Pea flour that can be prepared. Recipes with pea flour. Use of the component in cosmetology

New high-quality alternatives to wheat flour have long been on the shelves of both huge chain markets and small stalls in residential areas. Humanity is increasingly concerned about its own health, monitors physical activity, and is afraid of obesity, early aging and chronic diseases. In pursuit of eternal youth, we have long ago replaced milk chocolate with pea flour instead of wheat flour.

What exactly is pea flour and does it make sense to replace a classic and already favorite product with it?

general characteristics

– a genus of herbaceous plants (legume family). It is one of the most common beans in the world, and production of the crop annually amounts to thousands of tons.

They learned to grow peas even in conditions of weightlessness (as part of an experiment at the Institute of Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2005-2006).

Almost all culinary cultures on our planet contain peas. It is crushed, pureed, consumed raw, unripe or heat-treated.

How did pea flour appear?

The ancient Greeks began using legumes for culinary practices in the 6th century BC. Later, the Chinese, Indians, Africans, and in the 17th century Europeans became familiar with the plant. The people of Great Britain still have a special passion for peas and their derivatives. It was there that the selection of sweet pea varieties first began, and the product itself became the main highlight of the national cuisine. Americans show no less love for culture. The third US President, Thomas Jefferson, grew more than 30 varieties of peas in the garden of his own estate. Of course, a whole armada of gardeners helped the high-ranking politician, but the fact remains that peas are held in high esteem by citizens of developed countries.

Pea flour came into use simultaneously with the legume crop itself. The peas were thoroughly washed, dried, then ground into fine crumbs. This crumb was used not only in cooking, but in medicine and cosmetology of that time. Some ate whole spoonfuls of pea flour on an empty stomach to improve metabolism, others diluted the mixture in vegetable juice and applied it to the face as a mask. Another extravagant way to use ground peas is fishing. Experienced fishermen claim that balls made from pea flour are the best bait for freshwater fish.

Modern use of the ingredient

Bean flour is used by adherents of a healthy diet, patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and those losing weight. The component quickly replenishes the lack of vitamins/nutrients, promotes long-term saturation of the body, helps bring weight to the desired level and improves overall health. An additional advantage of the product is the price - pea flour is no more expensive than high-quality wheat flour.

You can make your own flour at home. You need to have on hand about a kilogram of fresh/frozen peas, a quality chopper (even a coffee grinder will do) and 10 minutes of time.

Prepared from pea flour:

  • pasta;
  • sweet confectionery;
  • bread;
  • vegetable cutlets;
  • breading;
  • falafel (balls made from bean flour, deep fried with spices and herbs).

Cooking tip: To organically introduce a new food into your diet, use gradual introduction tactics. At the first stage, replace 10-20% of wheat flour with pea flour, taste the taste, decide on the consistency and accompanying ingredients. Gradually increase the dosage until you can replace unhealthy white flour with a healthy alternative. Taste buds will easily perceive a change in food priorities, and the body will increase productivity significantly.

The unique taste of pea flour goes harmoniously with both salty and sweet dishes. The peas enhance the spice/sweetener flavor and create a whole new flavor combination that could easily be restaurant level. Another important characteristic of the product is its structure. Flour does not absorb vegetable/animal fat at all during frying, which has a positive effect on the calorie content and quality of the dish.

Chemical composition of raw beans

After processing, the chemical composition and energy value of the finished product undergoes some changes.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of vegetable protein in flour. Nutritionists compare its nutritional value and degree of digestibility with lean varieties of meat. The concentration of vitamins and minerals in bean flour often exceeds that of meat products. Moreover, plant protein is absorbed much faster, easier and more efficiently by the human body, compared to components of animal origin.

Useful properties of the product


(C6H14N2O2) is an essential acid that is part of most proteins.

In the absence of lysine, tissue growth and regeneration and sufficient production of antibodies/hormones/vital hormones become impossible. provides protection against viruses, including the human papillomavirus.

According to the results of a 2003 study, “The effect of dietary lysine deficiency on the immune response to Newcastle disease vaccination in chickens,” a lack of lysine causes immunodeficiency conditions.

