What a thin string that is called the soul. Find out the origin of the surname

Psychopathological diathesis, in general, does not interfere with study and work. At school and institute, there are often excellent students. And they can be quite successful at work. What's the problem? Problem with people. People are incomprehensible. They are not felt. But who admits this to himself? The fact is that diathesis dampens the thin strings of the soul. (So, in my youth, the KGB jammed Western radio stations. You try to tune in to Radio Liberty to find out the truth about your homeland, and there is noise, crackling and croaking. And nothing is clear.)

The thin strings of the soul (real name Emotional Subtlety) allow you to catch the nuances of a person’s character, the shades of human relationships. What if it doesn't get caught? Then a person begins to invent people. And he relies in his notions on family scenarios, on how it is customary to think in his circle, and also on stereotypes called folk wisdom. Therefore, women are sure that "all men are bastards", but men "all women are fools."

By the way, one of the symptoms of diathesis is vulnerability and fragility in relation to oneself, but callousness in relation to others. In psychotherapy, this is called Wood and Glass. Diathesis is very diverse in its manifestations.

It happens that there is a lot of energy, it is in full swing, that is, diathesis did not touch this area. But devoured emotions. Such people can be very successful in business. Cold, strong, prudent, will easily crush anyone if the case requires. Because there is no interest or sympathy for people.

Let me give you examples from my clinical practice. That is what I regularly encounter in my work. Here is an energetic businessman, a lot of money. At the same time, it is terribly, totally alone. Instead of friends - work colleagues. Women come for one time, for one night. He says it's boring with them. He thinks that all women are predators. He does not understand that the point is not in them, but in him, in his spiritual coldness. Speaking quite roughly, the cells responsible for sympathy, much less for love, do not work in the brain ...

And now an illustration from “Ladies with a dog. Almost according to Chekhov.


Anya came to the psychotherapy group full of determination and hope. However, Anya had a vague idea of ​​what psychotherapy was. Mostly based on American films where people sit in a circle and everyone talks about their problems. “Hi, my name is Judy, my life is ordinary and boring, and I feel like I deserve more.” Here everyone begins to sympathize with Judy and encourage in every possible way.

Nothing like this happened in our class. Instead of sympathy, exercises were given, each time more difficult, and their high-quality performance was required. Anya was consoled only by the fact that all the exercises were from a field familiar to her - art and literature.

In addition to the exercises, there was a theoretical part, where I talked about how the human psyche works. There were also gatherings after the group, where they shared their feelings and discoveries. Anya liked the theory and the gatherings very much, but she did not like the exercises at all.

While Anya was trying to figure out where she was, I, in turn, was trying to figure out Anya. I collected a dossier on Anya.

Psychotherapy is somewhat close to jurisprudence. With the difference that the psychotherapist does not view the person as guilty or innocent. He is not a prosecutor, not a lawyer, and certainly not a judge. Rather, he is an investigator and investigates the circumstances of the case, detachedly and impartially. So that a person does not talk about himself, no matter what he complains about, no matter how he exalts himself or belittles himself, only facts are taken into account. Facts are our exercises. And there are also clues - numerous hidden signals that a person gives to the world.

I noted how and to what Anya reacted, what touched her, touched or shocked her. In gestures, intonations, words thrown by chance, I read her long-standing grievances and current fears, illusions, claims and ambitions. It was as if we were putting together a puzzle - she gave me a piece of information, and I had to find a place for him in the big picture. Gradually, the outlines of her biography, the nuances and shades of her worldview, loomed before me. Behind all this, her fate loomed.

Like a book, I read its past and present. And I saw her future in the palm of my hand.
That is the job of a psychotherapist.

Anya gave the impression of a well-groomed woman, but her face was unexpressive, like clothes - expensive, even fashionable, but boring.

She walked with a heavy, wooden gait, sat in the classroom tense, wary in her eyes. She performed the exercises meekly and fussily, without trying to understand them. Any new tasks caused her anxiety. Then she froze, her eyes stopped, she began aimlessly touching her clothes with her hands - rubbing herself.

Often she sank into herself, then her face became dull and sleepy, like that of a dormant fish.

No, she was both cheerful and active. But her activity was mechanical, like a clockwork toy, and her fun looked forced.

At first I thought that the reason for her stiffness was an unusual environment for her. But one day, I saw her in a cafe, in the company of colleagues. There was the same lostness in her smile, and through the expensive makeup, an indelible patina of tired loneliness clearly showed through.

