Tragedy in the family of Andrei Razin…. Doctors explained the possible causes of death of the son of Andrei Razin What happened to the son of Andrei Razin Alexander

The other day, on March 10, 2017, it became known about the death of the founder's son " Tender May» Andrey Razin. In his microblog, the father shared the sad news with subscribers. The cause of death of a 16-year-old teenager became known - a heart attack. At the time of the tragedy, a doctor from Science Center neurology passed nearby. Alexey Kashcheev tried to "start" the heart of Alexander Razin 2 times, but later the guy died. At the time, the doctor didn't know who he was trying to save.

The son of Andrei Razin died on the street, the cause of death is known.

New details of the cause of death of Andrei Razin's son have become known. A doctor from the Moscow center of neurology was not far from the scene of the tragedy. He tried to resuscitate the boy, and twice he managed to restore the heart rhythm. He handed over the 16-year-old teenager to the ambulance team, but then learned that the young man had died. It is also noteworthy that Alexei Kashcheev did not know that this was the son of Andrei Razin. In addition, the doctor gave recommendations for people who witnessed a similar situation. The doctor published the tips on his personal page of the social network.

Friends, acquaintances, relatives and relatives do not believe in what happened, that the son of Andrei Razin died. Why did the founder's heir die? Tender May' is already known. Cause of death young man- heart attack. Friends do not believe in what happened, because Alexander loved sports, was fond of art, was going to enter Moscow State University. Despite the fact that the parents: Andrey and Faina Razin separated. The father helped in every possible way in the upbringing of his son.

A terrible tragedy occurred in the family of a well-known producer and businessman, the creator of the group "Tender May" Andrey Razin

On the evening of March 10th. As it became known to MK, the teenager, who just turned 16 on January 20, died of a heart attack.

The misfortune happened at about 21.00. The young man walked around the center of the capital with his girlfriend. On the bridge that leads to Bolotnaya Square, he suddenly felt unwell and fell. An ambulance was called by a passerby. The guy was urgently hospitalized in the 1st Gradsky hospital. The mysterious girlfriend did not go with him.

The carriage rushed to the hospital in just four minutes. However, when resuscitators began to fight for Sasha's life, his heart had already stopped. According to the preliminary version of the doctors, the young man died of a heart attack. What exactly caused it is still unknown. As told concert director Andrey Razin Dmitry Kaiser, on Monday, doctors plan to do an autopsy, the results of which will be announced later.

According to relatives, Sasha had no health problems. He studied at a Moscow school with in-depth study in English, planned to enter Moscow State University, from childhood he was fond of swimming and wrestling. Relatives also said that Alexander regularly attended church, and two years ago he discovered the talent of an artist in himself and painted two paintings.

Judging by the photos on social networks, the son of the creator of Tender May had another passion: motorcycles and cars. The pictures show the young man next to a two-wheeled "iron horse" and driving an expensive foreign car. True, one oddity is connected with this hobby of Alexander. A driver's license was found in the purse of Razin Jr. There was a photo of Alexander on the document, but the owner was recorded as "Razen Alexander Andreevich, born in 1996." In the same wallet, the doctors found another document - a social card of a Muscovite, but in the name of Alexander Andreevich Razin, born in 2001. It turns out that the teenager forged a certificate, but whether he used it or not is a big question.

Among Andrei Razin's acquaintances, there were also those who saw mystical overtones in the death of a teenager. So, the former passion of the producer is outrageous socialite Karina Barbie - stated that due to Razin's unwillingness to revive "Tender May" since 2012, nine people from his inner circle have died. In her opinion, the sudden departure from the life of her son is another wake-up call and something like a warning.


Producer Andrei Razin survived a terrible tragedy: on March 10, 2017, his son Alexander passed away.

The 16-year-old boy died suddenly while walking on the street in the center of Moscow. The guy suddenly became ill when he was walking with his girlfriend. A friend urgently called an ambulance, but the doctors could no longer help - Sasha died of cardiac arrest.

Andrey Razin lost his son, how did Sasha Razin die: cause of death: how did he die?

The last minutes of Alexander's life were recorded by a street surveillance camera. The young man became ill on March 10 at about 21:00 Moscow time on Bolotnaya Square, where he was walking with a girl.

Razin walked, staggering a little. The couple managed to cross the road, after which the guy fell ...

Among those who rushed to help was the doctor of the Scientific Center of Neurology Alexei Kashcheev. According to him, before the arrival of the ambulance, he managed to restore the heart rhythm twice, but he broke down.

The son of the producer of "Tender May" was taken to the hospital in a state of clinical death. The youth could not be saved. Alexander Razin was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery on March 14.

The examination revealed a severe pathology in the young man. It turned out that he had a heart defect since childhood, but the disease was asymptomatic.

Andrey Razin lost his son, how Sasha Razin died: cause of death

On January 20, Sasha turned 16 years old: the heir to the producer of "Tender May" grew up as an active guy - he rode motorcycles, went to parties, loved to swim. It seemed that nothing foreshadowed this trouble ...

