The guinea pig is the best pet choice for families and children. Encyclopedia of pets Will a child be interested in a guinea pig

Guinea pigs are funny and friendly animals. They are popular as pets. Before purchasing, it is useful to study the pros and cons of this animal, learn how to check its health, and also imagine where and for what amount to buy it.

Where is the best place to buy

There are three options for purchasing a pet:

  • in a pet store;
  • from breeders;
  • through the Internet.

Shopping in stores is simple and convenient: together with the pet, they immediately get a cage, a bowl, a drinker and other accessories. The disadvantages include the inability to verify the healthy condition of the pet. The pedigree also remains unknown, which is why it is impossible to find out whether there were cases of hereditary diseases in the animal's family. Once in the store, you should pay attention to the conditions in which the animals are kept - whether their bedding is clean, what is the smell, etc.

Prices from breeders are higher than in pet stores, but the necessary certificates of health and vaccinations, details of the pedigree, medical history of relatives are attached to the animal. It is possible to choose a guinea pig from several individuals of different colors. In addition, the breeder will share useful information regarding the maintenance and feeding of the pet. Do not trust the seller in absentia. Before contacting him, it is useful to read the reviews of former customers.

The most budget option is to find an ad on the Internet for the free distribution of guinea pigs. The reason for such generosity is the need to give away cubs, the inability to take care of a pet, or an unexpected allergy. In this case, all the risks remain, as when buying at a pet store.

Pros and cons of guinea pigs

The advantages of pigs include:

  • friendly character;
  • unpretentiousness in content;
  • strong immunity.

A guinea pig is better for a child than a rabbit or a hamster. Rabbits are less adapted to living in an apartment. They need a lot of space. And hamsters are smaller than pigs, and therefore more fragile. Young children still inaccurately coordinate their movements and poorly calculate the forces with which they take pets in their hands.

Cons of guinea pigs:

  • Noise: Pigs make a variety of sounds, from squeaks to purrs. Sometimes they do it at night.
  • Allergies: In some cases, the owner or family members develop an allergy to the pet's fur.
  • Need for communication. Animals should be given at least half an hour a day: talk with them, play, let them run.

Often the animals sharpen their teeth on the bars of the cage, creating a loud grinding sound. To prevent this, mineral stones or wooden toys are bought for the pet to grind teeth.

Breed selection

To get a guinea pig, you need to decide for what purpose it is acquired. Depending on this decision, a breed is chosen. There are three varieties:

  • short-haired;
  • long-haired;
  • naked.

Short-haired pigs are unpretentious in maintenance and are relatively cheap. Most of the time will be required to care for the long-haired breed. The coat will have to be combed daily and constantly monitor its cleanliness. But this variety is best suited for participation in exhibitions and competitions. It is better to buy a show pet from professional breeders, because the purebred of the animal is important for victory.

Hairless varieties are represented mainly by breeds and Baldwin. They require maintaining a stable warm temperature in the room. Due to the lack of wool, the likelihood of getting a cold or pneumonia increases.

Cubs of different breeds are similar to each other. Distinctive features appear at a later age, after the juvenile molt, which occurs at 5 months of age.

Who is better - a boy or a girl

Character practically does not depend on gender. This parameter depends on the taste of the owner. It is better to have a couple of animals at once. Pigs are social animals, in nature they live in packs. Owners who do not plan to breed purchase a same-sex couple. Diverse sex is also allowed, but in this case, you will have to take care of sterilization, otherwise the female will often become pregnant.

It is difficult to determine the sex of the animal on its own, especially if the individual is young. The genitals are shaped like the letter Y, but the males have a slight swelling on top. As they grow older, testicles stand out noticeably on the sides of the anus. Both sexes have a pair of nipples on their abdomen.


You should know at what age it is better to buy a guinea pig: 5-10 weeks. Up to the age of three weeks, the cubs feed on mother's milk. It makes up the bulk of their diet and strengthens the immune system. The older the individual, the longer it adapts to a new home.

It is possible to determine the exact age of the animal only before reaching the age of one. During this period, the animal continuously grows and gains weight. The body length at 5 weeks is about 19 cm. The average length of an adult is 25–30 cm, weight is 1 kg. In addition, the teeth of young animals are white and even (in the absence of dental problems). After reaching 1 year, the appearance of the animal practically does not change. It remains to take the word of the seller or find out the age from the veterinarian.

