The city of Iskorosten was in the land of the tribes. Korosten is the historical capital of the Drevlyans. Literary festival "Just like that"

On two sides of the picturesque banks of the winding Uzh River, a tributary of the Pripyat, on ancient rocks, among free-flowing green oak forests, the beautiful city of Korosten (Iskorosten) is spread. The flower depicted in the center of the coat of arms of the city is flax, which has long been grown in Polesie, the snake symbolizes the river Uzh, which, with its winding banks, adorns the city stretched on both sides, the city of Korosten. Today Korosten is a city of regional subordination, the center of the region, a large junction railway station, a large industrial center of Ukraine. Korosten is located on the river Uzh - a tributary of the Pripyat, 90 km north of Zhytomyr, 60 km from the border with the Republic of Belarus and 150 km from Kyiv.

The history of Korosten goes back thousands of years. Even in the Paleolithic times, one of the largest flint deposits in Europe attracted primitive people here. The oldest stone tools found here were made by human hands more than 10 thousand years ago. When exploring the territory of the city, which was started in 1887 by the famous archaeologist V.B. Antonovich, a number of remains of Neolithic settlements were found, traces of original workshops where tools were produced in the Bronze Age. The first traces of the presence of Slavic tribes in our region date back to the 5th-7th century AD. Then a number of small Slavic settlements arose in the valley of the river Uzh. On the basis of one of them, located on high granite rocks, the city of Korosten arose.

The city became the center of the Drevlyans - a powerful and numerous East Slavic tribe. As the chronicle testifies, already at the beginning of the 10th century Iskorosten was a powerful fortress. Surrounded by a strong palisade of unhewn centuries-old oak trunks, the fortress was the permanent residence of Prince Mal. Hence the origin of the first name of the settlement Iskorosten - from the bark-wall. With the creation of the feudal state of Kievan Rus, the Drevlyane land was one of the first to become part of it. The Kyiv prince Oleg subjugated and imposed tribute on the Drevlyans in 883, and in 907 they already participated in the victorious campaign against Byzantium. Under the rule of their princes, the Drevlyans stubbornly fought for independence from the Kievan princes. In 913, after the death of Prince Oleg, they refused to pay tribute to his heir Igor. In 914 Igor conquered them again. However, the Drevlyans continued to fight against Igor and his henchmen later. Year 945. Prince Igor of Kyiv goes through the lands of the Slavic tribes subordinate to him to collect an annual tribute. He goes with a retinue armed and numerous, for the Slavs do not easily give away the good acquired by overwork. And although Igor is no stranger to resorting to force and cruelty, it is still not easy. Every time the prince needs more and more. Campaigns against Byzantium and Greece, protection from Pecheneg raids, subjugation of negligent tribes in order to save the state from collapse: all this requires money and a lot.

Monument to the Drevlyansky prince Mal, installed in the city of Korosten, Zhytomyr region.

The turn has come to pay the Drevlyans. They were nicknamed so because they live among the "trees" (trees), because. their land is completely covered with dense and dense forests. Yes, and the Drevlyansk capital Iskorosten (Korosten) itself is built of wood, and the city walls are surrounded by an oak palisade, unhewn, right with bark. That is why it is called so: Is-koro-wall, the city "from the bark on the wall." The fortress is formidable, and the people, although seemingly accommodating, courteous, but "on their minds", do not hurt the prince of Kyiv. Yes, and their leader himself, Prince Mal, a "tough nut", is still waiting for an opportunity to return to the tribe the independence taken from them by Oleg, Igor's predecessor. The prince feels how this tribe is indignant at him, the battles of 914 are not forgotten yet, when Igor had to suppress the uprising of the Drevlyans with fire and sword .... Every time you need to keep your "ears open". But it's worth it, after all. This land is too rich, generously endows with furs, honey, leather and linen fabrics. Yes, and there is silver, because the city is located just at the crossroads of trade routes. And this time, we managed to collect a lot. But Igor is dissatisfied, he sees that the dues for the Drevlyans are not so difficult, he feels that he has sold cheap, he could have taken more. After thinking a little, the prince stops halfway to Kyiv. He releases part of the squad with good to the capital, and he returns to Iskorosten with another detachment to demand additional payment from the Drevlyans.

The Drevlyans found out about the return of the prince and were strongly indignant at such impudence. The cup of patience overflowed, the blood boiled, is it not time to teach the Prince of Kyiv to respect Slavic customs and their dignity. And they send messengers to meet Igor: "Why are you returning, since the tribute has been paid in full?" But he didn't even listen to them, it's none of their business. And the Drevlyans came to their prince Mal for advice. And on reflection, they concluded the following: “If the wolf has already got used to the sheep, he will drag them one by one, and if he is not killed, he will not stop until he has eaten the whole herd. It is the same with this man: if we don’t kill him today, then then he will destroy us all." And Prince Mal raised the city of Iskorosten against Prince Igor. And they fought. And the Kyiv squad was defeated, and Igor himself was taken prisoner. And so that others would not be accustomed to trample on Slavic customs and stretch out their hand to the Drevlyansk land, they decided to execute him with a cruel and exemplary death. They found two young birch trees growing side by side, tilted and tied them to the feet of Prince Igor, and then let them go. The trees straightened up in an instant, dismembering the prince’s body in two ... Apparently, this was this terrible message: “We were able to bow before you, honoring your greatness and superiority. But if you spoil our dignity, then we can straighten up, so much so that you and you will not gather up your parts!" Nevertheless, they buried him with all honors, according to princely custom, and poured a high mound on his grave. And the nearby village was called Mogilnoe for many centuries, because. here is the Grave of Prince Igor (now it is the village of Polesskoe).

