Community (biocenosis) is a living component of the system. The study of the relationship of animals with other components of the biocenosis lesson plan (Grade 7) on the topic How the components of the biocenosis are interconnected with each other

two populations of animals cannot be attributed to the same species if the individuals of these populations a) do not interbreed with each other b) differ

from each other in size c) have a common area d) inhabit different tiers

Choose one correct statement from the four given.
.one. Correctly designed food chain:
a) rotten stump - honey agaric - mouse - snake - hawk;
b) mouse - rotten stump - honey agaric - snake - hawk;
c) hawk - snake - mouse - rotten stump - honey agaric;
d) honey agaric - rotten stump - mouse - snake - hawk.
2. Graphic representation of the relationship between producers, consumers and reducers in the biocenosis, expressed in units of mass, number of individuals or energy:
a) power supply;
b) power supply network;
c) ecological pyramid;
d) ecological column.
3. Efficient use of sunlight energy by forest plants is achieved due to:
a) a large number of stomata in the skin of the leaves;
b) the presence of hairs on the surface of the leaves
c) multi-tiered arrangement of plants;
d) flowering of plants before the formation of leaves.
4. All nutritional relationships between organisms in biocenoses
a) power supply;
b) power supply network;
c) ecological pyramid;
d) ecological column.
5. Environmental factors should be considered:
a) factors causing changes in the genotype of living organisms;
b) factors that cause organisms to adapt to a changing environment;
c) any factors acting on the body;
d) elements of the environment that allow the organism to survive in the struggle for existence.
6. Air temperature, air humidity, sunlight are: a) abiotic factors;
b) abiotic relief factors; c) biotic factors;
d) anthropogenic factors.
7. Pine forest, spruce forest, meadow, swamp - examples of: a) biocenoses; b) biogeocenoses; c) agrocenoses; d) biomes.
8. Consumers of the second order include: a) a hamster, b) a lizard; c) a grasshopper; d) vole.
9. The transfer of matter and energy from one type of organism to another is called: a) a pyramid of numbers; b) food chain; c) pyramid of energy; d) ecological pyramid.
10. Consumers of the first order include: a) wolf, b) jackal; c) lynx; d) vole.
II. Choose three correct statements from the six offered.
1. Factors regulating the number of species in biocenoses: a) change in the amount of food; b) change in the number of predators; c) commercial hunting; d) infectious diseases; e) fishing with a bait; f) construction of a country house
.2. Biocenoses include: a) meadow; b) an apple orchard; c) a lake d) pine forest; e) wheat field; e) a park.
3. Agrocenoses include: a) meadow; b) an apple orchard; c) a lake d) pine forest; e) wheat field; e) a park.
III. Choose matches. Write the numbers of statements corresponding to the given concepts.
1. Components of the biocenosis. A) Decomposers: ____________________________ B) Producers ___________________________ C) Consumers of the 1st order: __________________ E) Consumers of the 2nd order: _________________ 1) herbivorous organisms; 2) carnivorous organisms; 3) green plants; 4) organisms that destroy organic compounds
.2. Environmental factors: A) Biotic: ____________________________ B) Abiotic: ___________________________ 1) light; 2) temperature; 3) terrain; 4) plants; 5) animals; 6) man.IV. Read the text. Using the words below for reference (the list of words is redundant), insert the missing terms (changes of endings are possible).1. Environmental conditions that affect living organisms of biocenoses are called __________ factors. They are of three types: _________ - the influence of inanimate nature, _________ - interactions with other organisms, ___________ - born by human activity. The latter can be direct and ___________ factors. a) environmental; b) optimal; c) biotic; d) biotic; e) limiting; f) anthropogenic; h) periodic; g) indirect; i) indefinite. Numbers of words: _____________________________.2. The functional groups of organisms in the biocenosis are: _________, or producers; ____________, or consumers; ___________, or destroyers. a) producers; b) parasites; c) decomposers; d) consumers; e) saprophytes. Word numbers: ____________________________.

1. Over the past 150 years, the statistics of human mortality from various diseases has changed a lot. Give examples of such changes and explain them. 2. In

in the body of vertebrates there are bones that do not have articular surfaces. why might they be needed? Give examples. 3. Some angiosperms bloom less frequently than the average lifespan of one individual. How can this be explained and what could be the biological meaning of this? 4. In many ecosystems there are organisms that no explorer (or people in general) has ever seen. However, in some cases the existence of such organisms can be proven. Suggest ways of proof. 5. Why might spontaneous death of healthy plant cells be needed? 6. What can happen to organisms that live in that part of the salt reservoir, which is forever separated from the main reservoir?

1. give an example of geographic speciation 2. with ecological speciation, unlike geographical, a new species


3. macroevolution ends with the formation of new ..

4. The similarity of mammalian embryos proves..

5. Give examples of ecological specialization.

Urgent help 1. Different living organisms produce different numbers of offspring. Give examples.......

