Dough for children's pizza. Children's pizza. Recipe for children's lavash pizza

How can you not love pizza? Surely you immediately imagined a harmful product with mayonnaise, ketchup, mushrooms, add sausage and smoked meats to this set and we get a dish that is in no way intended for a child’s stomach. But you can do without these products and give your child a real belly celebration. By the way, the pizza recipes for children that we will offer you will be appreciated by the whole family.

It's no secret that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Did you know that the path to your child’s love organ can also be easily built through delicious food? We promise that any kid will be delighted with the delicious pizza! But since we care about children's health, we will protect them from harmful fast food and prepare the dish ourselves. There are many recipes for this dish. We will choose the most interesting and beneficial for the child’s body.

Pizza for children will guarantee healthy nutrition, because it consists only of healthy ingredients. This dish can be prepared for a child’s birthday or any other children’s holiday.

What should we give up?

A pizza recipe for children should be as healthy and tasty as possible. Many ingredients familiar to adults will have to be excluded, because the child may either not like them, or they may be harmful to him.

  • You will definitely have to give up mayonnaise, because the product is very dangerous for an adult. For the children's digestive system, the high calorie content, preservatives, emulsifiers and harmful fats that mayonnaise is generous with are too much of a burden.
  • Where there is mayonnaise, there is often ketchup. The advertisement tries to convince that it contains only fresh tomatoes and nothing else. We lost faith in its naturalness a long time ago. In fact, in addition to tomatoes, it contains starch, vinegar, preservatives, dyes, gum, stabilizers and other components undesirable for children.
  • Mushrooms are another product that is undesirable for a child. Some mothers even limit its use until the age of 14. The culprit is chitin and harmful substances that mushrooms easily absorb when growing. Therefore, we choose recipes for making children's beer without this product.
  • Onions are an excellent helper for children's immunity, but few children love them for their specific taste. If your child is suspicious of it, then let the pizza recipe be without onions.
  • The same situation occurs with olives and black olives. For young children, this choice may seem strange if they do not like the product. Therefore, before cooking, be sure to consult your little expert about the composition of the pizza.
  • Smoked meats and sausage- another not the best option for serving on a children's table. And here's why: modern types of sausages contain harmful fats, soy, starch, carcinogens, egg powder and other harmful ingredients.
  • Our usual pizza toppings often include seafood. But some modern types of seafood are produced using components that are hazardous to children's health. Besides, kids just don’t like their taste.

How to cook pizza at home without these (oh, how delicious!) ingredients, so that you get a healthy and satisfying dish for children? Many recipes are perfect for both a weekday dinner and a child’s birthday: you’ll see that you won’t be able to drag little guests away by the ears from such a treat!

Mini chicken pizzas in the shape of men

Children will definitely like mini-pizzas in the shape of funny faces. In addition, they will be interested in participating in the preparation. Children's pizza is a dish for which you will need your imagination.

For the test we need:

  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 200 g. sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/3 tsp. soda;
  • 50 g butter.

Filling includes:

  • 50 g Russian cheese;
  • 200 g chicken breast;
  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • a few spoons of sour cream for greasing.


  1. Melt the butter and leave to cool.
  2. Meanwhile, mix sour cream and soda slaked with vinegar, add eggs to them, and then butter.
  3. Beat the resulting mixture thoroughly.
  4. Add flour into the mixture little by little and knead the dough. Leave a small amount of flour for rolling.
  5. Since we decided to make mini pizzas, the dough circles should be small and quite thin.
  6. When the bases for future children's pizzas are rolled out, make sides for the filling and place them on a greased baking sheet.
  7. Then bake for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  8. Let's start filling. This recipe uses tomatoes. They need to be washed and peeled, and then cut into small pieces. Then place the tomato on the cooled dough circles.
  9. Spread a layer of tomatoes with sour cream, then cover the pizza with a layer of finely chopped chicken breast. You can also add sour cream to it for taste.
  10. We finish the process with a layer of cheese.
  11. Since mini pizzas are designed for children, you can decorate the circles to your liking to make it more fun. For example, make funny faces out of vegetables. Involve your child in this entertainment.
  12. The resulting mini-pizzas should be baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Such masterpieces are perfect for presenting at a child’s birthday.

Baking and decorating mini pizza: video

Pizza recipe with ready-made dough

Children's pizza on store-bought crusts is very simple, and its preparation is quick, because you don't have to bother with the dough. Here is the perfect recipe with photos.

For the filling you will need:

  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • 100 g chicken breast;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 100 g cheese.