The terrible news of the rebellion and the death of the prince reached Kyiv and sowed indignation and fear in the capital: the state of 20 principalities was left without a supreme ruler for some time. After Igor, only his young son Svyatoslav and Princess Olga, Igor's widow, remained. (the same Grand Duchess Olga, who 10 years later will become the first Christian in Russia, long before her grandson Vladimir Svyatoslavovich baptizes Russia in 988). And there was confusion in the capital of Russia: what to expect now, because the only heir to the throne was only 3 years old. How could the Drevlyans miss such an opportunity to finally get rid of subordination to Kyiv! They decide to persuade Olga to take their prince Mal as her husband, in order to gain superiority over Svyatoslav in this way and exercise their will in Kyiv. And they send 20 of their best husbands on a boat to the capital for negotiations. Olga received them hospitably. And the Drevlyans told that they had sent a tribe to explain to the princess how her husband Igor had become like a greedy and ruffled wolf who had lost his mind and measure, but, on the contrary, their princes were always famous for wisdom and patience, and how well they rule the Drevlyansk lands, and that their prince Mal would be a worthy and reliable support for her. Olga listened to them courteously and said that she liked their words, because her husband Igor could no longer rise from the grave, and she had to think about the future. However, she added that she wanted to show them special honors in the eyes of her people and that they return to their boat and wait there with a proud and majestic look. And when the next day her messengers come for them, so that they refuse to go on foot or ride on horseback, but so that they are carried to her right in their boat. On that, Olga saw them off. Wasting no time, the princess immediately ordered to dig a huge hole with access to the city. Even before sunrise, the order was duly carried out. In the morning Olga sent for the Drevlyans. The messengers approached the boat and informed the Drevlyans that the princess was waiting for them and had prepared special honors for them. But, as agreed, they stood up proudly and answered that they would not go on foot or on horseback, and that they would be carried to her along with the boat. The people of Kiev were indignant at the fact that they should honor the people who killed their prince, and now they also want to rule over their princess. However, her will was fulfilled and carried in the hands of the Drevlyans in their own boat to the city. But when the procession approached, Olga ordered to throw the boat right into the pit. The princess bent over them, asking how they felt the "honours" rendered to them. Finally, the Drevlyans understood what was the matter and answered: "Oh, princess, this is much worse than Igoreva's death itself!" And the princess ordered to fill up the pit, and they were buried alive. Immediately Olga sends a message to Iskorosten to send more noble men from the city, so that Kyiv could see how great the desire of the Drevlyans to make her their princess, and so that she would go to their prince with double honor otherwise the people of Kyiv will not let her go. And the Drevlyans hastened to fulfill the will of the princess. They immediately chose their best and most worthy rulers and sent them to Kyiv. Envoys appeared before the princess. First of all, she kindly invites them to a bathhouse prepared in advance, so that they relax from the road. As soon as the Drevlyans entered there, Olga's servants closed the doors tightly behind them and set them on fire. So they were burned alive.

After that, Olga ordered to immediately gather a squad and oppose the city of Iskorosten. She takes Svyatoslav with her on a campaign so that her son can take part in revenge for the death of his father. The army entered the land of the Drevlyansk. Everything is ready for battle, the squad is just waiting for the prince's signal. Olga salutes this honor to Svyatoslav, and hands him the first arrow. However, the kid just dropped it at the feet of his horse. But for a devoted army, this is enough: as soon as an arrow touched the ground, the soldiers rushed to the attack ... That is why they believe that this was the first battle of Prince Svyatoslav. Olga stood for a whole summer with her squad at the unhewn walls of the besieged Iskorosten. More than once she tried to take the fortress by storm, many soldiers were killed, but the city turned out to be beyond their strength for the people of Kiev. Time is running out, strength is running out. But the wise Olga knew that the Drevlyans were also tired of the war, they were laborers by nature, not warriors. Therefore, where it is impossible to take by force, you need to take by cunning. And the princess announced to the city of Iskorosten that she forgives him and arranges a feast (commemoration) for Prince Igor on Red Hill. Many believed and left the city walls to feast with the princess. But an ambush awaited them all... And the Red Hump became red with blood. 5 thousand Drevlyans perished in this massacre.

Olga again turned to the Drevlyans and said that now her revenge was satisfied, only let the city pay her a light tribute, only three doves and three sparrows from each house, and she would leave them alone. Maybe the Drevlyans felt a catch, but the desire for peace was too great, the desire to end this war. And they agreed with great joy.

The dove is a peaceful bird, faithful to its home, wherever it flies, it always returns to its hearth, bringing good news on its wings. But not for the good news did Princess Olga intend the birds brought from Iskorosten. She ordered to make wicks from the clothes of those killed on the Red Hill, tie them to the legs of pigeons, light them and let them go. And peaceful naive birds, following their eternal instinct, immediately went to their homes, carrying fire on their native roofs. The wooden city broke out in an instant, there was not a single house left that would not be engulfed in fire. The insatiable flame engulfed him, engulfing everything from the bark on the walls to the weathercocks on the towers. Those who managed to escape from the fire fell into the ruthless hands of the Kyiv soldiers. Olga ordered the captive rulers of the city who to be executed and who to give into slavery to combatants. From now on, the Drevlyans will be obliged to pay a much larger tribute to Kyiv, and a fourth of it will be sent personally to Olga at her residence in Vyshgorod. So the rebellious Drevlyansk capital, the glorious city of Iskorosten, turned into ashes in just one night. By order of the princess, it was forbidden to restore the city and even settle in the vicinity of this place.

For many years, Iskorosten was erased from history. But time passed and people nevertheless returned here, settlements began to appear, little by little forming a new city. Favorable geographical position and the availability of rich resources for a long time led to its transition to different principalities, counties, voivodeships.

