Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice recipe at home. How to make pumpkin juice? Which pumpkin is better to choose for juicing

The juicer usually gives the product already with pulp. If you want it thicker, wipe what is left in it through a sieve or grind with a blender into a puree and add to the juice.

And now directly to the recipes.

Mix the resulting juices in a saucepan. Add pumpkin pulp if desired. Pour in sugar.

Stirring thoroughly, heat over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Pour into sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and let cool.

Store in a cool place (cellar, balcony or garage is best, just make sure that the banks do not burst in cold weather). Store open jars strictly in the refrigerator!

Mix pumpkin juice with sugar and bring to a boil, stirring. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved.

Add orange juice and citric acid, mix everything thoroughly again.

Sterilize the jars and pour the mixture. Roll up, turn over and wait to cool.

Remove for storage.

Heat until the first bubbles appear, that is, almost to a boil.

Remove from heat, add honey and, while hot, stir until dissolved.

Pour into prepared jars, roll up. Let the jars cool upside down.

Remove to a cool place.

Put in a juicer, cover with sugar.

Fill the lower container with water and put on fire.

Substitute a sterilized jar under the tap. When it is full, roll it up with a sterilized lid.

Turn the jar over and leave it alone until it cools.

After that, store in a cool place.

Peel the pumpkin, chop and put in a juicer. Sprinkle with sugar.

Fill the container with water, put the juicer on the fire.

Place a saucepan to collect juice. When it stops going, put the pan on the fire, pour in the carrot juice and bring to a boil. Mix.

Remove from heat, pour into prepared jars and roll up.

Turn the jars over, after cooling, remove and store.

Pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer, in a juicer - Popular about health

What to do if the pumpkin on the plot was born with envy (or it is sold very cheaply on the market closer to autumn), and you have already eaten pumpkin pie and porridge? Throw away the leftovers

Pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer


Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.

  • 43 kcal
  • 20 minutes.

Cooking process

No wonder the pumpkin is called the queen of the garden, oh no wonder! So many delicious, fragrant and beautiful dishes can be prepared from pumpkin! And add to porridge, and to meat, and to vegetable stew, and to desserts. A versatile product and quite affordable, which is important. And how useful! It contains beta-carotene, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and iron. And the calorie content of pumpkin is only 22 kcal per 100 g. In general, pumpkin is a welcome guest on the table! Pumpkin is well stored in a dry, ventilated basement or underground, but you can also prepare it for the winter.

Today I want to invite you to prepare pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer. Pumpkin pulp is quite dense, and squeezing juice out of it without a juicer is quite difficult. But if you have this wonderful assistant - a juicer, then making juice is not difficult.

So, to prepare pumpkin juice through a juicer for the winter, we need: the actual beautiful pumpkin, sugar or honey and lemon juice.

Wash the pumpkin, cut it in half, remove the seeds with a spoon. Peel the skin and cut the pumpkin into small cubes. The net weight of the peeled pumpkin is 1.7 kg.

Run the pumpkin slices through a juicer.

Do not throw away the squeezes - you can make a wonderful compote from them or use them for baking or casseroles. If you do not plan to use the squeezes right away, you can freeze them in a bag.

Today I cooked half a serving, 900 g of pumpkin made 550 ml of juice.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, pour in 1 liter of water, add the juice of half a lemon (about 2 tablespoons) and sugar. If you use honey, add a little, adjusting the taste, about 2-3 tbsp.

Bring the juice on the stove almost to a boil and pour into pre-sterilized jars. Wrap tightly and leave to cool. Pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer is ready! Color, taste, aroma - all this will delight you and your family when you treat yourself to this wonderful drink in winter!

Pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer

A proven recipe for making pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer, step by step with photos.

Pumpkin juice for the winter at home

In winter, I really want something summery and useful, in order to please myself and not offend the body. Pumpkin dishes prepared since autumn are very useful for immunity. Preparing pumpkin juice for the winter at home is quite simple and easy, and if you dream up a little, then a healthy drink will acquire a more expressive taste and aroma.

Pumpkin juice for the winter at home - a simple recipe

To prepare a rich drink, young pumpkins weighing no more than 7 kg are selected. Such a vegetable contains more useful substances - carotene and fructose, so the juice will turn out to be quite sweet.

Prepare pumpkin drink as follows:

  • The fruit is peeled and divided into sticks about 3 cm long.
  • They are poured into a saucepan, pour water to the surface of the pumpkin pieces.
  • Bring to a boil and boil for 5-6 minutes.
  • Cool, then rub through a strainer.
  • The mass is sent back to the pan, sugar is mixed in (about half a glass for 2 liters of juice), and the fire is turned on.
  • When it boils, turn off the gas, and the drink is poured into sterile jars.

To make the juice thicker and more saturated, pulp, freed from seeds, is added to the bars.

How to cook with a juicer?

The drink is prepared quickly and easily with the help of special equipment.

It is done in two ways:

  • Without pasteurization

The pumpkin is cleaned, divided into pieces, passed through a juicer. Then mixed with granulated sugar (approximately a glass for 2 liters of liquid) and heated to 90 ° C. Cook without boiling for 5-6 minutes. Then the stove is turned off, and the liquid is poured into jars and sealed.

