Biography of Heinrich Padva. Lawyer Padva Genrikh Pavlovich: biography, achievements and interesting facts Merits and famous cases

Senior partner of the law firm "Padva & Partners", Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, winner of the gold medal named after F.N. Plevako

Born February 20, 1931 in Moscow. Father - Padva Pavel Yulievich. Mother - Rappoport Eva Iosifovna. The first wife is Noskova Albina Mikhailovna (died in 1974). Wife - Mamontova Oksana Sergeevna. Daughter - Padva Irina Genrikhovna, photo artist. Granddaughter - Albina.

Heinrich Padva was born into an intelligent Moscow family. His father, a major planning engineer, held senior positions in organizations of such magnitude and significance as the Northern Sea Route. He worked under the legendary Schmidt and Papanin. He went through the entire Great Patriotic War, was shell-shocked. In 1945 he was appointed commandant of one of the German cities, he solved reparations issues; met with the rank of captain. The mother was a ballerina, who, by all accounts, had a figure of amazing beauty. After the birth of her son, she decides to leave the stage, but Terpsichore does not change - she gives dance lessons.
Before the war, Heinrich studied at the prestigious metropolitan school No. 110, where among his classmates there were many children of high-ranking officials, prominent scientists, and popular artists. Largely due to the high level of teaching at the school, many of its graduates subsequently achieved outstanding success in various fields of professional activity.
With the outbreak of war, Heinrich, along with his mother, grandfather and other family members, was evacuated to Kuibyshev (Samara). Shelter was found with distant relatives, where ten of them had to live in one room, sleep on chests and just on the floor. In the evacuation, despite all its hardships, there were also pleasant events, interesting meetings took place: for example, the wonderful playwright and writer Nikolai Erdman stayed in their apartment for several days, returning to Moscow after serving his term in the Stalinist camp. He left a mark in my memory as a person of remarkable personal qualities, extremely interesting in communication. The boy's imagination, among other things, was struck by Erdman's ability to show amazing charades.
When the German troops were driven far away from Moscow, Heinrich and his mother returned home, repaired their room in a communal apartment, heated by a makeshift brick stove. He continued his studies at the same 110th school, which he successfully completed in 1948. I decided to enter the Moscow Law Institute, but on the first attempt I did not get points. (It should be noted that when entering a university in those years, the presence of a Komsomol ticket was taken into account, which Heinrich was in no hurry to acquire, as well as an entry in the "nationality" column.)
A year later - a new, this time more successful attempt at admission: a "semi-passing" score was scored. Unfortunately, after confidently passing the Russian language and literature and history, Henry received "satisfactory" in the geography exam: the rivers of Great Britain became the question "for backfilling". From the examination room, the young man brought out the feeling of an injustice that had happened: practically everyone to whom he subsequently asked this question - even professional geographers - could not remember anything except the Thames ...
At the end of the entrance exams, Genrikh Padva receives an invitation from representatives of the Minsk Law Institute to study at this university and accepts it. Having moved to Minsk, he starts his studies, and very successfully: the first-year student Padva passes both sessions with excellent marks. Here he found an opportunity not only to gain knowledge from highly professional teachers, but also to actively go in for sports, became interested in student amateur performances.
After studying for 2 semesters, Heinrich is transferred to the Moscow Law Institute, which he successfully graduates in 1953. According to the distribution, he ends up in Kalinin (now Tver), is placed at the disposal of the Kalinin Department of Justice. The career of a young lawyer began with a six-month internship in the ancient city of Rzhev. After completing an internship, Padva goes to work in the small district center Pogoreloe Gorodishche to become the only lawyer here.
A native Muscovite, Padva plunged into the exoticism of rural life: housing is a corner in a wooden house, a barnyard is behind the wall, lilacs are under the windows, and the singing of nightingales is heard from the edge of the forest. A lot of vivid impressions related to this period of life remained in my memory: participation in hunting for wolves and real fishing, pleasure from a full basket of mushrooms and a simple walk through the forest ... But perhaps the greatest experience and the most valuable experience was a close acquaintance with ordinary people, their difficult life, horrendous poverty and lack of rights.
The defendants in the first cases, in which Padva acted as a lawyer, were just such ordinary villagers: front-line soldiers who were tried for a hot word against the authorities, young workers who were threatened with prison for being late for work for several minutes. Of course, such trials under the then justice, when a person was given 10-15 years for the slightest violation, rarely ended successfully for a lawyer and his client. But over time, the authority of G. Padva grew - not only in the courtroom, but also in the eyes of fellow villagers. His opinion and arguments gained more and more weight, the district prosecutor began to listen to the arguments more often - an honest and decent man, but who did not have a higher education.