After the division of Russia as a result of the formation in 1157 of Vladimir-Suzdal and the Grand Duchy of Moscow (1260-70), Iskorosten remained under the jurisdiction of the Kyiv princes. Since 1243, the Mongol-Tatars have been dominating here. In 1348 and 1370, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Algirdas Olged won victories over the Teutonic Order and, pushing back the Tatars, annexed these lands to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Later he gives them to one of his knights Terekh (from Bryansk) for his faithful service. Since 1385, after the formation of the Union of Krevo, this territory fell under the influence of Poland. In 1586, the wealthy Polish magnate Prokop Mrzhevitsky, having married one of the heirs of Terek, became the owner of Iskorosten. He manages to get the Polish king to grant this small fortress the status of a city. May 22, 1589 Sigismund III gives the city of Iskorosten the Magdeburg right providing for self-government and the rights of citizens. In this era, the Grand Duchy of Moscow is expanding and strengthening. Moscow is declared the capital of the unified Russian state, and the territories of the former Kievan Rus are already on the outskirts of Russian lands and are now called Ukraine (located "at the edge" of the borders). Ukraine with its rich resources is a temptation for many states: Poland from the west, Turkey from the south, Lithuania and Sweden from the north. In response to all these claims, a military-political order, the Cossacks, is being born in Ukraine. In the very heart of feudal Eastern Europe, a hitherto unseen democratic structure is emerging - the Zaporozhian Sich, which takes care of protecting the territory, the nation and the Orthodox Christian faith. For centuries, the Cossacks have been waging fierce wars for independence against the Poles, Turks and Crimean Tatars. In 1649, a detachment of Cossacks under the command of Geraska, after a bloody battle, liberated Iskorosten from the Polish gentry. The city fortifications were completely destroyed. In 1654, hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky, as a result of the Pereyaslav Rada, signed an agreement with the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on the transfer of Ukraine under the jurisdiction of Russia. However, from 1667 to 1795 the land of Iskorosten continued to be part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

In 1795, Iskorosten passed to the Russian Empire as the center of the Iskorosten volost, Ovruch district, Volyn province. For a long time it was a quiet, inconspicuous provincial town. A note from the newspaper "Volyn Diocesan Vedomosti" dated 1888 has been preserved, where they write about him: "Now Iskorosten is a poor, insignificant town inhabited by Jews and peasant farmers." The life of the inhabitants of Iskorosten changed dramatically with the construction of the Kyiv-Kovel railway in 1902. At the beginning of the 20th century, more than three thousand people lived in Iskorosten. There were several small enterprises in it: furniture, mechanical and leather workshops, a porcelain factory. The city became the site of many events during the years of the revolution and the civil war. During the first Russian revolution, the workers of Iskorosten supported the strike. And in November 1917, together with the revolutionary soldiers, they established Soviet power (At this time, the city was renamed Korosten). November 18, 1917 At the meeting, which took place on Barachnaya Square, L.M. Tabukashvili, the duty officer at the station, announced the establishment of Soviet power. On February 12, 1918, at a meeting of the Little Council in Korosten, a law was approved on the introduction of a new Gregorian (currently valid) calendar in the Ukrainian People's Republic, on the transition to the Central European (currently valid) time, approved the sign of the Kyiv State - a trident as the coat of arms of the UNR. At the end of February, the Kaiser's troops entered the city. Since July 15, 1918 Korosten is one of the centers of the All-Ukrainian railroad strike. After the retreat of the Germans from Ukraine in the next 1919. The city was liberated by UNR troops. On February 18, a division of the Red Army entered Korosten. On March 15, 1919, the UNR troops again entered the city. On April 7, 1919, the Bohunsky and Tarashchansky regiments of the Red Army entered the city. On April 26, 1920, the city was captured by Polish troops. On June 20, Korosten was liberated by units of the 1st Cavalry Army, but in September the Poles captured the city again. On October 12, 1920, after many days of fighting, the Red Army finally liberated the city. In 1921, the capture of Korosten was the main goal of the campaign by the troops of the UNR under the leadership of the cornet general Y. Tyutyunnik. On the night of November 7, 1921. a desperate four-hour battle ensued on the outskirts of the city - the last battle of the civil war in Ukraine and Korosten was again liberated by the Red Army.

In March 1923, Korosten became an urban-type settlement, and on January 1, 1926, it was given the status of a city. In 1926, the premises of the Ivan Franko Drama Theater were built, in 1927-1929, the Oktyabrskaya Kuznitsa factory was built on the basis of the former Osterman workshops, and in 1928, after reconstruction, a porcelain factory began to operate. In 1930, two secondary specialized educational institutions were opened - a medical college and a technical school of Soviet construction, two evening working faculties - the Kyiv Engineering Institute and the Kharkov Institute of Railway Engineers.

During the Second World War, during the German attack on the Soviet Union, Korosten, as a major railway junction, was subject to intense and continuous bombardment by German aircraft from the first hours of the war. Despite the destruction and losses, the railway worked non-stop, supplying reinforcements, equipment and ammunition to the front, and evacuating the wounded and the civilian population. In addition, Korosten is the most important stronghold in the defense system of Kyiv. A strategic line of defense passed near the city (the object "Rock" with fortified areas, famous throughout Ukraine), designed by the legendary general Karbyshev. It was here, thanks to the heroic resistance of General Potapov's Fifth Army, that the offensive of the Nazi troops was delayed for a whole month. The number of casualties on both sides was measured in tens of thousands.

On August 7, 1941, the black days of occupation began for the inhabitants of Korosten. But the city did not capitulate. On the territory of Korosten and the region, underground groups and partisan detachments operated, inflicting significant damage on German troops, destroying soldiers and officers, blowing up bridges and warehouses, and paralyzing train traffic. The Nazis dealt cruelly with the patriots. During the occupation, 16,733 people were shot in the city, 15 people were hanged, and 1,803 people were taken to Germany for forced labor.

