Sergei Vronsky astrologer of predictions. Sergei Vronsky, astrologer: biography, books. “Classical astrology”, “Astrology: superstition or science?”, “On marriage and compatibility. "Unsolved Mysteries": "Nostradamus Intelligence"

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky is the first and only certified astrologer in Russia in Soviet times. Since 1992 he lived and worked in Riga (Latvia).

S.A. Vronsky, a descendant of an ancient Polish family, was born on March 25, 1915 in Riga. He lost his parents early, who were shot in the 20th year. He, miraculously surviving, was found by his grandfather, who lived in Riga. Thanks to his relatives, he received an excellent education: after graduating from the Miller private gymnasium in Riga, he continued his education in Berlin, where he studied at the medical institute. Then, after a careful selection, he entered the secret Bioradiological Institute, graduating in 1938. The Bioradiological Institute studied the so-called "secret" sciences: bioradiology (now extrasensory perception), parapsychology, cosmobiology (astrology) and others.

He worked at Hitler's headquarters in the disinformation department, simultaneously performing the functions of an astrologer. Returning to the Soviet Union at the end of the war, S. Vronsky endured camps, persecution, he was not allowed to work, he was fired without explanation. It was only thanks to Andropov that he finally settled in Moscow, although without a residence permit, and, with Andropov's permission, led the first groups on extrasensory perception and astrology. Thanks to S.A. Vronsky astrology revived in Russia.

The peak of fame S.A. Vronsky came at the beginning of the 90s, when the first book on astrology in the Soviet Union, Astrology - Science or Superstition, was published. At that time he gave many popular lectures. Sergei Alekseevich is the first who combined astrology and extrasensory perception.

Sergei Alekseevich passed away on January 10, 1998. By this time, he had practically managed to finish in manuscript the 12-volume work "Classical Astrology", which has no analogues in the world in terms of fundamentality. To date, the following works by S.A. Vronsky: "Astrology - science or superstition", "On marriage and compatibility", "Astrology in the choice of professions".

Books (13)

classical astrology. Volume 1. Introduction to Astrology

THE HIGHEST SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY is launching an unprecedented project in the history of Russian astrology - the publication of Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky's multi-volume work "Classical Astrology".

Several generations of the most famous Russian astrologers considered it an honor to call themselves students of Sergei Alekseevich, and he himself saw in this work the result of his whole life. And now, the reader finally receives its fundamental edition in their native language, an edition that has no analogue in the world.

classical astrology. Volume 2. Gradusology

In the second volume "Classical astrology. Gradusology" S.A. Vronsky gives a description of the main "coordinate" grid of astrology: the Signs of the Zodiac. For each Sign, the following are considered: general characteristics, specifics, interpretation of deans, five-degree ranges and individual degrees.

The influence of fixed stars is shown on the examples of historical persons having constellations of planets in degrees of a sign. The second chapter deals with the specifics of the first, fifteenth and thirtieth degree of each sign.

Classical Astrology. Volume 3. Domology

In the third volume of "Classical Astrology", dedicated to one of the most important topics, the houses of the horoscope, S.A. Vronsky examines in detail the divisions and meaning of all 12 houses of the horoscope, the influence of the signs of the Zodiac, the positions and aspects of the rulers.

Separate pages are devoted to the Ascendant and Meridian, chapters on health and circumstances of death, choice of profession and social status are detailed. At the end of the book are calculations of the strength and weakness of the planets in points, observations about the indicators of professions and character traits of a person.

Classical Astrology. Volume 4. Planetology

The fourth volume of "Classical Astrology" opens a kind of "meeting in the meeting - this and the next two volumes will be devoted to a detailed description of the planets. According to astrological tradition, our star - the Sun, is also considered as a planet.

This volume is dedicated to the Sun and the Moon, the two most important planets in the horoscope. The chapters of the book are devoted to the characteristics of these planets in the signs of the Zodiac, houses.

Classical Astrology. Volume 5. Planetology

The fifth volume of "Classical Astrology" is devoted to the characteristics of Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter.

The structure of the description of each planet remains unchanged: general characteristics, specifics, Planet in signs, Planet in Houses, the same is repeated for each planet in a retrograde position.

Classical Astrology. Volume 6. Planetology

The sixth volume of "Classical Astrology" is devoted to the characteristics of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The structure of the description of each planet remains low: general characteristics, specifics, a planet in Signs, a planet in Houses, a planet in a retrograde position.

Classical Astrology. Volume 7. Planetology

The seventh volume of "Classical Astrology" is devoted to the characteristics of Pluto, Chiron, Proserpina, Lunar nodes, Lilith and Lulu.

Classical Astrology. Volume 9. Aspectology

The ninth volume of "Classical Astrology" is devoted to the characteristics of the main types of aspects, their classification, a detailed analysis of the aspects of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Classical Astrology. Volume 10. Transitology

A new section is opened - Transitology. This section will consist of four volumes. In this volume, a separate chapter is devoted to the general theory of transits.

The subsequent chapters of this volume and the next three will be devoted to the interpretation of transits - sequentially of each planet according to the signs of the Zodiac and aspects of this transit planet to natal planets, depending on the Field (house) of the horoscope. For the Moon, the author also gives interpretations of the aspects of the transiting Moon to transiting planets.

Classical Astrology. Volume 11. Transitology

The eleventh volume of "Classical Astrology" by S.A. Vronsky continues the theme of Transitology. This book deals with the transits of Mercury and Venus.

The general transit properties of both planets, their transits through the signs of the Zodiac are considered. A detailed description of the transit aspects of both planets with other planets is given, taking into account the position in the houses of the horoscope.

Classical Astrology. Volume 12. Transitology

The twelfth volume of "Classical Astrology" by S.A. Vronsky continues the theme of Transitology.

This book discusses the transits of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn through the signs of the Zodiac and houses, the general transit properties of these planets in the direct and retrograde phase, favorable and unfavorable aspects with transit planets and planets of the radical horoscope.

Astrology in choosing a profession

"Astrology in the Choice of a Profession" is the third of the many volumes conceived by the author.

The first two "Astrology: superstition or science?" and "Astrology on Marriage and Compatibility" have already become a bibliographic rarity and entered the category of bestsellers.

