The first husband of the boyars. Are Lisa Boyarskaya and her husband Maxim Matveev getting a divorce? The whole truth about the personal life of the daughter of "D'Artagnan. Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev are getting divorced

The rising star of Russian cinema Elizaveta Boyarskaya got married in 2010. Her chosen one was the handsome Maxim Matveev, also a theater and film actor. What is known about him?

Student years

The future husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Maxim Matveev, was born in the city of Svetly, Kaliningrad Region. Unlike Elizabeth's acting roots, his parents are the most ordinary people: his mother is a teacher, and his father is a sailor. And he himself did not plan to connect his life with the stage. But chance helped.

At the graduation party, his acting skills and outstanding appearance were noticed by the teacher of the Saratov Conservatory and advised the young man to contact his colleague Valentina Ermakova. At one time, she discovered the talent of Evgeny Mironov, Galina Tyunina and others. After listening to Matveev, Ermakova invited him to study immediately for the second year. And he fully justified this advance.

First steps on the theater stage

Even while studying, the future husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya actively began to try himself in various performances and productions. The first role was Anne Boleyn's lover in The Royal Games. Then he was offered to play Vaslav Nijinsky, the famous Russian choreographer and dancer, in the play "God's Clown". The production included performing all kinds of ballet steps, but Maxim was good at dancing. Another of his skills, namely the art of fencing, Matveev was able to demonstrate in his thesis work "Don Juan" based on Pushkin's work, where he also played the main character.

After graduating from the Saratov acting university in 2002, Maxim decided to enter the Moscow Art Theater School. He got on the course of Sergei Zemtsov, and among the roles played during that period, it should be noted the knight Joffrey in "The Piedmontese Beast" and Dulchin in "The Last Victim". He also took part in the following productions: "The Cabal of the Hypocrites" (Zachary Muarron), (Edgar), "Sacred Fire" (Colin Tebret), etc. Lord Goring from the play "An Ideal Husband" by Oscar Wilde is considered his best role.

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater in 2006, the future husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Maxim Matveev, begins working at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. The average spectator is very fond of Matveev's performance, his performances are a success.

Cinema and charity

The future husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya made his first steps in the cinema in 2007, when he played Denis Orlov in the film "Vise". Then a year later there was a musical "Dandies", where Matveev got the image of the expressive and charming Fred.

This role made him famous all over the country. Since then, Matveev has been invited more and more often, the list of films with his participation has grown every year, despite the fact that Maxim continued to play in the theater.

At this time, he marries his classmate Yana Sexta, the actress of "Snuffbox", but their relationship was short-lived. A year later, they break up the marriage.

Together with Yana, Maxim Matveev began participating in the Clown Doctor project. Now he is the face of the eponymous charitable foundation. Together with a team of like-minded people, dressing up as clowns, they visit hospitals and entertain sick children.

Acquaintance with Lisa Boyarskaya

It took place on the set of the film "I won't tell" in 2009. They played a married couple. They were united by a common obsession with work, and from that time a stormy romance began. At first, the lovers kept their relationship a secret, but a year later they already got married. Maxim was warmly and cordially accepted into the family, Lisa's famous parents approved of their relationship and marriage.

Replenishment in the family

And in 2012, a long-awaited event took place: Elizaveta Boyarskaya gave her husband a son. The husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya was present at the birth. The son was named Andrew. They say that he has blue eyes and dark hair, that he looks like his famous grandfather. In general, the Matveev-Boyarskaya couple do not like to advertise their personal lives, so the photographs of the heir are not yet exposed to the public. Elizaveta Boyarskaya, husband and son, first tried to live together in the capital, because Matveev works there, but the Moscow air did not suit the baby. Now he is at the Boyarskys' dacha outside St. Petersburg, where he is cared for by two grandparents. And Lisa and Maxim constantly visit their son.

In the families of actors, it often happens that someone is more famous and popular, while the other is talked about only in the context of the topic of his marriage companion.

Because of this, competition arises, the existence of the family itself becomes threatened. But it seems that this star couple is not in danger. Although at the time of their acquaintance, Boyarskaya, her husband, Maxim Matveev, was more famous and held, no less in demand now. Although, as many film critics say, the role of his life is yet to come.

