How to write a travel note. Travel notes. An example of travel notes (School essays). Examples of travel notes

Summer is vacation time. No not like this. Summer is travel time. Finally, you can see what is there, beyond the horizon. Minimum clothes, maximum impressions. And I so want it to never end.

Summer will end. Memories will remain that will warm you on long winter evenings, give a topic for talking with friends. And here's what I thought. Looking at photographs is one thing. Human memory is not perfect. That mood, those people, good and bad, met along the way will be forgotten very quickly. Something needs to be done about it. Do not spill memories of a unique summer, save it for yourself, for children, for loved ones. The only way out is to write travel notes.

How to do it? It's one thing to say "I'll write." It's another thing to force yourself to sit down and write. When you are going to write, so many thoughts. You sit down - the universal emptiness envelops the consciousness, subconsciousness and other parts of the brain. We will act according to the plan.

First plan: the technical side.

  • Write down everything that happened at the same time every day. For example, at 21.00. Failed, then in the morning at 9.00. This will become a habit and it will become easier to seat yourself at the table.
  • Prepare supplies and a workspace so that the search for all this does not interrupt the creative process.
  • It's good to have a laptop. If not, you need a notebook. Yes, thicker. The place where you record should also be organized. You can add plan items.
  • Let's not forget the camera!

Second plan: direct travel notes.
We are following this plan here. We start with the designation of the date, time, place. Then we proceed to the description of the place in which we are, fellow travelers, events.

Describing the place is probably the easiest. What I see is what I write. At the same time, let's not forget the most important thing: to evaluate what we see, to describe our mood while admiring the area and the statements of others, if any.

It's a little more difficult with people. After all, a person has not only an external, but also an internal. With the outside, everything is clear: name, approximate, by eye, age, marital status (if possible), what he does, appearance, demeanor, gestures, smile, features. The inner can be expressed by your conversations with him. Here it is possible not to reproduce what was said with accuracy to every word, but simply in a few words, reflecting the views of the interlocutor, to convey the essence of the conversation. Again, let's not forget the main thing: to evaluate a person, you can listen to what others have to say about him, but we will not stoop to a discussion behind his back.

Describing the events of our journey, we will use works of art, or rather their plot structure. How do writers write? According to plan. And in this regard, there are only 4 points.

  1. Tie. We answer the question: how did the event start?
  2. Action development. You directly describe what actions took place, who did what, said, thought.
  3. Climax. This is the most intense moment of action, when everything is on the verge of life and death, for and against, good and evil.
  4. Interchange. How did the event end? What lesson did you take away from it? How has it changed your life and those around you?

Traveling, we can become not only the heroes of some incident, but also its observers, witnesses. It's also good to write down. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
Do not forget that people love to read, firstly, the memoirs of famous people (and now ordinary ones), and secondly, the notes of travelers. Who knows, maybe you will write notes about your trip not only for yourself? Wake up your talents!

Summer is vacation time. No not like this. Summer is travel time. Finally, you can see what is there, beyond the horizon. Minimum clothes, maximum impressions. And I so want it to never end.

Summer will end. Memories will remain that will warm you on long winter evenings, give a topic for talking with friends. And here's what I thought. Looking at photographs is one thing. Human memory is not perfect. That mood, those people, good and bad, met along the way will be forgotten very quickly. Something needs to be done about it. Do not spill memories of a unique summer, save it for yourself, for children, for loved ones. The only way out is to write travel notes.

How to do it? It's one thing to say "I'll write." It's another thing to force yourself to sit down and write. When you are going to write, so many thoughts. You sit down - the universal emptiness envelops the consciousness, subconsciousness and other parts of the brain. We will act according to the plan.

First plan: technical side.[ more]
1. Write down everything that happened at the same time every day. For example, at 21.00. Failed, then in the morning at 9.00. This will become a habit and it will become easier to seat yourself at the table.
2. Prepare supplies and workspace so that searching for all this does not interrupt the creative process.
3. It's good to have a laptop. If not, you need a notebook. Yes, thicker. The place where you record should also be organized. You can add plan items.
4. Let's not forget the camera!

Second plan: direct travel notes. We are following this plan here. We start with the designation of the date, time, place. Then we proceed to the description of the place in which we are, fellow travelers, events.