Reader Comments

Pauline/ 05/16/2019 Please tell me where to buy or at least download the book by S. Vronsky homeopathic prescription

Evgeny/ 05/04/2017 Books by Sergei Vronsky are perhaps the only ones that are not completely invented by the authors. Astrology is not at all crawling along an arbitrarily tied natal chart with the generation of a sea of ​​pseudo-astrological conclusions. When a person is born - and this time is quite extended, he begins to perceive the world around him as a new reality, and at that moment he becomes a standard for him. The point from which he will count all his life. Including the starry sky with the location of constellations, planets, the Sun, the Moon and Galaxies on it, about which no one on Earth has any idea. But he feels the flows of Energy that come from these objects. But is not aware of these flows in most cases. The flows set the initial norm, and the person believes that this norm is correct. Although it may not be very effective for him. Hence the mechanism of action of Astrology - it is tied to these energy standards acquired at birth. Which determine a lot, but far and not everything. For example, Vronsky very reliably describes the influence of the Ascendant, the positions of the Sun and the Moon, provided that they correlate with the Personality, Body and Soul of a person. But only on condition that the natal chart is tied precisely to the moment of its fixation in a person, and not to the maternity hospital tag or the records of the maternity ward nurse. The rest of Vronsky's points are already more subtle, and to assess their influence and interpretation, you need a lot of experience and some extrasensory abilities that can be developed by practice. But the Horoscope is not a given at all, but simply an accounting of external circumstances. It will show the time of winter and summer, and you yourself will decide what to do in each season. A person in the course of life still changes too, and the initial fixation of the natal chart also decreases. The natal chart changes over time. Therefore, attempts to make detailed predictions based on it are unscientific and have only an entertaining character. Astrology, like any applied science, requires a long study and long practice. Then it becomes clear. Since most readers do not have the opportunity to accumulate practical observations and correlate forecast calculations with real events, it is very difficult for them, even with great effort, to achieve practical results from Astrology. There is fatigue and demoralization. But that's how it is in any science. The swoop will only work when passing exams. But making science work is a completely different song. 4.08.2016 My dream is to get to know the works of this Remarkable Scientist better.

guest to guest/ 27.11.2015 Astrology is a calendar of ancient people, because there was no calendar then. The constellations in the sky change throughout the year, i.e. the sky has, for example, such an objective appearance: some constellations disappear, others appear, there was a fish - there was a lamb. Ancient people thought that it was a group of stars (constellations) that led the change of seasons, i.e. the group of stars is primary - the seasons are secondary (their derivatives). Because they could not explain the reason for the alternation of constellations in the sky, the disappearance of the former and the appearance of the following. For ancient people, this seemed an inexplicable miracle. If you want to believe in such womanish stupidity, please believe, no one forbids you.

Guest/ 11/27/2015 I was born almost 70 years ago, from school I was instilled that astrology is quackery. I accidentally watched a program about S.A. Vronsky. This led to reflection, not everything in this life is unambiguous, astrology also has the right to exist, or am I wrong?

Di/ 29.04.2015

armor/ 08/06/2014 Vronsky is an accurate astrologer, we should take an example from him. Thank you for your attention.

Guest/ 1.08.2014 where is the download button? writes that there are 13 books, I go to this page, but it’s not clear where to click next.

Vitalia/ 21.12.2013 Natalie,
on this site you can download books of many famous astrologers, including Vronsky.

Vitaly./ 21.12.2013 People who scream everywhere that they don't believe in astrology and that it is pseudoscience are very amusing, without even reading a single book on it. Truly: he who cannot do anything himself criticizes others.

Hassan/ 11/18/2013 A very smart and talented person

numa/ 11/15/2013 That's right, astrology, pseudoscience, lackeys should think so, referring to "critical thinking", "education" and so on. The Vronsky descendant of an ancient noble family, no longer a horseradish from the mountain, was initiated into the right things from childhood. So the question is who uses astrology, a talented professional who already knew 12 languages ​​at the age of 16 and excelled in several sports, or Vasya Pupkin with a diploma from an ordinary zombie university at best, working in an office or at a factory.

Natalia Mikhailovna/ 08/23/2013 I have these books, declared bestsellers, I learned the basics of astrology from them. Vronsky is a hereditary nobleman whom fate miraculously saved from death during the arrest of his entire family. This is a high-level astrologer and a person of high culture.

Olya/ 9.05.2013 tinni
"1. worked at Hitler's headquarters? I hope he was a spy? if not, a fascist, and did this live and work in our country? 2. astrology is pseudoscience." - tinni, read history properly, carefully. Vronsky from the Hitlerite nest worked for Russian intelligence. and this "pseudo-scientist", with his "pseudo-science", predicted the death of Gagarin and warned him against the flight (in which he died). he did not have a single erroneous prediction. those who say that one cannot believe in astrology are those people who have not bothered to read any of the works on this topic written by honored scientists.

Andrei/ 11/27/2012 I see that the intellect is not so bad in Russia: half of the comments pointing to the pseudoscientific basis of astrology speak of a high level of critical thinking. So, lower your head early!
Unified State Examination, you will not defeat Russia!

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Sergei Vronsky, a famous astrologer and psychic, surgeon and psychotherapist, doctor of medicine and doctor of philosophy, a prisoner of the NKVD and a political scientist, a descendant of an old noble family, remained in obscurity for a long time. For many years, his work was secretly passed from hand to hand and copied. Astrology in those years was stubbornly considered a pseudoscience.

  • In memory of the outstanding astrologer Vronsky S.A. ,

Vronsky said:

We all know and understand perfectly well that a profession, specialty, work that does not meet internal needs is just a torment for the person himself and a hassle for colleagues and others. The consequence of an incorrect, unsuccessful choice of profession will be the eternal search for something better and the eternal change of work, alternation of positions.

In any case, in order to avoid the misconception "in three pines", we sincerely advise you to seek help from astrologers and astropsychologists, because only astrological science can reveal to you all your hidden talents and abilities, the possibilities of applying and realizing your powers in certain conditions and circumstances of life. .

The location of most planetary constellations on the Horoscope Chart speaks very accurately and correctly about the inclinations of the individual, his talents and abilities. It is structured in the same way as my previous work, astrology on marriage and compatibility: it is easy to process it with the help of a computer, to compose certain programs, which will then bring certain benefits to astrologers and psychologists working in this field.

Leading figures of astrology until the 20th century A.D.

We have already named some of the ancient Greek scientists who contributed to astrological science. Despite the fact that in the XVI-XVII centuries. the new celestial mechanics of Kepler, Galileo and Newton firmly put on its feet and strengthened the cosmology of Copernicus, it still could not completely destroy astrological thinking, rooted in the traditions of many millennia.

As a rule, all the famous astronomers of that time were also excellent astrologers.

They continued to engage in astrological science and practice despite the fact that it was considered a "hellish sin", it was extremely dangerous and threatened not only with excommunication, but also with burning at the stake. For example, Kepler's own mother with difficulty escaped from the clutches of the Church Inquisition, almost paying with her life. And Galileo? What about others?

Already in the XIII century AD. one of the outstanding philosophers of that time - Albert the Great (Magnus) (1193 - 1280), scholastic and Dominican, teacher at Paris and Cologne universities, became especially popular not only in France, but also in Germany. He was revered throughout the cultural world due to his deep knowledge of medicine, magic and astrology. One of his closest students, the famous Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1275), was also very famous as a preacher and astrologer. You can name a number of well-known astrologers and defenders of astrological science.

