Tiger II - German King of Beasts. Tiger II - German King of Beasts Tiger 2 in world of tanks

How to play Tiger 2 (Tiger II) or as it is called the Royal Tiger - a classic heavy German tank that has all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of vehicle. What equipment to install, as well as what perks to download for the crew.

Watch a video about the tank. Distinguished by a powerful accurate and armor-piercing gun, the vehicle is not maneuverable enough and has poor armor for the stern and sides.

The tactics of playing this tank depends largely on the position in the table. If you are in the top, then you are often the strongest tank among the allies and you have some responsibilities to the team. When playing in the top, you will always have to be at the forefront of the attack, pushing through the enemy’s defense. Frontal armor will be enough to withstand several hits from heavy enemy guns. But in any case, you should take care of your safety. The accuracy of the cannon allows you to keep shooting on the move, making it difficult for the enemy to aim.
In the midline or bottom CT task commands are ambiguous. On the one hand, weak armor and not the best penetration do not allow this tank to fight on equal terms with heavy weapons of a higher level. But at the same time, you can deliver a lot of problems to the enemy. Stay in the second line, attacking the heavyweights of the enemy only when they are engaged in combat with classmates. Come to the rear or flank of the enemy and pierce with your accurate gun.
When fighting a CT who is trying to spin you, never turn your back on him. Try to turn your body around so that you are always facing the enemy. Then the probability of penetration will decrease and you will emerge victorious from the duel.

Crew and equipment on Tiger 2

  1. Upgrading the Sixth Sense will make the game on the Tiger II more measured, since no flashes and suitcases from artillery will allow you to quickly respond.
  2. In addition, repairs will be an important parameter so as not to stop from a downed harp at the most unpleasant moment.
  3. Since German heavies are very fond of burning, the Clean and Order perk will help you out more than once.
    As for the modules, their set will depend on the tactics of the game.
  4. If you use all the advantages of the weapon and play in the second line, then you need to put the Rammer, Stabilizer and Fan.
  5. This will increase accuracy and reload speed.
  6. If you like to tank, then Optics and Fan make it possible to see the enemy half a second earlier, and therefore shoot first.

Tiger II is an excellent tank in its class. Although many are of the opinion that this is a passing tank on the way to the E75, with the proper ability to use an accurate and powerful weapon, this tank becomes a thunderstorm of its classmates.

After the long-suffering tiger tank, the transition to wot tiger 2 is a real holiday. And no wonder: after all, compared to the first version of the tiger, the royal tiger is a really strong heavy tank.

AT world of tanks tiger 2- This is a powerful, accurate gun and strong frontal armor. Much of this is so lacking in a level 7 tiger. Especially strong armor. But before the holiday in the form of the top tiger 2, you need to sweat, because the stock tiger 2 world of tanks is not a holiday at all, but rather a sad sight. In order to make it easier for yourself to pump this tank, I suggest paying attention to a certain order of pumping.

The order of pumping wot tiger 2

In Game world of tanks TT tactics require a lot of responsibility from the players. It can be said that most of the responsibility for victory or defeat in random battles lies with heavy tanks. That is why it is especially painful for the Tiger 2 world of stock tanks to upgrade to the top configuration. Therefore, for optimal pumping speed, you need to know a couple of points:

Learn everything you can while still on the tiger tank. Engines, radio, gun. In general, make the tank elite.
Before sale tiger At level 7, remove the top engine and top radio from it. They can be installed on W.O.T. Tiger II.
If you have fulfilled these points, then you can safely proceed to pumping wot tiger 2. First of all, you need to pump the chassis. The cost of studying is 16,940 experience points. The chassis will add to the tank carrying capacity and improve agility by 3 degrees. Thus, the king tiger will have a turn rate of 26 degrees per second. After researching the chassis, you need to accumulate 22,260 experience to research the top tower. It will give the tank 100 hp and 85mm of armor, but it will turn slower.

After examining the turret on the tiger ii wot, you should examine the 10.5 cm KwK 45 L/52 gun. The cost of studying is 16,800 experience points. This is an intermediate tool between the stock and top-end tiger 2 world of tanks. It has 200mm of penetration, 320 damage, a rate of fire of 5.92 rounds per minute, a spread of 0.37m, and an aiming speed of 2.3 seconds. You will have to play with this weapon for quite a long time, because before the top gun you need to accumulate as many as 46,000 experience points. But even with this gun, Tiger 2 can already fully implement TT tactics in world of tanks - this gun has enough penetration, and the top gun will differ from it only in accuracy, rate of fire and penetration.

