Terrorism as an international problem of our time. Read Political Science Essay: "Terrorism as a Social Phenomenon" List of Sources Used

The topic of this essay is terrorism, its causes and impact on society. AT

Recently, the fear of simply gathering in large groups in places has intensified.

mass gathering of people. The latest reason for this is the capture

hostages during the screening of the musical "Nord-Ost" in the theater center in Moscow.

People's opinions about what should be the policy of the state in this

direction are also different. On the one hand, many people think that

the only solution may be to strengthen the police regime and actively

anti-terrorist actions. On the other hand, many do not accept such

funds, after which civilians die. After all, the death of many

hostages, after the release from the "Nord-Ost" it is not the fault of the terrorists, but

special services.

Let's start with definitions. Terrorism is a form of political extremism in

its extreme violent version. According to the American

political science, terrorism is "the threat or use of violence in

political purposes by individuals or groups who act as

side, and against the existing government, when such actions

aimed at influencing more people than

direct victims.

Terrorism has as a cultural basis nihilism - the rejection of a common

world lies poverty, poverty of the masses of the population. It is only a nutrient medium, and

also a convenient suggestion. It would be naive to present a terrorist as a

to the complete despair and hopelessness of a person who, being no longer in

the strength to endure the hardships and sufferings of their fellows, in a fit of rage

spontaneously grabs a weapon.

Critical periods lay the foundations for extremism by the fact that

significantly increase the interest of people experiencing frustration and depression, to

historical traditions. Traditionalism, brought to its logical

end, is the main prerequisite for various manifestations of such

radical ideological movement, like fundamentalism. For example, in

post-Soviet period, positive self-affirmation of Russians was carried out

mainly through the resuscitation of traditional national values ​​and

symbols, as well as mythologization and glorification of the past of their people. Growth

traditionalism reinforces people's desire for cultural isolation,

causes the growth of xenophobia (fear of strangers), causes contradictions in

development, hindering the processes of modernization and globalization.

Extremism can be generated by unfinished urbanization, specific

forms of industrialization, changes in the ethno-demographic structure of society,

especially in conditions of turbulent unregulated migration processes.

The main conclusion made long ago by scientists is that terrorism arose along with the media and

connected with them inextricably. Modern terrorism is the brother of television. He

would not make sense if its results were not conveyed by television to every

house. Today Russian television is an accomplice of terrorists, it is thoughtful and

creatively does exactly what the terrorists want – talks about them and

shows the results of their activities.

This leads to interesting mass behavior effects. Long established one

of the phenomena of the media - the fame created with their help does not have a plus sign or

"minus". Therefore, terrorists become the same television heroes as

and athletes or show business stars, and it is customary to imitate heroes. From here -

epidemics of imitative behavior that sweep society almost immediately

after high-profile events widely covered by the media.

Thus, the problem of determining the role and place of the media in the fight against terrorism

(and the position of an "outside observer" for them in crisis situations is unlikely

relevant) requires participation in its resolution of both editors and journalists, and

lawyers, in the end - the whole society, which is now increasingly becoming

collective hostage in the hands of terrorists.

If the media did not cover the so-called "symbolic" acts, then such

shares would lose all meaning.

In addition to mass imitation, widespread coverage of terrorist activities in the media

causes other socio-psychological effects. For example, Bin Laden

today has become one of the sex symbols of the world level.

The work of the media to cover the actions of terrorists is fraught with other dangers:

A kind of "exaltation" of criminals and their actions (in

depending on the place given to them in publications)

Danger of calling imitators into vigorous activity

· Possible impact of interviews with criminals on police conduct


· Interviewing child victims of terrorists

Permanent declassification of location, numbers and equipment

police trying to resolve the incident

Unnecessary injury to family and friends of victims

· Potential impact on the course of the forthcoming litigation

Of course, terrorist organizations existed long before the advent of

television and mass media in general - then the number of people

those who read newspapers were generally negligible. And in those days, terrorists took into account

demonstration effect: they sought to influence not so much

the population as a whole, how much for the state, more precisely for its ruling circles,

whom they declared war. This is because the "old" terrorism

had a class or pseudo-class, rather narrow political character:

suffice it to recall the Russian Narodnaya Volya and Social Revolutionaries. After the first world

war, ethnic motives of terrorism came to the fore.

