What to do to not be cold. The apartment is cold - what to do? Where to go if it's cold in the apartment. Cold and warm foods

As a rule, we all live in comfortable apartments, where the temperature is maintained within sanitary standards even in frosty winters.

But despite this, some people constantly feel that they are cold.

They have a desire to wrap themselves in a blanket or dress warmly even when everyone else feels quite comfortable.

With what it can be connected? Why are some people cold all the time? A symptom of what diseases can be a constant feeling of cold?

Thyroid disease

One of the most common diseases with a constant feeling of cold is a disease of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the energy supply of our body.

As a result of various diseases in the body, the production of antibodies that inhibit the functioning of the thyroid gland can begin. As a result, the content of the thyroid hormone T3 (T-three), which is involved in the process of thermoregulation, is disturbed.

In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination and check the level of this hormone. Normally, it should be > 0.9.

When a thyroid disorder is established as a result of the examination, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed in the form of euthyrox, a thyroid hormone.

A constant feeling of cold can also cause liver dysfunction. As a rule, in this case, cirrhosis of the liver is diagnosed. Therefore, the survey should be taken very seriously.

As you know, cirrhosis of the liver develops in the following cases:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • defeat by the hepatitis B or C virus;
  • excessive consumption of fat, leading to body obesity.

Cirrhosis leads to the death of liver cells, which are replaced by connective tissue cells.

To establish liver disease, you should undergo special tests - ALT and AST for the content of glutamyl-pyruvate transferase and aspartate aminotransferase enzymes in the blood.

It is with the help of these tests that liver disease can be established and timely treatment can be prescribed.


Another reason for the constant feeling of constant cold can be anemia.

Anemia is a violation of the blood supply caused by poor vascular patency, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Hemoglobin is necessary for the transport of oxygen by red blood cells, which is necessary for oxidative processes, without which almost no system of our body can work.

With a decrease in hemoglobin levels, the amount of oxygen carried by red blood cells decreases. There is a feeling of weakness, lethargy, drowsiness. The skin becomes pale and cold to the touch.

The reason for the decrease in hemoglobin in the blood can be chronic stress, smoking, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Normally, hemoglobin in women should be in the range of 120-140 g / l, in men - 130-160 g / l. In the case of a decrease in these values, treatment is prescribed aimed at increasing hemoglobin. As a rule, these are iron preparations and vitamin C.

Also, anemia can be the result of poor vascular patency as a result of the development of atherosclerosis. Most often, atherosclerotic plaques are the result of malnutrition, which includes a large amount of animal fat, the undigested remains of which are deposited in the form of plaques in our vessels.

Atherosclerosis- This is a deadly disease that leads not only to anemia, but also to increased pressure, the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as blockage of blood vessels leading to tissue necrosis and gangrene, followed by amputation of limbs.

To reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, if possible, exclude from your menu all foods containing animal fat - butter, fatty cottage cheese, sour cream, fatty cheeses, fatty meat.

You should also include fiber-rich foods in your diet. This allows you to clean the intestines, preventing undigested fat from re-entering the body.

So the first reason is to eat more fat. No wonder that in the winter we want to eat more fatty and unhealthy food. Fats are bad, but there is no point in being afraid of them, because you need to eat healthy fats, such as nuts, avocados, or seeds.

The second reason is that you have problems with the thyroid gland. The fact is that the thyroid gland is a strong part of our body, which has many functions, so there can be many problems with it. If you constantly feel cold, then perhaps these may be symptoms of hypothyroidism - this is a condition when an insufficient amount of hormones necessary for the body enters the thyroid gland.

The metabolism begins to slow down and the body does not have time to warm up, and therefore you freeze. Hair loss, dry skin, and fatigue can also be symptoms of this disease. By the way, 12% of people have problems with the thyroid gland, and 60% are not even aware of their problems.

The third reason is poor blood circulation. If it seems to you that your body temperature is in order, only your hands and feet are constantly cold, then these are problems with blood circulation. If the blood circulation is not disturbed, then the heat is evenly distributed throughout the body and the limbs remain warm, and if it is disturbed, then on the contrary, the hands and feet are constantly cold. Blood circulation can be disturbed for a number of reasons, for example, you have problems with the cardiovascular system.

Being underweight is the fourth reason why you are constantly cold. When the weight is below the norm, then, accordingly, there is not enough fat in the body, and insulation is needed for warmth, which in this case is practically absent. If you are underweight, then you deliberately slow down your metabolism, and this deprives you of heat.

Lack of water in the body also leads to a constant feeling of coldness in the limbs. Water helps to maintain the balance of metabolism in the body, because the body is almost 80% water. And if the body is dehydrated, then a huge number of its functions are disturbed.

If there is a lack of iron in the body, then it will also systematically freeze. Blood cells contain iron, which helps move oxygen throughout the body, and therefore delivers heat along with it to the body. If there is an iron deficiency in the body, then this also causes hypothyroidism, which we discussed above. In this case, you need to add to the diet foods that are a source of iron, such as broccoli, apples, spinach or lentils.