2. Any living organism produces more children than it can survive. The causes of death of organisms are --- ......,.......,

3. All living organisms have to deal with unfavorable conditions for life. Give examples of unfavorable conditions - for plants -..........., for animals - ........., for humans - ...........

4. Everything that surrounds a living organism is called ...... , .... .

5 . In your experiment with seeds, those that developed under .....

conditions. The rest died.

7. Plants form organic substances from inorganic substances.

To do this, they need ......

8. The life of man and animals depends on plants, since ........ .

9. The life of plants depends on humans and animals. For example - ......... .

10. A person should know that all living organisms on Earth are connected with each other. Destroying some, he causes the death of others, endangering his own life. Give examples of human influence on living organisms in your area: a) a positive, in your opinion, influence. b) negative influence.



All ecological sciences can be systematized either according to the objects of study, or according to the methods they use.

1. In accordance with the size of the objects of study, the following areas are distinguished:

Autoecology (Greek autos - itself) - a section of ecology that studies the relationship of an individual organism (artificially isolated organism) with the environment;

Demecology (Greek demos - people) - studies the population and its environment;

Eidecology (Greek eidos - image) - ecology of species;

Synecology (Greek syn - together) - considers communities as integral systems;

Landscape ecology - studies the ability of organisms to exist in different geographic environments;

Megaecology or global ecology is the science of the Earth's biosphere and the position of man in it.

2. In accordance with the attitude to the object of study, the following sections of ecology will be distinguished:

Ecology of microorganisms;

Ecology of mushrooms;

plant ecology;

Animal ecologists;

Social ecology - considers the interaction of man and human society with the environment;

Human ecology - includes the study of the interaction of human society with nature, the ecology of the human personality and the ecology of human populations, including the doctrine of ethnic groups;

Ecology industrial or engineering - considers the mutual influence of industry and transport on nature;

Agricultural ecology - studies ways to obtain agricultural products without depleting natural resources;

Medical ecology - studies human diseases associated with environmental pollution and ways to prevent and treat them.

3. In accordance with the environments and components, the following disciplines are distinguished:

Land Ecology;

Ecology of the seas;

Ecology of rivers;

Desert ecology;

Forest ecology - studies ways to use forest resources with their constant restoration;

Highlands ecology;

Urban ecology (lat. urbanus - urban) - the ecology of urban planning;

4. In accordance with the methods used, the following applied environmental sciences are distinguished:

Mathematical ecology - creates mathematical models to predict the state and behavior of populations and communities when environmental conditions change;

Chemical Ecology - develops methods for analyzing pollutants and ways to reduce harm from chemical pollution;

Economic ecology - creates economic mechanisms for rational use of natural resources;

Legal ecology - aims to develop a system of environmental laws.


In order to get a holistic view of ecology, to understand the role that it plays among the sciences that study living organisms, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the concept of the levels of organization of living matter and the hierarchy of biological systems (Fig. 1).

Biosystems are systems in which biotic components (all living organisms) of different levels of organization interact in an orderly manner with the surrounding biotic environment, i.e. abiotic components (energy and matter).

Fig.1. Hierarchy of levels of organization of living matter:

Molecular - it manifests such processes as metabolism and energy conversion, the transfer of hereditary information;

Cellular - a cell is the main structural and functional unit of all life on planet Earth;

Organismic - an organism (Latin organizo - I arrange, I give a slender appearance) is used both in the narrow sense - an individual, an individual, a “living being”, and in a broad, most general sense - a complexly organized whole. This is the real carrier of life, characterized by all its signs;

Population-species - population (lat. populus - people), according to the definition of Academician S.S. Schwartz, is an elementary grouping of organisms of a certain species, which has all the necessary conditions to maintain its population for an infinitely long time in constantly changing conditions. The term "population" was introduced by V. Iogazen in 1903. A population is a specific form of existence of a species in nature. A biological species is a collection of individuals that have common characteristics, are able to freely interbreed with each other and produce fertile offspring, occupying a certain area (Latin area - area, space) and delimited from other species by non-crossing in natural conditions. The concept of species as the main structural and classification unit in the system of living organisms was introduced by K. Linnaeus, who published his work "Systems of Nature" in 1735;

Biocenotic - biocenosis (Greek bios - life, koinos - general) - a set of organisms of different species and varying complexity of organization with all factors of a particular habitat. The term "biocenosis" was proposed by K. Möbius in 1877. The habitat of a biocenosis is called a biotope. A biotope (Greek: bios - life, topos - place) is a space with homogeneous conditions (relief, climate), inhabited by a certain biocenosis. Any biocenosis is inextricably linked with the biotope, forming with it a stable biological macrosystem of an even higher rank - biogeocenosis. The term "biogeocenosis" was proposed in 1940 by Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukachev. According to V. N. Sukachev, biogeocenosis is a set of homogeneous natural phenomena over a known extent of the earth's surface: the atmosphere, rocks, hydrological conditions, vegetation, wildlife, microorganisms and soil. Thus, the concept of biocenosis is used to refer only to terrestrial ecosystems, the boundaries of which are determined by the boundaries of phytocenosis (vegetation). Biogeocenosis is a special case of a large ecosystem;

