Dacha of Nikita Mikhalkov on Nikolina Gora. Stepan Mikhalkov showed his country house and spoke about the “Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky-Vertinsky clan. Get out of the basements

The President met with the writer's family in honor of his 100th birthday. And Nikita Mikhalkov reproached the president for being late

Late in the evening of March 12, on the eve of the centennial anniversary of the Soviet writer, poet, author of the lyrics of two hymns Sergei Mikhalkov, President Vladimir Putin met with famous family in the "family nest" on Nikolina Gora. While numerous children were anxiously waiting for the distinguished guest, the owner of the house, director Nikita Mikhalkov, talked to journalists, told stories from the life of his father, recalled his poems and at the same time regaled his guests from Tuscan vineyards.

Nikita Mikhalkov

The Mikhalkov family was waiting for the arrival of a distinguished guest in the hall on the first floor of one of the two houses of the estate, where Sergey Mikhalkov himself lived and three generations of his descendants had already grown up. A small living room, icons on the walls, wooden internal balconies and a view of the terrace. Everything is very simple and homely.

Almost all members of the family gathered in the family house famous family. 16 people, including Nikita Sergeevich himself with his wife Tatyana, his daughters Anna and Nadezhda with their husbands, sons Stepan and Artem, as well as Yegor Konchalovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov's second wife Yulia Subbotina and numerous grandchildren with great-grandchildren.

But Andrei Konchalovsky and his wife Yulia Vysotskaya were not there. According to Nikita Mikhalkov, they were supposed to fly from abroad to Moscow on March 13, just on the day of the anniversary itself ...

Light snacks, sweets, fruits, bagels and dryers were waiting on the table. The branded tincture "Konchalovka" shone in maroon color in decanters. When we entered, the older children sat modestly in the corner on the sofa and quietly talked with the head of the family, who was located a few steps away from them on the steps of the wooden stairs leading to the second floor. Everyone was on shift. Everyone has found the most convenient option for themselves - some are slippers, some are moccasins, and some are elegant shoes with heels. However, this did not concern the youngest. They were quite at home in socks.

We celebrate dad's birthday every year, even though he's been gone for four years now. This year he would have turned 100 years old. Mom would mark 110, - Nikita Mikhalkov began to tell us. - Dad wrote very easily. I really love his children's poems and lyrics. After all, he did not write for children from top to bottom, that is, from the position of an adult. He always wrote in the first person, like a child. It was an inside look, an amazing knowledge of child psychology. And another hundred years will pass, in memory he will remain rather not as a hymn writer, but as children's poet.

Here Anna joined us and told us: most of all she loved when grandfather himself read his works. “At first we had his Melodiya records, and now the discs have already come out,” she suddenly remembered.

And the time was approaching ten. Vladimir Putin was already two hours late. The children are tired and hungry. They constantly ran to the kitchen and, chewing, went out into the common living room. At first, no one dared to take from the table, but closer to the night, the ban, apparently, softened, and the plates gradually emptied. “There is a strong smell of meat in your office. The girls were hungry. Here, they’re going right there, ”Anna Mikhalkova turned to her father, laughing, pointing with her eyes at the hungry nephew, who gracefully walked past her.

And Nikita Sergeevich, meanwhile, recalled his childhood, dislike for school, about his classmates, teachers, and even about how he lay in the infectious diseases hospital in the next ward with Korney Chukovsky. So, for example, Korney Ivanovich told young Nikita “about how Bunin created an encyclopedia of Russian obscenities.

And suddenly our communication stopped. A day or two passed. I am terribly upset and cannot understand what has happened. Maybe I offended him somehow. And so I caught the moment and asked what happened after all. Then Chukovsky asked me too - do I write poetry? I said I don't write. “Is this not your notebook?” he asked me again. "No," I replied. “What happiness!” he exclaimed with relief, Mikhalkov told us.

It turned out that a notebook with the texts of popular songs, among which were "Lilies of the valley" and "Bear, Bear, where is your smile" was left by a nanny cleaning the wards. After looking through the self-made collection, Chukovsky thought that his young interlocutor wanted to get a poet's review of his poems. And since he did not like the quality of the lines and their content, out of a sense of tact and not wanting to offend the talent, he decided to limit their communication.

The time was approaching midnight. Now not only children, but also adults have left the hall. The elders could not be heard, but the younger ones, tired of waiting, relaxed completely. From the second floor there was a clatter, loud laughter and characteristic cries a la Kindergarten. Children periodically rushed past us at speed, slowing down on turns. Anna Mikhalkova was approached by her 12-year-old son with a claim, and English language, about the long wait.

By this time, in order to somehow distract the guests, Nikita Mikhalkov offered his own wine made from Tuscan vineyards. As Mikhalkov explained to us, this year the red and white variety of the drink called "12" (similar to the director's film of the same name) will be sold in Russia.