For example, the famous preacher, astrologer, humanist, philologist and theologian - Cornelius Melanchthon(16.II 1497 - 19.IV 1590), who compiled a horoscope for Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) and predicted the success of his teaching. Cornelius Melanchthon is the author of many textbooks and essays on pedagogy, theology, and astrology.

Nicholas Copernicus(19.II 1473 - 24.V. 1543), Polish astronomer and astrologer, creator of the heliocentric system of the world.

Michel Nostradamus(14.XII 1503 - 1566), a famous French scientist, doctor, astrologer, poet and physician of Charles IX, known as the author of the "Centuries", written in 1555 in rhymed quatrains-quatrains, containing predictions of future events in European history.

Galileo Galilei(15.II 1564 - 8.I 1642), Italian astronomer, astrologer, physicist, mechanic, one of the founders of natural science, a passionate defender of the new Copernican cosmology. After analyzing his own horoscope, he predicted a serious illness for himself and his prediction really came true - in 1637, four years before his death, he went blind. The case of the “great heretic” of the 17th century was reviewed by the Roman Catholic Church only in October 1980, when Pope John Paul II declared that the trial of the Inquisition over the brilliant astronomer and mathematician in 1633 was unfair ... And Galileo Galilei was rehabilitated.

Philip Areoles Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim(Paracelsus) (14.X 1493 - 24.IX 1541), the most famous physician and naturalist, one of the founders of iatrochemistry, who contributed to the introduction of chemicals into medicine. With great success he applied astrological knowledge in his medical practice. He wrote and taught not in Aginsky, but in German.

Francis Bacon(January 22, 1561 - April 9, 1626), an English empiricist philosopher, the founder of English materialism, for many years not only devoted to scientific and literary work, but also successfully engaged in astrological practice.

Johannes Kepler(XII 27, 1571 - November 15, 1630), one of the most famous astronomers and astrologers of his time, who discovered the laws of planetary motion. He began to practice astrology because of his love for mathematics. He compiled individual horoscopes for many historically famous persons, including the great commander Albrecht von Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland, as well as Emperor Rudolf II himself. The merit of Kepler before scientific astrology is that he always passionately defended and defended all astrologer-scientists of his time. He was a staunch follower of scientific astrology and believed in the undeniable truth of this science. He emphasized that the work of an astrologer is very important and necessary, that it is a highly qualified job, and, therefore, should be highly valued. Simultaneously with the Danish astronomer and astrologer Tycho de Brahe, Kepler began to apply mathematical astronomical calculations and calculations in astrology. By this they greatly strengthened the mathematical foundation of astrology and advanced it far ahead. Kepler expounded his knowledge in the great capital work "The Harmony of the World".

Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche(Johannes Morin) was born on February 22, 1583, the multi-volume work “On Determination”, replete with many accurate predictions, brought him fame. At one time, Morin was the personal astrologer of Cardinal Richelieu himself.

Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza(November 24, 1632 - February 21, 1677), a Dutch materialist philosopher, pantheist and atheist, was considered a skilled astrologer and made many horoscopes for famous people. He was especially fond of studying the impact and influence of planetary aspects on the field of commercial activity.

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz(July 1, 1646–November 14, 1716), famous German scientist, idealist philosopher, physicist, mathematician, lawyer, historian, linguist, meteorologist, astrologer. From 1677 until the end of his life he was in the service of the Hanoverian dukes as a court librarian, historiographer, privy councilor of justice and astrologer. Since 1700, he became the first president of the Berlin Scientific Society, then president of the Academy of Sciences. He was one of the greatest astrologers-scientists of his time. His astrological base in relation to meteorology is still used with great success both in Germany and far beyond its borders. In Potsdam, near Berlin, he made individual horoscopes for all princely persons.

August Wilhelm Schlegel(8.X 1767 - 12.V 1845), German philosopher and literary historian, theorist of literary translation and translator, writer and playwright. Brother of the idealist philosopher Friedrich Schlegel. I did a lot of astrological practice.

Friedrich von Hardepberg-Novalis(2.V 1772 - 25.III 1801), German philosopher and poet. I did a lot of astrological practice.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe(August 28, 1749-August 22, 1832), famous German thinker and naturalist, poet and statesman. Willingly engaged in astrological practice.

Many of his works were written precisely when the favorable arrangement of the luminaries indicated this.

Walter Scott(VIII 15, 1771 - September 21, 1832), English poet and novelist, lawyer by education. He worked a lot on horoscopes and gradually learned to use the favor of the heavenly bodies for work in the field of advocacy and literary activity.

Professor Johann Pfaff(5.XII 1774 - 26.VI 1835), a famous German scientist, a member of many academies of sciences of the world, including St. Petersburg and Munich, as well as the Moscow Physics and Mathematics Society and many others. He had many works on astrology, in which he expanded this science using precise mathematical calculations and calculations. His translation of Claudius Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos from Greek into German is still considered the best. It was published for the first time in 1822. He gave his last lecture on astrology in 1817 at the University of Wirzburg.

Gustav Theodor Fechner(19.IV 1801 - 18.XI 1887), German idealist philosopher, physicist, psychologist, satirist. One of the founders of experimental psychology and aesthetics. Due to illness and partial blindness, he became seriously interested in philosophy and astrology.

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky. Volume 1. Introduction to astrology.

My dear reader, it was not for nothing that I introduced you to a number of well-known historical figures who, in addition to their main work, were seriously engaged in astrological practice. This is a very weighty proof that "the game is worth the candle." Think about it and you...
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Tags: Astrologer Vronsky, Count Vronsky, classical astrology, works of Vronsky, patriarch of astrology, astrologer and healer,

Count Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky was born in 1915 in Riga. He was the tenth child of the nobleman Alexei Vronsky, a general who served as a secret adviser to the general staff of the tsarist army, and the successor of an old Polish surname. The astrologer, philosopher, psychologist, healer, medium and clairvoyant celebrated his birthday on March 25th.

Death of loved ones and escape from revolutionary Russia

The biography of Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky resembles an exciting novel full of fatal events.

When the revolutionaries came to power, the family of General Vronsky moved to the territory of Russia. Having earned the permission of Lenin himself to leave the country, Alexei Vronsky again prepared to leave, but did not have time to carry out his plan.

In 1920, armed men broke into the house of a nobleman and shot everyone who met them on the way - both adults and children. Everyone, except for Seryozha, who was walking accompanied by a governess - a woman who twice saved him from brutal reprisals. Passing off the little count as her son, who was killed, mistaking him for the offspring of the Vronskys, the governess took Seryozha to Paris, and soon handed over the boy to his grandmother - a clairvoyant, healer and palmist.

It was this elderly lady who instilled in her grandson an interest in magic and astrology. Under her care, the boy received an excellent primary education, learned 13 languages, went in for music, sports, dancing and motor sports.