If you want to have a female guinea pig, you should be especially careful. Animals reach puberty as early as two months old, and cases of acquiring pregnant females are not uncommon.

Health status

Before buying, special attention is paid to the appearance of the pet in order to exclude diseases. Signs of a healthy animal:

  • Strong body with no signs of emaciation or obesity;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • even, deep breathing;
  • clean and thick hairline (bare skin behind the ears is allowed);
  • body temperature 39-39.5 degrees;
  • smooth skin without redness, scratching marks or wounds;
  • nostrils and eyes are clean, no discharge;
  • the hair around the anus is not stained with feces. This will mean that the pet has diarrhea caused by poor nutrition or an infectious disease.

It is worth getting a guinea pig if it is active and curious. Sometimes the animals become lethargic during the daytime. It is worth re-watching the animal after a few hours. Constant lethargy, heavy breathing and dirty hair indicate a poor condition of the pet.

The cost of guinea pigs

The cost of animals varies, depending on the breed, from 1000 rubles to 5000 or more. Pricing is influenced by:

  • breed;
  • pedigree;
  • color;
  • character;
  • age;
  • region.

The most expensive will be exhibition animals. Not only the animal costs a lot of money, but further maintenance and care will cost a considerable amount.

Breeding individuals, as a rule, have a good pedigree, so their price tag is also higher than the standard one. They are purchased for breeding for profit.

If an animal is bought for home keeping, it is worth getting an ordinary outbred pig. As a pet, they are no worse than thoroughbreds.

Features of behavior and maintenance of guinea pigs

The pig will take time to get used to the new home. The cage is placed in a quiet place, away from drafts and objects that the animal can pull in and gnaw on (for example, wires, curtains). The cage will need a spacious one so that the pet can run freely. In addition, you need to buy a food bowl (heavy so that the pet does not overturn it), a drinking bowl (preferably a ball bowl), a house, a tray. Additionally, they buy a carrier - just in case.

Guinea pigs and children get along well with each other. It is better to purchase a pet for a child of primary or secondary school age. Preschoolers do not calculate strength and can harm or drop a pet. Pigs tend to get along well with other animals, even cats and dogs.

Pigs eat special food and hay. It is also necessary to add juicy food to the diet: greens, vegetables. Together with pet food, wood filler or sawdust is purchased for bedding.

Before buying a pig, you should decide on the purpose of the purchase, depending on which a suitable breed is determined. When choosing an animal, first pay attention to the appearance in order to exclude the presence of diseases. With good maintenance, the pet will live for about 8 years and will be a loving and affectionate friend.

Guinea pig? this is one of the best pets, especially for those who have a pet for the first time. The animals are unpretentious, affectionate, ideal for families with children, they can be picked up, stroked. But still, there are certain nuances in the care and maintenance of guinea pigs at home, which should be considered even before buying a pet.

First, make sure that all family members approve of the arrival of a new "tenant" in the house.

Third, never acquire an animal spontaneously. Weigh all the pros and cons well before buying, so as not to regret after.

How to choose a guinea pig?

And so you decided to buy and are in a pet store. Do not rush to immediately buy your favorite animal. Take a look around. Pay attention to the conditions of keeping guinea pigs: the sanitary condition of the cages, the noise level in the room, the number of animals. If something worries you, postpone the purchase or go to another store.

It's good if the store gives you a choice of animals. Examine all the rodents and choose the one you like the most. The guinea pig must be active and mobile. If the animal sits motionless in a cage for a long time? it could be a sign of illness or stress.

With the permission of the seller, take the selected animal in your arms, wrap your hand around the back and hold for a few seconds. A healthy guinea pig will not break out and squeal.

Carefully examine the fluffy muzzle: it should be clean and dry, but what about the eyes? shiny. Pay attention to the coat: in a healthy pig it is clean, smooth, without bald spots and adhering particles of dirt.

After the initial inspection, put the animal on a flat surface and observe its behavior. Give your guinea pig some time to get comfortable. Usually healthy animals behave confidently, showing curiosity.