A year and a half later, Padva continues his legal career in Torzhok. Here he improves his skills, reads exceptionally much - fortunately, provincial life, not rich in entertainment, left enough free time. Here he meets his future wife. Soon he moves to Kalinin, where his chosen one studies at the medical institute. Some time later they got married. In parallel with the practice of law, G. Padva graduated in absentia from the history department of the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute - one of the reasons for this decision (to receive a second higher education) was the unwillingness to "voluntarily-compulsorily" study at a party school.
The professional authority of Heinrich Pavlovich is constantly growing, but only in 1971 he returns to Moscow. At first, his hometown, the city of his childhood, met him unkindly: an acute shortage of humanity prevented him from adapting, but bureaucracy, on the contrary, turned out to be in abundance. At first, colleagues helped to cope with difficulties, the support of the Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow City Bar Association I.I. Sklyarsky. The efforts and talent of Padva himself did not go unnoticed: he began to be highly valued, first in professional circles, and then among the public.
The widely known name of G.P. Padva became after a case initiated by an American businessman against the Izvestia newspaper: the businessman accused the publication of slandering him. The plaintiff won a court in his homeland, which ordered to recover from the newspaper many thousands of compensation for the moral damage caused. For a long time, Soviet official structures ignored the events that took place in this case, nodding that the American side was limited in its ability to enforce the decisions of its court. Then the Americans turned to active actions: the property of the Izvestia bureau in the United States was seized, and the process began to threaten complications at the diplomatic level. I had to mobilize all legal resources. As a result of the actions taken by domestic lawyers headed by G. Padva, it was possible to achieve the annulment of the decision of the American court. (Let us add that a few years later G. Padva met with the same injured businessman, who by that time had already retired; all these years he did not hold a grudge against his "offender", who demonstrated high professionalism in his field.) After this history, the mention of the name of G. Padva in the press often began to be accompanied by the epithets "famous", "eminent", "venerable", etc.
Throughout his many years of law practice, G.P. Padva successfully participates in lawsuits, a significant part of which was in the focus of media attention and had a great socio-political resonance.
The 1990s were special years in the career of the lawyer Heinrich Padva. His dossier contains resounding successes that have strengthened the authority of the master of human rights.
During the days of the August putsch of 1991, G.P. Padva, being vice-president of the Union of Advocates of the USSR, was in the United States and addressed the international legal community, in which he spoke about the illegality of the actions of the State Emergency Committee. He returned to Moscow when the putsch had not yet been defeated, with understandable fears of being arrested. Soon, as you know, everything was over, and a few days after the arrest of the putschists, Henry Pavlovich received a call from the daughter of A.I. Lukyanov with a request to protect her father. After personal communication with Anatoly Ivanovich G.P. Padva agreed, emphasizing that he would not change his assessment of the recent dramatic events and would only undertake to defend Lukyanov personally, but not to support the political phenomenon as a whole.
The lawyer began by speaking on television with a statement about the inadmissibility of accusations against Lukyanov as the ideologist of the putsch: each person can have his own political views, and it is unacceptable to persecute him for dissent alone. These arguments were accepted, and the flow of such accusations came to naught. The unacceptability of the accusations of treason brought against members of the State Emergency Committee was also substantiated. As for A. Lukyanov himself, it is generally difficult to talk about his direct participation in the putsch - therefore, in 1994, a fundamental question arose before him and G. Padva: should they accept the amnesty announced by the State Duma in the case of the State Emergency Committee? Unfortunately, the unrest experienced worsened Lukyanov's health, and it was decided to agree with this decision, since the continuation of the struggle could cost too much, the victory could become pyrrhic.
In 1996, the case of P. Karpov, Deputy General Director of the Federal Office for the Insolvency of Enterprises, who, after several years, was accused of taking a bribe while staying at one of the Saratov enterprises, had a wide resonance. Karpov was arrested twice - in Saratov and Moscow, and yet, after a long trial that stretched for 2 years, G.P. Padva was eventually rehabilitated.