Why the component is useful:

  • harmonizes the composition of blood serum;
  • prevents blockage of arteries, pathological conditions of the heart and blood vessels;
  • replenishes energy balance and increases performance;
  • improves appetite;
  • accelerates the growth process and the recruitment of high-quality muscle mass.

Lack of lysine is characterized by irritability, hemorrhages in the eyeball, diseases of the reproductive system, weakness, loss of hair/nails, anemia and poor health.

The required daily dosage of lysine for an adult is about 2-3 grams.


- the rough part of plants that is not digested and absorbed by the body. The component is found exclusively in plant products and is vital for maintaining human health.

Peas contain two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. The first type is responsible for preventing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, obesity and cancer. Soluble fiber creates favorable conditions for the development and nutrition of the so-called “good” microbiome. As soon as fiber enters the body (along with pea flour), it immediately takes on the consistency of a liquid gel and literally spreads throughout the gastrointestinal tract.

100 grams of peas can contain from 8.8 to 14 grams of fiber (depending on the type and degree of processing).

Insoluble fiber speaks for itself. It is involved in the movement of food through the esophagus, promotes the regular functioning of the digestive system, and releases harmful heavy elements and toxins. The component is also responsible for normalizing stool and a feeling of lightness in the abdominal cavity.

What else is the component useful for:

  • normalization of blood levels;
  • decreased concentration;
  • reducing the rate of absorption of foods, which prolongs saturation;
  • protection against pathologies of the cardiovascular system, intestinal/breast cancer;
  • combating irregular bowel movements;
  • reduction of body fat (occurs naturally, without harm to the body);
  • cleansing the skin and minimizing rashes;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

pH value

Acid-base balance directly affects human health. Doctors say that all diseases originate only in an acidic body, but in an alkaline body the risk of developing pathogenic bacteria is practically eliminated. An indicator of the acid-base balance is the pH level - hydrogen indicator. If the pH level is 7, then the body is in a neutral environment, if from 0 to 6.9 - in an acidic environment, if from 7.1 to 14.0 - in an alkaline environment.

For the majority of the modern population, this balance is shifted to an acidic environment - hence illnesses and constant malaise. pH levels are affected by stress, environment, eating habits and poor quality water. To block excess acid, you need to consult a doctor and introduce a large amount of alkalizing foods into your diet. These include peas and their derivatives.

A healthy adult's diet should consist of 60% alkaline foods and 40% acid-forming foods. Before changing your own menu, consult your doctor. Submit your saliva for analysis to determine your acid-base balance, wait for the results and follow your doctor’s individual recommendations.

Use of the component in cooking

Protein flour is rarely used in mass production. It can only be found in local organic establishments or on the menus of expensive restaurants. The component itself is maximally available both on the Internet and on the shelves of the nearest supermarket, so it is most rational to use flour in home cooking. Mix the component with other types of flour (wheat, buckwheat, corn), create new unique flavor combinations and don’t forget to experiment with benefits for your family.

Quick recipe for Indian pea and tomato fritters

We will need:

  • pea flour - 10 tablespoons;
  • whole grain wheat/corn/oat/buckwheat flour – 5 tablespoons;
  • tomato – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • chopped ginger – 1 teaspoon;
  • turmeric – 1 teaspoon;
  • greens to taste.


Mix flour and dry spices in a deep container. Stir thoroughly, then gradually pour cold water into the container in a thin stream. Add water until you get a thick dough for making pancakes.

Puree the tomato in a blender and add it to the container with the dough along with the chopped herbs. The pea flour and optional flour mixture should swell and become soft. The dough should not be light. Achieve the most elastic and pliable consistency by adding liquid and dry ingredients (tomato paste, cold water, flour).

Form pancakes and fry on both sides in a non-stick frying pan or with a drop of vegetable oil for frying. The prepared dish can be an excellent option for a healthy breakfast or snack.

Use of the component in cosmetology

Various cosmetics for the face, body and hair are prepared from pea flour. Traditional medicine claims that a month's course of poultices and masks made from pea flour can smooth out wrinkles, regulate sebum oiliness and nourish the skin. The effect for hair and body is identical - hydration, nutrition, UV protection and stunning smoothness.