The views will be different. Cabernet, Sauvignon and others. The price is not yet known, everything will depend on the agreements with the implementers, - said Mikhalkov. - But I must say that this is a completely new feeling - pride, not associated with creativity ...

Suddenly everything came to life. It became clear that the head of state would soon be. The family gathered for fifteen minutes. The elders called the younger ones, shouting from the first floor to the second and urging them to hurry up. Egor Konchalovsky's daughter Maria was delayed. Artem Mikhalkov, who was sitting next to him, jokingly said: “Masha, Masha to me!”, “Masha, fu!”. However, the girl had already appeared at the door.

When meeting with the family, Putin shook hands with everyone in turn. The children made enthusiastic faces, however, not for long, because after a few minutes some of them almost fell asleep over their plates.

Sergei Vladimirovich did not just write two hymns - Soviet and Russian - he was a playwright, writer, poet, fought at Stalingrad, - began the welcoming speech of the GDP. - Mikhalkov is a whole era and the life of the country. You can evaluate his views in different ways, but what is it outstanding person- an obvious fact.

Mikhalkov, in turn, spoke about the idea of ​​erecting a monument to his father next to the house on Povarskaya Street, where he lived in last years, hinting that the help of the Moscow authorities would be required. Putin reacted immediately, noting that the conversation with the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, had already taken place and there should be no problems.

The head of state also supported the idea of ​​naming a ship or an airliner in honor of Sergei Mikhalkov, but Putin missed a slight reproach from the owner of the house in his direction. Softening the reproach with words about the significance of the arrival of the head to the family's house, Mikhalkov nevertheless wondered, "why did this man drive for so long."

Will the president come to Nikita Sergeevich's 100th birthday? VIDEO

Without exaggeration Andrei Konchalovsky can be called a man of the world, so much time he lives and works in different countries A: America, France, Italy, England, China.
But among hundreds of others, one place is especially dear to the director - the house on Nikolina Gora, half an hour from Moscow, where the Mikhalkov family has been living since 1951.
“It is important for me that I live on Nikolina Gora, on this land,” says Andrey Konchalovsky. “After all, our family settled here more than 50 years ago, my brother and I had our own house, and next to our parents we had our own. I spent my youth here and so many vivid memories are associated with this place.

So it is not surprising that after spending many years away from this home in America and Europe, Andrei Sergeevich, together with his wife Yulia, returned to " family nest". More precisely, in 2000, Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya decided to move from Los Angeles to a dacha outside Moscow just for the summer months.

However, instead of summer months, the couple spent a whole year on Nikolina Gora, after which they decided that they were finally moving here to live. AT home Andrey Sergeevich felt great, but Yulia took a long time to get used to the new place. "Before this arrival, I saw the house on Nikolina Gora: once we drove past with Andrei Sergeevich, and he pointed out through the open gate:" Look, there is our dacha ". They just didn’t go in, because everything was dug up there, the construction of the dacha was going on Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov.

“Now the brothers’ dachas are opposite each other: Nikita Sergeevich rebuilt the house where he once lived with his brother, and Andrei Sergeevich occupied his mother’s house. And when we moved in, everything was comfortable, - Yulia continues the story, - but the house still seemed to me not only uninhabited, but alien.
At first I began to wash, scrub, clean everything, because when you come to a new place, you want it to “smell of you”. And then the idea was born to rebuild it, I wanted to scale.
For example, the kitchen turned out to be too small, and when guests came, everything turned into a mess.” Konchalovsky had long wanted to make a spacious hall and a library in the house. When the director returned to Russia in the early 90s, he built a third over two floors, where his office is now located.

But Konchalovsky set himself a difficult task: in no case did he want to radically change his mother's house, so the new part had to fit into the overall picture.
But now the director proudly says that not a single board has changed in the old part, he managed to combine elements of the old and the new.
Although some redevelopment parent part happened: where it used to be kitchen, — children's bathroom; instead of a veranda - now winter Garden , and also in this part of the house - spouses' bedrooms, cabinet Konchalovsky and sports room.

And the new part of the house is basically a living room, above which, on the balcony, there is a library, and in the basement there is a spacious kitchen and dining room.

Arguing with Yulia over how they should look common Home, Konchalovsky practically did not arise.

Except a couple of times. “In general, I don’t understand anything in architecture, so my husband came up with the whole concept of the house,” the actress admits.
“But sometimes I did get involved. For example, those arches in the living room, which I now really like, caused me rejection before construction. And I am very glad that my husband did not agree with me and did it his own way.

But the kitchen, dining room, my bathroom and bedroom were decorated the way I wanted.” Julia decided that the kitchen should be in the Provencal style. After looking through dozens of books, she chose the cabinets, chairs, tables she liked, sketched out sketches, according to which Russian craftsmen made furniture. The idea for the design of the dining room, located next to the kitchen, was given by ... two carved chairs from three hundred years ago.