In the mid-1990s, Genrikh Pavlovich defended a major businessman L. Weinberg, who was accused of giving a bribe (the businessman presented a gold chain to an employee of the customs committee). The case was investigated by the General Prosecutor's Office and proceeded with violations of the rights of the accused. The lawyer managed to achieve the release of his client from custody, and some time later the case was completely dismissed.
Significant and successful was the participation of G. Padva and his colleague at the law office "Padva and Partners" E. Sergeeva in a high-profile epic with the detention in the United States at the Kennedy airport of the former business manager of the Presidential Administration P. Borodin, who was accused by the Swiss prosecutor's office of money laundering and participation in a criminal organization. Lawyers had to work in different directions: assistance to Russian political government agencies, appeals to legal authorities in the United States, interaction with investigative authorities in Switzerland. As a result, in April 2001, the charge of participation in a criminal organization was dropped from Borodin, and in March 2002, the prosecutor of the canton of Geneva B. Bertossa stopped the criminal case against the former manager of affairs.
In 2003, G. Padva, together with his colleague A. Gofshtein, defended the Azerbaijani politician and businessman with the sonorous surname Elkaponi, who was accused of storing and transporting drugs. The head of the People's Patriotic Union "Azerbaijan-XXI" and businessman F. Elkaponi were detained in Moscow with a kilogram of pure heroin in June 2001. Part of the potion was taken from under the detainee's jacket by the officers of the Department for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow, the other - in his apartment. Lawyers managed to prove that Elkaponi's drugs were planted, and in March 2003, the Golovinsky Inter-Municipal Court of Moscow acquitted the Azerbaijani businessman, releasing him from custody after months in prison.
G. Padva's client for several years has also been the former chairman of the board of directors of the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant A. Bykov, whose name has few competitors in terms of frequency of appearance in modern court chronicles. In 1999, the first attempt was made to prosecute Bykov for involvement in the murder and money laundering - he was detained in Hungary and transported to a pre-trial detention center in the city of Krasnoyarsk. In the autumn of 2000, the businessman was released by the decision of the court of the Central District of Krasnoyarsk, but after some time he was again detained on charges of organizing an attempted murder of Krasnoyarsk businessman V. Struganov. Strong arguments of G. Padva spoke in favor of Bykov's innocence, but the Meshchansky Court of Moscow issued a half-hearted decision: he found Anatoly Bykov guilty, while imposing a suspended sentence of 6.5 years on him. The Moscow City Court upheld this decision. Since Genrikh Padva, on the one hand, is sure of the innocence of his principal, and on the other hand, claims numerous human rights violations during the trial, he does not stop making efforts to appeal the verdict, including in the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights.
Since March 2003, Padva has participated in the consideration in the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court of a new criminal case on charges of Anatoly Bykov - this time of involvement in the murder of local businessman O. Gubin. On July 1, 2003, the court found Bykov and his accomplices not involved in this murder. Bykov was found guilty under another article - 316 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (concealment of a murder committed without aggravating circumstances), sentenced to a year in prison and immediately amnestied.
G. Padva is not one of the lawyers who speak openly only about successful trials with their participation. In his profession, Genrikh Pavlovich finds a lot in common with medicine: a doctor cannot always help, and a lawyer is not omnipotent either. With great regret, he recalls the failure in a civil case to return part of the legacy of B. Pasternak to his muse and beloved Olga Ivinskaya, who was arrested after his death on charges of smuggling and later rehabilitated. In his defense of the truth, G. Padva reached the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, but he failed to return the archives of the great poet (which had to be done both according to legal and universal norms). It reached the point of absurdity and mockery of the memory of a genius: officials demanded documents on donating O. Ivinskaya with a manuscript of a poem dedicated to herself!
Now G.P. Padva is the head of the Padva & Partners law office, under whose auspices about 20 lawyers work. Genrikh Pavlovich - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, elected a member of the Council of the Moscow City Bar Association, Vice-President of the International Union of Lawyers. Awarded with the gold medal named after F.N. Plevako (1998). Cavalier of the Badge of Honor of the Russian National Fund "Public Recognition".
G.P. Padva is the author of a number of publications on the right of citizens to protection, articles on the problems of justice.
For many years he has been fond of painting, favorite artists: El Greco, Utrillo. From modern masters prefers the work of Natalia Nesterova. Collects antique porcelain. Appreciates beautiful football, tennis.