For cooking:

  1. Grate the peeled and washed tomatoes and place them evenly on the cake layers.
  2. Place pieces of cooked chicken breast on top of the tomato paste.
  3. If desired, you can add bell peppers, herbs, pickled cucumbers or olives if the child likes them.
  4. We add cheese to the children's pizza and decorate it with tomato slices.
  5. Bake it for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and enjoy the resulting deliciousness.

Healthy pizza dough option

The healthiest pizza for children will be one with no dough at all. It can be replaced with delicious cottage cheese. The recipe is simple: mix 250 g of cottage cheese and 2 raw eggs. Place the resulting slurry in a baking dish, and then generously add filling to taste.

This pizza is baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. The result is a tasty, healthy and low-calorie treat! Due to the delicious filling and healthy “dough”, this recipe is perfect for a children's party.

You will no longer rack your brains over what delicious food to treat your children to and how to make this dish healthy - everything has already been thought of for you! We hope you and your child will like these pizza recipes.

Kids love pizza too. Little eaters can be hard to please, but even the pickiest child will graciously agree to try a bright and flavorful pizza fresh from the oven. They will willingly eat it even with those foods that they usually don’t like. Each child is unique, but you can see general preferences and conditions in preparing this dish for children

The Bochkarev family cafe has made its own selection of pizza toppings that children like, based on its range of pizzas

Of course, not all traditional ingredients are suitable for filling children's pizza. Hot, spicy sausages and smoked meats, pickled mushrooms and seasonings with a rich smell should be excluded from the list. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use sour cream or white bechamel sauce, and tomato paste and ketchup can easily be replaced with fresh tomatoes, which will only make the finished dish healthier.

Not all children like pickled cucumbers - we replace them with salted ones! Cauliflower and asparagus are also not among children's favorites; you can do without them and just wait until the child grows up and can appreciate their delicate taste.

But with the rest of the ingredients you can conjure and create a kaleidoscope of a variety of combinations!

  • To start the parade of toppings for children's pizza, it simply asks for a colorful and bright one. vegetarian pizza, in which sunny corn, sweet peppers, olives, cubes of boiled potatoes, juicy tomatoes and fresh herbs, sour cream and good quality cheese are effectively mixed.

  • Someone saw a child who voluntarily gave up sausages? So - finely chopped boiled meat is evenly laid out on a dough base, beautifully placed on top of slices of tomato, slices of sausage and olives, sprinkled with olive oil and sprinkled with grated cheese.

  • Classic chicken fillet as the main component is quite common, but you can discover new flavor nuances by adding tomatoes, bechamel sauce, fresh herbs and vegetables.

  • Children also love pasta. If you quickly put grated cheese, pieces of boiled meat, sausages, thin strips of sweet pepper and slices of cherry tomatoes, canned corn on freshly cooked spaghetti, wait a minute for the cheese to melt and combine everything into one, add creamy sauce - you get “pizza” from spaghetti!

  • Seafood, especially shrimp, go well with boiled chicken eggs, bell peppers, green and black olives, white sauce and cheese, both in color and taste, children know this!
A child with a sweet tooth will appreciate pizza with sweet toppings.
  • Bananas, pineapples with condensed milk sauce with chocolate topping on thin dough will become both a hearty treat and a dessert.

  • Juicy pears with cream cheese and strawberry jam as a bright decoration will charm you with its subtle aroma and sophistication of the combination.
There may be many more options, because every child and adult can become the author of a unique pizza!

Social networks help us, adults, not only to brighten up our leisure time, to stay in touch with friends and relatives who, by the will of fate, turned out to be far from us, to learn the latest news, to participate in various events and even to increase the level of self-education. But how does this affect our children? Are we depriving them in this way of acquiring social skills and that very happy childhood?

Daughters are as gentle as flowers, so mothers should watch over them and carefully “water” them with pleasant and important words. The main thing is not to waste time, to promptly familiarize girls with valuable concepts that will help them in life. What are these “fateful” proposals? The article provides examples, and you can create your own!

Valentine's Day is coming soon. Valentines, hearts, poems about love will fill everything everywhere. Therefore, if your child has already begun to blush while doing crafts for February 14th, then we suggest talking not only about falling in love, but also about healthy relationships.

Baby babbling, the first spoken words, attempts to imitate the speech of adults - all this causes delight among the parents and relatives of the baby who is just learning to speak. And many people have a question: when will he finally speak normally and clearly? Is it possible to help a baby start talking? When will understandable phrases and even sentences appear in the child’s speech?