To summarize, Maxim Matveev is known not only as the husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, but first of all as a talented actor.

And Maxim Matveev is one of the most beautiful acting couples in Russian cinema. The spouses do not advertise their personal lives too much, however, we still know some details of their romance - this is what Lady Mail.Ru will tell today.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya, the daughter of famous parents and an exemplary girl, for a long time could not meet a man who would please her, and even please Pope Mikhail Boyarsky. Liza herself said more than once in her interviews that her father always harshly criticized all her gentlemen, but the only exception was the young and successful actor Maxim Matveev ...

Their love story began with a real office romance. Lisa and Maxim starred together in the film "I Won't Tell", where they played a couple who were on the verge of breaking up. While the actors portrayed the crisis of relations, mutual sympathy arose between them, on the contrary. The stars spent a lot of time together outside of filming, rehearsing together and even went for the necessary props for the film.

“We were so engrossed in this story that everyone contributed something of their own. Maxim and I, for example, went around all the flea markets, looking for things that our heroes could give each other, ”recalls Liza Boyarskaya about the first days of meeting her future husband. The situation was complicated only by the fact that at that time Matveev was married to actress Yana Sexta. The media wrote that Yana was shocked by her husband's betrayal, while the lovers a few years later claimed that Maxim's marriage was already "bursting at the seams." Be that as it may, Matveev decided to part with his wife and began dating Lisa Boyarskaya. They first appeared in public in 2008 at the premiere of the film "Admiral", where Boyarskaya decided to come with her new chosen one.

Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev in the movie "I won't tell"

“I got used to the fact that during the filming, Maxim and I were always there. And on the very first day, when he was far away, I realized that I had a crush on my ears, ”the actress frankly told about her feelings in an interview with Hello! magazine. At the same time, Lisa claimed that in no case did she “take away” Maxim from the family, as the press, who loves such spicy stories, immediately accused her of this.

“You know, there are female predators, they are looking for a man, bewitch, bewitch ... - says Boyarskaya. - How they walk around ... From this point of view, I am absolutely not a conqueror, not a hunter. And yet, Maxim got into the network of the beautiful Lisa pretty quickly. Their relationship developed so rapidly that soon the actress introduced the young man to her parents. Fortunately, the strict father Mikhail Boyarsky liked Maxim.

Matveev himself recalled this exciting moment in an interview: “Lisa's parents were returning from vacation, we met them in the early morning, at six, we drove them home,” Maxim told about an important moment. - The three of them stayed with them, and I, in order not to worry for a long time, immediately told them everything. Lisa's father asked, "Does my daughter love you?" I answered yes. He said: "Well, then good luck to you"

The lovers did not delay the wedding either - they secretly signed in one of the St. Petersburg registry offices, and then they staged a noisy celebration in accordance with all the rules - with the ransom of the bride, dancing and feast toasts.

Life in two cities

After the wedding, the newlyweds parted - the native Petersburger Liza continued to play in the theater in the Northern capital, and Maxim lived and worked in Moscow. Of course, this circumstance did not disappear from the press, and the media decided to “divorce” them. In fact, Maxim and Lisa were not going to part, they were quite satisfied with this life in two cities, and even liked this romance of meetings and farewells.

And yet, soon Lisa and Maxim realized that it would not work to constantly combine family and career in this way, you need to choose from something. When Boyarskaya found out that she would soon become a mother, she made the difficult decision to leave her native Petersburg and move to Moscow with her husband. And in 2012, their son Andrei was born.

Last spring, viewers already saw the TV series "Anna Karenina", and now they will be able to appreciate the full-length version of the picture by Karen Shakhanazarov. The TV premiere made Elizabeth and Maxim the most discussed couple of the season - they were at the epicenter of such heated discussions that not everyone is able to withstand.

For a photo shoot HELLO! Lisa and Maxim chose images that are not at all similar to the images of Leo Tolstoy's heroes - Anna and Vronsky. Grotesque, ironic, modern. On the site, they were hooligans from the bottom of their hearts - one must also take a break from the seriousness of the historical genre. But still "Karenina" does not let them go. More than a year has passed since the end of filming, but both are so absorbed in their characters that they seem to still let them through themselves, analyze, try to find something. And they don't seem to notice that when they talk about Anna and Vronsky, they are talking about themselves.