Genrikh Pavlovich was born into a Moscow family of an engineer and a ballerina in 1931. The family lived modestly in a communal apartment. But parents always tried to give their son the best. Therefore, Heinrich Pavlovich received his education in one of the best schools. He studied with the children of public and political figures. Since childhood, Heinrich Pavlovich dreamed of a lawyer profession. He studied the works of great lawyers, improved his oratory and spoke at public events.

After leaving school, he tried several times to enter the Moscow Law Institute (problems arose either in the lack of points, or in the Jewish nationality and the absence of a Komsomol ticket). In the end, he nevertheless entered there by transfer from Minsk.

Career of Padva Heinrich Pavlovich

After graduating from the first institute, by distribution, he ended up in the Kalinin (modern name - Tver) region, where in 1961 he graduated from the pedagogical institute. There he met his love - the most beautiful woman Kalinina, his first wife Albina.

The practice of law of Genrikh Pavlovich Padva began in 1953 in the Kalinin region. However, it was quite difficult. He often faced the injustice of the courts. In addition, it was difficult for Genrikh Pavlovich to start his career in a different region, a completely different environment than the one he was used to from childhood. There wasn't even enough money to live on. He had a hard time adjusting. And in the first decade of his practice as a lawyer, he even wrote a letter of resignation from the bar. In 1971, Genrikh Pavlovich returned to Moscow again with extensive experience in law practice and became a member of the Moscow City Bar Association. Among his colleagues, he began to enjoy great respect for his accumulated experience in conducting legal affairs in the countryside.

The heyday of a career fell on the period of the nineties. When he began to protect not only ordinary people, but also criminal authorities (Vyacheslav Kirillovich Ivankov (“Jap”) and others), political leaders (Pavel Pavlovich Borodin, Anatoly Petrovich Bykov, Pyotr Anatolyevich Karpov, Anatoly Ivanovich Lukyanov, Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov and others ), representatives of the business environment (Lev Weinberg, Frank Elkaponi (Teimur Fuzuli oglu Mamedov), Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky, etc.), as well as television “stars” (Vladislav Borisovich Galkin and others). Also, various legal entities began to turn to him for help (the editorial office of Izvestia, Menatep, PepsiCo, CitiBank, etc.). In 1995, Genrikh Pavlovich opened his own law firm, which continues to operate successfully to this day.

Of course, not all cases were won by Heinrich Pavlovich, there were also lost cases. Especially during his residence in the Kalinin region, when there was practically no humanism in the court. But, despite all the difficulties, he has been working as a lawyer all his life. After all, this is not only a profession, but also a vocation.

Special achievements of Padva Heinrich Pavlovich

Genrikh Padva is an Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Fyodor Nikiforovich Plevako gold medal and other awards. Heinrich Pavlovich played a big role in the abolition of the death penalty in Russia. It was on his complaint to the Constitutional Court that this measure of punishment was declared unconstitutional. Currently, the office of Heinrich Padva has become the best in providing services in the field of criminal law.

Personal life of Padva Heinrich Pavlovich

The first wife of Heinrich Padva was a neurologist and, unfortunately, did not live long with him. She died in 1974, leaving him a daughter. Twenty-two years later, the lawyer married a second time to the notary's assistant Oksana. Moreover, Oksana also has a child from her first marriage - this is a son. According to various sources, despite the fact that her husband spoils her, he nevertheless decided to draw up a prenuptial agreement. It seems that in order to avoid various risks, this is quite fair, because she is forty years younger than him. The lawyer himself reports on this occasion that he perfectly understands a woman's love for him. However, there are doubts about the sincerity of such love - it seems that many women are only interested in his fame.

Hobbies and hobbies of Padva Heinrich Pavlovich

Successful lawyer Genrikh Padva is a comprehensively developed person. He believes in life and death. Able to combine work, creativity and personal life. At different periods of his life, he loved various hobbies - he was engaged in motor sports, photography, gymnastics, collecting, and so on.

Periodically, his hobbies changed. Now he is the author of several books. But he retained his love for sports and active leisure. Football and tennis are his favorite sports. In addition, he is fond of music and painting.

Special personality traits of Padva Heinrich Pavlovich

Heinrich Pavlovich is a unique person. He is professionally passionate, considers himself kind, honest and enthusiastic. Despite the fact that he does not like to compare himself with anyone, he is quite strict with himself. In his work, he likes to take interesting cases. As Reznik's friend and colleague Henry Markovich emphasizes, the famous lawyer Padva Genrikh Pavlovich is distinguished not only by his humanity, he has a rare quality of modern life - a high legal culture. The talented lawyer Genrikh Pavlovich Padva is respected by colleagues, and young lawyers strive to be like him.