Signs of guinea pig disease:

  • profuse salivation;
  • difficult or hoarse breathing;
  • inadequate behavior of the animal: excessive activity or, on the contrary, lethargy;
  • traces of loose stools;
  • strong thirst;
  • matted and dirty wool;
  • bald spots on wool;
  • dirty ears;
  • watery eyes;
  • shiver.

What you need to know before buying a guinea pig

1. First of all, choose the breed of your guinea pig. The most common breeds of guinea pigs for the home are: short-haired, long-haired, rosette (wire-haired). Animals differ in color and quality of wool and, depending on their species, require different care. Smooth-haired guinea pigs are considered the most whimsical, but the hair of long-haired animals needs careful care.

2. Choose an animal yourself, paying attention to its appearance and behavior. When examining, pay special attention to the coat and eyes. It is also possible to correctly assess the health status of the future pet, taking into account the norms. The growth of an adult animal? up to 30 cm, weight - up to 0.8-1 kg.

3. Decide in advance on the gender of the guinea pig. The easiest way to find out the sex of an animal is from the seller.

4. When buying, consider the age of the animal. It is not recommended to take guinea pigs under three weeks of age - it is better to purchase four or five weeks old. Shouldn't you buy adult animals? it will be more difficult for them to get used to the new house.

5. Take care of the "house" and related attributes for the guinea pig in advance.

  • Cell. It should be of high quality, easy to clean and have a non-slip floor. The optimal cell length is 60 cm.
  • Carrying needed for transportation. It is best to choose light plastic.
  • Drinker. Be sure to check how it works, whether it passes water well. The optimal volume is 250 ml.
  • Nail cutter for small animals. It will be needed when the guinea pig grows up.
  • Bedding filler. Keep in mind that a guinea pig often tries litter on the tooth, so cat litter will not work.
  • Sawdust. They are best placed directly on the filler. Sawdust should be medium to large, but not small.
  • Hay. Buy only high-quality green hay - it serves as both bedding and food for the pig.
  • Compound feed. Food that should always be available.
  • Ceramic food bowl. It is best to purchase a ceramic one - the pig will not be able to turn it over.
Keeping guinea pigs at home invariably raises a lot of questions, however, if you choose consciously, you will not have problems with a new pet.

For many reasons, the guinea pig is considered the best pet for those who decide to have a pet for the first time. Guinea pigs are unpretentious, affectionate, allow themselves to be stroked. But still, some of the nuances of keeping guinea pigs should be taken into account even before acquiring an animal. First, make sure you have enough space to set up a spacious animal cage. Assess your strengths. Are you ready for the regular cleaning and feeding of your guinea pig's cage? Will someone be able to take care of your pet during your extended absence? And if you are ready, then go ahead - let's go choose a guinea pig!

What should I look for when choosing a guinea pig?

You should start buying a guinea pig with choosing her breed. Three types of guinea pigs are common: short-haired or, as it is also called, smooth-haired, rosette (Abyssinian, wire-haired) and long-haired Angora (Peruvian) breeds. Depending on the breed, the animals will require different care. Smooth-haired pigs are the most unpretentious and inexpensive. But behind the fur coat of long-haired guinea pigs, careful daily care is needed.

wool a healthy animal is densely covered, only the backs of the palms and bottoms of the feet, ears and small areas of the surface behind the ears are not overgrown with hair. The coat of a healthy animal is glossy, there are no scabs or scabs on the skin.

Eyes guinea pigs must be clean. The nostrils should be dry and cold, free of mucus. If the eyes of a guinea pig are reddened, watery, then it is better not to buy such a pig. If mucus is released from the nose of the animal, then the guinea pig may have a cold, which is very dangerous for these animals.

front paws Guinea pigs have four toes ending in claws, and the back fingers have three. Both females and males have two nipples.

To fully appreciate the health of guinea pigs, you can observe their behavior in the cage for a while. Usually active animals are the healthiest. During the day, the guinea pig alternately stays awake or half asleep. Therefore, to assess the activity of the mumps, you can come to observe it at different times of the day.