Describing the place is probably the easiest. What I see is what I write. At the same time, let's not forget the most important thing: to evaluate what we see, to describe our mood while admiring the area and the statements of others, if any.

It's a little more difficult with people. After all, a person has not only an external, but also an internal. With the outside, everything is clear: name, approximate, by eye, age, marital status (if possible), what he does, appearance, demeanor, gestures, smile, features. The inner can be expressed by your conversations with him. Here it is possible not to reproduce what was said with accuracy to every word, but simply in a few words, reflecting the views of the interlocutor, to convey the essence of the conversation. Again, let's not forget the main thing: to evaluate a person, you can listen to what others have to say about him, but we will not stoop to a discussion behind his back.

Describing the events of our journey, we will use works of art, or rather their plot structure. How do writers write? According to plan. And in this regard, there are only 4 points.
1. Tie. We answer the question: how did the event start?
2. Development of action. You directly describe what actions took place, who did what, said, thought.
3. Climax. This is the most intense moment of action, when everything is on the verge of life and death, for and against, good and evil.
4. Decoupling. How did the event end? What lesson did you take away from it? How has it changed your life and those around you?

Traveling, we can become not only the heroes of some incident, but also its observers, witnesses. It's also good to write down. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.

Do not forget that people love to read, firstly, the memoirs of famous people (and now ordinary ones), and secondly, the notes of travelers. Who knows, maybe you will write notes about your trip not only for yourself? Wake up your talents!

The purpose of the publication is to replenish the site's piggy bank with reviews and articles about travel, sights and related topics. And to our authors, whose materials meet the conditions of publication, we will gladly and gratefully issue an electronic certificate of publication on our website of the educational media.

Examples of travel notes

The presentation is in the first person (I went, we saw), high emotionality of the presentation is allowed, and so on. - just a public diary entry about his travels. The form of presentation and the volume of publication are free.

  • Traveling around Karelia:
  • Journey through Bashkiria:
  • A trip to the village Varnavino:

Landmark Description Examples

  • Krasnoyarsk pillars:
  • Sights of Kaliningrad:
  • Sights of Nuremberg:

Reference information examples

  • Water parks in Anapa:
  • How to get to Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau castles from Munich:
  • How to get from Cologne to Brussels:

Requirements for travel materials

  • The volume of text - from 1500 characters without spaces.
  • The uniqueness of the text - from 70% according to or ETXT anti-plagiarism. You can check the uniqueness of the text online by pasting the text on the site You can increase uniqueness by removing fragments of previously published text; rewriting them "in your own words", adding the author's text.
  • Number of photos: not less than 1, not more than 30. Photos can only be sent by you personally, photos from the Internet or taken by other people without their explicit instructions do not send.
  • Photos can (and preferably) not be compressed, sent directly from the camera, as is. You can put your own watermark on the photo.

In the article, in the right place, indicate the name of the photo:

Photos are numbered and attached as separate files. It is advisable not to insert photographs into the text of the article. However, if you find it difficult to attach photos, insert them into the text of the article in the right places.

Article plan

  • Material name
  • Announcement - brief information about what will be discussed next. Approximately 4-7 lines.
  • The material itself. When describing attractions, it is welcome:
    • name indication;
    • a brief history of what the attraction or place you are describing is famous for;
    • address, phone, work schedule, cost of visiting, link to the official website;
    • Photo.


When preparing an article, please note that the main part of the material is text and information about sights and your trip, not photographs (although they are also important). The text should be written in such a way that it is useful to those travelers who are planning to go to the same place: tell us your impressions, tell us how to get to the place, what to look for and other subtleties.

How to submit an article for publication?

All works are sent by e-mail. The letter is drawn up strictly according to the template:

  • The subject of the letter is "PUBLISH A NOTE"
  • The body of the letter contains information about the author:
    • Surname, name, patronymic of the author without abbreviations in the nominative and dative case (given to whom ...) or a pseudonym.
  • Attached to the letter are:
    • text file in Word format with the text of the travel note;
    • photos in JPG format, whose names have been changed to: Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3, etc. Please, if you have a lot of photos, do not upload them to file storages such as Yandex.Disk or Mail.Cloud - just send all the photos in parts: for example, 5-10 photos in one letter. This is due to the fact that files are removed from file storages over time.
  • Author position or class, the name of the institution where the author works - in order to draw up the most informative document of the participant, as well as the list of participants in the competition.
  • Phone number- for communication with the User on payment issues, participation in a contest/promotion, as well as for the purpose of informing about other similar events.
  • Other information at your discretion The User, if he believes that they are necessary for the most complete and high-quality provision of the service.