Lack of vitamin B12 is another reason why you may feel cold on a regular basis. Red blood cells are involved in maintaining normal body temperature in the body, and vitamin B12 plays one of the main roles in this process. If there is a lack of this vitamin in the body, then there are much fewer erythrocytes than necessary. But replenishing vitamin B12 in the body is not so difficult, you need to eat dairy products, eggs, chicken, fish and red meat.

Keep your hands warm and your head cold. So advises folk wisdom. But there are people for whom this saying loses all allegorical meaning, and becomes a guide to action. And only the first part of it. They have to keep their hands (and legs too!) Warm all the time. Three pairs of socks, a blanket and warm gloves - do you think someone is going on a hike in the mountains? No, just sit in front of the computer in the evening. There are people who are almost all the time/cold. Surrounding people sometimes consider them eccentrics: how can you wear a warm sweater in the heat, and go to bed in the middle of summer in an embrace with a heating pad? But what if they really can't get warm?

You are constantly cold - wake-up call

Very rarely, constant "freezing" is an independent disease, more often it is a symptom, but the symptom is very disturbing. Usually he warns of a disease such as. VVD occurs in the human body, which does not have resistance to stressful situations, has increased emotionality. Also, this disease can be a consequence of infectious diseases. A person with VSD usually complains about or has problems with.
can also signal a violation of capillary circulation. Such symptoms can appear with hormonal changes in adolescence, with cervical or character traits such as anxiety and excessive suspiciousness. Diseases of the reproductive system and disruption of work are also accompanied by freezing.
If you have cold hands and feet, then you should take a blood test. This is often a sign of low blood pressure.
It happens that the hands and feet get cold due to spasms that occur in the small capillaries of the limbs. Doctors call this disease "Raynaud's disease." Its origin is unclear, but it should not be left to chance. It can lead to very serious consequences - peeling of the fingertips, loss of skin elasticity, etc. For people diagnosed with "Raynaud's disease", any cold becomes unbearable. They do not enjoy walking in the open air in winter, skiing, swimming in the sea and the river. These people tend to go out as little as possible. And this is not surprising: after freezing, their limbs warm up with severe pain, their legs and arms swell and turn red.

What to do if you are constantly cold?

Not everything is as bad as it seems - and such problems can be dealt with. And you can start with vascular training. The procedure is not very simple, but useful. In order not to expose the body to severe stress, you should first do foot baths: either hot or contrasting. In the first case, steam your feet to redness under a hot shower several times a week or hold them in hot water for about an hour. In the second case, lower your feet either into cold or into hot water.
To strengthen blood vessels, it is also very useful to walk in. After the steam room, swim in a cold pool - this is also good for health.
Over time, switch to a contrast shower - either hot or cold water. But this should be taken very seriously, because such a contrast shower is stressful for the body. You need to start such procedures gradually.
often becomes the reason that the hands and feet are constantly chilly. Nicotine causes vasospasm. Try to limit the use of coffee, strong alcoholic drinks, soda. In winter, drink hot chicken broth before going outside.
Often the reason that you are constantly cold is low hemoglobin. Iron deficiency in the blood leads to anemia, in which the body temperature drops. Dried apricots, raisins, pomegranate, almonds, porridge, multivitamins, pumpkin, salads, fresh fruits and vegetables - these products should always be on your table. Do not forget about legumes (soy, lentils), they are rich in iron.
You should also pay special attention to seafood. Fatty varieties of fish are perfect for your diet - salmon, mackerel, herring, trout. Foods rich in iodine normalize the thyroid gland and the body “warms up”.
Vitamin and herbal decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks increase blood circulation well, so you need to drink them all year round.
Physical activity is another mandatory element of treatment. You need to force yourself to do 10 exercises every day that you like. And even better - sign up for a gym, swimming pool, fitness club. Appetite comes with eating - after a while you will not be able to live without playing sports.
In winter, remember to dress warmly, even if you run out to the store for five minutes. Pay special attention to the hands and head. A hat and mittens are a must for your winter outfit. Even the most expensive genuine leather gloves will not be as warm as ordinary woolen mittens. Cotton underwear, by the way, does not warm at all, buy thermal underwear. Fleece clothing (a synthetic woven material that accumulates heat, the body breathes well in it) warms well. It is not necessary to wrap yourself in a fur coat to the toes, a high-quality and light down jacket will come in handy.
You can not remember your problem only when the cold comes. In the summer, you can prepare well to fight back the "permafrost". Daily sunbathing will help make up for the lack of vitamin D, swimming in the sea - a lack of minerals, iodine, magnesium, potassium, iron. In addition, this is an excellent workout for the vessels. Fruits and vegetables will help. And the onset of cold weather will not be so terrible.