Flour is diluted in essential and base oils, milk, or plain water, then applied to the face/body/hair and wait for the winning result. Dermatologists claim that the modern cosmetology industry eliminates any home manipulation and provides a comprehensive care effect without additional procedures. If the ratio of components is incorrect, you can cause the exact opposite effect: provoke a rash, redness, itching, exacerbation of acne or the formation of scar tissue.

For any skin problems, you should contact a specialized specialist. If the skin does not bother you, then there is no need to experiment on yourself. Use high-quality care that is tailored to the individual characteristics of your skin and leave pea poultices in the past.

Contraindications to use of the product

Contraindications to the use of pea flour include individual intolerance and diseases of certain body systems. Peas and its derivatives must be limited in case of gout, acute stage of nephritis and inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity. Also, the diet must be cleared of legumes in case of poor circulation and flatulence. In case of such pathologies, the patient should be examined by the attending physician. The doctor, based on the patient’s condition, periodically adjusts the diet and introduces/excludes new food components. Ask your doctor about the permissible amount of pea flour and periodically treat yourself to your favorite dishes.

Ecology of consumption. Food and drinks: The benefits of this flour are not limited to dietary properties and the absence of gluten...

Pea flour has inherited the beneficial properties of the peas from which it is produced. It is a valuable dietary product and at the same time a substitute for wheat flour for patients with celiac disease.

It is used to prepare casseroles, puddings, and is used to make bread and buns, which taste in no way inferior to traditional wheat products, but are healthier and safer for the figure.

Nutritional value

The nutritional value of peas, and therefore pea flour, surpasses most vegetables. It contains up to 6.7% vegetable protein and about 15% carbohydrates, of which 6% are sugars. The product is a record holder for the content of amino acids and proteins necessary for humans. Peas are also rich in nitrogenous compounds, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, D, E and K, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium.

The protein component is similar to meat and dairy, so peas and their derivatives are often compared to meat. The main differences between the plant-based version are the absence of cholesterol and the relatively low price.

Calorie content of pea flour: 71 kcal per 100 g of product.

What's the benefit?

Flour obtained from peas has a number of useful properties:

Is natural source amino acids such as threonine and lysine– they are vital for the functioning of our body.

Selenium, which can be found in large quantities in peas (the exact numbers depend on the region of growth), has antioxidant properties and protects human cells from the effects of free radicals and carcinogens.

Vegetable protein as part of the product it is much better absorbed, without straining the gastrointestinal tract and without having the negative impact that meat products are capable of.

Flour obtained from peas Provides the body with energy, increases the body's performance and endurance.

With regular use, heart function improves, the risk of developing hypertension and myocardial infarction is reduced, and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels is prevented.

Characterized by delicate diuretic and choleretic effects.

Compounds included in the product improve metabolism and prevent the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Regular use is recommended for those who are overweight or simply watching their figure.

To improve brain function and “feed” nerve cells people with mental work should take 1 tsp before meals. pea flour.

Thanks to its high fiber content it helps cope with constipation and other problems that arise during the digestion or absorption of food.

Compresses with pea flour used for local healing of wounds and abscesses on the skin.

May be included in therapeutic nutrition plan for endocrine diseases.

Thanks to the high content of vitamins, baking with such flour will be useful for vitamin deficiency.

Successfully used in cosmetology. It has a beneficial effect on both skin and hair.

Gluten Free Miracles

Since pea flour does not contain gluten, it can be used in the diet of people suffering from celiac disease– a disease associated with intolerance by the human body to wheat protein (gluten in cereals).

Patients suffering from this (often hereditary) disease can eat not only porridges and soups based on peas, but also various baked goods made from pea flour: bread, buns, pies.

What's the harm?

No obvious harm was found when consuming pea flour within reasonable limits during medical studies.

But there is a small list of contraindications:

1. Tendency to flatulence and fermentation processes in the intestines. To prevent this, it is recommended not to overuse peas and their derivatives. When preparing dishes, it is recommended to add fennel and dill (fresh, dried or in seed form) to reduce the gas-forming effect. Also, you should not wash down dishes made from pea flour with cold water.

2. Presence of gout or other kidney diseases. This is due to the content of purines in peas, which contribute to the accumulation of uric acid in the body. It is better for patients to reduce the consumption of such flour to a minimum so as not to aggravate the symptoms.

3. Exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis or stomach ulcers. A large amount of fiber provides additional stress on the stomach, so in case of acute conditions of the digestive system, it is better to avoid pea flour until complete recovery.

According to a 2013 study in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, too much protein in the diet can lead to impaired kidney function, even in healthy people. Therefore, experts advise maintaining a balance and not exceeding the percentage of proteins in the menu equal to 10-35%.

How to cook at home?

You can buy pea flour in almost every supermarket. But if you haven’t found it or have doubts about the quality of store-bought products, you can make it yourself.

1. Choose good dry peas, wash, sort if necessary and be sure to dry. It is better to do this on paper or a piece of fabric, laying out the peas in one layer. Newspaper cannot be used in this case, since legumes easily absorb harmful substances from printing ink.

2. For grinding beans You can use a coffee grinder, mortar or meat grinder. The choice of device depends on what result you ultimately want to get. To obtain delicate and soft premium flour, an electric coffee grinder is suitable. A hand grinder or meat grinder will produce a coarser grind. As for cooking “the old fashioned way”, i.e. in a mortar, you will need a lot of strength and patience.

3. The resulting powder place on a piece of white cloth with a layer of no more than 2 cm. Leave in a dry room to dry. It is necessary to stir from time to time to ensure uniform removal of moisture. After drying, the pea flour will become a little lighter and will easily come off your hands.

For storage A paper bag or fabric bag is suitable. Homemade product should be kept in a dry place. Before use, pea flour, like any other, must be sifted.

Pea jelly

The most famous dishes made from pea flour are soups or purees. But perhaps the most useful is jelly.

Due to its enveloping properties, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, protecting the mucous membrane and improving digestive processes. This unusual drink can protect the intestines from dysbiosis, as well as remove toxins and lead salts from the body.


1. Prepare jelly in the same way as any other, but use pea flour instead of starch. To do this, slowly pour cold water over it and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form.

2. Afterwards, the mixture is put on the fire and brought to a boil, stirring constantly so that the flour does not stick to the walls of the pan and does not burn.

3. Even at the preparation stage, salt and spices are added to the drink to taste.

4. When the mass thickens, remove the jelly from the heat.

You can serve pea jelly in portioned molds as an independent dish or, cut into small pieces, with fresh herbs, fried onions and mushrooms.

You can make a huge number of tasty and healthy dishes from pea flour. Among them: soups, porridges, jelly, pates, pancakes, pancakes, bread, pies, puddings, vegetarian cutlets, lean noodles and much more. Choose! published

Many people believe that peas are a native Russian product, but this is not at all true. Peas were brought from the countries of the East, where they were cultivated in China, Tibet and India, and even earlier, peas were grown in Mediterranean and other European countries; data from archaeological excavations indicate that in Switzerland they knew about peas even in the Bronze and Stone Ages. The Spaniards and French liked pea dishes - in the traditional menu you could always see pea soup and pea puree, and in the German army - pea sausage. Flour ground from peas began to be used at the same time, grinding dry pea grains.

Pea flour is a product accessible to everyone, and at the same time possessing the most valuable properties. Pea flour is considered a dietary product containing vitamins, minerals and a large amount of protein. You can buy pea flour in the store, or you can make it yourself by grinding peas in a coffee grinder.

Pea flour can be used in the same way as wheat flour to bake bread, pancakes, buns and casseroles; the taste of pea dishes will not be inferior to wheat, but will surpass in beneficial properties. You can cook wonderful porridges for children from pea flour.

The quality of pea flour protein is comparable to fish or meat protein, but is absorbed by the body much easier, and if you consider that pea flour is rich in vitamins and mineral salts and is completely devoid of cholesterol, we can talk about its unconditional superiority.

Pea flour contains fiber, which helps maintain normal intestinal microflora, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E and pantothenic acid. Pea flour is a valuable source of lysine and threonine, amino acids important for human health, as well as pyridoxine, a substance that fights seizures and dermatitis. Pea flour contains selenium in sufficient quantities, which may also indicate the anti-carcinogenic properties of pea flour.