Similarly to the previous method, the juice is squeezed out, brought to a boil and distributed in sterile half-liter jars. Containers with juice are pasteurized for about 10 minutes at 90°C, and then rolled up.

Delicious pumpkin juice with orange

For a pumpkin-citrus drink you will need:

  • medium pumpkin;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 3 oranges;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • water.

How to cook:

  1. Peel pumpkin, cut into pieces, transfer to a saucepan.
  2. Pour water up to the top edge of the pieces, put on fire.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes, cool.
  4. Rub the pumpkin pieces through a strainer.
  5. Remove back to saucepan.
  6. Mix in sugar and acid.
  7. Squeeze juice from citrus fruits, pour into the rest of the ingredients.
  8. You don’t need to cook the mass, just wait for it to boil, and then pour it into jars.

Making pumpkin juice by hand

The manual cooking process is as follows:

  1. Peel off the pumpkin and remove the seeds.
  2. Divide into sticks, grind on a fine grater.
  3. Pour in water, bring to a boil and cook until the vegetable is soft. To give a citrus aroma and taste, crushed citrus zest or juice is mixed in.
  4. Grind with a blender, stir in sugar (to taste), add water if necessary (if the mixture is thick) and send to the stove.
  5. Wait until it boils and then cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Distribute in sterile containers and seal.

Recipe "through a meat grinder"

A meat grinder is also used to prepare the drink.

You will need:

  • pumpkin;
  • sugar - half a glass per liter of drink;
  • citric acid or juice;
  • water.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut into small slices.
  2. Scroll through a meat grinder using a large grate.
  3. Fold the gauze in 4 layers, put the mass into it, assemble it in a knot and send it to a colander installed on the pan.
  4. Putting oppression on top, wait until the juice flows out.
  5. Drain the liquid into a clean saucepan, add granulated sugar and citric acid.
  6. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Keep in this state for about 10 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  7. Pour into sterilized jars, seal tightly and cover until completely cool.

From the remaining cake, you can make the juice of the second pressing. To do this, it is poured with water (0.1 l per 1 kg of cake), brought to a boil, squeezed. It is not worth mixing with real juice, but you can make a drink by adding sugar and lemon juice, or jelly.

Apple-pumpkin juice through a juicer and without it

For the preparation of the drink, it is advisable to choose green varieties of apples. The main thing is that they are not overripe. Per kilogram of the main product, they take the same amount of fruit and a glass with a slide of sugar. To give a citrus aroma and an interesting taste note, add chopped lemon zest (you can grate it on a fine grater).

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into pieces, squeeze the juice.
  2. Do the same for apple juice.
  3. Mix all components in one container, put on gas and bring to 90 ° C.
  4. Making sure that the liquid does not boil, keep it on fire for about 5 minutes, then turn off the gas.
  5. A little darken the finished drink on a still hot stove, and then pour into jars and roll up.

With added citric acid

To prepare a sterilized drink, you will need the following ingredients:

  • peeled and sliced ​​pumpkin - 7 kg;
  • sugar - 6 glasses;
  • water - 4 l;
  • citric acid - a spoon.

How to cook:

  1. First, sugar syrup is made from sugar and water.
  2. Bake pumpkin slices in the oven until soft, then grind through a sieve.
  3. Mix with syrup, heat up to 80 ° C, distribute into sterile jars.
  4. Cover with lids and sterilize for 20 (0.5 l cans) or 30 minutes (1 l). Then roll up.

with sea buckthorn

For pumpkin-sea buckthorn drink you will need:

  • 2 kg pumpkin, peeled and cut into cubes;
  • a pound of washed and peeled sea buckthorn;
  • a glass of water and sugar.

How to cook:

  1. To make pumpkin juice, grind the vegetable on a grater, pass through a meat grinder or juicer. Only in the first two cases will it be necessary to squeeze the mass through gauze folded in several layers or a nylon stocking.
  2. Pour sea buckthorn with water and cook until it softens, then cool.
  3. Mash the berries without draining the water, squeeze the juice through several layers of gauze. The result should be about half a liter of liquid.
  4. Mix pumpkin and sea buckthorn liquid, stir in sugar.
  5. Boil the mass for a third of an hour after boiling.
  6. Distribute in jars and sterilize for 5 minutes, then roll up.

The drink prepared in this way is stored for about three years.

Pumpkin juice - benefits and harms

The beneficial properties of the drink are due to the presence in the vegetable of a large amount of vitamins, fiber and other useful substances. One and a half glasses of freshly squeezed juice can satisfy the body's daily need for potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and some vitamins. Fiber and pectin have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing the intestinal walls from accumulated toxins.

  • contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, accelerates cell renewal, strengthens bone tissue;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood clotting.

In addition, the vegetable is used to combat insomnia and as an antitumor agent.

It should be used with caution in irritable bowel syndrome and low acidity in the stomach.

Pumpkin juice for the winter at home

In winter, I really want something summery and useful, in order to please myself and not offend the body. Pumpkin dishes prepared since autumn are very useful for immunity. Preparing pumpkin juice for the winter at home is quite simple and easy, and if you dream up a little, then a healthy drink will get more

How to make pumpkin juice in a juicer?

