Transitive and intransitive verbs in Chinese. Two-object transitive verbs, when there are two objects after the predicate in the complement. What is transitivity of verbs

§ 1457. As stated in § 1456, all transitive verbs strongly govern vin. case: chop wood, whitewash the ceiling, read a book, love children. Most transitive verbs form the form suffer. sacraments; for verbs that do not form this form, see

§ 1583, 1588. Intransitive verbs are all verbs that do not govern vin. (genus) case. In most cases, these are verbs, the action of which is closed in the sphere of the subject, not directed at the object: the sail turns white; the bird sits on a branch. These verbs do not have the form suffer. participles (for exceptions, see § 1583). Some intransitive verbs have an intransitive formant - the postfix xia: to gather, quarrel; other intransitive verbs do not have this formant: turn white, run, stand.

Among intransitive verbs with the postfix sya, a group of verbs stands out in which the postfix sya expresses only a passive meaning (see § 1461). Such, for example, are the verbs: advance, amnestied, amputated, paved, analyzed, announced (special), bacterized (special), embalmed, concreted, bandaged, boycotted, bombarded, stitched, rolled (special), ventilated.

§ 1458. There are transitive verbs which govern a noun into gender. n. outside the negation conditions. These are, firstly, some verbs that combine the meaning of achieving a result with the meaning. quantity: pick flowers, make mistakes, buy books; secondly, verbs in which both gender and wine can be used. p .: wait for a letter and wait for a letter; want gingerbread and gingerbread; ask for alms and alms.

§ 1459. Transitive verbs mean an action directed at an object; it can be an object created (build a house), changeable (whitewash the ceiling, chop wood), destroy (burn letters, break dishes); an impact on an object that does not produce any changes in it: read a book, thank your father, congratulate your sister, praise a student, approve an idea. Transitive verbs are also called sensory perceptions (see a picture, listen to music, feel pain), attitude (love a person, hate an enemy). An object with such verbs means an object that is perceived, to which the relation is directed.

Intransitive verbs call the state - physical (sick, sleep) and mental (sad, grieve, rejoice); movement (run, run, walk, walk, swim, ride, fly, race); existence (live, be, exist); position in space (standing, sitting, lying down); identification and formation of a sign (turn white, blush, grow, melt, dry); professional or non-professional occupation (locksmithing, teaching, cooking); identifying properties or abilities (goofing off); skill (to speak French).

The connection of transitivity and intransitivity with the lexical meaning of the verb is also expressed in the fact that polysemantic verbs in some meanings can be transitive, in others - intransitive. Yes, ch. read is transient and manages vin. n. in value (perceive what is written): read a book, a letter; the same verb is intransitive in meaning. (be able to perceive what is written) (The baby is already reading), (reading) (The baby is sitting and reading). In the latter case, attention is focused on the process itself, which is abstracted from the object; this is the so-called absolutive use of the verb. Transitive prefix verbs of owls. species are rarely used absolutively; usually an object is named with them.

For the relation of transitivity/intransitivity to derivational types of verbs, see the section "Derivation of Verbs".


  1. § 80. The question of transitive and intransitive meanings of verbs
  2. § 80. The question of transitive and intransitive meanings of verbs
  3. § 156. The composition of participial forms is determined by the aspectual meaning and transitivity / intransitivity of generating verbs

Simply put, in this article we will consider sentences in which the action of the verb (predicate) is directed to some object No. 1 (indirect object), and this action implies the presence of object No. 2 (direct object). For example, "He gave me a book." In this offer gave- verb (what did you do?), to me- indirect addition (to whom, what, where, in relation to whom? and so on), book- direct object (what?). to the verb gave there are two objects, one indirect, the other direct, therefore it is called two-object. Your second title transition, the verb received because the verb expresses an action that is directly directed to an object / phenomenon / person. This verb has a direct object with it (in Russian, an addition in the accusative case without a preposition), which answers the question who? / What? These can be verbs to speak, ask, go, bring, give, borrow, and others. I think you will also be interested to learn for comparison about intransitive verbs that cannot be combined with a direct object and express movement in space (fly, get sick, think, live, work, and many others). It happens that the same verb can be both transitive and non-transitive. For example, water evaporates- heat evaporates water.

We digress a little, back to our topic.


As I said, this article could be called simpler - sentences that have an action addressee (or in another way indirect object) and an action object (direct object):

Subject + verb + addressee + object

Subject + predicate + indirect object + direct object

So, if a verb can have an action addressee and an action object, then it is a transitive verb.


  • 老师 一 个 问题 wen le lǎoshī yī ge venti. I asked the teacher one question.
  • 了 我 敌人 一 瓶 啤酒 gei le wǒ diren yī ping píjiǔ. I gave my enemy one bottle of beer.
  • 送 给 很 多 The verb is formed using the morpheme 给Ta sòng gěi ta hěn duō hua. He gave her many flowers.
  • 很 多 送给 is the same as just 送. It is not necessary to add the morpheme 给 to it.Ta song ta hěn duō hua. He gave her many flowers.
  • 他连续 工作 了八个小时。 An example for comparison: the verb "work" is not transitive. Can't work for someone or something Tā liánxu gōngzuo le ta bāgè xiǎoshí.He worked his without a break for 8 hours.
  • 了两个小时。 The verb "sleep" is not transitive. Can't sleep for someone or somethingshui le ta liǎng gè xiǎoshí.I was asleep his two hours.
  • 借给 一 本 jiegěi yī ben shū. I'll lend you a book.
  • 爸爸 送 给 一 个 手机 Baba sòng gěi yī ge shǒujī. My dad gave me a phone.
  • 妈妈 很 多 的 Māma gei le hěn duō de ai. Mom gave me a lot of love.
  • 我 想 告诉 一 个 好 消息 Wǒ xiǎng gaosu yī ge hǎo xiaoxi. I want to tell you some good news.
  • 你 可以 借给 一 百 块 吗 ? Nǐ kěyǐ jiegěi yī bǎi kuai qian ma? Can you borrow 100 yuine for me?
  • 大家 都 “怪叔叔” Dajiā dōu jiao ta guaishūshū. Everyone calls him "strange uncle".
  • 这 个 人 很 多 Zhe ge ren pian le hěn duō qian. This man scammed me for a lot of money.

Today I was reviewing my personal Chinese language library. In the electronic database I found an interesting document, with which some have already managed to get acquainted.

Yanshan University, China
Zhang Xuhua

Analysis of grammatical errors of foreign students studying Chinese

People who have different native languages ​​learn Chinese, so the influence of the native language, which generates errors in Chinese speech, is also not the same. Careful analysis of the influence of one's mother tongue on making mistakes in Chinese can be helpful in learning Chinese. In the process of learning a foreign language, students often construct a phrase in a foreign language using the stereotypes of their native language. As a result, translation errors often appear. Russian and Chinese have big differences in grammar. Unlike Chinese, where grammatical relations are conveyed using word order, in Russian grammatical relations are usually conveyed using the word form. In Russian, the word order is not so strict; if necessary, a rearrangement can be made. When changing the order of words, you only need to save the suffixes and endings, and the meaning of the sentence, its structure as a whole will remain unchanged. Because of these features, it is difficult for foreign students studying Chinese to master Chinese grammatical functions and the structure of Chinese syntax.

This article attempts to analyze the typical grammatical mistakes made by foreign students in the process of learning Chinese, which is of great importance for improving the quality and effectiveness of learning.


1. To indicate the time period during which an action is performed, the adjunction object (补语) should always be used. For example: 小李在俄罗斯生活了五年。A circumstance (状语) is always used to indicate the point in time at which an action began or ended. For example: 八点上课,他八点一刻才到。But foreign students often confuse the conditions for using the adjunction object and the tense. For example: 1) 我差不多五年住在他家楼上。2)他大概来五点。 In example 1) the adjunct object was mistakenly used instead of the adjunct adjunction, in example 2) the time adjunct became the adjunct object.

The adjacency object is one of the frequently used and, at the same time, rather specific Chinese grammatical constructions. Adjacency addition is quite difficult for foreign students to understand; when they study the adjunction addition, erroneously constructed sentences are very frequent. For example:

这种点心不做得好吃。(这种点心做得不好吃)。Degree complement (程度补语).

对不起,我不能说上来。(对不起,我说不上来)。Feature Supplement (可能补语)。

来中国以来,我没听懂中文。(来中国以来,我听不懂中文)。Feature addition (可能补语)。

2. A notable mistake among foreign students is the use of an intransitive verb as a transitive one, i.e. instead of using the circumstance with a preposition, the direct object (宾语) is erroneously used in the preposition. For example: 我 着 急 你 的 健康 。2) 我 失败 了 大学 入学 考试。。。。。。 着急 着急 着急 , 失败 失败 失败 失败 失败 失败 失败 失败 (failing) are mistakenly used as transitional verbs, structures “你 妹妹 的” and “大学 考试 考试 考试 考试 考试 考试 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 入学 "should be separated in the first case by the preposition "为", in the second - "在 ... 中" and, being in preposition before the verbal predicate, play the role of a circumstance. Similarly, when using the so-called "separate-fused words" (离合词), it is often mistaken to use separate-fused words as transitive verbs, instead of using a direct object instead of the required preposition construction with a preposition. For example: 1) 我毕业大学以后…。2) 今天领导握手我。 Students make a mistake based on the meaning of “separate-fused words”, in their semantic load they are often similar to transitive verbs. in fact, “separate-fused words” are similar in their syntactic role to constructions consisting of a verb-predicate and a direct object.

3. Students often make a mistake in using constructions with prepositions, confusing circumstance and adjoining object. For example: 1) 如果你去买东西,顺便买给我一本书。2)我有约会在公司门口. We see that in these examples the prepositional constructions "给我" and "在公司门口" must come before the verbal predicate and play the role of a circumstance. It should be noted that the use of "买给我一本书" as a declarative sentence is legal, but this construction would be incorrect for the imperative mood. In this case, "给我买一本书","买一本书送给我","帮/替我买一本书" should be used. On the example of this sentence, we see that the use of constructions in sentences of various types is not the same, so studying the context of the whole sentence has not only theoretical, but also practical value.


1. Monosyllabic adjectives in the role of definition and circumstance, as a rule, do not require functional words, while two-syllable adjectives, performing the same syntactic functions, need to be formalized with special functional words. Apart from a few examples like "许多", "好多". If students don't learn it well, they make mistakes very often. For example: 1) 她们两个人是最好朋友。2) 她们快乐照着相。 Adjectives, as a rule, cannot act as a predicate without other words, when an adjective acts as a predicate, one should usually either use the degree adverb in preposition, or the adjoining complement of the degree in the postposition. Without understanding this, students also often make mistakes. For example: 1)他很用功,所以他的成绩总是好。2)他可能不参加我们的宴会,因为他常常忙。In contrast to the situation when both circumstance and addition are absent, there is another frequent duplication. For example: 1)没想到我们这么快就见面了。2)家的花都开了, 都很漂亮极了。3) 他的身体比较胖胖的。 An adjective can sometimes express a change in situation. For example: 萍果红了, 天气暖和了. But in this case, the adjective cannot take adverbs as a modifier. Failure to understand this also often leads to errors. For example: 1) 这下很糟糕了。2)教师您到俄罗斯来教我们, 很辛苦了。3) But if the adverb "已经" is used in the sentence, adverbs of degree can be combined with "了". For example: 1) 我已经很累了, 你不要再麻烦我了。2) 他已经起得很晚了,你比他起得更晚。 A sentence containing both the adverb of the degree "已经" and the particle "仏" and can only serve to indicate the cause of an event, or its purpose. But such sentences are never used on their own, they are always followed by additional sentences. You should pay attention to these grammar features related to the meaning of sentences, otherwise mistakes will be made.

2. Chinese degree adverbs can be divided into two broad types: absolute degree adverbs and comparative degree adverbs. The former include: 很,挺,非常,十分 and others. To the second: 更 (加),还(更),稍(徽),十分 and others. The so-called adverbs expressing the absolute degree are characterized by the fact that, together with the adjective following it, they are relatively independent. For example: 很好,非常漂亮. The so-called "comparative" adverbs are characterized by the fact that they can have relative independence in combination with an adjective only if there is an object of comparison. The object of comparison can be contained in the context, or latently contained in the language situation. For example: 他更漂亮了。The meaning of this sentence can be understood either as "He became even more beautiful than before", or as "He was more beautiful than other people." Regardless of what meaning is meant, in any case there is an object of comparison. Sometimes the object of comparison is expressed within a sentence. For example: 他比我还要努力。 When expressing a hidden object of comparison, the grammatical function of comparative adverbs of degree is similar to that of absolute adverbs of degree. For example: 王丽念得很好,李刚念得更好。From this, students mistakenly conclude that the grammatical functions of these two types are always the same. This may cause the following errors: 1)今天比昨天很冷。2)我这个星期比上个星期忙得很。 昨天冷多了、今天比昨天冷得不得了、今天比昨天冷极了。If you do not know how to analyze grammar and word usage well during your studies, students will often make mistakes.


1. Foreign students cannot master such specific Chinese constructions as "把", "连" and others. Sometimes "把" is used in situations where it is not needed. For example: 1) 学校 把 贫困 的 帮助 了 在 学习 , 等等 方面 。2) 今天 你 要是 , 就 我 把 两 张 电影 票 买 。3) 王 很 想 看书 请 你 把 本 本 本 本 一 一 一 一 一 一 AH 书借给他吧。 In example 1) the verb predicate "帮助" does not mean "to control something (hands)", in which case "把" is usually not used. In 2) and 3) there are also no conditions for the formation of a construction with "把". "把" takes only definite complements after it, and the complements in these two examples are indefinite. Often students make the mistake of using the direct object, skipping "把". For example: 1) 我的照相机坏了,请你的照相机借给我用一下。2)用了一个月时间'我终于这件事完成了。 Chinese proposals.

2. "连…也/都…" is one of the ways of emphasizing. With the help of this method, unusual, strange situations are expressed. For example: 1) 她连母亲都不认识了。 Whether the daughter is unfamiliar with the mother, or the mother and daughter, both are unusual situations. Therefore, in cases where events do not go beyond the ordinary, "连", as a rule, is not used. Therefore, the following example is an error. Example: 他很健康,连什么运动都喜欢。It's normal for a healthy person to play sports, so you can't use the intensifying particle "连" in this sentence, otherwise it may create an awkward situation. The particle "连" is usually used in negative sentences. Therefore, it becomes difficult for students when to use "不" and when to use "没". Basically, "不" is used to describe an action that has not been completed, and "没" is used to describe a completed action, if necessary, use "不" to convey the regularity of the action. Let's take a look at the following examples: 1)今天早上我连饭都不吃上学了。2)他每天连一分钟也没休息工作。In these two examples, "不" and "没" are mixed up. In the first example, "没" should be used, because it's about a completed action. In the second example, the action is regular, so "不" should be used. It is common to combine a verb and a direct object such as "回头" or "吃饭" etc., but it is necessary to use "连" before the object and the negation before the verb. For example: 连饭也没吃,连觉也没睡, this is difficult for foreign students, mistakes are often made in such constructions. For example: 1)他连回头也没有就回山上去了。 2)他连洗澡都不洗就睡觉了。

The phrases “除了…以外, 还/也…” and “都/全” have a significant difference: the former is used for generalization, addition, the latter for emphasis. But students do not master these constructions well, often making mistakes in them. For example: 1)除了春节,什么节日你还知道? 2) 除了狗,我都喜欢猫。3) 除了篮球以外, 我都喜欢任何运动。 If you redo the first example “除了春节, 你还知道什么节, there will be no error in principle.”, However, "都/全", which have an emphatic meaning, cannot be used in combination with the main word in the singular. You should say "除了篮球以外, 任何运动我都喜欢。"

All these shades of meaning and peculiarities of grammar that they cause, students must know and be able to use, excluding the language interference of their native language, reducing errors, only then can they really learn Chinese well.

UDK 81-23 E. Yu. Zanina

semantic classification of modern Chinese verbs

In order to formulate the rules for the compatibility of Chinese verbs with auxiliary aspect-temporal (aspect-temporal) indicators and adverbs of time (adverbial quantifiers), as well as the rules for the use of verbs as part of syntactic constructions, it is necessary to develop a semantic classification, during which all having Chinese verbs will be distributed according to to separate groups in accordance with the presence or absence of common grammatical features due to internal semantics.

Note that in most cases, to identify the semantic types of verbal predicates, it is necessary to analyze the phase structure of the sentence, since Chinese verbs fully reveal their properties inherent in them as representatives of certain classes only in combination with other elements as part of various syntactic constructions. An isolated consideration of any particular verbal stem does not seem appropriate and productive.

By their properties, predicates (or names of situations) form a continuum, one of the main organizing parameters within which is a sign of static / dynamic. The extreme position in this continuum is occupied by the names of (constant) properties and states, the manifestations of which are maximally independent of time. Stative verbs (or statives) are opposed to a large class of dynamic verbs. The main difference between stative and dynamic verbs is that the realization of the situation indicated by the stative usually does not require any special efforts of the subject or an influx of energy. Unlike statives, dynamic verbs do not denote stable situations that are identical to themselves at any moment of their existence. Dynamic verbs denote either various kinds of change, or those kinds of state that require a constant supply of energy to maintain.

Stative verbs (S.E. Yakhontov, following A.A. Dragunov, the author of "Research on the Grammar of Modern Chinese", designated them in his monograph "Category of the Verb in Chinese" as "verbs of non-action") include:

1. Verbs of relation (“relationship predicates” in the formulation of Tan Aoshuang and “linking verbs” - the term of S.E. Yakhontov).

The relationship verbs include danzuo ‘to be, to serve’, ^ cheng ‘to become’, ^ jian ‘at the same time to be also...’, shuui ‘to refer to a number; belong

k’, Shch^denyu ‘equal; be the same as’, Shch xiang ‘seem to be like’, Shsuan ‘be considered’, Sh xing ‘to be by last name’, HQ jiao ‘to be called, bear a name’, hanyu

© E. Yu. Zanina, 2010

Shch zhide ‘worth what (would)’, yiwei ‘mean’, baohan ‘include’,

shanyu ‘to be able to’, etc.

S.E. Yakhontov contrasts the copula proper ^ shi and relational verbs (“linking verbs” in his formulation) due to the fact that the latter are not service elements, retaining their own significant meaning.

With the help of relational verbs, a certain stable, but not permanent feature is attributed to a particular subject. S.E. Yakhontov, who considered this group of verbs from the standpoint of syntax and their compatibility with additions of various types, noted that relational verbs are intransitive verbs that require the setting of a nominal component in the postposition, which can be interpreted as an additional member or as a nominal part of a compound predicate. Nevertheless, we note that after some relational verbs it is possible to put verb phrases. Examples:

i aedsh o

Zheyang de yanlun cengjing iwei zhe gei ziji xuanpan sisin.

‘Such statements were once tantamount to passing a death sentence on oneself.’

Jintian zheyang zuo jiu dengyu gei ziji zhao mafan.

‘Today to do so is to seek trouble for oneself.’

For the most part, relational verbs are not combined with the aspectual-temporal indicators T-le, Shch-chzhe, Y-go, do not double and do not take after themselves modifiers (effective indicators).

The exceptions are the following.

The verbs ЩШ danzuo ‘to be, to serve’, ^ cheng ‘to become’, ^ jian ‘to be at the same time also and’ allow setting the indicator T-le. It can be noted that in these cases, relational verbs lose their static property and move closer to event verbs (i.e., dynamic verbs), denoting a point transition from one type of state to another. Examples:


Wang Cheng ba budui danzuo le ziji de jia.

‘Wang Cheng considered the army his family.’

Liang ge ren cheng le hao penyu.

‘The two people became good friends’.


Lao Xie zhe ge xueqi jian le san ge zhi.

‘Lao Xie is holding three jobs this semester.’

With a limited number of relational verbs, the status indicator Shch-zhe is also combined (for example, ivei zhe ‘means’, &&SH baohan zhe ‘includes in

myself'). As Tan Aoshuang notes, in some cases, the use of this indicator is due to the requirements of the rhythm.

In addition, for two verbs from the list, examples of their use in combination with modifiers were recorded. Examples:

Zhe ge gongzuo jan gonghui weiyuan jian qilai ju ke'i le.

‘Let the members of the trade union committee do this work part-time, and everything will be in order.’


Shantsy tongzi ba ta suanzuo jiangshi le.

‘Last time [according to] statistics, I was ranked among the senior teachers.’ (This example is interesting because here, as a modifier to the relational verb Sh suan ‘to be considered’, another relational verb ^zuo ‘to be (someone), to act as (someone)’ is used.)

The correlation of the situation, indicated by the relation verb, with different time slices is expressed lexically by means of adverbs like go-qu ‘earlier’, Shchsh cengjing ‘once upon a time’, jianlai ‘in the future’1.

In addition, relational verbs are combined, as a rule, only with negation ^ bu, but not ^ mei. The exception is cases where it is emphasized that a certain state of affairs never took place. Example:

Ta conglai mei ba wo danzuo ziji ren.

‘He never considered me his man.

