To dream of a stream with clear water. Dream Interpretation Stream, why is the Stream dreaming? What does a stream in the forest, mountains mean

Collection of dream books

Why does the Brook dream in a dream according to 34 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Stream” symbol from 34 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Do not soak your feet in a stream in a dream or escape from a mudflow- means getting rid of enemy machinations.

Small Velesov dream book

Creek - joy, meeting with the long-lost expected news, recover (to the patient) / dangerous gullibility, moving, change; full-flowing - to wealth, money; dry - to poverty, hunger; clean - profit, health, wealth; muddy - loss, illness; deep, clear stream- happiness; shallow - neither good nor bad; flows quickly - the plan will soon come true; flows in the house - profit; murmurs - lead; go - a successful trial; drinking from it is the fulfillment of desires.

Muslim dream book

Stream - to the enemy, and escape from mudflow in a dream- means getting rid of enemy machinations.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Brook dreaming?

A stream in the forest - an amazing surprise awaits you.

Stream in the field - to a speedy recovery, if sick; at the same time, such a dream symbolizes a journey, new positive impressions.

New dream book 1918

Creek - change of residence; hear the murmur- news.

Family dream book

Stream in a dream- promises you new bright impressions, travel.

full-flowing stream- portends a short period of worries and anxieties.

parched stream- dreams of a fleeting disappointment, after which the fulfillment of desires will come.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of a Brook?

The stream is good news.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Brook dream about in a dream?

Drink from the stream, wash- to a successful vacation, outdoor recreation.

Video: Why the Stream is dreaming

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I dreamed of a Brook, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the Stream is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I took Dianka, my daughter, to the kindergarten. Then she met her former lover, X. We talked, then first one of his friends appeared, then the second, turned away, and there were already a bunch of them and X was gone. I was looking for him among my friends, and they all laughed. But soon he appeared. Then the action moved to my parents' house in the country. His friends are already drunk. We were celebrating something. There was already my current young man, Art. And my parents too. (Mom eventually left dad and left with a man. Dad gives me money, a small amount) Art falls asleep, and then there are scenes with my dad. Later, X appears, all his friends have already spread out on their beds and are sleeping. X appears all beaten up by someone, and I secretly lead him to my room and cover him with a blanket so that they don’t notice him. I run out into the street and see lanterns in the forest, and immediately thought that they were looking for X. then the noise of a fight and I think that they came for him, but it was a fight of some incomprehensible boys. And I immediately wanted to X. Everyone in the house had already calmed down, mom left, dad went to bed, only my girlfriends were nearby. And I'm with X. Then the action is already underway, as if I see myself from the side and watch him, too, from the side. We ran out of the house and there a girl my friend lost her lover in an accident and X takes her away, consoles her. there they are at a small house where there is a stream and a rocky area. He amuses, entertains her, and I feel that I am offended. Then I appear from the outside looking at myself. I say that I want compensation for the secret, and then the dream disappears and ends with the fact that I see a mountain stream surrounded by greenery and that's it.

    In the distance, a storm arises, black clouds, and through them red lava flows towards the house, the house stands in the forest and is surrounded by a clear transparent stream, the lava approaches the stream, hisses and freezes. The house is whole, no one was hurt. During the approach of lava from the forest two white beautiful cats come out, I fed one. Then 2 raccoons appear, I also fed them, one waved his paw at me

    On the night from Saturday to Sunday, I had a dream. That my young man left me for the sake of a pregnant girl ... After that, I was on the train, and then a man approached me, about whom I knew that he was famous, he said that we would have an interview, I was made up and put in order. When I looked in the mirror, instead of eyes, I had white lights. Girls walked around me and, using my example, told them how to apply makeup correctly. Then I walked along the road that is next to my house ... There is a clearing along this road ... Having reached the end of this road, I looked to the left and saw a winding asphalt road among the trees ... Taking a step, I looked ahead and saw a man, or rather his silhouette, he was standing in the distance leaning against a tree .... And I was afraid that he was waiting for me. I turned around and ran without looking back. Then, when I ran out into the light and when I continued to run, I began to take off from the ground (take off) and thought that I would be saved. Then darkness and I was already in another body and from my thoughts I realized that I kind of died. The next day, already in my life, I broke up with my boyfriend, it was evening and when we walked I looked at his shadow, I realized that in a dream I saw him (silhouette). And tonight. I dreamed that I was going to a meeting with a woman who was supposed to tell me something, but I forgot her address, where she lives and went to work with her ... She worked in a hospital, I came to her then I saw that they take blood from my wrist, I noticed a bruise in that place, jerked my hand and for some reason started to run away ... When I came to my senses, I was already standing in the forest, a stream flowed right in front of me, it was double (two parallel ditches), I was going to walk along the path between them, but a man was standing nearby, and he said the phrase “At night, this place is expanse for criminals. Would you like me to accompany you?" I woke up.