  • pumpkin
  • juicer
  • cranberry

Pumpkin juice is very useful for human immunity. It is replete with beneficial substances that help in healing and promoting health. Pumpkin also contains a very rare vitamin K. This vitamin helps the body in blood clotting. Another important and useful function is the prevention and treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, the “yellow giant” is so rich in pectin and fiber. In addition, it is good for the eyes. Until now, in Mexico, the birthplace of pumpkin, seeds and its juice are considered medicinal. Of course, to be honest, the pure juice of this yellow vegetable is not entirely pleasant, but I interrupt such a trifle for all its useful qualities.

So how do you make pumpkin juice? There are a couple of methods for this. One is "grandmother's", the other is more modern. Let's start with the first one. To do this, of course, you will have to purchase the largest, most beautiful and fragrant "yellow giant". It needs to be washed properly. Like any vegetables and fruits, it is better to wash with soap, preferably household soap. Next, you need to cut it and clean out all the tripe with seeds. Now cut the pumpkin into small pieces, peeling. All this should be put in a saucepan and pour not a lot of water. Put on a slow fire. The wait is about forty-five minutes. After immediately you need to squeeze the juice. That's basically it. Not the fastest, but time-tested effective way.

Now it's worth learning how to make pumpkin juice in a juicer. This method is even easier than the previous one. You should also buy a pumpkin. Wash her. Open. Get rid of the insides. Cut into small peeled pieces. And, with the help of a juicer, get this healthy nectar. True, there is one little trick. If such juice is left as is, it will deteriorate very quickly. In order to avoid this, you should cook it a little. That's it. Can be drunk chilled.

The unpleasant taste of such a drink has already been mentioned above, at least most people do not really like it. But since it is very useful, you can resort to another trick. So how do you make pumpkin juice that tastes good? The answer is simple. Other vegetables and fruits should be mixed with this drink. For example, a wonderful recipe with cranberries. Everything is very simple. You need to squeeze pumpkin juice in a juicer, then mix it with squeezed cranberry juice. Add honey. If honey is not available, sugar can be dispensed with. Cool the drink and drink. The main thing to remember is that unboiled pumpkin juice is not stored for a long time, so it should be consumed almost immediately. Here the cranberry is taken only as an example. In fact, you can use the juice to your heart's content. And fruit, and berry, and vegetable. Any on a whim.

And how to make pumpkin juice for the winter? Yes, it's also very simple. Without much effort, you can provide the whole family with first-class vitamins for the winter and forget about diseases. It is stored for a long time, both in the refrigerator and in jars for pickles. First you need to cut the pulp of the pumpkin, rub it on a grater. At this time, sugar syrup was being prepared. And pour over the pumpkin, still bubbling from boiling syrup. Put on low heat, stir for twenty minutes. After the resulting mixture must be cooled. Next, using a blender, grind the pumpkin completely. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to this. Again, everything should be put on fire and wait for the boil. Then, stirring, all this is cooked for another ten minutes. The resulting juice can only be poured into sterilized jars and safely rolled up.

Also, such winter juices can be made in combination not only with lemon, but also with orange, apples, carrots and dried apricots. True, not everyone should abuse pumpkin juice. In those people who are prone to such an ailment as diarrhea, the stomach has low acidity, with irritable bowel syndrome and other disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, complications may occur. For them, it is better not to eat pumpkin for now. At least until the body returns to normal. There are also people who are allergic to carotene or have some kind of intolerance to the product that the “yellow giant” contains. If a person tries a pumpkin for the first time in his life, let it be just a little bit. And in the future, if the body is satisfied, then you can lean on this product.

So we sorted out such a question as how to make pumpkin juice. There is nothing more than natural. It is clear that with a juicer things will go faster. And it is clear that pumpkin juice is best mixed with one more. Still, what a healthy vegetable the Mexicans provided. So many positive properties for the body and, in particular, for digestion, that you are amazed. It is a pity, of course, that pumpkin juice is not very popular in Russia. And many are deprived of the opportunity to try it anywhere. But perhaps someone decided to take care of their health and started it with a pumpkin.

How to make pumpkin juice in a juicer?

How to make pumpkin juice in a juicer? pumpkin juicer cranberry honey Pumpkin juice is very useful for human immunity. It is rich in nutrients

Juice Recipes

pumpkin juice

3 l

35 minutes

38 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Wonderful, healing pumpkin juice without any harmful additives and flavorings can be prepared ahead of time for the winter, and then have fun, remembering the orange summer. Next, I will tell you how to cook pumpkin juice, I will reveal the secrets of simple recipes for delicious juice.

Pumpkin juice: useful properties and contraindications

Pumpkin juice contains a huge amount of minerals, trace elements and rare vitamins, including T, D and K. This juice contains potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Pectin, which is contained in excess in it, normalizes metabolism and works as an antioxidant. Polysaccharide helps cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances, improves blood circulation. This orange miracle contains a record amount of carotene - 5 times more than a carrot.