Rules for publishing materials

  • By submitting works to the site, the user thereby expresses his consent to the Rules for the publication of materials set forth on this page. If you do not agree with the rules, please do not send the material.
  • By submitting an application/work to the contest, the User thereby expresses his/her familiarization with and acceptance of this agreement-offer for participation in the Contest/Promotion, expresses his/her familiarization and acceptance of the Privacy Policy of the Site and Consent to the processing of personal data, and also agrees with the Privacy Policy of SendPulse (mailings and information). In case of disagreement with the Agreement, do not send an application for participation and do not provide data.
  • The author provides for publication his own, author's, independently developed material or sends the material on behalf of a third party. It is allowed to generalize the work of other people who have published their work on the Internet or in print publications.
  • It is forbidden to insert photos of people, except for your personal ones, real names of other people (can be replaced with: "Student 1", "Student 2", etc.).
  • Each author subscribes to the newsletter of our site. At any time, the author can click the "Unsubscribe" button in any letter from our site.
  • Age of authors: adults, teenagers. Publication language: Russian. Place of residence of the authors: no restrictions.
  • Travel notes have been accepted since March 2015. For each published material, an electronic certificate of publication on the pages of the educational media Vector-success.rf is issued free of charge.
  • The user authorizes the editors of the site to remove, in exceptional cases, material from the site for any good, in the opinion of the editors, reasons. At the same time, the author must understand that the materials are conditionally irrevocable, that is, they cannot be published and asked to be removed in a short time. All materials on the site are checked by its employees or volunteers who spend time publishing materials, and we are not ready to publish and remove materials for unreasonable reasons. All issues of removal of materials are resolved by contacting the editors of the site. Removing articles from the site is paid - 400 rubles, the cost of removing the development is decided on an individual basis.
  • The publication rules set out on this page can be changed by the site editors unilaterally, however, all new rules are published here, in the public domain for everyone.
  • We respect the rights of authors and will make every effort to create a positive image of the author, to maximize the distribution of his work, we will provide assistance and assistance in the publication of the material.
  • The user allows the editors to partially or completely use their author's product (lesson summary, presentation, etc.) free of charge: publish it on the site pages in the public domain or, conversely, allow access to the material only after registering on the site. At the same time, the site will never impose a fee for viewing and downloading copyrighted material (an exception may be specially created materials, as well as materials published after the introduction of the relevant Publication Rules).
  • The user allows the editors of the site to make corrective and editorial changes to the material that do not lead to a change in the essence of the material, its content. In particular, in the Development (load) section, the editors of the site, as a rule, limit themselves to editing the title of the material, its brief and complete description, and only in exceptional cases edit the files published by the author.
  • The user allows the editors of the site to indicate on the page of the material on the site the author's full name, position, place of work and other data provided by the author himself at the time of filling out the form for sending the material or by e-mail.
  • The user, sending the work to the editor, thereby declares that the author of the material is himself, all borrowed fragments are taken for citation rights, sources of information are indicated. The user who sent the work to the site is personally responsible for any questions of third parties about the authorship of materials and other issues related to the material. At the same time, the editors of the site provide assistance to both parties to resolve any disputes. The editors of the site consider it their duty to counteract the spread of plagiarism, illegal materials, but they are not able to thoroughly study each material before publishing it on the pages of the site.
  • The author of the material expresses his consent to receive e-mails from the editors of the site, in particular, about the results of the consideration of the material, with additional questions to the author, as well as sending information to the authors of the site. At any time in any mass message, the author of the material can unsubscribe from receiving such letters by clicking the "Unsubscribe" button. We are strictly against spam, but we must obtain your consent to inform the author about the fate of his material.

Deadlines for consideration of publications

Travel notes are quite difficult in terms of publishing on the site: at least minimal processing of photos, editing the text and layout of the article on the site is required, so we publish travel notes for about a month. Sometimes faster, sometimes longer, but we publish materials in turn, regularly.

How to make travel notes bright and memorable, like the trip itself. And so that the reader can imagine and feel the same as you?

Like me, I will talk about some of the subtleties.