The television version of "Anna Karenina" caused a great resonance. Did you follow the reaction of the audience, the press?

Well, they didn’t do “Teremok” after all, so the resonance is quite expected.

It would be surprising if the film adaptation of such a work did not cause a response. Then, of course, it would be necessary to put a minus to the entire team of creators, including us, the performers of the main roles. Naturally, I followed the reaction of the audience and the press. It was very valuable to receive feedback from colleagues, whose constructive criticism helps to grow, and pleasant comments give strength. Viewers' opinions in all their emotional beauty - from flattering to indignant - once again demonstrated the creative potential of our people. I think that this reading of "Anna Karenina" made it possible for everyone to think again about the power of love, about choice, about questions of morality. And, of course, to compare the images of the characters that the imagination drew while reading the novel and watching other film versions.

It so happened that, without waiting for the end of the show, I flew to Washington on tour, so I did not follow the heated discussion. But I didn’t particularly strive, because I had already seen the series, so I was calm and confident in our work. I'm worried about the movie, haven't watched it yet. From what particularly pleased me, I heard very good and serious words from my teachers, from literary critics, theater critics. It's rare, and it's worth it.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev in the film "Anna Karenina"
Work on the Anna Karenina project took Elizabeth and Maxim more than a year. Both admit that for them it was a 100% creative partnership, which was accompanied by deep immersion in the material.

But there has been quite a bit of criticism addressed to you as well. Did it hurt you?

I am very conscious of my profession and I know that with my work I can give the audience something more than just entertainment. Now it is to teach people to accept themselves and others. In my view, the world would be harmonious if people treat each other, their work and the environment with understanding and love. So I try to create and show images, characters with all their shortcomings, so that those who look can become wiser, better and more tolerant. I see myself as a tool for the realization of something more. And it gives me the strength not to be hurt.

More than seven years ago, you met on the set of the film "I won't tell." They worked on "Anna Karenina" when they were already husband and wife. What has changed over the years, has it become easier for you to act together?

I would not say that by and large something has changed. The experience accumulated over the years of living together just appeared. And a certain degree of trust and intimacy. Which, I think, had a positive impact on our interaction on the site.

On the set of "I won't tell," each of us thought more about our role. Of course, we were sensitive partners, we helped each other, but still we solved our acting tasks in parallel. And here we initially felt like a single organism, communicating vessels. It was a situation of one hundred percent creative partnership. Maxim and I have been easy together for so many years - in personal relationships. We know each other so well! When we analyzed this or that scene of Anna and Vronsky, it was enough for us to say: "Well, you know how it happens?" Family experience helps to convey subtle, deep, but understandable to all couples in love, the nuances of relationships. Even tactile knowledge of each other, in my opinion, is felt in the frame.

You got roles that you can only dream of. How did you feel when you found out you were approved?

I do not really agree that Vronsky is just the role of a dream. I'm generally afraid of the obvious. And there are so many stereotypes about my hero that have been embedded in us since school! Everyone knows what he is like, what Anna is... Among these patterns it is very difficult to find something real, to make Vronsky different from the one everyone is used to seeing in him, and at the same time convincing. Therefore, my first reaction - I was very puzzled. It was necessary to warm up your interest in the hero with something, to ignite yourself.

And what did you set yourself on fire with?

After re-reading the novel, I realized that Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy is much smarter, wiser and deeper than all our school ideas. For me, Vronsky is not a hero-lover at all, he is an absolutely characteristic character. A narrow-minded person, actually abandoned by his own mother, who did not have before his eyes an example of normal family relations. He is infantile, unable to appreciate the consequences of his actions and the emotions that other people experience. In the most peak scenes, Vronsky says: "Anna, calm down," and dejectedly hangs his head. That's all he can do. This is his moral disability. He gives me the impression of a puppy who intuitively goes where he feels good. Discussing the novel with Lisa, I caught myself on the fact that Anna at some point begins to terribly, incredibly annoy me! Run like a man. Another would have yelled in Vronsky's place, hit the table, but made it clear to the woman that there was a man next to her who understood what he was doing and who could be relied upon. And he only: "Anna, well, calm down ..."