Biosphere (Greek bios - life, spharia - ball) - a global ecosystem of the entire globe, the Earth's shell, consisting of the totality of all living organisms (biota), substances, their components and their habitat. The biosphere is the area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, which includes the lower part of the atmosphere, the entire hydrosphere and the upper part of the lithosphere. The term “biosphere” was introduced by the Austrian geologist E. Suess and in 1873. The main provisions of the doctrine of the biosphere were published by V. I. Vernadsky in 1926. In his work, which is called “Biosphere”, V. I. Vernadsky develops the idea of ​​surface evolution of the globe as an integral process of interaction between inanimate or "inert" matter with living matter.


According to various estimates, the total number of biological species on Earth ranges from 1.5 to 3 million. To date, about 0.5 million plant species and approximately 1.5 million animal species have been described. Man is one of the biological species known today on Earth.

The evolutionary stability of a species is ensured by the existence within a species of genetically diverse populations. Species differ from each other in many ways.

Species criteria are features and properties characteristic of a species. There are morphological, genetic, physiological, geographical and ecological criteria of the species. To establish the belonging of individuals to one species, it is not enough to use any one criterion. Only the application of a set of criteria with mutual confirmation of various features and properties of individuals in their totality characterizes a species.

The morphological criterion is based on the similarity of the external and internal structure of individuals of the same species. But individuals within a species are sometimes so variable that it is not always possible to determine the species by morphological criteria alone. In addition, there are species that are morphologically similar, but individuals of such species do not interbreed - these are twin species.

A genetic criterion is a set of chromosomes characteristic of each species, a strictly defined number, size and shape. It is the main feature of the species. Individuals of different species with different sets of chromosomes cannot interbreed. However, in nature there are cases when individuals of different species interbreed and give fertile offspring.

The physiological criterion is the similarity of all vital processes in individuals of the same species, first of all, the similarity of reproductive processes.

A geographical criterion is a certain area (territory, water area) occupied by a species in nature.

An ecological criterion is a set of environmental factors in which a species exists.


In the life of any living being, relationships with representatives of their own species play an important role. These relationships are realized in populations.

There are the following types of populations:

An elementary (local) population is a group of individuals of the same species occupying some small area of ​​​​a square that is homogeneous in terms of habitat conditions.

Ecological population - a set of elementary populations. Basically, these are intraspecific groups confined to specific ecosystems.

Geographical populations - a set of ecological populations inhabiting a territory with geographically homogeneous conditions of existence.

Relationships in populations are intraspecific interactions. By the nature of these interactions, populations of different species are extremely diverse. In populations, there are all types of relationships inherent in living organisms, but the most common are mutually beneficial and competitive relationships. In some species, individuals live alone, meeting only for reproduction. Others create temporary or permanent families. Some, within populations, unite in large groups: flocks, herds, colonies. Others form clusters during unfavorable periods, surviving winter or drought together. A population has features that characterize the group as a whole, and not individual individuals in the group. Such characteristics are the structure, number and density of the population. The structure of a population is the quantitative ratio of individuals of different sexes, ages, sizes, genotypes, etc. Accordingly, sex, age, size, genetic and other population structures are distinguished.

The population structure depends on various reasons. For example, the age structure of a population depends on two factors:

From the features of the life cycle of the species;

from external conditions.

There are species with a very simple age structure of the population, which consist of representatives of almost the same age (annual plants, locusts). Complex age structures of populations arise when all age groups are represented in them (a flock of monkeys, a herd of elephants).

Unfavorable external conditions can change the age composition of the population due to the death of the weakest individuals, but the most stable age groups survive and then restore the structure of the population. The spatial structure of the population is determined by the nature of the distribution of individuals in space and depends both on the characteristics of the environment and on the behavior of the species itself. Any population tends to disperse. Settlement continues until the population encounters any barrier. The main parameters of a population are its abundance and density.

The population size is the total number of individuals in a given area or in a given volume. The population level that guarantees its conservation depends on the specific species.

Population density is the number of individuals per unit area or volume. The higher the number, the higher the adaptability of the organisms of this population. The population size is never constant and depends on the ratio of the intensity of reproduction (fertility) and mortality, i.e. the number of individuals that died in a given period. Population density is also variable, depending on the abundance. With an increase in the number, the density does not increase only if the expansion of the population range is possible. In nature, the size of any population is extremely dynamic.

The population regulates its numbers and adapts to changing environmental conditions by updating and replacing individuals. Individuals appear in the population through birth and immigration, and disappear as a result of death and emigration.

The population size is also affected by the age composition, the total life span of individuals, the period of reaching puberty, and the duration of the breeding season.