During the offensive of 1943, as a result of the Kyiv operation, the Red Army liberated Korosten on November 17, but the German command could not allow the loss of such an important strategic point. German troops in the course of a powerful tank counteroffensive with the support of aviation and artillery again captured the city, despite the persistent resistance of the defending garrison. Korosten remembers and honors the memory of his fallen defenders with many monuments and street names. And the exploits of the soldier Abdul Usenov, who stopped German tanks at the cost of his life, and the pilot Polyakov, who rammed in the sky over Korosten, are recorded in the annals of the History of the Great Patriotic War. Both were posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. However, the names of many heroes who are buried in the Korosten land are still unknown. The feat of the dungeon fighters of the old fortress above the Uzh remains an unsolved mystery and a topic for research ... On December 28, 1943, the city was finally liberated by units of the 13th Army of Lieutenant General Pukhov.

As a result of the war, Korosten was again completely destroyed. But this city is no stranger to it. As in all times, it was again little by little reborn from the ashes. After the war years, the restoration of the almost completely destroyed city began. By May 1945, the railway junction and the porcelain factory were fully operational. In 1947, the Oktyabrskaya Kuznitsa plant began production again. In 1949, the Torfmash plant was built (since 1961, Korostenkhimmash). In 1960, a plant for reinforced concrete sleepers was put into operation, and in 1964, a cotton spinning factory. In 1966, a children's sports school was opened, and in 1970, the Railwaymen's House of Culture for 850 seats.

In the 80-90s of the 20th century, the city again had to go through difficult times. Proximity to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (90 km) left a new tragic imprint on its history. Korosten fell into the zone of radioactive contamination as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster on April 26, 1986 and is classified as a "zone of guaranteed voluntary resettlement." Korosten is the largest settlement on the territory of the zones affected by the Chernobyl accident.

But this tragedy did not stop the development of the city. After a short-term relocation of the city's residents to other regions of Ukraine, the life of the city resumed again at the same level.

If you have a few hours of free time and an irresistible desire to travel, go to Korosten! This, at first glance, a provincial Soviet town actually has its own unique "face" and keeps the mysteries of antiquity.

The route of our trip was formed as always suddenly, so we got acquainted with the sights of the city, thanks to the Internet, already on the way. The first purpose of the visit was Museum of the Locomotive Depot of the Korosten Station(the depot itself was founded in 1903). But, unfortunately, it was closed due to a public holiday. The local watchman said that there is only one locomotive in the museum, but the rest of the exhibits deserve attention. In general, to visit the museum you need to pre-register.

The remaining sights of Korosten are concentrated in the city center. Most sites first of all offer to visit Museum "The Rock"(st. May 1st, 2a). Officially, it is called the "Military Historical Complex", and among the inhabitants of the city - "Stalin's Bunker". In the period from 1936 to 1939, engineer Dmitry Karbyshev built a secret command post in the caves of the current museum, descending to a depth of 40 meters. But here, too, failure awaited us - the museum did not work due to a lack of electricity.

Near the entrance to the underground bunker is Museum of military equipment and weapons located in the open air.

It consists of several pieces of armored vehicles and guns.

There is also a monument to the defenders and liberators of the city of Korosten during the Great Patriotic War, opened on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the city from Nazi invaders.

And the most amazing place to visit, which simply “saved” our trip, turned out to be park named after N. Ostrovsky. It can be safely called the "heart" of Korosten and a favorite vacation spot for all citizens. Getting into the park, you immediately understand that Korosten is a rather ancient city that managed to preserve the cultural and historical traditions of Ukrainians.

The first name of the city is Iskorosten. At that time, most of the buildings were made of wood, and the city walls were reinforced with an unhewn oak palisade, right with the bark, hence the “Is-koro-wall” appeared - “from the bark on the wall”.

There are several other options for the origin of the city's name: Korosten is translated as "stone cliff"; the city got its name because of the uneven banks of the river Uzh, on which it stands, etc.

The exact date of the founding of the ancient city is not fully known, although local historians have been reckoning Korosten since 705. The first written mention of him appears in the Tale of Bygone Years and dates back to 945. It is known that already at the beginning of the 10th century Iskorosten was the capital of the Slavic tribe of the Drevlyans.

According to the chronicle, when the Kyiv prince Igor wished to collect a large tribute from the city, the Drevlyans rebelled and, under the command of Prince Mal, defeated Igor's army, and killed the prince himself. In memory of the defender of Korosten (at the expense of the Tishchenko family), a majestic sculpture was erected, which became a real symbol of the city. From a height of about 30 meters, Prince Mal "watches" Korosten and "protects" all its inhabitants.

The monument to Prince Mal was erected on the occasion of the 1300th anniversary of the city and embodies a tribute to the history of its region. And under the pedestal is a message to future generations.

There is a beautiful view from the observation deck.

Korosten is an important transport railway junction. There is such a bridge hanging over the river Uzh, and the sound of a passing train echoes throughout the park.

Interesting monuments attract the attention of visitors further. Monument to Princess Olga with a lily in her left hand - a symbol of royal nobility and purity. The story tells that the widow of Prince Igor took revenge on the Drevlyans by besieging Iskorosten and burning it down in just one night.

Many local legends are associated with Princess Olga, and the banks of the Uzh River, near which she allegedly drank water, were called "Olga's baths."

In 2010, thanks to the Gampel family of patrons, the city was replenished with a monument to Malusha and her son Vladimir. Malusha was the housekeeper of Princess Olga and the concubine of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich, from whom she gave birth to the future “baptist of Russia”.

A logical addition to the sculptural row is the monument to Dobrynya Nikitich. The prototype of the epic hero was Dobrynya - Malusha's brother and uncle of Prince Vladimir.

And on the central alley of the park stands a monument to Vladimir the Great himself.

Residents of Korosten honor not only a long history, but also later tragic events. Monument to Afghan soldiers.

The park named after N. Ostrovsky is very well-groomed and homely. On every corner you can see unusual signs about cleanliness.

The authorities and residents of the city jointly tried to decorate every path and make the central park as comfortable as possible for recreation.

A shop with the symbolic name "Love can wait."

Nice fountain near the entrance.