For 46,000 XP, research the top gun 10.5 cm KwK 46 L/68. Congratulations, the wot account upgrade is complete, and now you are the owner of the top tiger 2 wot! This gun mounted on a king tiger has the following characteristics:

Level: IX
Name: 10.5 cm KwK 46 L/68
Armor penetration: 225/285/60mm
Average damage: 320/320/420 hp
Rate of fire: 5.26 rounds per minute
Dispersion at 100m: 0.34
Aim Time: 2.3 sec
As you can see, this gun is very similar to the pre-top gun in terms of damage and aiming time. But significant improvements are also noticeable: 225mm penetration is already a serious argument when fighting high-level targets, and increased accuracy allows wot tiger 2 to fight much more effectively at long distances.

Among other things, the tactics of the world of tanks TT with the appearance of a top-end gun on the royal tiger are noticeably changing. Despite the strong frontal armor, CTs are not recommended to engage in close combat unnecessarily, since it is easy for the enemy to fire at the weak points of the tank from close range: the commander's turret, the machine gun in the VLD and the thin NLD. In addition, the Tiger 2 is not a very fast vehicle, and therefore the medium and long range will eliminate the risk of being swamped by medium tanks. For the same reason, it is better not to take single positions. However, the last tip is suitable for any tank, and as a cover it is best to have a reliable comrade. Play in platoons and you will have a great pumping.

After all this leveling, you have only one thing left to do: accumulate 154,000 experience points for the E-75 heavy tank, which can be called an ideal heavy tank. And, I must say, pumping up to the E-75 on such a powerful tank as the world of tanks tiger ii will not take too much time.

Review video guide Tiger II World of Tanks

PzKpfw VIB Tiger II World of Tanks aka Royal Tiger - heavy tier 8.

TTX PzKpfw VIB Tiger II

Durability: 1600 HP

Maximum tank weight: 72.97 tons

Power: 870 HP

Maximum speed: 28 km/h

Turret traverse speed: 25 gr/sec

Case rotation speed: 26 g/sec

Hull armor: 150/80/80

Turret armor: 185/80/80

Gun: 10.5cm KwK 46L/68

Penetration: 225/285/60

Damage: 320/320/420

Rate of fire: 5.26 rds / min

Spread: 0.34 m / 100 m

Mixing: 2.3 s

Walkie-talkie: 710 m

Overview: 400 m

PzKpfw VIB Tiger II video guide


  • Accurate gun with good penetration
  • Excellent review
  • Lots of HP
  • Rotation in place


  • "Weak" NLD
  • Low dynamics
  • Large tank sizes
  • Insufficient OHL

Crew and additional skills

The tank is an excellent vehicle for pushing through enemy defenses, and it also performs great in the game from the second line, thanks to its accurate and penetrable gun. As with any heavy, everyone except the commander should be the first to pump repairs. I recommend to the commander to pump the "Sixth Sense". This will help you avoid "suitcases" from art while playing on the second line. Our KoTe loves to burn, so we download “Cleanliness and Order” as the second skill for the driver. It is best for the commander to pump the second skill "repair". Although we have excellent mixing, pumping the gunner with the “Smooth turret turn” perk will give us an additional advantage over the enemy. To increase our already excellent view, we are pumping radio interception. Like most, we will often end up with 10% durability, which means the “Desperate” skill of the loader will be useful to us.

Additional modules

Yes, the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II World of Tanks is a heavy tank, but in close combat we have weaknesses, these are straight sides and an unprotected NLD, so many choose to play a support tank, since the gun allows us to do this. Rammer, Elevator Stabilizer and Fan set for sniper style of play. If you like to push through the enemy’s defenses, support RUSH, and stay ahead all the time, then the fan should be replaced with Optics, this will give you a chance to detect the enemy earlier and make the first shot.


Playing on the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II tank, we can perfectly show ourselves as a sniper. The top gun has excellent penetration, aiming speed and alpha damage. When playing from the second line, try to use cover from artillery. Constantly cover your NLD using terrain folds. If you want to support the attack and play on the front line, then do not forget to place the tank at an angle ("diamond"). We try to constantly expose the forehead to the enemy's shot. If a firefly tries to round you or, try to drive off to any wall or edge of the map so that the enemy cannot spin around you. Remember that retreat is as much an element of combat as advance. Sometimes it is more profitable to move back and pull the enemy under the blow of your allies than to die without causing significant damage to the enemy.


Someone says that the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II tank is on its way to. For me Tiger II World of Tanks is a great car for its level. The gun allows you to perfectly dismantle tanks of tier 9-10. The top turret holds up well. When playing in a team, Kote can deal significant damage to the enemy.

Good day.

Today we will continue our reviews of German tanks in World of Tanks.

This branch of development has already become the cultural and historical heritage of the game.

A lot of equipment took part in the battles of the Second World War.

The developers of the game do not stop making changes to the German branch, which causes a lot of displeasure among the players.