    I’m walking along the road, there are trees, but it’s like winter, it’s a little drizzling, such beautiful snowflakes, and I see a woman walking with 2 buckets of clean spring water, it’s as if something is pushing me so that I would go where the woman walked with buckets. When I go to where the woman came from, I see a fresh dug stream and clear water in it, I was so happy that I would come here and draw water. And woke up.

    We had a garden that we sold 17 years ago. I often dream of our garden, as if we had not worked in it for a long time - abandoned in a word, and now we come to this garden and start working in it, planting something ....... i dreamed that men were building a house of logs, I went outside the fence and there a wide stream with clear water runs, it runs fast, but I don’t remember further

    I dreamed as if I were at the sea, summer, but I did not see the sea. I saw a stream long, clean, as if transparent and there were a lot of fish in it, when I looked into the water a terrible, big, toothy fish jumped from the water and I woke up.

    I left the house drunk, in the city I was sleeping near the bus stop, young girls came up, one sat down and started talking, then she suddenly fell and fell down the slope into the stream, I caught up holding her by the leg, and she escaped and swam away, I climbed to the top and decided to go home put hand in the pocket and took out the crumpled money they fell out and I began to pick them up 3 girls came up and began to help me collect they collected and stood dismantled them then they went near a littered pond paper a policeman's cap and all the rubbish suddenly appeared at the house with my parents an acquaintance left the house and grabbed his hand cramped then he climbed the wall home and broke and died

    some kind of excursion to the mountain forest. bright saturated greenery, steep stones covered with moss, a fast stream flows between them. I climb rocks, but I have to step into the water and get my feet wet in sports shoes. but not cold and not wet. I get to the stone I need, sit down and take a picture of me. who, I don't remember. the mood is wonderful, everything is pleasant and calm.

    at first I dreamed of some kind of house. unfamiliar. and I thought I wish I could live here. Then the street. But there are no roads. the track is in the mud and I need to get through it somehow. The woman calls me to go through it. And next to it is a stream. As if the snow is melting and the water is flowing. But it is clean. to them I went on this water

    Two streams of water poured into the overflowing river. one was clean, transparent, the other cloudy. The river was clear, but restless, waves formed. I was afraid to approach the river, but I walked along a clear stream. Both streams were restless, fast and full of street.

    Spring, overcast, I'm walking through a deciduous forest. The forest is old but not dense. I go to a swampy stream to see if there are any spawning fish in the stream. I don't see fish. I walk along the stream and go out into a clearing overgrown with reeds and tall grass. I pass through the grass and see a lake with grassy islets to my right, a little down, and so I wanted to go and take a spinning rod and return to the shores of this lake again to go fishing.

    I had such a dream! I'm walking in the area where I used to walk with a friend as a child! , That is, along the makitra, (this is a small rise of the earth by 15 meters and a crescent-shaped earth is carved between it) I sometimes had a dream about it, but only in the makitra there were trenches of half a meter, the earth cracked, and all dried up, and now i dreamed of a lot of stream, not cracked earth, the dream was pleasant, the colors were warm, and the mood was good, email

    The dream is quite benevolent, in my opinion, some moments I still can’t forget. I’m walking on the green grass in the summer and, like a joke, I threw my shoe down somewhere from a ravine where there is a concrete fence and behind the fence there is a stream that is not deep somewhere up to the heat and for some reason I thought that one shoe fell into the river, bent down already in the water in search of a shoe and saw a flock of beautiful small fish swimming, but the shoes were not there, walking somewhere a little further along the path, a man is not old and found me a shoe in the bushes near the river

    I was near the road, for some reason I was pregnant. I went down the hill, not very steep. I went down and stood on a small red bridge. And the stream was small but long. And there was a forest ahead. It was green and very thick.

