As whom practiced in the European Parliament, the daughter of press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Elizaveta. Peskov's wife got into a deafening scandal: "the whole world is buzzing", photo Whose role does Elizaveta Peskova practice in the European Parliament

Dmitry Peskov was at the center of a corruption scandal involving his own daughter.

This was reported even by the Russian media.

In the European Parliament, working for the MP and member of the subcommittee on security and defense, Aymeric Choprade. Dmitry Peskov can access secret documents through his own child.

At the same time, it is alleged that neither Elizaveta Peskova nor Aymeric Shoprad have access to such documents. But the scandal that is growing in France after the publication of this information cannot be stopped. Shoprad himself said that Peskova was only studying law and held a position no higher than that of a secretary. Parliamentary spokeswoman Marjorie van den Broijk added that "in fact, Choprade himself does not and never had access to confidential documents."

Dmitry Peskov sent his own daughter to spy?

However, many MEPs do not believe in these assurances. Dmitry Peskov is one of Putin's closest aides, and Shoprad was elected to the European Parliament from the far-right party Marine Le Pen. The leader of the French nationalists has friendly relations with the head of the Kremlin. You do not need to be seven spans in the forehead in order to establish a certain connection in these interweaving of destinies.

Dmitry Peskov sent his daughter for an internship at the European Parliament at the end of last year. The girl's internship will end in two months - at the same time, the term of office of Choprade himself will expire. The Russian woman is deprived of the opportunity to attend committee meetings held behind closed doors. Her salary is about a thousand euros per month. According to other sources, Elizaveta Peskova receives twenty-five thousand euros of a trainee salary in France. In addition, she is the owner of a VIP apartment in Paris, the cost of which is about two million euros.

The European deputies have already expressed concern about the discovered fact. “It's really shocking. The daughter of the Kremlin representative is not an ordinary person. Dmitry Peskov is a confidant of Putin, and it is strange that the personnel service of the parliament approved access for this woman, ”said one of the French deputies. Dmitry Peskov himself and other officials in Russia do not comment on this incident.

Putin proves that Russia is only responding to the threat of the West. The Russian president declares his readiness to sit down at the negotiating table if the US begins the disarmament process.

Appeared the day before. He said it was a common student practice. “I would not like to comment on something else, this concerns my daughter, this does not concern my official duties, my work,” he said.

The information that Elizaveta Peskova is listed as an intern in the apparatus of the deputy Emeric Choprade caused a small scandal among European parliamentarians. On Monday, February 25, Latvian MP Sandra Kalniete and Lithuanian representative Petras Austrevičius drew public attention to the fact that Elizaveta Peskova is an intern at the European Parliament with the French right-wing MP Aymeric Choprade - they said that this poses a security risk, since the 21-year-old daughter the press secretary of the Russian president, in their opinion, has access to internal documents of the European Parliament.

Aymeric Choprade, 50, who was previously a member of the National Front, confirmed this information on the air.

“Miss Peskova is indeed the daughter of a person with influence in the Russian Federation, but as a student she has no less rights to an internship within the curriculum, like all other young people,” the deputy said.

In a conversation with Aymeric, Choprad expressed bewilderment at the sudden excitement caused in society by the information that Elizaveta Peskova was an intern at the European Parliament. According to him, the practice of the daughter of the press secretary of the Russian president began in November. “She has been on my internship since November as an employee of the European Parliament. By the way, her contract was approved and extended by the administration. I didn't secretly hire her," said Aymeric Choprade.

According to Le Monde, Elizaveta Peskova is on the lists of employees of the commission on foreign affairs and the subcommittee on security and defense of the European Parliament. In response to the fact that he believes that a 21-year-old student can gain access to secret information and “delicate” documents, Emeric Choprade said that Peskova’s tasks include working only with those documents that are publicly available on the European Parliament website.

Choprad also told Le Monde that the daughter of the Russian president's press secretary could not hear the conversations going on in his office. “She is in an office separate from mine and does not touch any delicate areas,” he told the French publication.
According to Shoprad, he has known Elizaveta Peskova for a long time. “I accidentally found out that she was studying law in Paris. I met with her, and she said that it would be interesting,” said the deputy Le Monde. According to the publication, Elizaveta Peskova lives as an intern in Brussels: her internship should last until the end of April.

On the Instagram of Elizaveta Peskova, who has 79.3 thousand subscribers, since November there has been no hint that she is an intern at the European Parliament and lives in Brussels.

In September 2017, it became known that Elizaveta Peskova deleted her Instagram - as it turned out later, she did this in order to immerse herself in her studies. “Lisa is “on a working vacation” for a couple of weeks and is 100% passionate about her studies,” Peskova’s representative told Gazeta.Ru. She also added that Peskova "finishes, by Russian standards, a bachelor's degree and goes to a master's degree." “So it is gaining strength and knowledge. But soon Lisa will return with new articles and ideas, ”added the representative of the daughter of Dmitry Peskov.

It is known that Elizaveta Peskova has been living in France since the age of 11, when she entered the Ecole des Roches in Normandy.

“Probably due to the fact that thanks to the work of dad, our family moved many times, I adapt very quickly to any place,” Elizaveta Peskova said in 2017 in Gazeta.Ru. “It doesn’t matter to me where I am, I feel good everywhere. I, like many of my generation, am a man of the world, a cosmopolitan, and I laugh at the eternal accusations that sound against me when they say that I should live in Russia.