If you care gender of the animal, then the easiest way to find out, of course, is from the seller. However, if you are not sure of his competence or suspect deception, there is a way to recognize the sex of a guinea pig yourself. You need to take one hand guinea pig in the area behind the front paws. Turn it upside down. Therefore, with the palm of the other hand, grasp the animal in the lumbar region and gently press the lower abdomen with your thumb. The pressure should be light at first, and then a little stronger. Then you can feel the genitals of the animal by touch.

When choosing a guinea pig, also pay attention to her age. It is not recommended to purchase animals under three weeks old. It is better to opt for four or five-week-old gilts. It is also better not to buy a female older than two months, otherwise it is quite possible that soon you will have much more pigs than you expected.

Do you know what they call those who keep guinea pigs at home? "Pig Breeders"! If you want to become a real pig breeder and help your child learn how to care for animals, our article will help you choose a good animal and understand how to care for him.

At what age should a child start guinea pigs?

Children under two years old, in general, with an animal will not be interested. For them, it is a fluffy toy that can be squeezed and dropped. The animal may not survive a fall from a height, or, having escaped, climb into a secluded place and suffer there for a long time.

For the same reason, children from three to six years old are recommended to play with a guinea pig in the presence of adults.

Older children can also inadvertently harm a small animal, for example:

    taking him under the covers, where he does not have enough air;

    cover the cage with a dense airtight cloth;

    drag in the yard on a dangerous harness;

    forgetting to feed or even put them in a container of water, because these are "guinea" pigs.

Children just don't understand yet how fragile some animals can be. However, guinea pigs are one of the most enduring rodents.

How to choose a guinea pig: male or female

First of all, you need to decide whether to buy one animal or two. Usually they start with one, although experts advise buying a pair at once. Guinea pigs suffer less in loneliness and longing. Even if you play with the animal all the time, he will miss communication with fellow tribesmen.

    different sex;

    the same age;

    one breed.

Note. Two males may often quarrel and bite each other's ears. Two females without male attention will get bored. A female and a female can be kept in the same cage, but it is advisable to put a partition between them so as not to get unexpected offspring.

How to choose a pet for a child: the age of a guinea pig

It is difficult to determine the age of the cub “by eye”. Find out the date of birth from the breeder. If the seller does not know it, contact another, more responsible seller.

The ideal age to buy is 4-5 weeks. By this time, the cub can already eat on its own and will easily get used to the new living conditions. An older individual will be very nervous in a new place.

By the way, all types of guinea pigs live for about 7-8 years. A female giving birth may live a little less.

What breed of guinea pig to choose

All guinea pigs can be divided into four groups:




Long-haired animals require enhanced and daily care. If you and the child do not have time for this, it is better not to take such an animal, no matter how beautiful it may be. Without care and combing, the mumps will quickly turn into a solid tangle.

Smooth-haired breeds are a convenient option for beginner pig breeders. They are easy to care for, have good immunity and get sick much less often than other varieties.

Rosette pigs are also unpretentious in care, a little prettier than smooth-haired ones, but their price is quite high.

Bald - they are called Skinny. The exotic look of guinea pigs is great for kids, because caring for them is even easier. Yes, and you can save on combs. The animals are very pleasant to the touch.

Any kind of guinea pigs can be bought from 50 hryvnia. The maximum price is -800 hryvnia.

How to choose a pet type for a child: the health status of a guinea pig

Before buying a vending individual, check how healthy the animal is. External signs of a sick animal:

    the pig moves a little;

    not talking";

    bald patches are visible on the coat, the coat is matted, untidy;

    wheezing is heard during breathing;

    drinks a lot;

  • eyes tear up.

Do not buy such an animal, it will not live long. Or you will have to treat him all the time.

How to care for a guinea pig: accessories

The cage should be large enough for the animal to move freely around it. If you decide to purchase two pigs, take care of the partition.

The cage itself can be in the form of a terrarium (pluses: sawdust does not scatter around the room, minuses - it is very hot in summer), or a standard cage made of twigs (pluses: it can be hung, shelves and goodies are easily attached to the bars, it is easier to communicate with an animal, cons - sawdust will scatter).

In addition to the cage, the "starter kit" includes:


  • comb with rare teeth;

    metal comb (slicker brush);

    soft comb;

    scissors for cutting claws;

    for long-haired breeds, you can buy soft rubber bands.