We can confidently say that pumpkin juice has a beneficial effect on the work of all our organs and systems. It has a calming effect and promotes wound healing. In addition, this low-calorie product is a good helper for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

How to drink pumpkin juice? Fresh pumpkin juice is made using a juicer or grated and squeezed through cheesecloth. Drink freshly squeezed pumpkin juice preferably on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, 100-150 ml at a time. Thus, you get a powerful vitamin charge of vivacity and good health. For a full health effect, as well as weight loss, you need to take the juice three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes. If you have insomnia, take a glass of juice with a teaspoon of honey. It acts like a pleasant and mild sleeping pill.

  • with ulcers and gastritis;
  • with diabetes in severe forms;
  • with low acidity and disorders of the duodenum.

How to make pumpkin juice at home - recipe

Kitchen appliances and utensils:

  • 3-liter saucepan;
  • submersible blender (juicer or sieve);
  • ladle;
  • cans for finished juice;
  • iron covers;
  • jar wrench.

Main products:

Choice of Ingredients

The best varieties of pumpkin for juice - "Butternut" or "Muscat". This pumpkin is very fragrant, juicy, the flesh is bright orange, due to the high content of beta-carotene. It looks like a large yellow-orange pear and is often found in the market. Also juicy and sweet pulp of pumpkin variety "Kherson". These are flat fruits with a gray skin with light gray stripes and spots. Good for juice will be the pumpkin variety "Altair". It is also juicy and sweet, with yellow flesh. The fruit of such a pumpkin is flat, the peel is gray.

The brighter the flesh, the better - such a pumpkin has more vitamin A. Choose a pumpkin that is not too large (up to 3 kg). A mature pumpkin weighs more than it seems at first glance. Her tail should fall off by itself when the fruit ripens completely. If it is cut, it means that the vegetable was picked while still unripe. There should be no damage to the skin of the pumpkin. It is better to buy a whole pumpkin, because the cut one can be rotten, and the rotten part was simply cut out.

Step by step recipe for pumpkin juice without additives

  1. Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds and cut into large cubes.

  2. Pour 2 liters of cold water into the pan and send the prepared pumpkin there. Put the pot on the fire and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Pierce the pumpkin with a knife. If it gently enters the pulp, then the pumpkin is ready.

  3. Pass the finished pumpkin through a juicer or turn it into a puree with a blender or grind through a sieve.

  4. Pour the resulting mass back into the pan, add sugar and citric acid. Stir. If you find the juice too thick, add a little more water.

  5. Put the pot back on the heat and bring to a boil. Remove foam. As soon as the foam stops appearing, then the juice is ready.

  6. Pour hot juice into sterilized jars and roll up with a metal lid. Turn the jar over and place on the lid. Wrap with a kitchen towel overnight. The cooled juice is ready to drink. Store juice jars in a cool place. Drink to your health.

Pumpkin juice video recipe without additives

This video is a good and simple pumpkin juice recipe.

Pumpkin juice without additives. The best recipe.

This is just an awesome recipe, the juice is very, very tasty.
Please your loved ones and loved ones.
Bon appetit!
Pumpkin - 3 kg (weight of peeled pumpkin)
Sugar - 0.5 kg
Water - 2 liters
Citric acid - 10 gr (2 teaspoons)

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Recipe for pumpkin juice with orange for the winter

This juice is prepared very quickly and simply. Lemon and oranges will give it a piquant sourness and a pleasant citrus flavor.

  • Time for preparing: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 liters of juice.

Main products:

  • 3 kg of pumpkin;
  • 3 oranges;
  • 450 grams of sugar;
  • 3/4 lemon.

Step by step recipe

  1. Just like in the first recipe, the pumpkin must be cut into pieces, poured with water and put on fire. The water should completely cover the pumpkin. Bring to a boil and cook until pumpkin is soft.

  2. Squeeze out the juice of lemon and oranges. Make sure there are no seeds in the juice.

  3. Grind the boiled pumpkin directly in the pan with an immersion blender. You should get smooth juice.

  4. Add orange and lemon juice and sugar to the pan. Stir to dissolve the sugar and taste the juice. If it's not sweet enough, adjust the taste.

  5. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook after boiling for another 10 minutes, stirring the juice occasionally.

  6. While the juice is boiling, sterilize the jars. This can also be done with a microwave. Pour some water into the bottom of the jar and turn it on at full power for a couple of minutes. Boil the lids in boiling water.

  7. When the juice boils for 10 minutes, remove the foam, if any. Now the juice can be poured into jars. Pour hot juice into a jar, close the lid and roll up with a special key. From this amount of products, you should get 6 liter jars of juice. Turn jars upside down and wrap well.

  8. Leave them to cool completely. When the jars are completely cool, transfer them to the place where you usually store the preservation. And in winter you will have tasty and healthy juice for your family.

Orange Pumpkin Juice Video Recipe

Here you can watch an interesting video recipe of our juice.

Pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter (no juicer) | Pumpkin Recipes

Canning pumpkin juice for the winter with an orange at home. No juicer!!! Pumpkin preparation.
Pumpkin juice is very tasty and healthy. By canning homemade juice, you provide your family with additional vitamins in winter.
Especially if you have a lot of pumpkins and you do not know what to cook from pumpkin? Be sure to watch my video recipe and you will learn how to make pumpkin juice!
The recipe is very simple, especially since everything is step by step in my recipe. So even a beginner can handle it 🙂 Any questions? Ask in the comments!
SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS on my channel and you will understand that cooking is easy:
We will need:
Based on 1 kg of pumpkin:
Pumpkin - 1kg
Orange - 1pc
Sugar - 150g
Lemon - 1/4pc
Weigh your pumpkin (already peeled) and increase the amount of food as many times as you have a kilogram of pumpkin.
We clean the pumpkin, cut it into pieces and fill it with water to completely cover it. When our pumpkin is cooked and soft, we grind it with an immersion blender. Next, add orange juice, lemon juice and sugar. Cook for 10 minutes and roll up.
Cook with pleasure!!!
Bon appetit!!!

#pumpkin #juice #blanksfor winter #preservation
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Pumpkin juice recipe with dried apricots

Video recipe for pumpkin juice with dried apricots

Juice is taken before meals as a tasty and curative remedy for the prevention of various diseases. Those who want to lose weight can drink orange juice on fasting days 1-2 times a week. But if you are absolutely healthy and just love pumpkin juice, then you can drink it as a snack, for example, with pastries.

cooking options

Pumpkin juice in the season is very useful to drink fresh, and in the winter to open jars with canned elixir. Of course, the longer you boil the juice, the less useful nutrients will remain in it. You can make the juice thicker or, by diluting it with water, bring it to the consistency that you like. It's a matter of taste.

There are also good juice recipes for the winter, for example, with apples and lemon zest.. For 1 kg of pumpkin, 1 kg of apples is taken. Juices need to be squeezed out with a juicer, mix them, add lemon zest and sugar to taste, bring to a temperature of 90 ° C. Keep on the stove for 5 minutes. Pour hot into sterilized jars and roll up. Pumpkin juice with carrots is prepared in the same way.. The amount of pumpkin and carrots is 1:1. Lemon juice or citric acid will be appropriate here. They also make juice for the winter from pumpkin, gooseberry (1:1) and honey. For 1 kg of pumpkin and 1 kg of gooseberries, you need 400 grams of honey. The principle of preparation is similar: squeeze the juices, mix them, add honey and sterilize in jars for 20 minutes.

Write if you liked the juices according to our recipes. Perhaps you have your own homemade pumpkin juice recipe for the winter. We are waiting for your letters with remarks, comments and new recipes.

What to do if the pumpkin on the plot was born with envy (or it is sold very cheaply on the market closer to autumn), and you have already eaten pumpkin pie and porridge? Throwing away the leftovers is a pity, and fresh vegetables do not last long. There are several ways out: freeze, process into puree or roll up in the form of juice.

We will talk about him. And to convince you to cook it, let's remember how pumpkin juice is useful.

The benefits and harms of pumpkin juice

“Pumpkin cleanses the body” is a popular and, rarely, true belief. It removes toxins, helps with poisoning and even with infection with radioactive elements. All thanks to pectin (also found in beets, carrots, citrus fruits, apples). It itself is practically not absorbed, but it absorbs everything harmful.

Even in the pumpkin there is a scattering of vitamins: A, B, E and a rare vitamin K useful for blood, as well as ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Pectin normalizes digestion, lowers cholesterol, improves bowel activity. Seemed to be a total benefit. But pumpkin juice can not be consumed by everyone, and even by healthy people - in quantities that do not go beyond healthy limits. Why?

Partly - just because of the effect on the intestines. With constipation, all pumpkin derivatives are your saviors, but with diarrhea and a tendency to it, it is better to abandon them altogether. Even from seeds. You also need to be attentive to people sensitive to carotene. If the body responds with an allergy to carrots, the pumpkin will have the same reaction.

For everyone else, whose body tolerates all the components of pumpkin well, we offer several options for preparing pumpkin juice for long-term storage.

Pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer

General principle: skip the pumpkin through a juicer and pasteurize. Then pour into sterilized jars and roll up. Without additives, such a blank is stored pretty decently, especially in a cold place, but with sugar and natural preservatives it will last even longer. It will last until winter for sure.

Banks are steam sterilized, lids are also sterilized, or they are dipped in boiling water for a few seconds.
The juicer usually gives the product already with pulp. If you want it thicker, wipe what is left in it through a sieve or grind with a blender into a puree and add to the juice.
And now directly to the recipes.

With lemon

For 1 kg of pumpkin, take 1 lemon and 250 g (large glass) of sugar. It can be taken more or less, depending on how much you like sweet.

Squeeze pumpkin and lemon. Most juicers have a citrus attachment.
Mix the resulting juices in a saucepan. Add pumpkin pulp if desired. Pour in sugar.
Stirring thoroughly, heat over low heat until the sugar dissolves.
Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
Pour into sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and let cool.
Store in a cool place (cellar, balcony or garage is best, just make sure that the banks do not burst in cold weather). Store open jars strictly in the refrigerator!

with orange

Sugar in this version will be less than in the previous one, and there will be more citrus fruits. For 1 kg of pumpkin you will need 3 oranges, 15 g of citric acid and 200 g of sugar (small glass).