However, to say about Anya that she is not confident in herself would be untrue. Because she absolutely knew exactly what is good, what is bad, and how it should be. Like every good housewife in the kitchen has a set of spices for different dishes, so Anya had a set of folk wisdom for different occasions. These were old, good common truths that did not require either proof or reflection.

The most important thing for everyone is to study well, for women to be married, for a man to be a breadwinner and breadwinner. Therefore, about women who did not marry or divorced, Anya said "life did not work out." About women who endured any tricks of their husbands, Anya said, slyly narrowing her eyes: "a wise woman."

For men, the highest praise was "successful person", and the lowest degree of failure was denoted by the word "loser". Both smart and talented fell into this category, if they did not cut money. Not that Anya really liked money. But if a person did not fulfill his main function, he could not be considered decent.

A small child divides the characters of fairy tales into good and bad. Anya divided humanity into decent and not decent people. Entering the category of decent people was not easy. You have to be well-mannered, polite and educated. Do not burden others with your problems, but do not climb into someone else's soul. Live a healthy life. To honestly and efficiently fulfill their duties - for a woman to take care of the house and children, and for a man to get something, the more the better. Another decent person should control his desires, feelings and even thoughts. Or at least not show them. Decent meant restrained.

Everything that was beyond this was not quoted, and according to Anya's reasoning, it turned out that being decent is the highest meaning of being.

To be continued

I once found an interesting observation in Mark Twain. This is how his words sounded in my head until I decided to find the original quote: “At the age of seven, I idolized my father. At fourteen I thought he was a total idiot. Seven years later, when I was in my twenty-first year, I was surprised at how smart my dad had grown!” Twain has no words about the age of seven, and his words about fourteen are even sharper. My memory was formed this way because I am sometimes called the ideologue of growing up - I deal with the stages of the formation of the human personality and the systems that people create. Knowing these stages, one can realize oneself and one’s life as a directed, holistic path of development, one can restore the lost skills for life in oneself, one can confidently plan the harmonious upbringing of a child, one can increase internal and external wealth by collecting treasures on earth and in heaven, one can to build human systems large and small so that each person is there in the right place, has the right task and does the best he can.

The word "education" is rooted in the word "image". The formation of our image takes place throughout life and the worst thing that can happen to a person is an illusory certainty that he has nothing more to learn. Indeed, education as a lifelong process has several distinct phases. They do not sometimes look like successive stages, but rather resemble a school of playing on different strings of the soul. Access to these strings is opened for us sequentially, but we can learn to play well on each string, learn to extract harmonious chords from several strings all our lives.

First string. We are born helpless creatures, unable to survive without parental help. Our first science is to learn to control your body, to realize the existence of basic ways to satisfy the needs of the body, derive pleasure from it and avoid pain. We cannot live without mastering this string, it is extremely difficult for us to act in the world if the accompaniment of our body is disturbed.

Second string. In our earliest childhood, we are woven from an unaccountable and reverent love for the best people around us in the world. For their sake, for their look, words, caresses, children are ready for anything. This warm attitude of a loved one creates, shapes our ability to soulfulness. We realize the presence of the second string in ourselves only after more or less mastering the game on the first one. And one more way - our second string becomes noticeable, resonating with the sound of the same music, coming from parental care.

third string. From time to time, against the background of this blissful picture, the first centers of our desire to be a separate, strong, independent person flare up chaotically but persistently. We begin to exercise a fierce hatred for everything that stands in our way. The inevitable lessons of capriciousness, disobedience, aggression prepare us so that we can learn to reproduce the sound of freedom, will, the right to personal happiness, the right to achieve our goals. Desperately strumming on the first three strings, we are received by educational institutions.

fourth string. Convinced of the ability to be "free from", we, by inertia, can move on to "freedom for". However, you know many people who continue all their lives to play the music of a painful need for respect, for power, for the accumulation of material wealth and social status in three chords. But if our parents or society are able to reproduce the sound of the fourth string and teach us how to play it, then we understand the importance of decency, honor, personal dignity. We learn to respect social principles and adequately comply with accepted norms.