After graduating from an elite gymnasium, the young Count Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky went to Germany to continue his studies there.

Secret Institute

In 1933, Sergei Vronsky became a student at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Berlin, and after a while he was transferred to the Bioradiological Institute, a secret educational institution where, in addition to the usual disciplines, future doctors were taught occultism.

Graduates of this kind of "factory" of healers and psychics were subsequently responsible for the health of the elite composition of the Third Reich, of course, subject to successful completion of the "internship".

Subsequently, returning to his homeland, Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky, introducing himself, mentioned his involvement in the German astrological school, the distinctive characteristics of which, as you know, are methodicalness and scrupulousness.

On the astrological experience of the Germans

In the first half of the last century, German astrologers collected, studied and summarized information known to their ancient predecessors, in particular to the Arabs and Hindus. Of considerable interest both for the German magicians themselves and for the patrons who financed their activities, was the experience of medieval astrologers who lived on the territory of modern Europe.

The innate scrupulousness inherent in the representatives of this nation had a beneficial effect on scientific research: the forecasts of German soothsayers were considered the most accurate.

With the coming to power of Hitler and his henchmen, astrology as a science was banned. Scientists who officially practiced magic and astrology were persecuted and exiled to concentration camps.

Carier start

Vronsky, as a graduate of a secret astrological university, was destined to practice on prisoners with cancer. Passing on the history of diseases to the young healer, the mentors promised him that everyone he healed would receive freedom. Of the twenty prisoners, Sergei managed to cure sixteen people.

Successfully coped with the task, a young specialist Sergei Vronsky gets a place in the Military Medical Academy, where he applies the methods of ancient healers, curing cancer patients.

Vronsky's achievements attracted the attention of the influential Rudolf Hess, a friendship was established between them, which later helped Vronsky's career growth: high ranks and even Hitler himself were among his clients.

Predictions of Sergei Vronsky

The fame of the soothsayer came to Vronsky after Hess, intending to propose a hand and heart to his chosen one, turned to the soothsayer with a request to draw up a marriage horoscope for him. When the astrologer announced to his friend that this wedding would never happen, the German official was furious, but soon his fiancee died in a car accident... No one doubted Vronsky's abilities.

His predictions came true and in relation to the unknown employee of the photo studio Eva Braun - Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky assured the girl that after entering into a legal marriage, an exceptionally special future awaits her.

In the early forties of the last century, Hess, following the advice of Vronsky, secretly emigrated to Great Britain, and the Fuhrer, not finding a fugitive, began to persecute and repress astrologers, who, in his opinion, could warn the traitor. Sergei Alekseevich then remained beyond suspicion.

The astrologer became a Soviet intelligence officer in 1933 - immediately after joining the German Communist Party. Neither Hitler nor other high officials of fascist Germany suspected anything: Vronsky was well received into the offices of the ruling elite and could attend any secret meeting.

In 1939, Sergei Vronsky became a participant in another assassination attempt on Hitler, but the Fuhrer managed to avoid reprisal.

Years of camps and underground

Vronsky spent the last months of World War II in Jurmala, where he worked as a school director, and a year later, as a person who worked for both the Nazis and the Soviet army, he was sent to camps, where for five years Sergei Alekseevich treated the local authorities using his hypnotic abilities and knowledge in psychotherapy.

Sergei Alekseevich was released much earlier than his persecutors had planned, simulating a malignant tumor of the last stage. The astrologer spent the fifties of the last century wandering, having no permanent residence and no hope of finding at least some work.

Luck smiled on Vronsky in 1963, when, having arrived in Moscow, he went "underground": he gave astrology lessons and sought legal application for his abilities. Soon Nikita Khrushchev found out about the astrologer and offered him a job in Star City.

Until 1967, Sergei Vronsky worked on the creation of a complex biorhythmic system, and then, on behalf of Andropov, he taught occultism to KGB officers. In the seventies, his main duty was to monitor the health of General Secretary Brezhnev, and with the coming to power of Andropov, cosmobiology was recognized as an official science, and Sergei Alekseevich finally became a full-time astrologer.

Among the clients of S. A. Vronsky was almost the entire ruling elite of the USSR and officials from abroad. It is known that the US government, planning Operation Desert Storm, the first military operation in Iraq initiated by George W. Bush, turned to the astrologer Vronsky with a request to calculate a date favorable for the start of hostilities.

Sergei Vronsky: "Classical astrology"

When Sergei Alekseevich finished the draft version of this multi-volume work, he was already over eighty years old. He managed to publish only two volumes. In those distant times, when on the territory of the post-Soviet space the Xerox, which is familiar today, was a luxury item, fragments of his manuscripts were passed from hand to hand for a long time, until at the beginning of the twenty-first century all the works of the seer were published.

The manuscripts and drafts left by the great astrologer have found their place in twelve volumes. By the way, Vronsky's Classical Astrology is now available online.

What Vronsky managed to write about

What did the author Sergei Vronsky want to convey to his readers? Astrology is the science of the interaction of various cosmic forces. Man, also being a cosmic being, interacts with the cosmos to one degree or another. He calls the radiation emanating from the stars light, and solar flares - magnetic storms that affect well-being and weather conditions, on which human plans depend.

Most of the uninitiated do not know that cosmic radiation affects not only the health of living beings, but also causes changes in the structure of DNA.

From the book "Classical Astrology" readers will learn about phenomena that can affect the behavior, emotional state and feelings of earthlings (scientists call them positive and negative ions), geomagnetism and atmospheric electricity that affect the flora and fauna (including the world of people), about the power The moon, on which atmospheric water exchange and the state of the earth's climate depend.

Other books by Sergei Vronsky

The astrologer and magician Vronsky could tell his compatriots a lot. From the books that he managed to write, earthlings will receive answers to many questions that concern not only today's and future scientists, but also those who are far from science.

In the book Astrology: About Marriage and Compatibility, published in 1992, the author invites readers who are not related to official science to use a scientific method that allows them to bring personal and family happiness closer.

Vronsky pays special attention to such concepts as “permanent and temporary marriage”, “legal and illegal relationship”, referring to the experience of the ancient Greek astrologer Ptolemy, who was convinced that the marriage should be concluded only after the peculiarities of the location of the planets in horoscope of men and women.

The book "Astrology: superstition or science?" (published in the early nineties of the last century) is dedicated to knowledge, without which the ancient Indo-Europeans could not imagine themselves. An enormous influence on the fate of people, their character and luck, the ancestors of modern earthlings believed, is exerted by a multifunctional universal principle (rita). Astrology was viewed as the science of the processes taking place in the universe and affecting the cosmic bodies, genetics and the well-being of the living beings inhabiting the planets.

