first is the ability to take advantage, to step over the inner threshold, to use weapons against a living person. It's not as easy as it seems. Be that as it may, a person has a certain internal ban on intraspecific aggression, the situation of using weapons for a person is extreme. Even just sticking a knife in the leg of a person in the case of street self-defense is not so simple. For some reason, few people think about this issue. Likewise, the owners traumatic weapons are not engaged in working out its quick snatching. They think that just having a gun in their pocket will keep them safe.

It is not enough to have weapons, you need to have them to use.

In a traditional society, the most important thing was not technology, but the psychological readiness to use edged weapons. It remains so to this day. The most important thing is the ability to use a knife against a living person. Cut it, or stick a blade into it. Think about whether you can do this if the need arises (someone will attack you)? Just be honest, to yourself.

In a traditional society, children participated in the slaughter of livestock, which also accustomed them to the sight of blood, gave them the ability to cut creature and so on.

And no “tests”, when trying to pierce some kind of pig carcass wrapped in clothes, do not contribute to the development of this skill with knives. The maximum that can help is participation in the slaughter of livestock.

One more thing - some “knife makers” are trying to develop a grip strength, hit with their knife as if they were tasked with piercing not a jacket, or even a leather jacket, but knight's armor. But the fact of the matter is that a knife is such a weapon, wielding which you can kill a person with a light touch, cutting his vein, cutting his throat, etc.

Therefore, a knife fight is a very ambiguous phenomenon. Moreover, such delights as “sports knife fighting” have now appeared, which in itself is absurd. Since knife fighting is only for the street. This is a purely applied discipline that has absolutely nothing to do with sports. Why do you need to be able to compete in a conditional duel according to the rules, on the court, as if it were a sports discipline?

The second point is that on the street no one will ever jump in a duel duel a la the musketeers and the guards of the cardinal. On the street, a person, wanting to kill another person, will approach him at an ultra-close distance (remember the principle of “distance control”) and only then will he use cold weapons. Standing close.

It is impossible to imagine a situation when two people simultaneously pull out cold weapons, while they will be at some distance and start some kind of duel.

A good way to work out is not a conditional duel, but an exercise when one partner tries to hit the second with a mock knife, while at the same time defending himself from the attack of the second with the other hand (also with a mock). Mutual work is going on: do not let yourself be cut, and cut your partner.

You should always consider the street situation as realistically as possible, watch videos with knife fights on the street (which are now full), and not believe everyone in a row.

Another point that we must not miss. All these author's knives are very expensive. And they seem to take money for the unprecedented sharpness of the blade, the original shape of the blade, which supposedly is especially combative and gives a special plus, but it's all at least funny. Most crimes are committed with an ordinary kitchen knife (about 70%). In order for a knife to be a combat knife, it does not need to have some kind of mother-of-pearl handle, or some unusual blade, or be made by hand from special steel. A knife can be anything - you can kill with a penknife.

In fact, blacksmiths take a lot of money not for their product, but for the legend that they sell to the buyer - self-confidence. They suggest to the buyer that by owning such and such a knife, you will become completely protected, self-confident, “cool”. But all this is absolutely not true. A cool person can only be made by his inner self-confidence. Without it, not a single knife in the world will help him.

Although, you need to have a legal weapon. It is not necessary to bother with the topic of special blades. You can perfectly use the most with an ordinary knife without creating a cult out of it.

The third question is a common stereotype: knife blows can be beaten off. In order to check whether it is really possible to repulse a sudden attack with a knife, conduct an experiment. This fun exercise game is called Tram Maniac (see description below). Questions will disappear by themselves.

Exercise "Maniac in the tram":
Everyone becomes in a circle. Everyone has a dummy knife in their belt, but only one (or two) will be able to use it. "Maniac" is appointed by the coach so that others do not know about it. At the coach's signal, the "maniac" grabs a mock-up and starts inflicting random blows on everyone (the action seems to take place in a closed space). The presence of two or more “maniacs” will give special gaiety to the exercise.

This exercise will give you an understanding that sometimes "knife" strikes cannot be repulsed even if you know about the attack in advance. And how often does this happen?