Fifth string. We often have to learn to play such music on our own. By this time, we begin to re-evaluate the rules of life learned earlier. This is puberty, the last years of school. Sometimes rightly, and sometimes rashly, something seems to us absurd, meaningless and useless, and we have to remember the skill of playing on the third string in order to distance ourselves from what we consider unnecessary. But the most important skill of this string is the ability to create new, own settings, rules, laws that include all the sound options of the previous strings, but surpass them in flexibility, efficiency, rational logic. The fifth string teaches us to think systematically. And yes - this music is available to everyone, but far from all people know how to play it. Although it is this sound that we hear around as a calling reference. This is the music of mature business, modern science, this is the music of the social and political life of developed countries.

sixth string. Only already adult, responsible, feeling men and women are able to realize in themselves the ability to create music more elegant and subtle than the one that is abundantly heard around. People find this string in themselves, taking care of the ecology of nature and human relations, establishing equality of opportunity, questioning, improving and sometimes erasing the boundaries between scientific disciplines, social traditions, economic norms. This string abolished slavery, it gave women the right to vote, it takes care of the individual development of children's talents. This string teaches people to think in systems of systems, but it is impossible to solve such complex problems with the mind alone. The melody of the sixth string is gaining strength all over the world, and you can hear it more and more clearly.

Nothing can interfere with the desire of a person to improve his world. There is a version that we are able to learn to play even more subtle music. The influence of two more strings is described. On the seventh string we decisively question the qualities of all our personal characteristics and realize ourselves as a through, impetuous, unattached, living stream of events. eighth string people realize, coming to an understanding of the organic, natural, all-connecting, common, global spirituality of this world, capable of uniting the people of the planet into one symphony orchestra, the coherence of which is emphasized by an endless variety of instruments.

In order not to wishful thinking, in order to follow the evolutionary processes originally laid down in us, we must learn to play the melodies of our lives, playing qualitatively on each of the available strings. Any one string and whole chords of several strings can produce a healthy and pleasant melody, or they can have an unhealthy, disharmonious sound. We resonate with our small orchestras, being in communication with other people, finding with them what we call "common language". Or a cacophony occurs, resulting from the inability to harmonize. Mastering each new string gives us a powerful feeling of happiness. If you are looking for happiness for yourself, then most likely you are striving to master the next new string.

The task of educating a person is not at all to teach all members of society to perform solemn marches and hymns in unison (this is how a person who has not mastered more than four strings sees the goal of the educational process). And not in becoming a lone virtuoso, a famous maestro, a popular musician (this is how a person who loves his brand new fifth string sees the goal of the educational process). Even the task of freely giving each child the opportunity to effortlessly follow their own unique path of mastering a musical instrument will not lead to harmonious music-making, as enthusiastic admirers of the sound of the sixth string alone often think. The modern world needs people who have access to everything and every string of their soul. This is 1 - healthy body; 2 - understanding loved ones; 3 - free and strong; 4 - honest and decent; 5 - successful and productive; 6 - caring and sincere; 7 - unattached and fearless; 8 - a citizen of the world.

It happens that the greenhouse conditions in our societies, in our families, make it so that we try to imitate the sound of new strings by playing the ones that are available. For example, the easy availability of literature that tells about the practices and results of the development of mystics of different spiritual traditions creates a situation in which a large number of people, in an effort to wishful thinking, are trying to imitate the most complex vibrations of the great souls of the past and present. This is wonderful, but quite often the untimely and uneven development of the universal solfeggio causes problems with well-being, divorces families, destroys partnerships in business, leads to a vegetable inactive existence of completely enlightened narcissists.

It also happens that historical cataclysms, wars, social experiments tear some strings in our souls, and we are forced to make up for their sound. For example, in the post-Soviet space, twice in a century, the fourth string was torn in people, which is responsible for order, legality, continuity of generations, and confidence in the future. Therefore, there are so many people around who play the third string, reproducing the unhealthy sounds of treachery, shamelessness, swagger, but performing the written notes of the fifth string. Not all modern politicians and businessmen have an understanding within themselves that truly effective human systems are not created without respect for common semantic spaces, without personal compliance with the laws that are the same for all. Playing on the third string, you can, if you wish, hang many brilliant medals on yourself. But only together with the fourth string do we gain the ability to be happy not alone, not self-centered, fortunately to be recognized as worthy people who respect others and love their country. We have more to learn. And perhaps the best thing we can do is to try to raise our children without missing spiritual strings.