Squeeze pumpkin and oranges.
Mix pumpkin juice with sugar and bring to a boil, stirring. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved.
Add orange juice and citric acid, mix everything thoroughly again.
Sterilize the jars and pour the mixture. Roll up, turn over and wait to cool.
Remove for storage.

With honey

Honey is an excellent preservative. Once upon a time, fruits and berries were harvested in honey. Vegetables are just as good!

For 1 kg of pumpkin, you will need to take 2 tbsp. l. honey. If it's too sweet, add citric acid to the tip of a knife.

Squeeze out pumpkin juice.
Heat until the first bubbles appear, that is, almost to a boil.
Remove from heat, add honey and, while hot, stir until dissolved.
Pour into prepared jars, roll up. Let the jars cool upside down.
Remove to a cool place.

Pumpkin juice in a juicer for the winter

In a juicer, juice is prepared using steam. Pumpkin, peeled and seeds and cut into small pieces, is placed in the upper container, water is poured into the lower container up to the mark. The juice cooker is put on fire, and the process has started. Water will evaporate, pass through the pumpkin and, together with everything tasty and healthy, flow down the spout or faucet directly into the desired container. The liquid at the outlet will not appear immediately, it will be necessary to let it boil.

You can add sugar (again, so that it does not spoil longer) and other fruits and vegetables directly into the juicer, which we will discuss in the recipe below. And under the faucet, you can immediately substitute sterilized jars, and roll them up as they fill.

Or collect the juice in a saucepan to heat it again, adding additional ingredients. More on this below as well.

with an apple

The proportions here will be similar to the method of cooking in a juicer: for 1 kg of pumpkin, 250 g of sugar. And also 1 kg of apples.

Peel the pumpkin and apples from the peel and seeds, cut into slices.
Put in a juicer, cover with sugar.
Fill the lower container with water and put on fire.
Substitute a sterilized jar under the tap. When it is full, roll it up with a sterilized lid.
Turn the jar over and leave it alone until it cools.
After that, store in a cool place.

with carrots

Carrots, like pumpkin, have a bright color. Carotene is responsible for it both there and there. Both vegetables are very useful, but the taste is different. Carrots are smaller, so for 1 kg of pumpkin we will take 2 carrots so as not to interrupt the typically pumpkin mild flavor. And sugar will need 200 g.

Squeeze out carrots.
Peel the pumpkin, chop and put in a juicer. Sprinkle with sugar.
Fill the container with water, put the juicer on the fire.
Place a saucepan to collect juice. When it stops going, put the pan on the fire, pour in the carrot juice and bring to a boil. Mix.
Remove from heat, pour into prepared jars and roll up.
Turn the jars over, after cooling, remove and store.

Preparations according to these recipes will retain many useful substances. Bon appetit!

Vegetable juices, due to the abundance of vitamins, deservedly occupy a place of honor on the Russian table. No worse than vegetables, they are able to enrich the diet with microelements and protect against a number of diseases, especially in the winter-spring period, when our immunity needs additional support. A huge amount of mineral and vitamin substances is also contained in pumpkin juice. Three hundred grams of a freshly squeezed product satisfies the body's daily need for magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, B, E, C.

Pumpkin juice - general principles and methods of preparation

Few people know that the homeland of the pumpkin is distant Mexico, from where it came to North America, and then spread to the countries of Eurasia. The local aborigines gladly ate the hearty pulp, and the seeds and juice were used for medicinal purposes. They knew perfectly well what healing power these pumpkin components conceal. And to this day, the "orange giant" rightfully bears the title of the best home doctor.

Pumpkin juice is a drink for immunity. It contains many useful substances that play a decisive role in maintaining the body's defenses. In addition, pumpkin juice is rich in the rarest vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting. However, the most important benefit of a healing drink is its effect on the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to fiber and pectin. As you know, dietary fiber is not absorbed in the intestines and is excreted unchanged, cleansing the intestinal walls from decay products and accumulated toxins.

The principle of making freshly squeezed pumpkin juice is very simple. In order to get a healthy product at home, you need to get a juicer - a simple device will allow you to separate the juice from the pulp in a matter of minutes. Juice should be squeezed at maximum speed. There is another option for making pumpkin juice, but more troublesome: the pulp is rubbed on a grater and squeezed with clean gauze, rolling it into several layers.

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice has a pleasant sweetish taste, but, unfortunately, not everyone likes it because of its specific shades. In this case, it is recommended to mix it with other types of juice - vegetable, fruit or berry. For example, you can add carrot or a few drops of lemon juice, sugar. As a result, the taste is softer and richer. Pumpkin juice can also be stocked up for the future, for the winter, if it is not possible to store a fresh vegetable at home.

Pumpkin juice - food preparation

To make the juice brighter, richer and sweeter, young fruits weighing up to 5-7 kg with bright orange pulp should be selected. This pumpkin has more carotene and natural fructose. We clean the vegetable from the skin, seeds, cut into pieces and squeeze the juice with a juicer. If other vegetables or fruits are involved in the process of preparing pumpkin juice, we will do the same with them. It is advisable not to store a freshly squeezed product for too long, but to drink it immediately.