Not only man-made works adorn the park, but nature itself “tried” to create memorable landscapes.

Every year on the second Saturday of September, Korosten hosts International Potato Festival, where you can taste a delicious dish and learn how to cook it, observing Korosten technologies.

At the first International Festival of potato pancakes, the largest potato pancake (118 kg) was baked, which was entered into the Book of Records of Ukraine. During the second festival, the solemn opening of the monument to Derun took place.

Well, how could you leave the city without tasting delicious potato pancakes?! It is best to do this in the colorful restaurant-museum "Koliba".

Traditional national cuisine, Ukrainian interior and Korsten hospitality.

These are very generous portions!

In a word, the tour was a success!


An East Slavic tribe that lived in the Ukrainian Polissya, Zhytomyr region and in the west of the Kyiv region. From the east, their land was limited by the Dnieper, and from the north by Pripyat, beyond which the Dregovichi lived. They finally became part of Kievan Rus under Olga in 946.

VI century - 884.

912 - 946

Language(s) Old Russian


Continuity: Descended from Dulebs, moved to Kievan Rus

The name Drevlyane, according to the chronicler, was given to them because they lived in the forests. The chronicles speak of the origin of the Drevlyans, along with the Dregovichi, the Polyans (Dnieper), and the Krivichi (Polochans), from the tribes of White Croats, Serbs and Khorutans, who came in the 6th-7th centuries.

period of independence

Describing the manners of the Drevlyans, the chronicler exposes them, in contrast to their contemporaries, the glades, as extremely rude people: “I live bestially, I kill each other, I eat everything unclean, and they never had a marriage, but a maiden was washed away by the water.” Neither archaeological excavations, nor the data contained in the chronicle itself, confirm such a characterization. From archaeological excavations in the country of the Drevlyans, it can be concluded that they had a well-known culture. The established funeral rite testifies to certain religious ideas about the afterlife. The absence of weapons in the graves testifies to the peaceful nature of the tribe; finds of sickles, shards and vessels, iron products, remnants of fabrics and skins indicate the existence of arable farming, pottery, blacksmithing, weaving and leather crafts among the Drevlyans; many bones of domestic animals and spurs indicate cattle breeding and horse breeding; many foreign items made of silver, bronze, glass and carnelian indicate the existence of trade, and the absence of coins suggests that the trade was barter.

The political center of the Drevlyans in the era of their independence was the city of Iskorosten, later this center, apparently, shifted to the city of Ovruch.

K. V. Lebedev. Prince Igor collects tribute from the Drevlyans in 945

According to the chronicle, in ancient times the Drevlyans offended their neighbors of the meadows; but already Oleg (882-912) subordinated them to Kyiv and imposed tribute on them. Among the tribes subordinate to Oleg and participating in his campaign against the Greeks, the Drevlyans are also mentioned; but they did not submit without a stubborn struggle. After Oleg's death, they made an attempt to free themselves; Prince Igor defeated them and imposed an even greater tribute on them.

When the Kyiv prince Igor tried to collect a second tribute from the Drevlyans (945), they rebelled and killed the prince. The leader of the Drevlyans Mal made an attempt to woo Igor's widow, Princess Olga, but she, driven by a sense of revenge, deceived Mal and his matchmaker's embassy, ​​burying them alive in the ground. After that, Olga, together with Igor's young son Svyatoslav, went to war against the Drevlyans and defeated them. Igor's widow, Olga, the chronicle ascribes the final subjugation of the Drevlyans.

Svyatoslav Igorevich planted (970-977) his son Oleg in the Drevlyane land. Vladimir the Holy (c. 960-1015), distributing volosts to his sons, planted (c. 990-1015) Svyatoslav in the Drevlyansk land, who was killed (1015) by Svyatopolk the Accursed. Since the time of Yaroslav the Wise (1016-1054), the Drevlyane land has been part of the Kyiv principality.

Antonovich V. B. “Antiquities of the South-Western Territory. Excavations in the country of the Drevlyans” (“Materials for the Archeology of Russia”, No. 11, St. Petersburg, 1893).

Belarusians - an article from the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron


Solovyov S.M., History of Russia since ancient times.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg: 1890-1907.

Population 65.5 thousand (2013)

Even in the Paleolithic times, one of the largest flint deposits in Europe attracted primitive people here. The oldest stone tools found here were made by human hands more than 10 thousand years ago. During the exploration of the territory of the city, a number of remains of Neolithic settlements were found, traces of original workshops where tools were developed in the Bronze Age. The first traces of the presence of Slavic tribes in our region date back to the 5th-7th century AD. Then a number of small Slavic settlements arose in the valley of the river Uzh. On the basis of one of them, located on high granite rocks, the city of Korosten arose.

In the year Iskorosten passes to the Russian Empire as the center of the Iskorosten volost of the Ovruch district of the Volyn province. For a long time it was a quiet, inconspicuous provincial town. A note from the newspaper Volyn Diocesan Gazette of 1888 has been preserved, where they write about him: _“Now Iskorosten is a poor, insignificant town inhabited by Jews and peasant farmers.”

The life of the inhabitants of Iskorosten changed dramatically with the construction of the railway Kyiv - Kovel in the year. At the beginning of the 20th century, more than three thousand people lived in Iskorosten. There were several small enterprises in it: furniture, mechanical and leather workshops, a porcelain factory.

