Competitions for the day of ambulance. Scenario for the Doctor's Day “People in white coats. What to cook for a party

Unfortunately, our government does not properly treat the medical profession, as well as teachers. The salaries of medical workers are low compared to what they do. but they accomplish a feat, saving lives and treating people. Their work is really hard. Therefore, for relaxation and a festive evening, we offer you fun and interesting competitions for the day of the physician, health worker, games and entertainment for the day of the medical worker.

It is very difficult for doctors when a person with a very serious injury lies in front of you, whom you need to operate on. You can't slow down for a minute. Doctors know how to pull themselves together and do their job properly. Doctors can safely be called heroes. In our country, the Day of the Medical Worker has been celebrated for a long time, since the days of the USSR. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June.

Contests for the day of the physician, health worker

Medical workers are people too, they also like to relax. Therefore, on the day of their professional holiday, you can offer such entertainment. A person has a lot of organs, and it is very difficult for one doctor to cope with all of them. Therefore, doctors are divided according to the subject of their treatment. There is an ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, oncologist, surgeon, therapist, etc.

For neuropathologists, we can offer a competition to check the nerves. Each participant is given a piece of paper that needs to be torn into many small pieces. The difficulty is that this should be done on an outstretched arm, the second cannot be helped.

There is such a competition for the doctor of lore that will test their hearing. Words (compliments) are uttered in each ear, which must be passed on to a neighbor or must be spoken aloud. It can be not only compliments, but also congratulations.

To dispel boredom among guests, you can hold a group competition. Two people or two teams stand in a drawn circle. It includes players. Each player has his left arm tied to his torso and a medical cap on his head. The task is this: you need to remove the cap from the enemy and at the same time not let him take off his own. Each cap removed from the opponent's head earns points for the players.

A creative competition will help cheer up an honest medical company. Rubber gloves are a common item in the work of doctors. And you suggest that doctors make different figures out of rubber gloves and markers. Fantasy here should work as much as possible.

And everyone will like this competition. By the first line of the song, you need to guess the diagnosis.

For example.

Splin "My heart." "My heart stopped, caught my breath a little, and went again."

Diagnosis: Asystole; Fibrillation.

Alsu "Winter dream". "If you don't hear me, then winter has come."

Diagnosis: otitis.

There are themed games. For example, the game "Thermometer".

The meaning is this. Players are divided into teams. Without hands, both teams pass a thermometer (not necessarily a real one), which should be under the left hand. The distance between the players is approximately 1-1.5 meters. The team that passes the thermometer the fastest wins.

Actual game "Maternity Ward".

Two players are involved.

One is a wife who has recently given birth, the other is a husband and father of a child.

The father asks questions about the child, and the wife must show everything with gestures, as they are separated by glass chambers that do not transmit sound. It's fun to watch a game when both players are men.

Congratulations to all doctors on the holiday, happy festive evening to you !!!

The presenter hands the participant of the competition a card on which any medical specialty is written. For example, ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT, gynecologist and so on. The participant must, with his gestures and facial expressions, explain to those present which doctor is indicated on his card. The one from the audience who guessed first gets the next card with the task.


Participants compete in pairs. Each pair, blindfolded, must put on each other things that are in the bag provided by the leader. There are two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. As soon as the "surgeons" are fully equipped, they shout: "Scalpel!". The pair of surgeons who "prepared for the operation" faster than the rest wins.

eye diagnosis

The facilitator takes turns calling the symptoms of a particular disease. Which of the doctors with fewer listing of the number of symptoms will be able to determine the diagnosis - he receives a prize. For example, fever, cough, runny nose, headache and joint pain - influenza; fatigue, short-term sleep, complete lack of a sense of rest after sleep, difficulty falling asleep - insomnia; partial memory lapses, lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, severe hangovers, binges - alcoholism, and so on.