A striking example of terrorism, which has a bright ethnic coloring, is

"Time of Troubles" (Troubles), as they call in Northern Ireland, lasting there

decades of internecine war, in which with cruelty and ruthlessness

kill each other by the so-called paramilitaries on both sides - Catholic

Irish Republican Army and Loyalist Protestant units.

The fear of terrorism is actively used to infiltrate the mass consciousness

"image of the enemy". For example, the image of "Islamic terror" serves to induce

unification of the West in opposition to the South-Eastern "Terrorist threat". With

with its help, they simultaneously split the Islamic world, dividing its states into

"terrorist" and "non-terrorist".

Fear of terror is an effective tool in the fight for change

public opinion in favor of expanding the special services, their powers and


In the West, they are increasingly talking about the fact that terrorism is an inevitable reverse

side of increasing civil liberties, which it is desirable to limit.

The term “police democracy” that appeared in the West is quickly losing sight of

society its negative meaning against the background of fear skillfully pumped up by the media.

The process of group manipulation is divided into three stages:

· The first stage is “emotional actualization of xenophobia”. Such

psychological processing carried out with the help of special literature and

media, aimed at hurting the most

sensitive strings of the human psyche, affecting honor and personal

the dignity of each representative of a given religious group or ethnic group.

· The second stage is the "practical orientation of the groups". mass consciousness

(“compatriots” or “co-religionists”), heated up by the propaganda of the “people’s

indignation”, is directed to concrete accomplishments with the help of attractive

political goals, programs.

The third stage is the goals planned for implementation, specific program

attitudes and practical steps must be morally sanctioned

by the prevailing public opinion in this environment, after which any actions

this national movement, even if they are associated with inevitable

riots and bloodshed, will certainly be perceived as morally

justified, meeting the highest interests of the nation or confession.

It is this type of terrorism that goes beyond the local framework, and is recognized today,

perhaps the main danger threatening humanity in the coming century.

And we have to admit that in this sphere of terrorist activity

dominated by what is commonly - and incorrectly - referred to as "Islamic

terrorism." To use this wording is about the same as to call

colonization of Africa in the 19th century. "Christian colonization" on the grounds that

the colonial states were Christian.

The vast majority of people know nothing about Islam at all, and interest in

this religion, for obvious reasons, has recently been growing rapidly, and more and more

the myth of special militancy, almost even bloodthirstiness, is spreading

Islam, allegedly demanding from its followers a merciless struggle against

"infidels", that is, with non-believers.

It is wrong to blame Islam for the crimes allegedly committed in the name of this

religion. And yet - the fact remains: the most ruthless, massive,

"global" acts of terror are perpetrated by people who call themselves

Muslims and justified by the teachings of Islam.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, there was a trend in the Muslim world towards

strengthening the positions of Islamic extremism and fundamentalism, which in general was

due to the general politicization of Islam (as well as the Islamization of politics).

The strengthening of the position of Islam in the countries of the Muslim East was also facilitated by

a number of objective factors:

1) Changes in the geopolitical situation in the world as a whole played a special role

after the collapse of the world socialist system and the USSR. Strengthening the position of the United States in

as the only world "hegemon" have also become a kind of

a catalyst for moving away from European models and searching for ways of original


2) The conflict of different types of civilizations - Muslim and European,

manifested in almost all spheres of Muslim society and showed

the impossibility of blindly copying Western society on Islamic soil.

Historically, most countries in the Middle East are currently experiencing

difficult stage. The recent experience of the past decades has shown the failure

borrowing both "capitalist" and "socialist" paths

development, unacceptability of their mechanical copying.

3) The current socio-economic situation in the countries of the Arab East

characterized by a number of common features: agrarian overpopulation and the presence

a large number of workers not involved in agriculture;

too rapid urbanization of cities due to people from the villages;

inability to provide work for the urban population, rising unemployment;

strong property stratification in society.

Speaking about modern "Islamic" terrorism and its threat, it is necessary

emphasize that the main and immediate cause of the development of terrorism in

Union. As a result of the collapse of the USSR with the previous bankruptcy of ideas

socialism in many states of the Near and Middle East (Egypt, Iraq,

Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, etc.), an ideological vacuum there, and then in

Muslim regions of Russia quickly began to fill with Islam. Last

appears first of all in its most militant form - in the form of a radical

Wahhabism, demanding with the help of the "holy war" to return the Muslim world to

caliphate. Fixing the activation of Islam in the Muslim East and in Russia,

experts note that Islam, which is inherently hostile to

liberal values ​​and which can only lead to tyranny and impoverishment,

seeks to fill the vacuum left by the collapse of communism.