During the first Russian revolution, the workers of Iskorosten supported the strike. On November 18, L.M. Tabukashvili, station duty officer, at a rally held on Barachnaya Square, announced the establishment of Soviet power. The new authorities renamed the city to Korosten. On February 12, at a meeting of the Little Council in Korosten, a law was approved on the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in the Ukrainian People's Republic, on the transition to the Central European (currently valid) time, approved the sign of the Kyiv State - the trident as the emblem of the UNR. At the end of February, the Kaiser's troops entered the city. Since July 15, the city of Korosten has been one of the centers of the All-Ukrainian railroad workers' strike. After the Germans retreated from Ukraine in the next city, the city was liberated by the UNR troops. On February 18, a division of the Red Army entered Korosten. On March 15, 1919, the UNR troops again entered the city. On April 7, the Bohunsky and Tarashchansky regiments of the Red Army entered the city. On April 26, the city was captured by Polish troops. On June 20, Korosten was liberated by units of the 1st Cavalry Army, but in September the Poles captured the city again. On October 12, after many days of fighting, the Red Army finally liberated the city. In the year, the capture of Korosten was the main goal of the campaign by the UNR troops under the leadership of the cornet general Y. Tyutyunnik. On the night of November 7, 1921, a desperate four-hour battle began on the outskirts of the city - the last battle of the civil war in Ukraine and Korosten was again liberated by the Red Army.

In March, Korosten became an urban-type settlement, and on January 1, it was given the status of a city.

On June 22, Korosten, as a major railway junction, was subject to intense and continuous bombardment by German aircraft from the first hours of World War II. Despite the destruction and losses, the railway worked non-stop, supplying reinforcements, equipment and ammunition to the front, and evacuating the wounded and the civilian population. In addition, Korosten is the most important stronghold in the defense system of Kyiv. A strategic line of defense passed near the city (the object "Rock" with fortified areas, famous throughout Ukraine), designed by the legendary general Karbyshev. It was here, thanks to the heroic resistance of General Potapov's Fifth Army, that the offensive of the Nazi troops was delayed for a whole month. The number of casualties on both sides was measured in tens of thousands.

On August 7, the city was occupied by German troops. On the territory of Korosten and the region, underground groups and partisan detachments operated, inflicting significant damage on German troops, destroying soldiers and officers, blowing up bridges and warehouses, and paralyzing train traffic. During the occupation, 16,733 people were shot in the city, 15 people were hanged, and 1,803 people were taken to Germany for forced labor.

During the offensive, as a result of the Kyiv operation, the Red Army liberated Korosten on November 17, but German troops again captured the city during a powerful tank counteroffensive with the support of aviation and artillery. On December 28, 1943, the city was finally liberated by units of the 13th army of Lieutenant General Pukhov.

Year 945. Prince Igor of Kyiv goes through the lands of the Slavic tribes subordinate to him to collect an annual tribute. He goes with a retinue armed and numerous, for the Slavs do not easily part with the good acquired by hard work. And although Igor is no stranger to resorting to force and cruelty, it is still not easy. Every time the prince needs more and more. Campaigns against Byzantium and Greece, protection from Pecheneg raids, subjugation of negligent tribes in order to save the state from collapse: all this requires money and a lot.


The turn has come to pay the Drevlyans. They called them that because they live between the "trees" ( trees), because. their land is completely covered with dense and dense forests. Yes, and the Drevlyansk capital Iskorosten (Korosten) itself is built of wood, and the city walls are surrounded by an oak palisade, unhewn, right with bark. That is why it is called so: Is-koro-wall, the city "from the bark on the wall." The fortress is formidable, and the people, although seemingly complaisant, courteous, but “on their minds”, do not hurt the prince of Kyiv. Yes, and their leader himself, Prince Mal, a "tough nut", is still waiting for an opportunity to return to the tribe the independence taken from them by Oleg, Igor's predecessor. The prince feels how indignant this tribe is for him, the battles of 914 are not forgotten yet, when Igor had to suppress the uprising of the Drevlyans with fire and sword .... You have to keep your eyes open every time. But it's worth it, after all. This land is too rich, generously endows with furs, honey, leather and linen fabrics. Yes, and there is silver, because the city is located just at the crossroads of trade routes. And this time, we managed to collect a lot. But Igor is dissatisfied, he sees that the dues for the Drevlyans are not so difficult, he feels that he has sold cheap, he could have taken more. After thinking a little, the prince stops halfway to Kyiv. He releases part of the squad with good to the capital, and he returns to Iskorosten with another detachment to demand additional payment from the Drevlyans.

The Drevlyans found out about the return of the prince and were strongly indignant at such impudence. The cup of patience overflowed, the blood boiled, is it not time to teach the Prince of Kyiv to respect Slavic customs and their dignity. And they send messengers to meet Igor: “Why are you returning if the tribute has been paid in full?” But he didn't even listen to them, it's none of their business. And the Drevlyans came to their prince Mal for advice. And on reflection, they concluded the following: “If the wolf has already gotten used to the sheep, it will drag them one by one, and if it is not killed, it will not stop until it has eaten the whole herd. It’s the same with this man: if we don’t kill him today, then later he will destroy us all.” And Prince Mal raised the city of Iskorosten against Prince Igor. And they fought. And the Kyiv squad was defeated, and Igor himself was taken prisoner. And so that others would not be accustomed to trample on Slavic customs and stretch out their hand to the Drevlyansk land, they decided to execute him with a cruel and exemplary death. They found two young birch trees growing side by side, tilted and tied them to the feet of Prince Igor, and then let them go. The trees straightened up in an instant, dismembering the body of the prince in two ... Looks like this was this terrible message: “We were able to bow before you, honoring your greatness and superiority. But if you spoil our dignity, then we can straighten up, so much so that you won’t even collect your parts!” Nevertheless, they buried him with all honors, according to princely custom, and poured a high mound on his grave. And the nearby village was called Mogilnoe for many centuries, because. here is the grave of Prince Igor ( now it is the village of Polesskoe).