For more on what is being said in this article, take an interest in Spiral Dynamics and the integral approach of Ken Wilber in his context of levels of development. The author's metaphor about the strings of the human soul seems to remove several contradictions in the description of the forms of human beauty and complexity. The metaphor of levels or stages of development used in the existing texts has a certain linear, attaining connotation and seems to imply obligatory and step-by-step movement - “higher, and higher, and higher!” At the same time, the diversity of interactions of the "stages" of development, the non-linear simultaneity of their presence, their beauty are lost. In trying to describe the subjective space of a person, we inevitably use metaphors, even when it seems to us that our language is strict and scientific. Not only the scientific result, but also the practical side of applying the theory in practice depends on the quality of these metaphors.

Human education, as mentioned above, is a permanent, lifelong process. Look around. Listen. How many different unique human melodies! Literally every person has some ability that you do not have. But we still do not always hear harmonious melodies in this huge chaos. The world is rapidly uniting into a single orchestra, striving to perform increasingly complex, magical, powerful symphonies. For this already now there are all means. We and our children are destined to become unique tools with a wide range of possibilities. Unpretentious instruments will also get their own part - the world is striving for a harmonious sound. But today, more than ever, we and our children have a chance to master, absorb, become composers of music that glorifies the evolution of the Universe.


Once a month we talk about new materials and share important news. No extra metaphysics

"Soul String"

Alternative descriptions

The thinnest fiber that connects the brain with other organs

Collection of poems by V. Vysotsky (1981)

One of the thinnest processes-fibers that form the nervous system

. "Line" of communication with the brain

. Man's "bare wire"

. "Wiring" connection with the brain

. "bare wire" in the body

. "string" of the psyche


The dentist kills him with arsenic

His cells don't regenerate

His dentist kills with arsenic

It's dragged from the tooth

His ischial can be infringed

A victim of arsenic


brain communication channel

M. Greek. white-housing, sensual or chula lived in the body; conductor of feeling and all animal activity (movement, nutrition, assimilation), between the center of brain activity and other parts of the body. Nerves are composed of brain filaments, sheathed. Nervous, nervous, nervous, pertaining to nerves; the first more expresses attitude, belonging; second and third property, quality. Nervous system, the totality of the entire arrangement of nerves in the body. Nerve sheath. Nerve nodes, ganglia, cerebral thickenings at the crossroads and at the roadside of the white dwelling. Nervous, pains, seizures, the cause of which doctors attribute to the nerves. Nervous woman subject to these fits; irritable. Nervous fever, which essence is attributed to the defeat of the brain and veins. Neurology, neurology part of the anatomy; doctrine of whiteness. Neuralgia neuralgic nervous pain; this is the name of persistent, prolonged pains, without inflammation or other visible symptoms, which is why they refer to them as nerves. Neurologist m. anatomist and physiologist, especially engaged in the study of neurology. Nerve drops. Nervous worries. Nervous poisons. Nerve m. plant Neurada, transfer

brain process-fiber

It is played by a person

Strung string of the soul

Thread of pain

Aching in the tooth

Object of Dentist Murder

exposed in the tooth

One of the thinnest processes-fibers, forming a branching system that connects the brain with other organs and tissues of the body

The fibers of the nervous system

A wire for pain

Brain Explorer

Vysotsky's work

The longest cell in the body

Collection of Vysotsky

Collection of poems by Vysotsky


Ischial restrained


Vysotsky's poems

The string of the most sensitive "instrument" inside each of us

Removed from the tooth

Human "string"

The human "string" that is often played

What is the most sensitive part of the tooth

What can hurt in the tooth

What can be removed from a tooth

What is affected in sciatica

What is fiber

Sensitive "hair" in the tooth

The most sensitive. part of a tooth

The first collection of V. Vysotsky

The string of the most sensitive "instrument" inside each of us

human string

What can be removed from a tooth?

. "bare wire" in the body

The human "string" that is often played

. "string" of the psyche

. "string of the soul"

What is the most sensitive part of the tooth?

. "line" of communication with the brain

What is affected in sciatica?

What can hurt in a tooth?