What scientists are silent about

Even ancient astrologers realized that solar and lunar eclipses can significantly change weather conditions, affect the activity of volcanoes and the actions of people, especially if the location of the planets in human horoscopes is identical to the position of these same cosmic bodies in the horoscope of a planetary event.

Not only the weather and the frequency of earthquakes depend on cosmic rhythms. Universal laws affect any phenomenon - whether it be a flood, drought, crop failure, epidemic or economic crisis. The same principle is applicable to each individual person: his fate, heredity, living conditions and even relationships in society depend on the totality of cosmic events at the time of his birth.

Modern scientists have proven that even minor facts of his biography have no less impact on the well-being and mood of a person. For example, when, after taking a bath, he drains the water, this action provokes the emergence of strong, but harmless to human health, electric fields. The positive charge rushes into the ground (sink), while the negative charge remains in the room, making the person feel refreshed and invigorated.

“If until now in Soviet encyclopedias “astrology” is interpreted as “bourgeois pseudoscience”, then in the “New International Encyclopedia” of the USA it is said that “the predictions of the most experienced astrologers are based on solid definitions and attitudes obtained through observations of phenomena, and on firm rules of interpretation…”

Astrology is one of the oldest sciences, with the help of which a person seeks to know both himself, his fate and his future, and the world around him, the secrets of nature and space. The strength of astrology is the ability to apply its methods for real and practical purposes, in particular, for predicting future events in a very wide range - from the fate of an individual to the life of an entire state. Its weakness lies in the concretization of predictions. While the timing of events can be predicted fairly accurately, down to days and hours, individual details may vary. To accurately predict them, you need God's gift of a clairvoyant ...

May God forgive me my error in the years of my youth and youth, but I was sincerely sure and convinced that it was the Communist Party that was the mind, honor and conscience of the people. In addition, I have always associated the very idea of ​​communism with the idea of ​​Christianity, that is, with brotherhood and piety. But that turned out to be far from the case...

Now I am a free and independent person...

What textbooks did you study? Which astrological tradition was preferred - Greek, Arabic, Hindu?

There were few textbooks: on homeopathy these were the works of Hahnemann, on herbal medicine - the authors of the 19th and 20th centuries, on magic - the works of Papus, on astrology - the multi-volume fundamental work of Johannes Morn "On Determination", which has not lost its relevance to this day. We studied Tsiolkovsky and Chizhevsky according to their original texts, we devoted a lot of time to ancient Greek philosophers: Plato, Neoplatonists, Neopythagoreans. Our institute had its own astrological school. In my opinion, it was one of the strongest schools in Europe in the 1930s. It was based on classical astrology with all existing directions….

All people who entered our institute graduated from it, because the so-called "screening out" was carried out during the selection of candidates based on horoscope data. It is interesting that in the first group of students there was not a single representative of the Hitler Youth or the fascist party. Moreover, people who were alien to the fascist ideology got into the institute. Having received an education, they became fighters against Nazism. In addition to me, a very gifted astrologer Rosenberg, whose mother was a clairvoyant, went along the same path ...

Our teachers were from all over the world. Among them are Tibetan lamas and acupuncturists from China, Hindu yogis and experts in various types of oriental wrestling from Japan, as well as shamans from Arab and African countries. Lectures on astrology were read by Ernst Kraft and Louis de Wohl, Herbert and Eva Lelein, Elisabeth and Reinhold Ebertin. We underwent surgery at the Volynsky clinic, we learned the art of hydrotherapy from Zalmanov himself ...

Under what circumstances did you end up in the USSR?

In 1941, my radio operator received information that Richard Sorge and I had been awarded the "Gold Star" and should come to the USSR for the award. At this time, Sorge worked in China and Japan. In October, he was unexpectedly arrested by the Japanese police, which was reported to the "center". Sorge warned me that troubles might await me in the USSR. I believed the message about the reward and tried to find suitable conditions for crossing the border ...

After the camps, the Soviet authorities persecuted me for many more years. I could not get a job anywhere, and if I did, it was for a very short time. Wherever I went to work: to hospitals, sanatoriums, to an ambulance - after two or three months the police came and kicked me out. My first pension was 28 rubles, then 53, later 77, and lately 97 rubles. As you understand, it was impossible not only to live on such a pension, but also to exist. And I started writing songs and selling my poetry and music. They paid well, especially the Moscow "grands": sometimes for poems or a song I received 800 rubles or even more, for some musical compositions - 1,500 rubles each. At the same time, I sold these things, as they say, "on the vine", which also saved me ...

The problem of the ethics of an astrologer is one of the central ones, especially in our time of mass enthusiasm for astrology, when forecasts are given in newspapers and magazines, on radio and television. This is a very important issue. If in ancient times astrologers served pharaohs, kings, princes and their families, now forecasts are given for everyone. This has its downsides. It should be said that in our time there are not so many people who try to be aware of every act, to lead a meaningful lifestyle. Most people, like robots, react only to external stimuli, completely forgetting about their unique inner essence. And in this the spiritual lack of freedom of modern man is manifested, in which the ability to choose is clearly lost. Thanks to newspapers and television, he receives ready-made recipes for treatment and nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and sex, what he should do, what he should refuse, right down to what he should eat and drink.

People have been engaged in forecasting or prophecy since time immemorial, to which they were undoubtedly prompted by an omnipotent necessity. But one thing is a purely individual forecast, another is to put it on stream. Unfortunately, there are more and more businessmen from astrology who are engaged in this science for the purpose of self-enrichment, and the ethics of an astrologer are not always respected.

Our main principle is do no harm! We have one task: to advise the client how to survive critical periods and days, help to bypass all underwater reefs, bypass sharp corners, warn him against dangers and draw attention to what can bring good luck and happiness.

The astrologer must indicate the right path to achieve professional, financial success and family well-being, help in choosing a business partner, relieve self-deception and delusions, and bitterness of disappointment. An astrologer can advise on how to behave in an intimate life so that children are born with one or another talent or ability. An astrologer can tell you who to be friends with and who to avoid, warning of possible enemies, both open and secret.

From the first glance at the client's horoscope, the astrologer must see the main direction of his life, determine the strengths and weaknesses of his character. He must and is obliged, when making appropriate decisions, to bear full responsibility for them, protecting the vital interests of his client.

But you also need to know your limits. A serious astrologer today can be “recognized” by the fact that, unlike numerous charlatans and businessmen from astrology, he does not give magnificent promises and bright forecasts regarding the future ...

What is your religion? How do you feel about Christianity as the dominant religion in Russia?

On December 30, 1979, I converted to Orthodoxy. This happened in Moscow, in the Kolomna Church, and Father Kirill carried out this procedure. I have a positive attitude towards all religions and all believers in the world. For me, all people are equal: Orthodox and Catholics, Muslims and Buddhists. I look with regret only at people who do not believe, because it seems to me that they lack the spiritual dimension of personality ...

Orthodoxy, or at least some priests, reject astrology. What would you answer them?