2. State verbs (“state predicates” in the formulation of Tan Aoshuang, who considers adjectives along with verbs), among which verbs of emotional states and verbs of intellectual states can be further distinguished (in Tan Aoshuang’s classification there is also a group designated as “predicates of physical and mental state", however, it includes mainly adjectives). S.E. Yakhontov designated this group of verbs as “verbs of thought and feeling”, combining it with the group of “verbs of speech” based on their compatibility with indirect objects of a certain type: verbs of emotional and intellectual states (or “verbs of thought and feeling”) can carry an addition expressed by a whole sentence that does not receive any union formalization. S.E. Yakhontov designated the verbs of this group as indirect-transitive, tk. addition with them does not mean an object that changes under the influence

"The words guoqu ‘earlier’, jianlai ‘in the future’ (but not ShchSh cenjing ‘once upon a time’) and a number of other non-

which grammarians (mostly compiled by Chinese linguists) categorize as nouns with temporal meaning. There is also the term "adverbial nouns" for their designation.

the object of action, but an object or phenomenon that is reflected in the mind of the subject of the action or causes him any feelings.

Verbs of emotional states: Zhai ‘love’, ShZh sihuan ‘like’, Sh hen ‘hate’, taoyang ‘disgust’, |n|"^ tongqing ‘sympathize’,^^

haipa ‘to be afraid’, shsh xianmu ‘to envy’, huayi ‘to doubt; suspect', shh

haixu to be shy, xiangnian ‘be bored’, MJ peifu ‘to admire’, ^Sh shede ‘do not


Verbs of intellectual states: zhidao ‘know’, YSH jide ‘remember’, Sh

Shch dongde ‘understand’, shch Y mingbai ‘understand’, shm xiangxin ‘believe’, MF xinyang ‘believe in God’, TY¥ liaojie ‘know, understand’, renwei ‘count’, zhuzhan ‘advocate for’,

zunjing ‘respect’, suyao ‘need’, M® yuan ‘be willing’.

A feature of the verbs of these two groups is the possibility of their compatibility with the adverbs of the degree Sh hen and fei chang 'very', Sh zui 'most of all', Sh ^ (®) yudian (ce) ' a little, a few', which shows the possibility of characterizing the state according to the degree of intensity . As noted by S.E. Yakhontov, this feature brings such verbs closer to adjectives. To a greater extent, the ability to combine with adverbs of degree is characteristic of verbs of emotional states, however, some verbs of intellectual states also allow the use of adverbs of degree. Examples (for intellectual state verbs):

hen zhidao disi ‘to know the details well’.

Ni sho de zhe xie hua wo feichang xiangxin.

‘I deeply believe in what you say.’

Shiqing de qianqian houhou ta hen liaojie.

‘He is very knowledgeable about the progress of the case.’

Lai cananguan de ren dou feichan zunjing on wei keku zixue de huajia. ‘The sightseers showed deep respect for this self-taught artist, who diligently comprehends the basics of craftsmanship.’

Women zheli de gongzuo feichan xuyao ni.

‘We really need you in our work.’

Lao taitai hen yuanyi zuo zhe ge mei.

‘The old woman really wants to act as a matchmaker’.

We add that from the group of relational verbs we have considered above, the verb Ši xiang ‘to be similar’ also has the property to be combined with the adverb of degree. Example:


‘She looks a lot like her mother.’

Verbs of emotional and intellectual states, as a rule, are not doubled. Here are examples of exceptions that we managed to find (it should be noted that they are all incentive constructs):

Women e ingai tongqing tongqing ta meimei.

‘We should also sympathize with his sister.’

Sh "shsh f fly ^ o

Women e gai zuochu dian chengji zhang bezhen xianmu xianmu.

‘We also have to demonstrate some success to make others envious of us.’

Ingay zhang ta zhidao zhidao women zher de guiju.

‘We must tell him [lit. ‘make it so that he learns’] about our rules and regulations’.

Ni ba shiqing sho qinchu, ye zhan wo mingbai mingbai.

‘Explain how things are so that I can understand too.’

Haizi men, zongjing zunjing jiazhan ba!

‘Children, respect your parents!’

Emotional and intellectual states, indicated by the corresponding verbs, occupy not a point on the time axis, but a segment, remaining qualitatively unchanged throughout its length. For this reason, the verbs of this group are rarely combined with aspectual-temporal indicators.

However, there are exceptions. Some verbs of emotional states, apparently, allow the use of the indicator T-le in combination with the circumstance of duration. Examples:

Xin fa chuqu hou, yizhi mei yu hui xin, wo an'an hen le ta hen jiu.

‘After sending the letter and never getting a response, I secretly hated him for a long time.’

Huayi le bantian, ye mei yu zhao dao renhe zhengju.

‘I was tormented by doubts for a long time, but I never found any evidence.’

Ta zhong'yu huidao le xiangnian le hen jiu de guxiang.

‘He finally returned to his homeland, for which he longed for a long time.

A number of verbs of intellectual states also allow the use of the indicator T-le after itself, which in this case has a phase meaning, indicating that the patient has entered the corresponding state. Examples:

Ta dongde le zhe duan hua de issy le ma?

‘Did she understand the meaning of those words?’

Zhe xia ta mingbai le shiqing de zhenxiang.

‘This time he understood the true picture of what was happening’.


Neither shemme shihou xiangxin le Xiao Li dehua, nor ju shemme shihou shandan shoupian.

‘Once you believe Xiao Li’s words, you will immediately become a victim of deception.’

Some state verbs can be combined with the progressive indicator (present continuous) ^ zai, more often together with the adverbs Zh hai and -Ж ijzhi in the sense of ‘still, until now’. Example:

Ta hai zai huayi ta.

‘He still suspects him.’

It should be noted that this indicator is not combined with all lexemes of this group. According to Tan Aoshuang, it does not apply to denotations of persistent feelings or emotions that "usually do not get an explicit outlet" , such as taoyang 'to be disgusted', MJ peifu 'to admire', ^ sh qingshi 'to despise'. However, in this case, it is quite possible to use the indicator of the state of Shch-zhe, if it is necessary to emphasize the intensity of the emotion. Example:

Ta shenshen de ai zhe ta. ‘He loves her deeply’.

In addition, a number of verbs of intellectual states that have the property of variability, as well as verbs of emotional states that have a long duration of existence, allow the use of the adverb cenjing

‘once upon a time’ and the index of the th, indicating the presence of a situation in an indefinite time in the past. Examples:

FROM ^ZKY qengjing zhuzhan guo ‘once held the point of view that’

YY ai go ‘loved’

Shy heng guo ‘hated’

M^Y xiangnian guo ‘bored’.

State verbs very rarely attach modifiers (performance indicators) to themselves, and modifiers with the most abstract meaning with them indicate not the result, but the beginning of a relationship or feeling expressed by the verb stem, which belongs to the category of phase meanings. Examples:

Shh xin zhao ‘believe’ shh hen shang ‘hate’ YH ai shang ‘love’

Yish ji zhao ‘remember’.

The compound verbs formed in this way are no longer statives, but event verbs (dynamic verbs), which describe the point moment when the patient enters the corresponding state.

In addition, we have identified a group of examples of combinations of emotional state verbs with modifiers, which in this case indicate the intensity of the feeling or state experienced by the subject. Examples:

Ta shang guo na ge jen de dan, so’i hen tou le ta.

‘He [once] deceived her, so she hated him to the core.’

Shto I tidao she, that hype sy le.

‘It is worth mentioning the snakes, as she begins to experience mortal fear.’

Jian wo yao chuqu gong boshi xuewei, wo de and ge penyu xianmu si le.

‘Seeing that I was getting my doctorate, a friend of mine became very jealous of me.’

3. Verbs of being in space (“predicates of being in space” in the formulation of Tan Aoshuang).

This group includes verbs denoting the position of animate (people, animals), as well as inanimate objects in space, as well as verbs indicating the state of the object, which was the result of an agentive action. Examples: y zhan ‘stand’, ^ zuo ‘sit’, sch kao ‘lean’, ^ qi ‘sit on horseback’, Zh fan ‘lay down’, y gua ‘hang up’, ^ chuan ‘put on’, etc.

S.E. Yakhontov, in his classification, classifies these verbs as “action verbs” (i.e., dynamic verbs), and not as “non-action verbs” (stative verbs). He called intransitive verbs meaning "various positions of the human body" "state verbs". Tan Aoshuang, classifying this group of verbs as statives, stipulates the fact that such verbs (with the exception of the verbs Yi zai 'to be' and ^ yu 'to have(s)', which undoubtedly refer to statatives) acquire the meaning of statality only with the appropriate syntactic design and the presence of an indicator of the state Shch-zhe.

According to Tan Aoshuang, there are three syntactic constructions that allow static comprehension of the verbs of this group:

A. Construction of existence: "locative - [verb + Shchzhe] - object." Example:


Qiang shang te zhe and zhang shijie ditu.

‘A map of the world is attached to the wall’.

B. Locative construction: "object - [verb + postverbal preposition Yi zai] - locative." Example:

haizi men zuo zai qianbian.

‘Children sit in front’.

C. Construction of the mode of existence: "object - [preposition Yi zai + locative] - [verb + Shch zhe]". Example:

Laozhen zai chuan shang tang zhe.

‘The old man LIES on the bed’.

The verbs of being in space are combined with the adverb -Zh izhi ‘all the time’ and expressions indicating time. Examples:

^ ZhVTSCHPRO About Yanjing yizhi ding zhe menkou. ‘Eyes are always fixed on the door’.

If it is necessary to indicate the duration of the object's presence in space, the corresponding verb is marked with the indicator T -le, followed by the circumstance of duration. Example:


Ta zai chuan shang tang le ershi nian le.

‘He lay on the bed for twenty years’.

The most important opposition within the class of dynamic verbs is their division into events and processes. The difference between them concerns the time factor:

events are conceptualized in the language as instantaneous transitions from one state to another, while processes are a gradual change in state (or a cyclical sequence of successive states). Processes differ in how the changes they describe develop. In one case, changes are cyclical and can occur continuously, as long as the influx of the energy necessary for this continues. Other types of processes describe directional changes that have a certain sequence and a certain completion. In the case of its normal development, such a process will end, having exhausted itself, i.e. reaches its natural end or limit. Processes of the first type are nonlimiting processes, while processes of the second type are limiting processes.

Event verbs (in Tan Aoshuang's wording "achievement predicates") indicate an instantaneous change in the situation at some point in time, and this change is not the result of a preliminary preparatory process.

S.E. Yakhontov, in his monograph “The Category of the Verb in the Chinese Language”, apparently defined event verbs as “limit verbs” (cf. is equivalent to the formulation of the sign of "integrity" characteristic of event verbs in Tan Aoshuang), while he designated ALL process verbs as unlimited).

Event verbs are represented by verbs that indicate a change of state, instantaneous actions, or actions that are perceived only as completed. Examples: ^ su 'die', ^ sha 'kill', ^ wang 'forget'2, ^ dao 'fall (about an object)', sh qu 'delete', ^ du 'lose', sh dao 'reach', sh ying 'win', ^ shu 'lose', likai 'part', ^ gei 'give away', sh te 'receive', M sun 'give', % tou 'steal', ^ mai 'buy', ^ mai 'sell ', ZhSh quide 'achieve', bi'e 'finish your studies', ze-

hun ‘marry’, chutu ‘dig up’, bimu ‘close (meeting)’, border

‘open (meeting)’, JR chukou ‘export’, YR jinkou ‘import’.

Event verbs include all verbs of the direction of movement: ^ qu 'go, leave', ^ lai 'come', H shang 'go up', T xia 'go down', Y jin 'enter', Zh chu 'go out', 0 hui 'return', yi guo 'pass', - used alone or in combination with the service verbs ^ lai or ^ qu, as well as all verbs that have directional one- or two-syllable morphemes as a modifier (indicator of the result), for example, tao xiaqu 'collapse', zhan qilai 'stand up',

zuo xia ‘sit down’.

In addition, events include resultative verbs, the verbal stem of which in itself denotes a completed action from the list of event verbs. Examples: mai dao ‘get (buy)’, mai diao ‘sell’, si qu


The verbs of non-limiting processes are transformed into event verbs after they are decorated with a modifier, which, however, in this case will have a phase value, not an effective one, denoting the beginning of the process or its completion. Examples: Shch shui zhao ‘fall asleep’, shsh shui xing ‘wake up’.

2C.E. Yakhontov classifies this verb in combination with the suffix T-le, which, in his opinion, is inseparable from the verb stem for this verb, to “verbs of thought”, i.e. to non-action verbs, or stative verbs.

The verbs of sensory perception, which can be referred to the verbs of non-limiting processes, in combination with the modifiers Zh jian ‘to see’ and Shch dao ‘to reach’ also acquire an event meaning. Examples: (^Ш) kan jian

(kan dao) 'see', Y^ZH (No.Sh) ting jian (ting dao) 'hear', rSCH wen dao 'smell', ®Sch gan dao 'feel', ^^Sh juecha dao 'notice', YZSh zhui dao 'pay attention'.

Event verbs include a combination of stative verbs, namely, verbs of emotional and intellectual perception, with modifiers, which, just as in the case of verbs of non-limiting processes, acquire a phase meaning. Examples: ^Х ШШ) xin shang (xin zhao) ‘believe’, SHh hen shang ‘hate’, Zh X ai shang ‘love’, Y"SH (YSCH) ji zhu (ji zhao) ‘remember’.

Event verbs, as a rule, go well with indicators T-le and Y-th.

Such verbs allow exact dating of the event and are combined with noun phrases indicating the moment of occurrence of the exact event, as well as adverbs like ^Ш tuzhan, ШШ huzhan ‘suddenly, suddenly’ and the expression -TX and xiazi ‘immediately’. Example:

Wo de and wei penyu yin feibing si yu and ju si liu nian, danshi ta cai san shi sui gan chu tou.

‘A friend of mine died of pneumonia in 1946, barely thirty at the time.’

Since event verbs cannot denote an action that is ongoing at the moment, and do not form verb forms with this meaning, they, as a rule, do not combine with the progressive markers Yi zai and SHi zhengzai. However, for some verbs, we found several similar examples:

Tamen zheng sha zhe ji ne. ‘They are now slaughtering chickens. (Here the verb ^ sha ‘to kill’ clearly has a procedural meaning.)

^X^Scho Yizi dao zhe. ‘Chairs turned over’. (Here, the verb ^ tao ‘fall’ should rather be understood as a verb of being in space, i.e. as a stative.)

FVIYAZHSHCHH^Scho Zhongguo dui hai ying zhe qi fen ne. ‘The Chinese team has a seven-point lead.’

Qingnian dui hai shu zhe liang fen ne. ‘The junior team is still two points behind’. (Here, the meanings of the verbs Shin 'win' and ^ shu 'lose' in combination with the indicator Shch-chzhe are close in meaning to the statives.)

HAI^To Ta zheng tou zhe linju jia de dongxi, zhuzhen hui lai le. ‘He was just robbing a neighbor when the owner returned.’ (The example shows that the verb % tou ‘steal’ can have a procedural meaning.)

Y^SCHZHN* - Na ge shouhoyuan ybian mai zhe dongxi, ybian liaotian. ‘This salesman is trading and talking at the same time.’

One- and two-syllable event verbs are rarely combined with modifiers denoting the beginning, end, and duration of an action. However, several examples of

We managed to find some combinations. Perhaps this is due to the fact that some event-verbs allow not only event-based, but also procedural comprehension. Examples:

Danyang jian lai le kezhen, like sha qi chi lai.

‘Auntie saw that the guests had come, and immediately began to cut the chicken’.


Tamen e chukou qi dian bingxiang lai le.

‘They also started exporting refrigerators.’

Event verbs are very rarely combined with modifiers that have the most abstract meaning, i.e. denoting simply the achievement of a result by an action, and not any specific result (і shang, ^ sya, shch zhao).

The circumstance of time after verbs-events does not indicate the duration of the action, but the prescription of the occurrence of the event. Examples:


Wai zumu jing sy le sanshi to nian le, zhijin wo hai shichan xiang qi ta ne.

‘Grandmother died more than thirty years ago, but to this day I often think of her’.

ShF» £T-^M1LTTo

Zhe jian shi wang le and ge xingqi le.

‘I forgot about this case a week ago.’

Ta la zehun shi ji nian le.

‘These two got married over ten years ago.’

The doubling of such verbs is relatively rare and does not have the usual meaning of short duration for this form. Examples:

Tsai du du ju du guan le.

‘If you lose again, you will lose forever. (Here the doubling of the verb indicates a single action that must take place in the future3.)

Zhe wei qishou quanwang zida, wo hen xiang ying’ing ta.

‘This chess player is acting too presumptuous, I really want to beat him.’ (In this case, we are also dealing with the future perfect tense, realized in the position after the modal verb.)

3C.E. Yakhontov calls this form of verb reduplication "future completed tense".


Ni zhi bang zhe mai cai ju xing le.

‘Just help me buy vegetables and everything will be all right.’

Verbs-events within the group of dynamic verbs are opposed by verbs denoting a process. “Predicates of activity” (formulation by Tan Aoshuang), or verbs of non-limiting processes, describe homogeneous “unpromising” processes that do not lead to events and are characterized by internal infinity. Activity verbs do not have a moment of culmination, the final process, after which the situation, having exhausted itself, must cease to take place. The verbs of unlimiting processes include:

1\DD< >AL*<

1) monosyllabic non-integral intransitive verbs ^ ku to cry, ^ xiao to laugh', Yo zuu 'to go', Sh tiao 'to jump', PC jiao 'to shout', M xiang 'to think', ^ nao 'to scandal';

2) two- or three-syllable combinations, the first component of which is represented by the verb Zhi fa 'to develop', which governs either the name Zhi^ fa pici 'to show character (to be capricious)', or by the verb denoting an uncontrolled action rage', or with the stative verb ZHA faho 'to be angry';

3) two-syllable intransitive verbs with the second nominal component shsh xizao

‘swim’, I "M xiayu ‘it’s raining’, guafeng ‘the wind is blowing’, yuyun ‘swim’;

4) combination with names in non-referential use of non-integral transitive

mono- and two-syllable verbs SHSH tiao’u ‘dance (dance)’, RTSCH chang ge ‘sing (songs)’, kan shu ‘read (books)’, Y® chouyan ‘smoke’, tan ganqing ‘play

on the piano’, SH^J si yifu ‘wash (clothes)’, SHSH zuo fan ‘cook (food)’, ZYIT ^ zhengli xingli ‘collect luggage’, P^SH chi fan ‘eat (food)’. As a rule, the name here is the so-called "empty" object with a transitive verb. Such an addition is the name of the most common, characteristic object of a given action or the most general name of all its possible objects, i.e. This is a non-referential use of the name. If, however, a name in referential use (^-III

sch chan and shou ge sing the same song), then we are dealing with the verb of the ultimate process (the "predicate of execution").

Some syntactic restrictions are imposed on the verbs of the last three groups due to the presence of a nominal component in their composition. So, when another actant appears in such a verb, the verbal stem doubles. Example:

Zuotian women tiao'u tiao de zhen kaoxing.

‘Yesterday we danced heartily’.

The verbs of unlimiting processes in combination with the analytical indicators Yi zai and SHi zhengzai, or being formalized with the suffix Shch-zhe, indicate the action at the moment of its occurrence (progressive). Examples:

Ta ku zhe xiang dajia shuo xiangqinmen bei hai de jingo.

‘He told everyone, weeping, how his countrymen had suffered.

Ta zheng fa zhe ho ne. ‘He is angry now.’

M^-£Iyo Xiao Wang zheng si zhe zao ne, ni shao den and hui ba.

‘Xiang Wang is taking a bath now, wait a bit.’

They are combined with the circumstances of time, indicating the duration of the action and limiting the action to a certain limit. Examples:

am^m-^, »tchodt.

Haizi ku le and tian, ba sangzi ku ya le.

Shun Changcheng Zou Le and Ge Yue.

‘Walked along the Great Wall of China for one month’.

Ta tiao le ban tian le. ‘She jumped for half a day’.

Such verbs are combined with the adverbs Zh hai ‘still’, - Zh izhi ‘all the time’, zongshi ‘always’, etc. Example:

аТШТ, №Ж#^?

Haizi chi bao le, ta hai ku shemme?

‘The child has eaten his fill, why is he still crying?’

The action of most of these verbs and verb combinations can be limited by reduplication, expressing the meaning of the short duration of the action. Example:

Haizi nao la nao ju anjing xialai le.

‘The child made some noise and calmed down’.

If certain temporal restrictions are imposed on the action of the described types of verbs, for example, by adding the modifier ^ van ‘finish’ to the verb stem, it takes the form of a terminated holistic process. Examples:

San wan bu, mashan hui lai.

‘If you take a walk, come right back’.

Deng tiao wan le wu, and lei de man shen da han.

‘When they finished dancing, they were so tired that the whole body was covered with sweat’.

The verbs of non-limiting processes, or verbs of activity, are opposed to the verbs of limiting processes (in the formulation of Tan Aoshuang, “predicates

descent" or "gradual realization"), which describe an inhomogeneous situation, either aimed at a limit or in the process of flowing. The meaning of execution verbs includes both an indication of the process leading to a particular end point, and an indication of this point itself.