The main goal of Islamic radicalism is to change the place and role of religion

in the life of society, as a result of which representatives of this trend reject

dominant ideology, political practice of the existing secular

regime and state structure as not complying with the norms

Muslim religion.

Thus, Islamic extremists pursue the following goals: establishing

in the society of the foundations of the Islamic theocratic state, an introduction to

public practice of Sharia law and, finally, the restoration of the caliphate in

as a unified state entity for all Muslims.

As extensive world practice testifies, radical Islam does not

will stop within the fixed boundaries of the geographical residence of a certain

community of Muslims, because for them the cherished dream is to unite

the entire Muslim ummah of the world within the framework of a single political state

education - caliphate. In this case, the inevitable process

"spreading" of Islamic radical ideology and practice to other

"Muslim" territories, both within Russia and the CIS and other states

In journalism and scientific literature, there are widespread attempts to directly link

growth of political extremism with poverty, social disadvantage and

low cultural level of certain regional, ethnic or religious

groups. However, in closed, stagnant societies, such as the Bushmen of the South

Africa or the Maya Indians in Mexico, which are at extremely low levels

economic and social development, there is nothing like a political

extremism, and especially terrorism. However, these phenomena are visible in

societies that have embarked on the path of transformation and are concentrated in social

strata of society, characterized by a bizarre combination of traditional and new

traits of culture, an incomplete change in status and living conditions. Manifestations

extremism are growing during periods of historical events that began but were not completed.

Now there is a special, new function of terrorist acts. Classical

terrorism has always been a form of blackmailing the authorities or the world community and openly

(and even defiantly) put forward his demands, for example, to pay a ransom,

release like-minded people from prisons, stop hostilities, etc. But in

Recently, anonymous terrorist acts have been increasingly committed with

implicit goals. One of them may be the consolidation or expansion of their own

ranks in response to provoked actions of retribution. In this case, the state

(or a group of states), conducting such actions, plays according to the scenario,

imposed on him (or them) by extremists.

According to Huntington, “the main problem facing the West is not

Islamic fundamentalism is Islam, a different civilization, peoples that

convinced of the superiority of their culture and dejected that their power is much

below. And the problem for Islam is the West, a different civilization whose peoples

convinced of the universal character of their culture and believe that their

superior, albeit diminishing, power imposes on them the duty

spread this culture around the world."

materials of the book by S. Kara-Murza "Manipulation of Consciousness" M., 2001)

2. Mirsky G. The dragon rears up // World economy and international

relations. - 2002. - No. 3.

3. Pain E. A. The social nature of extremism and terrorism//Public

science and modernity. - 2002. - No. 4.

4. Khoros V. "Crown", "roots" and "climate" of terrorism// World economy and

international relationships. - 2002. - No. 3.

5. Khlobustov O. Mass media and violence in

society//Power. - 1999. - No. 10.

6. Rybakov V. To the question of terrorism, or two sides of the same coin//

World economy and international relations. - 2002. - No. 3.

Every year, terrorist acts (acts of terrorism) become more organized and more cruel towards the civilian population. Terrorists use in their acts various explosives and materials, modern weapons and ammunition, etc. At the same time, terrorist organizations carefully hide their activities, and in connection with this, a system of firms, funds and banks functions as a cover.

Also, these organizations have their own training camps for new terrorists, underground medical bases for treatment and warehouses where they store weapons and ammunition, explosives, uniforms, medicines and other equipment.

I share the scientific approach that, despite a significant number of international legal acts (according to experts, there are 27 global and regional agreements) and international organizations and bodies that coordinate the fight against international terrorism, a universal international legal act has not yet been developed that would unambiguously characterized this socially dangerous and complex socio-political phenomenon, defined not only the concept, legally significant features, but also gave an accurate legal description, assessment and legal responsibility of this type of crime, and also allowed for joint and effective actions to combat terrorism.

Countering terrorism should become one of the most important tasks for international organizations and all interested states of the world community.

The main international legal acts against terrorism include:

  1. Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (1970).
  2. UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents (1973).
  3. European Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism (1977).
  4. UN Declaration "On Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism" (1994) and others.