It is widely believed that the Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards astrology. At the same time, I personally talked with Patriarchs Alexy I and Pimen, and none of them objected to my studies in astrology, because in all cases I did no harm to anyone, but, on the contrary, only benefit. And indeed, how could astrology have existed for so many millennia and survived to the present day, to its present heyday, if it did not have its own rational grain?

The church code of laws says that the study of the future is neither a sin nor a crime, but only an attempt to know the Will of God.

The peculiar unity of the church and astrology until the 17th century is evidenced, for example, by the famous painting by Tom Ring "The Sibyls, Virgil and the astrologer Albumassar", which is still in the Shetiller Palace in Augsburg. I can remind you that many popes were engaged in astrology and very skillfully mastered this science, for example, Sylvester II, John XX, John XXI, Julian II, Paul II, Leo X and others. Another interesting document is Origen's Greek treatise On Conduct, Free Will and Destiny. This document was originally included in his work "Philocalia", but was subsequently withdrawn by the church fathers Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus.

You can also cite the following statement by Thomas Aquinas: “... prophecy and prediction of future events according to the position of the stars is permissible, because the ability to predict events belongs to that area of ​​​​knowledge that lies within the capabilities of the human spirit and is a certain stage in the development of human wisdom.”

What are your plans for the future?

My first book "Astrology - superstition or science?" already published. The second - "On Marriage and Compatibility" should be released in 1991. My lectures on astrology are being prepared for publication, which in their volume and content will correspond to a full university course. And this is 10 volumes, if not more. Trips to foreign countries are also planned for the purchase of astrological literature and equipment. My plans also include writing several monographs - "Medical Astrology", "Vocational Guidance", "Death Indicators". If God grants me health, perhaps I will still have time to train teaching staff at my company Vronsky Office, which has been serving citizens of foreign countries for about 25 years.

What would you like to wish our readers: novice astrologers and those who already have experience in this field of knowledge?

My dear colleagues, future astrologers! To get acquainted with astrology, to study it would be useful for every more or less thinking person, if only because it brings a lot of joy of knowledge and can become an amazing and fascinating journey into the unknown. At the same time, we will be able not only to get to know ourselves more deeply, but to better understand why this or that person thinks, feels and behaves differently than we do. And this knowledge will make our life more interesting and meaningful, helping to be more tolerant and kinder to people. In order to become a world-famous astrologer or to become a highly qualified specialist, a true expert in his field, it takes a lot, a lot - you need to give yourself completely and completely to the power of this science. This will require self-restraint and self-sacrifice, deep, serious and painstaking practical work, exhausting work on the analysis and application of all known cosmobiological rules inherited from ancient times.

True, you will have to overcome many stumbling blocks ... Often, clear sunny days will be replaced by bad weather, periods of bright joy - periods of the most severe dissatisfaction. But neither one nor the other should embarrass or frighten you, for your goal is clear, bright and noble - serving your people, your Fatherland, your Motherland.

With all my heart I wish you all good health and cheerful mood, with all my heart - well-being and happiness in your personal life, new creative and labor successes!

With deepest respect and love

always your Sergei VRONSKY"

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3 comments: “Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich. The fate of an amazing person”

    I read an article about Vronsky. It seems that I heard and read a lot about Vronsky, watched interviews, but I did not suspect many of the facts presented here. I was particularly impressed by the above excerpts from his interview. I didn't know he was a believer. This side of him was not shown in the video program that I once watched about Sergei Vronsky. You made a beautiful selection of photos - again, a story within a story. In parallel with the biography of Vronsky, they raised the most important layer of the history of the 20th century. For me, this article was surprisingly interesting. Thank you for your site. I wandered around a bit yesterday. It seems like there was nothing recently - and suddenly at some point you realize what a nugget you get.


  1. THANKS - Repost to the site with a link to the article about Vronsky in the "It's interesting" section - on the website of Amen Ra - ...

Recently, the Moscow Trust TV channel conducted its own "investigation" about the life and fate of the famous astrologer. Some conclusions are very doubtful (compare at least with from "Top Secret").

But it will certainly be interesting to get acquainted with new hypotheses:

"Unsolved Mysteries": "Nostradamus Intelligence"

Late 1980s The attention of Russians is riveted to the new prophet, who appeared from non-existence. This is a descendant of a noble Polish family, Count Sergei Vronsky. He calls himself an astrologer and cosmobiologist. He treats cancer with homeopathy, sees the future and communicates directly with the stars.

The biography of Sergei Vronsky haunts many researchers. But suddenly it turns out that he is a ghost. A person with the surname Vronsky is not in any of the intelligence archives. But if the amazing fate of the healer is nothing more than a myth, then who invented it? And for what? The most incredible and mysterious story of the 20th century is in the investigation of the Moscow Trust TV channel.

The secret of the astrologer Vronsky

The usual Moscow district of Orekhovo-Borisovo, built up with typical houses. It would seem that it is not the right place for a seer who once decided destinies. Nevertheless, Vronsky did live in one of these houses for some time. And in which one - none of the astrologer's friends remembered, as if this information had been purposely erased from their memory.

Be that as it may, it is here in the distant 1989 that the fateful meeting of Sergei Vronsky and journalist Tatiana Thains takes place.

Tynes published a long article about Vronsky in one of the well-known newspapers. From that moment on, the fate of the astrologer changed. Previously, there were only rumors about him, now he appeared before the public in his own person. In a word, the stars converged "as they should."

With the help of Tynes, Vronsky published his first book on astrology in a serious scientific publishing house. Tatyana arranged interviews on radio and television. And then, as they say, spun, spun. Vronsky's book is published in one of the scientific centers of the Academy of Sciences. And literally the next day, a string of suffering people reached the building of this institution on 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya.

As if hiding from intrusive attention, Vronsky left for Latvia, as soon as this country gained independence. There he spent his childhood years. In Riga, Vronsky published 12 volumes of "Classical Astrology", written under the dictation of a predictor from the past - the famous astrologer Johannes Morinus. According to Vronsky himself, the difference of 300 years did not prevent them from communicating - they communicated "through the astral".

But even communication with an astrologer of the 16th century is not the most surprising fact in Vronsky's biography. His whole life is like a fascinating movie. Sergei's father, a general in the tsarist army, served in intelligence. The flames of the revolution were raging around, and in exchange for secret information, he received permission to go abroad with his family. But the Vronskys did not have time to do this.

The Baltic sailors shot the astrologer's father, but the governess managed to hide little Seryozha. She then takes him to Europe. Already a young man, Vronsky returns to Latvia: his grandmother, a hereditary sorceress, was found. She taught Serezha divination and magic. In a word, the story itself asks for a film.

By the way, Yulian Semenov also thought so. In the early 90s, the writer worked on the script for a film about the fate of Sergei Vronsky, but did not find this name in any archive.