Focusing on them, we made all the furniture in the dining room - and similar chairs, and a large dining table. And only by how her bathroom should look, Yulia did not find support from her husband: “I wanted it to have logs and even a wooden floor, thinking that I would be very neat, I wouldn’t even take a shower, but only lie in the bathroom by candlelight. But Andrey Sergeevich convinced me, saying that it was unreasonable. Now there is a warm, dark stone.

Andrey Konchalovsky was fully responsible for filling the house - what will be the external and internal finishes. "Husband loves old furniture, but it’s just important for me to be cozy, cute, ”explains Vysotskaya.
And in confirmation of her words, the director adds: “In our house, with the exception of computers and players, there are no modern things.

I don't like modern, which makes me feel like I'm in a gynecologist's waiting room. I do not like medical cleanliness, because life itself is not sterile. In addition, I am not a supporter of one style in the interior, so there is no single style in the house, no furniture sets. All together, all mixed up, as in life. Of course, the items are taken away, but it's still a free flight.

Practically nothing was specifically purchased for the house on Nikolina Gora. Much has been brought here from the former places where the Konchalovsky couple lived. So, an armchair from the beginning of the last century was bought a long time ago at a Los Angeles flea market, a brand new sofa moved from the same city.

An insignificant part of the furniture was inherited: for example, a bed made of Karelian birch in the form of a boat, on which the 7-year-old daughter of Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky Masha is now sleeping, was inherited from her grandfather, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.
And in the room of two-year-old Petya there is a Dutch stove, painted by Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya with her own hand.
In the hall, by a huge, wall-length window, there is a piano from the beginning of the 20th century. As a child, Andrey Sergeevich learned scales on it, now Masha and Petya are trying to perform something of their own ...

And yet, Andrei Konchalovsky made one solid acquisition - two massive staircases and a walnut library, which the director ordered in China and waited a year and a half for the Chinese craftsmen to complete the order. “I love the culture of China,” says Andrey Sergeevich. “And Chinese art can be placed everywhere, it is easily combined with our wooden house.”

However, there is still a lot of stuff from this country in the Konchalovsky house: vases, screens, figurines. Julia Vysotskaya jokes that when they bought it all, they realized that there would be nowhere to put it. We decided, as a last resort, to give to friends.
Only it turned out that all the items stood up so well in the house that I didn’t want to part with anything.

Restaurateur and his wife Elizabeth invited the magazine "Hello!" in your Vacation home and talked about the expanding Mikhalkov clan, changing priorities and raising children.

According to Stepan, his perception of children and family has changed a lot with age:
“With a shudder, I remember the day when I turned 50. Everyone called and shouted into the phone: “You fifty kopecks!” Dad was especially happy - they say, now you know what it's like. Moreover, he is not much older than me - by 20 years in total. Mom was just as happy when my daughter Sasha had a son. Teased: "Grandfather, grandfather!" Mom forbids calling her grandmother, so when I became a grandfather, she gladly took revenge. My father doesn’t like it either, by the way, when they call him grandfather, so everyone calls him Nikiton.”

“Now I no longer perceive the child as the meaning of life. Rather, as part of it. The meaning of life for me is different: to understand and recognize myself - primarily through relationships with people around me, with children. I have four of them, three from my first marriage. And with the birth of each, something changed in me. When my daughter appeared, I was not ready for children at all - this was good news, but it did not mean that I was going to be engaged in upbringing, changing my life for a child. Thank God, in spite of all this, Sasha grew up a normal person I am happy and proud of her. Now I would devote more time and attention to relationships than then. At that age, there were other goals: success, material well-being, self-realization. And it seemed more important than children. Now I don't feel that way."

- his daughter Alexandra gave birth to the first child from the actor:

“Sasha and her son visit us regularly. And it turns out funny: as soon as the daughter crosses the threshold, we take Fedya from her and go to play with him, and she studies with Luka (younger son Stepan - approx. ed.). There is an exchange of children. The kids are already starting to communicate and play together, since the age difference is small.”.

Stepan also shared a story about his grandfather - a writer: “The Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky-Vertinsky clan is growing, it’s hard to even count how many grandchildren and children anyone has. And we also have a story about this. When my daughter Sasha was born, I came to my father to make him happy. He, happy, called his father Sergei Mikhalkov: “Dad, your great-granddaughter was born!” Sergei Vladimirovich clarified: “In what sense?” “Well, in what? - Nikita Sergeevich was surprised. - Styopa had a daughter, now he has come from the hospital. She is my granddaughter and your great granddaughter. The deathly silence lasted about a minute, and after that the grandfather asked: “Well, in general, what news?”