It is generally recognized that the leading organization in the world, including the one coordinating the fight against international terrorism, is the UN. Problems of combating terrorism are regularly discussed at the General Assembly and the UN Security Council and appropriate resolutions are adopted. Within the framework of the UN, among the specialized organizations, the role of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) is best known, and a specialized Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) of the UN Security Council has also been created.

As evidenced by the facts, terrorist acts are committed in different countries of the world, both in underdeveloped countries - Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc., and in highly industrialized countries - the USA, France, Israel, etc.

Acts of terrorism are also committed in Russia, examples of which are the explosions in the Moscow metro on March 29, 2010, where 41 people were killed and 88 people were injured; On January 24, 2011, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, killing 37 and injuring 130 people.

At the present stage of development of the Russian state, its society, as well as the world community as a whole, are faced with quite acute problems of preventing and combating terrorism, as well as improving the forms of international legal cooperation and interaction with other states.

In my opinion, the complex modern situation in the field of combating terrorism in Russia constantly requires, following the example of foreign countries (Turkey, Israel, France, etc.), tougher measures of civil and criminal liability, as well as a special procedure for conducting criminal proceedings against persons involved in terrorist activities

Terrorism is one of the most difficult problems for the world community today.

Terrorism has a global spread, which endangers the lives of many people, regardless of their country of residence, and only on the basis of international legal acts and decisions of international organizations, joint and coordinated actions of all interested states can help to cope with this complex socio-political and social dangerous phenomenon in the world, affecting the lives of every inhabitant of our planet.

At present, terrorism equally threatens public, national and international security and is a well-organized form of influence on public authorities by international terrorist and extremist organizations in order to destabilize the system of government. It is impossible to cope with this kind of threat through one-time power actions. A long-term, coordinated strategy for international cooperation is needed.

Success in countering modern terrorism requires the joint efforts of the entire world community, coordination of actions at the global, regional and national levels.

The cooperation of states in the fight against international terrorism is based on the fundamental principles of international law, which are enshrined in the declaration on the principles of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation between states in accordance with the UN Charter.

International legal cooperation in the fight against terrorism is developing quite dynamically. However, its potential has not yet been exhausted and has a significant reserve. To improve the effectiveness of anti-terrorist cooperation, it is necessary to continue improving the legal framework, to give it a truly universal character.

It is also important to expand the circle of participants in the existing international antiterrorist treaties. It is absolutely clear that the joint efforts of states and international organizations can produce effective results in the fight against terrorism. And it is also very important to prevent the use of interference by one country in the internal affairs of another under the pretext of supporting terrorism by this country.

List of sources used

1. Volevodz A. G. Legal regulation of new areas of international cooperation in the field of criminal justice. M., 2015.
2. Zhdanov Yu. N., Lagovskaya E. S. European criminal law. M., 2014.
3. Akkaeva Kh. A. New trends in legislation on extremism and terrorism in the Russian Federation // Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. 2015. No. 10-2 (60). pp. 16-18.
4. Kanunnikova N. G. Foreign experience in countering international extremism and terrorism // Legal Science and Law Enforcement Practice. 2014. No. 3 (29). pp. 163-168.
5. Chumakova A. S., Buzinova A. A. To the question of terrorism in modern conditions // Volga pedagogical search. 2013. No. 1 (3). pp. 137-139.

Essay on the topic “Terrorism as an international problem of our time” updated: April 7, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Extract from the text

The relevance of the topic is that in the aggravated international conditions, Russia continues its energetic and proactive, leadership participation in international anti-terrorist cooperation, primarily at the UN, a number of other authoritative multilateral organizations, as well as in a bilateral format. The purpose of this work is to reveal terrorism as a global problem of our time, based on the goal set, the following tasks were defined: - To analyze Russia's role in the fight against international terrorism at the present stage.

International terrorism poses a threat to the security of individual states, as well as to the entire world community as a whole. Terrorism is aimed at undermining ordinary life, has a one-sided purposefulness, this is its main feature.

In our work devoted to the consideration of modern terrorism as a social phenomenon, we set the following goals: To study the possibilities of the theory of deviant behavior for the analysis of terrorism as a social phenomenon. Consider the history of the study of terrorism as a social phenomenon;

The growth in the spread of terrorist ideology in different countries is one of the important problems of the modern world. In this situation, such factors of the development of the modern world as globalization only increase the urgency of this problem and sharpen the issues related to national security and the need to ensure peace and tranquility for the citizens of Europe and America. Its main distinguishing feature is the blurring of the boundaries between international and domestic terrorism.