It is better for those suffering from gout, nephritis and thrombophlebitis to refrain from eating pea flour. Flour ground from peas, just like peas, can provoke gas formation and constipation, therefore, consuming pea flour, you can feel pain and discomfort in the stomach, bloating.

Pea flour is one of the simplest products for preparing tasty and healthy food. To prepare the puree soup, you need to pour six tablespoons of pea flour with a liter of water, stirring, bring to a boil, add spices and herbs to taste. That's it - the soup is ready.

Another famous and delicious dish made from pea flour is pudla, an Indian pancake. For the poodle, in addition to pea flour, you will need wheat flour, tomatoes, bell peppers, ginger root, olive oil, garlic, salt, turmeric, black pepper and water.

All you need to remember in the recipe is the ratio of pea flour to wheat flour; to a glass of pea flour you need to add a quarter glass of wheat flour. After mixing all the dry ingredients, you need to make a dough by adding water.

When the dough reaches the consistency of thick sour cream, add chopped vegetables, mix the dough thoroughly again and you can bake the pancakes by preheating the pan and seasoning it with olive oil. Traditionally, pudla is served hot along with natural yoghurt.

Pea flour is known for its properties not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It has been noticed that masks made from pea flour have rejuvenating properties, the skin takes on a healthy and fresh appearance, becomes soft and elastic. Pea poultices are also used to heal wounds and treat abscesses.

Pea puree is a recipe for a healthy dish, the taste and nutritional characteristics of which can be easily diversified by putting into practice the proven ideas of experienced chefs. As a result, you will be able to replenish your diet with a mass of valuable culinary compositions, which will become a source of protein, vitamins and other elements.

How to make pea puree?

Novice cooks and inexperienced housewives will be interested in learning the main points of creating a dish and some secrets that can speed up and improve the quality of cooking.

  1. If time permits, peas should be soaked in a large volume of water for several hours, or ideally overnight, before cooking.
  2. To cook pea puree, the proportions of water and peas should be determined individually based on the desired thickness of the dish and the quality of the cereal used. A well-soaked product will require less water, and a dry product will require more. On average, use 2 parts water for 1 part peas.
  3. It is convenient to fill the cereal with water until it is covered by 1.5-2 cm, and add liquid during the cooking process as needed.
  4. After softening and partially boiling the peas, to obtain a homogeneous creamy texture, the mixture is mashed with a masher or punched with a blender.

How to cook pea puree in a saucepan?

Cooking classic pea puree in a saucepan is easy and simple, especially if you choose a vessel with a thick bottom and walls, which will reduce the risk of burning the peas and will help them boil faster. Pre-soaking the cereal for a long time will improve the result, after which it must be thoroughly rinsed.


  • peas – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 1-1.2 l;
  • salt, oil.


  1. The peas are filled with water and left for 12 hours.
  2. Wash the cereal, add a portion of purified water and set to cook.
  3. After the contents of the vessel boil, cover the container with a lid, reduce the heat and cook the dish for 1 hour.
  4. Check the degree of readiness of the cereal, add water if necessary and prolong the cooking, or season the pea mass to taste and puree it with a blender.

How to cook pea puree in a slow cooker?

- a recipe that allows you to get the desired dish with less time and labor. The device will create ideal conditions for high-quality boiling of cereals, eliminate the need for frequent stirring of the pea mass and minimize the risk of burning of healthy food.


  • peas – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 1-1.5 l;
  • salt, oil.


  1. The peas are washed, soaked if possible, or placed in their original form in the bowl of the device.
  2. Pour purified water over the cereal and select the “Stew” mode, setting the timer for 2 hours.
  3. Check the degree of readiness of the peas, season the dish to taste, adding salt and butter.
  4. If necessary, excess moisture is evaporated in the “Baking” or the thick pea puree is ground with a masher or blender until smooth.

Pea puree in a pressure cooker - recipe

You can cook pea puree in a pressure cooker in half the time than with any other heat treatment. For soaked cereal, half an hour is enough, and for dry cereal it will take about 1.5 hours. In an electric device, you need to select the desired mode and wait for the signal, but in a conventional device, puree can be cooked based on the following recommendations.


  • peas - 1 cup;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • salt, oil.