For Genrikh Pavlovich, such cases are those in which fundamentally important legal issues are raised and errors that have occurred in previous judicial practice are eliminated. After all, the results of these cases can subsequently save thousands of human lives. As an example, Genrikh Pavlovich likes to cite the case of Vladimir Grizak, who was accused of murdering his own wife and young son, committed with particular cruelty. Vladimir's innocence was defended by Genrikh Pavlovich and his colleague A.E. Bochko. Their efforts turned into a complete justification and rehabilitation of Grizak, who spent 4 long years in prison. However, human rights activists did not stop there. During the trial, they were able to give impetus to the search for an answer to the question of the fate of the death penalty as a legal institution. The fact is that Grizak was threatened with the death penalty for the crime imputed to him. According to Art.

Lawyer Padva Genrikh Pavlovich: biography, achievements and interesting facts

Senior Partner at Padva & Partners law firm.

Head of the Russian-American law firm Chadbourne and Park - and the Union of Lawyers.

Member of the Presidium of the Moscow City Bar Association.


Vice President of the International Union of Lawyers. Genrikh Pavlovich was born in Moscow in 1931.

After 22 years, he received a diploma from the Moscow Law Institute and became a member of the Bar Association.

Cavalier of the sign "Public recognition". Winner of the Gold Medal.

F. N. Plevako. Honored Lawyer of Russia. He is fond of collecting antique porcelain and painting.


Most of all he likes to contemplate the paintings of El Greco, Utrillo and Natalia Nesterova.

Each lawyer has cases that are valuable not only for the positive impact on the lawyer's reputation, but also for the moral satisfaction received after resolving particularly difficult situations.

Padva Genrikh Pavlovich

The Constitutional Court agreed with the lawyers' point of view regarding the unconstitutionality of the current practice and ruled: until the advent of a law that would ensure the consideration by jurors of cases involving defendants under threat of the death penalty, the death penalty throughout Russia will not be imposed by any judicial instance of the country.

Thus, the lawyers managed to achieve not only a fair decision in respect of their client, but also a moratorium on the use of capital punishment.

No less significant can be called the case on the claim of G.
D., addressed to P. and the Ministry of Culture in connection with the belittling of the honor and dignity of the plaintiff.
Genrikh Pavlovich represented the interests of GD. In order to secure the claim, the lawyer filed a motion with the court to seize the defendant's property.

Among his favorite artists are Utrillo and El Greco.

He is also interested in the work of contemporary artists. In particular, he prefers the work of N. Nesterova.

  • 20.06.2016

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Heinrich Pavlovich padva

Criminal lawyer Vyacheslav Korolev Approximately RUB 300,000 Sterligov & Partners Law Firm RUB 200,000 Kalashnikov & Partners ICA RUB 150,000 Partner Bar Association Up to RUB 150,000 (prepayment of RUB 50,000) Lawyer Yury Nikonorov 100,000 - 150 000 rubles Krivitsky & Partners Law Office 100,000 rubles per month Moscow City Bar Association Kurganov & Partners from 100,000 rubles Komaev & Partners Moscow City Bar Association from 100,000 rubles Demin & Partners Law Office 100,000 rubles Legal Center "Man and Law" from 50,000 rubles (protection in court from 100,000 rubles) Moscow Legal Center "Vector" from 100,000 rubles ICA "Zheleznikov and Partners" from 100,000 rubles instance - 80,000 rubles) Lawyer Magomed Evloev As agreed.

Heinrich Padva spoke about his earnings.

He, recalling this process, says that some moments were often absurd. Sometimes the memory of a brilliant writer was simply mocked.

For example, on the part of officials, demands were made for the provision of documents confirming the fact that Ivinskaya had been donated handwritten poems dedicated to her. The side of the writer's daughter-in-law was defended by the lawyer Lyubarskaya. Under the protection of the ex-head of Yukos, M.

Khodorkovsky's lawyer also failed to get an acquittal.

Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev each received eight years in prison. Andrey Krainov (the head of the Volna company), who is involved in the same case, was sentenced to four and a half years probation.

High-ranking clients Padva Genrikh defended the interests of the ex-head of the Russian government Mikhail Kasyanov, who was involved as a witness in a case involving the Sosnovka property complex (former state dachas), sold to him and M. found out for the first time the real rates of Moscow lawyers

From 1953 to 1971, his place of work was the Kalinin Regional Bar Association.