A hay compartment is not needed, rodents like to eat directly from the litter.

Note. It is forbidden to cover the floor of the cage with wood pellets! When wet, the pellets turn to dust, making it difficult for the animal to breathe.

A starter kit for a guinea pig will cost at least 200-300 hryvnia - budget household items and care were taken into account.

How to care for a guinea pig: features

Care is quite simple, a child of 10-12 years old is quite capable of coping with it.

    Feed 3 times a day.

    Clean the cage once a day.

    Change hay 2 times a week

    Comb 2-3 times a week

    Trim claws 2 times a year (under the supervision of parents!).

    Clean the ears with a paper towel (if necessary).

Also, you should know that at night the pigs may not sleep, but communicate quite loudly, so it is better not to put the cage in the bedroom.

Note. Bathing guinea pigs is strictly not recommended. Only in exceptional cases in warm water with a special shampoo.

Guinea pig and hamster are active, interesting and inquisitive furry animals that can bring joy and fun to young children. The first representatives of the land are well suited for kids from 3 years old, the second will become good friends for older ages. Who is better: a hamster or a guinea pig for a child? The material below will help you decide which rodent to get and make the right choice.

Pigs are easily tamed and do not require much care. With good care from the owner, the animal can live an average of 5 years.

The period of activity in guinea pigs occurs during the daytime, falling in the evening. Unlike hamsters, at night they will sleep peacefully without disturbing the owner with their vital activity.

Character and training

Guinea pigs are distinguished by friendliness, sociability, calm character. They can easily live next to cats and dogs, spending time in the same company without quarrels and discontent. They like to luxuriate in the hands of the owner, to whom they feel great affection, substituting a fur coat for scratching. Noticing the presence of the owner, these animals begin to whistle loudly, expressing their good feelings and joy.

Pigs are completely devoid of aggression: they will never attack or even defend themselves, preferring to retreat quietly. If desired, the animals can be trained to perform a variety of tricks, as they train easily and successfully, which attracts the attention of children. A trained pig can follow the owner everywhere, stand on its hind legs or roll a small ball with its muzzle. When answering the question of which of the rodents is smarter, the advantage remains precisely with the mumps.


Daily care of the animal is within the power of a 6-year-old child, but if you have an animal for a preschooler, an adult needs to take care of the creature. You will also have to watch the baby so that, out of ignorance, he does not harm the pet, otherwise the affected pig is able to lose confidence in the owner.


The guinea pig needs a spacious cage in which he can lead an active lifestyle, moving freely within the apartment. The condition is mandatory, since inactivity will lead to obesity and will not allow the paws of the animal to become strong.

The cage is located in a quiet place, protected from drafts and coolness, so that the pig does not catch a cold. Nearby there should be no wires, since the nature of the rodent will certainly manifest itself in the ability to gnaw through solid objects. It is important to provide the cage with a special house where the pig can sleep or hide.

Essential plaid accessories

As bedding, it is better to use ordinary sawdust, because pigs are big fans of burrowing, and the material should be harmless. Periodically, you need to clean the cage, because the sawdust will smell unpleasant. It is necessary that the cage has a drinking bowl with clean water and a feeder filled with food, fresh grass or hay. So that the pig can grind teeth and claws, offer her a mineral stone or a hard piece of tree bark.

A running wheel should become a mandatory attribute of the cage, giving way to a mirror and ladders. Every day, the guinea pig must be released to walk around the house, not forgetting to keep an eye on the animal, as it can get into hard-to-reach places and get stuck.


Guinea pigs are not whimsical in food. With pleasure they feast on various grain crops, herbs, vegetables and fruits. From grass, they prefer lettuce, parsley and dill, fresh dandelion leaves and spinach. From fruit and vegetable fruits, they can be fed with fresh cucumbers, sweet peppers and carrots, apples, peaches and strawberries. Unlike hamsters, guinea pigs should not be fed meat, potatoes, or cheese.

A distinctive feature of the pig is eating its own feces, which contain a vitamin useful for its body. If the animal begins to eat uncleaned excrement in time, a very small child can repeat after the animal, thinking to independently evaluate the “delicacy” of the pig.