Unlike Maxim, for me it was really a dream role! It so happened that the first time we tried together. And I was, to be honest, satisfied with the result. You know, in any profession there is such a state when you realize that today you did something especially well. I immediately had the feeling that this story will continue. And when they told me that I was approved, my long joyful cry sounded in response. Such great directors touched this work, such actors and actresses! He has such a great line. And in general - this is a story for all time, it is close to any woman and any man. Of course, I immediately thought: "God, this is such a responsibility!" So the first feeling was rather fear. Instant joy, and then immediately - fear. After living with it for a while, I realized that a sense of responsibility shackled my hands, feet and mind. And that all this is a terrible stupidity, that I need to forget about everything and trust myself and the director. I just have to live this story the way I feel. When I came to this, relaxation set in. Then Maxim and I began to prepare for filming. It was an amazing process of serious immersion. We endlessly re-read the novel itself, and the literature about it, and Tolstoy's diaries, rehearsed, learned the texts. Fortunately, we had a lot of time to prepare and we could not limit ourselves.

And how did you feel about your character? What is your Anna about?

Anna is a strong, outstanding, smart, very complex lady. Vronsky, having decided to look after her, of course, did not suspect which iceberg would break off and swim after him. I am sure that she married Karenin for love, but without knowing passion. She gave birth to a child in which she does not have a soul, she is the pearl of society, everyone is drawn to her, everyone loves her. She is not a cold socialite, but a young, smiling woman, open and charming. Anna did not fall into the maelstrom of relations with Vronsky, but for a long time resisted his perseverance. Next to him, she discovered in herself a new world of feelings - shameless, bewitching, dark, painful. When you realize that you are falling into the abyss, but you feel good in this abyss. She sacrificed her son, family well-being, position in society, she had nothing left but this person in whom she dissolved. And in return - "Anna, well, calm down." The tragedy is that Vronsky tried to give Anna everything he could, but in her eyes this "everything" is incommensurably insignificant in comparison with her sacrifice and her need for love. On the scale of her temperament, the immensity of nature, she simply suffocates him with her love.

Are you familiar with such passions? Have similar emotions remained after seven years of family life?

I have enough passion in the cinema and on stage! I have said this before, but now I am ready to put two signatures under this phrase of mine. Because ... well, it's unbearable - to be constantly in such emotional stress, in misunderstanding, despair, pain, in a feeling of the end of the world! Such feelings are even painful to play, let alone live with it ... No, God forbid. Ultimate experiences are great to pass through yourself as an actress, to reach a frenzy. And get back to your life. I love well-being, peace, mutual understanding, mutual respect. Anna and Vronsky have a different weight category emotionally, a different worldview, even a different pain threshold. It is always difficult for such people to be together. And Maxim and I are very close in spirit, we are equal in our emotional manifestations, we have no territory of insoluble conflicts. We respect, love and appreciate each other. And I would never trade peace, reliability and well-being for some kind of violent passion.

Maxim Matveev and Elizaveta Boyarskaya met in August 2009 on the set of the film "I won't tell", and in the summer of 2010 they got married. The wedding was very modest by today's standards. Two years later, the couple had a son, Andrei. Parents never allow the boy to participate in photo shoots and do not take him with them to social events.

Maxim, what do you think about this?

Yes, I agree.

Do you still continue to live in two cities?

No, our family is finally reunited. We moved to Moscow quite a long time ago, this is our permanent home, our son goes to the garden here. We come to St. Petersburg to visit our grandparents. And I go to work at the Maly Drama Theater for performances, of which I have quite a lot.

Was it difficult for you to decide to move to Moscow completely?

No, I have to be where my husband and child are. Moscow, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg or Saratov - it doesn't matter. It would be necessary - I would fly to work from there.

Your son Andrei is already five years old. You never showed it to the press. Is this a principled position or superstition?

I don't understand why this is necessary. Even on the example of Lisa, judging by her children's photographs, I see that children are having a hard time with increased attention - to themselves, to their parents. This deprives of immediacy, childhood turns into work. I would like to preserve immediacy in my child. Therefore, I am a principled supporter of a fairly closed life.

Do you feel increased attention from educators or other parents in kindergarten?