. "wiring" connection with the brain

Sensitive "hair" in the tooth

. human bare wire

Ischial restraint

This video just shocked me, it deserves special attention and I will not hide that it hurts to watch,

People with disabilities, in Russian, the disabled, are everywhere. Limitation of opportunities leaves its mark on the character of such people. And, perhaps, the most striking feature is the desire to be needed and useful. The overwhelming majority of such people are willing and able to work. We all know that it is more than difficult for a disabled person to find a job in Russia at least somehow, to say nothing of the possibility of finding a good job to your liking, strength and pay. Therefore, I want to bring to your attention a story-sketch about the life of disabled people in the United States. Its author, Svetlana Bukina, has been living in the United States of America for 17 years. Her view of the problem is just a view from the outside.
It took me several years to live in America to figure out that the word "invalid" is the English word invalid written in Russian letters. Miriam-Webster's dictionary defines invalid as follows:

Not valid: a: being without foundation or force in fact, truth, or law b: logically inconsequent - groundless, lawless, unsupported by facts. Illogical. Disabled is a noun. We can say, "Here comes the disabled person." In English, there is also a similar word - Cripple, but according to the degree of incorrect, it will be compared except with the "Negro". It's the name-calling that angry teenagers call after the poor boy on crutches in heart-rending novels.

Nouns define a person - a freak, a genius, an idiot, a hero. Americans love nouns-definitions no less than other peoples, but people with disabilities prefer to be called “disabled persons”. A person with limited options. But first, a person.

I work at the National Guard Building, and there are handicapped people everywhere. We are not talking about war veterans who have lost arms or legs. They say there are a lot of them, but I don't see them. They sit in their "cubes" and do paper or computer work. I'm talking about those who were born with some kind of physical or mental defect, and more often with both. It is easy for a soldier without a leg or arm to find work. Try to find a job for a deaf-mute mentally retarded Korean or a woman in a wheelchair, whose IQ is God forbid 75.

A Korean collects garbage from our baskets and gives out new bags. A nice guy that everyone loves, and they pull out the trash cans from under the tables at the first sound of his good-natured lowing. A woman in a wheelchair, along with a half-mute Mexican, are cleaning our toilets. How they do it (especially she, in a wheelchair), I don’t know for sure, but the toilets are shining. And in the cafeteria, half of the serving girls are clearly out of this world, and they don’t speak English well. But there are no problems - you poke your finger, put it on a plate. They put it very generously, I always ask to take off a little meat, I can’t eat so much. And they always smile. And in a mini-cafe on the third floor, a cheerful guy works, completely blind. He makes such hot dogs, hold on. In seconds. In general, it works better and faster than most sighted people.

These people do not give the impression of being unhappy and miserable, and they are not. Disabled people in wheelchairs have specially equipped cars, or they are transported by a minibus adapted for this purpose. Everyone has a decently paid job, plus very decent pensions, vacations and insurance (they work for the state, after all). I know about how they equip apartments with the example of my own late grandmother, who was fitted with a special phone when she was almost deaf, and then replaced with the same one, but with giant buttons, when she was almost blind. They also brought a magnifying glass that enlarged each letter a hundred times so that she could read. When her leg was amputated, Grandmother was transferred to a new apartment, where there was a place under the sinks to enter in a wheelchair, all the counters were low, and the bathroom was equipped with “grabbers” built into the wall, so that it was convenient to change from a chair to a toilet or in the bathroom.

Having seen enough of these people, I began to observe mentally and physically retarded children without sadness. The kindergarten that my youngest son attends is located in a separate wing of the school for such children. Every morning I see how they get off the buses or cars of their parents - some by themselves, some with someone's help. Some from the outside look absolutely normal, while others can be seen from a mile away that something is wrong with them. But these are ordinary children - throwing snowballs, laughing, making faces, losing mittens. They study in a well-equipped school, where teachers are taught by specialists who have been trained for at least four years on how to better handle them and how to better teach such children.

Recently I happened to run into a man at work, let's call him Nikolai, who came to America from Moscow several years ago. After talking with him for a while, I still could not understand what prompted this man to emigrate. Himself - a highly qualified specialist, a programmer, his wife - too, and both were well arranged; the eldest son graduated from one of the best physics and mathematics schools in Moscow. They had a wonderful apartment, a car... Besides, the people were Russians, Muscovites of God-knows-what generation, all the relatives stayed there, all the friends. Nikolai did not fit into the image of a typical immigrant. Nevertheless, he was precisely an immigrant: he won a green card, applied for citizenship, bought a house and was not going to return. Politics? Climate? Ecology? I was at a loss.