Benefits of a guinea pig

About Guinea Pig Benefits:

  • they are easy to care for;
  • you can do training;
  • complete absence of aggression;
  • very fond of being on hand;
  • get along with other pets.

Another weighty argument to get pigs is the opportunity to buy a bald animal of the Skinny breed if the child is allergic to wool. When choosing a guinea pig as a pet, you need to remember to regularly clean the cage to avoid unpleasant odors in the house.

What you need to know about hamsters

Unlike pigs, hamsters are finicky creatures. B, otherwise the instincts of rodents, which tend to defend their territory, will lead to fights. It is undesirable to release hamsters for walks around the house, since the rodent is able to crawl through even the smallest hole from which it will be difficult to get it out.


They differ in the share of aggressiveness and pugnacity, which may appear unexpectedly for the owner. If you touch a sleeping rodent, he can get scared and, waking up urgently, it hurts to bite the owner. Following the basic rules of care and communication with the animal, unpleasant moments are easy to avoid, receiving only positive emotions from the hamster.


The moment of activity in animals comes at night, all day they rest quietly and sleep soundly. Toward evening, hamsters begin to rustle, rustle and in every possible way remind of their existence. Sometimes they interfere with the night sleep of the owners. For this reason, it is better to move the cage away from the sleeping area so that the animal cannot be heard.


Communication with a hamster will be of a specific nature: he does not like long gatherings on his hands, preferring unobtrusive attention in the form of short strokes on his fur. If the child is not inclined to constant communication with an animal, it is better to have a hamster than a guinea pig.


The animal's cage should be placed in a quiet place, avoiding the proximity of heating devices, open sun and drafts. can be of medium size with the presence of a special house. Just like a guinea pig, a hamster needs shelter and a private place to sleep. By the way, the house needs to be cleaned regularly, as the hamster tends to stock up on food.

Necessary cage accessories

It is necessary to install a running wheel on the territory of the cage so that the animal has the opportunity to lead an active life. The water in the drinker should be changed regularly, the feeders should be filled with grain feed, periodically feeding the pet with fruit and vegetable desserts, sometimes with meat. A special bedding or sawdust is suitable as a bedding, but wood will not protect the house from smell.

Hamsters tend to define a bathroom in a cage, so after cleaning, he needs to provide a few paper napkins so that he can build. If you decide to get a hamster, you will need to clean the sanitary area every 3 days, carry out general cleaning once a week.


Since the rodent sleeps during the day, you need to feed it in the evening. during the day, strictly observing that there are always grains in the feeder. Every day, the animal should be treated with lettuce leaves, carrots or slices of bananas. requires attention, as there are products that will not benefit the health of the rodent. When in doubt, it is better to make sure that the treat is acceptable in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

It is important that the cage contains fresh branches of fruit trees such as apple, pear or mountain ash, so that the hamster can grind teeth and claws. Before offering the rodent cut branches, they must be thoroughly washed and dried. When caring for a hamster, you should regularly inspect his possessions for supplies. Hidden food often spoils, exposing the animal to food poisoning.

Hamster Benefits

About the benefits of hamsters:

  • do not require much attention;
  • do not take up much space;
  • ease of care;
  • low cost.

A hamster will be a good company for a calm student who will not impose his communication on the animal, being content with observing the life of a funny rodent. Despite the isolation of the hamster, you can always try to teach him to sit on the master's shoulder.

Making a choice

Land animals are almost the same in the basic rules of care and nutrition. The difference is found only in character and abilities. The guinea pig is a fairly intelligent rodent that is easy to train. With a hamster in this regard, it will be more difficult. Another important point, how a hamster differs from a guinea pig, is that the pig lives longer. With good care, she can live up to 6 years, while hamsters begin to age at the age of 1 year, and at the turn of 2-3 years the animal dies.

All children tend to want to get a pet with whom they can play or watch the tricks of the animal, having fun in his company. If the baby likes to squeeze the animals, the guinea pig will be very happy with the affectionate owner. Hamsters, on the other hand, prefer peace and freedom, so school-age children will be an ideal owner for them.

Best pet for a child: hamster or guinea pig?

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