Knife guard, knife stand
In the event that there is at least some opportunity and time for protection, you need to use your outerwear (jacket, etc.) in two versions:

1. If time permits, you can wind the jacket around the elbow of your left hand (if you are right-handed). Holding the jacket with the palm of your left hand, tightly wrap it like a rope around your elbow and fasten the end again with your left palm. This will help to repel the blows of the opponent's knife. The same method can be used to protect against the bites of dogs and other predatory animals. A jacket wrapped around a hand is, of course, not a shield, but it will help.

2. Just grab the jacket with your left hand and hold it, closing your body. Firstly, the opponent's knife can get stuck in the jacket (especially if it is thick enough). Secondly, you can wave your clothes in front of the opponent's eyes to divert his attention. And carry out your technical action. In the absence of a jacket, you can use at least a hat, which on the one hand can also catch a knife, on the other hand, you can poke it in the enemy’s eyes, or even throw it in his face so that he closes his eyes at least for a second. If you are experienced enough and want to live, this second will be enough for you to at least knock him out.

- At the same time (if you are right-handed), we put left leg forward, right back in both cases. Your knife (or handy tool) keep in right hand. Even if you don't have a knife, with a jacket or hat you can block the opponent's hand with a knife in order to get close to him and "neutralize" him with your free hand. Of course, he can injure your hand with a jacket. But which is more valuable - your life or a hand (which can be cured)?

If you don’t have anything at all that can be used as protection, but you have a knife, put right leg forward and hold the knife in your right hand. So you protect your body from wounds - the enemy will have to stretch too far, especially since your hand with a knife will be protecting the lines. Weapons or limbs that can strike, as it were, create a protective circle that protects the body. Whether in unarmed combat, or in a fight with a weapon, you need to somehow go through this protective circle and get to the goal - the person himself. Holding the "shield", you create your "protective sphere", and in turn try to break through the protection of your opponent.

Concealed carrying of weapons
Making money on stereotypes of consciousness gleaned from cool action movies with Statham, some self-defense dealers sell all sorts of cool concealed weapon belts that look like complex suspenders with scabbards hanging in unexpected places. They are worn under clothes - so that, say, some nightclub security guard could not find a knife on you. All this, of course, looks very cool, but - if you are attacked on the street or in another place, and you fight back, but you are detained by employees of those very bodies, such a system on your body is a very big minus for you. The mindset of employees has not changed since Soviet times. They will not perceive you as ordinary person, who was attacked, but as a killer who himself was preparing for an attack (or even a murder). Whatever you say, whatever the circumstances of the case, in the eyes of the blind Themis you will be evil.

Long enough for street self-defense, big key from iron door. With this key, you can scratch the face or forehead of the opponent(s), which will be quite enough. Firstly, the shock from the blood flooding the eyes will cool their ardor, and secondly, the blood loss may be enough for the aggressors to go to intensive care ( real case, and the girl successfully fought off the attack of two people).
You can also use a common screwdriver.

Hit the attacker's forehead with the key - draw a line over the forehead with force so that the blood fills the eyes. After that, you can also strike across the face crosswise.

If you seriously think about your safety and decide to buy a knife as protection, then this article will come in handy for you.

First of all, think about whether you can use it in case of danger?

Can you really hit a person with it, even for your own protection?

Is it possible to wear

After some amendments to the law in 2003, self-defense knives can indeed be carried with you, but it depends on which ones.

If you have a small neat mini knife for self-defense, which looks like a household one (cut bread at work or open milk), then you are not breaking the law.

But having a saber with you, you will attract undue attention to yourself, and you will carry it until the first patrol.

Attention: you are not imprisoned for carrying bladed weapons, but they can seize it and punish you with a fine!

If police officers find you have a pocket, in order to avoid problems, say that you need it for domestic purposes. Be calm and do not be rude if the employees decide to confiscate your weapons from you, do not resist this and behave adequately.

Be sure to demand that a protocol be drawn up, when signing, read it carefully. Please note that employees do not leave empty spaces in the protocol so that nothing can be entered there later.

Only a mentally balanced and sane person can carry pocket knives for self-defense, so if you are not confident in yourself and you have sharp drops moods and mental outbursts, it is better to look for another method of self-defense.