In uniform

Medics are as agile as soldiers or firefighters. They also quickly need to transform from a simple person into the guise of a "rescuer". A set of uniforms has been prepared for each participant: a cap, a mask, a dressing gown with buttons, boot covers, gloves. At the start command, each participant begins to gather at his post. Whoever quickly puts on all the accessories will become the winner and receive the title of the most dexterous physician.

Medical plaster

This competition will require several volunteers, on which the host or person responsible for the holiday will draw wounds with the help of iodine or a felt-tip pen (in the same number and in the same places). Each participant receives his volunteer and the same number of plasters (small - disposable). At the “start” command, doctors must find wounds on their “patients” and seal them all with medical plasters. Whoever completes the task first, wins.

The language of medicine

Doctors are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives sheets with the same phrases, but written in Latin. The phrase can be absolutely any (compiled using a dictionary or online translator). The team that completes the translation first and does it verbatim first will be the winner.

Medical opinion

Each medic gets a pie with any filling. On the “start” command, the participants, using a scalpel (small knife), must open their pie, find out its filling and sew it up (using a thread and a needle). Whoever copes faster, he won. After the autopsy, everyone must voice their medical opinion and whoever gets it funnier will also receive a prize.

hit or miss

Each doctor in turn pulls out a phantom from a medical cap, which will indicate any very interesting action, for example, draw a fly on the face with green paint or put on medical gloves and walk in them for an hour, rub your back with medical alcohol or drink a glucose solution, in general, everything unusual. And then either do everything according to the phantom, or drink medical alcohol.

And suddenly you have to be a surgeon

Each participant receives two identical shreds, a needle and thread of the same length. At the “start” command, each participant threads a needle and sews his two shreds together. Whoever sews two patches faster and better, he receives a diploma of the best surgeon and a prize.

All participants in the game must be divided into groups. If you are sitting at the same table, you can simply divide the teams on both sides of the table. In the "Kinomaniya" competition, invite your colleagues to take turns naming films or series about doctors, Russian and foreign. For example, "Interns", "Anatomy of Passion", "Doctor House", "Bones", "Witch Doctor", "Pregnancy Test" and others. Each team has 30 seconds to think. Who remembered the last movie, he won.

You will need: darts, darts, buttocks cut out of paper, disposable masks and caps. So, divide all participants into 2 groups. Attach the “butt” cut out of paper to the darts. Darts are "shots". Shoot from a distance of 2-3 meters. Explain that one team should go to the upper right outer quadrant, and the other team, respectively, to the left.

At the same time, the “nurse shooting darts-injections” must be in a mask and cap. For more fun, you can give large gloves. All the fun begins when they start throwing darts and hastily giving away medical paraphernalia. Some miss, others get in the “ass”, but not where they need to. Someone hits the wrong “buttock”. Only a few hit right on target - a surge of emotions at such moments is guaranteed to you. Someone hastily puts on a mask or a cap crookedly. Each "correct injection" count as a ball. Then count which team won.

You will need oranges according to the number of participants in the competition and plastic knives. Distribute oranges and say that the participants need to remove the cellulite crust. But not necessarily with nails, but with a plastic knife. Whoever leaves the peel in places will earn himself cellulite. In this competition, female doctors writhe with a plastic knife, but thoroughly clean off the skin. After one of the teams has finished faster, give the losers a chance to peel the oranges so that no one gets cellulite. And as soon as they finish, immediately say that the next competition is who will eat all the oranges faster. Everyone starts hastily swallowing oranges. Say that everyone should open their mouth. It's very funny.

You will need 4 plastic cups and 2 twenty syringes. Fill two glasses with water, put syringes without a needle nearby. Also divide the participants into 2 teams. Place empty cups at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from those filled with water. The task of the players is to fill the syringes with water and shoot the empty cups. I had to hold the empty cups with my hands so that they would not turn over under pressure. At the same time, I was doused from head to toe. Fortunately, the day of the physician in the midst of June. It was fun.

You will need 2 fake thermometers (you can take pens, pencils or, at worst, sticks). The task of the players without the help of hands, holding the thermometer under their armpit, is to pass along the chain from the first player to the last, without dropping. To prevent the thermometer from falling, the participants press against each other closely under the armpits. It's just hilarious!