How to make pizza for children at home? There’s no need to be too clever here: you take any pizza dough, take whatever topping you can get your hands on, and then use your imagination!

Among the food products there are a huge number of those from which you can lay out all sorts of funny mosaics. For example, I came across making smiling faces from four classic ingredients that are very often found in pizza fillings: eyes - from olives, cheeks - from tomatoes, mouth - from salami, nose - from champignon. See what you have at your disposal - and go ahead! I guarantee the kids will love it! Well, maybe older teenagers will start telling you that they are no longer children, and they can have pizza WITHOUT ALL THIS, but the little ones will be guaranteed to be happy!

Of course, it makes sense to first study the tastes of the audience - among children it often happens that someone does not eat something. Well, we need to monitor the quality of sausages. But I think if you always control what your children eat, you will do it without me.

Knead the dough from 400 g flour, 250 ml water, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. pizza seasoning, 1 tsp. salt and the amount of yeast required for 400 g of flour according to the instructions on the package (I used 5-6 g, but yeast may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer). Knead for about 10 minutes, you should get a smooth lump.

Cover the container with the dough with film or a lid and let it rise 2-3 times in a warm place.

When the dough has risen, cut the olives into halves along the axis, the tomatoes along the axis, the sausage into half circles, and the champignons into pucks.

Three cheeses on a coarse grater.

We begin to heat the oven to the maximum temperature available for you. For me - up to 300°C.

Roll out the dough to about 3-4 mm thick.

We cut out circles of children's pizzas from it with some not-so-small bowl.

Place the pieces on baking sheets on top of pastry paper. You should get at least 8 pizzas, that's 2 baking sheets.

Spread passata (sautéed tomatoes) or pizza sauce over the dough, about 1 tbsp. per serving.

Sprinkle pizza with cheese.

On each pizza we put a face with eyes, cheeks, nose and mouth.

We bake the pizzas in the oven at the highest temperature available to you until done - until the edges are golden brown. For me, at 300 degrees on medium with air circulation, it took 5 minutes.

You can decorate children's pizza with basil leaves. The children will be happy! In fact, they do not always understand that the faces were laid out on purpose and did not happen by accident, but they are always happy about them. Tested on several generations of kindergarteners, primary schoolchildren, and now this recipe has been passed on to high school with my son.

Children are always non-standard individuals. Typically they are:

  • prefer sweets to other foods;
  • delighted with the beautiful food, which is like something out of a fairy tale;
  • they love to have fun and learn new things more than to eat;
  • won't pretend to like something if they don't.

Based on these points, we will create a menu for a children's birthday party.
Of course, parents and other adult family members want, first of all, to feed the child healthy and nutritious food, and sweets only after that. And this also has its own conditions, because no one will deny that food should be:

  1. from quality products;
  2. if possible, not fried;
  3. with a minimum amount of different spices.

In addition, when children gather in a group, they will not behave as adults do in such situations: talk peacefully (or not so peacefully) while serving each other the dishes that are on the table. Because of this, it is best to serve food that you will treat your little guests to, dividing it into portions. Menu for a children's party with photos

Children's holiday menu recipes

Pizza for childhood

Pizza is perfect for the main course! Is there really anyone who doesn't like pizza? It is unlikely that there will be such people! Therefore, pizza is the best option for a children's birthday. It can be cut into all sorts of pieces and then distributed to the children as they please. Vegetarian pizza may be a good option. She must be:

  • without mayonnaise;
  • with good quality cheese;
  • with colorful vegetables.

That being said, if you have organizational skills, making pizza with your kids would be a great idea! Most likely, little cooks will get dirty on themselves, so you should notify your parents about cooking and stock up on small aprons.

children's party menu at home

The impressions after such a master class will be indelible! So:

Of course, what the child made himself, he will eat with pleasure.
And an excellent solution would be small pizzas that look like flowers! They look impressive, and are also a size suitable for children's hands. To find out how to cook such a delight, you need.

A la pizza

Many children love pasta. And you can also make portioned pizzas from them! This dish looks like pizza because of the cheese and vegetables, and not because of its preparation, but it tastes very similar! The preparation is as follows:

All this must be done without slowing down so that the cheese can melt from the hot spaghetti and make the dish undivided.

In this version of pizza, you should use fully prepared products, since the formed dish will not be subject to heat treatment:

  • fried or boiled mushrooms;
  • sausages cut into mugs or boiled sausage cut into thin strips;
  • pickled cucumbers (you can use baby cucumbers) and everyone’s favorite corn;
  • rings of tomatoes (cherry ones will look good) and sweet peppers.