Pumpkin Juice - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Classic pumpkin juice with cranberries

Cranberries, pumpkins and honey together make an amazing combination. Instead of cranberries, you can add any berry-vegetable-fruit juices, and also use one pumpkin. Why did we choose cranberries for the combination? Yes, because she is a real champion in the content of mineral and vitamin substances.


- two kg of cranberries
- two kg of pumpkin
- honey or sugar to taste

Cooking method:

We clean the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, squeeze the juice out of them (using a juicer). We also squeeze juice from cranberries. Mix, add honey or sugar to taste. It should be noted that the juice should be squeezed just before drinking. There is nothing complicated in this manipulation.

Pumpkin juice for the winter

Recipe 2: Pumpkin Juice for the Winter with Lemon

Its preparation does not require too much effort, but as a result, delicious pumpkin juice for the winter, which is also healthy, will always be at hand and will be able to provide the family with all the necessary substances in the winter cold, especially during the difficult period of epidemics. Such pumpkin juice can be stored for a long time both in the refrigerator and in sterilized jars.


- one kilogram of pumpkin (pulp)
- 250 gr. Sahara
- about 2 liters of water
- one lemon

Cooking method:

Grate the pumpkin pulp prepared in accordance with all the rules and pour it with sugar syrup (boiling). Stir and cook over very low heat for twelve to fifteen minutes. Then we remove the pan, its contents are cooled. Then grind the pumpkin with a sieve or blender and return to the pan. Immediately add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Bring the juice to a boil and boil for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Upon completion of cooking, pour it into sterilized jars and roll up.

To prepare juice from pumpkin with lemon juice, it is very important to choose the optimal dishes. An enamel pan without chips is best suited for these purposes. It is not allowed to cook sour dishes in aluminum utensils, since aluminum, in contact with an acidic environment under the influence of high temperature, turns into heavy toxic compounds that enter your body with the product.

Recipe 3: Pumpkin Juice for the Winter with Orange

The method of making juice is similar to the 2nd recipe, but has several differences. Firstly, we will triple the amount of citrus fruits, and secondly, we will add a little citric acid to the juice.


- one pumpkin (medium)
- 200 gr. Sahara
- 10-15 gr. citric acid
- three oranges
- water

Cooking method:

Fill the pumpkin cut into pieces with water so that it reaches the level of the pieces. Cook after boiling for only three to five minutes. Cool, rub the pumpkin through a sieve and return to the pan again. Add acid and sugar. Squeeze juice from oranges and send it there. Bring the juice to a boil and immediately turn it off. Then we pour into jars.

Recipe 4: Pumpkin Juice for the Winter with Apples

What apples do you prefer? Preferably, of course, green, because they are more useful than other varieties. If this is not possible, choose any, the main thing is that they are not overripe.


- one kilogram of pumpkin
- 250 gr. sugar (maybe a little less)
- one kilogram of apples
- lemon zest (one lemon)

Cooking method:

Using a juicer, squeeze the juice from apples and pumpkins. Mix them together in a basin or saucepan, add lemon zest, sugar. We bring the pumpkin-apple juice to 90 C and keep it at this temperature for about five minutes (no more). Next, let it sweat on the switched off stove and pour it into jars while still hot. Roll up at will.

Recipe 5: Pumpkin juice for the winter with carrots and dried apricots

We suggest trying another option for making pumpkin juice, in which we add a little carrot, as well as healthy dried apricots.

Ingredients: (per three kilograms of pumpkin)

- four carrots
- 500 gr. dried apricots
- 1.2 kg of sugar
- three liters of water
- 15 gr. citric acid

Cooking method:

Cut the pumpkin, peeled carrots and dried apricots into pieces. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and fill with water. From the moment of boiling, cook for about two hours. After that, we cool the solid contents of the pan, do not throw away the broth. We beat the pieces of pumpkin, carrots and dried apricots in a blender, transfer them to an empty pan, adding a glass of broth. Now we spread the sugar and acid, bring to a boil and cook until the sugar is completely dissociated.

Pumpkin juice - contraindications

Especially carefully, pumpkin juice should be consumed by people suffering from low acidity of the stomach, irritable bowel syndrome. With severe disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, pumpkin and its components should be completely excluded from the diet until all functions of the gastrointestinal tract are restored. In addition, a number of people develop an allergic reaction to carotene or an individual intolerance to some of the components contained in the pumpkin.

Good and sunny day to you, dear hostesses!

Today we will roll pumpkin juice for the winter. As always, we have only the most delicious and simple recipes!

Everyone knows that pumpkin juice is not only delicious, but also healthy.

Of course, the maximum benefit remains in it if you use it fresh, combining it with other vegetables.

But, when the harvest is large and we want to make preparations for the winter, we have to use heat treatment.

We have selected recipes for you with the least heat treatment and low temperatures in order to preserve the beneficial properties of this vegetable as much as possible during preservation.