The post of the daughter of the press secretary of the President of Russia Lisa Peskova about depression in the circles of golden youth was not well received by the girl's subscribers. To Peskova’s reasoning about how difficult it is for rich children to live, users responded with jokes and, in their opinion, effective advice.

On Thursday, September 27, Lisa Peskova, the daughter of the press secretary of the President of Russia, decided to complain about depression on her Instagram. She suggested that this is the "disease of the century among the golden youth", because many of its representatives feel a lack of attention from their parents. And no Rolex watches and travel can replace the participation of loved ones, Peskova believes.

Such a state of mind, according to the girl, does not end with anything good.

In the combined hodgepodge of the words “displeasure” and “paradise islands”, the girl also told a story about her friend, who was bullied in Russia after studying in Monaco. The boy, according to Peskova, was not accepted into his company by classmates and spread rot in every possible way.


It is obvious that there is a high probability that the trauma in his soul will remain with him and he will try to compensate for this with show-offs and likes, trying to prove to himself and others that he is cooler than the rest.

Users very quickly found a cure for the depression described by Peskova in her post.

Have you tried working? At once, all depression will disappear, and even if before that you run around in search of more than one month ... The children of fathers and mothers have let a whim on themselves from idleness. Apparently, it has become fashionable among them to suffer from depression. Expand

Of course, many have linked such thoughts of Peskova with the divorce of their parents. Well, where without Dmitry Sergeevich himself.

Depression is a state that occurs after your dad's official comments. Expand

It seemed to some users that it was somehow easier to be sad in comfortable conditions for this, so they offered Lisa to change places with them.

The daughter of the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, 19-year-old Lisa wrote an Instagram post in which she expressed her opinion about the Moscow renovation program. The girl wrote that she supported the idea of ​​demolishing five-story buildings. The message of Lisa, who lives in Paris most of the time, was met with hostility by netizens.

On June 1, Peskova published a new, no less provocative post. Lisa shared a photo in which she poses on a throne in a royal robe and crown. The girl accompanied the picture with a sarcastic story about how the daughter of “the main billionaire and thief of the country” lives.

“In general, the conscience completely tortured. I can’t fall asleep anywhere: not one of the yachts, not one of the palaces, not one of the jets could close my eyes. None of the servants could console me. The hour of revelation has come. I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR, ”Peskova began to tell (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Note. ed.).

According to Lisa, her diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino beluga caviar, and Devon crabs. And the girl sleeps on marble beef, sprinkled with goose down.

“Before every physical effort, I do my favorite procedure - a golden body wrap. The procedure consists in wrapping the body in a pure ingot of gold. Gold, of course, is mined by the people. The procedure, of course, is done with public money. By special promo code "DengiPeople" 1% discount. Some serfs write that, living in a palace, I cannot talk about five-story buildings. Why not? There are 6 floors in my palace, so the reasoning is quite justified, ”continued Peskova.

Lisa said that she was engaged in theft, and her father taught her all the intricacies of this business: “Recently, he supported my undertaking with a chest with the loot. With the promo code "Daughter of the Thief" a discount on a new course for young ambitious entrepreneurs. I have 13 slaves: Juan, Juan, Agafry, Verello, Chuk, Arkady, Basilio, Sho, Ki-Ji, Tochuku, Vasya, Dima, and you can imagine the third one yourself. Once I sent Agafria to a closed sale of sanctioned products, and instead of Pule cheese, he bought Camembert ... Well, I think everyone will understand me, I had to fire the ignoramus. I heard that people work, but I am sure that I will not know your servile lot. I don’t study anywhere, because I’m stupid from birth, but this is not a problem, since, of course, they will buy me a diploma! In the end, if I need something, I will simply buy a slave with the money of the people! So the future is mine!”

Recently, an employee of the administration of Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, commented on the scandal that took place in the European Parliament. Recall that the scandal was initiated after it was announced that the daughter of an official, Elizabeth, was trained in Europe. Nevertheless, Peskov said that he did not understand such a hype, as it was just a common practice. The curator of the young Peskova, Emeric Shoprad, also commented on this situation.

Scandal involving the daughter of Dmitry Peskov

The first sprouts of the scandal began on February 25, when Sandra Kalniete, a deputy from Latvia, and Petras Austrevičius, a political representative from Lithuania, focused on the presence of a citizen of the Russian Federation as assistants to the European Parliament. As it became known, Elizaveta Peskova is undergoing an internship with the famous French politician of the national sector of the government, Aymeric Choprade. Most of all, the politicians of the European Parliament were afraid that, in their opinion, Peskova could threaten the confidentiality of the Parliament, as well as pose a direct threat to the information security of the organization. Peskov himself said that his authority does not include discussing the life of his daughter, as well as the fact that she is an intern at the European Parliament.

Whose role does Elizaveta Peskova practice in the European Parliament

The fifty-year-old Shoprad himself also heard criticism from his colleagues, after which he decided to publicly comment on this situation. The politician himself confirmed the fact that Peskova is the daughter of a man who has political authority on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, he noted that she was in Brussels not for political, but for student purposes. That is why she is no different from other students who are practicing in the European Parliament.

Shoprad also said that he met Peskova even earlier. In addition, she began her internship in Brussels back in November 2018. In addition, the French politician completely denies the fact that he could have hired Peskova secretly. This is due to the fact that her contract was officially established and extended by the administration of the European Parliament until April 2019.

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