But be that as it may, it is German tanks that remain the most popular.

Let's find out in detail about the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II, the German World of Tanks heavy tank.

Consider in the context of the game its characteristics, features. You'll also find tactical tips. Well, the novice player will decide whether the role of a tanker suits him on this machine.

PzKpfw VIB Tiger II is a well-deserved veteran of the game. "Kote" is loved and respected for his real exploits and achievements. A tank of the eighth level, yes, it may be inferior to others in terms of dynamics, armor, but nothing can be compared with its penetrating, accurate gun and Zeiss optics.

A bit of history

Under the influence of the Soviet T-34 tank, German engineers decided in 1942 to develop a vehicle with thicker armor than the Tiger. It was decided to make it at an angle. The well-known firms Henschel and Nibelungenwerk worked on the project.

Nibelungenwerk boss Ferdinand Porsche was the real favorite for the race. Therefore, his project was canceled, but he was asked to include a find in the form of an electric transmission in his tank. And Henschel, led by Erwin Aders, began to develop the car.

The first baptism of fire "Royal Tiger" received in 1944 at the Sandomierz bridgehead. Alas, unsuccessful. But gradually the tankers began to get a taste and "Kote" proved to be in all its glory. They were afraid of the tank.

True, the equipment often failed on the marches. Most of the Tiger IIs were abandoned by their crews as they were out of action. A total of 489 vehicles were produced.

Game characteristics

In World of Tanks, the "Royal Tiger" has become a versatile, assault tank. It both destroys enemies at a distance and absorbs damage. What are its characteristics?

1. Protection. The armor, although not particularly breakthrough, is located at ricochet angles. The forehead of the tower is well protected - 185 mm, the body is slightly worse - 150 mm, but has a good slope. Everything else is protected by 80 mm steel sheet. But everything is corrected by a sufficient number of hit points - 1600 units.

2. Firepower. We start playing with the standard 88mm KwK 43 L/71 gun. The gun is not bad: inexpensive shells, accurate, fast-firing. But at the eighth level, the gun lacks armor penetration.

Don't even consider the 105mm KwK L/52 through gun, it's just a stepping stone to the cool top-end gun 105mm KwK L/68, remarkable in every way.

3. Dynamics. The mobility of the tank is "lame". Additional armor elements hung on the base structure increase the weight on the ground. The top Maybach HL 230 TRM P45 engine has 700 hp.

If you pump the tracks, this will give another 2 degrees to turn, but also 5 tons of additional weight.

4. Communication, discovery. Kote has a strong radio station. The top FuG 12 has a foresight of 710 meters. Due to the high body we have a good overview

(390 meters). But we will be quickly discovered, a fat ass is hard not to notice. We'll have to put up with it and learn how to play the permanent "light"...

Equipment, pumping

What is the best way for a player to learn this German tank in World of Tanks? You can get to it through the branches of "Tigers", "Panthers". If you have already played them, then you upgraded the engine and the top radio station.

Start improving the weapon, bringing it to the top. Then take the Tiger II Serienturm turret and the top tracks at the end.

The crew has five tankers. We pump them out for active skirmishes. First, we pump over the "repair" for everyone, the commander - the "sixth sense". Then choose different skills, adjusting them to your performance characteristics.

The commander - an "eagle eye" or "jack of all trades", the loader - "contactless ammunition", the radio operator - "radio interception", the driver - "cleanliness and order". In conclusion - "fighting brotherhood".

Tactical advice

"Kote" is a classic German "heavy". The tank can both shoot from a distance and tank.

Remember the rule: if you choose to flank at the start, there is no turning back. Don't be a hero alone. Look for enemy heavy tanks by joining allies.

The Tiger II shows its maximum effectiveness in skirmishes with fat opponents. He wants big game!

Your scourge is artillery. Even if a soft tank destroyer is next to you, you will still fall. Don't glow at first, get into close fire contact first. Hold on to a high obstacle or snuggle up to the enemy.

Without fail, "rhombus". And in no case do not expose the rear to the enemy - an explosion of ammunition will immediately occur.

Use your big mass to ram if there are no more arguments left. Butt, immobilize the opponent.

This machine is one big "critical collector". In a firefight, modules will be applied to you in any case. What to do? “Belts” and special equipment help to partially solve the problem.


1. Excellent communication.

2. Good review.

3. Penetrating, accurate gun.

4. A large supply of hit points.

5. Ricochet armor.


1. Motor lights up frequently.

2. Not enough armor.

3. Exploding ammunition.

4. Crippling modules.

The Tiger II tank in World of Tanks is an explosive vehicle in every way. It is necessary to play the "Kote" carefully, as with an antique vase.