    Near the neighbors there are snowdrifts of snow that were poured during the cleaning of the paths, these snowdrifts melt, streams flow from them, connecting into one, it turns out a stream flowing over ice, the water is clean, it flows quickly and there is a small fish in it, the color is like gold, I try to catch it and caught it, when I caught her, and she turned out to be much larger, I just don’t remember, she jumped out of my hands.

    I have a dream that we are approaching a dam that people made themselves and it grows into a stream, it’s summer outside, a hot day, trees. fields, the sun is shining, beautiful houses can be seen in the distance, there are houses that stand on the banks of a stream, an artificial stream, that is, a creation of human hands

    I dreamed that we were driving a car. we see an accident, we stop, we go out to get around, and at that time they were looking for the corpse of a teenager girl in the stream, I found it, or rather I saw her and she was alive, she wanted to pull her off the mule, and she began to pull me into this muddy stream, but I resisted and did not drag.

    I dreamed of the purest transparent, very beautiful stream, the bottom of which is all in beautiful pebbles. I see As if I draw snow-white rice and semolina from it. Lots of rice and semolina. What is it about? Thank you.

    I dreamed that I was standing on a high bank of the river, a staircase leads down to the water, suddenly a wedding cortege arrives on the shore, it turns out that these are two weddings at the same time: one bride in a white dress, the other in a beautiful green ... all this cheerful company goes down the stairs to the river , I look after them and rejoice for them to tears ... then I found that several of my acquaintances were standing next to me and also watching the wedding group ... then I go for a walk alone in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis river, and I understand that it was divided into a huge number streams and small streams, simultaneously flowing in different directions and flowing into one another and flowing out of each other, the water in all was calm and clean. Please explain if you find time for this! Thank you!

    i dreamed that I was studying somewhere with three unfamiliar girls and we were living in a white abandoned house where everything was rotting and collapsing. With one girl, we ran away into the forest away from home, where it was disgustingly cold and a stream flowed that blocked the path. I ask her how to get out of here, she says that no one got out and there is no way, everyone tried. I look at a cold, raging stream in which wooden fragments are drowning (everything turns over inside and I start to worry) and I whisper to her: we will try to get out

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed that I was standing on a high mountain and looking around, then I ran down the mountain straight to a small stream and the place where I jumped over it lay old doors without holes, I was still convinced that they were strong. I didn't get wet. and began climbing the mountain again. climbing up, I went somewhere. and then I saw myself from the outside, as I was driving in a noisy cheerful company by car along the bridge over this very stream.

    I was in short light boots and was going to cross a stream with clear water, but I was afraid that I would not succeed, because the boots were short, but in the end I found a shallow place and woke up

    I dreamed that I was first in the courtyard of the house, with my ex-husband. Then somehow I found myself in the house itself. The house is private, one-story - only three rooms, and in a dream the house was with a large basement, well lit - there were large windows, and very long and large tables, and there were a lot of dishes on them, as if there was a canteen of a cafe or restaurant .... And in the house itself for some reason, as if there are many rooms.
    I’ve been divorced from him for 8 years, although I’m still assigned to this house, and since 2011 I don’t live there anymore, but in a dream I dreamed that I still live there, but I haven’t been at home for a long time ... and I I scold him - although I don’t see my husband himself, I know that he is nearby. I scold my husband for not watering the indoor flowers in my absence, and they all dried up ... but I go to the window and see that the flowers seem to have dried up, but at the same time they have bright green leaves ... This surprised me during dream ... Then I noticed that the house was such a bedlam: the walls were dirty - peeled wallpaper, the curtains on the windows were somehow short and torn, and the windows themselves were all greasy, but there were garlands and New Year's toys hanging on the windows ... although the weather was like this either late autumn or early spring.
    I again found myself on the street, and I saw a stream in the courtyard, it flows through the courtyard and seems to go into some kind of funnel ... I have our daughter in my arms, she died 13 years ago, and in a dream she is alive, but in the form of a doll. rather even baby doll. Although in a dream I understand that this cannot be, since my daughter died a long time ago ... and when I understand this, I drop the Doll into this stream, run ... I try to pull it out, but I manage to get only one head, and the rest of the body went into a whirlpool - a funnel ...