Verbs of this type can be divided into three groups:

1) non-integral transitive verbs in combination with a name (nominal phrase) in referential use as a direct object: chi liang wan fan

‘eat two cups of rice’, Shch-se and feng xin ‘to write a letter’;

2) non-integral intransitive verbs with a completed (or recoverable from the context) valency of the final point or goal: pao wu qian mi ‘run five thousand

meters’, hui xuexiao ‘to return to the institute’, dao in fumu nali

qu ‘go to my parents’;

3) a combination of the verb of an unlimiting process with a modifier indicating

the result achieved as a result of the action. Examples: si gan-

jing ‘erase’, xie cheng ‘write’. This group of compound verbs at first glance resembles event verbs, but, nevertheless, does not apply to them. The fact is that event verbs describe a phenomenon or situation, the occurrence of which was not prepared by a preliminary process. For example, the action of zhan qilai ‘stand up’

under normal conditions, it does not imply preliminary preparation, while the verb ^A^ si ganjing ‘to wash clean’ describes the situation that was preceded by the washing process. The difference between verbs-events and verbs of limiting processes of the third subgroup is also expressed in the impossibility for the former and the possibility for the latter to participate in the formation of a construction with the meaning of the deadline. For example:

^ YY"&A#To

Wo zai liang ge xiaoshi nei ba yifu xi ganjing le.

‘I washed my clothes in two hours’.

But you can't say:

Wo zai liang ge xiaoshi nei zhan qilai le.

‘I got up in two hours’.

The verbs of the third subgroup are clearly different from the verbs of the first two subgroups, because are not combined with aspectual-temporal indicators, with the exception of T-le.

Doing verbs are not doubled.

Verbs of accomplishment, in contrast to activity verbs that describe a hopeless process, and event verbs, can occur in the following evaluative construction:

subject - [verb + T le] - FA bantian ‘long’ - A cai ‘only then’ - [verb + modifier];

subject - [verb + T le] - FA bantian 'long' - ^/Ж dou / hai 'so and / still' - ^ mei 'not' - [verb + modifier].

Na feng xin wo xie le bantian cai xie wan. ‘I wrote this letter for a long time until I finished it.

Zhe jian chenshan wo xi le bantian dou mei xi ganjing.

‘I washed this shirt for a long time, but I didn’t wash it’.

The situation described by the fulfillment verb, due to its non-event, cannot be correlated with a temporary expression denoting a point on the time axis. Hence the poor fixability under normal conditions of the moment when the action reaches the limit. Example:

* th "£ZHM? №# That

Wo zai liang dian zhong ba yifu xi ganjing le.

‘I washed my clothes at two o’clock in the afternoon’.

In conclusion, it should be noted the importance of developing, as well as further detailing, the semantic classification of Chinese verbs. The result of this work should be the formulation of clear and precise rules for the compatibility of individual

Table 1

Relational verbs State verbs Location verbs in space

to b - (*) + isolated cases, the verb loses its static property and approaches event verbs (a group within the class of dynamic verbs) - (*) + for a number of verbs of an emotional state in combination with a circumstance of duration + for a number of verbs of an intellectual state (T -le has the phase value of the inchoative) + in combination with the circumstance of duration

o th - + + in combination with the circumstance of duration

-^ -zhe - (*) ++

Y zai - + -

Modifiers - (*) - (*) + for modifiers capable of acting in the phase value of the inchoative + for modifiers indicating the intensity of the state

Doubling + in incentive constructions

Adverbs of degree - + -


Events Unlimited processes Limit processes

o th + + + (*) - excluding verbs of the third subgroup

-^ -zhe - (*) + + (*) - excluding verbs of the third subgroup

Yi zai + + (*) - excluding verbs of the third subgroup

Modifiers (phase indicators) - (*) + + (*) - excluding verbs of the third subgroup

Modifiers (with the abstract meaning of achieving a result) - (*)

Doubling + forms the form of the completed future tense + expresses the meaning of the short duration of the action

Circumstance of duration + + (*) - excluding verbs of the third subgroup

groups of verbs with aspectual-temporal indicators (suffixes and auxiliary adverbs), as well as rules for the use of verbs as part of certain syntactic constructions. The conclusions obtained during the writing of this article are presented in tables 1, 2.


1. Plungyan V. A. General morphology. Introduction to the problem. M: Editorial URSS, 2000. 384 p.

3. Tan Aoshuang. Problems of hidden grammar: Syntax, semantics and pragmatics of the language of the isolating system (on the example of the Chinese language). M: Languages ​​of Slavic culture, 2002. 896 p.

Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Linguistic University" Eurasian Linguistic Institute in Irkutsk (branch) Department of Oriental Languages ​​Daria Andreevna Markova CLASSIFICATION OF VERBS OF THE MODERN CHINESE LANGUAGE: APPROACHES AND CRITERIA Final qualifying work of a student of the EALI7-5-93 group Direction of study: 45.04.02 Linguistics Focus (profile): Languages ​​of the Far East and Southeast Asia Supervisor Ph.D. in Philology, Assoc. , Professor of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​O.M. Gottlieb ____________ "___" ______________ 20__ (signature) Head of the Department: Candidate of Social Sciences, Assoc. Kremnev Evgeny Vladimirovich ____________ "___" ______________ 20__ (signature) Head of the Graduate Department: Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​Kremnev Evgeny Vladimirovich ____________ "___" ______________ 20__ (signature) Irkutsk 2016 Copyright Central Design Bureau “BIBKOM” JSC & “Kniga-Service Agency” LLC 2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION………………………………………………….…………….…. 4 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE STUDY OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF CHINESE VERBS ……………. 9 1.1. Forms of knowledge systematization…………………………………………… 9 1.2. Classifications in the context of the history of science methodology……………. 11 1.3. General concept of classification …………………………………………… 12 1.4. The role of the verb as a category in historical retrospective..……….. 15 1.5. General approaches to the classification of verbs (predicates)………….... 19 Conclusions on chapter 1……………………………………………………………… 21 CHAPTER 2. SYSTEMATIZATION OF CLASSIFICATIONS Verbs of modern Chinese language according to the parameter of approaches and criteria for studying ................................................................ 22 2.1. Classification Luy Shusyan (1942) ……..………………………….. 22 2.2. Classification by A. A. Dragunov (1952)……………………………………………………………………………………. Classification of Li Jinxi (1954)………………………………….. 25 2.4. Classification by S. E. Yakhontov (1957)………………………………. 27 2.5. Classification by V.I. Gorelov (1982)………………………………. 34 2.6. Classification by I. S. Melnikov (1954)……………………………… 38 2.7. Classification by O. M. Gottlieb (1991)………………………………….. 55 2.8. Classification by Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao according to the ability to take supplements (1995)……………………………………...................... ............... 65 2. 9. Classification of verbs according to Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao by transitivity (1995)………………………………………… ………………... 69 2.10. Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao's transitivity classification (1995) )…... 72 2.11. Classification of Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao according to modes of action (1995)……………………………………….…………………………………. 72 2.12. Classification of the verbs Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu, Guu Hua by transition and interpretation (2001) ................................................................ 74 Copyright OJSC BIBCOM & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 3 2.13. Classification of the verbs Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenjuy, Guh Hua on semantic meanings (2001) .......................................................................................................................... 75 2.14. Classification of verbs by Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu, Gu Hua according to the types of additions that they can attach (2001)…………. 78 2.15. Classification of verbs Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu, Gu Hua according to duration - short duration of action (2001)………………………………………………………………………… …. 79 2.16. Classification of the verbs Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu, Guh Hua for independence and unavailability of action (2001) ................................. 80 2.17. Classifications by O. M. Gottlieb (2004)………………………………. 80 2.18. Classification of verbs according to Zhu Qingming (2005)………………….. 84 2.19. Verb classifications Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen (2008)……….. 86 2.20. Classification of Gao Huichen, Xing Xiaolong, T. Kalibek, E. Kirimbaev by semantic meaning and functions (2011)…………... 87 2.21. Classification of Gao Huichen, Xing Xiaolong, T. Kalibek, E. Kirimbaev according to the ability to accept supplements (2011)….................................. 88 Conclusions on chapter 2………… ………………………………………………… 89 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………. 92 REFERENCES………………………………………. 94 Copyright OJSC «Central Design Bureau «BIBCOM» & «Agency Kniga-Service» LLC 4 INTRODUCTION This work is devoted to the study of the classifications of modern Chinese verbs in terms of approaches and criteria in the history and methodology of science. The classification of Chinese verbs has been the subject of linguistic research. Their classifications of verbs were proposed by Ma Jianzhong, Lu Shuxiang, A.A. Dragunov, Li Jinxi, S.E. Yakhontov, V. I. Gorelov, I. S. Melnikov, O. M. Gotlib, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao and other authors, using various bases for systematization. In this regard, more special research put forward in the history and methodology of the Chinese language is important. The relevance of this work is determined by the importance of developing surveys for the classification of modern Chinese verbs for the further development of grammar. The purpose of this study is to identify approaches and criteria that underlie the classifications of verbs in modern Chinese. Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks, determined in accordance with the stages of analysis:  to study the scientific works of domestic and foreign linguists devoted to onomasiological and semasiological approaches, valency theory and semantic syntax;  clarify the theoretical basis of the study of the classifications of verbs in modern Chinese in the methodological and historical retrospective;  identify and describe the main classifications of Chinese verbs, establish the approaches used by the authors; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Book-Service" 5  in the course of the analysis of the above classifications, to identify the grounds for the classifications of verbs in all the above classifications and the approaches used by the authors of these classifications;  systematize these classifications according to approaches and criteria for studying. The object of study of this work is the classification of modern Chinese verbs. The subject of the study is the approaches and criteria for the classification of modern Chinese verbs by various authors. Taking into account the specifics of the studied linguistic phenomena, the solution of the tasks was carried out using a set of methods: 1) descriptive (methods of observation, generalization, typology of the analyzed material, its quantitative representation); 2) classification analysis based on the methods of component analysis and elements of content analysis; 3) modeling method using conceptual analysis techniques. The material of the study was the descriptive grammars of domestic and foreign authors, as well as specialized works on the topic of classification of verbs and related topics. The theoretical basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign linguists in the field of Chinese grammar, namely: Lu Shuxiang, Li Jinxi, A. A. Dragunov, S. E. Yakhontov, V. I. Gorelov, I. S. Melnikova, O. M. Gottlieb, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Li Yue Hua, Pan Wei Yu, Zhu Qingming, Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen, Gao Huichen, Xing Xiaolong, T. Kalibek, E. Kibirmaeva, as well as theoretical provisions on classification as a form of systematization scientific knowledge of Subbotina A.L., on the valence of verbs Gorchakova B. The study is carried out in line with such areas of modern linguistics as onomasiological, semasiological approaches, the theory of actant division, structural semantic and structural-semantic syntax. The scientific novelty of the dissertation is determined by the fact that for the first time in the work an attempt is made to identify approaches and criteria, as well as to systematize the currently existing classifications of modern Chinese verbs. The following provisions are put forward for defense: 1. A classification is understood as an established system of knowledge, the elements of which mean ordered groups, in which objects of a certain subject area are distributed based on their similarity in certain properties. Linguistic classification is created within the framework of a certain approach, follows the driving principle and is systematized according to a number of parameters; 2. Taking into account the principles and parameters of systematization, the classifications of Chinese verbs are divided primarily in terms of the basic approach: morphological and syntactic. 3. Within the framework of the morphological approach, the basis for the classifications of modern Chinese verbs are modes of action and lexical structure. Classifications using this approach are present in O.M. Gottlieb, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao. 4. Within the framework of the syntactic approach, the bases for the classifications of the verbs of the modern Chinese language are: valency; transitivity intransitivity; semantics (semantic syntax). Classifications using this approach are present in the models of Lu Shuxiang, Li Jinxi, A. A. Dragunov, S. E. Yakhontov, V. I. Gorelov, I. S. Melnikov, O.M. Gottlieb, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Li Yue Hua, Pan Weiyu, Gu Hua, Zhu Qingming, Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen, Gao Huichen, Xing Xiaolong, T. Kalibek, E. Kibirmaev. 5. An analysis of examples of classifications of verbs in modern Chinese showed that the syntactic approach prevails in classifying verbs (88% of the total number of classifications considered). Within the framework of this approach, classifications with two bases prevail - transitivity-intransitivity and semantics, in the second place - classifications based on valency. The theoretical significance of the research results lies in the fact that the systematization of verb classifications makes a certain contribution to general linguistics, the history of linguistic teachings, sinology and grammar of modern Chinese. The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the fact that the conclusions obtained during the study, as well as illustrative material, can be used in the formation of grammatical competence among learners of Chinese, as well as in the preparation of training courses on theoretical grammar of the Chinese language. The material presented in the text of the work can be used in writing textbooks on theoretical grammar, in compiling grammar reference books, in conducting lectures on theoretical grammar of the Chinese language in various educational structures (in universities, centers for teaching foreign languages, in courses, etc.). .P.). Approbation of the work: reports were made on the topic of the dissertation at scientific conferences within the framework of the ISLU Science Week (March 2014), MSLU EALI (March 2016), ISLU Postgraduate Readings (May 2014), Postgraduate Readings (May 2015). The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in 3 publications with a total volume of 2.5 pp.: Scientific publication, collection of scientific articles "Master's Research", Irkutsk, MSLU EALI, 2015 code (BBK 81.0 D73) D.A. Markova "On the classification of verbs in modern Chinese within the framework of semantic valence (predicate-actant valency)", p. 348-361; Student research - 2014, ISLU Science Week, Collection of abstracts (Irkutsk, March 3-6, 2014), Electronic edition of D.A. Markova (IGLU, gr. FMKK5-01-60) "On the issue of the classification of verbs in modern Chinese", Postgraduate readings MSLU EALI 2015 collection of scientific articles (May 20-21, 2014), Electronic Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Kniga-Service Agency" 8th edition (MGLU EALI, gr. EALI7-4-93) D.A. Markova "On the classification of verbs in modern Chinese within the framework of semantic valency (predicate-actant valency). The structure of the work is determined by its purpose and objectives and reflects the main stages of the study. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of bibliographic sources. Bibliographic the list includes 50 titles, including 12 in a foreign language.The total volume of the work is 16.5 sheets of printed text.The introduction defines the general direction of the study, its goals, objectives, object, subject, characterizes the sources of empirical material and the applied research methods, the relevance is substantiated, the scientific novelty is indicated, the theoretical significance of the development of the problem and the practical value of the work are argued, the provisions submitted for defense are formulated, the structure of the work is described.The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the study, the concept of classification is given and explained. A historical digression into the study of the verb is given, in the future, attention is paid to approaches to the classification of verbs and the grounds for classifications of verbs. The second chapter presents and analyzes the classifications of verbs of various authors, such as Lu Shuxiang, Li Jinxi, A. A. Dragunova, S. E. Yakhontova, V. I. Gorelova, I. S. Melnikova, O. M. Gotliba, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao and other authors. In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized, namely, the analysis of the totality of parameters given in the second chapter of the classifications. The bibliographic list includes the works of domestic and foreign authors used in the work. Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 9 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE STUDY OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF CHINESE VERBS 1.1. Forms of knowledge systematization Scientific knowledge always exists or tends to become systematized knowledge, knowledge brought into a certain system. And although different areas of science differ quite strongly from one another both in their subjects and in the methods adopted, and sometimes in the tasks of research, they all tend to appear in the form of one way or another ordered, systematized knowledge. At the same time, the form of systematization used in the sciences can be different. In mathematics, for example, systematization is carried out in the form of deductive ordering, the classic example of which is geometry, as it is presented in Euclid's Elements. Here, in a strictly defined order, in a logical sequence, all the provisions of the system are arranged: axioms, postulates, definitions and theorems, and each theorem is located in such a way that for its proof the previous axioms, postulates, definitions and already proven theorems are used and only they. Thus, all provisions of the system are connected with the provisions preceding them by evidence, the means of which are strictly specified. These proofs give integrity to the whole system, and without their understanding it is impossible to understand the very essence of the system. Such an organization of knowledge in the form of a rigorous deductive system is characteristic of mathematics. Different forms of systematization of scientific knowledge differ in their structure, namely, in the type of concepts functioning in them and in the relationships in which the concepts exist among themselves. In the systematization of knowledge, which is carried out by classification and which is used in descriptive natural science, the so-called classification concepts function, that is, concepts that correlate the objects under study with certain classes. or groups. In the classification system, these concepts are among themselves in relations of subordination and subordination - those relations that are a specific subject of consideration in traditional formal logic. That is why S. Jevons called this logic the theory of classification, and the same was stated by A. Poincaré: “Formal logic is nothing but the doctrine of properties common to any classification” . Indeed, the classification groups, the ordering of which is a classification system, are expressed in terms that necessarily have both volume and content. The scope of concepts corresponds to those sets of objects that form classification groups; their content corresponds to those properties of objects, on the basis of which objects are combined into classification groups. Thus, in the extensional aspect, the classification describes some structural division of the area of ​​objects under study into groups. In the intensional aspect, it carries information about the properties of these objects, about the grounds on which these objects are distributed among classification groups, and thus about these groups themselves. Whatever the form of the classification, no matter how it is depicted - whether in the form of a table or in the form of a hierarchical tree - the concepts that mean the classification groups are among themselves in a relationship of subordination and subordination. This is especially clearly seen in the example of complex hierarchical classification systems, consisting of a large number of classification groups of various levels, or ranks. The foundation of such a hierarchical system is a set of individual objects, and its top is the most general classification group. At different levels of the hierarchy, between the base and the top, there are different classification groups, each of which is directly included in one and only one more general classification group and, in turn, directly contains the less general classification groups included in it. Accordingly, the concepts that mean these classification groups, Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 11 correlate in terms of the degree of generality and are among themselves in a relationship of subordination and subordination. Inference in such a system is carried out according to the rules of the syllogism. 1. 2. Classification in the context of the history of the methodology of science First of all, it should be said that the successes in all these undertakings to date seem to be very modest. Against this background, the policy statements of individual enthusiasts of the classification movement and the new science that they want to create - classology - sound all the more sharp and categorical. We are talking about finding reliable and firm rules for building classifications, so to speak, an algorithm for obtaining classifications. Here is a passage from one of these methodologists: “The classification problem is a crisis in the art of classification. To perfect classification as an art is in the “competence” of evolution. We must "invent" classification as a set of procedures carried out according to the rules of science. It is possible that such a classification will be very different from that given to us by nature, like a technical device that embodies the “idea” of nature, from the bearer of this idea. VL Kozhara, to whom these words belong, motivates his position with the following considerations. It is very unpleasant that the quality of the classifications we create is not revealed immediately, not immediately after they are built, but over a period of time, often very long, measured by the life of whole generations. And therefore it is necessary “to be able to a priori assess the quality of the classification, that is, to judge its effectiveness before its use” . He believes that it is necessary to learn how to build classifications with predetermined qualities, to master the procedure for creating classifications that are obviously satisfactory for the performance of specified functions. This is what classology should do. The rules of the scientific method help guide the design of the study, rather than predetermine its course. In particular, this is precisely the role played by formal logic “as the doctrine of properties common to any classification” in the construction of the classification system. Creative scientific research, which includes the creation of a classification, is to a large extent an art, and art cannot be regulated too rigidly by a system of rules. In creativity, personal qualities always play a significant role - the mind, talent, imagination, intuition of a scientist, that freedom of thought, without which it is impossible to discover or create a truly new one. At the same time, one cannot ignore the fact that the various fields of science are sufficiently different from each other to apply the same general rules with equal success. This also applies to the methods of constructing classifications. Evolutionary classification in petrology cannot be analogous to biological phylogenetic taxonomists, just as classifications in geobotany cannot be traced from the latter. Rozova rightly points out this circumstance, “the theory of classification cannot be built as a theoretical support for individual classification algorithms” . It is impossible, because the tasks associated with the classification problem ultimately rest on the need to create a theory of classified objects, their solution requires a certain theoretical concept, and success in building a classification directly depends on success in developing the latter. Therefore, it is difficult to expect that one universal method will be found for making classifications, which could be given by some rules suitable for all possible cases of classification. 1. 3. General concept of classification The word “classification” comes from two Latin words “classis” (rank) and “facere” (to do). In the scientific literature, this word is used in at least two different meanings: as the name of an already established classification system and as a designation of the process of its creation, construction. Its use in these two meanings has been established in our speech and, generally speaking, does not lead to any confusion, since in each specific case it is always easy to understand from the context what meaning is meant. And yet, since we are talking about terminology, which should always be unambiguous, it is advisable to use the word “classification” in the first meaning, and call the process of creating, building a classification the word “classification”. The word "classification" is used ambiguously. Sometimes this word refers to the procedure for using an already existing classification: establishing which classification group of the existing classification should include one or another object of interest to us. However, this is not a classification procedure, but a definition, and it should be called that. At the same time, different meanings can be put into the concept of “classification”: very broad and narrower, special. Thus, J. St. Mill noted that the mere giving of common names to things, the act of naming them, already carries out a classification. Any name that co-means some property, by this very act, divides all things into two classes: those that have this property and those that do not. “And such a division will be a division not only of things that really exist or are known to exist, but also of all those that can be discovered later or even that can be imagined,” wrote Mill. He immediately explains that in this kind of classification, the grouping of objects and their distribution into classes is only an accidental consequence of the use of names used for a different purpose: simply to designate certain qualities of these objects. Whereas in the system which is properly and usually considered classification, the grouping and distribution of objects is the main goal, and the name is a secondary goal; it does not control the first, more important process, but is consciously placed in a position subordinate to it. To this absolutely fair explanation of Mill, it is worth adding that the content of the classification is not only the distribution of the objects under study into different groups, but also a certain order of these groups that unite them into single system. And the latter cannot be achieved by the mere act of verbal designation. Classification is designed to solve two main tasks: first, to represent all objects of this subject area in a reliable and convenient form for viewing and recognizing; secondly, to contain as much essential information about them as possible. At the same time, the classification acts not just as a statement of already achieved knowledge, but performs an important methodological function: by systematizing a certain subject area, it also sets the general direction for its further purposeful research and can provoke the creation of new scientific disciplines. Although individual classification procedures can be found in almost all areas of knowledge, classification is by no means used as the main form of systematization in all areas of science. In some sciences, classification plays an important role, and there we find it in a developed, developed form; in other sciences the role of classification is secondary; and in some it is almost not needed. However, this applies not only to classification. Deductive procedures are also constantly encountered in a wide variety of scientific reasoning. However, not all knowledge fits into a strict deductive axiomatic system, examples of which are given by mathematics. And in a number of sciences (especially the humanities), parametric systematization, so characteristic of mathematized natural science, is inapplicable, since their objects cannot be measured and the concepts corresponding to them are not connected by mathematical relations. Thus, classification is an independent system of knowledge that always exists within the framework of a particular science in a broader context of knowledge, next to another kind of knowledge that works for classification in the same way that it works for it. The classification always displays the current state of knowledge, and a change in the content of this knowledge leads to changes in the classification itself. It changes as a result of the expansion of information about the classified objects - the discovery of new, previously unknown objects, their properties or their groups, or new relationships between already known ones; as a result of changes in the content of the context of knowledge in which the classifications are located; finally, as a result of deepening or changing those theoretical ideas from which classifications derive their beginnings. So, by classification we mean an established system of knowledge, the concepts of which mean ordered groups, according to which objects of a certain subject area are distributed based on their similarity in certain properties, and therefore, any classification is created within the framework of a certain approach and has some basis (principle on which it is built). 1. 