Pumpkin juice for the winter you will lick your fingers

Easy and simple to do at home! A very quick and easy recipe.


  • Pumpkin - 2 kg
  • Water - 2 l
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l


We take a ripe pumpkin, peel it, remove the seeds from the core.

We cut into small sticks, which are convenient to put in a juicer.

We squeeze the juice. We will get about a liter of concentrate, which must be poured into a saucepan, adding water and sugar to it.

The consistency should be light and liquid.

Bring the contents of the pot to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.

The finished juice is poured into sterilized jars and corked.

We turn the jars upside down, wrap them with a blanket or a terry towel.

Let cool and store in pantry.

Pumpkin-carrot juice for the winter

Let's enhance the benefits of pumpkin with carrots! Great recipe, double benefit. Watch the video lesson:

Pumpkin juice with pulp at home

Rich flavor and easy to prepare!

The drink turns out to be thicker than without pulp, with a pronounced pumpkin aroma and taste.


  • Pumpkin - 1.5 kg
  • Water - 1700 ml
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l


Put the peeled and cut into pieces pumpkin in a saucepan and fill it with water.

Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until soft.

We check with a knife if the vegetable is cooked. If the pieces pierce easily, the pumpkin is cooked.

We interrupt the contents of the pan with an immersion blender.

If there is no blender, you can grind the pieces through a sieve.

At this stage, we evaluate the consistency, do you like it or would you like it to be thinner?

If it's too thick for you, then you can add a little more boiled water.

We introduce lemon juice. Pour pumpkin drink into sterile jars and roll up.

Turn on the lid, wrap and leave to cool.

After the contents have cooled, store in a dark, cool place.

Delicious and thick juice!

Pumpkin juice thick without additives

A good recipe for thick pumpkin juice.

Pumpkin and apple juice with orange and lemon is very tasty

Refreshing vitamin cocktail for winter, which will remind you of summer.


  • Pumpkin - 900g
  • Apples - 2100g
  • Orange - 2 pcs
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 200g
  • Water - 250 ml

At the exit you will get 2 - 2.5 liters of juice


Remove the skin from the pumpkin and cut it into medium cubes. Pour in water and set to cook on a slow fire, cook until soft.

While our vegetable is being cooked, grate the zest of two oranges and a lemon on a fine grater.

In order to remove the zest better, you need to pour boiling water over the fruit and dry it with a paper towel, and only then rub it.

Put the zest aside and squeeze the juice from the same citrus fruits completely.

Let's prepare the apples. To do this, wash them, cut them into 4 parts and remove the seed box.

Squeeze juice from apples through a juicer. Strain through two layers of cheesecloth to remove most of the pulp.

We remove it because we already have pumpkin pulp in our juice.

When our pumpkin is cooked and softened, pour the juice of oranges and lemon into the pan.

Add citrus zest. And we interrupt the entire contents of the saucepan with an immersion blender.

Add apple juice to pumpkin juice, add sugar.

If you have butternut squash that is sweet in itself, then you can not take sugar at all in this recipe and close it without it.

And only then adjust the taste of the drink by adding honey or sugar just before drinking.

Stir, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.

The finished drink is poured into sterile jars, corked. Let cool and store in a cool dark place.

Here it turns out so rich, beautiful summer color and very tasty!

Pumpkin juice for the winter five minutes

A method that will allow you to make juice very quickly, without unnecessary fuss, while retaining most of the vitamins.


  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l for each liter of juice


Take a ripe pumpkin, wash it well, cut off the skin.

Cut into small pieces and pass through a juicer.

You will get N-th amount of juice. Measure it and add sugar at the rate of 5 tbsp. l for each resulting liter of squeezed juice.

We put the juice on the fire, bring it to a temperature of 90 degrees and cook for 5 minutes.

Pour the finished drink into sterile jars and roll up.

Let cool by turning on the lid and wrapping. Juice is ready! We put it away for storage to drink on cold autumn days, when vitamins are so needed.

Oranges give plain pumpkin juice a rich citrus flavor!


  • Pumpkin - 2 kg
  • Oranges - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Water - 2.5 l


We cut the prepared and peeled pumpkin into cubes and fill it with water.

We will kill the finished pumpkin with a submersible blender in the same pan, without draining the water.

We get this pumpkin water. Add sugar to it and stir to dissolve.

Squeeze the juice from the oranges and pour it into the pan. Take also a few pieces of orange peel and also throw them into the pan.

Bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Then immediately pour into clean, sterile bottles and roll up.

We turn the bottles on the lid, cover them with a towel, leave to cool.

Pumpkin juice with orange flavor and a bright citrus note is ready!

Pumpkin juice without sugar pasteurized for the winter

An easy recipe without unnecessary ingredients and gestures. Try it!

This recipe is sugar-free, allowing you to use a pumpkin drink, adjusting its sweetness to your liking with honey or sweeteners or just sugar to taste. Immediately before use.


  • Pumpkin - random amount


We clean the pumpkin from the skin, pass it through a juicer.

The resulting juice is brought to a boil and immediately distributed into a sterile container.

Pasteurize in a water bath at a temperature of 90 degrees for 10 minutes.

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