Baked vegetables in a pot

Not at all difficult to prepare. At your discretion, you can bake vegetables with or without meat. But the design should be as unusual as possible! Form the dough into a circle and thin sausages - this will be an octopus, which should be used as a lid. For such a dish it is better to use small pots - it is unlikely that children will eat everything. This food serving option is perfect for the Sea Pirates holiday theme.

Another option for decorating baked vegetables is with cream cheese sauce. You can lay out the top in the form of faces made from fresh vegetables - here you should try and use your imagination. To ensure that your art remains the way you intended it, you should decorate the finished dish.

Garnish and sausages

Definitely, the side dish also needs to be made festive. For example:

  • deep-fried potatoes;
  • colored pasta;
  • boiled corn and green peas from a jar;
  • mashed potatoes.

To make it interesting, we don’t just boil the sausages, but serve them in the form of octopuses. Making them is very simple, you just have to look at the photo. Of course, you need to buy the highest quality and freshest sausages!

Mashed potatoes

Basically, children love mashed potatoes. And if it is prepared according to all the rules with good butter and natural milk, then even more so. And of course, it also needs to be presented beautifully and creatively!

Vegetable trains

A good idea might be to cut bell peppers into train trailers. Children are unlikely to eat the trailers themselves, but it doesn’t matter - after the holiday, use them for cooking or.

Fly agaric eggs

Such “fly agarics” can be served either on skewers or simply placing them on a plate, as an independent dish or as a decoration for mashed potatoes or the same trains. To make these mushrooms for children, quail eggs would be preferable - they have more benefits and look more childish.

Tartlets with filling

There are a myriad of fillings for these dough baskets, both sweet and savory. The most important thing is that the dough in the tartlets is very tasty and tender. Here is the link to an incredible assortment of fillings -!

Children's sandwiches

There is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild here! But for the sandwiches to be beautiful, you need to cook them slowly and carefully.

Let's consider those types of canapés that children are likely to like. A good option would be to place the sandwiches separately as a buffet.
Ladybug sandwich: loaf, spread, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, black olives. The spots on the back are also from olives.

This option is best offered to older children to ensure they don't drop the food.
Sandwiches in the shape of hearts will be wonderful for a little princess's birthday. Girls will appreciate it!

Sandwich boats

These boats are just super!

Option 1: Cut the cucumbers in half lengthwise. Use a spoon to scrape out the pulp and fill the cucumber with the prepared salad (at your discretion). Use a vegetable peeler (or a grater with the appropriate side) to cut a whole cucumber into thin slices. After this, we attach the sail slices to the base of the boat with skewers. These boats look great!

Option 2: Here you need bread with a dense texture. Butter is spread on it, cheese is on top, and red fish is on it. We attach the sails from cheese to skewers.

You can also put a cheese and sausage plate on the table, where the products will be laid out in the form of an animal or something else on the theme of the holiday. Of course, parents who care about their children should carefully choose cheese and sausage for their child. And, of course, this idea is not suitable for kids.

Original cheese plate

You can build more than one of these Christmas trees using different types of cheese. But keep in mind that children do not always like cheese, so don’t go too fast if your holiday is for younger children.

Layered salad with mice

The layered salad will also be interesting for children, and we will also decorate it in a childish way! You can lay out any salad that is laid out in layers in the form of a cheese head - just keep in mind that all products must be suitable for children. And mice of different sizes will delight your guests!

Fruits for children's birthday

Serving sweets requires special care. After all, it is a well-known fact that children have a special place with sweets. No one will argue that fruits are much healthier than cake, pastries and other industrial sweets. And beautifully presented fruit makes you want to try it faster.

Bananas in the form of pirates. You can make a bright bandage from large paper napkins or small pieces of thin fabric. Draw faces, eye patches and various facial hair with a marker. This pattern will be absolutely safe - because it will be on the peel.
The theme with pirates is the simplest, because almost everything can be played out in it.

The following games can be used for competitions:

  • draw an SOS signal on the surface strewn with semolina (as a rule, this idea goes well);
  • picking bananas tied to a “palm tree” (without hands) so as not to starve on a desert island;
  • look for treasure in a bowl of flour, semolina (or something else suitable for this, use your wits).

Homemade ice cream for the children's table

Making your own ice cream requires a little work, but the results are worth it. There are also different options for decorating it.

A butterfly-shaped cake would be perfect for this scenario. The base should be cut out of a sponge cake, covered with your favorite cream on top and various fruits should be beautifully placed on it. Very bright, beautiful and original!

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