4. The role of the verb as a category in historical retrospect The verb is one of the most important and significant parts of speech and constantly attracts the attention of linguists. Traditionally, the verb is understood as a part of speech denoting an action and expressing it in the forms of aspect, voice, mood, tense and person. P. A. Lekant draws attention to the fact that “when they say that a verb denotes an action, they mean not only a mechanical movement (walks, runs), but also a state (sleeps, rejoices), a manifestation of a sign (turns white), a change sign (turns yellow), attitude towards someone (respects, loves), etc. P." . As Z. Novozhenova notes, already for the "classical" period of development of Russian syntax of the 18th - 90th centuries, the beginning of the 20th century. the assessment of the verb-predicate as an indispensable feature of the sentence is characteristic (N. Kurganov, A. A. Barsov, N. Koshansky, I. Ornatovsky. A. Kh. Vostokov, I. I. Davidov, N. I. Grech, F. I. Buslaev, A. A. Potebnya, D. N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, A. M. Peshkovsky). Such linguists as E. Kurylovich, Czech linguists R. Mrazek, F. Danesh, E. Krzhizhkova consider only verb sentences as part of the grammatical system. The main emphasis is on the dominant position of the verb-predicate in the formal grammatical sense, the semantic properties of verbs and the role of these properties in the formation of a sentence are not taken into account, ambiguous verbs are considered along with full-valued ones, since their role in the expression of grammatical signs of predicativity is similar (cf. He sings well. It was good in the forest). A. M. Peshkovsky (1878 - 1933), author of the book "Russian syntax in scientific coverage" (1st edition in 1914), relies on the teachings of A. A. Potebnya and F. F. Fortunatov and in his teaching on In Russian syntax, he combines the semantic side of linguistic phenomena, typical of the teachings of A. A. Potebnya, with formalism, characteristic of F. F. Fortunatov. He sees the main role of the verb in the name of the action. Of the verb and its ability to denote action, he writes: “We said that the verb denotes action. But after all, only living beings can "act", all other objects do not "act", but only move. Living beings "act" because they move according to their own will, arbitrarily. And that means that in the verb, since it depicts an action, there must also be a shade of will, intentionality. And indeed, in every verb there is this shade, only it is even more difficult to catch it. In such verbs, for example, as died, was born, fell ill, caught a cold, fell, hurt himself, etc., we hardly notice "intentional" actions. The school formula is funny to us, what did you do? - Died. In fact, this formula is grammatically flawless. The whole point here is that in the real part of these verbs something is expressed just the opposite of intentionality, something completely independent of our will. Taking into account the connotation of intention in such verbs is the same as taking into account how much the train will slow down if someone at the station grabs the last car and pulls the train back. But that this shade of conscious activity exists in every verb is best seen from those cases when we need to present lifeless, inanimate objects alive, to animate them. It turns out that the verb is always more suitable for this than any other part of speech. . L. V. Shcherba sees the main meaning of the verb in the action, and not in the state, when he writes: “In the category of verbs, the main meaning, of course, is only the action, and not the state at all, as was said in the old grammars. This problem seems to have arisen from the understanding of "parts of speech" as a rubric for the classification of lexical meanings. ... It is clear that the matter is not about the meaning of the words included in a given category, but about the meaning of the category under which these or those words are subsumed. In this case, it is obvious that when we say the patient is lying on the bed or the berry turns red in the grass, we represent this lying and redness not as states, but as actions. Describing the verb, L. V. Shcherba draws attention to the general formal features of words brought under this category, namely, their change in persons, numbers, tenses, moods, types and other categories. A. A. Shakhmatov considers the name of the active feature to be the main meaning for the verb and emphasizes the inseparable connection of the verb with the word denoting the producer of the action. This he considers important in order to distinguish a verb from a verbal noun, which names an active feature abstracted from its producer. Drawing attention to the difference between the words shoot and shot, walk and walk, he emphasizes that “it is true that at the word walk we may not definitely imagine this or that producer of this action, but with some tension it will evoke in us an idea either about a person , or about an animal, or about a machine - the producers of such an action; of course, the words shot, walking can also evoke ideas about the phrases hunter's shot, watch walking, but the difference with the words walk, shoot is that they do not evoke ideas about similar phrases with the omitted name of the action producer. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 18 SD Katsnelson considers the verb (predicate) to be the center of the sentence. Comparing a predicate with an attribute, the purpose of which is to update the concept of an object, he draws attention to the fact that the predicate “... is organically connected with the sentence, which is unthinkable without it. To drop a predicate from a proposition is to remove its vital nerve. The predicate is irremovable without consequences for the whole proposition, while an attribute can be replaced by another without much damage. Some researchers, considering the verb as the most important organizing element of the sentence, do not understand verbality as a mandatory quality of sentences. A representative of this direction is, for example, P. A. Lekant. These researchers also recognize other, non-verbal types of sentences - nominal two-part, genitive, nominative, etc. Within the framework of this view, the idea is also developed, according to which the verb is not only an obligatory, but also a defining component of the sentence. As Z. Novozhenova writes, “the verb determines not only the number of nominal members (components) of the sentence, but also their semantic (semantic) content (role) in the sentence ... a predicate is placed in the center of the sentence structure - a predicate-verb that specifies a certain number of dependent from it members called actants, arguments, complements, participants, terms and simply nominal components of the sentence. The structure of a sentence-statement in such studies appears as a combination of a predicate-verb and its actant frame (L. Tenier, F. Danesh, T. P. Lomtev). From the 60s. In the 20th century, in connection with the emergence and development of the theory of valency and semantic syntax, the attention of linguists is focused precisely on the predicate (verb), which is assigned the role of the structural center of the sentence, and the sentence is understood as a reflection of the situation with a certain set of participants. The verb comes to the fore and is considered as the structural center of the sentence, which opens up other “empty spaces” that need to be filled in. The set and number of such "empty spaces" depends on the type of situation denoted by the verb, and it can be assumed that the number of "empty spaces" depends on the semantic type of the predicate and its lexical meaning. In linguistics, the verb is studied from different points of view. The grammatical categories of the verb (voice, aspect, transitivity) are studied, certain lexico-semantic groups are analyzed from the point of view of cognitive, semantic-structural, functional, formal (verb conjugation), semantic (meaning, ideographic description). 1. 5. General approaches to the classification of verbs (predicates) 1. The morphological approach in the framework of linguistics is associated with the structure of the word. The classifications made from the point of view of the morphological approach are based on the following principles (bases): - modes of action The section limited by the framework of morphology in Chinese expands to the category of modes of action. Modes of action are understood as semantic, derivational and morphological categories of verbs. These discharges can reveal signs of ways to carry out an action. - lexical structure (dividing verbs into simple, complex, complex derivatives) 2. The syntactic approach within the framework of linguistics implies the construction of various syntactic models based on valency, transitivity - intransitivity, and also affects semantic syntax. Classifications made using the syntactic approach usually have the following bases: -valency (actant division theory) his words of certain types in a sentence. From this point of view, valency is not a sign of all full-meaning words, but only of those that in themselves give a feeling of incompleteness of the statement and require completion in the statement, for us these are verbs. Using the term valency in the future, we mean the valency of verbs. - transitivity-intransitivity The dictionary of linguistic terms D. E. Rosenthal defines transitive verbs as verbs with the meaning of an action that is directed to an object, changes or produces this object - the object of the action, expressed in the accusative case without a preposition. The case form is a sign of an object; in relation to the Chinese language, the signs of an object are its position in a sentence and a preposition. A. A. Dragunov notes that in Chinese it is advisable to consider such an addition as direct, which can be not only after the verb, but also before it (with the preposition 把), and which corresponds to the subject in the passive construction; -semantics (semantic syntax) One of the main principles that serves to build a semantic classification of verbal vocabulary is the traditional opposition of action verbs to state verbs. The study of lexico-semantic groups of verbs, the description of the structure and semantics of a sentence with verbs of a selected semantic group, or the semantic-stylistic characteristics of a selected lexical-semantic group of verbs also belong to the sphere of semantic syntax. In Sinology, there are a large number of different classifications of verbs. Mostly they are made on the basis of the syntactic functions of verbs and lexical compatibility. Such classifications do not pay enough attention to the morphological features of verbs. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 21 Conclusions on chapter 1 In the first chapter, the definitions of the term "classification" were given (Classification is an established system of knowledge, the concepts of which mean ordered groups, into which objects of a certain subject area are distributed on the basis of their similarity in certain properties, and therefore, any classification is created within the framework of a certain approach and has some basis (the principle on which it is built)), it was concluded that certain principles (foundations) should be the basis of any classification classification) and any classification is built within a certain approach. In linguistics, the verb is studied from different points of view. The grammatical categories of the verb (voice, aspect, transitivity) are studied, certain lexico-semantic groups are analyzed from the point of view of cognitive, semantic-structural, functional, formal (verb conjugation), semantic (meaning, ideographic description). In this regard, the following approaches for the classification of verbs are given: -morphological approach; - syntactic approach. Within the framework of the morphological approach, the following bases for the classifications of the verbs of the modern Chinese language were identified: - modes of action; - lexical structure. Within the framework of the syntactic approach, the following bases for the classifications of modern Chinese verbs were identified: -valence; - transitivity-intransitivity; -semantics (semantic syntax). Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 22 CHAPTER 2. SYSTEMATIZATION OF CLASSIFICATIONS OF VERBS OF MODERN CHINESE BY THE PARAMETER OF APPROACHES AND STUDY CRITERIA 2. 1. Classification by Lu Shuxiang (1942) Lu Shuxiang divided verbs into the following classes : 1) actions: 来 - come,去 - leave, 飞 - fly,跳 - jump, 说 - talk,笑 - laugh,吃 - eat,喝 - drink; 2) experiences: 想- to think,忆 - to remember, 爱- to love,恨 to hate,怨- to grumble,悔 - to repent,感激 - to be touched,害 怕 - to be afraid; 3) inactive actions: 生 - be born, 死 - die,睡 - sleep, 等候 - wait,盼望 - hope, 忍耐 - endure,遗失 - lose; 4) non-actions: 为- to become, to become,是- to be, to be,有 to have, to be, 蕪 - not to have, to be absent, not to be 似 to be like,纇 - to become like,值 - to cost (for example, 值一 千 cost one thousand),加 - add (for example, 二加二 add two to two) . In his classification, Lu Shuxiang points to the differentiation of verbal vocabulary into four categories - verbs of action, experience, inactive actions and non-action verbs. This classification was carried out within the framework of the syntactic approach. It is based on the semantics of verbs, the entire layer of verbal vocabulary is represented by four lexical-semantic groups. 2. 2. Classification by A.A. Dragunova (1952) Within the category of the verb, there is a relatively small, but both in meaning and grammatically very clearly defined group of verbs that do not express actions and, in relation to which, of course, the question is not applicable: "What does the subject do?". This group includes: a) verbs of thinking and feeling: 知道,认得 - to know, 认识 to be familiar with, 懂,明白 - to understand, 思量 - to believe, 信 - to believe, 害怕 to be afraid, 羞 - to be ashamed, 爱 - to love, etc. ; b) state verbs: 疼- hurts; c) modal verbs 能 - to be able,愿意 - to wish; d) semi-significant verbs: 在- to be in cash, 姓- to be named,象 - to be similar; Since such verbs do not express action, they do not allow quantitative changes and therefore are not very compatible with verbs counting words. The verbs of this group are characterized by the fact that they do not allow qualitatively - resultant changes characteristic of action verbs, and therefore do not form forms of potential mood. Unlike non-action verbs, action verbs are characterized primarily by the fact that they allow various kinds of quantitative changes. These changes are carried out by doubling the verbal root or by the system of verbal counting words. They also allow qualitative changes, and, accordingly, they form forms of “potential mood”. Verbs of action, both in meaning and grammatically, fall into two main categories - transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. The former are characterized by the fact that they require the presence of a direct object after them, while the latter do not. Then some relatively small categories are distinguished: verbs of the direction of movement, verbs of giving and taking away, verbs of speaking, feeling and thinking. Verbs of the direction of movement (related to the number of intransitive verbs) are characterized by a number of different features: they can act as morphemes - modifiers as with verbs of movement, for example. 拿 来 - Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 24 bring, and with verbs with different semantics, for example. 想来 - to remember; are not formed by the verbal suffixes 着. Within transitive verbs, in turn, there is a relatively small but important group of giving and taking away verbs (corresponding to the transmission verbs of Li Jinxi), which, due to their lexical content, allow after themselves a double object - indirect and direct, which is their grammatical feature. For example, 给 - to give,送 - to send,买 - to buy. A special group in Chinese is the so-called verbs of speaking, feeling and thinking. Grammatically, these verbs are characterized by the fact that they can carry an object expressed by a whole sentence. A special place within the category of the verb is occupied by such verbs that can be used in two functions - significant and auxiliary, in the role of a verb - a preposition. In his classification, A. A. Dragunov distinguishes verbs of action and non-action. He divides the verbs of action into transitive and intransitive, then conducts a semantic characteristic of transitive and intransitive verbs. Among the transitive ones, he singles out the verbs of giving and taking away, the verbs of speaking, feeling and thinking. Among the intransitives are the verbs of the direction of movement. This classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, has two bases, the first of which is transitivity-intransitivity, the second is semantics. Speaking about the categories of transitive verbs, A. A. Dragunov moves to the second basis of classification. 2. 3. Classification by Li Jinxi (1954) Li Jinxi divides all Chinese verbs into four large groups: 1) transitive verbs (外动词, verbs of external action), Book-Service» 25 2) intransitive verbs (内动词, lit. verbs of internal action), 3) connective verbs (同动词, lit. verbs of identity), 4) auxiliary verbs (助动词). Transitive verbs govern object, intransitive verbs have no object. To connective verbs, in addition to real connectives and verbs close to them, Li Jinxi also includes adjectives in the function of a predicate. He lists modal verbs, verbs with a passive meaning, verbs 来 - to come, 去 - to leave in their official meaning, as well as some aspect-temporal affixes and word-forming elements as auxiliary verbs. Each of the four main groups, in turn, is divided into subgroups. Transitive verbs, according to Li Jinxi, include the following: 1) verbs denoting active influence on an object, for example: 取 to take, 吃 - to eat, 做 - to do; 2) verbs denoting "ways of knowing", eg: 看 - to look, 想 - to think,知道- to know; 3) verbs denoting transmission, eg 送- to give, 夺- to take away,问- to ask. The verbs of this group require two additions. 4) verbs denoting "interference in other people's affairs", for example: 使 to force, lead to the fact that,请- to ask,允许- to allow, 禁止 to prohibit; 5) verbs with the meaning of naming, for example. : 认 - to count, recognize, 叫- to name,当 - to count. 6) verbs denoting transformation, for example. 改- to change,化-to transform,分-to separate,合-to unite. 7) verbs denoting feelings (and expression of feelings), for example: 爱 love,佩服 - respect,笑 - laugh,骂 - scold. Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 26 The verbs of the last four groups, according to Li Jin-Xi, in addition to the addition, require another 补足语- additional term(from the verb 补足 to fill, supplement) 8) verbs, expressing attitude; only the verb 有- to have belongs to this group, its antonyms 没有,蕪; the latter occurs only as a borrowing from wenyan. These verbs are close to connective. Li Jin-Xi refers to intransitive verbs as follows: 1) ordinary intransitive verbs, for example. 走 - to go,坐 - to sit,来 to come,睡 - to sleep; 2) intransitive verbs denoting actions associated with any objects, for example. 在- to be, 坐- to sit,走- to go,进- to enter. These verbs can be followed by nouns; however, Li Jin-Xi correctly considers these nouns not as simple additions, but as additions “having the character of circumstance” (denoting the place of action), and the verbs themselves as intransitive; 3) verbs with the meaning of "one's own change or appearance", for example: 变 - to turn,成- to become,现出 - to appear. These verbs must have 补足语; 4) verbs denoting feelings (and external expression of feelings), for example: 笑- laugh,哭- cry,欢喜 - rejoice,害怕 - be afraid. These verbs can be used as transitive; 5) verbs denoting existence: 有 - to be and 在 - to exist. These verbs can also carry the object "having the character of circumstance"; on the other hand, they approximate copular verbs. In his classification, Li Jinxi divides verbs into transitive and intransitive and then classifies transitive and intransitive verbs, while separating connective and auxiliary verbs into a separate class. He divides transitive verbs into: 1) verbs denoting active influence on an object; 2) verbs denoting "ways of knowing"; 3) verbs denoting transmission; 4) verbs denoting “interference in other people's affairs; 5) verbs with the meaning of naming; 6) verbs denoting transformation; 7) verbs denoting feelings (and expression of feelings; 8) verbs expressing attitude, intransitive - into: 1) ordinary intransitive verbs; 2) intransitive verbs denoting actions associated with any objects; 3) verbs with the meaning of “own change or appearance”; 4) verbs denoting feelings (and external expression of feelings); 5) verbs denoting existence: 有 - to be and 在 - to exist. This classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, but it does not have a single basis. There are two bases: transitivity-intransitivity and semantics. Li Jinxi singles out the first two classes of verbs on the basis of transitivity - intransitivity, and the second two - on the basis of semantics. Continuing further consideration of transitive and intransitive verbs, Li Jinxi classifies them, highlighting lexico-semantic groups, which also implies semantics at the basis of continuing the classification. 2. 4. Classification by SE Yakhontov (1957) 1. Transitive verbs Transitive verbs are characterized by the fact that they require a direct object. As we have already seen above, it is advisable to consider a direct object in Chinese as an object that can stand not only after the verb, but also before it (with the preposition 把), and to which the subject in the passive construction corresponds. Thus, a sentence, the predicate of which is a transitive verb, can be constructed in the following three ways: Subject - 把 - Direct object - Verb (subject) "(object) 3) Subject-被-Indirect object - Verb (object) (subject) A verb that can be part of all three constructions, we can consider transitive. For example, a verb 打 beat" is transitive, because you can say: 1) 他打了我一顿。 - He beat me. 2) 他把我打了一顿。 - He beat me. 3) 我被他打了一顿。 - I was beaten by him. Transitive verbs denote actions as a result of which their object to some extent changes its state, quality, position in space, belonging to a certain person, etc., or such as the result of which the object is created or destroyed; they correspond to verbs of active influence on the subject, "according to the classification of Li Jin-hsi. In addition, transitive verbs have a number of other, less important features that distinguish them from intransitive verbs; for example, they cannot be used as modifiers of resultative verbs. So , a transitive verb in Chinese is characterized primarily by the fact that it requires a direct object after itself.This object can only be absent in incomplete sentences when it is quite clearly indicated in the context.In particular, the omission of the object is observed when two or more consecutive verbs denote actions directed at the same object; in this case, the addition is placed only after the first verb, and after the rest it is omitted. Very often, the addition is omitted in imperative sentences. There is also no addition after the transitive verb if the name of the object of action is at the beginning of the sentence as a thematic subject, for example: 这种工作过去还做得很 不够。- In the past, this work was far from enough (Mao Tse-tung, II, 678). Complements, the meaning of which itself follows from the meaning of the verb, are called empty complements. For example, in the meaning of "He writes" (writes in general, that is, busy with writing), the expression 他写字 (lit. He writes written characters) is used. 1.1.Verbs of giving and taking away It is known that in Chinese there are a number of verbs that require two unformed additions at the same time: indirect (name of a person) and direct- (name of an object or substance); in this case, the direct object follows the indirect one. Most of these verbs denote various shades of the concepts of giving (something to someone) and taking (something from someone). These include: 给 - to give, 送 - to give, 还 - to return, 交 - to pay, 借 - to lend, 组 - to rent, etc. A small number of verbs with a more abstract meaning, like 教 - to teach, teach, 要 - demand (from someone or from someone), 问 - ask and some others. The meanings of these verbs are also to some extent connected with the concepts of "give and take. The direct object with these verbs is placed with its definitions after the indirect one, or (much less often and only with giving verbs) is placed before the verb and is introduced by the preposition 把, and the indirect object with its own definitions definitions is located immediately after the verb, for example 赵主任老问我意见。- Chief Zhao always asks me for my opinion (Zhou Li - Bo, I, 253) 1.2. "Kniga-Service Agency" 30 The verbs of this group designate such actions that encourage other actions, help or hinder the implementation of these actions, or at least allow, allow the commission of these actions.Further on, we will call all these numerous shades compulsory meaning. Compulsory verbs include: 请 - to ask to do something, 要 - to demand that someone do something, 劝 - to advise to, to persuade, 派- to send to do something, etc. Verbs with a compelling meaning govern an indirect object denoting a person, and an additional member expressed by an action verb and denoting the action of a person indicated by an indirect object. A person indicated by an indirect object to a verb with a compelling meaning, under the influence of the action expressed by this verb, itself performs the action indicated by an additional member. It is thus the object of one action and the subject of another. 1.3. Verbs of thought, feeling, speech The verbs included in this group are united by one common feature: they can all have an addition expressed by a whole sentence that does not receive any form of unions. This property is possessed by verbs denoting: a) types of mental activity, b) the activity of the sense organs, c) various emotions, d) speech, and also, in general, an external expression of attitude to any fact. These are the verbs: 知道 - to know, 想 to think, 懂 - to understand, 记得 - to remember, 信 - to believe, 觉得 - to feel, 看 to look, 听 - to listen, 怕 - to be afraid, 恨 - to hate, to be angry at something. The addition with the verbs of thought, feeling and speech, no matter how it is expressed - by a word or a sentence - does not mean an object that changes under the influence of an action, but an object or phenomenon that is reflected in the mind of the subject of the action or causes some feelings in him. This addition is indirect; as a rule, it does not allow either 把 or 被, but it can be omitted if it is not necessary. Thus, the verbs of thought, feeling and speech are indirectly transitive (that is, they control an indirect, not a direct object). 1.4. Verbs with a passive meaning In Chinese, there are several verbs that, by their very semantics, have a passive character: these verbs do not mean that the person indicated by the subject performs some action, but that this person is subjected to some kind of influence on him or experiencing some kind of sensation. These include verbs: 挨 - undergo, endure, 受 - receive, undergo, 害 - suffer from, experience (unpleasant feeling), 忍 endure, 耐 - endure, etc. The addition to verbs with a passive meaning can be attributed to the same type, as an addition to the verbs of thought, feeling and speech; o to denotes an object or phenomenon to which the person designated by the subject is exposed. The object of verbs with a passive meaning can be expressed either as a noun or (more often) as a verb or adjective. The verb and adjective, used as additions to verbs with a passive meaning, lose their usual properties: they do not receive any form usually characteristic of them, the verb loses the ability to accept additions and modifiers, the adjective cannot be combined with adverbs denoting the degree of quality. 2. Intransitive verbs Verbs with a compelling meaning, verbs of thought, feeling and speech and verbs with a passive meaning cannot have a direct object, but control an indirect object without a preposition; they can be considered indirectly transitional. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 32 In addition to them, in Chinese there are real intransitive verbs, in which the object is either impossible at all, or does not differ in meaning from the adverb of the place. Intransitive verbs are: 坐- sit, 走 - go, 跳 - jump, 飞 - fly, 流 - flow 住 - live (somewhere), 睡 - sleep, 生 - be born, 变 - change, 冻 - freeze, 继续 continue, etc. The verbs of the direction of movement described by A. A. Dragunov also belong to intransitive verbs. All verbs of the direction of movement have, in addition to the significant, also auxiliary meanings. So, in most cases, the object or circumstance of place with intransitive verbs denotes either the place where the subject of the action moves (or where he is), or the final point of the movement. 2.1. Linking verbs Among intransitive verbs, a special place is occupied by linking verbs, which always have an additional member after them, expressed by a name (noun or pronoun). Linking verbs include: 当作 to be, to serve, 成 - to become, 属于 - to belong to, 等于 - to equal, to be the same as, 像 - to seem, to be like, 算 - to be considered, 分 - to be subdivided into, 姓 - to be by last name, 叫 - to be called, to bear a name, etc. Unlike the real link 是, link verbs are not service elements. Each of them retains its own significant value. Some linking verbs indicate the temporary nature of the connection between the subject predicate (for example, 当 and 作), others mean that the person or object is not actually what the nominal part of the predicate means, but only seems to be considered something, is equated to something, etc. (for example, 像, 算, 等于). Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 33 If the link 是 is not a verb either in its origin or in its grammatical properties, then linking verbs have a number of ordinary verbal properties. They can be combined with modal verbs, have an indirect object or a circumstance with a preposition, and many of them change with tenses. With linking verbs, unlike other intransitive verbs, the presence of the nominal part of the predicate is mandatory; the nominal part can be omitted only if it can be easily understood from the context. 