The global problems of mankind are connected not only with the pollution of nature, but also with the change of mankind as a structure of the human community. The purpose of this work is to study environmental safety as a global problem of our time, as well as the formation of an environmental outlook among the younger generation.

Hunger as a global problem of our time

Terrorism as a socio-political phenomenon

But as scientists rightly point out, the criminal-legal position is decisive, which a priori determines the concept of terrorism and responsibility for it. From here originate criminological studies of terrorism, criminal procedure, forensic and the like.

Theoretical aspects of global problems of our time. The economic content of the global problems of our time. Humanism as a valuable basis for solving global problems of our time.

In addition, security issues include other problems - epidemics, HIV infection, criminogenic situations and crime, drug trafficking, prostitution, vandalism and other forms of violence, piracy, military complications and coups, terrorism, as well as consideration of all possible risks associated with tourists. , local residents, travel agencies and the tourism industry as a whole.

In the course of development, complex problems began to arise before mankind, which gradually acquired a planetary character and already affected the interests of not only individual states, but also all countries and peoples. By the 60s of the XX century, these problems became widely known, mankind realized

Terrorist acts have led to the need to create an international system to combat it. Terrorism as a global problem needs constant attention and research and therefore represents a wide field for research with their further practical application. - consider the concept and essence of terrorism as a type of political behavior;

List of information sources

1. Galkina E.V. Countering political extremism and terrorism: a new look / E.V. Galkina //Theory and practice of social development. - 2014. - No. 1. - S. 341−344.

2. Political Science: Textbook / Ed. A. S. Turgaeva, A. E. Khrenova. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014. - 560 p.


Artamonov Nikita

In our daily life, watching television programs or reading a newspaper, we often come across words such as "terrorism" or "extremism". Now let's think a little. How often does each of us think about the problem of the spread of terror? Why is there an increase in violence in modern Russia? How closely is terrorism related to extremism?

At the risk of assuming that few people think of these two troubles as a threat to Russia's national security, the author, a student of grade 11 "A" of the MOU gymnasium No. 6 ARTAMONOV NIKITA, will understand this problem in more detail.



Extremism and terrorism as a threat

national security of Russia

Closer we rally ranks together

Let's say NO to terrorism!

Let a hundred years or even two hundred

Russia will live without troubles.

"Prayer" Armen Ghazaryan

In our daily life, watching television programs or reading a newspaper, we often come across words such as "terrorism" or "extremism". Now let's think a little. How often does each of us think about the problem of the spread of terror? Why is there an increase in violence in modern Russia? How closely is terrorism related to extremism?

I would venture to suggest that few people think of these two troubles as a threat to Russia's national security. Now let's try to understand this problem in more detail.

In the constitutional law of Russia, terrorism is defined as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, decision-making by state authorities, local governments. In other words, synonyms for the word terrorism are "violence", "intimidation", "intimidation".

Now let's look at the concept of "extremism". The dictionary gives the following interpretation: "Extremism is a commitment to extreme views, measures." Among such measures are the preparation and conduct of terrorist actions.

It is not difficult to guess that these two inhumane social phenomena are very closely connected. In practice, this manifests itself as follows: any extremely nationalistic, political or religious discontent develops into terrorist sentiment, then a series of threats follows, and terrorist attacks begin that take people's lives.

When discussing specific manifestations of terror and terrorism, researchers and journalists talk about

Explosions of state, industrial, transport, military facilities, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, various offices, residential buildings, stations, shops, theaters, restaurants, etc.;

Individual terror or political assassinations of officials, public figures, bankers, law enforcement officers;

Political kidnappings aimed at achieving certain political conditions, release of accomplices from prison, etc.;

Capture of institutions, buildings, banks, embassies, aircraft, etc., accompanied by hostage-taking;

Taking hostages for ransom;

Non-fatal wounds, beatings, bullying, pursuing the goal of psychological pressure on the victim and at the same time being a form of the so-called "propaganda by action";

Biological terrorism (for example, sending letters with anthrax spores);

The use of toxic substances and radioactive isotopes;

Cyberterrorism aimed at disrupting the life support systems of various institutions;

Damage to industrial facilities, technological structures, waste storage facilities in order to provoke environmental disasters.

Who or what is terrorism directed against?