For six months he trained in Rzhev, and later for more than a year he led a singular lawyer's practice in the district center, which is called Pogorely Gorodische.

Later he worked as a lawyer in the cities of Torzhok and Kalinin.

Since 1971, the biography of Heinrich Pavlovich Padva has been associated with the capital, he entered the Moscow City Bar Association.

In 1985, he became a member of its presidium and at the same time director of the Scientific Research Institute of the Bar, established by the Moscow Bar Associations. In 1989, Padva Genrikh was elected vice-president of the USSR Bar Union, and later in 1990 to a similar post in the International Bar Association (Union).

Padva Genrikh Pavlovich cost of services

Oral or written consultation - up to 5,000 rubles, preparation of legal documents - from 10,000 rubles, representation in court - from 50,000 rubles Legal company "Legal Support Center" By agreement, from 25,000 rubles Lawyer Sergei Romanovsky First oral consultation - 3,000 rubles. Further by agreement Law office "Reznik, Gagarin and partners" Refusal to take up the case with the wording "due to employment" Law office "Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and partners" Do not deal with criminal cases related to drugs Law office "Barshchevsky and partners" They disclose information about the cost of services only during a face-to-face consultation with the client. Where do the numbers come from? Most lawyers agreed to justify their prices only during a face-to-face conversation. However, some gave extensive written explanations.
In particular, the Kalashnikov and Partners ICA, having initially requested 150,000 rubles for work during the preliminary investigation, said: “When the parents arrive, they can discuss the price with us.

But for that we need to know the details of the case.”

Interestingly, most lawyers, contrary to popular belief, did not try to "nightmare" the client in order to get the client at any cost. At most, it was about relatively harmless marketing moves.

So, in the legal company "Legal Support Center" they said that their services cost only 25,000 rubles.

However, after some negotiations, clarifications, clarifications, the lawyers admitted that we are talking only about primary assistance to the accused. And then we need to negotiate. Another advertising tactic is used by lawyer Sergei Romanovsky, who immediately introduced himself as a former FSB officer who served in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Ultimately, the case against Borodin was dropped. The head of the board of directors of KrAZ, Anatoly Bykov, was a defendant of a lawyer in 2000 and 2003.

He was given a suspended sentence. Entrepreneur Frank Elkaponi (Mamedov), who was accused of storing and transporting drugs, was acquitted by Pavda's efforts.

Pavda's clients were also Yukos organizer M. Khodorkovsky, actor Vladislav Galkin, ex-Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, criminal authority Vyacheslav Ivankov. Failures in business Biography of Heinrich Padva includes not entirely successful moments.

In the period from 1994 to 2001, the lawyer had to represent the side of Olga Ivinskaya, who was a friend of B.

Pasternak, at a lengthy lawsuit connected with the fate of the Pasternak archives.

This civil case ended unsuccessfully for the defendant Pavda.

Lawyer padva genrikh pavlovich cost of services

For example, the following response came from the Partner Bar Association: “Hashish (cannabis) is used as a smoking mixture, it is common at student events. Preliminary investigation - up to 150 thousand rubles. We do not know how he was detained, if within the framework of the ORM, then we need to look at how they were carried out and look for flaws and violations, if any. We have extensive experience in this regard. You can make an advance payment, say, in the region of 50 thousand rubles for a meeting with the prisoner and the investigator. Then you can understand what, how and with what it is possible to help, and then talk about the final amount of the fee and additional payment ... It is necessary to decide on working with a lawyer who will be interested in the work, and “do not serve the number” as appointed from the investigation, you need to as soon as possible so as not to lose precious time in this situation.

By the way, you can bargain with almost all lawyers.

It is a well-known fact that Genrikh Pavlovich Padva, a lawyer whose salary is considered one of the highest in the Russian Federation, in special situations can provide his high-quality legal assistance absolutely free of charge. His equally famous colleague Henry Reznik argues that Padva has a rather rare quality, which is called the highest legal culture.

Heinrich Pavlovich Padva: biography, education

The birthplace of the future Honored Lawyer of Russia is the capital of our country. Date - 02/20/1931. Parents - Padva Pavel Yurievich and Rapoport Eva Iosifovna.

In 1953, Padva Genrikh Pavlovich graduated from the Moscow Law Institute. As a result of the distribution, he ended up in the Kalinin region.
In 1961 he graduated in absentia from the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History.