If you are constantly cold, you can try folk remedies

If you notice that your hands and feet are cold, then you should go to the doctor to find out what kind of disease this is a symptom of. But do not neglect traditional medicine.
One of the best folk recipes is this tincture. Take 0.5 liters of vodka or diluted alcohol, 2 tablespoons of fresh dry mustard, 1 tablespoon of coarse grained salt, two pods of chopped red hot pepper. Pour all this into a bottle, close and put in a warm place. Shake from time to time so that the salt dissolves, the mustard swells, and the pepper turns the tincture red. After a couple of days, the medicine can be used. At night, wet the places that are cold. Just wet, but don't rub. Let your hands and feet dry, and then put on warm woolen socks and gloves on your hands. In the morning, you can wash your hands, you do not need to wash your feet. The tincture does not bake, so you can use it until complete recovery.
Paraffin treatment is a good way to treat hands. To do this, you need a nourishing cream and cosmetic paraffin. Smear your hands with cream, and then apply a thin layer of warm paraffin. When it hardens, put on warm gloves on your hands. After 20 minutes, remove the paraffin, and smear the cream again on your hands.
Eat more spices that “warm up” the blood. Fresh garlic, pepper, cloves, turmeric, ginger, mustard should always be on hand. Well, by the way, alcohol tincture of hot pepper helps. She needs to rub her hands and feet. After the procedure, there will be a feeling of warmth in cold extremities.
A good mood is also an effective method of combating this disease. Allow yourself something tasty, walk more, do what you like. And the "permafrost" will be overcome!
Anna Svetlichnaya

In Chinese medicine, foods are divided into hot, warm, neutral, refreshing, and cold. At the same time, their "warmth" is in no way related to calorie content. For example, sugar is a very high-calorie product, but in the Chinese classification it belongs to cooling products. Or citrus fruits are a typical example of cold foods, so they are not recommended to be eaten in frost.

Hot foods include most spices (pepper, curry, cinnamon, etc.), warm foods include buckwheat, onions, apricots, dill, marjoram, and garlic. Neutral products are corn, potatoes, carrots, figs. Refreshing - asparagus, rice, celery, apples. Cold foods include kiwi, mango, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons. Of course, this is not a complete list of products. If you focus on the "thermal conductivity" of products, then you can make a good diet for the cold season.

In winter, you should try to eat cereals, foods rich in iodine and iron (their deficiency can adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, which plays an important role in thermoregulation). We should not forget about fats, especially Omega-3 and Omega-6, they can be obtained from fish or chia seeds, which are gaining popularity today.

Let me tell you a little about the cold and the dank autumn days. When you leave the house and at first glance it seems to you that it is warm outside, but the insidious autumn is so insidious that when you return home in the evening, you don’t get a tooth on a tooth: it’s so cold outside.

Or it may happen that there are no warm clothes on the trip. Then you can get sick.

What to do in such a situation?

I'll tell you this. Our body is able to endure cold without much harm. It is not terrible for our body, since our body has many ways to warm itself when it is cold.

Well, for example: you are cold and your body starts to tremble. If you start to move quickly, then your blood will start to warm up your body. Muscles will start to work and you will immediately feel warmer. After all, it’s not in vain that when you get cold, you start waving your arms, jumping: you want to move.


If you temper your body from the cold, then you can walk in a light blouse in winter and at the same time not freeze. But I’ll warn you right away, you can’t immediately undress and go into the cold in one blouse or barefoot, this should never be done! First you need hardening and preparation of the body.

If you want to start hardening your body, first tell your parents about it. They will help you with this, tell you how to do it right.

Well, for starters, you can try it yourself, at least by washing your face with cool water in the morning and gradually switching to cold water.

Severe frost is dangerous for our body. If you stay in the cold for a long time, you can freeze your ears, nose, fingers. Blood flows to these parts of the body more slowly and, if they are not covered with something warm, frostbite can occur.

If you feel your ears, fingers, nose begin to tingle, turn red and as if you no longer feel the cold, then this is a sign that you are starting to get frostbite. It is urgent to hide indoors or wrap yourself in something warmer. If the room is far from you and there is nothing to wrap yourself up with, then you need to rub your ears, cheeks, hands, and you need to keep rubbing further until the blood is dispersed. Frostbite is very dangerous, frostbitten skin may not recover.

That is why people who live in cold countries often go without outerwear, but always in a hat and mittens.

Remember: severely frozen hands and feet should not be put into hot water; you can’t also grab onto a hot battery - you need to gradually return heat to the body.

I am sure that you have heard more than once, when you went for a walk outside in winter, how your mother told you, “Look, do not get your feet wet.” Why do you think she said that to you? I'll answer you why it's not about wet socks or shoes, but here's the thing. Wet shoes instead of warming, on the contrary, take heat from your body and this is even more dangerous, because you can instantly catch a cold. It's the same with clothes. Your clothes should always be dry.

Remember: the colder it is outside, the drier your clothes should be.

Don't be lazy, if your clothes are wet somewhere, change them. If you spilled tea or juice on yourself; I forgot to dry my gloves and shoes after the last walk - do not be lazy to change into dry clothes. It is better to stay at home and dry your clothes, shoes on a radiator or with a hairdryer, because health is the most important thing.

So what you need to know about the cold:

  • The best way to get warm is when you MOVE.
  • Clothing in cold weather should always be dry.
  • Temper yourself!

I am sure that then you will be warm in cold autumn and frosty winter.

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