For a population of each species there are upper and lower limits of density, beyond which it cannot go. These resource limits are called the environmental capacity for specific populations. Under natural conditions, due to the ability to self-regulate, the number of populations usually fluctuates around a certain level corresponding to the capacity of the environment.


Biocenoses are not random collections of different organisms. In similar natural conditions and with a similar composition of fauna and flora, similar, regularly repeating biocenoses arise. Biocenoses have a specific and spatial structure.

The species structure of a biocenosis means the number of species in a given biocenosis. The diversity of species reflects the diversity of habitat conditions. Species that dominate the community in terms of numbers are called dominants. Dominant species determine the main connections in the biocenosis, create its basic structure and appearance. Usually, terrestrial biocenoses are named according to the dominant species (birch grove, spruce forest, feather grass steppe). Part of the mass species are species without which other species cannot exist. They are called edificators (environment-formers), their removal will lead to the complete destruction of the community. Usually the dominant species is also an edificator. The most diverse in biocenoses are rare and few species. Small species constitute the reserve of the biocenosis. Their predominance is a guarantee of sustainable development. In the richest biocenoses, basically, all species are few in number, but the lower the diversity, the more dominants.

The spatial structure of the biocenosis is determined by the characteristics of the atmosphere, the rock of the soil and its waters. In the course of a long evolutionary transformation, adapting to certain conditions, living organisms are placed in biocenoses in such a way that they practically do not interfere with each other. Vegetation forms the basis of this distribution. Plants create layering in biocenoses, placing foliage under each other in accordance with their form of growth and light-loving.

Each tier develops its own system of relationships, so the tier can be considered as a structural unit of the biocenosis.

In addition to layering, in the spatial structure of the biocenosis, mosaicism is observed - a change in the vegetation of the animal world horizontally.

Neighboring biocenoses usually gradually pass one into another; it is impossible to draw a clear boundary between them. In the border zone, typical conditions of neighboring biocenoses intertwine, some plant and animal species disappear and others appear. Species that have adapted in the border zone are called ecotones. The abundance of plants attracts a variety of animals here, so that the border zone is more diverse and rich in species than each of the adjacent biocenoses. This phenomenon is called the edge effect and is often used to create parks where they want to restore species diversity.

The species structure of the biocenosis, the spatial distribution of species within the biotope, is mainly determined by the relationship between species and the functional role of the species in the community.


To determine the role that a particular species plays in the ecosystem, J. Grinnell introduced the concept of "ecological niche". An ecological niche is a set of all environmental parameters within which a species can exist in nature, its position in space and its functional role in the ecosystem. Y. Odum figuratively presented an ecological niche as an occupation, a “profession” of an organism in a biocenosis, and its habitat is the “address” of the species where it lives. In order to study the organism, it is necessary to know not only its address, but also its profession. G. E. Hutchinson quantified the ecological niche. In his opinion, the niche must be determined taking into account all the physical, chemical and biotic environmental factors to which the species must be adapted. G. E. Hutchinson distinguishes two types of ecological niche: fundamental and realized. The ecological niche, determined only by the physiological characteristics of organisms, is called fundamental (potential), and the one within which the species actually occurs in nature is called realized. The latter is that part of the potential niche that this species is able to defend in competition. Species coexist in the same ecosystem as part of a biocenosis in cases where they differ in ecological requirements and thereby weaken competition with each other. Two species in one biocenosis cannot occupy the same ecological niche. Often, even closely related species, living side by side in the same biocenosis, occupy different ecological niches. This leads to a decrease in the competitive tension between them. In addition, the same species may occupy different ecological niches in different periods of its development.

  • Intraspecific and interspecific relationships of organisms in biocenosis
  • Select the symptoms that are most characteristic of the indicated diseases

  • biocenosis ecosystem nature man

    BIOCENOSIS (Greek bios - life, coenosis - general) is a historically established stable set of populations of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms adapted to cohabitation in a homogeneous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory or water area.

    The term "Biocenosis" was proposed by the German biologist K. Möbius (1877). Biocenosis is a complex of organisms of biogeocenosis, which is formed as a result of the struggle for existence, natural selection and other factors of evolution.

    According to participation in the biogenic cycle of substances in the biocenosis, there are three groups of organisms: producers, consumers and decomposers.

    Producers (producers) are autotrophic (self-feeding) organisms capable of producing (synthesizing) complex organic substances from simple inorganic compounds.

    There are two types of such organisms: photosynthetic and chemosynthetic.

    Photosynthetic organisms synthesize organic compounds from CO2, H2O and minerals using solar energy. These organisms include green plants, algae, and some bacteria.

    Chemosynthetic organisms carry out the synthesis of organic compounds due to the energy obtained from the oxidation of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, iron, etc. Chemosynthesis takes place in underground conditions, in deep-water zones of the World Ocean. Compared with photosynthesis, it plays an insignificant role in the primary production of organic substances, although the role of this process in the cycle of chemical elements in the biosphere is quite large.