    I dreamed of a stream with clean water, but there was not much water; the stream was half empty. Lined with beautiful stones but not precious, there was green grass near the stream. And in the stream, green algae looked a little, they looked very beautiful

    I was with my late father. At the crossroads, he met his also deceased comrade and they began to talk. It was a long time and I decided to walk for now. I saw a small stream, 1.5 - 2 m wide, from 10 to 40 cm deep, the water is not very clear, but not dirty either. I was surprised that there is such a river here, I went upstream, thinking that it was possible to come with my son to fish. I saw that the channel was blocked (someone's garden was poured over), but a thin stream was flowing from above. I thought that the fish would not overcome this barrier. There were some houses upstream, I turned back, I thought that my father had already spoken and we need to go somewhere in my car, maybe home. I don't remember further. The right bank of the stream was high, the left, on which I was, lower, but not flat.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Unexpected joy, the renewal of a long-lost relationship.

Dream online - Creek

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Water flows under the hearth, a stream flows - speaks of wealth that has been acquired dishonestly.

Sleep online - Water flows under the hearth, a stream flows

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Talks about wealth that is acquired dishonestly. The boiler breaks in the hearth - portends death. Repairing or building a hearth in the kitchen - great happiness, success.

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

You will take on a new position. If the water in the stream runs fast, then a mistake is possible, take your time. Promotion on the social ladder. A stormy stream of water - misses and gossip are possible.

The meaning of the dream - Stream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Change of place and life. Meeting with the long lost, joy. It flows around the room, the light is the same with the river - a very important guest, for the birth of a child. Stormy - an unfair trial, personal disagreements, experiences. Overflows - losses, failures.

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A stream if you drew water from a stream, this means that in your intimate life you are undemanding and do not like to reinvent the wheel. You never come up with anything new and are used to living by the rules. However, you risk losing your loved one soon, ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a clean stream in a dream is a very happy dream that promises you a lot of good. If the stream is muddy, fate will take care of you, taking away from your enemies what is dear to them.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Stream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

See interpretation source, key.

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A favorable sign, especially for artists and artists. It promises interesting journeys and a lot of new experiences. If the stream is full-flowing, a short period of acute feelings and anxieties awaits you. If you see that it is dry, then this means that you will experience disappointment, ...

How to interpret the dream "Stream"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Change of place in life meeting with a long lost joy

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Stream, mudflow (mountain stream) - to meet the enemy. Do not soak your feet in a stream in a dream or escape from a mudflow - means getting rid of enemy machinations.

I had a dream "Stream"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Light and clear water in the stream - to a good turn of events. Muddy and dirty water in the stream - to worries and sadness, with fish - to wealth. To hear the murmur of water in a stream - a rumor about you. A dry stream to see - ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To joy.

What does the dream about the Stream mean

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The joy of the news.

Stream - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The stream is dreaming of a unique chance for you to relax and have fun: friends will organize a party and invite you. If the bed of the stream you dreamed about looks like a writhing snake, then today new people will enter your life.

Stream - interpretation of a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A dreaming stream - promises you new vivid impressions, travel. Full-flowing stream - portends a short period of worries and anxieties. A dry stream - dreams of a fleeting disappointment, after which the fulfillment of desires will come.

The essence of sleep - Stream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To singing at the table, a feast with good people.

What does sleep mean - Stream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A stream with clean and quietly flowing water in a dream portends well-being and recovery (for patients). A dream about a stream often predicts news. River, water. The dream in which you saw that the stream has dried up means: expect failure in business and bad changes. …

The meaning of the dream about the Stream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Quiet, transparent, affectionate - good, joy. Muddy, seething - negative influences on the sleeper. Dry, drying up - loss of vitality. The end of love, relationships, feelings. It flows pleasantly, murmurs - for money. Promotion. Winding - frivolity, whims.

Dream Interpretation: why the Stream is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you see a stream in a dream, it promises you new vivid impressions, travel. If the stream is full-flowing, a short period of acute feelings and anxieties awaits you. If you see that it is dry, then this means that you will experience disappointment, but ...

Article author: site

If you dreamed that a stream flows from a mountain, you will have to face a difficult task in your activities. It will make you put in a lot of effort in order to fulfill all the conditions and nuances. However, all the effort expended will pay off in full if you can cope with the task.

Set yourself up for success and do not think about problems and failures. Be confident in yourself, in your abilities and never for a moment allow the thought of defeat.