On the day of the medical worker, our valiant doctors arrange celebrations, we decided to collect for them in one place a lot of holiday scenarios for the day of the doctor. These scenarios will help organize events in hospitals and clinics, even students in medical schools will be able to arrange an interesting corporate party in honor of the holiday.

We have found scenarios for you in different versions: playful, solemn, fairy-tale scenes, even in the form of musicals about doctors. Of course, we do not exclude competitions for health workers.

Scenario for the day of the physician "Hands that give life"

1 block
The curtain is closed. Fanfares are heard announcing the beginning of the holiday, the curtain opens. On stage Brass Band "Silver Trumpets", leader: Sergey Dzhioev.
Host from behind the scenes: Let me consider the solemn event dedicated to the State holiday - the Day of the Medical Worker, as open.
The anthem of the Russian Federation is performed by the Silver Trumpets brass band.

Backstage host text.
VED: Who influences our fate,
And in whose absolute power are we,
And our fragile life bowl
Whose is filled with participation?
That mother who gives us to the world,
Beloved - it transforms,
And the doctor, who at a terrible hour
Both life and happiness save us.
Him this day - words of greeting,
Let it get younger year by year
And may God keep this fidelity
Serving your people!
"People in white coats" soloist of the orchestra "Silver Trumpets"
There is a film about medical workers on the screen.
At the end of the video, a video film with congratulations to medical workers and patients on the screen.

Music sounds at the exit of the presenters

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
Hello, dear healthcare workers of the Chekhov Municipal District! Dear friends, you have a holiday today and it is very pleasant that you heard the first holiday greetings from the lips of your work colleagues, people for whom this year has become an anniversary.
Let's applaud all of you on your professional holiday!

Download the script for the day of the medical worker "Fable for the Day of the Medic"

jumping dragonfly
Everything jumped, but baldela.
Suddenly fell ill -
Tears tremble in my eyes,
Itching and pain appeared.
There are no more bright days,
When under every bush
You can "twist your tail".
Everything is gone. monotonously
Day after day goes - wanders.
And who will come to mind
With a dragonfly to walk contagious!
Illness dejected
She crawls to the dispensary,
Knocking on the office door
He sits down in front of the doctor.
Doctor, it's not my fault
My temperament is damned -
All I want, I want, I want
And then I fly, I fly!
You don't leave me
Deliver me from my misfortune!

Scenario for celebrating the Day of the Medical Worker

Music sounds. Leaders come out.

Moderator: Good afternoon, dear friends, guests, dear healthcare workers

Moderator: Medical Worker's Day is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work of doctors, paramedics, workers of middle and junior medical personnel who daily fight for the health and life of sick people.

Presenter: The word for congratulations and the opening of the holiday is given to the chief physician of the Central District Hospital Ubaychin Viktor Vasilyevich

The anthem of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Altai sounds.

Scenario for the Doctor's Day "People in white coats"

Script for adults. Scenario of the evening celebration dedicated to the Medic's Day. Contests and games of a medical orientation are inserted into the script, any musical material, or close to the topic, can be taken.

The tables are covered with white cloth to the floor, they are vases for flowers. Lottery tickets are distributed to each guest at the entrance to the hall. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. Pleasant music sounds in the hall.

- Words of gratitude to you,
Nurses and doctors

Medic's Day Scenario "Good Doctor Aibolit"

Script for children. Designed for the middle group of kindergarten, or the older group. Spectators can be both parents and children of other groups. This scenario does not require much preparation and is easy to perform.
Dr. Aibolit and a nurse appear in the hall, you can use the music from the cartoon at the exit. Nurse: - The good doctor Aibolit will warm everyone, heal, Whoever hurts, He talks about that.
(The doctor sits down at the table, the nurse prepares everything for receiving patients. The first patient comes in with a bandaged cheek, his tooth hurts.)

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