    The total amount of biomass of organic matter synthesized by producers is the gross primary production. Part of the synthesized biomass in the process of plant life is spent on their own needs. The rest is called pure primary production, which serves as a source of nutrition for organisms of the next trophic level (Greek trophe - food, nutrition) - consumers.

    Consumers are heterotrophic (Greek heteros-other) organisms, i.e. organisms that use organic substances produced by other organisms (animals, a significant part of microorganisms, insectivorous plants) as a food source.

    Consumers form several trophic levels (no more than 3-4):

    Consumers of the 1st order - organisms that are direct consumers of primary organic products. In general, these are herbivorous animals (phytophages). Part of the food they use to ensure life processes. The remaining food is transformed into new organic substances, called net secondary production.

    Consumers of the second order are animals with a carnivorous type of nutrition (zoophages). As a rule, all predators are included in this group, regardless of whether the prey is a phytophage or zoophagous. Zoophages are characterized by specific adaptations for feeding. In many zoophages, the mouth apparatus is adapted for grasping and holding food, and sometimes for destroying the protective cover. In some cases, the way food is obtained is extremely unusual. For example, predatory mollusks destroy the shells of victims with the help of mineral acids produced by special glands.

    Reducers (lat. reducentis - returning, restoring) or destructors - organisms that decompose dead organic matter and turn it into inorganic substances. Decomposers include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, i.e. soil heterotrophic microorganisms. The mentioned inorganic substances can again be involved by plants in the cycle of substances, thereby closing it.

    Biocenosis is a dialectically developing unity that changes as a result of the activity of its constituent components, as a result of which a natural change and change of biocenosis (succession) occur, which can lead to the restoration of sharply disturbed biocenoses (for example, forests after a fire, etc.).

    A biocenosis is characterized by a division into smaller subordinate units - merocenoses, that is, naturally formed complexes that depend on the biocenosis as a whole (for example, a complex of inhabitants of rotting oak stumps in an oak forest). If the energy source of the biocenosis is not autotrophs, but animals (for example, bats in the cave biocenosis), then such biocenoses depend on the influx of energy from the outside and are inferior, representing in essence merocenoses. In the biocenosis, other subordinate groups of organisms can be distinguished, for example, sinusia. The biocenosis is also characterized by a division into vertical groupings of organisms (tiers of the biocenosis). In the annual cycle in the biocenosis, the abundance, stages of development and activity of individual species change, regular seasonal aspects of the biocenosis are created.

    The components of the biocenosis are phytocenosis (a stable community of plants), zoocenosis (a set of interrelated animal species), mycocenosis (community of fungi) and microbiocenosis (community of microorganisms).

    Biocenosis is an open system and does not occupy clearly defined areas. Often, different biocenoses are so intertwined that it is fundamentally impossible to determine their boundaries.

    The scales of biocenotic groupings of organisms (biocenoses) are different - from communities on a tree trunk, in a hole or on a swamp tussock (they are called microcommunities) to the population of an oak forest, pine or spruce forest, meadow, lake, swamp or pond. There is no fundamental difference between biocenoses of different scales, since small communities are an integral part of larger ones, which are characterized by an increase in complexity and the proportion of indirect relationships between species.

    There are saturated and unsaturated biocenoses.

    In a saturated biocenosis, all ecological niches are occupied and the introduction of a new species is impossible without the destruction or subsequent displacement of c.-l. component of the biocenosis.

    Unsaturated biocenoses are characterized by the possibility of introducing new species into them without destroying other components.

    It is possible to distinguish between primary biocenoses that have developed without human influence (virgin steppe, virgin forest), and secondary ones, changed by human activity (forests that have grown on the site of flattened ones, the population of reservoirs).

    A special category is represented by agrobiocenoses, where the complexes of the main components of the biocenosis are consciously regulated by man. There is a whole gamut of transitions between the primary biocenosis and the agrobiocenosis. The study of the biocenosis is important for the rational development of lands and water spaces, since only a correct understanding of the regulatory processes in the biocenosis allows a person to withdraw part of the biocenosis production without disturbing and destroying it.

    A piece of the earth's surface (land or water) with homogeneous living conditions, occupied by one or another biocenosis, is called a biotope (Greek bios - life, topos - place).

    Each biocenosis corresponds to a zone with homogeneous abiotic environmental factors, called a biotope (Greek topos - place). A biotope is a natural, fairly homogeneous living space of a biocenosis. The composition of the biotope includes climatotope, edaphotope and hydrotope, which characterize homogeneous climatic, soil and soil conditions, conditions of humidity and pH of the environment (Fig. 1).

    The subsystem "biotope - biocenosis" are in dynamic equilibrium, thereby ensuring the stability of the system of a higher level - biogeocenosis.

    The close interaction between the biocenosis and the biotope is based on the constant exchange of energy, matter and information.