2.2. Modal verbs A very special place among the verbs of the Chinese language is occupied by modal verbs. Modal verbs express the attitude of the subject of the action to the action itself: the ability to perform this action, the need or desire to perform it, etc. Therefore, the modal verb in the sentence is always combined with another verb, forming one compound predicate with it; on its own, without another verb, a modal verb cannot be a predicate of a complete sentence, this is the most important difference between modal verbs and all other verbs of the Chinese language. A characteristic feature of modal verbs is also their complete morphological immutability. Modal verbs never form any form, either synthetic or analytic. This is because they are all non-action verbs. Modal verbs can be divided according to their meaning into expressing possibility, obligation and desire; however, some modal verbs are difficult to assign with certainty to any of these groups, since this classification itself is based only on the semantics of individual words, and not on any specific grammatical features. The meanings of the individual modal verbs are generally well known and have been described in detail in the literature. S. E. Yakhontov divides verbs into three classes: transitive and non-transitive. Among the transitive verbs, he distinguishes the following lexical-semantic fields: verbs of giving and taking away, verbs with a compelling meaning, verbs of thought, feeling, speech, verbs with a passive meaning ; among intransitives, he distinguishes verbs - copulas and modal verbs. The classification was made within the framework of the syntactic approach. The first basis is transitivity-intransitivity. The second reason is semantics, because S. E. Yakhontov divides transitive and intransitive verbs into lexical-semantic groups with further classification. 2. 5. Classification by VI Gorelov (1982) Verbs in Chinese are divided into full-valued verbs and auxiliary verbs. Full-valued verbs can independently perform the function of a simple predicate. As part of a complex predicate, they express the main meaning. Full-valued verbs are divided into ineffective verbs and effective verbs. Ineffective verbs, meaning an action or state of an object, do not contain an additional meaning of effectiveness: 活 - live, 看 - look, 坐 - sit, 休息 - rest, 批评 - criticize. Effective verbs, meaning an action or state of an object, also contain additional meanings of effectiveness. Effective verbs are subdivided into proper effective verbs and effective directed verbs. Actually - resulting verbs, being compound verbs, consist of two parts. The first part denotes the action and expresses the main meaning of the verb, and the second - the quality or action and expresses the additional meaning of the effectiveness: 作完 - to do, 写好 - to write. Effectively directed verbs, being compound verbs, consist of two parts. Both parts represent actions. At the same time, the first part means the main meaning of the verb, and the second - additional meanings of effectiveness and orientation: 坐下 - sit down, 拿出 - take out. Verbs of this class, in cases where their meaning is not related to the idea of ​​movement, express only the effectiveness: 住上 - to live, 笑开 to laugh. Auxiliary verbs usually cannot perform the function of a simple predicate on their own. As part of a complex predicate, they express additional meanings. Auxiliary verbs fall into modal, incentive, verbs indicating stages of action, and verbs indicating the direction of action. Modal verbs express the possibility, necessity, desire to perform an action. Modal verbs expressing possibility: 1) 能,能够 - to be able, to be able; 2) 可,可以,可能 - you can; 3) 会 - to be able, to be capable; 4) 得 - it is possible, it will be possible. The verbs of the first group usually mean a subjective, physical possibility; sometimes they express an objective possibility. The verbs of the second group express an objective, legal possibility. The verb 会 means a subjective possibility arising from the ability, the ability to carry out an action; sometimes he expresses an objective possibility with a touch conveyed in Russian by the words "it may happen that ...". The verb 得 means an objective opportunity with a connotation that can be conveyed in Russian by the words "get the opportunity, succeed". Modal verbs expressing necessity: Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" 36 2) 得 - should, should, follows, relies; 3) 需,要,需要,需得 - necessary, necessary, necessary. The verbs of the first and second groups usually mean subjective necessity (must). Verbs of the third group usually mean objective necessity. The verb 需 in modern Chinese is often used with the modal word 必 necessarily, by all means. Modal verbs expressing desire: 要,愿,愿意 - to wish, want, expect; 想,想要 - intend, want; 肯 - agree, want, be inclined; 敢 - dare, decide, dare. Motivating verbs express an impulse to action: 使 - encourage, allow, force; 请 - ask, invite; 让 - allow, permit; 叫/教 - command, force; 迫使 - to force, to compel. The above are just some of the most common verbs. These verbs have varying degrees of motivation, from the weakest 请 to ask to the strongest 迫使 to compel. 使 is the verb with the most general meaning of motivation. Verbs indicating stages of action indicate the beginning, continuation, termination of action: 开始 - start, become; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 37 继续 - continue; 停止 - stop, stop. Verbs indicating the direction of action indicate movement towards the speaker from the speaker: 来 here - there 去 when moving towards, from the speaker 上来 here - there 上去 when moving up 下来 here - there 下去 when moving down 进来 here - there 进去 when moving inside 出来 here - there 出去 when moving outward 过来 here - there 过去 when moving through 起来 here - there 起去 when going up 回来 here - there 回去 when moving back 开来 here - there 开去 when moving to the side Auxiliary verbs of this type in in combination with full-valued verbs, the meaning of which is associated with the idea of ​​movement, indicate the direction of action, and also express the effectiveness: 拿进去 - bring in (there), 走进去 - enter (there). Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 38 These same verbs in combination with full-valued verbs, the meaning of which is not related to the idea of ​​movement, express only the effectiveness: 想 出来 - come up with, 清醒过来 - wake up. Auxiliary verbs 起来 and 下去 can also denote stages of action (the first is the beginning, the second is the continuation): 说起来 - speak, 写下去 - continue writing. V. I. Gorelov in his classification divides the verbs of the Chinese language into full-valued verbs and auxiliary verbs. Full-valued verbs are divided into ineffective verbs and effective verbs. Effective verbs are subdivided into proper effective verbs and effective directed verbs. Auxiliary verbs fall into modal, incentive, verbs indicating stages of action, and verbs indicating the direction of action. Modal verbs are divided into verbs that express the possibility, necessity and desire to perform an action. This classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach. The basis is the semantics of the verb, because the author divides verbs into lexical-semantic classes and groups. But in the further classification of full-valued verbs, a morphological approach is used, these verbs are classified on the basis of modes of action (effective - ineffective; verbs proper effective and verbs effective - directed). 2. 6. Classification by I.S. Melnikova (1983) Monovalent verbs 1) Valence group S (Ag) P1(͞cf͞R) The considered verbs are not able to appear in sentences with 把. Passive transformation is not allowed. Verbs do not combine with adverbs of degree. All verbs of this group have the ability to implement the full suffixal paradigm. Verbs accept negations 不 ,没. When implementing a configuration of this type at the level of specific sentences, the word in the function of the subject syntaxeme can come before and after the word in the function of the service syntaxeme. 1.1. Valence class S (AgAP) P1(͞cf͞R) This group includes monovalent verbs denoting actions that are usually peculiar only to a person, they allow an agentive subjective syntaxeme only with the meaning of animation. Verbs of this class have the maximum diagnostic power in relation to predicting the nature of the subjective agentive syntaxe, unambiguously pointing to a noun - a representative of the AR subclass. For example, 孩子又哭起 来。 - The boy started crying again. 他着急起来。- He got excited. 1.2. Valence class S (AgA͞Р) P1(͞cf͞R) This class includes verbs denoting actions that are usually characteristic of representatives of the animal world. These verbs have a high diagnostic power in relation to S (Ag), allow the possibility of constructing a question with the pronoun 什么 (what), for example. 鸟啼 - a bird chirps. 1.3. Valence class S (AgA) P1(͞cf͞R) These verbs are characterized by the fact that they denote actions characteristic of all living things (both humans and all living things), for example. 呼吸 to breathe, 死 to die. It is allowed to pose the question both with the pronoun 谁 who, and with the pronoun 什么 - what. 1.4. Valence class S (Ag͞AC) P1(͞cf͞R) This group includes verbs that allow nouns in the function S(A) that denote concrete, material objects. The verbs included in this class have a fairly high diagnostic power, predicting in the S(Ag) function nouns with the meaning of Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 40 subclass ͞AC, for example. 华已经枯了。 - The flowers are already wilted. 水开了。 - The water boiled. The verbs of this group allow the formulation of the question only with the pronoun 什么- what. 1.5. Valence class S (Ag͞А ͞С) P1(͞cf͞R) This class includes verbs that allow nouns with the meaning of the subclass A ͞ С ͞ as S(Ag). This subclass includes nouns that name properties, relationships, states of objects. The verbs of this group allow the formulation of the question only with the pronoun 什 么 what. For example, 战争爆发了。 - A war broke out. 温度下降。 The temperature has dropped. 1.6. Valence class S (AgN) P1(͞cf͞R) This class includes verbs with the widest range of meanings. These verbs denote actions that can be characteristic of both animate and inanimate nouns, allow representatives of any subclasses of nouns in the S (Ag) function. Such verbs allow the construction of a question with any interrogative pronoun. The verbs of the class under consideration usually name actions associated with movement or movement in space, with a change in state or being in some state, etc. For example, 变change, 跑- run, etc. 2) Valence group S (Pt) P1asp(cf) This configuration is represented by the so-called state sentences. Such sentences are sometimes also defined as "conceptual passive" sentences, which indicates a certain shade of passivity inherent in the attitude towards the nuclear syntaxeme Р1(cf). The configuration has a special content plan (serves to indicate a certain state that arose as a result of a certain impact on the object, but not to indicate the action to which the object was subjected), although the plan is expressed by Service» 41 zheniya (name + verb) coincides with the plane of expression of other configurations. The verbs of this group do not allow passive transformation, do not combine with adverbs of degree. Verbs consisting of a verbal stem plus a verbal or qualitative stem, indicating the result of an action expressed by the first stem, or verbs consisting of a verbal stem plus a preposition of direction, in which the resultative form is already expressed in the structure itself, usually act as a nuclear syntaxeme. Verbs usually only accept the negative 没. 2.1. Valence class S (Pt͞A) P1asp(cf) As a rule, representatives of a subclass of inanimate nouns act as a subject syntaxeme, by the way, in the position S(Pt) a question is allowed only with the pronoun 什么-what. For example, 门开着 。 - The door is open. 2.2. Valence class S (PtN) P1asp(cf) In the position of the subjective syntax there is an animate noun, which, with the given verbal lexemes, can never be the producer of an action, because state sentences are characterizing sentences that express the state of the subject indicated by the subject. For a word in position S(Pt), a question is allowed with the pronouns 谁- who and 什么- what, for example. 打败 - to be defeated, 失败 - to be defeated. 3) Subset S (Ag) P1(͞cfR) Verbs characterized by the presence of a turn in the direction of the action they denote can act as a nuclear reflexive syntaxeme. The verbs under consideration do not represent a single whole in the nature of the general meaning of reflexivity expressed by them. The basis for the unification of all reflexive verbs was their ability to act as a carrier of the meaning of the nuclear reflexive syntaxeme. The basis for assigning certain verbs to a certain group certain configuration. 3.1. Valence group S (AgPI) P1(͞cfR) This group includes verbs in which the producer of the action is also the subject of influence. These verbs cannot appear in sentences with 把, passive transformation is excluded, they cannot be combined with adverbs of degree, they are capable of realizing the full suffixal paradigm. Verbs accept negations 不,没. The group is represented by one valence class S (AgPI) P1(͞cfR). Verbs of this class have great diagnostic power. For example, 我已经洗好了。 - I already washed my face. 他为什么自杀?- Why did he commit suicide? 3.2. Valence group S (PI) P1(͞cfR) This group includes verbs denoting an action in which the interaction of two or more objects is supposed, each of which participates in the action and therefore can be considered as its producer. These verbs are not used in sentences with 把, and passive transformation is also excluded for them. They do not combine with adverbs of degree. These verbs allow only plural nouns in position S(Ag). It can be a word denoting a certain set of people or a noun with a plurality affix. As a rule, only the construction of a question with the pronoun 谁 who is allowed. For example, 两个人就分手了。- The two broke up on this. 我们并没有吵架。 - We didn't fight at all. Bivalent Verbs Bivalent verbs require not only a subjective complementary syntaxeme, but also a complementary syntaxeme with the meaning of objectivity. A distinctive feature of these verbs is their ability to act as a nuclear syntaxeme in two-place verbs. Such configurations include three syntaxemes: one nuclear and two complementary (subject and object). Nuclear syntaxes in two-place verbal configurations are characterized by the sign of the correlation of the action, acting as a kind of mediating link between the subject and object syntaxes. 1) Subset S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pt) Verbs capable of acting as a nuclear syntaxeme in configurations of this type do not represent a homogeneous group and allow further differentiation. 1.1. Valence group S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pt) These verbs are also defined as verbs of active influence on an object. They are able to be predicates in sentences with 把. Such configurations allow the transformation of the passive, verbs have the ability to implement the full suffixal paradigm. For example, 我做这工作。- I will do this job. 王经理喝了杯茶。 - Director Wang drank a glass of tea. 1.1.1. Valence class S(AgР)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pt͞AC) The nuclear syntaxeme of this configuration is characterized by the use of verbs of lexical valence, in which the presence of words with the meaning of inanimateness (concreteness) in the function of the object syntaxe and with the meaning of the person in the function of the subjective syntaxe is mandatory, for example . 发明 - to invent, 写 - to write. 1.1.2. Valence class S(AgA)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pt͞AC) This group includes verbs that allow animate nouns (both persons and non-persons) in the function S(Ag), and only subclass nouns in position O1(Pt) ͞AC, e.g. 喝 - to drink, 唱 - to sing. 1.1.3. Valence class S(AgА)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(PtА) Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 44 Verbs that act as a nuclear syntaxeme in this configuration are allowed in positions O1(Pt) and S (Ag) only animate nouns, e.g. 杀 - to kill, 生 - to give birth. 1.1.4. Valence class S(AgА)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pt͞А) This class consists of verbs that allow nouns with the meaning of animateness in the position S(Ag), and with the meaning of inanimateness in the function O1(Pt͞), e.g. 做- to do, 取消- to liquidate, etc. 1.1.5. Valence class S(AgN)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pt͞A) This class of verbs allows almost any nouns in the function of the subject syntaxeme, and only nouns with the meaning ͞A in the position of the object syntaxeme, for example. 破坏 - to destroy, 制造 - to produce. 1.1.6. Valence class S(AgA)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(PtN) These verbs allow in the position S(Ag) words with the meaning of animation, and in the function O1 - nouns of any subclasses, for example. 买 - to buy, 卖 - to sell. 1.1.7. Valence class S(AgN)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(PtN) These verbs admit representatives of any subclasses of nouns in the function of both complementary syntaxes. The class consists of such verbs as 运- to transport, 拉- to pull, etc. 1.1.8. Valence class S(Ag͞А)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pt͞А) A relatively small class, which includes verbs like 包含 - contain, contain, 充满 - flood, fill, etc. 1.1.9. Valence class S(AgN)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(PtА) These verbs denote internal moods caused by persons, other persons or phenomena, for example. 吓- to scare, 激动- to excite. 1.2. S(Ag)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O1(Pt) valence group O1(Pt͞А/Sent). The verbs that make up this class are defined as phase verbs, characterizing the various phases of the action. A distinctive feature of these verbs is that they all allow in the position of the object syntax not only nouns, but also verb-object phrases or individual verbs. Phase verbs are used in constructions with the function word 把. This configuration is not capable of passive transformation (phase verbs are always placed before the main verb, which can appear in the passive form). These verbs are characterized by a limited ability to implement the suffix paradigm. For example, 这些人在 1965 年被党 员开始批评。- In 1965, these people began to be criticized by party members. 2) Subset S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(I) The considered verbs are defined in Sinology as verbs of thought, feeling, speech. These verbs can take in the function of the object syntax not only individual words, but also whole sentences. In the theory of language, these verbs are defined as intentional. These verbs are characterized by a limited ability to appear in sentences with 把,被. 2.1. Valence group S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pr) These verbs are characterized by the ability to implement the full suffixal paradigm. For example, 他看见了丈夫的戴哭的病脸。- She saw her husband's tear-stained face. 2.1.1. Valence class S(AgAP)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(PrN/Sent) Eg 听- to hear,见- to see. 2.1.2. Valence class S(AgAP)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pr͞A/Sent) , eg. 觉得,感觉 - to feel. 2.2. Valence group S(AgA)P2-asp-EMP(͞cf͞R)O1(Pr) These mail verbs cannot be combined with the suffixes 了,过,着. Only the negation of 不 is allowed. This valency group is represented by one valence class S(AgA)P2-asp-EMP(͞cf͞R)O1(PrN/Sent). For example, 爱 to love,注意- to pay attention, 信- to believe. 2.3. Valence group So(AgA)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O1(Pr) These verbs do not allow separate words as O1(Pr), separate sentences appear in the position of the object syntax. Verbs are not used with the function word 把, they do not take suffixes, the configuration is not capable of passive transformation. Verbs are represented by one valency class S(AgA)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O1(PrSent) 2.4. Valence group S(Ag)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O1(Pr) This valency group is represented by a single verb 有. The configuration does not allow passive transformation. The verb does not appear in sentences with 把, does not combine with adverbs of degree. 3. Subset S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(L) A distinctive feature of the considered verbs is that when combined with words that act as an object syntaxeme, they do not require any prepositions or auxiliary words. For example, 他俩到了河西村。 The two of them arrived at Hexi Village. These verbs are not used in sentences with 把. The configuration is not capable of passive transformation. 3.1. Valence group S(Ag)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O1(L1) Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" 47 These verbs are characterized by the impossibility to realize the hollow suffixal paradigm. They combine with 了,过, but do not combine with 着 Verbs of this class have minimal diagnostic power in relation to the word in the function of the subject syntaxe and high diagnostic power in relation to the word in the function of the object syntaxeme. 3.2. Valence group S(Ag)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O1(L2) The verbs of this group do not take suffixes at all, do not allow the negation of 没, combined with the negation of 不. The class is represented by the verb 在 to be. 4. Valence group S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(D) This group is formed by verbs, usually defined as verbs with a passive meaning. Sentences with these verbs are passive in meaning, but in form they completely coincide with active ones. For example, 那回, 我挨了打。- This time I was beaten. The verbs of this group do not appear in sentences with 把, passive transformation is excluded. Do not combine with adverbs of degree. In the position of the complement to the verb with a passive meaning, the verb or adjective is practically indistinguishable from nouns, as noted by S.E. Yakhontov. 5. Valence group S(Ag)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O1(L1) These verbs require an object syntax with a locative value, they are not capable of implementing a full suffixal paradigm, all verbs of this group allow a word with a locative value only in postposition. Verbs cannot be used in sentences with 把. 5.1. Valence class S(Ag)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O1(L1 ͞A) For example, 印 - print on, 集中 - concentrate on. 5.2. Valence class S(Ag͞А)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O1(L1 ͞А) look) ,射 - fall on (about a look, a ray, etc.) 6. Valence group S(Ag)Po(͞cf͞R)O1(L1) Verbs allow a word with a locative value only in preposition. Do not implement the full suffix paradigm. For example, 接吻 to kiss, etc. 7. Valence group S(Ag)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O3(L2) These verbs can be combined with a name (or its equivalent) both directly and through prepositions, i. have the ability to control. The verbs of this group are characterized by a truncated suffix paradigm, taking the suffixes 着,了. Not used in sentences with 把, passive transformation is not possible. 7.1. Valence class S(Ag)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O3(L2 А ͞) For example, 站 - stand,躺 - lie down. 7.2. Valence class S(Ag͞А)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O3(L2 А ͞) E.g., 放- lie,挂 - hang. 8. Valence group S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O3(L1) This group, like the previous one, is characterized by an objective locative valency. The verbs of this group do not appear in sentences with 把, passive transformation is excluded. The verbs of this group are capable of full implementation of the suffixal paradigm. These verbs can be represented by one valency class S(AgN)P2(͞cf͞R)O3(L1 ͞A). For example, 来- to arrive,去- to leave. 9. Valence group S(Ag)P2-asp(͞cf͞R)O3(L1) The actions denoted by these verbs are always purposeful. Passive transformation is impossible, these verbs are not used in Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 49 sentences with 把. The verbs under consideration are able to realize the connection with the name in the function O3(L1) in two ways - both directly and through prepositions. The implementation of the suffix paradigm is allowed only under the condition of a direct combination of the name in the function O3(L1) and the verb. This group is represented by one valence class S(Ag)P2- ͞ ͞ asp(͞cfR)O3(L1 A). For example, 打- hit on, 靠 - lean on, 落- fall on. 10. Valence group S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(Pt) The verbs of this group are capable of realizing the full suffixal paradigm. Under certain conditions, it is possible to use them in sentences with the function word 把, for example. 他们把工作讨论讨论。- They were discussing work. The configuration has the possibility of passive transformation. These verbs are characterized by identical lexical valency and are presented as one valence class S(AgAPL)P2(͞cf͞R)O1(PtN). 11) Subset S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O(as) The verbs of this subset designate such actions that imply a mandatory connection with two objects, one of them appears as the initiator of the action, the second as the doer. The word in the position of the object syntax, correlated in an extralinguistic situation with the doer, has the functional meaning of situationality. 11.1. The valency group S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O2(as) realizes the connection with the name in position O2(as) only through prepositions. Not used in sentences with 把, passive transformation is not allowed. Verbs are capable of realizing the full suffixal paradigm. With these verbs, only the preposition of the object is possible. 11.1.1. Valence class S(AgA)P2(͞cf͞R)O2(asA) E.g., 结婚 - marry,离婚 - divorce, 吵闹 - quarrel with. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 50 11.1.2. Valence class S(AgN)P2(͞cf͞R)O2(asN) For example, 混合- mix with,联系 - contact,结合- connect with. 11.2. Valence group S(Ag)P2(͞cf͞R)O3(as) The verbs of this group realize the relationship with the name in the position O3(as) without a preposition and through a preposition. 11.2.1. Valence class S(AgA)P2(͞cf͞R)O2(asA) For example, 认识 - get acquainted with,告别 - say goodbye to. 11.2.2. Valence class S(AgN)P2(͞cf͞R)O2(asN) Eg 碰 - collide with. 12) Subset S(Pt)P2(cf)O3 Words in position O3 have 2 meanings - locative (L) and instrument (In). 12.1 Valency group S(Pt)P2-asp(cf)O3(L2) The verbs of this group do not implement the full suffixal paradigm. Only suffixes 着,了 are possible, but on condition that the word with the meaning of object locality is not in postposition. Forms of doubling and singleness are impossible. Passive transformation is not allowed, verbs are not used in sentences with 把. Verbs are represented by the valence class S(Pt͞A)P2(͞cf͞R)O3(L2͞A). For example, 信封上写着地址。 - The address is written on the envelope. 雪白的不铺了在桌上。 - A snow-white tablecloth is laid on the table. 12.2. Valency group S(Pt)P2-asp(cf)O3(In) The verbs of this group require for their implementation the obligatory presence of a complementary syntaxeme with the meaning of the instrument. Not used in sentences with 把, passive transformation is not allowed. Verbs do not have doubling and single forms, do not take the 过 suffix. The verbs of the group under consideration allow a word in the function Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM " & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 51 O3 (In) both with and without a preposition. For example, 伤口已经包上纱布。伤口用纱布包上了。 - The wound is already bandaged. Trivalent verbs Trivalent verbs can act as a nuclear syntaxeme in tripartite verb configurations. Triple configurations include four syntaxemes: nuclear, subject and two object. Trivalent verbs have been noted more than once by researchers of the Chinese language; they usually include the verbs of giving and taking away (or double complement verbs). 1) Subset S(Ag)P3(͞sf͞R)O1O1 The difference between the verbs of this subset comes from the ability to require words with different functional meanings in the position of one of the object syntaxes (in the position of another object syntaxe, a word can only have the meaning of patient). 1.1. Valence group S(Ag)P3-asp(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt)O1 (Q) The action is directed from the source to the object of influence, the goal is to identify the object of influence through another object, named by a word that acts as a qualification. These verbs can appear in sentences with the function word 把, do not urinate with adverbs of degree, accept both types of negation, are characterized by a truncated suffixal paradigm, and do not combine with 着. For example, 同学都把它当 做好朋友。 - All classmates consider him a good friend. 大家都叫他英雄。 - Everyone calls him a hero. This group is represented by the valence class group S(Ag)P3-asp(͞cf͞R)O1 (PtN)O1 (QN). 