Answering the question posed, it must be emphasized that terrorism, like any other activity, is motivated. Terrorism, according to the French sociologist M. Crozier, is motivated violence with political goals. This means that the desire for violence, intimidation, terror is not something unreasonable or rooted in defects in the biological nature of man. This phenomenon is primarily social, having roots in the conditions of people's social existence. Problems and conflicts of different levels, directions and scales: individualistic, religious, ideological, economic, political are potential cradles for cultivating terrorist activities.

The list of countries with the largest number of deaths in terrorist attacks of the last decade includes the United States, Russia, India, Israel, Colombia, Iraq, Algeria, Pakistan, Uganda, Sri Lanka.

For example, on the eve of the 2008 Summer Olympics in China, Tibetans attacked ethnic Chinese (Han Chinese). They posted scenes of brutal beatings of peaceful men and women on the Internet and at the same time did not hide the fact that they were cleaning “their” territories from an alien ethnic element, i.e. covered their real goals (as a rule, quick enrichment) with nationalist ideas.

Now let's deal with terrorism in Russia and its features.

Russia in the 21st century is one of the countries most "affected" by terrorism: in 1997, 1,290 crimes of a terrorist nature were committed in the Russian Federation, and in 2005, 1,728. The number of such criminal acts of a terrorist profile as the organization of an illegal armed group has also increased sharply: in 1997, one such crime was registered, and in 2005 - 356!

“The growth of attempts to create illegal armed groups has created a terroristic situation in Russia, when the extremist-terrorist underground plans, prepares and implements almost all terrorist acts on the territories of the constituent entities of the Federation,” write the researchers of this issue.

The origins of terrorism are rooted, firstly, in a long history (for example, the activities of the Narodnaya Volya organization began more than 150 years ago), and secondly, in the heterogeneity of public opinion (our country is characterized by a different assessment of terrorist activities by different layers society, i.e., there is a large number of people who sympathize with the terrorist methods of fighting for their demands, who consider some terrorists “good, right, right”), and thirdly, the activities of Russian terrorists are of a “mixed” nature: they are individual and organized, purely criminal and with an admixture of politics, chauvinistic and religious ...

As I mentioned a little earlier, the main causes of terrorism can be divided into political, socio-economic, economic, religious and spiritual. Naturally, political, socio-economic and economic prerequisites for terrorism prevail in our country. And now I will try to explain why.

Among the political causes of terrorism, the main one is political instability. According to statistics, it is during the period of political instability that the number of terrorist acts increases sharply. So, an example is the collapse of the USSR and the formation of Russia in 1991. For more than a decade, the country has been politically weakened. This led to numerous terrorist explosions of residential buildings, "Nord - Ost" - the seizure of a theater in Moscow (by the way, these days, close and relatives of the victims and victims recall the events of 10 years ago, but by no means forgotten tragedy at Dubrovka), to two Chechen companies where the political discontent of the terrorists was clearly expressed.

If we consider socio-economic reasons, then the main one can be considered a low standard of living in the country. Russia has not got rid of such a problem as unemployment. Terrorism makes it possible for a person to earn money, and a lot of money. That is why, despite the “daring” countermeasures of our law enforcement agencies (October 16, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on countering terrorism put it this way: “Our services have begun to operate much more efficiently. At the same time, any miscalculation costs us very dearly, therefore we need to work without pauses, resolutely, proactively, boldly”), the bandit groups are replenished with fresh militants.

With regard to economic reasons, it should be noted that terrorism today is a business that can bring its organizers a considerable income, comparable to the income from the oil business. Obvious examples of economic terror are the arms trade, drug trafficking through the territory of Russia, drug trafficking, hostage trade, which allows you to make huge profits.

Now we are beginning to understand at least a little that extremism and terrorism are two huge threats to Russia's national security. And it is worth talking about the prevention of extremist and terrorist activities.