    In spatial terms, the biotope corresponds to the biocenosis. The boundaries of the biocenosis are established by the phytocenosis, which has easily recognizable features. For example, pine forests are easily distinguished from spruce forests, raised bogs from lowlands, etc. In addition, phytocenosis is the main structural component of any biocenosis, since it determines the species composition of zoo-, myco- and microbial cenoses.

    The adaptability of the members of the biocenosis to living together is expressed in a certain similarity of their requirements for the most important abiotic environmental conditions (illumination, the nature of soil and air moisture, thermal conditions, etc.) and in regular relationships with each other. Communication between organisms is necessary for their nutrition, reproduction, resettlement, protection, etc. However, it also contains a certain threat and even a danger to the existence of one or another individual. Biotic factors of the environment, on the one hand, weaken the organism, on the other hand, they form the basis of natural selection, the most important factor in speciation.

    Biocenosis (from Greek bios - life, koinos - general) is an organized group of interconnected populations of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms living together in the same environmental conditions.

    The concept of "biocenosis" was proposed in 1877 by the German zoologist K. Möbius. Moebius, studying oyster jars, came to the conclusion that each of them is a community of living beings, all members of which are in close relationship. Biocenosis is a product of natural selection. Its survival, stable existence in time and space depends on the nature of the interaction of the constituent populations and is possible only with the obligatory receipt of the radiant energy of the Sun from outside.

    Each biocenosis has a certain structure, species composition and territory; it is characterized by a certain organization of food relations and a certain type of metabolism

    But no biocenosis can develop on its own, outside and independently of the environment. As a result, certain complexes, aggregates of living and non-living components, are formed in nature. The complex interactions of their individual parts are supported on the basis of versatile mutual fitness.

    A space with more or less homogeneous conditions, inhabited by one or another community of organisms (biocenosis), is called a biotope.

    In other words, a biotope is a place of existence, a habitat, a biocenosis. Therefore, a biocenosis can be considered as a historically established complex of organisms, characteristic of a particular biotope.

    Any biocenosis forms a dialectical unity with a biotope, a biological macrosystem of an even higher rank - a biogeocenosis. The term "biogeocenosis" was proposed in 1940 by V.N. Sukachev. It is practically identical to the term "ecosystem" widely used abroad, which was proposed in 1935 by A. Tensley. There is an opinion that the term "biogeocenosis" to a much greater extent reflects the structural characteristics of the macrosystem under study, while the concept of "ecosystem" primarily includes its functional essence. In fact, there is no difference between these terms. Undoubtedly, V.N. Sukachev, formulating the concept of "biogeocenosis", combined in it not only the structural, but also the functional significance of the macrosystem. According to V.N. Sukachev, biogeocenosis- this is set of homogeneous natural phenomena over a known extent of the earth's surface- atmosphere, rocks, hydrological conditions, vegetation, fauna, the world of microorganisms and soil. This set is distinguished by the specifics of the interactions of its components, their special structure and a certain type of exchange of matter and energy between themselves and with other natural phenomena.

    Biogeocenoses can be of various sizes. In addition, they are very complex - it is sometimes difficult to take into account all the elements, all the links in them. These are, for example, such natural groupings as a forest, a lake, a meadow, etc. An example of a relatively simple and clear biogeocenosis can be a small reservoir, a pond. Its inanimate components include water, substances dissolved in it (oxygen, carbon dioxide, salts, organic compounds) and soil - the bottom of a reservoir, which also contains a large number of various substances. The living components of the reservoir are divided into producers of primary products - producers (green plants), consumers - consumers (primary - herbivores, secondary - carnivores, etc.) and decomposers - destructors (microorganisms), which decompose organic compounds to inorganic. Any biogeocenosis, regardless of its size and complexity, consists of these main links: producers, consumers, destroyers and components of inanimate nature, as well as many other links. Connections of various orders arise between them - parallel and intersecting, tangled and intertwined, etc.

    In general, biogeocenosis represents an internal contradictory dialectical unity that is in constant motion and change. “Biogeocenosis is not the sum of biocenosis and the environment,” N.V. Dylis points out, “but a holistic and qualitatively isolated phenomenon of nature, acting and developing according to its own laws, the basis of which is the metabolism of its components.”

    Living components of biogeocenosis, i.e. balanced animal and plant communities (biocenoses), are the highest form of existence of organisms. They are characterized by a relatively stable composition of fauna and flora and have a typical set of living organisms that retain their main features in time and space. The stability of biogeocenoses is supported by self-regulation, that is, all elements of the system exist together, never completely destroying each other, but only limiting the number of individuals of each species to a certain limit. That is why such relationships have historically developed between animal, plant and microorganism species that ensure development and keep their reproduction at a certain level. Overpopulation of one of them may arise for some reason as an outbreak of mass reproduction, and then the established ratio between the species is temporarily disturbed.