Since the death of the son of the producer of "Tender May", all kinds of versions have been checked: the doctors tried to understand what caused the death of the young guy, and finally, the doctors delivered a verdict.

On his Instagram page, Andrey Razin announced the conclusion of doctors: his son died due to complications after SARS.

The showman published a certificate issued by doctors at the clinic: the doctors diagnosed the boy, but, nevertheless, they discharged him and allowed him to attend classes. Apparently, the disease gave complications to the heart, and because of this, Sasha died.

This disease led to acute myocarditis (instantaneous cardiac arrest) and caused the death of my son, the heartbroken father laconically commented on the certificate.

The diagnosis of doctors was a complete surprise for the producer of "Tender May" ...

Andrey Razin lost his son, how Sasha Razin died: about the family

Sasha's mother is the third wife of producer Maritan, she is not a public person and does not comment. The personal life of Andrei Razin is confused and shrouded in darkness: the showman does not like to talk about her.

Sasha Maritana gave birth when Razin was married to his second wife Faina. The producer saw a spectacular blonde on the embankment in Sochi and could not resist.

Then Andrei divorced Faina and married Maritana (their son Sasha was already six years old then). And then he divorced Maritana and remarried Faina, who eventually became his second and at the same time fourth wife. This is Santa Barbara.

Sasha lived in turn with his father, then with his mother. Andrei adored his son and was always very close to him.

Andrei Razin lost his son, how Sasha Razin died: life after the death of his son

In July of the same year, the producer baptized the baby, named after his deceased heir. Andrey Razin spoke about important event in life.

The friends of the orphaned man asked him to become a godparent little boy named Sasha.

In the life of the producer of "Tender May" Andrey Razin, perhaps the first joyful event happened after the tragedy that happened in March of that year.

Andrey Razin again found his son Sasha. The musician became godfather your friends baby. Young parents named their child in honor of the deceased son Andrei Razin.

The producer spoke about the wonderful event in his microblog, posting touching pictures taken in the temple during the sacrament. On them, Andrei Razin, with tenderness and trepidation, holds little Sashenka in his arms.

Fans of the creator of the Laskovy May group immediately began to congratulate him on this event, expressing confidence that there was no better godfather than Andrei Razin. "Andrey, this is wonderful! Godfather of Sashenka's son!”, “It's very nice. Now you have a godfather son, Sashenka. God bless the baby”, “Congratulations, Andrei, now you have another person to take care of,” such comments are left in Razin’s microblog by his subscribers.

She thanked the producer for agreeing to become the godfather of her son and the mother of the baby. “My son Sasha is very lucky that he has such a godfather! Thank you, our dear Andrey Alexandrovich! Love you!" — wrote the woman in the comments.

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To bury the parents of their children is the most terrible grief. It is difficult to find words of comfort for a father who weeps over his son's coffin. Son, whom he considered an angel ...


The tragedy in the family of the producer, musician and founder of the group "Tender May" broke out on a sunny March day. 16-year-old Sasha Razin was walking with his girlfriend - they talked about their studies, plans for the summer, upcoming concerts. Suddenly, the guy became ill. The girlfriend was not taken aback, called an ambulance. Doctors arrived quickly, took the young man to the hospital, where they tried to save his life for two hours. Alas, unsuccessfully - they say the teenager had a heart attack.

Fans of Andrei Razina learned about the drama from his companion, singer Natalia Grozovskaya. “Friends, we are in grief .. Andrey Razin’s son died .. Sasha Razin .. Please pray for the repose of his soul ...", she wrote on her page in social network. confirmed this sad news and Andrei Razin himself. " Last picture with my son. Kingdom of heaven Sashulya," he signed the picture, in which, together with Sasha, he stands near a beautiful car.

Cars were one of the passions of Razin's son. Like all teenagers, he adored them - he knew the brands, understood the device. On his page on the social network, there are a lot of shots with cars. And he himself drove around Moscow on a motorcycle - a gift from his father, rested on the sea, went to clubs with friends ...

But, obviously, Sasha was not a major, he grew up a modest guy. He spent little time on the Internet, preferring real life and real people. Just look at the pages that were bookmarked by Alexander on the social network to find out about his interests - "My Moscow", "Kinomaniya", "European football", "Club music", "Christianity", "Sport is life" …

Razin in younger son doted on the soul. In 2009, Andrey moved his son from the capital to Sochi - away from swine flu, the threat of which was then repeated. In the city by the sea, the boy went to the third grade. But then, when the threat of the epidemic had passed, his father moved Sasha back to Moscow.

On the page of the ex-soloist of the group "Tender May" most of pictures - with Sasha. Although he is not only child ex-soloist of "Tender May". Andrei was proud of his youngest, rejoiced at his successes, talked about his victories. Here is a frame where the son became a guest of the fashion show "Thirteen Angry Spectators", but the son hugs him...

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