So, the general of the Russian army with the name Vronsky is not in the archives. So, maybe the whole story with the murder of the family and the fortune-teller grandmother is also a fiction? But who created this myth? And most importantly - for what purpose?

Foreign intelligence veteran Arsen Martirosyan is convinced that Vronsky is an operational pseudonym. The legend about the son of a Russian count appeared, most likely, in the offices of the NKVD. According to Martirosyan, the recruitment of this agent took place in the mid-30s in Latvia.

A descendant of a Russian count who fled to Europe and possesses occult knowledge - this legend is fully consistent with the adventurous task to be completed in pre-war Berlin.

So, on the instructions of foreign intelligence, a certain agent under the name Vronsky arrives in Berlin. In his pocket he has a letter of recommendation for the German functionary Johann Koch. Under his patronage, the intelligence officer enters the Berlin Radiological Institute - the most closed and mysterious educational institution of the Third Reich.

It was several such groups of 12-13 people. Everyone was selected very seriously: astrologers and psychologists looked, these groups were selected. And then they were taught. The school trained psychics and healers. They taught magic and astrology, told about Chinese medicine and homeopathy. Students studied iris diagnostics unknown to the Western world and learned the secrets of hypnosis.

Later, Vronsky became the personal psychic and astrologer of Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy in the party. By the way, the famous flight of Hess to England was made on the basis of Vronsky's astrological forecasts.

Rudolf Hess is a friend and closest associate of Hitler. And as soon as the young agent got into his personal stargazers? It's simple: as Vronsky himself will later tell, he predicts the death of Hess's bride. And this prophecy is coming true. Historians are still puzzling over why, on the eve of the war, Hess decided to flee to England. And only much later, thanks to Vronsky, the truth will be revealed: the stars foreshadowed something was wrong.

And the stars were not mistaken: if Hess had stayed in Germany, in 1945 he would have shared the fate of his comrades. Instead, he sits quietly in prison - first English, and then German. And he lived a long life, a little less than a century.

At the Nuremberg trials, by the verdict of an international tribunal, many of his party comrades were sentenced to death by hanging, and he himself received a life sentence. In West Berlin, in the Spandau prison, he spent about 40 years and committed suicide in 1987. According to some reports, he was already strangled at the age of 93.

Thanks to his success with Hess, Vronsky gained access to many high-ranking functionaries and officers of the Third Reich. And at the same time he headed the illegal residency of the GRU in Berlin. Fortunately, he was known not only as a soothsayer, but also as a talented healer. The abilities of the young man were seriously studied in the "Ahnenerbe" - the occult organization of the Nazis.

In Hitler's time, just as now, people with paranormal abilities, with high energy and with certain talents were valued and included in the surrounding elite of society. Especially for Hitler, who created a new Aryan nation, it was considered as if inherent in the Aryans - these talents, abilities, telepathic communication. Specifically, various directions developed there.

Passion for mysticism is inherent in the Hitler regime. The Fuhrer's followers were looking for non-existent evidence of the superiority of the Germanic race. It is not surprising that in their search the Nazis plunged into the occult and esotericism.

At the same time, the roots of the "Ahnenerbe" should be sought not in Nazi organizations, but in numerous "circles" of the Kaiser times. In circles that were engaged in both spiritual quests and in circles that were interested in ancient German history.

Another Nazi who believed in the secret language of the stars was SS chief Heinrich Himmler. In 1938, he gathered the best forecasters of Germany and asked them the only question: when is it better to attack the USSR? What do the stars say about it?

After long meetings, analyzes and calculations, they came to the conclusion that in the spring, no later than May 1941, it was necessary to attack. Among these astrologers was the Soviet intelligence officer Sergei Vronsky. And it turned out not by chance.

Vronsky was one of the very first Soviet intelligence agents who reported that an attack might take place in the spring of 1941. When he handed over - in March 1938.

But isn't that a bold statement? No matter how Vronsky proved himself, at that time he was a little over 20 years old. Was there really no one more experienced in the entire Reich? Most likely, he learned this date from Karl Kraft - the most recognized astrologer in Germany.

The Fuhrer himself also resorted to the services of Karl Kraft, especially after the astrologer's warning about the impending assassination attempt came true in front of several thousand people.

The astrologer sent a letter to the relevant authorities stating that from November 7 to 10 is a period that is unfavorable for the active work of Adolf Hitler. This letter was not given any importance, and on November 8, 1939, Hitler, according to tradition, spoke in Munich to the veterans of the National Socialist Party, and an explosive device with a clockwork was planted in the column, which was located next to the podium.

Then Hitler was saved only by a miracle: he finished his speech before the explosive device had time to work. Kraft's letter was immediately remembered - and the predictor was arrested. However, he was soon released and he began compiling the Fuhrer's personal horoscope.

And this is far from the only example of a court astrologer in history. According to some reports, Ronald Reagan also kept a personal fortune teller on hand - Joan Quigley.

According to her, she predicted that November 30, 1981 is an unfavorable time for public meetings and speeches of the president. Her advice was not heeded, and after a speech at the Hillton Hotel, when Reagan was leaving, a certain Hinckley (junior) fired six shots in the direction of the president. Reagan was badly wounded. Since then, according to the astrologer, no serious steps have been taken in the White House without her advice.

According to some reports, Winston Churchill also resorted to the services of fortune-tellers. Before the outbreak of the war, the German astrologer Louis de Wohl fled from Germany to England. With his help, the British Prime Minister tried to find out about Hitler's military plans.

And he also helped plan various military operations. So it was a duel between Karl Kraft and Louis de Wohl. In particular, it is known that Hitler asked Karl Kraft where the British would land, when they would make a second front, and what Louis de Vole advised Churchill.

What incredible advantages can a foreign intelligence agent get who, under the guise of an astrologer, has entered the confidence of a major politician? Apparently, Vronsky almost succeeded. However, already in 1942 he had to urgently return to the Soviet Union. Karl Kraft predicts Germany's defeat in the war, and the Fuhrer's wrath descends on all astrologers.

He himself chose the date of June 22 as the day of the summer solstice. The strength of the fire and the maximum energy were to move north and demolish the ice, communism and so on. When he asked Karl Kraft how a horoscope made for that date would look, Karl Kraft said that it was a bad horoscope for starting a war for Germany, and that Germany would be defeated in April 1945.

Kraft goes to the concentration camp along with his entire group. And if we assume that there really is a scout Vronsky among them, then he will not escape arrest. However, in 1942, the Soviet agent unexpectedly returned to his homeland. He must be able to escape. In any case, this is how Sergei Alekseevich will tell years later. However, this legend begins to crumble, it is worth digging a little deeper.

Igor Barinov wrote a book dedicated to the myths of the Third Reich. He worked in Germany, studied the archives of the Nazis, and nowhere did he find at least one serious mention of the Berlin Radiological Institute.