The meaning of a dream about a stream with dirty water

If in a dream there was a stream with dirty, muddy water, the mood will be overshadowed by unpleasant events. What happens in the near future will negatively affect your self-confidence, which can greatly harm your plans. This is not to say that something very bad will happen, just that your perception at this moment will be especially vulnerable.

Try not to overreact to what is happening. Take criticism calmly and balancedly, do not let it affect your ego.

What does the dream book mean when you see a stream in the forest

According to the dream book, a stream in the forest means that all your efforts will be in vain and will not give proper results. This will happen largely due to the fact that the wrong work plan was originally drawn up. You talked too much and discussed upcoming things, instead of taking action.

Focus on fulfilling your immediate responsibilities, instead of wasting time on useless conversations.

Interpretation of a dream in which I happened to cross a stream

The dream in which you crossed the stream portends the achievement of success in professional activities. It will be possible to easily bypass all the obstacles in your path and achieve your cherished goal. Your enemies and competitors will not be able to interfere with the implementation of your plans, no matter how hard they try.

Why dream of a stream with clean water

The plot of the dream, in which they saw a stream with clear water, means that the people around you have pure thoughts and sincere intentions. You can trust your family and friends. Everything that is planned will come true in the best possible way, thanks in large part to the support of those who are close to you.

Do not doubt those people who have repeatedly proved their loyalty. Reciprocate them and try to justify the trust placed in you.

If you dreamed of a stream with clear water

The seen stream with clear water does not portend cardinal changes in the current situation. No significant events are expected in the near future. Everything will move calmly and measuredly. There will be no cause for concern, however, as well as for joy. But this lull will help you gather your thoughts and take a break.

Don't rush things, let them take their course. Rushing can sometimes do harm rather than good. Act wisely, do not succumb to sudden emotional outbursts.

Why is the stream dreaming? In a dream, it reflects a certain, rather short life stage or a certain specific event. However, dream books offer a lot of other decodings, which are based on the details and nuances of the dream plot.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Why is the stream dreaming? Miller's dream book is sure that you are destined for especially strong impressions and maybe even a trip.

Did you dream of a deep and full-flowing stream? For a short time you will be tormented by doubts and anxieties. Seeing a dry stream in a dream is somewhat worse. This is a sign of disappointment. However, the dream book does not advise you to be upset, because fate has prepared a more generous gift for you.

Opinion of the noble dream book N. Grishina

Why is the stream dreaming? If in a dream clean water flowed in it, then expect good changes. Had a dream that the water was muddy and dirty? A short period of endless sorrows and worries awaits you. Did you happen to drink from a stream? In real life, finally decide on your aspirations and ideals.

Why dream of a particularly wide and full-flowing stream? The dream interpretation guarantees a period of well-being and complete contentment. If fish swam in the stream, then you will receive money. A dry stream in a dream symbolizes the end of a relationship, annoyance and regret.

Have you ever heard the murmur of water in the stream? Soon you will hear a lot of unusual things about yourself. If the stream flows straight, then you have chosen the right path. If it winds, then you are characterized by capriciousness, volatility and frivolity.

If in a dream a stream runs uphill, then you are clearly passionate about something. If it flows into a swamp, then it is easy to understand that your life is a continuous quagmire of worries and problems. Did you dream that the stream flows into the hand or the sea? An insignificant event will turn out to be fateful and change the whole existence.

Interpretation of the image according to the collection of dream books

Why is the stream dreaming? A collection of dream books prophesies a move to another place of residence. Hear the murmur - to the news, gossip. Dreamed of a stream? Soon you will be visited by a whole series of brilliant ideas.

Seeing a clean and relatively wide stream in a dream - to excellent health, good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day. In general, this vision has the most positive meaning, guaranteeing a calm and quite successful period.

If in a dream a sick person happens to stand in it or, better yet, swim, then he will be cured. A fast stream with muddy water warns of injury or illness, a muddy but calm one promises an exacerbation of a chronic illness. Sometimes the muddy water of the stream marks a situation that will deprive your rivals of advantages.

Why else dream of a stream? The collection of dream books advises to prepare for a magnificent feast. If in a dream you had to wade it, then the holiday will turn into sadness. Had a dream that you wandered through an unknown area and came across a stream? Long-forgotten relationships will return, and you will enthusiastically take up the old business.