    To simplify the study of biocenosis, it can be conditionally divided into separate components: phytocenosis - vegetation, zoocenosis - wildlife, microbiocenosis - microorganisms. But such fragmentation leads to an artificial and actually incorrect separation from a single natural complex of groups that cannot exist independently. In no habitat can there be a dynamic system that would consist only of plants or only of animals. Biocenosis, phytocenosis and zoocenosis must be considered as biological units of different types and stages. This view objectively reflects the real situation in modern ecology.

    In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, human activity transforms natural biogeocenoses (forests, steppes). They are being replaced by sowing and planting of cultivated plants. This is how special secondary agrobiogeocenoses, or agrocenoses, are formed, the number of which on Earth is constantly increasing. Agrocenoses are not only agricultural fields, but also shelterbelts, pastures, artificially regenerated forests in clearings and conflagrations, ponds and reservoirs, canals and drained swamps. Agrobiocenoses in their structure are characterized by a small number of species, but their high abundance. Although there are many specific features in the structure and energy of natural and artificial biocenoses, there are no sharp differences between them. In a natural biogeocenosis, the quantitative ratio of individuals of different species is mutually dependent, since it has mechanisms that regulate this ratio. As a result, a stable state is established in such biogeocenoses, maintaining the most favorable quantitative proportions of its constituent components. There are no such mechanisms in artificial agrocenoses; there, a person completely took care of streamlining the relationship between species. Much attention is paid to the study of the structure and dynamics of agrocenoses, since in the foreseeable future there will be practically no primary, natural, biogeocenoses.

    1. Trophic structure of biocenosis

    The main function of biocenoses - maintaining the circulation of substances in the biosphere - is based on the nutritional relationships of species. It is on this basis that organic substances synthesized by autotrophic organisms undergo multiple chemical transformations and eventually return to the environment in the form of inorganic waste products, which are again involved in the cycle. Therefore, with all the diversity of species that make up different communities, each biocenosis necessarily includes representatives of all three principal ecological groups of organisms - producers, consumers and decomposers . The completeness of the trophic structure of biocenoses is an axiom of biocenology.

    Groups of organisms and their relationships in biocenoses

    According to participation in the biogenic cycle of substances in biocenoses, three groups of organisms are distinguished:

    1) Producers(producers) - autotrophic organisms that create organic substances from inorganic ones. The main producers in all biocenoses are green plants. The activity of producers determines the initial accumulation of organic substances in the biocenosis;


    This trophic level is composed by direct consumers of primary production. In the most typical cases, when the latter is created by photoautotrophs, these are herbivorous animals. (phytophages). Species and ecological forms representing this level are very diverse and adapted to feeding on different types of plant food. Due to the fact that plants are usually attached to the substrate, and their tissues are often very strong, many phytophages have evolved a gnawing type of mouth apparatus and various adaptations for grinding and grinding food. These are the dental systems of the gnawing and grinding type in various herbivorous mammals, the muscular stomach of birds, which is especially well expressed in granivorous ones, and so on. n. The combination of these structures determines the possibility of grinding solid food. Gnawing mouth apparatus is characteristic of many insects, etc.

    Some animals are adapted to feed on plant sap or flower nectar. This food is rich in high-calorie, easily digestible substances. The oral apparatus of species that feed in this way is arranged in the form of a tube, with the help of which liquid food is absorbed.

    Adaptations to nutrition by plants are also found at the physiological level. They are especially pronounced in animals that feed on the coarse tissues of the vegetative parts of plants, which contain a large amount of fiber. Cellulolytic enzymes are not produced in the body of most animals, and the breakdown of fiber is carried out by symbiotic bacteria (and some protozoa of the intestinal tract).

    Consumers partly use food to provide life processes (“breathing costs”), and partly build their own body on its basis, thus carrying out the first, fundamental stage in the transformation of organic matter synthesized by producers. The process of creation and accumulation of biomass at the consumer level is denoted as , secondary products.


    This level combines animals with a carnivorous type of food. (zoophages). Usually, all predators are considered in this group, since their specific features practically do not depend on whether the prey is a phytophage or a carnivore. But strictly speaking, only predators that feed on herbivorous animals and, accordingly, represent the second stage of the transformation of organic matter in food chains, should be considered second-order consumers. The chemicals that make up the tissues of an animal organism are quite homogeneous, so the transformation during the transition from one level of consumers to another is not as fundamental as the transformation of plant tissues into animals.

    With a more careful approach, the level of consumers of the second order should be divided into sublevels according to the direction of the flow of matter and energy. For example, in the trophic chain "cereals - grasshoppers - frogs - snakes - eagles", frogs, snakes and eagles constitute successive sublevels of consumers of the second order.

    Zoophages are characterized by their specific adaptations to the nature of their diet. For example, their mouthparts are often adapted for grasping and holding live prey. When feeding on animals that have dense protective covers, adaptations are developed for their destruction.

    At the physiological level, adaptations of zoophages are expressed primarily in the specificity of the action of enzymes "tuned" to the digestion of food of animal origin.