In the house on the Patriarch's Ponds, where Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov now lives, there used to be the Ladies' Guardianship of the Poor. Now the theater "Kinospektakl" is located there.

Mikhalkov has long been living in this house at 4 Maly Kozikhinsky Lane. Despite the fact that housing is considered one of the most prestigious, overhaul hasn't been done in quite some time.

The film director loves free space, so there is no extra furniture in the apartment. The decoration of the dwelling is an old fireplace. To install it, the owners had to obtain permission from many authorities, as well as build an additional air duct.

Near the house of Nikita Sergeevich there is also a film director's studio "TriTe". For its construction, several dilapidated historical buildings had to be demolished, which caused indignation among the public.

In addition to the Moscow apartment, Mikhalkov has a country house in the village of Nikolina Gora, which has been owned by the family since 1949. Subsequently, a mansion was built on the site of an old dilapidated house, in which the famous director recreated the interiors of his childhood.

On the territory of the mansion there are several non-residential buildings, guest houses, as well as an artificial pond.

The interior of the house is made of solid walnut wood. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a living room and a winter garden, where the wife of the film director, Tatyana Mikhalkova, likes to spend time.

The second floor is occupied by Nikita Sergeevich's office, as well as several bedrooms decorated in a classical style.

Nikita Mikhalkov - People's Artist, actor, director, producer and screenwriter. In recent years, he has been actively involved in entrepreneurship.

Born in October 1945 in Moscow in the family of a popular writer and famous writer. For three years he studied at the music school at the conservatory and during the same period visited the studio. Stanislavsky.

He began his studies at the school. Shchukin, but in the fourth year he was expelled for participating in filming, after which he entered the second year of VGIK as a film director, in 1971 he successfully completed training, and a year later he volunteered to serve in the Navy.

His debut as an actor took place at the age of fourteen. But the directorial debut work was the picture "At home among strangers, a stranger among his own" filmed in 1974. After that, every year until 1984, new films by the eminent director appeared on the screens, many of which were awarded and received public recognition.

In the early 1980s, he created the TriTe association. In 1993 he was elected chairman of the Cultural Foundation. In 1998, he took over as chairman of the Union of Cinematographers.

Personal life

The ancestors of the filmmaker were artists, poets and writers. Elder brother Andrei and nephew Yegor also chose the profession of film director.

He first married in 1966 to Anastasia Vertinskaya, the same year his son Stepan was born, but the couple broke up five years later.

Two years after the divorce, he married a second time to Tatyana Mikhalkova. From this union in 1974 a daughter Anna was born, a year later a son Artem, and in 1986 a second daughter Nadezhda. Nikita Sergeevich has nine grandchildren.

Nikita Mikhalkov's apartment

The director's apartment is located in one of the historical places of the Patriarch's Ponds, in a house on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane, 4. The house was built in 1904, it used to house the Ladies' Care of the Poor, and now the Moscow Theater "Kinospektakl".

The city apartment has not been overhauled for many years, but according to the owner, the interior still looks fresh and modern. Mikhalkov is a supporter of larger and open spaces, so the living room is spacious, without unnecessary furniture. The only antiques here are a 16th-century table and chairs brought from China.

One of the key ideas was the installation of an old fireplace in the apartment. Unfortunately, the plans of the house did not provide for such construction, so the owners had to build an additional air duct and bypass many instances in order to legalize the installation.

Nearby, in the residential complex "At the Patriarchs", there is Mikhalkov's studio "TRITE". The seven-story complex appeared on the site of old historical buildings that were demolished under the TRITE project, which caused a scandal in the press in 2010.

According to CIAN, apartments on Maly Kozikhinsky lane cost from 37 to 300 million rubles.

House of Nikita and Tatyana Mikhalkov

House on Nikolina Gora is a favorite place People's Artist, he lives here all his life and after work always strives to return from the city. Previously, an old building stood on this site, which eventually became completely dilapidated and the owner had to completely rebuild it.

During construction, with modern materials he tried to revive the interiors of his childhood, so the kitchen is made in the style of post-war times, and general style determined by the 70s. The house does not have a single interior, each room is individual.

The facade is made of brick and stone with marble, but the interior is completely finished with wood. The living room with a white fireplace has a currently popular design with a second light. Many icons hang on the walls, and a snow-white piano stands next to the fireplace.

The fine wood kitchen is connected to the dining area, which has a long oval table and antique cupboards.

From the front door you get into the study and the winter garden. There is also a staircase from which you can go to the balcony, decorated with animal skins.

The mansion is located on a vast territory of several hectares. Guest buildings are located not far from the main mansion, and Andrei Konchalovsky's cottage is built on the neighboring plot.

According to CIAN, houses in the village of Nikolina Gora cost from 40 to 990 million rubles, depending on the location and size.

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