But, if you adapt to it, the tank will start to terrify everyone. I definitely recommend trying it. Good tanks get better with time, just like good wine! Good luck to all!

5 years and 10 months ago Comments: 0

A bit of history.

“Armor and mobility are not all the combat properties of a tank. Its most important property is its fire.” G. Guderian. Based on the design of 88mm anti-aircraft guns, German designers created a tank gun with which the Tigr tank was armed, and an even more powerful 88mm gun developed on its basis was armed with Ferdinand and Tiger II tank destroyers.


Our performance characteristics.
1 - Chassis slew rate 26 degrees per second.
2 - Turning speed 25 degrees per second.
3 - Maximum speed 28 km/h (the lowest rate in the level).
4 - Aiming time 2.3 seconds.
Vision with 100% crew is 400 meters. A very accurate gun that can confidently hit targets when fired, has a spread of 0.34 meters for every 100 meters. The armor penetration of the AP shell is on average 225mm, which allows us to hit such armored targets as the E-75. One-time damage is 320 units.


The upper frontal part has an armor thickness of 150mm. Positioned at a 50 degree angle, it can withstand hits from most guns up to level 9.

The hull armor is 80mm, which makes it possible to sideboard and partially protects against penetration.

The frontal armor of the turret is 185mm and the angles of the side plates are rational.
The sides of the tower are much worse protected than its forehead.

Here is his detailed booking scheme:

Pros and cons.

1 - Armor penetration.
2 – Aiming time.
3 - Accuracy.
4 - Booking.
5 - Number of HIT POINTS.
6 - Overview.

1 - High silhouette.
2 - Insufficient elevation angles.
3 - Front transmission.
4 - Lightly armored NLD.
5 - High fire hazard.
6- Low mobility.

Combat tactics.

Urban area:
Like all TTs, the royal Tiger feels most confident in urban conditions, it is enough to take a position that will hide your vulnerable lower part, this can be an embankment, vehicles, tank embrasures, etc. The Royal Tiger is not bad at skirmishes from around the corner if you go to the enemy at the right angle.

Additional modules:

gun rammer- Reduces reload time by 10%
Vertical stabilizer– reduces dispersion of the gun when turning the turret by 20%
coated optics- Increases view range by 10%
Also, instead of Enlightened optics, you can put improved ventilation- Increases the skills of all crew members by 5%

Crew leveling (Perks).

1 - Sixth sense or Jack of all trades - allows the commander to determine if his tank has been detected by the enemy or not \ replaces disabled crew members.

1 - Sniper - increases the chance of inflicting critical damage on modules and the crew of an enemy tank.
2 - Repair - reduces the time required when repairing modules.
3 - Combat Brotherhood - increases all crew skills by 5%.
4 - Smooth turret rotation - reduces the dispersion of the turret when it is rotated.

Driver mechanic:
1 - King of off-road \ Virtuoso - reduces the resistance of medium and soft soils, increases maneuverability and reduces the time for the tank to accelerate to maximum speed.
2 - Repair - reduces the time required when repairing modules.
3 - Combat Brotherhood - increases all crew skills by 5%.
Further is at your discretion.

Radio operator:
1 - Radio Intercept - Increases viewing range.
2 - Repair - reduces the time required when repairing modules.
3 - Combat Brotherhood - increases all crew skills by 5%.
Further is at your discretion.

Loader #1:
1 - Desperate - accelerates the reloading of the gun if the tank has less than 10% durability.

3 - Combat Brotherhood - increases all crew skills by 5%.
4 - Intuition - Creates a chance that the loader will instantly change the type of projectile in a loaded gun or during reloading.

Loader #2:
1 - Non-contact ammo rack - increases the durability of the ammo rack.
2 - Repair - reduces the time required to repair modules.
3 - Combat Brotherhood - increases all crew skills by 5%.
Further is at your discretion.


First aid kit (small or large)- the driver is criticized very often.
Repair kit (small or large)- the engine crashes very often.
Fire extinguisher (manual or automatic)- the engine often breaks out, I advise you to carry an automatic one with you.


30 armor-piercing x - the main type of shells for attacking enemy tanks.
10 cumulative- an excellent projectile in the fight against heavily armored TTs or tank destroyers.
2 - ideal for destroying lightly armored vehicles of the enemy.

Let's summarize:

Rush- for this it is well suited, its reloading, its penetration, accuracy and most importantly armor, allowing you to successfully do this.
Def- for this, he is ideally suited for this, he has everything, reloading, armor, they hid their NLD behind a dune, a corpse, fill, etc. or tanking, rolling back from the houses and shooting the enemy, I think they can hold back the direction until the allied forces approach.

As a result, we have a good TT 8 lvl with an accurate gun, good armor penetration and excellent armor.

Thanks to all! Good luck on the battlefield!

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