Duchess Olga

The terrible news of the rebellion and the death of the prince reached Kyiv and sowed indignation and fear in the capital: the state of 20 principalities was left without a supreme ruler for some time. After Igor, only his young son Svyatoslav and Princess Olga, Igor's widow, remained. ( the same Grand Duchess Olga, who 10 years later will become the first Christian in Russia, long before her grandson Vladimir Svyatoslavovich baptizes Russia in 988). And there was confusion in the capital of Russia: what to expect now, because the only heir to the throne was only 3 years old. How could the Drevlyans miss such an opportunity to finally get rid of subordination to Kyiv! They decide to persuade Olga to take their prince Mal as her husband, in order to gain superiority over Svyatoslav in this way and exercise their will in Kyiv. And they send 20 of their best husbands on a boat to the capital for negotiations. Olga received them hospitably. And the Drevlyans told that they had sent a tribe to explain to the princess how her husband Igor had become like a greedy and ruffled wolf who had lost his mind and measure, but, on the contrary, their princes were always famous for wisdom and patience, and how well they rule the Drevlyansk lands, and that their prince Mal would be a worthy and reliable support for her. Olga listened to them courteously and said that she liked their words, because her husband Igor could no longer rise from the grave, and she had to think about the future. However, she added that she wanted to show them special honors in the eyes of her people and that they return to their boat and wait there with a proud and majestic look. And when the next day her messengers come for them, so that they refuse to go on foot or ride on horseback, but so that they are carried to her right in their boat. On that, Olga saw them off.

Wasting no time, the princess immediately ordered to dig a huge hole with access to the city. Even before sunrise, the order was duly carried out. In the morning Olga sent for the Drevlyans. The messengers approached the boat and informed the Drevlyans that the princess was waiting for them and had prepared special honors for them. But, as agreed, they stood up proudly and answered that they would not go on foot or on horseback, and that they would be carried to her along with the boat. The people of Kiev were indignant at the fact that they should honor the people who killed their prince, and now they also want to rule over their princess. However, her will was fulfilled and carried in the hands of the Drevlyans in their own boat to the city. But when the procession approached, Olga ordered to throw the boat right into the pit. The princess bent over them, asking how they felt the "honours" rendered to them. Finally, the Drevlyans understood what was the matter and answered: “Oh, princess, this is much worse than Igor’s death itself!” And the princess ordered to fill up the pit, and they were buried alive.

Olga immediately sends a message to Iskorosten to send more noble men from the city, so that Kyiv can see how great the desire of the Drevlyans to make her their princess, and so that she goes to their prince with double honor, otherwise the people of Kyiv will not let her go. And the Drevlyans hastened to fulfill the will of the princess. They immediately chose their best and most worthy rulers and sent them to Kyiv. Envoys appeared before the princess. First of all, she kindly invites them to a bathhouse prepared in advance, so that they relax from the road. As soon as the Drevlyans entered there, Olga's servants closed the doors tightly behind them and set them on fire. So they were burned alive.

After that, Olga ordered to immediately gather a squad and oppose the city of Iskorosten. She takes Svyatoslav with her on a campaign so that her son can take part in revenge for the death of his father. The army entered the land of the Drevlyansk. Everything is ready for battle, the squad is just waiting for the prince's signal. Olga salutes this honor to Svyatoslav, and hands him the first arrow. However, the kid just dropped it at the feet of his horse. But for a devoted army, this is enough: only an arrow touched the ground, the soldiers rushed to the attack ... That is why they believe that this was the first battle of Prince Svyatoslav, ( in a few years will become one of the greatest commanders of his era).

Siege of Iskorosten

For a whole summer, Olga stood with her squad at the unhewn walls of the besieged Iskorosten. More than once she tried to take the fortress by storm, many soldiers died, but the city turned out to be beyond their strength for the people of Kiev. Time is running out, strength is running out. But the wise Olga knew that the Drevlyans were also tired of the war, they were laborers by nature, not warriors. Therefore, where it is impossible to take by force, you need to take by cunning. And the princess announced to the city of Iskorosten that she forgives him and arranges a feast (commemoration) for Prince Igor on Red Hill. Many believed and left the city walls to feast with the princess. But an ambush awaited them all... And the Red Hump became red with blood. 5 thousand Drevlyans perished in this massacre. Olga again turned to the Drevlyans and said that now her revenge was satisfied, only let the city pay her a light tribute, only three doves and three sparrows from each house, and she would leave them alone. Maybe the Drevlyans felt a catch, but the desire for peace was too great, the desire to end this war. And they agreed with great joy.

Olga's revenge on the Drevlyans

The dove is a peaceful bird, faithful to its home, wherever it flies, it always returns to its hearth, bringing good news on its wings. But not for the good news did Princess Olga intend the birds brought from Iskorosten. She ordered to make wicks from the clothes of those killed on the Red Hill, tie them to the legs of pigeons, light them and let them go. And peaceful naive birds, following their eternal instinct, immediately went to their homes, carrying fire on their native roofs. The wooden city broke out in an instant, there was not a single house left that would not be engulfed in fire. The insatiable flame engulfed him, engulfing everything from the bark on the walls to the weathercocks on the towers. Those who managed to escape from the fire fell into the ruthless hands of the Kyiv soldiers. Olga ordered the captive rulers of the city who to be executed and who to give into slavery to combatants. From now on, the Drevlyans will be obliged to pay a much larger tribute to Kyiv, and a fourth of it will be sent personally to Olga at her residence in Vyshgorod. So the rebellious Drevlyansk capital, the glorious city of Iskorosten, turned into ashes in just one night. By order of the princess, it was forbidden to restore the city and even settle in the vicinity of this place.

Black stripe at Iskorosten

For many years, Iskorosten was erased from history. But time passed and people nevertheless returned here, settlements began to appear, little by little forming a new city. Favorable geographical position and the availability of rich resources for a long time led to its transition to different principalities, counties, voivodeships..