  1. Pour water into the pressure cooker and wait for it to boil.
  2. Place previously thoroughly washed peas and butter.
  3. Allow the mass to boil again, reduce the heat, close the device and cook the contents for 1.5 hours.
  4. Pea puree is a recipe in which you need to add salt to the dish at the end of cooking, before chopping the boiled base.

Pea puree in the oven

Pea puree, the recipe for which will be presented below, turns out surprisingly aromatic and rich in taste. The secret of success is oven heat treatment, which has another undeniable advantage over classical cooking - there is no need to stir the dish during the cooking process.


  • peas - 1 cup;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • salt, seasonings, oil.


  1. The peas are washed, soaked for 10-12 hours, and then washed again.
  2. Transfer the cereal to a bowl for cooking in the oven.
  3. Add water, oil, salt, seasoning as desired.
  4. Cover the vessel with a lid or tighten it with foil and place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 2 hours.

How to quickly cook pea puree without soaking?

You can cook tender pea puree without prolonged pre-soaking. In this case, baking soda will speed up the boiling of the cereal, which must be added to the pan at the initial stage of cooking. Do not worry about the taste of the finished dish - it will remain the same and the additive will not be felt in it.


  • peas - 2 cups;
  • water – 4 glasses;
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • salt, oil.


  1. The washed peas are poured with boiling water for 15 minutes, after which they are washed again.
  2. Pour a new portion of boiling water over the product, adding soda.
  3. Boil the contents of the vessel under the lid for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Add oil, salt, and more water if necessary and continue cooking for another 30 minutes.
  5. Puree the mass with a blender until it has a homogeneous texture.

Pea flour puree

Making pea puree from flour is the fastest version of getting the desired dish. It is important to maintain the proportions of the base component and water and remember that after cooking and cooling the dish thickens significantly. The finished dish is seasoned to taste with oil, herbs, spices and served on its own or as a side dish.


  • pea flour – 1 cup;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • salt, pepper, oil, herbs.


  1. Mix pea flour with cold purified water in a saucepan or saucepan and place the resulting base on the stove.
  2. Heat the mass with continuous stirring until it boils, season to taste and boil until thickened.
  3. Add butter and serve the finished puree with herbs.

Pea puree with smoked meats

Pea puree, the recipe for which will be presented below, is prepared with the addition. If you wish, you can cook the dish in a common container, adding smoked meats and cereals to the pan at the same time, but then you need to be prepared for the fact that the pea mass will not be as uniform in texture as after processing it with a blender.


  • peas – 750 g;
  • smoked ribs – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • oil – 50 ml;
  • salt pepper.


  1. The ribs are covered with water and cooked until soft.
  2. Remove the meat to a bowl, and add soaked peas to the broth.
  3. Cook the cereal for 1.5 hours, adding water if necessary.
  4. Punch through the pea mass with a blender, add previously boiled ribs, fry onions and carrots in oil, and season the dish to taste.
  5. Heat the pea puree with smoked ribs, stirring, for another 15 minutes.

Pea puree with cream

Pea puree, a simple recipe for which is made with the addition of cream with a low fat content, can be served as a delicate side dish for baked or fried poultry, cutlets or stewed meat. Separately, you can prepare a spicy sauce based on fresh tomatoes or any other sauce of your choice for serving.


  • peas – 0.5 kg;
  • cream – 1 glass;
  • water – 1-1.2 l;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • salt, spices.


  1. The soaked peas are poured with water and cooked until soft.
  2. Add salt, butter, spices to taste, pour in the cream and cook the puree for another 15-20 minutes, stirring continuously.
  3. If necessary, process the delicious pea puree in a blender until the texture is as creamy as possible.

Pea puree with stewed meat

If you want to get the most satisfying and nutritious dish without much labor, you can supplement the treat before serving with beef, pork or. The fastest way to cook pea puree is from split peas, but the dish will be healthier if you use the product with whole peas.


  • peas – 0.5 kg;
  • stew - 1 can;
  • carrots and onions – 1 pc.;
  • water – 1-1.2 l;
  • parsley, dill and basil - 1/3 bunch each;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • salt, pepper, bay.