1.2. Valence group S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt)O1 (ad) The verbs of this group can appear in sentences with the functional word 把, the full suffix paradigm is realized, it is possible. » 52 passive transformation. For example, 偷 - to steal,夺 - to take away. This group is represented by the valence class S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (PtN)O1 (adA). 1.3. Valence group S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt)O1 (L1) This group is not numerous, it is formed by compound words, the second component of which is the verbs of the group 进. As a rule, the function word 把 is used in such sentences. This group is represented by the valence class S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (PtN)O1 (L1 ͞A). For example, 他们把来客 接近办公室。 - They escorted guests to the office. 2) Valence group S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt)O2 (ad) The verbs under consideration represent a relatively homogeneous group in terms of the semantics of the action they express, which is always based on the idea of ​​“transferring something to someone”. Verbs can appear in sentences with 把, configurations of this type allow transformation with 被. These verbs are characterized by a truncated suffixal paradigm, cannot be combined with non-verbs of degree, and accept both types of negation. For example, 交- to convey something to someone, 许 - to promise something to someone, 寄 - to send something to someone, etc. 3) Valence group S(Ag)P3-asp(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt)O2 (L1) The verbs of this group can appear in sentences with the function word 把, passive transformation, as a rule, is not allowed. Verbs do not combine with adverbs of degree. The suffix paradigm has a truncated character. Verbs do not take suffixes if they are followed by a word in the O2 (L1) function. Verbs are presented as one valency class S(AgA)P3-asp(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt͞A)O2 (L1 ͞A). For example, 她觉得往来的路人都把眼光注射在她的身上。- She felt the people passing by glare at her. 4) Valence group S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt)O3 (ad) directly, and through a preposition, i.e. capable of variable control. These verbs can appear in sentences with the function word 把, configurations of this type allow passive transformation. Verbs are capable of realizing the full suffixal paradigm, except for verbs that include the morpheme 给 as a second component. In the latter case, as a rule, suffixing is impossible. Verbs can take both types of negation. For example, 我送她一本书。我送给他一本书。- I gave her a book. 4.1. Valence class S(AgA)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt͞A)O3 (adA) These verbs denote actions that suggest that someone gives something to someone. For example, 送- to give,借- to borrow someone. 4.2. Valence class S(AgA)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (PtN/Sent)O3 (adA) Unlike the previous class, these verbs allow not only individual words, but also whole sentences or phrases in position O1 (Pt). For example, 我告诉他我没有钥匙。 - I told him I didn't have the key. 5) Valence group S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt)O3 (L1) These verbs can be combined with a name in function O3 (L1) either directly or through prepositions. Verbs can appear in sentences with the function word 把, the configuration allows passive transformation. Verbs cannot be combined with adverbs of degree. Both types of denial are allowed. With these verbs, a complete suffix paradigm is possible, however, in the case of using a complex verb, which includes a prepositional morpheme, the suffix formation of the verb is impossible. 我们送你法院。 - We will take you to court. 一条路 引你到光明。 - The road will lead you to the light. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 54 5.1. Valence class S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (PtN)O3 (L1 ͞A) E.g. 5.2. Valence class S(AgN)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (PtN)O3 (L1 ͞A) Unlike the previous class, these verbs allow representatives of any subclasses of nouns in position S(Ag). For example, 引- to transport, to transport, 运- to transport,搬- to transport, etc. 6. Valence group S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (Pt)O2 (as) , two participants, one of which takes an active part, while the second participates in the action only insofar as it is influenced by the first participant. Verbs can appear in sentences with the function word 把, the configuration allows passive transformation. Verbs cannot be combined with adverbs of degree. Both types of denial are allowed. Verbs are capable of realizing the full suffixal paradigm. This group is represented by one valence class S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (PtN)O2 (asAP). For example, 讨论 - to discuss something with someone,商量 - to discuss something with someone,交换 - to exchange something with someone. 7) Valence group S(Ag)P3(͞cf͞R)O1 (PtSent)O2 (as) Unlike the previous group, these verbs require in the function O1 (Pt) not individual words, but whole sentences. For example, 你和他约 了在什么地方见面?- Where did you arrange to meet him? Classification of monovalent verbs of the modern Chinese language was carried out on the basis of configuration (syntaxemic) analysis. The division of monovalent verbs into classes showed that there is a certain relationship between the ability of a verb to act in the position of a certain nuclear syntaxeme and the ability of certain representatives of subclasses of nouns to occupy the position of certain subclasses of nouns to occupy the position of the subjective syntax for the given verb. Bivalent verbs are distinguished from many modern Chinese verbs by their ability to act as a nuclear syntaxeme in two-place verb configurations. Unlike monovalent, bivalent verbs, speaking in the position of the nuclear syntaxeme, require the obligatory presence of not only words in the function of the subject syntaxeme, but also words in the position of the object syntaxeme. Trivalent verbs of the Chinese language are opposed to mono- and bivalent verbs in terms of their ability to act in the position of a nuclear syntaxeme in tripartite verb classifications, they differ in that for their implementation they require the obligatory presence of words in the functions of two object syntaxes. This classification was carried out using the method of actant division, the classification is based on the valence of the verb, it was carried out within the framework of the syntactic approach. 2. 7. O.M. Gottlieba (1991) Aspective classification system of modern Chinese verbs according to modes of action: 1) static mode of action (verbs denote a static ongoing action that excludes any change or development, for example, 站 - stand,坐- sit,躺 - to lie down,骑- to ride,睡 to sleep, etc.); Copyright OJSC “Central Design Bureau “BIBCOM” & LLC “Agency Kniga-Service” 56 2) relative mode of action (verbs have the meaning of reciprocity, for example 爱- love,恶- blame,恨- hate,烦- bother,尊重 respect,敬- to read,对持 - to support,喜欢 - to like, etc.); 3) initiatory mode of action (verbs indicate the beginning of action) 3.1. The meaning of the beginning of the action is conveyed using the main meaning of the verb, for example. 起 - to start,开始- to start,着手- to begin; 3.2. The meaning of the beginning of the action is conveyed with the affix 起, e.g. 起步 - move off,起兵 - start a war,起运 - start transportation,起程 - set off,起飞 - take off,起跑 - prepare to launch, etc.; 3.3. The meaning of the beginning of the action is conveyed with the affix 发, e.g. 发火- to ignite (ignite),发觉- to notice,发病 - to fall ill, 发生- to arise,发端 - to initiate (begin), etc.; 3.4. The meaning of the beginning of the action is conveyed with the affix 开, e.g. 开创- to open, start,开办- to establish, establish,开笔- to start writing,开工- to start work,开掘- to develop,开战to open hostilities,开讲 - to start a lecture (speech),开演 - to start a performance (film demonstration), etc. .; 3.5. The meaning of the beginning of the action is conveyed with the affix 暴, e.g. 暴病 - to suddenly and seriously fall ill,暴亡 - to die suddenly,暴涨 - to rise sharply, to rise suddenly,暴动 - to riot, 暴落 - to fall sharply (about prices, production), fall sharply (about water) ,暴怒 to become angry, to become enraged etc. These verbs have the seme of surprise; 3.6. The meaning of the beginning of the action is conveyed using the affix 起来, which is used after verbs that are not restrictive, 说起来 - start talking, start talking,笑起来 - laugh, start laughing,骂起来 - start swearing,哭起来 - cry, start crying, etc. If this affix is ​​used after static verbs or verbs of movement in space, it usually indicates a spatial orientation , eg. 站起来 - stand up,坐起来 - sit down,跳起来 - jump, etc.; 3.7. The meaning of the beginning of an action is conveyed by the affixes 上,着, which are used after verbs that do not indicate movement, e.g. 爱上(了)- fall in love,相信着(了)- believe, believe, 恨上(了 )- hate, etc. The meaning of these verbs is close to the meaning of inchoative verbs; 4) inchoative mode of action (verbs denote a change in state, this seme usually expressed with the affix 发, the second morpheme of such verbs usually denotes a characteristic, e.g. ). If the suffix 起来 is added before the second or after the second morpheme of such verbs, they become incipient verbs. This illustrates that the relationships between verb tenses are very complex; 5) mutual mode of action (verbs denote mutual action or state) 5.1. The meaning of reciprocity is conveyed with the affix 对, e.g. 对笑- to smile at each other,对骂- to quarrel,对看- to exchange glances,对换- to exchange,对抗- to resist, etc.; 5.2. The meaning of reciprocity is conveyed with the affix 互, e.g. 互助- to help each other,互受- to accept each other,互争- to fight,互换- to exchange,互利- to receive mutual benefit, etc.; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 58 5.3. The meaning of reciprocity is conveyed with the affix 相, e.g. 相让 - yield to each other, compromise,相谈 - talk, talk,相好 - make friends, be on good terms,相依 - mutually rely on, depend on each other,相配 - suit each other,相 敬- respect each other,相爱 - mutually love each other, etc.; 6) repetitive-return mode of action (verbs denote the repetition of an action) 6. 1. Repeatedly - the return value is conveyed using the affix 重,ex. 重版 - to republish,重修- to restore,重申 - to declare again,重选 - to re-elect,重读 - to re-read,重出 - to happen again,重演 - to stage (a play) again, etc.; 6.2. Repetitive - the return value is conveyed with the affix 复, e.g. 复习 - repeat,复交 - renew diplomatic relations, restore relations,复仇 - take revenge,复兴 revive, etc.; 7) repeated-additional (indicate actions during the repetition of which an additional increase occurs) 7.1. The repeated-supplementary meaning is conveyed with the affix 补,ex. 补写- add,补报- give additional information, 补播- sow,补发- additionally publish,补给- replenish,补假 go on additional vacation,补收- get additional,补习- additionally engage,补招- gather,补植 - planting, etc.; 7.2. The repeated-supplementary meaning is conveyed with the affix 加,ex. 加长- to lengthen,加粗-to thicken,加快-to accelerate,加强-to intensify,加深-to deepen,加重-to become heavier, etc.; 7.3. The repeated-supplementary meaning is conveyed with the affix 添,ex. 添补- to add,添购- to buy more,添置- to buy more, to- and etc.; 7.4. The repeated-supplementary meaning is conveyed with the affix 充,ex. 充诉 additionally inform,充塞 - fill, fill , 充实 - fill with content, strengthen, strengthen , 充足 fully satisfy,充气 - fill with gas,充水 - fill with water, 充电 recharge, etc .; 8) contractile-diminishing mode of action 8.1. the abbreviation-diminutive meaning is conveyed by the affix 缩,ex. 缩短- to shorten,缩水- to sit down (about fabric),缩小 to shrink, to reduce,缩减- to shorten, limit,缩编- to shorten, etc.; 8.2. the abbreviated diminutive meaning is conveyed with the affix 减, e.g. 减低- lower, reduce,减色- fade,减少reduce,减退-weaken, decrease, decrease,减小- decrease (in size),减弱- weaken,减速- slow down, etc.; 9) multiple-limiting mode of action (verbs denote not too intense actions, limited in time, multiple-limiting meaning is expressed using reduplication, e.g. , 散散步 - take a walk,聊聊天 - chat, etc.); 10) separative mode of action (verbs denote actions aimed at separation or separation) 10. 1. Separation value is expressed using the affix 分, e.g. 分担 share the burden, partially take on (responsibility), share (hardships, grief with someone) ,分割- divide,分居- disperse,分裂 - split, break up into, disintegrate,分配- distribute, divide "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 60 分散- diversify, decentralize, distribute, disperse, etc.; 10.2. Separation value is expressed with the affix 离, e.g. 离间- to separate, to alienate,离散- to disperse, disperse,离开- to part, to separate,离婚- to divorce, etc.; 10.3. Separation value is expressed using the affix 割, e.g. 割除- cut off,割断- cut off,割舍- part, leave, throw something ,割绝 - interrupt, stop, cut off,割开 cut,割裂- split, split, dismember, etc.; 11) unifying method of action (verbs denote actions aimed at connection, unification) 11.1. The meaning of unity is expressed with the affix 合, e.g. 合办 - jointly organize, work together ,合并 connect, unite,合唱 - sing in chorus,合成- compose (in total), synthesize , 合 拢 - connect, add, bring together , 合作 cooperate, etc .; 11.2. The meaning of unity is expressed with the affix 同, e.g. 同化 - to assimilate, to unite,同居- to cohabitate,同情 - to sympathize,同行- to go (to go) together, to have the same profession, 同感 to sympathize, etc.; 11.3. The meaning of unity is expressed with the affix 结, e.g. 结拜 - to intermarry,结伴 - to keep company,结成 to form,结婚 - to marry,结交- to make acquaintance, make friends,结盟- to swear, enter into an alliance,结识- to make acquaintance, get acquainted, etc.; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 61 11.4. The meaning of unity is expressed using the affix 团, for example, 团结 - to cry, to unite,团聚 - to get together, to converge,团圆 - to converge, to gather,团拜 - to collectively congratulate, etc.; 12) return mode of action (denote actions having a return character) 12.1. The meaning of recurrence is expressed using the affix 回,ex. 回报- convey an answer,回签- sign back,回电- send a return telegram,回访 - pay a return visit,回顾- look around,回归 - return,回击- fight back, strike back ,回敬 give a visit, make a return gift, drink a response a glass, to answer a greeting,回想 - to remember, remember, etc.; 12.2. The meaning of recurrence is expressed using the affix 还,ex. 还给 - to return, to give back,还击 - to fight back, to strike back, 还礼 - to return a visit, to make a gift in return, to drink a return glass, to return a greeting,还手 - to strike back with a blow,还乡 to return to one's homeland (to one's native place) ,还原 - to recover, recover, recover, etc. ; 12.3. the meaning of recurrence is expressed using the affixes 反, 返, 归, for example, 归队 - return to your unit, return to duty, return to work, 归国 - return to your homeland,归根 - refer to the root (of a question), 反驳 - object, refute,反对- resist, counteract, object,反诘- ask a counter-question, 反抗- resist, resist, 反扑- bring down a counterattack,反问- ask a counter-question, 反映- reflect, display,返工- complete, redo, return for revision,返航 - go on a return flight, follow a return flight,返回 - return, return, etc .; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" & OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" 62 13) dubious mode of action (verbs indicate actions that can be interrupted) 13.1. The meaning of durativity is embedded in the semantics of the word itself, for example. 续 - to continue , 断 续 - to interrupt, to act intermittently , 连 续 to continue continuously,持续 - to last, to continue; 13.2. The meaning of duplicity is expressed with the affix 下去, e.g. 想下去- keep thinking,做下去- keep doing,说下去 keep talking,工作下去- keep working,考虑下去- keep discussing, etc. The use of this affix with verbs of movement in space gives them the meaning of spatial orientation, for example. 落下去 - to fall, to descend, 滑下去 - to slide off, slide down,流下去 - to drain,跳下去 - to jump off,扔下去 - to throw off, throw off,拉下去 - to stretch, etc.; 14) general effective way of action 14.1. The meaning of the overall performance is conveyed using the affix 完,for example, 吃完- finish eating,作完- finish,说完- agree,学完finish, study,喝完-drink up,写完- add,讲完-explain, finish explanation and etc.; 14.2. The value of the overall performance is conveyed using the affix 好,for example, 念好- to finish reading,画好- to finish drawing,穿好- to put on, 改好 to fix,收拾好- to tidy up, etc.; 14.3. The value of the overall performance is conveyed with the affix 掉,for example, 烧掉- burn,跑掉- run away, run away,流掉- drain,扔掉 throw away, discard, etc.; 14.4. The meaning of overall performance is conveyed with the affix 了. In this meaning, 了 is used as 掉, and there are two readings: le and liao. Insert the affix 得 or 不 between this affix and the root of the word, which will give the meaning of the possibility or impossibility of performing an action. For example, 忘了- to forget,忘不了- not to forget,喝了- to drink, 喝得了- to drink,吃了- to eat,割了 to share,卖了 to sell, etc.; 14.5. The meaning of overall performance is conveyed with the affix 上,the root of the word is a static verb or a verb of movement or movement in space, for example. ; 14.6. The meaning of overall performance is conveyed with the affix 见,usually the root of the word is a verb of thought, feeling and perception, for example, 听见- hear,看见- see,闻见- smell,瞧见 - see, notice, etc.; 15) absolutely effective method of action (denoting an action in which all objects are affected) 15.1. The meaning of absolute performance is expressed with the affix 光,ex. 15.2. The meaning of absolute effectiveness is expressed with the affix 尽,ex. cup of suffering), etc.; 16) staging-effective way of action (the value of staging effectiveness is expressed using the suffix 成), for example. 作成 to make,挖成- to dig, to dig,建成- to build,编成- to complete, form, compose,变成- to transform, transform,铸成 to cast, form,造成- to execute, to make, create, etc.; Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 64 17) effective-restrictive method of action (the value of effective restrictiveness is transmitted using the affix 满) ,ex. ,住满- populate,装满- load, load, fill, etc.; 18) subjective-resultative mode of action (the meaning of subjective performance is conveyed using the affix 足 or 够), for example, 笑够 to laugh , 吃 足 ( 够 ) - eat up , 哭 够 - cry , 练 足 ( 够 6足, 够)- get drunk,站足(够)- brew, etc.; 19) result-target mode of action 19.1. result-target meaning is embedded in the semantics of the word itself, for example 获得- get, obtain, acquire,取得- acquire, obtain, achieve,求得- get what you want,截获- capture, intercept, etc.; 19.2. The resultant-target value is conveyed with the affix 到, e.g. 买到 - buy,说到 - say,受到 - get,达到 - reach, 找到 - find, etc.; 20) resultative-transitional mode of action (verbs denote actions that are the result of movement in space). The meaning of effective transitivity is conveyed using the affix 过, between this affix and the root morpheme, you can insert the affix 得 or 不, which will give the meaning of the possibility or impossibility of performing an action. For example, 走过-to cross,跑过-to run across,爬过-to climb over,渡过-to cross, swim across,跳过-to jump over, etc. an experience". But sometimes these two unequal meanings are combined in one affix, for example. 这座山我已经爬过。 - I have already climbed this mountain. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 65 This classification of verbs by modes of action divides verbs into 20 lexico-semantic classes. The classification indicates with the help of which affixes this or that meaning is transmitted, therefore, it is made within the framework of the morphological approach, the basis is the methods of action. 2. 8. Classification of verbs according to Hu Yushu and Fan Xiao according to the ability to take objects (1995) Taking objects is a very important function of verbs, but not all verbs have this function, different types of verbs take different types of objects. Based on the function of verbs to take objects, verbs are divided into: 1) verbs that can take objects (ex. 吃饭 - eat,读书 - learn) ; 2) verbs that cannot accept objects (ex. 生气 angry,站岗- stand on guard, 气喘 - out of breath, 完毕 - end, end, 苏醒 - come to your senses). There are more verbs in Chinese that can take object. Verbs that can take objects, according to the number of objects they take, can be again divided into: 1) verbs that can take one object (eg 洗衣服 wash clothes, 保卫和平 - protect the world); 2) verbs that can take two objects (ex. 给他礼物 - give him a gift,送你一本书 - give you a book,借老王三块钱 - lend Lao Wang 3 yuan). There are more verbs in Chinese that can take one object. Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 66 Verbs that can take one object, in turn, are divided into: clothes) 2) verbs with an unnamed object, also called verbs that can take objects expressed by the verb (ex. non-nominal object (e.g., 喜欢妈妈,喜欢打球 - love mom and love to play ball; 受礼物,受压迫 - receive a gift and suffer oppression). Verbs that can take two objects can be divided into: 1) verbs of the “给” group (verbs of giving) (ex. , 送 - to give,交给 to give); structures with these verbs are formed according to the following pattern: verb + (给) + object 1 + object 2 or verb + object 2 + 给 + object 1 得- to acquire, 骗取- to acquire fraudulently, 受- to receive,收 to receive) structures with these verbs are formed according to the following pattern: verb+(到)+addition 1+addition 2 3) verbs of the “借” group of structures with these verbs can be formed for the two models above. For example, 借给她五元钱,借到她五元钱 - lend him five yuan; Verbs with a nominal object, in turn, are divided into: . 下雨 - it's raining,刮风 - the wind is blowing; 2) verbs that take after themselves objects that are not the subject of the action, which cannot be called subjects in postposition, for example. 吃饭 - eat,骑马 - ride a horse,看电影 - watch a movie. Verbs with an unnamed object, in turn, are divided into: 1) verbs that take an object expressed by the included part, for example. 希望他健康 - I hope he is healthy;以为你不来 - I thought that you would not come; 2) verbs that do not accept additions expressed by the included part, for example. 继续干 - continue to work; 予以照顾 - to pay attention. Verbs that can take both a nominal and non-nominal object, in turn, are divided into: 1) verbs that take an object that has a demonstrative character. Structures with such verbs are formed according to the following pattern: verb + 谁/什么, e.g. 看见小王 - to see Xiao Wang;看见小王洗衣服 - to see Xiao Wang washing clothes. 2) verbs that take an addition, having a demonstrative or narrative character. Structures with such verbs are formed according to the following patterns: verb + 谁/什么 verb + 怎么样 For example, 喜欢书 love a book,喜欢热闹 - love liveliness, 喜欢热点儿 - like it when it's warmer. Verbs that do not accept complements are divided into: 休息 - to rest,出发 - to leave; 2) verbs with a verb-object structure: 睡觉- go to bed,革命(革他的命)- carry out a revolution, 上当(上他的当)- suffer a loss. Depending on whether verbs can independently act as a predicate, they are divided into: 1) independent, for example. 我走 - I am going,他读 - he is reading; 2) non-independent (for such verbs, the presence of a nominal part in the form of an addition is necessary), for example. 我们加以研究 - we are exploring. There are more independent verbs in Chinese. Independent verbs are divided into: 1) independent verbs that can take objects, for example. 承认中国支付最丰富 - recognize that China's flora is the richest 2) independent verbs that cannot take objects, for example 病 - to get sick,休息 - to rest. Non-independent verbs are divided into: 1) non-independent verbs with a nominal object (for example, 等于 to be equal,当作 - to become,称为 - to be called; 历时剧不等于历史书。 - a historical opera cannot be compared with a historical book. 2) non-independent verbs with non-nominal object, also called verbs that can take objects expressed by the verb (ex., 显得 - to show oneself,免得 - to avoid) consist,像 - to be like,如 - to be like,好像 - to be like,犹如 - to be like,装作 - 月色如水。 - The color of the month is like water. 阿河如换了一个人。 - Ah He seemed to have been replaced. . The work of Hu Yushu and Fan Xiao discusses in detail the classification of verbs within the framework of the syntactic approach. When systematizing the functions of verbs, Hu Yushu and Fan Xiao are guided by the following principles: 1) allocation of functions in accordance with the grammatical form; 2) highlighting the functions of the verb based on phrases; 3) highlighting the functions of verbs according to other criteria. In the work of Hu Yushu and Fan Xiao, the classification of verbs is based on valence, and a syntactic approach is used. When bivalent verbs are classified into giving and taking away verbs, a lexical-semantic element appears in the classification. 2. 9. Classification of verbs according to Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao by transitivity (1995) Differences between transitive and intransitive verbs: 1) a verb is considered transitive, which can take objects in preposition, for example. 我现在什么也不知道。- Now I don't know anything; 2) a verb is considered transitive, which can take an object that has become another member of the sentence, for example. 关于这个问题我们将在后面讨论。- Regarding this matter, we will discuss it later; 3) a verb is considered intransitive if it cannot take an object in postposition, for example. 它正在树梢上跳舞呢。- He rides on top of a tree. 4) a verb is considered intransitive if it cannot take an object, but sometimes takes a compliment of a place, for example. 他们经去北京了。- They have already left for Beijing; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 70 5) verbs that change their meaning depending on whether they take additions are transitive, for example. 他坐了一会儿 He sat down and 她坐火车走了。- He hooted on the train. Transitive verbs can again be divided into: 1) based on whether transitive verbs take objects: -verbs that necessarily take an object, e.g. 姓 - to bear a surname,称为 - to be called,作为 - to be, to become,当作 to serve as,好比- like, like,属于- to relate, to be part of. These verbs have a number of features: the object follows the verb, the object can only be after the verb, and the object cannot be shortened or omitted; - verbs that may or may not take an object, e.g. 看 - watch,读 - read,写 - write; 2) according to the structure of sentences, which is formed by the verb and objects: - verbs that take one object, forming the structure of the subject + verb + object, for example. 看 - watch,读 - read,写 write; - verbs that take two objects, forming the structure subject + verb + object 1 + object 2, for example. 请 - to ask , 派 to direct,要求 - to demand,命令 - to order; - verbs that add another verb in the presence of an object, forming the structure subject + verb 1 + object + verb 2, for example. 我请他喝酒。 - I invited him to drink; 3) according to the grammatical nature of the attached object: -verbs that can attach objects - objects, for example. 读- to read,喝- to drink,吃 - to eat; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 71 - verbs that can attach objects - actions, but cannot attach objects - objects, for example. 觉得 - to believe,打算 to intend,认为 - to consider, to believe; - verbs that can attach both additions - objects, and additions - actions, for example. 看见一个人 to see a person and 看见她在洗衣服呢 to see her washing clothes. Based on whether intransitive verbs take objects, they can be divided into: 1) ordinary verbs that do not take objects, eg. 休息 to rest,散步- to walk; 2) unidirectional verbs that do not take objects, for example. 我想她抱歉。 - I apologized to him; 我跟他交涉。- I communicate with him; 我们为人民服务。- We serve the motherland; 3) bidirectional verbs that do not take objects, for example. 他们 相识了。They met;小李和小张会面了。- Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang met; 4) Intransitive verbs with a verb-object structure, eg. 洗澡 - to bathe,睡觉 - to sleep,叹气 - to sigh,上当 - to be deceived, to suffer a loss,吃亏 - to be offended, to suffer. There are also intransitive verbs that can only take objects in impersonal sentences, e.g. 这个院子里住着两个人。 - Two people live in this courtyard; 这里流传着一个人所共知的笑话。 - Notorious jokes of one person are passed from mouth to mouth. This classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, its basis is the transitivity-intransitivity of the verb, then the classification of transitive and intransitive verbs according to the lexicon continues - also semantics. 2. 10. Classification by Hu Yushu and Fangxiao by valence (1995) 1) monovalent verbs that can be associated with only one component of the sentence (subject), for example. 小王醉了。 - Xiao Wang got drunk; 2) bivalent verbs that can be associated with two components of the sentence (subject and object), for example. 他读书。He is reading a book; 3) trivalent verbs that can be associated with three components of the sentence (subject, two objects), for example. 我送他礼物。- I give him a present;我跟他商量工作。- I discuss work with him. This classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, its basis is valency. The authors divide verbs into monovalent, bivalent and trivalent. 2. 