In Russia, as in all countries,whose leadership recognizes the need for measures to fight for the safety of the lives of their citizens (that is, where the value of human life is high enough, and the death of civilians can cause significant public outcry and affect the policy of the authorities),Threats are dealt with by force. Officially, only the FSB of the Russian Federation is engaged in anti-terrorist activities, but the formation of public opinion is highly important, the media play a huge role in this (I counted more than 10 official sites on the Internet that promote countering terrorism, which is especially impressivehttp://www.terrorunet.ru). And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the most important thing: the legal basis for the fight against terrorism. On October 5, 2009, the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev approved the Concept that defines the main principles of state policy in the field of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation, the goal, objectives and directions for the further development of the nationwide system of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation. Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons bear criminal, administrative and civil liability for carrying out extremist and political activities. There are no "good" or "bad" terrorists! Killers and extortionists must be held accountable for

more than 200 deaths(1995, June 14-20 - Basayev's gang raid on Budyonnovsk, mass hostage-taking in the hospital building);

4 deaths, 16 injured(1996, June 11, on the stretch between the Tulskaya and Nagatinskaya stations, an improvised explosive device with a capacity of 400-500 g of TNT went off in a train car.);

residential building explosions in Moscow in 1999

8 deaths, 60 injured(2000, August 8 in the center of Moscow, in the underpass near Pushkinskaya Square, an explosion occurred);

occupation of the theater in Moscow(2002, Nord-Ost - a gang of terrorists was destroyed by special forces, there are victims among the hostages);

39 dead, 120 injured (, On February 6, there was a powerful explosion in a train car between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya metro stations. Chechen separatists were accused of organizing the explosion);

87 dead, including Volgograd residents(2004, August 24 - the explosion of two Russian passenger planes by Chechen suicide bombers)4

death of hundreds of children, teachers, parents(2004 - a terrorist act in Beslan - the seizure of a school).

Here is a far from complete mournful chronicle of events ...

And today, the day when I am writing this essay, according to Lenta.Ru, is replete with events that testify that terrorism exists. And he is an evil directed against humanity. Who is next?

Crozier M. Main tendencies of modern complex societies// Sociology. Reader. Comp. SOUTH. Volkov, I.V. Bridge. - M.: Gardariki, 2003. - S. 124-129.

According to Syromyatnikov I.V. In the book. Terrorism is evil: a textbook for senior students of educational institutions / Ed. A.G. Karayani. - M.: SGA, 2008.-p.16.

Kalinin B.Yu., Khrykov V.P. Terrorism in Russia in the late XX - early XXI century: political and legal analysis // Legislation and Economics. - 2007. - No. 11. – C.48-55.

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On the topic "Terrorism as a social phenomenon" Moscow

Terrorism is one of the most dangerous and complex, difficult to predict phenomena of our time, which is acquiring all kinds of forms and threatening proportions. Acts of terrorism most often bring massive human casualties, entail the destruction of material values ​​that sometimes cannot be restored, sow enmity between states, provoke wars, distrust and hatred between social, religious and national groups, which sometimes cannot be overcome during the life of a whole generation. The components of the phenomena "terrorism" and "international terrorism" - acts of violence, differing in a huge variety both in terms of means and methods of committing, and in terms of subjects, are relatively new phenomena for the Russian Federation and for many other countries. These crimes go beyond ordinary (criminal) acts, which mainly encroach on the safety and well-being of the individual. Terrorism and international terrorism, along with other forms of crime - enemies of any statehood, are a threat to the security of the individual - society - the state - the international community, affecting not only the rule of law, but also the economic, political, state, life of peoples, states, national and international regions.

Terrorism is a policy based on the systematic use of terror. Synonyms for the word "terror" (lat. terror - fear, horror) are the words "violence", "intimidation", "intimidation". There is no generally accepted legal definition of this concept. In Russian law (CC, Art. 205), it is defined as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, decision-making by state authorities, local governments or international organizations related to intimidation of the population and / or other forms of illegal violent actions. In US law - as a deliberate, politically motivated violence committed against civilians or objects by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually with the aim of influencing the mood of society. In the late 1960s, a specific form of terrorism appeared - international terrorism.

Types of terrorism

According to the nature of the subject of terrorist activity, terrorism is divided into:

Unorganized or individual (lone terrorism) - in this case, a terrorist attack (less often, a series of terrorist attacks) is carried out by one or two people who are not behind any organization (Dmitry Karakozov, Vera Zasulich, Ravachol, etc.);

· Organized, collective - terrorist activity is planned and implemented by a certain organization (Narodnaya Volya Social Revolutionaries, Al-Qaeda, IRA, ETA, state terrorism). Organized terrorism is the most widespread in the modern world.

According to its goals, terrorism is divided into:

· Nationalist - pursues separatist or national liberation goals;

Religious - may be associated with the struggle of adherents of religion among themselves (Hindu and Muslims, Muslims and Christians) and within one faith

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