I had to ask directly. “So I have a daughter ...” my new acquaintance hesitated. The daughter was mutilated at birth - somehow they pulled it out with forceps incorrectly. The girl has cerebral palsy in a rather serious form, she walks on crutches (those that start from the elbow, such supports), she must wear special shoes and is several years behind in development.

In Moscow, I had no relatives or friends with mentally or physically retarded children, so what Nikolai said was a revelation and caused a slight shock. Firstly, the girl had nowhere to teach. At home - please, but there are no normal (read: special) schools for them. What is, it is better not to mention. The wife had to quit her job and teach her daughter at home. Yes, but how? It is difficult to teach such children in traditional ways, special methods, a certain approach are needed. It is not enough to accumulate information on the Internet - a special talent is required. My wife, a mathematician, had many talents, but God deprived her of this particular one. The woman left a promising and beloved job and hung around with a disabled child, not knowing how to deal with her, and feeling that life was going to hell.

But that was only the beginning. The child was entitled to some special benefits that had to be beaten out by humiliating himself and going through seven circles of bureaucratic hell. The worst were the doctor visits. The girl was terrified of them, yelled, trembled and fought in hysterics. Each time they hurt her very much, with a stern look explaining to her mother that it was necessary. All this - for very decent money, in a private clinic. Nikolai told me that his daughter had a phobia for many years - she was terribly afraid of all people in white coats. It took a few months here in America for her to start to back off, and a few years for her to fully trust the doctors.

However, all this was not enough to push Nicholas to emigrate. Painfully deeply rooted in Russia. The decision to leave was made when the daughter began to grow up, and Nikolai and his wife suddenly realized that in that country she had absolutely no prospects, no hope, pardon the banality, for a brighter future. You can live in Moscow if you are healthy and able to earn decent money. A person with a serious disability, coupled with mental retardation, simply has nothing to do there. They left for their daughter.

They do not regret. They are nostalgic, of course, they love their Motherland, they go there in two years for the third and cherish Russian passports. Nikolai spoke only good things about Russia. But he prefers to live here. My daughter has flourished in America, goes to a school like the one in which my son’s kindergarten is only two or three years behind in development compared to five a few years ago, made a bunch of girlfriends and learned to love doctors and physiotherapists. The whole street loves her. The wife went to work and perked up.

Nikolai and his family do not live in a metropolis like New York or Washington, but in a small city in a middle American state. I will not name the state - there are too few Russians, they are easily recognized - but imagine Kentucky or Ohio. There are similar schools everywhere, and not only teachers, but also psychologists and career counselors work there.

Speaking of careers. The Americans with Disabilities Act does not force, as some people think, to hire or guarantee employment for people with disabilities. It clearly states that exactly the same is expected from a worker with a disability as from others. I personally saw, and took part in the interview, how they hired not a deaf or lame person (and not a black one, by the way), but someone who was better suited for the position that was opened. Decisions were always reasoned, and there were never any problems.

A deaf conductor, a blind photographer, or a loader who breaks his back will have to find another job. But if an accountant broke his back, then the employer is obliged to provide him with access to the workplace - to build a ramp for a wheelchair, for example, or to install an elevator. A paralyzed accountant is no worse than a healthy one, but if he is fired or not hired, other things being equal, because the owner of the company was too lazy to build a ramp or it is a pity for money for a specially equipped cubicle in the toilet, then the boss can easily be sued.
At first, many spat, but then the buildings simply began to be built differently. And at the same time modify the old ones - just in case. Existence determines consciousness. "For the disabled" is now equipped with almost everything, everywhere. It is not only the disabled themselves who win, but society wins. Those with only physical problems are out of the question - the country is acquiring high-quality specialists in a myriad of fields. In one IBM, for example, there are hundreds of paralyzed, blind, deaf and dumb and whatever else programmers and financiers. Their work is evaluated exactly according to the same criteria as the work of everyone else. Having once invested money in infrastructure, the company reaps the benefits for many years, getting qualified and, most importantly, grateful and loyal employees.

But what about the mentally retarded? For those who have everything in order with mobility, there are also plenty of jobs. But even for someone like the woman who cleans our toilets, there is work to be done. Extend her brush and brush, and she will scrub the toilet just as well as any other cleaner. You can pack food in bags in supermarkets or mow lawns, walk dogs or look after babies. One of the teachers in her son's kindergarten is a girl with Down syndrome. She is certainly not the main caregiver and does not make serious decisions, but she is a very warm and gentle person and calms all the screaming babies, never getting annoyed or raising her voice. Children love her.