How to choose

If you find it difficult to choose a knife for self-defense, pay attention to the following points:

    • First of all, you should like it, take a look, so that you want to take it. When contact has been made, the knife should fit comfortably and easily into the hand.

  • He should not slip and rest against the handle in your hand. Otherwise, you can injure yourself, with careless handling - they snatched it sharply, for example, and were left without a finger, at best, one, at worst, all. Especially if your knife is not plastic, which means it is well sharpened. Practice at home how you will get it in an emergency, and possible options use, prepare several combinations. If you want the best self-defense knife for yourself, then you should purchase a folding self-defense knife with a simple latch so that there are no problems with locking the mechanism at the most dangerous moment.

  • Material, from which the knife blade is made, as a rule, it does not really matter, as long as it is not a plastic disposable knife. It is better not to save on your self-defense tool, because a low-quality blade can let you down at a dangerous moment in life, simply crumbling in your hands. If not sure about the quality, you can try to mark the knife in the country or in the village into a piece of wood, if the blade does not break and loosen on the handle, then you can be calm. in place. This can also lead to disastrous consequences on your part, you can injure yourself.

Note: for greater confidence, it is recommended to take self-defense lessons against a knife.

  • The form also does not really matter, it only depends on your taste, and again, you should be comfortable using this weapon, even to cut bread, it should be comfortable and comfortable in your hand. Here you should pay attention to self-defense bonder knives and choose one whose handle will fit comfortably in your hand and will not be too small.

A properly chosen knife, even the best one, is not yet a guarantee of success, it will be useful if you learn how to use it, but only as a self-defense, so attending special courses will not be superfluous.

We wish you not to get into situations where a knife would be useful to you to protect yourself and your loved ones or friends.

Watch the video in which the expert tells how to make the right choice for a particular situation and what criteria you should pay attention to:

We will not discuss the moral aspects of using knives for self-defense in this article. In the end, it is possible to inflict serious physical injury with a more “innocent” object that is at hand. Much more important is legal side question regarding practical application edged weapons, to which the examination will easily attribute your "souvenir" blade. However, the choice is yours, and who knows, perhaps a simple-looking tourist knife will one day really protect you or your family from something terrible and irreparable. Keep in mind that self-defense with a knife requires a certain psychological readiness Not everyone can stab a living person with a knife. In addition, preliminary lessons with an instructor are still desirable.

The knife has its advantages (in relation to self-defense). First, the responsibility for wearing during detention is minimal. Secondly, a license to purchase is not needed, and thirdly, you can buy a knife in any civilian store. For urban carrying, a compact folding knife with or without a clip will be optimal.

How to choose a knife for urban conditions?

The knife should be durable - one, compact and light - two, comfortable to wear - three. When buying, do not hesitate to turn the knife in your hands, pay attention to the shape of the handle and blade; for folding knives, a blade lock and the ability to quickly open with one hand are required. Do not forget that the main thing in a knife is the blade, the steel must be “thoroughbred”, even if it is a product of an incomprehensible manufacturer under the “No name” brand. Otherwise, it's not a knife, but a useless trinket. Be sure to ask the seller for a certificate (it indicates the length of the blade, the type of knife, etc.). It is better not to throw away certificates and checks.

The most popular simple models include the domestic "Wasp", a fairly reliable and easy-to-use design. Another successful Russian development is the NSB-2 Izhevsk knife, which is practically eternal, does not need sharpening for a long time, and cuts wood and steel wire equally well.

A series of so-called "poke knives for self-defense" at one time replenished with "Mosquitoes" and "Gadflies". The knives are cheap, small in size, unsuitable for a real knife fight, but you can use it for self-defense if it comes to that. Minus - such knives require a sheath, which is not always convenient.

Of the noteworthy options, we note tactical skeletal-type knives designed for concealed wear (on a belt or around the neck) - these are the American MA-2 / I, the MA-2 knife of the German company Boker and other analogues.

What is considered cold steel?

All knives are divided into combat, hunting, tourist, sports and household. Do not bother yourself with measuring the length of the blade, the presence of a guard and blood flow, as well as the hardness values ​​\u200b\u200bof industrial steel. Whether a particular sample belongs to cold weapons can only be determined by a forensic examination, since there are no uniform criteria. Another important point. If you inflict serious bodily harm on the attacker (it doesn't matter which knife - clerical or combat) and the attack weapon is seized from you, the knife will be sent for examination. The material evidence may not be recognized as a cold weapon, but a criminal case will be opened in any case: at the request of the victim or on the basis of information received from a medical institution.