From 1953 to 1971, his place of work was the Kalinin Regional Bar Association. For six months he trained in Rzhev, and later for more than a year he led a singular lawyer's practice in the district center, which is called Pogorely Gorodische. Later he worked as a lawyer in the cities of Torzhok and Kalinin.

Since 1971, the biography of Heinrich Pavlovich Padva has been associated with the capital, he entered the Moscow City Bar Association. In 1985, he became a member of its presidium and at the same time director of the Scientific Research Institute of the Bar, established by the Moscow Bar Associations.

In 1989, Padva Genrikh was elected vice-president of the USSR Bar Union, and later in 1990 to a similar post in the International Bar Association (Union).

In 2002, he began working as a lawyer in the Moscow Chamber of Lawyers, establishing and leading as a managing partner a law firm called Padva and Partners.

Awards and regalia

Taking into account the contribution made to the development of the practice of law in Russia, Padva Genrikh Pavlovich was awarded the Gold Medal. Plevako in 1998

A significant personal contribution invested in the improvement of the existing legislative structure, many years of law practice in the protection of civil rights and freedom of a particular individual led to the awarding of him in 1999 with the honorary sign "Public Recognition".

Padva Heinrich Pavlovich: reviews, biography

Padva Heinrich in 1991-1994, within the framework of the "GKChP case", managed to obtain an amnesty for his client, who was the former chairman of the USSR Armed Forces Anatoly Lukyanov.

With the help of Padva, Lev Weinberg, a major businessman, was released in 1996, and later his criminal prosecution was stopped.

In 1996-97, the defendant of the lawyer was Petr Karpov, accused of bribery, who held the position of deputy director at the Federal Insolvency Office. He was taken into custody twice and released on a subscription the same number of times. Ultimately, the criminal case was dropped due to an amnesty.

The former head of Rosdragmet Evg. Bychkov in 2001 also came under an amnesty. Some of the charges were dropped from him.

Pavel Borodin, the manager of the Russian President's affairs, was a client of Padva in 2000-2002. He was arrested in the Mabetex case. Ultimately, the case against Borodin was dropped.

The head of the board of directors of KrAZ, Anatoly Bykov, was a defendant of a lawyer in 2000 and 2003. He was given a suspended sentence.

Entrepreneur Frank Elkaponi (Mamedov), who was accused of storing and transporting drugs, was acquitted by Pavda's efforts.

Pavda's clients were also Yukos organizer M. Khodorkovsky, actor Vladislav Galkin, ex-minister Anatoly Serdyukov, criminal authority Vyacheslav Ivankov.

Business failures

The biography of Heinrich Padva includes not entirely successful moments. In the period from 1994 to 2001, the lawyer had to represent the side of Olga Ivinskaya, who was B. Pasternak's girlfriend, in a lengthy lawsuit related to the fate of the Pasternak archives.

This civil case ended unsuccessfully for the defendant Pavda. He, recalling this process, says that some moments were often absurd. Sometimes the memory of a brilliant writer was simply mocked. For example, on the part of officials, demands were made for the provision of documents confirming the fact that Ivinskaya had been donated handwritten poems dedicated to her. The side of the writer's daughter-in-law was defended by the lawyer Lyubarskaya.

When defending the ex-head of Yukos, M. Khodorkovsky, the lawyer also did not achieve an acquittal. Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev each received eight years in prison. Andrey Krainov (the head of the Volna company), who is involved in the same case, was sentenced to four and a half years probation.

High profile clients

Padva Heinrich defended the interests of the ex-head of the Russian government, Mikhail Kasyanov, who was involved as a witness in a case involving the Sosnovka property complex (former state dachas), sold to him and M. Fridman (head of Alfa Group) in violation of existing legislation. For quite a long time, there were many rumors that Kasyanov would be brought to criminal punishment in connection with this, but they even left him a dacha in his possession.

As a lawyer, Pavda acted for N. Lugovsky (former co-founder and general director of the Sibneft joint venture), who tried in 2003 to return the money in the amount of eight hundred thousand dollars, which the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation seized from him at the end of 1994 as material evidence. Until December 2008, it was not possible to return the money, while it was established that some of them had disappeared.

In November 2010, Pavda defended M. Beketov, who previously worked as the editor-in-chief of the Khimkinskaya Pravda newspaper, who received a disability after an attack by unidentified persons.

Marital status of Padva

Pavda's first wife was called Albina, she died in 1974. They had a joint daughter.