What does a stream in the forest, mountains mean

Had a dream that you found a stream in the forest? Some confusing situation will be resolved in a very original way. It is also a sign of insight after a long search. In addition, a stream in the forest warns of an unexpected surprise.

Seeing a stream in an open field is good for a sick dreamer in a dream. This vision guarantees a speedy recovery. To everyone else, it promises a long journey or journey.

Why dream of a mountain stream? Crystal clear water promises good health, but at the same time calls for sobriety. Your inadequacy in views leads to complete defeat. A too turbulent stream in the mountains warns of malicious slander and envious gossip.

Stream with clean, dirty water

Exceptionally clean and transparent water in the stream reflects the peaceful course of a certain life stage. Pure water in a dream marks positive changes in business and happy changes in fate.

Did you dream of a muddy and dirty stream? The interpretation of sleep is completely opposite. At least you are destined for a period of useless troubles, senseless spending and minor disappointments.

Drink from the stream, swim in the stream

In a relationship, you can hardly be called a demanding partner, and even in sex you adhere to conservatism and do not strive for diversity. However, after a vision in which it happened to drink from a stream, everything will change dramatically.

Why else dream that you had to drink from a stream? Already today you will be visited by a lot of fresh and unusual ideas. Do not waste time and start implementing them immediately.

Swimming in a stream in a dream is good for any dreamer, but only if he was exceptionally clean and transparent. It is a symbol of renewal, recovery or awakening. Who is closer. Did you dream that you were swimming in a stream? Weekends or a short vacation spend in nature or in another equally pleasant place.

Stream in a dream - how to interpret the image

For a correct interpretation, it is necessary to take into account the size of the stream, its direction and speed. As well as the quality, condition of the water and their own actions.

  • sonorous - joy, fun
  • murmuring - empty and useful conversations
  • roaring - danger, interference in business
  • deep - falsehood, deceit
  • small - openness, clarity
  • fast, clean - smooth, well-coordinated work
  • wide, calm - perspective, happy future
  • dirty, stormy - unpleasant events
  • muddy - illness, gossip
  • with garbage - losses
  • with fish - profit, profit
  • with tadpoles - trick, deceit
  • with blood - serious losses
  • spring (from melted snow) - awakening, a new goal
  • parched - disappointment
  • spilled - failure, lack of money
  • flows towards the house - respect
  • uphill - moving towards the goal
  • from the mountain - abandonment of the goal
  • across the field - travel
  • down the street - a strange event
  • in the house - profit, addition
  • falls into a swamp - a vicious circle, hopelessness
  • into the river - a new goal
  • at sea - fulfillment of desires
  • into the ocean - infinity, being, knowledge
  • wade - achieving the goal
  • jump over - safe turn
  • fall into it - recovery, deliverance
  • swimming is a great change
  • wash feet - cleansing, deliverance
  • drink water - new ideas, perspectives
  • swim - loss
  • drowning - humiliation, insult
  • fishing is a profitable business

For decoding, you can use the values ​​that characterize the water in general, as well as the river. In the latter version, the interpretation will only have a less global character.

A stream with clean and quietly flowing water in a dream portends well-being and recovery (for patients). A dream about a stream often predicts news. See interpretation: river, water.

The dream in which you saw that the stream has dried up means: expect failure in business and bad changes. Such a dream may mean that you will soon lose your job, which gives you a livelihood (or a source of your well-being). If you dream that a clean stream flows near your house, then soon you will receive an important position.

Watching a stream run in a dream is a harbinger of a change in place of residence or lifestyle. A stream running away from you means that you will be disturbed by memories of the past. If you dream that the stream has become unusually large, then big things or success await you. A very deep stream in a dream is a sign that you do not know the people you communicate with well. A bloody stream in a dream portends great worries due to the loss of loved ones.

Successfully crossing the stream that blocked your path portends a happy ending to a case that seemed impossible.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Stream

A stream dreaming in a dream promises you new, vivid impressions, travels.

A full-flowing stream portends a short period of worries and anxieties.

A dry stream dreams of a fleeting disappointment, after which the fulfillment of desires will come.

They took water from a stream - it means that you are very unpretentious and uninventive in bed. Any offer of a partner that goes beyond the limits of "decency" plunges you into shock. See how monotony does not ruin your relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from
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