Andrei has been going to the new garden for only the third month, but we are very satisfied. There are nice, delicate, easy-to-communicate people around, we don’t feel any increased attention or special attitude. Several times we came to common events with parents, it was a lot of fun. One of them took place in the pool - the children swam, and we had to support and cheer them. Everyone put washcloths on their hands, chants shouted in a general impulse. In general, everything is fine in the garden.

Your son's recent birthday party was attended by Maxim's ex-wife, Jana Sexte. Are you friends?

We are friends, and we are friends with families! In addition, we are involved together in performances at the Moscow Art Theater.

We also have many mutual friends and all have children of the same age. Of course, it is not so often possible to see each other, but still. Plus, the three of us are trustees of the Doctor Clown Charitable Foundation, this is a very important story for all of us that unites us.

You said in one of the interviews that Andrey already reads well, learns foreign languages. What else is he into?

I think his main advantage is that he is an ordinary child. He knows what anyone at his age can do. He loves when people read to him, he himself is not very eager to sit down with a book. He is wonderful and logical. He speaks well, in my opinion, apparently, because Maxim and I still communicate in good Russian. Andrey periodically inserts some non-childish phrases - "I believe that", "I do not quite agree", this is always charming. He knows a little English so far. He is fond of designers, we really like to play board games all together. They are making something with dad - Maxim is handy, he can fix any thing. We cannot boast that at the age of five our son has a black belt in karate and fluently plays Rachmaninoff. But to be honest, this is not what we are aiming for. As Maxim rightly said, we want Andryusha to feel like a child for as long as possible, enjoy life and study this world - as beautiful as it seems to him so far. And we can only support it with our love, not prohibit anything - or rather, only what is potentially dangerous or asocial.

Do you manage to relax all together?

You can rest when you want. I will not dissemble - ah, we have so much work, there is absolutely no time! It's really a lot of work, but we like it.

It's always hard to get off the schedule. This is how circumstances develop: it cannot be moved, then it cannot be moved. But last year after "Karenina" we succeeded. I had a free month, I asked not to appoint performances, rehearsals, or filming. And Andryusha and I spent the whole of August in Georgia, Maxim came to visit us for a week.

Not so long ago, the two of you visited Los Angeles. Was it a business trip?

Rather, yes - all sorts of business meetings, acquaintances with directors, tests. We try to get out there at least for a little while every year. And of course, for Maxim and me it was an opportunity to be together, alone with each other, which we had not done for a very long time.

What does the perfect day off look like for you?

For me, the ideal rest is, probably, a good night's sleep. And so that everyone is sure to be free: Maxim, Andrey, and me. It is best to go somewhere in nature or in a park to enjoy the air, play, socialize, then sit down in a restaurant hot and flushed. You know, such a sluggish, eventful, relaxed, family day. In the evening, watch a movie together, read a book, then, after a delicious dinner, play board games and go to bed.

Any day can be perfect - both in terms of leisure and in terms of work. It depends only on us.

Producer: Olga Zakatova Style: Yuka Vizhgorodskaya. Stylist assistant: Alina Frost. Makeup: Roxana Arakelyan/Dior. Hairstyle: Leonid Romanov / creative partner of L "Oreal Professionnel. We thank the Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow for help in organizing the shooting

The star of "Hipster", "Anna Karenina", "MosGaz" and "Demons", an indispensable member of the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, actor Maxim Matveev has come a long way before he was called the "star of the young generation" by both faithful viewers and demanding critics.

Childhood and family of Maxim Matveev

Maxim Alexandrovich Matveev was born on July 28, 1982 in the city of Svetly, Kaliningrad Region. His relatives, simple Soviet workers, were far from the world of art.

Mom Lyudmila Vladimirovna is a philologist, worked as a librarian. The boy did not know his own father. The upbringing of the boy was mainly carried out by his grandfather, who, according to the memoirs of the actor, had golden hands. “He asked me to draw what I want. I drew, and three hours later my grandfather made a toy according to my sketch, ”said Maxim.

Maxim's grandmother worked as a usher at a local cinema and, of course, let her grandson through all the screenings for free. There the boy got acquainted with many masterpieces of the Hollywood film industry, but Star Wars made the strongest impression on him. For a long time in his fantasies, he imagined himself a Jedi with a laser sword at the ready.