After the division of Russia as a result of the formation in 1157 of Vladimir-Suzdal and the Grand Duchy of Moscow (1260-70), Iskorosten remained under the jurisdiction of the Kyiv princes. Since 1243, the Mongol-Tatars have been dominating here. In 1348 and 1370, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Algirdas Olged won victories over the Teutonic Order and, pushing back the Tatars, annexed these lands to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Later he gives them to one of his knights Terekh (from Bryansk) for his faithful service. Since 1385, after the formation of the Union of Krevo, this territory fell under the influence of Poland. In 1586, the wealthy Polish magnate Prokop Mrzhevitsky, having married one of the heirs of Terek, became the owner of Iskorosten. He manages to get the Polish king to grant this small fortress the status of a city. May 22, 1589 Sigismund III gives the city of Iskorosten Magdeburg Law ( providing for self-government and the rights of citizens).

In this era, the Grand Duchy of Moscow expands and grows stronger. Moscow is declared the capital of the unified Russian state, and the territories of the former Kievan Rus are already on the outskirts of Russian lands and are now called Ukraine (located "at the edge" of the borders). Ukraine with its rich resources is a temptation for many states: Poland from the west, Turkey from the south, Lithuania and Sweden from the north. In response to all these claims, a military-political order, the Cossacks, is being born in Ukraine. In the very heart of feudal Eastern Europe, a hitherto unseen democratic structure is emerging - the Zaporozhian Sich, which takes care of protecting the territory, the nation and the Orthodox Christian faith. For centuries, the Cossacks have been waging fierce wars for independence against the Poles, Turks and Crimean Tatars. In 1649, a detachment of Cossacks under the command of Geraska, after a bloody battle, liberated Iskorosten from the Polish gentry. The city fortifications were completely destroyed. In 1654, hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky, as a result of the Pereyaslav Rada, signed an agreement with the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on the transfer of Ukraine under the jurisdiction of Russia. However, from 1667 to 1795, the lands of Iskorosten continue to be part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ( Rzeczpospolita).

Iskorosten under the Russian Empire

In 1795, Iskorosten passed to the Russian Empire as the center of the Iskorosten volost, Ovruch district, Volyn province. For a long time it was a quiet, inconspicuous provincial town. A note from the newspaper "Volyn Diocesan Vedomosti" dated 1888 has been preserved, where they write about him: "Now Iskorosten is a poor, insignificant town inhabited by Jews and peasant farmers." The life of the city changed dramatically due to the construction of the Kyiv-Kovel railway in 1902. Since that time, it has been called Korosten and is known as an important railway station. Subsequently, with the expansion of the railway, Korosten turns into a major railway junction in five directions. The city actively participates in the events of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War of 1918-20. On November 18, 1917, Soviet power was declared in Korosten. On July 15, 1918, the Korosten railway workers were the initiators of the All-Ukrainian strike. Throughout the civil war, constant battles were fought for Korosten as a strategically important point. The city was captured by the troops of the Ukrainian People's Republic, German troops, the Polish army, and finally, on October 12, 1920, by the Red Army. In 1921, the capture of Korosten was the main goal of the campaign of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army under the leadership of General Tyutyunnik. This battle, which began on the outskirts of the city on November 7, 1921, was the last battle of the civil war in Ukraine. January 1, 1926 Korosten was officially declared a city within the Ukrainian Soviet Republic

Korosten military

During the Second World War, during the German attack on the Soviet Union, Korosten, as a major railway junction, was subject to intense and continuous bombardment by German aircraft from the first hours of the war. Despite the destruction and losses, the railway worked non-stop, supplying the front with reinforcements, equipment and ammunition, and evacuating the wounded and civilians. In addition, Korosten is the most important stronghold in the defense system of Kyiv. Near the city there was a strategic line of defense designed by the legendary general Karbyshev. It was here, thanks to the heroic resistance of General Potapov's Fifth Army, that the offensive of the Nazi troops was delayed for a whole month. The number of casualties on both sides was measured in tens of thousands.

Occupation of Korosten

On August 7, 1941, the black days of occupation began for the inhabitants of Korosten. But the city did not capitulate. On the territory of Korosten and the region, underground groups and partisan detachments operated, inflicting significant damage on German troops, destroying soldiers and officers, blowing up bridges and warehouses, and paralyzing train traffic. The Nazis dealt cruelly with the patriots. During the occupation, 16,733 people were shot in the city, 15 people were hanged, and 1,803 people were taken to Germany for forced labor.

Liberation of Korosten

During the offensive of 1943, as a result of the Kyiv operation, the Red Army liberated Korosten on November 17, but the German command could not allow the loss of such an important strategic point. German troops in the course of a powerful tank counteroffensive with the support of aviation and artillery again captured the city, despite the persistent resistance of the defending garrison. Korosten remembers and honors the memory of his fallen defenders with many monuments and street names. And the exploits of the soldier Abdul Usenov, who at the cost of his life stopped German tanks and the pilot Polyakov, who rammed in the sky over Korosten, are recorded in the annals of the History of the Great Patriotic War. Both were posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. However, the names of many heroes who are buried in the Korosten land are still unknown. An unsolved mystery and a topic for research remains the feat of the dungeon fighters of the old fortress above the Uzh ... On December 28, 1943, the city was finally liberated by units of the 13th Army of Lieutenant General Pukhov.

As a result of the war, Korosten was again completely destroyed. But this city is no stranger to it. As in all times, he again, little by little, was reborn from the ashes. Now it is a pretty regional center of the Zhytomyr region with about 70 thousand people and a major railway junction. Dissected by the meandering river Uzh with rocky picturesque banks, Korosten is famous for its valuable rocks of natural granite and magnificent unique porcelain.

Korosten Chernobyl city

In the 80-90s of the 20th century, the city again had to go through difficult times. Proximity to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (80 km) left a new tragic imprint on its history. Korosten fell into the zone of radioactive contamination as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster on April 26, 1986 and is classified as a "zone of guaranteed voluntary resettlement." In addition, the city's economy was hit hard by the crisis after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Many residents of Korosten, concerned about the health and future of their children, are forced to leave their homes. But in return, they take with them and spread the amazing story of their hometown around the world, helping to bring it out of the shadows of obscurity.

based on materials Leonid Tarasenko.

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