Let's forget about the benefit to society for a moment. Of course, well-to-do people do not need to pay disability benefits from our common pocket, and this is good from an economic point of view, and from a demographic one. But it's not just that. Attitude towards the elderly and the disabled is one of the best determinants of the health of society. No amount of economic indicators, no military power, no amount of political weight will tell you about a country what a bunch of happy kids with autism, cerebral palsy, or Down's Syndrome will say, let alone an equally happy group of their parents. After all, America not only gave Nikolai's daughter hope for a normal - and decent - life, she gave no less to her mother.

Medicine is moving forward by leaps and bounds. More and more sick children are surviving to adulthood, and women are giving birth later and later, whether we like it or not. The number of children with disabilities is unlikely to decrease, although early testing of pregnant women allows for the time being to keep it more or less stable. An interesting fact is that more and more mothers, having learned that their child has Down syndrome or some other disorder, choose not to have an abortion.

Of course, the physical problems and low IQ will not go away, and at the average level, these people will not function. But one thing is for sure: whatever their potential, they will achieve the maximum that they are capable of. Because a person with disability is not a disabled person. This is a man with a lot of problems. And if you help him, he will become a valid.
You read the article and understand how we are still infinitely far from such social comfort. Sometimes it’s impossible to push an ordinary baby stroller into an elevator, but there’s no need to talk about wheelchairs for the disabled.
How lucky we are to have someone
Who needs you, who needs you!
Who cares for us
On whose shoulder do we rest.

Who will listen to us and not judge,
Who will give a faithful hand in need,
Who will cool the anger in the raging soul
And never, in misfortune will not betray.

It's good that this Someone is near,
When there is no more strength in the world to live.
He will understand everything and with a warm, kind look
Will tell you what to do, how to be.

Still, that Someone will just regret
And sympathize with your fate
And gently warm on his chest,
Without thinking, at the same time, about yourself.

Oh, how you need this just "Someone" -
Straw on the path of life.
The salvation of our souls is his concern,
But it is very difficult for us to find it.

Article taken from

{ Irina

In intensive care lies the soul ...
Under a drip of simple smiles...
Healing slowly
From the poison of past mistakes.
The soul has always been generous,
Plowed open before every counter
Not knowing: - there is a limit when
You're giving yourself away, carelessly...


She's a lighthouse, she's a star
Ile abyss, abyss, darkness.
She sleeps sweetly as a child,
Or soaring like a proud bird.

It will become a lion and rush into battle,
Or a hare seeking peace,
That unexpectedly sick
And knocks her blues down.

Will drive away death and sing a song,
It suddenly droops and tears pour.
What a thin string
What is the name of the soul


What a thin string
What is the name of the soul
Slightly touched her mentally,
She sings, but how and what?

It depends, always
From those around. Sometimes,
From the thoughts that come to us
In an empty apartment at night.

From mood, love,
And how happy you are.
What a thin string
What is called the soul.


You knock and I will open it for you
Come into my house and sit by the fire...
Gray-haired ... strangely handsome ...
So how long have I not seen you!?
Perhaps it was in a past life -
Your love and your lips are warm ...
Gardens bloomed and cherries sang somewhere...
Tell me, how many years have passed?
Probably a lot, but...hearing a voice,
My heart skipped a beat...
I don't believe now that time heals...
Lies, then people say.
We will be silent, we do not need words at all,
Let our hearts speak for us now.
You are the pain of my soul, but ... how glad I am for you,
You wait ... I'll go and slam the door tighter ...


We'll meet - at the edge of the sky...
And the sun on the outstretched hand
Turn over and freeze twice...
In an incomprehensible ancient language
You tell me that I'm already in heaven
That here they do not know hunger and thirst ...
Let's stay at the edge of the sky.
Your footprints on the blue sand
Suddenly disappear ... Blessing everyone,
In an incomprehensible ancient language
I automatically repeat three times -
Slightly in a singsong voice:
We will meet one day...
Who will you be and who will I not be?
What will the sun be - on your hand
Quiet, it won't matter anymore.
In an incomprehensible ancient language
We both renounce lies
And at the same time, from the truth - and bravely
Let's look down.
Do you see where the ground is?
Perhaps - there .. we will meet one day .......