    The most important in biocenoses are trophic relationships. Based on these connections of organisms in each biocenosis, the so-called food chains are distinguished, which arise as a result of complex nutritional relationships between plant and animal organisms. Food chains unite directly or indirectly a large group of organisms into a single complex, interconnected by relationships: food - consumer. The food chain usually consists of several links. The organisms of the next link eat the organisms of the previous link, and thus the chain transfer of energy and matter is carried out, which underlies the cycle of substances in nature. With each transfer from link to link, a large part (up to 80 - 90%) of the potential energy is lost, dissipating in the form of heat. For this reason, the number of links (species) in the food chain is limited and usually does not exceed 4-5.

    A schematic diagram of the food chain is shown in fig. 2.

    Here, the food chain is based on species - producers - autotrophic organisms, mainly green plants that synthesize organic matter (they build their bodies from water, inorganic salts and carbon dioxide, assimilating the energy of solar radiation), as well as sulfuric, hydrogen and other bacteria that use for the synthesis of organic substances energy oxidation of chemicals. The next links in the food chain are occupied by consumer species-heterotrophic organisms that consume organic matter. Primary consumers are herbivorous animals that feed on grass, seeds, fruits, underground parts of plants - roots, tubers, bulbs and even wood (some insects). Secondary consumers include carnivores. Carnivores, in turn, are divided into two groups: feeding on mass small prey and active predators, often attacking prey larger than the predator itself. At the same time, both herbivores and carnivores have a mixed diet. For example, even with an abundance of mammals and birds, martens and sables also eat fruits, seeds and pine nuts, and herbivorous animals consume some amount of animal food, thus obtaining the essential amino acids of animal origin they need. Starting at the producer level, there are two new ways to use energy. First, it is used by herbivores (phytophages), which eat directly the living tissues of plants; secondly, they consume saprophages in the form of already dead tissues (for example, during the decomposition of forest litter). Organisms called saprophages, mainly fungi and bacteria, obtain the necessary energy by decomposing dead organic matter. In accordance with this, there are two types of food chains: the chains of eating and the chains of decomposition, fig. 3.

    It should be emphasized that the food chains of decomposition are no less important than the chains of grazing. On land, these chains begin with dead organic matter (leaves, bark, branches), in water - dead algae, fecal matter and other organic residues. Organic residues can be completely consumed by bacteria, fungi and small animals - saprophages; in this case, gas and heat are released.

    Each biocenosis usually has several food chains, which in most cases are difficult to intertwine.

    Quantitative characteristics of biocenosis: biomass, biological productivity.

    Biomass and biocenosis productivity

    The amount of living matter of all groups of plant and animal organisms is called biomass. The rate of biomass production is characterized by the productivity of the biocenosis. There are primary productivity - plant biomass formed per unit time during photosynthesis, and secondary - biomass produced by animals (consumers) that consume primary products. Secondary production is formed as a result of the use by heterotrophic organisms of the energy stored by autotrophs.

    Productivity is usually expressed in terms of mass per year in terms of dry matter per unit area or volume, which varies significantly in different plant communities. For example, 1 hectare of pine forest produces 6.5 tons of biomass per year, and a sugarcane plantation - 34-78 tons. In general, the primary productivity of the world's forests is the highest compared to other formations. A biocenosis is a historically established complex of organisms and is part of a more general natural complex - an ecosystem.

    The rule of ecological pyramids.

    All species that make up the food chain subsist on the organic matter created by green plants. At the same time, there is an important regularity associated with the efficiency of the use and conversion of energy in the process of nutrition. Its essence is as follows.

    Only about 0.1% of the energy received from the Sun is bound in the process of photosynthesis. However, due to this energy, several thousand grams of dry organic matter per 1 m 2 per year can be synthesized. More than half of the energy associated with photosynthesis is immediately consumed in the process of respiration of the plants themselves. The other part of it is transferred through a number of organisms along food chains. But when animals eat plants, most of the energy contained in food is spent on various life processes, while turning into heat and dissipating. Only 5 - 20% of food energy passes into the newly built substance of the animal's body. The amount of plant matter that serves as the basis of the food chain is always several times greater than the total mass of herbivorous animals, and the mass of each of the subsequent links in the food chain also decreases. This very important rule is called ecological pyramid rule. The ecological pyramid, which is a food chain: cereals - grasshoppers - frogs - snakes - an eagle is shown in fig. 6.

    The height of the pyramid corresponds to the length of the food chain.

    The transition of biomass from the underlying trophic level to the overlying one is associated with the loss of matter and energy. On average, it is believed that only about 10% of the biomass and the energy associated with it passes from each level to the next. Because of this, the total biomass, production and energy, and often the number of individuals progressively decrease as one ascends the trophic levels. This regularity was formulated by Ch. Elton (Ch. Elton, 1927) as a rule ecological pyramids (Fig. 4) and acts as the main limiter for the length of food chains.

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