When Maxim was 10 years old, his mother found a new love, and the young man had a stepfather, a sailor by profession. In 1992, the family moved to Saratov, to the homeland of her husband, where Maxim had a half-brother Volodya.

Maxim Matveev. white studio

Maxim studied well at school, graduated with a silver medal. He was a rather withdrawn child: he almost did not communicate with anyone, at breaks he preferred not to play with his peers, but to prepare homework. But by the time he was in high school, a rebellious spirit woke up in him: he grew long hair and began to listen to heavy metal.

As a child, Maxim Matveev wanted to become a surgeon, then he got the idea to become a swordsman. However, creativity has always been an important part of his life. In his youth, he attended art school, later extra-curricular acting classes were added to the fine arts lessons. Despite this, after graduating from school, Maxim did not think about the profession of an actor. He could not decide what he wanted to do in adulthood, and his parents simply put him before the fact: "You are acting as a lawyer." But then the course of his fate was changed by Mr. Chance.

Carier start

In the senior class, Matveev decided to take part in a couples competition at the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory. It was there that the theater teacher Vladimir Smirnov drew attention to him, suggesting that the guy try his hand at acting. Heeding the advice, he submitted documents and immediately became a second-year student at the theater department of the Saratov Conservatory. Thanks to the efforts of his teacher Valentina Ermakova, Maxim quickly improved his skills, rejecting numerous offers to appear in commercials, photo shoots, or even an adult film (they offered him that too!). As a result, for his graduation performances "God's Clown" and "Don Juan" Maxim received the highest marks from the members of the commission.

Having received a diploma from the Saratov Conservatory, Maxim tried his luck at the Moscow Art Theater School. He, a modest boy from Saratov, went to the capital without much preparation, in his own words, the listening material was one-sided. When the examiners asked if he had prepared anything else, Maxim replied: “No, but soon!”. The next morning, after a sleepless night, he came fully armed, and he was asked to dance. He was sure that he had failed, but the talented young man found a place on the course of Igor Zolotovitsky and Sergey Zemtsov.

In parallel with his studies, Maxim Matveev began to perform frequently on stage. So, he played the role of the knight Zhorfey in the famous play "The Piedmontese Beast", and then also appeared in the production of "The Last Victim". Although the actor recalled his first appearance on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater with shame: “I played in the same performance with Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina. And I was not heard. At all. After the performance, Oleg Pavlovich told me: “Well, old man, you have to work and work.”

As a result, having successfully graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, in 2006 Maxim Matveev got a job at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. In subsequent years, the actor played a huge number of wonderful roles on the local stage. Among his best works are the performances "The Cabal of the Holy", "King Lear", "The Artist". According to well-known theater critics, the best work of the young actor is the role of Goring in the production of "An Ideal Husband" by Oscar Wilde.

Maxim Matveev in the cinema

While still a student, Matveev was offered a role in the TV series "Poor Nastya" with Elena Korikova. The character was important for the plot, and the fee for shooting would be enough for a four-room apartment in Moscow. But Maxim heeded the words of Zolotovitsky, who convinced his ward not to rush, but to study diligently. The actor himself understood this, for whom a place in the Moscow Art Theater already meant more than the fleeting glory of a serial handsome man.

Maxim's first film role was Valery Todorovsky's tape "Vice", and a year later, the audience saw him in "Stilyagi", a motley musical by the same director with Anton Shagin and Oksana Akinshina.

"Dandies": Maxim Matveev - "My little baby"

This was followed by roles in the films New Year's Tariff, I Won't Tell, On the Hook, Exchange Wedding. All these films were commercially successful, so the name of Maxim Matveev did not disappear from the radars of directors and producers

Maxim Matveev was also loved by ordinary viewers. His performances were always sold out. And during various film festivals, the queue to him for autographs has always been especially impressive.

In the second half of the 2000s, Maxim Matveev began to appear frequently not only on large screens, but also on television. He again stepped into the world of Russian TV series very confidently, playing a major role in the Tula Tokarev TV project. After that, there were shootings in the series "Yalta-45", "Diamond Hunters", "Military Hospital", as well as roles in the television tapes "Captains", "Santa Claus always rings three times" and many others.