The easiest way to carry a knife is in an outer pocket, observing the simplest rule: apart from a knife, no other items (keys, wallets, etc.) should be there, because. the entire process of extracting the knife should fit literally in one or two movements. The variant with a clip is preferable - the knife can be fastened anywhere. In general, you should not carry a knife for self-defense with you. This is strictly prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation "On weapons" (Article 6) and may be regarded by the police as a violation. But there are no unambiguous "Rules of wearing". For example, if you have a hunting license, numbered knives can be carried in a bag, backpack, in any other place, "excluding access by unauthorized persons."

Remember how two and two: if you are detained with hunting knife, answer that you simply deliver it from point A to point B, and no regulations such transportation is not prohibited (do not forget to present a hunting license). With other knives (household, folding) it’s even easier - but I wore it to work, because not a single pencil writes there, and no one bought a sharpener ... They convinced me - okay, go ahead and don’t get caught again. Not convinced, be prepared for the fact that the knife will be taken away, sent for examination, and then how lucky. If they recognize it as a cold weapon, they will seize it forever, write out a substantial fine, and you, as the owner, will be taken into account.

Rule number one: never attack first, a verbal altercation does not always turn into a fight. Rule number two: in any case, try to inflict as little physical harm on the enemy as possible. In the event that only a wallet is required of you and nothing more. Give it back. If you ran into a drunken company that attacked for the sake of courage, and you understand that they won’t let you out alive (in the literal sense), well, act. The main accessible points of injury are the fingers, wrists and forearms. However, damage to the hands of the attacker should not be overestimated, for a serious injury, a deep “professional” cut along the profile is needed, and in street fights, non-life-threatening damage to the tissues of the forearms is usually inflicted, after which the opponent will not faint, but will become even more aggressive.

It is possible that a shantrapa at the mere sight of blood will be frightened and rush to his heels. Therefore, avoid damaging vital organs, do not touch the enemy's neck, liver area, etc. It is clear that there will be no time to reason and try on, but still try to get out of the conflict yourself as soon as possible. While the enemy is looking at the cut finger, turn around and run. With a minor injury, the victim is unlikely to go to a medical facility, so the incident will not have legal consequences for you.

Rule number three: keep one opponent within range. If there are several attackers, choose the most vicious - after neutralizing the "leader", the fight will most likely stop. In case of a clear threat to life, immediately counterattack, hit, use a secant technique, striking at different levels. 2-3 people really attack, the rest only interfere with each other. Cover your back - a fence, a wall, everything immovable that will be nearby will come down. A neutralized enemy, in extreme cases, can be used as a shield.

Of course, without an urgent need, it is better not to get any weapon. Perhaps, in self-defense, you will be able to get by with improvised means and your own fists. But if you pull out a knife, do not let go of it and do not waste time on threats. If the knife passes into the hands of the attackers, you will not be in trouble. In a word, defend yourself, acting according to the situation. And God help you.

As such, there is no responsibility for the use of the knife. The court (if it comes to it) doesn't care what you hit the enemy with - a Damascus blade or a kitchen "bread cutter". Only the degree of harm caused to health is important, the type of punishment will depend on the incriminated article.

In case of injuries of mild and moderate severity, the case may be closed by reconciliation of the parties, in case of serious injuries, Art. 114 (exceeding the limits of necessary self-defense). Then you will get off with a fine for carrying knives, a suspended sentence, or community service(but you need a good lawyer). In the presence of evidence base not in your favor, you can go under Article 111 (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm). But in any case, you will have to pay for the treatment of the victim - medical institution will issue an invoice not to the compulsory insurance fund, but to you personally.

And the last. In the heat of a street fight in self-defense with a knife, you can lose control of yourself and “beat” the enemy so that he cannot get up off the asphalt. Perhaps the first impulse will be the desire to escape from the scene. Make your choice. But, in any case, it is better for a wounded person, even if he is a thug at least three times, to call an ambulance.

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