Searched for the woman's riddle
In verse, one poet.
He read two hundred books
Couldn't find an answer.

He asked one question
To everyone on the way:
"How is love measured?
And where can I find it?"

One said:
"The price of love is two thousand coins,
carriage, castle, many servants
And lunch until morning.

Another said:
"Love is a game
pretense and deceit.
More flattery to say -
Be successful with the ladies."

And then he met the wise man
And the new answer was:
"Love is the fire of one candle,
Which is not brighter.

From fairy tales, songs, childhood dreams
Fire is born.
From affection, gentle kind words
Love is born.

Keep as the main talisman
The fire of your love.
And you'll see who's coming
To the light of your candle."


Already weakened and no strength,
But he has no regrets.
A candle cannot love fire,
She, falling in love, quietly melts.
but can't live without it
Lives and dies with fire.
The candle burned out, the wax melted.
And the burning tears froze.
Their lives were short
Just a night ... But how they loved!


Candle, burning, pours tears,
Something like regret.
Just a night - and life will pass,
By morning, in the cinder, barely smoldering.
Candle do not overcome yourself
That the age is short - understands.
But every time, meeting the night,
In the fire of love, he burns himself.
The candle is small, the light is dim.
The fire burns, it warms itself.


Oh Lord, how I loved you
How your peace has been protected for centuries,
What kind of birch water watered

I am your shy horse!
How all the troubles of hard times took revenge on us,
How I waited for the messenger, the letter, the news!
And you raced through all the millennia,
To me alone, changing horses!!!


All that is given by fate.

Try to think and decide

Cold head.

You can overcome everything

Even though life is hard sometimes.

Good luck, sorrow, success -

Test everything to the bottom.

And let the heart be heavy

And sadness in my heart.

Do not be discouraged, in spite of fate,

And hold on until...


When the heart is heavy

And sadness in my heart

Do not be discouraged, in spite of fate,

And be patient for now.

Believe me another day will come

Sadness dispels,

Your heart will be so light

And life will be easy.

We just need to wait


They rang the doorbell. Opened - Maturity
On the doorstep in person.
Instead of thin trousers she put on
New fashion dress.
Instead of slightly painted eyelashes,
Instead of lips untouched by lipstick
On the face becomes familiar
Slightly noticeable autumn chill.
Slightly noticeable first wrinkles,
Slightly noticeably plump hips,
She likes men better
She feels thinner in bed. She smiled, extended her hand
Says (with hope for reciprocity):
"I'm with you. For a long time," I sighed.
What to do? I am hospitable...


I wanted to be a child again
In the happy eighties,
Where it was so easy to live and sing,
It seemed like forever!

Where the New Year is the kindest holiday!
He smelled like tangerines forever!
And for their Country of Soviets
Every person was proud!

Where is the soda in the vending machines
With one glass for all!
"Irony of Fate" in theaters,
For kisses - no hindrances!

Ice cream cost a penny
And the popsicle - wow! up to twenty-two!
And a couple of lovers on the bench
They were not happier on earth!

Where songs spilled from open windows
About how MAPLE makes noise,
Where the world was woven from goodness and light ...
But where to find all this again?

I want to go back to my childhood...
But, as we know, there are no tickets there!
Return it, there is no means!
And only in the soul - a distant warm light! ..


Like a slickly moving leaf,

Why am I so amazing?!

І styles of marvelous thoughts

About you and about me!

І ochі, nache blue sea-

Then it was given to you my skills!

Ale nevdovzі th sheet pozhovk,

Everything is already gone

І my potіk thoughts umovk,

And guess what, they've forgotten about you!

(more creative)


Let be
your ship sails tirelessly,

land of dreams, fantasies and dreams,

so that he, almost like Green,

brought love on deck ...

many of them, deceitful, dirty, torn,

sails looming in the distance,

I wish you only scarlet

true, sincere love.

From the nickname came such common ones as Novikov, Menshikov, Krivoshchekin, etc. To find out their meaning, you need to understand what nickname it came from, and what this nickname meant.

Many surnames originated from the profession, from the place of residence, from the names of animals and birds, from any personal qualities and traits of a person, from character and habits, from a person’s appearance.

Thus, having understood the structure and singled out the root in it, most often indicating the source of education, you can learn a lot about the meaning and interpretation of your own surname.

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