So, the characteristic features of travel notes:

  • location indication ( and possibly time);

For example: In any city, even the smallest one like, there is a park. Or a city square, a garden where all the residents go for a walk.

  • landscape sketches ( description of the area, architecture);

In the city park of our small town (there are probably thousands all over Russia) there is a large circle - an asphalted path, about one and a half kilometers long. She, like a ring, surrounds the park. And there are many small, almost forest paths that cross the park up and down.

  • portrait sketches ( description of animals and people, their behavior, clothes, manners);

Here is a mature, strict man with a “boxer” on a leash, just as mature and strict. Here are two ladies of venerable age, their faces are slightly tense, apparently talking about problems ...

  • comments and feelings of the author ( author's "I", the personality of the author).

I often visit our park. I walk the dog. And now my youngest son. The alleys of the park give me peace…

In general, for travel notes are very important details (unusual facts, unusual buildings, places, unusual people, animals). It is the details that help to recreate the effect of presence.

And here you can’t do without such a reception of a letter as description. I remind you that this is an enumeration of the characteristic features and properties of objects ( color, volume, width, length, etc.).

For example : The stage is surrounded by a two-meter metal fence and resembles a paddock (well, for cows, for example). Young people call this place so.

And of course, you can use it in travel notes. narration, which recreates the picture of events as a whole, namely: from point A I went to point B and along the way this story happened to me ...

According to the form of material organization a travelogue can be:

  • chronological ( sequence of events in time);
  • essayist or free ( is based on associative links, figurative generalizations, reasoning of the author).

You can fully practice at the sights of your own city or village, to which you have long been accustomed and do not notice their beauty. I propose to look at your hometown through the eyes of a tourist and rediscover it!

Today, in the post examples, I used fragments of my travel notes. By clicking on the link, you can read the post in full!

For a week now we have been living in New Pomorie, a district of the old town of Bulgaria rebuilt in a modernist way. Everything a tourist needs is at hand - the sea, hotels and unpretentious taverns. But spend more than five days and six nights here, and you'll start pacing your quarters like a tiger in a cage. The city we had explored far and wide could no longer satiate the growing boredom and the desperate thirst for change. The question arose about the "cultural" component of our holiday.

Described in the booklet of the only local travel agency, Bulgarian villages and a bird farm made me sad with their name alone. I wanted something more worthwhile.

Soon, from the "local" compatriots, we learned about the Rila Monastery, the only holy monastery in Bulgaria that provides accommodation for its visitors. Tourists who stayed within the walls of the shrine for only one night managed to survive either an existential crisis or providence. Many spoke about John of Rila, who appeared to them in a dream, the first hermit monk, whose disciples built the monastery. Then we were not yet ready to experience everything that the pioneers described to us, but we certainly could not imagine a five-hour trip to Sofia - a test not for mountain tourists exhausted by heat and despondency.

The monastery is located in the valley of the Rila River, on the western slope of the Rila mountain range. On all sides, the shrine is surrounded by centuries-old trees and mountain rivers. The last seventeen kilometers of the path stretched in a narrow serpentine from the foot to the top of the mountain. The complex of structures, which seemed immense from below, at an altitude of one thousand one hundred and forty-seven kilometers above the sea, impressed with its truly grandiose scope. The monastery not only towered above the surrounding slopes, but itself seemed to have been carved out of the rock. For the first time we breathed in the mountainous southern air: cool and sweet, and set off up the cozy narrow paths.

The Rila Monastery has been the cultural center of Bulgaria almost throughout its existence. It was here that the culture of the Bulgarian people found refuge from the oppression of the Turkish yoke: children in the monastery were taught the Bulgarian language, local customs and traditions were preserved. But the nature and architecture of this place speak a different language, clear and understandable to everyone to whom they open their doors.

Time in the monastery flows as fast as the water of Rila flies from the mountain rapids. A heavy, lead-colored sky descended like a dome over the shrine. The mystical night, permeated with silence, gradually began to be filled with the noise of mountain rivers and the sounds of the peaceful life of the monastery. Is it often possible to spend the night in a mountain cell and wake up from the rays of the luminary beating through the window?

I didn't want to leave this quiet place. Moving away from the monastery, we watched the sightseeing buses and tourists swarming in them. They had yet to experience the sublime satisfaction that this place gave. In the meantime, they can push in lines, argue about the cost of tickets and discuss the way back home.

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