  1. The peas are soaked and washed.
  2. Pour water over the peas, bring to a boil and cook until softened.
  3. Puree the mass with a blender.
  4. Onions and carrots are sautéed in oil.
  5. Add the stew, heat it up, stirring, add herbs, stir.
  6. Combine the contents of the pan with the puree, stir and serve.

Pea puree with chicken

An ideal option for a hearty and nutritious meal would be cooked pea puree in chicken broth with the addition of poultry. You can use chicken fillet or other parts of the chicken to complete the recipe. The vegetable composition of the filling will harmoniously complement the chopped bell pepper.


  • peas – 0.5 kg;
  • chicken – 400 g;
  • tomato, carrot and onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • water – 5-6 glasses;
  • dry Italian herbs – 2 pinches;
  • oil – 80 ml;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.


  1. Boil the chicken meat, remove it from the broth, cut it, and fry it in oil until golden brown.
  2. Soaked peas are placed in the broth.
  3. Place the container on the stove and cook after boiling under the lid until the peas are tender.
  4. Fry onions and carrots separately, add browned meat, garlic, herbs, seasonings, mix.
  5. Mix pea puree with meat and vegetables and serve.

Green pea puree

Delicious pea puree, the recipe for which is made from green peas, is fresh in taste, with a pleasant sweet note. You can serve this side dish with fish dishes, baked or fried meat. Both frozen and fresh products are suitable for use as base raw materials.


  • green peas – 600 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • cream and butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Onions and garlic are fried in oil.
  2. Add green peas, heat a little, stirring.
  3. Pour in the cream, add some salt, pepper, and heat with continuous stirring almost until the liquid boils.
  4. Punch through the mixture with a blender, adding cream if necessary to obtain the desired thickness.

Potato and pea puree

Pea puree, an accessible recipe for which involves adding potatoes to the composition, turns out to be more delicate, at the same time piquant in taste and will surprise with its characteristics even those who previously refused to eat pea dishes. This dish can be served with any meat addition or fried lard.

older than many myths and legends about him. The ancient Greeks knew the taste of peas back in the 4th century BC. e. The Chinese, Indians and Africans tried peas 1,500 years ago. To green peas raw ( the most delicious, in my opinion) Europeans became addicted in the 17th century. Moreover, the British got such a taste for it that they began to develop new sweet varieties of peas. And the third US President, Thomas Jefferson, grew more than thirty varieties of peas in his garden!

Today, when the primordial and ancient is becoming fashionable in our country, peas have every chance to restore their former glory. And since you’ve probably heard a lot about green peas in the country and canned in a gastronomic pairing with boiled sausages, then, anticipating the trend, I’ll tell you about pea flour.

Pea flour ground from dried pea grains. Like all legumes, peas cannot boast of a wide range of vitamins, but those that exist are very necessary for the body: C, Pp, group B. Pea flour contains the same beneficial substances in crushed, and therefore easily digestible form. Traditional medicine recommends taking pea flour 1 tablespoon 3 times a day to improve skin quality and normalize metabolism. However, for some diseases of the stomach and intestines, pea dishes are contraindicated, so self-medication is not the best option here.

From pea flour They cook puree soup, bake flat cakes and bread. Tatar chumar and salma, Arabic falafel, Russian pea porridge, English mashy peas, Indian pea paste with curry - you can cook dishes from all over the world with pea flour.

And the most extravagant thing you can do with pea flour is take it fishing. Experienced fishermen claim that in combination with hemp oil, this is the best bait for white freshwater fish.

My first experience using pea flour was regular pancakes, to which I added half wheat flour and half pea flour. It turned out to be a tender and, I would like to believe, healthy dish. Next in line is falafel. And I wish you interesting culinary experiments with peas flour.

Pea flour, 500 g, 49 rub.

“I was born on June 21, the longest day of the year, on the same day as Prince William. I have two honors diplomas. I speak five languages ​​- Russian, English, Italian, French and Ukrainian, like my grandmother. I managed to work in various companies, and as a result I chose what I get great pleasure from: throwing words, catching them and putting them into sentences. I'm lucky and have great intuition. I can cook, embroider, drive a car. More than anything in the world I love Chekhov's stories, being lazy and eating delicious food. I almost always manage to combine these three pleasures.”

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