For the second time, the lawyer married an art critic and assistant notary Oksana Mamontova, born in 1971, who was forty years younger than him. She previously studied at the Moscow Law Academy, had a son named Gleb from a previous marriage. Gleb's attitude to Heinrich Pavlovich is very good, as to his own father.

A marriage contract has been concluded between the spouses, which provides that in the event of a divorce proceeding, only personal belongings belonging to her, as well as property recorded on her, will remain with the spouse.

As noted in the press, quite expensive gifts are presented to the wife from Padva: cars, antique jewelry in the form of rings and earrings.

Interests and hobbies

Among Padva's hobbies, his love for fine arts is noted. Among his favorite artists are Utrillo and El Greco.

He is also interested in the work of contemporary artists. In particular, he prefers the work of N. Nesterova.

Basic data:

Registry number: 77/13
Certificate number:
Region: Moscow


Experience since: 03/12/1953
Specialization: No information
Court experience: No information
Awards: Book of Honor of the Moscow Bar Association, Gold Medal. F. N. Plevako, Order "For fidelity to the lawyer's duty"
Title: No information


Chamber Membership: Moscow Chamber of Lawyers
Organizational form:
Name of the organization: No information
Address: No information
Phone: No information
Mail: No information


Place and date of birth

Heinrich Pavlovich Padva was born on February 20, 1931 in Moscow. His father, Pavel Yuryevich, was a well-known engineer in the USSR, who worked in the Northern Sea Route project, and during the Great Patriotic War he served as a commandant, having received the rank of captain. Genrikh Pavlovich's mother, Eva Iosifovna, was a ballerina, and after the birth of her son, she gave private ballet lessons.


Genrikh Padva studied at the prestigious Moscow School No. 110, from which he graduated in 1948. According to the lawyer, his decision to become a lawyer was influenced by a book he read at school - Speeches of Famous Russian Lawyers. However, the first attempt to enter the Moscow Law School failed. A year later, he was invited to study at the Law Institute in Minsk, where he successfully entered and studied for 2 years, showing excellent results. Then he transferred to the Moscow Law School, which he graduated in 1953.

Career and specialization

Since 1953, Genrikh Padva has been assigned to the city of Kalinin, now Tver. His internship as a lawyer in Rzhev lasted for six months, then he starts working first in the city of Pogoreleye Gorodishche, then in Torzhok. In parallel, he receives a correspondence education at the Pedagogical Institute of Kalinin.

In 1971, Padva returned to Moscow and took a seat in the Moscow City Bar Association. Since 1985, he has been a member of its presidium, and also begins to head the Research Institute of the Bar, operating under the Moscow bar associations.

In 1989, Genrikh Pavlovich became vice-president of the International Union of Lawyers founded by him;

Since 2002, he has been a member of the Bar Association of Moscow;

Currently, he is the main partner of the Padva & Partners law firm.

Genrikh Padva specializes mainly in criminal law, advocacy during criminal investigations, as well as criminal proceedings. In addition, Padva provides assistance in arbitration courts, courts of general jurisdiction on inheritance issues, protection of shareholders' rights, protection of violated honor and dignity. Its clients are both corporate and individuals.

Merits and famous deeds.

Heinrich Padva won many high-profile cases. Among them, the case of Vladimir Grizak, who was accused of murdering his wife and son, is of particular importance. The court in which the case was considered rejected Padva's request for the participation of jurors in the process, although such a right is provided for by the Constitution. Padva filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court, which agreed with the lawyer's arguments, declaring a moratorium on the death penalty in Russia. No less famous is the Padva case, in which he sought to protect the honor and dignity of the client, and the Ministry of Culture was the defendant. The lawyer demanded the seizure of the property of the Ministry, although before that the courts had not practiced such a method of securing a non-property claim. But the Supreme Court accepted Padva's position, thereby indicating how the courts should act in this case.

Genrikh Pavlovich's clients were such famous people as M. Khodorkovsky, P. Borodin, L. Weinberg, A. Serdyukov, V. Galkin and many others.

For his work, Padva was awarded the gold medal named after F.N. Plevako, was awarded the “Public Recognition” badge, he is an Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

Heinrich Padva loves to collect porcelain and appreciates painting. The lawyer's favorite artists are Utrillo and El Greco. In his youth he went in for sports, now he likes to watch football and tennis. Padva is married to Oksana Mamontova, a former art critic, now a notary's assistant. The lawyer has a daughter from his first marriage.


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