In 2012, the filmography of Maxim Matveev was replenished with several successful projects at once: the MosGaz series with Andrei Smolyakov (operetta artist Vlad Vikhrov), and the military drama August. Eighth "(commander of the peacekeepers Alexei).

In 2013, the popularity of the actor was reinforced by participation in the detective Stanislav Govorukhin "Weekend", the romantic comedy with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Lyubov Aksenova "Loves Doesn't Love" and the adventure "Fort Ross", where Anna Starshenbaum became Maxim's partner.

And after 2014, Maxim Matveev began to be recognized on the street as Nikolai Stavrogin from the mini-series of Vladimir Khotinenko "Demons", a film adaptation of Dostoevsky's work of the same name, on which the actor worked together with the already well-known Anton Shagin, Sergey Makovetsky and Maria Lugova.

In the same year, he starred in the film adaptation of Sergei Minaev's novel The Heifers, and also appeared in the sports drama They Played for the Motherland.

At the beginning of 2017, viewers could enjoy the performance of Maxim Matveev in two major projects at once. The first is a multi-part film adaptation of the biography of the spy dancer Mata Hari, played by the Frenchwoman Vaina Giocante. Maxim Matveev himself appeared in the image of Captain Vladimir Maslov, in love with a beautiful girl.

A month after the premiere of the series "Mata Hari", the public was presented with Karen Shakhnazarov's series "Anna Karenina" (although its shooting ended earlier). Maxim Matveev played Alexei Vronsky, but the role of his beloved, Anna Karenina, was played by Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

The main competitor of the actor was Konstantin Kryukov, but since Lisa was approved for the role of Anna before casting for the role of Vronsky, Maxim had an advantage - he and his wife did not have to “play out” and play passion. “Playing love with a wife is much easier than with any other actress,” Maxim shared in an interview. Personal life of Maxim Matveev The first wife of Matveev was the Latvian actress Jana Sexte, with whom the actor played in the same theater for a long time. Their creative collaboration quickly grew into a stormy romance, which in turn transformed into a short marriage. In 2008, young people legalized their relationship, and a year later they parted.

After the end of the affair with his first wife, Maxim Matveev began dating actress Lisa Boyarskaya. In mid-2010, celebrities got married, and in April 2012 the couple had a son, Andrei.

Yana and Maxim managed to divorce without scandals and maintain friendly relations. They work together in the charitable organization "Doctor Clown", which they got into during their short marriage.


“When I was going to your program, at first I decided that there was not a word about Maxim,” Menshova told Sexta. “And then I realized that everything is fine and there are already two happy families and two happy children.”

The fact is that now everything is wonderful in the personal life of the actress. In November 2013, she married the composer Dmitry Marin. On August 1, 2014, the couple had a daughter, Anna. And Yana's ex-husband Maxim Matveev is married to actress Lisa Boyarskaya. The famous couple has a son Andrei.

"All the characters have excellent relations. We are friends. Mitya, me, Lisa and Maxim. Of course, this was not even discussed, we still work in the fund. I am very glad that Maxim and I have remained very close and dear people," – admitted the actress. Moreover, Sexte did not mind when Boyarskaya also joined Matveev's charity work. “What we do is several steps more important than failures in our personal lives,” Yana believes.

In the charitable organization Doctor Clown, the stars of domestic show business help children and their families who are faced with serious illnesses to forget about health problems for a while and regain the joy of life. During the years of marriage, Yana and Maxim entertained sick children in carnival costumes. Once they went to the Burdenko hospital to save a girl from a severe depressive state. Parents and doctors could not help her.

“Psychologists believe that clowns are needed. We sat at night and thought what we could do. Early in the morning we went to the carnival store, bought some monstrous costumes. Just a nightmare!” the artist recalls with a laugh. “We walked around the department for two hours. I remember the face of the girl. Her name was Inna. She was eight years old. When we entered the ward, she turned away. There was no reaction. I don’t remember what we did, but two hours later Inna followed us from ward to ward. She laughed ", however, silently because of the tracheostomy. And then Maxim and I realized for the rest of our lives that it works. To defeat the disease, the child must be made laugh."

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