And the second. Vronsky does not hide the fact that as soon as he returns to the Soviet Union, he is immediately arrested and sent to a camp. If he were a foreign intelligence agent, this would hardly have happened.

But why didn't intelligence do anything to save Vronsky from imprisonment? Maybe they haven't heard anything about such a person there either? Wherever you dig, Vronsky does not exist anywhere. And surprisingly, even the stars noticed it. Astrologer Alexander Zaraev once compiled a horoscope for Sergei Alekseevich and stunned his friend with an incredible confession.

He asked him for his date of birth, made his horoscope, and found that this was not his horoscope - the date he gave did not correspond to his energy.

What kind of secrets is Vronsky hiding? The veil of this secret is unexpectedly opened by Yulian Semyonov. In the archives of the NKVD of Latvia, he finds a photograph of a man, like two drops of water similar to Vronsky. This is the Latvian Jan Muiznieks. Like Vronsky, Muizhnieks was born in 1915 in the same Riga and also in the family of a military man, but by no means a general. He also left for Germany in the mid-30s, and in 1942 he returned to the USSR and immediately fell into the hands of the NKVD. So does it really turn out that the man who called himself Vronsky invented all this in order to attract attention to himself?

For Tatyana Thains, who is preparing another publication about the famous astrologer, this comes as a shock. She demanded an explanation from Vronsky, but he refused to comment on the situation. After this conversation with Tatyana, mysterious, inexplicable things begin to happen.

That same evening, the lights went out at her house, she did not sleep well and she had the same dream - that she was dying. She was very drawn to the window. Fortunately, the obsession soon passes. A few days later, Tynes learns about the strange death of two people who crossed the Vronsky road.

It turns out that Sergei already had a similar experience, and more than one. When someone really and seriously pestered him, for some reason they ended very badly. One woman, his former student, jumped out of the window of the 16th floor, crashed. Then there was a consequence, but, in general, no one found anything. There were frictions between the scientist and him, but that was a very long time ago, somewhere in the 70s, and this Vanechka, this scientist, for some reason accidentally fell out of the window.

Apparently, the man who calls himself Vronsky really has psychic abilities. From the beginning of the 60s, he lived in Moscow, and from time to time a mysterious black Volga is noticed at his entrance.

He was approached from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, plus, from time to time, some black "Volga" came for him. Sergei Alekseevich put on his black leather jacket, jeans, then very fashionable, a red scarf, and like a dandy got into the car. Returning, he brought packages with products.

From time to time Vronsky was invited to the offices of power. According to intelligence, the astrologer was seen at the home of Yuri Andropov and the KGB chairman Semichastny.

He was still used at Lubyanka, in particular, he advised the KGB, advised Andropov, before him Semichastny and made several personal predictions for Brezhnev.

In a word, the real name of the astrologer does not reveal the whole secret at all. On the contrary, it further confuses the story. Numerous investigations conducted by journalists do not give an answer to the question: where did the Latvian Muižnieks get such knowledge?

One Latvian journalist Anita conducted a deep investigation, where she found his schoolmates who said: "Come on, what kind of son of a general is he, this is Janis, he studied here with us." But there is one interesting story that this again does not explain anything. This does not explain at all how he could have such colossal knowledge in those days, and not only in astrology, but also, for example, in homeopathy.

Where could Vronsky have studied astrology in such detail as to write 12 volumes about it?

Vronsky's school was interesting because it was a German school of astrology. It is more, I would say, rational, without some kind of intuitiveness, which is present in the Russian astrological tradition. And, interestingly, it was Karl Kraft who was the founder of this school. But how could an ordinary Latvian youth get acquainted with the works of the Fuhrer's personal astrologer? Not in the same Lenin library.

It is all the more strange that a mysterious man who calls himself Count Vronsky is releasing a homeopathic prescription in the USSR. There he reveals one of his secrets - how to treat cancer patients with homeopathy.

According to the homeopathic doctor Marina Gashkova, he was taught by very experienced homeopaths, because after graduating from this institution he took on an extremely difficult task. A group of prisoners or prisoners of war who were ill with the third and fourth stages of cancer was chosen for him, and he undertook the treatment of these patients, having previously stipulated the conditions that after he had treated these people, those who had recovered would be released without any conditions. Of the 20 people he took for treatment, 16 made a full recovery.

Marina Gashkova is one of the most famous homeopathic doctors in Moscow. She claims that Sergei Vronsky is a prominent physician whose contribution to science is more than obvious.

At the time of Vronsky there were two directions - classical homeopathy and pluralism. Vronsky is rightfully considered a pluralist, because he compiled a prescription. That is, several drugs that, from his point of view, treat certain diseases most well, he combined into certain recipes. This method works great, including with acute and severe conditions.

A person who did not understand medicine could hardly write a work that serves as a reference book for modern doctors. And besides, many actually witnessed how Vronsky cured hopeless patients.

Vronsky is also treating patients in the camp where he served time after escaping from Germany. By his own admission, he put both guards and prisoners on their feet. And yet how did he manage to free himself from the camp? He himself told a very dubious story on this score - he allegedly hypnotized the authorities.

It's hard to believe, but even if we assume for a moment that this was the case, then why isn't Vronsky being pursued any more, isn't he looking for as a fugitive? Someone officially releases him from custody. It is clear that this is not the NKVD. But besides the Chekists, only one person could do it - Stalin. Isn't that why Vronsky always invents fables? Is it to hide the truth? He is one of the few agents who reported information personally to the father of nations.

According to one version, in 1942 Vronsky left Nazi Germany precisely on the orders of Stalin. Allegedly another predictor, the famous Wolf Messing, warned of the failure of the Soviet residency in Berlin. And Stalin did not want to risk an important agent. In a word, the whole legend about Count Vronsky could have been born in the Kremlin, and perhaps even flew from the lips of the Generalissimo himself.

But where is the solution to this puzzle? Who could come up with a biography of Vronsky in such detail? Working in the archive, Yulian Semyonov suggested the incredible: the astrologer really existed. In the 1930s, Vronsky ended up in the Lubyanka. In order to learn some secret information from him, the Chekists planted their agent, the same Jan Muizhnieks, on him.

From the dungeons of the Lubyanka, the real Vronsky could only get into one place - the cemetery. If this man really existed, his fate was amazing. But we would never have known about it if not for Jan Muižnieks. He appropriated this incredible biography, resurrected the real Vronsky and made him famous. He continued to study and brought his legend to perfection.

But no matter how convincing it may seem, this is just a version, and it does not explain everything. Muižnieks has been dead for many years. He died in 1998 in Riga. But the legend of Vronsky, whoever invented it, continues to live regardless of anything.

Who is Vronsky? An outstanding scout, a talented healer, or just a visionary who composed fables like Baron Munchausen? Be that as it may, the true life of this man remains an unsolved mystery.

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