11. Classification by Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao according to modes of action (1995) According to modes of action, modern Chinese verbs are divided into: 1) static verbs - possessive verbs that cannot take the suffixes 了 and 着, for example. 是 - to be,姓 - to bear a surname,等于 - to equal; - verbs of feeling, which can take the suffix 了,ex. 知道 - to know,相信 - to believe,抱歉 - to feel guilty, 怕 to be afraid; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 73 - verbs of position in space taking suffixes 了 and 着, for example. 站 - to stand,坐 - to sit,躺 - to lie down,住 - to live; - verbs of placement in space, taking the suffixes 了 and 着,ex. 拿 - to pick up,挂 - to hang up,吊 - to hang up, 抱 - to hold in hands; 2) verbs of motion -verbs of action Action verbs are again divided into: -instant, which can take the suffix 了,eg. 跳 - to jump,砍 - to cut, 碰 - to jump on; -long, which grammatically can take the suffix 着, e.g. 看- to look,吃 - to eat,洗澡 - to bathe,想- to think; -resultative verbs Effective verbs, in turn, are divided into: -instant, which can take the suffix 了,eg. 死 - to die,醒 - to wake up,见- to see; -long, which can take the suffix 了,for example 变化 - change,长大- grow,走进- enter. In this classification, the author distinguishes static verbs (which, in turn, are subdivided into belonging verbs, feeling verbs, verbs of position in space, verbs of placement in space), motion verbs (which, in turn, are subdivided into action verbs - instant, long-term, and effective. Effective ones are again divided into instant and long-term. The classification is made within the framework of the morphological approach, its basis is the modes of action. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 74 2.12. Classification of verbs by Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu, Gu Hua according to transitivity-intransitivity (2001) Verbs can be classified according to different criteria, different classifications have their own meaning and functions. Consider several ways to classify verbs. Verbs that can take objects and verbs that cannot take objects are divided into transitive and intransitive. Transitive verbs take object objects, result objects, e.g. 看书 - to read a book、写字 - to write a character、发动群众 - to revive the masses、打球 - to play ball, etc. There are some imperative verbs that are transitive, for example. 去皮(使皮去掉) - peel 、上颜色 - paint, 出汗 - sweat 、平地 - level the ground。 In a specific situation, transitive verb additions can be omitted (when answering a question, in context). For example: -你听录音吗?-Are you listening to the recording? -听。-I'm listening. 他昨天看过这部电影,今天怎么又去看?-He watched this movie yesterday, why did he go watch it again today? Verbs such as 姓 - to bear a surname 、叫 - to be called 、属于 belong to 、具有 - to have 、成为 - to become 、等于 - to equal, etc. are also transitive, but the object is not omitted with them. Intransitive verbs do not take an object, e.g. 着想 - to think, 相反 - to be the opposite 、斡旋 - to mediate, mediate 、问世 - to gain fame etc. Many intransitive verbs can attach non-object objects. Intransitive verbs can attach objects of the following types: 1. indicating the place of action, for example. 上山 - to go to the mountains、回家 - to return home、去上海 - to go to Shanghai、出国 - to leave the country、下乡 - to go to the village、出院 - to leave the hospital; 睡床 - fall asleep 、过筛 - sip; 3. denoting the existence, appearance or disappearance of objects, for example. 来了两个人。 -Two people came. 蹲着一个石狮子。 - To sit on a stone lion. 死了一头牛。 - One cow died. It should be noted that there are a number of verbs with a verb-object structure, for example. 见面 - see you、握手 - shake hands, 结婚 - get married, etc. After them, the addition cannot be used. For example, you cannot say 见面他、握手你、结婚她, etc. Some verbs have several meanings, in one of the meanings they are transitive, in the other they are intransitive. For example: 去南京 - to go to Nanjing - intransitive verb; 去皮 - peel - transitive verb; 笑了 - laughed - intransitive verb; 笑他 - laugh at him - transitive verb. The classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, the basis is the transitivity-intransitivity of the verb. 2.13. Classification of verbs by Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu, Gu Hua according to semantic meanings (2001) 1) Action verbs - verbs denoting the manifestation of action occupy most of the verbs in Chinese. For example, 吃 eat、看 watch、听 listen、说 speak、试验 test、辩论 evaluate、收集 collect、表演 perform、通知 inform, etc. Verbs actions - the most classic verbs, have the following grammatical features: 1. can be reduplicated; 2. can accept state suffixes 了、着、过; 3. negative particles 不、没 are used for negation; 4. can attach phrases denoting multiplicity or length of time; 5.can form incentive offers, for example. 来!- Come! 走!-Let's go. 6. You can ask them questions that require a positive or negative answer. 7. do not take adverbs of degree before them, for example. you can't say 很吃、非 常跑。 In sentences like 很了解问题 to be very probable, the adverb 很 does not refer specifically to the verb, but to the entire phrase. 2) State verbs - verbs denoting the physical or mental state of a person or animal. For example, 爱 to love、恨 to hate、喜欢 to like、讨厌 to despise、想念 to be bored、希望 to hope (mental states) and 聋 to go deaf、瞎 to go blind、瘸 to limp, 饿 to starve、醉 to get drunk、病 to fall asleep、困). Grammar differences between state verbs and action verbs: 1. Most state verbs add adverbs of degree, for example. 很饿 very hungry、特别喜欢 like excessively、十分讨厌 absolutely hate. But verbs such as 病 hurt、醒 wake up do not attach degree adverbs. 2. Verbs denoting mental states are transitive, verbs denoting physiological states are intransitive. 3) Linking verbs The meaning of linking verbs is usually very abstract, their main function is to connect subject and object, they mean in such a way that between the subject and the object there are some relations, therefore, after the linking verbs, an object is placed, most of the objects following the linking verb are not omitted. There are not so many linking verbs, mainly the following two types: 3.1. 是 to become, to be 3.2.叫 (meaning "to be called") 、姓 to be by last name、当作 to become、成为 to become、像 to be like、等于 to equal sometimes 没; is used 2. other than 像 to be similar, usually do not take degree complements in front of them, the complement cannot be omitted; 3. usually not reduplicated, 成为 become、叫 be called、像 be similar, etc. verbs do not have a doubled form; 4. auxiliary words 了、着; are rarely used after them; 5. they cannot act as predicates in sentences with 把; 6.cannot form incentive offers. 3.3 verb 有 have 4) modal verbs 4.1. Modal verbs denoting desire: 要 need、想 think, 愿意 wish、肯 agree、敢 dare; 4.2. Modal verbs of obligation: 应该 to be due、应当 become、应 must、该 must、得 must; 4.3. Modal verbs denoting objective and subjective evaluation: 能 can、能够 can、可以 can; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 78 4.4. modal verbs denoting permission: 能 、可以、可、准、许, 得 can; 4.4. modal verbs denoting evaluation: 配 correspond、值得 worth ; 4.5. modal verbs denoting possibility: 可能、会、要、得、能 to be able。 The classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, the basis is semantics. 2.14. Classification of verbs Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu, Gu Hua according to the types of objects that they can attach (2001) 1) verbs that can attach subject objects (nouns, pronouns, numerals). For example, 打电话 make phone calls、买东西 buy things、开汽车 drive a car、缝衣服 sew clothes, etc. 2) verbs that can attach verb objects (verbs, adjectives). E.g., 进行 动员 mobilization 、 指责 指责 criticize 、 开始 研究 Start study 敢于、企图、受到、觉得, etc. Some verbs can attach both subject objects and verbs. For example, 记得 dream、通知 inform、肯定 approve、表示 denote、研究 study、准备 prepare、同意 agree、看见 see、听 hear、引起 entail, etc. 3) verbs that can attach whole sentences as an object. For example: 我希望你明天早一点儿来。 - I hope you come early tomorrow. Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM " & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 79 刚才我看见了有一个人从这儿出去了。- I just saw one person come out of here. 他认为事业是最重要的,家庭不那么重要。- He thinks work is the most important, family is not so important. Very many verbs that can attach sentences as an object can also attach objects expressed by verb constructions. In this case, the addendum can be longer than a sentence and represent an entire paragraph. 4) verbs that add two complements. For example, 给 to give、教 to teach、交 to donate、送 to donate, etc. 张老师教我们中文。- Teacher Zhang teaches us Chinese. 他们给了我一本书。 - They gave me a book. [7, p. 155] This classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, the basis is valency. 2.15. Classification of verbs by Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu, Gu Hua by duration - short duration of action (2001) Some actions can continue, can be repeated, these are continuous verbs. For example, 看 watch、写 write、听 listen、说 talk、跳 dance、拍 take pictures、敲 knock、坐 sit、批评 criticize、挂 hang、放 put、租 shoot, etc. After such verbs, you can put 着: 他在纸 上写着什么,我看不清楚。- What is he writing on paper, I can't see it? 教室里坐着一些学生。 - Several students are sitting in the auditorium. Continuous verbs can be reduplicated. For example: 你去看看。-Go look. 你把自己的意见说了说,大家都表示同意。 - You expressed your ideas, everyone agreed. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 80 进来坐坐吧。-Come in, sit down. Short verbs cannot last for any length of time; they stop as soon as they begin. For example, 死 die、散 disperse、懂 understand、完 end、结婚 marry、成立 found、出现 appear、消失 disappear、 来 come, etc. You cannot use 着 after them. [7, p. 156] This classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, the basis is the semantics of the verb. 2.16. Classification of verbs Liu Yuehua, Pan Wenyu, Gu Hua according to independence-non-independence of action (2001) Verbs denoting independent and non-independent actions. Verbs denoting independent actions denote actions that are controlled by those who perform these actions, usually the one who performs them does it intentionally. For example, 唱 to sing、学 to learn、买 to buy、打 to beat、骂 to scold、教 to teach、吃 to eat、喝 to drink、帮助to help and others. Verbs denoting uncontrolled actions are called non-independent verbs. For example, 病、死、完、知道、怕、塌, etc. Such verbs cannot participate in the formation of imperative sentences. This classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, the basis is semantics. [7, p. 156] 2. 17. Classifications by O. M. Gottlieb (2004) Based on the fact that the semantics of verbs is quite diverse and the verbs of different categories differ in their grammatical capabilities, O. M. Gottlieb distinguishes four main categories of verbs: "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" 81 1) connectives and verbs - connectives (connectives and verbs - connectives, being verbs in essence, however, do not denote any specific actions, but convey the meaning of judgment and beingness, for example 是 , 为 , 即 即 即 当 , 成 , 做 , 作 , 当作 , , 作成 作成 作为 , 叫 , , 叫 成 , 象 , , 属于 等于 , 分成 , 分为 belongs to the verbs - ligaments Linking verbs, like links, can perform the function of the first part of a compound nominal predicate, and from the point of view of morphology, they can be shaped with the suffix 了. Linking verbs and linking verbs, acting as the first part of a compound nominal predicate, form the type of sentences that is accepted call "a sentence with 是"); 2) modal verbs (verbs expressing opportunity, desire, must ee); Based on differences in semantics, modal verbs can be divided into: - modal verbs of possibility (eg 能,会,可以,能够); - modal verbs of desire (eg, 愿意,想,要,希望,打算, 啃,敢); - modal verbs of obligation (eg, 应该,应当,得,要必须); 3) causative verbs (verbs that force the object to act as the subject of another action, for example 使,叫,请); 4) standard verbs (transfer the meaning of actions, changes and states). In terms of lexical structure, they are represented by simple, derivative and compound words. From the point of view of semantics, valency and form formation, standard verbs can be divided into the following categories: do not take resultative and modifying suffixes and, like modal verbs, can act as the first part of a compound verbal predicate, for example. 咱们开始工作;你最好还是继续学习; 2) verbs - prepositions: 在,到,上,往,朝, etc., which usually do not take modifiers and resulting suffixes, but acting as a predicate, can control a locative compliment, for example. 她在学 校;他上楼;你到哪儿? 3) directional verbs (进 group verbs) :上,下,来,去,出, 回,过,起,到. The verbs of this group cannot be formed with the suffix "着", cannot be reduplicated, cannot control the object, but take a locative compliment; they often act as suffixes, conveying different meanings of modification and result, e.g. 跑来,送去,站 起来,说下去,看出来,想起来,拿回去,挂上来,搬出去 и др. 4) глаголы передвижения: 走,跑,爬,飞,游,流,站,坐, 躺 and others. Verbs of this class are easily combined with various modifying and resultative suffixes, they govern compliments of place, tense and multiplicity. For example: 5) movement verbs: 放,挂,搬,摆,投,扔,搁,寄. Their shaping is similar to the shaping of verbs of movement, they can control the direct object and complement of the place, while inverting the object in preposition to the predicate (sentences with 把), for example: 子上去。 6) verbs of mental actions and states: 爱,恨,知道,喜欢, 相信,害怕,羡慕,明白 and others. The verbs of this group do not take the suffix "着", are rarely combined with modifiers and resultative suffixes, Copyright " Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 83 can manage the addition expressed by the included part (subject-predicative combination). For example: 我早就主导他是一个好人。 7) passive verbs: 受,忍,挨,遭. These verbs cannot be reduplicated, they do not accept modifier suffixes, acting as a predicate, they convey the meaning of passivity: 他挨尽了主人 的打骂。 connection type: 念书,睡觉,吃饭,毕业,做梦 etc. 2) direction verbs, preposition verbs and movement verbs 着想,相反,休息,指正. Based on the ability or inability to form the suffix "着", verbs can be divided into two large classes: verbs that can form "着" are called duration verbs (durative verbs); verbs that cannot take this suffix are called perfect (e.g. Second-class verbs rarely combine with modifiers and cannot be reduplicated. Suffixes - modifiers, shaping such verbs, convey different meanings of performance. Based on the semantics of verbs, O. M. Gottlieb divides them into 4 categories - copulas and copula verbs, modal verbs (which in turn are divided into modal verbs of opportunity, modal verbs of desire and modal verbs of obligation), causative verbs, standard verbs, - this classification is based on semantics, it is made within the framework of the syntactic approach O. M. Gotlib notes that, from the point of view of the lexical structure, all verbs can be represented by simple ones. 84 derivatives and compound words - this classification is made within the framework of the morphological approach, the basis is the lexical structure. Further, O. M. Gottlieb divides standard verbs into the following categories: phase verbs, verbs - prepositions, verbs of direction, verbs of movement, verbs of movement, verbs of mental actions and states, verbs with a passive meaning - this classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, its the basis is the semantics of the verb. O. M. Gottlieb refers to intransitive verbs verbs built according to the verbal-objective type of communication, directional verbs, verbs - prepositions and verbs of movement, this classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, the basis is transitivity-intransitivity. Based on the ability or inability to form the suffix "着", O. M. Gottlieb divides all verbs into durative and perfect - this classification is made within the framework of the morphological approach, the basis is the methods of action. 2.18. Classification of Verbs by Zhu Qingming (2005) 1) Modal Verbs Modal verbs in Chinese are verbs expressing possibility, desire, duty, and are also called auxiliary verbs in some grammar books. The number of modal verbs is quite small, their peculiarity is that they are not reduplicated, they do not add suffixes 了、着、过;used before other verbs;they are an unambiguous answer to the question; divided into monosyllabic and two-syllabic. Monosyllabic: 想 think、要 need、 能 be able、会 be able、肯 assert、愿 wish、敢 dare、得 be due。 Disyllabic: 应该 must、应当 must、可以 can、必须 necessary、能够、willing。 verbs Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 85 Standard verbs in Chinese are a large type of verbs, including verbs of action and behavior, verbs of mental action, linking verbs, verbs of existence and change, directions, etc. 2.1. Action verbs, which denote the action of a person or animal, in Chinese there are more of them than verbs of other types. For example: 吃 eat、喝 drink、走 walk、跑 run、跳 jump、吹 blow、打 beat、拉 push、唱 sing、说 talk、笑 smile、听 listen、 问 read ask、闻 smell、灜 look 、 写 写 Write 、 记 Remember 、 参观 、 旅行 旅行 Travel 、 入学 Start study 、 退伍 Demobilize 、 成长 REMENT 、 登记 Register 、 询问 Requate 、 看 Select 、 歌 唱 、 、 rush to help 、 牺牲 Dete 、结婚 get married、毕业 graduate、工作 work、学习 study、生活 live; 2.2. Verbs of mental action that denote the mood, physiological state of a person or animal. For example: 爱 Love 、 恨 Hate 、 怕 Afraid 、 rush 、 想 want to 、 聋 、 瘸 瘸 Lame 、 饿 Hun 、 困 fall asleep 、 喜欢 、 害怕 Afire 、 希望 Hope 、 讨厌 despise 、 打算 measure; 2.3. linking verbs, the main grammatical function of which is to connect the subject and the predicate, their number is very small. For example: 是 to be、叫 to be called、姓 to be by last name、象 to resemble、属于 to belong to、等于 to be、作为 to be、成为 to become; 2.4. Verbs of existence and change, which denote the existence, change, appearance or disappearance of a person or object. For example: 在 to be、存在 to exist、出现 to arise、发生 to occur、 .direction verbs, include monosyllabic and disyllabic verbs, are a predicate or a compliment in a sentence, e.g. 、下来 descend、进来 enter、出来 exit、回来 return、起来 get up、上去 rise、下去 descend、进去 enter、出去 exit、回去 return。 2.19 Verb classification Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen (2008) 1) action verbs: 看 look、写 write、画 draw、站 stand、谈 talk、听 listen、走 walk; 2) behavioral verbs: 表示 designate、保卫 protect、 拥护 to protect、通过 to overcome 、禁止 to forbid; 3) verbs of mental actions: 爱 to love、怕 to be afraid、想 to want, 喜欢 to like、希望 to hope、知道 to know; 4) verbs of change and development: 甑 to be born、孻to die〕 to develop、变化 to change、开始 to begin; 5) verbs of evaluation, presence, existence: 是 to be、有 to have、在 to be; 6) verbs of direction: 上 to rise、下 to descend、进 to enter, 出 to exit、起 to raise、过 to pass、回 to return、来 to come、去 to leave。 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 87 According to the ability of the verb to take an object after itself, they can be divided into two types: 1) transitive 1.1.verbs that can only take one addition: 写信 to write a letter、看电视 to watch TV、穿衣服 to put on clothes、研究问题 to study a question; 2.2. take two objects: 给我书 give me a book、教朋友汉语 to teach a friend Chinese; 2) intransitive verbs 2.1. Monosyllabic intransitive verbs: 活 to live、病 to be sick、醒 to wake up、躺 to lie down; 2.2. Monosyllabic intransitive verbs: 休息 to rest、咳嗽 to cough、胜利 to win、失败 to lose、出发 to leave、前进 to advance。 Classifications of verbs according to Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen are made within the framework of the syntactic approach, in the first case the basis is semantics, in the second - transitivity. 2.20. Classification of Gao Huichen, Xing Xiaolong, T. Kalibek, E. Kirimbaev by semantic meaning and functions (2011) Verbs are a large class, they are all similar in grammatical functions, you can consider them from different points of view and distinguish different subspecies : 1) action verbs, for example. 听 listen、写 write、吃 eat、喝 drink、 搬运 check in luggage、改造 rearrange; 2) presence verbs, eg. 有 to have、在 to be、变 to change、出现 to appear、消失 to disappear; 3) causative verbs, e.g. 使 to force、叫 to call、让 to force、请 to ask、鼓励 to encourage、要求 to demand; 想 want、爱 love、害怕 fear、相信 trust、希望 hope; 5) formal verbs, eg. 进行 conduct、加以 apply、予以 give、给予 give; 6) directional verbs, eg. 来 to come、去 to leave、上 to go up、下 to go down、进来 to go in、进去 to go in; 7) evaluation verbs (linking verbs), eg. 是 to be; 8) modal verbs, eg. 能 be able、会 be able、应 must、敢 dare、可 以 be able、应当 become。 The classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, the basis is semantics. 2.21. Classification of Gao Huichen, Xing Xiaolong, T. Kalibek, E. Kirimbaev according to the ability to add an object (2011) 1) Transitive verbs are verbs that perform the function of a predicate and attach an object to themselves: 1.1. in which the object is expressed by the noun: 吃 eat、买 buy、具有 have、发生 occur、到达 achieve、推广 expand; 1.2. to give、受到 to receive; 1.3. verbs with an object in which the object is expressed by a noun and a verb: 喜欢 like、相信 believe、听 listen、说 speak、等于 equal。 2) Intransitive verbs are those verbs that cannot attach to themselves additions, and in the case when they act as a predicate, can only attach a subjective object place, for example. 咳嗽 to cough Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" 89 、游泳 to swim、睡觉 to sleep、着眼 to look or 来 to come、走 to walk、死 to die、住 to live、躺 to lie。 3) Specific verbs 3.1. Formal verbs - verbs that act as an object, and only in form act as a predicate, for example. 给予 to give, 予以 to give、加以 to apply、进行 to conduct、给以 to give。 Some formal verbs can attach 着、了、过, e.g. 我们对这种情况进行了深入调查。 - We have thoroughly investigated this situation. Definitions can act as an addition to a formal verb, for example. 同学们对这次考试做了认真的准备。 -The fellow students have carefully prepared for this exam. 3.2. disjunctive verbs are those verbs that can be separated, for example. 我洗澡了。 -I took a shower. Disjunctive verbs cannot attach a definition, e.g., to say "graduate from university", you cannot use the phrase 毕业大学, you need to say 从大学毕业。 睡了一次觉 sleep。 Disjunctive verbs are doubled in the AAB form, e.g. 洗洗澡 - to wash. The classification is made within the framework of the syntactic approach, the basis is transitivity - intransitivity. Conclusions on chapter 2 In the second chapter, the analysis of the classification parameters of the verbs of the modern Chinese language was carried out by the following authors: Lu Shuxiana, Li Yakhontova, V. I. Gorelova, I. S. Melnikov, O. M. Gottlieb, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Li Yue Hua, Pan Wei Yu, Zhu Qingming, Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen, Gao Huichen, Xing Xiaolong, T. Kalibeka, E. Kibirmaeva. A total of 25 classifications were considered. During the analysis of these classifications, it was revealed that 22 out of 25 classifications were performed within the framework of the syntactic approach (which is 88% of the total number of classifications considered). These are the classifications of Lu Shuxiang, Li Jinxi, A. A. Dragunov, S. E. Yakhontov, V. I. Gorelov, I. S. Melnikov, 3 classifications of O. M. Goliba, 3 classifications of Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Li Yue Hua, Pan Weiyu, Zhu Qingming, Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen, Gao Huichen, Xing Xiaolong, T. Kalibek, E. Kibirmaeva. In five classifications (20%), there are two bases - transitivity-intransitivity, semantics (Li Jinxi, A. A. Dragunov, S. E. Yakhontov, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, O. M. Gottlieb). Eight classifications (32%) use semantics as the basis (Lu Shuxiang's classification, 2 O. M. Gottlieb's classifications, 3 Liu Yuehua's, Pan Wenyu's, Gu Hua's, Zhu Qingming's, Li dejin's, Cheng meizhen's and Gao Huichen's, Xing Xiaolong's classifications). , T. Kalibek, E Kibirmava). In three cases, the basis is valence - in the classifications of I. S. Melnikov, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Liu Yuehua, Pan Weiyu, Gu Hua (12%). In four classifications (16%), the basis is transitivity of the verb (classifications of Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Lit Yue Hua, Pan Wenyu, Gu Hua, O.M. Gottlieb, Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen, Gao Huichen, Xin Xiaolong, T. Kalibek , E. Kibirmaeva). In one of the classifications, the bases are semantics and valency (Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao - 4%). I. V. Gorelov has a dual approach - syntactic (base - semantics) and morphological (base - modes of action) (4%). Within the framework of the morphological approach, two classifications by O.M. Gottlieb and one classification by Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, which is 12% of the total number of classifications considered. The grounds are: in two cases (O.M. Gotlib, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao) - methods of action (8%), in one case (O M. Gottlieb) – lexical structure (4%). Obviously, the syntactic approach prevails in the classification of verbs. Within the framework of this approach, classifications with two bases prevail - transitivity-intransitivity and semantics, in second place are classifications based on valency. CONCLUSION Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 92 This work was devoted to the study of approaches and criteria for classifying verbs in modern Chinese in the interpretations of various authors. Studying the theoretical aspects of the classification of Chinese verbs, we examined the forms of systematization of knowledge, classification in the context of the history and methodology of science, revealed the role of the verb as a category in historical retrospect, and identified general approaches to the classification of verbs. Taking into account the principles and parameters of the considered classifications of verbs, it was concluded that they are divided primarily in terms of the basic approach: morphological and syntactic. Within the framework of the morphological approach, the following bases for the classifications of modern Chinese verbs were identified: modes of action and lexical structure. Classifications using this approach are present in the models of the following authors: O.M. Gottlieb, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao. Within the framework of the syntactic approach, the following bases for the classifications of modern Chinese verbs were identified: valency; transitivity-intransitivity; semantics (semantic syntax). Classifications using this approach are present in the models of the following authors: Lu Shuxiang, Li Jinxi, A. A. Dragunova, S. E. Yakhontova, V. I. Gorelova, I. S. Melnikova, O.M. Golib, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Li Yue Hua, Pan Weiyu, Zhu Qingming, Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen, Gao Huichen, Xing Xiaolong, T. Kalibek, E. Kibirmaeva. During the analysis of these classifications, it was revealed that 22 out of 25 classifications were performed within the framework of the syntactic approach (which is 88% of the total number of classifications considered). These are the classifications of Lu Shuxiang, Li Jinxi, A. A. Dragunov, S. E. Yakhontov, V. I. Gorelov, I. S. Melnikov, 3 classifications of O. M. Goliba, 3 classifications Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Li Yue Hua, Pan Weiyu, Zhu Qingming, Li Dejin, Cheng Kalibek, E. Kibirmaeva. In five classifications (20%), there are two bases - transitivity-intransitivity, semantics (Li Jinxi, A. A. Dragunov, S. E. Yakhontov, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, O. M. Gottlieb). Eight classifications (32%) use semantics as the basis (Lu Shuxiang's classification, 2 O. M. Gottlieb's classifications, 3 Liu Yuehua's, Pan Wenyu's, Gu Hua's, Zhu Qingming's, Li dejin's, Cheng meizhen's and Gao Huichen's, Xing Xiaolong's classifications). , T. Kalibek, E Kibirmava). In three cases, the basis is valence - in the classifications of I. S. Melnikov, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Liu Yuehua, Pan Weiyu, Gu Hua (12%). In four classifications (16%), the basis is transitivity of the verb (classifications of Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, Lit Yue Hua, Pan Wenyu, Gu Hua, O.M. Gottlieb, Li Dejin, Cheng Meizhen, Gao Huichen, Xin Xiaolong, T. Kalibek , E. Kibirmaeva). In one of the classifications, the bases are semantics and valency (Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao - 4%). I. V. Gorelov has a dual approach - syntactic (base - semantics) and morphological (base - modes of action) (4%). Within the framework of the morphological approach, two classifications by O.M. Gottlieb and one classification by Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao, which is 12% of the total number of classifications considered. The grounds are: in two cases (O.M. Gotlib, Hu Yushu and Fang Xiao) - methods of action (8%), in one case (O.M. Gotlib) - lexical structure (4%). When classifying verbs, the syntactic approach prevails. Within the framework of this approach, classifications with two bases prevail - transitivity-intransitivity and semantics, in second place are classifications based on valency. REFERENCES 1. 高慧臣、邢小龙、Т. Kalibek, E. Kirimbaev Modern Chinese Grammar allowance / edited by 梁云. –新疆:新疆教育出版社, 2011.– 335 p. 2. 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