How and what to feed frogs and toads. Lake frog, moor and grass frog What do street frogs eat


If many people have toads and frogs made of metal and stone, and even with a coin in their mouth as a symbol that brings money and prosperity, then some prefer to have live real amphibians at home. Under natural conditions, toads, and they are gray and green, lead a twilight lifestyle, always avoid bright light. Toads are very useful if they are in a summer cottage or garden plot, they exterminate harmful insects, including pests such as slugs, and in very large quantities. If there is a pond on the site, and there are no frogs, you should try to attract them by laying driftwood and shards near the pond, frogs like to hide under them. Often we cannot deny ourselves the desire to have a piece of wildlife next to us all year round, so we keep frogs and toads at home. Keeping toads at home deprives them of their freedom and natural instincts. However, toads and frogs are often settled in a living corner.

Toads are kept in high humidity and in aquaterrariums, equipped specifically for their maintenance. They should have enough snags, pieces of bark and stones that serve as shelter for the toads, because during the daylight hours it will be impossible to see the toad, it does not come out of the shelter. The temperature of the content should be 18-20 degrees. Toads should be fed by running live insects into the terrarium, toads eat only moving insects and invertebrates. Cockroaches, bloodworms, slugs, flies and earthworms are good food for toads. A toad needs 3-4 grams of food per day.

The skin of toads is quite bumpy due to the many poisonous glands, the largest glands are located behind the eyes. These glands are the most dangerous, they can give out a poisonous secret at a distance of up to one meter. If you take a toad in your hands, the glands located on the body and legs work, you can feel this liquid, it has an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste. In the old days it was believed that they appeared precisely from this secret allocated by the toad.

Keeping frogs in a home zoo does not differ much from keeping toads. Frogs can live in terrariums with a pond, at a temperature of 18-20 degrees, or in aquariums with created islands or stones protruding from the water, on which frogs can periodically crawl out. Only now the frogs need to create a very high humidity. If the humidity is low, the frog's skin dries out quickly, which can lead to its death. The food for frogs is the same as for feeding toads, only tubifex is to be excluded. Frogs should be kept in aquariums without fish, because fish can be excellent food for them. Keeping frogs as domestic amphibians is an occupation only for rare exotic lovers. The most popular frog for the home aquarium is the clawed frog. The homeland of such a frog is Africa, in nature, frogs live in reservoirs with stagnant water and often move overland in search of another reservoir, but they cannot live without water. The bottom of the aquarium or aquaterrarium should be covered not with sand, but with fine gravel, frogs dig in it, and the water becomes cloudy. From plants for an aquarium with frogs, it is better to use large aquatic plants with a powerful stem, otherwise the frog can damage them by simply breaking them, and it is better to place plants floating on the surface, they can also serve as islands of land for frogs.

In an aquarium with frogs, you need to constantly change the water, or install filters, frogs emit a lot of organic matter, and the water quickly becomes cloudy and dirty. Compressors can be omitted, as frogs breathe when leaving the water on the islands. From above, the aquarium should be covered with glass or a grate; frogs can easily jump out of it.

If you have a pair of frogs, they can reproduce by laying eggs. Aquarium clawed frogs can be observed laying eggs 3-4 times a year. Tadpoles emerge from the eggs, and then, after about two months, frogs develop from them. Tadpoles and frogs can be fed fish food. Frogs in an aquarium can live up to 15 years.

There are many types of frogs, but some of them are very dangerous. These are toad frogs and spadefoot frogs. It is better not to keep them at home. Frogs imported from America are even more poisonous and dangerous. The poison secreted by toads and frogs will not cause serious poisoning in humans, but getting on the mucous membranes can lead to inflammation, redness and irritation. Skin areas should be thoroughly rinsed with water immediately after exposure to the poison.

Frogs are mostly green, gray and white, with a yellow belly, but cannot be colored. Be careful, colored frogs are imported from China, these are artificially colored frogs.

Frogs, leading an aquatic lifestyle, have long taken a strong place in amateur aquariums. And the touching little frogs, which are now sold in almost every pet store, cause an irresistible desire among people who are inexperienced in aquaristics to buy, as they say, "there are those two white ones and this gray one." But no matter how cute they are, let's still figure out what kind of frogs they are, what conditions they need and with whom they can live in the same aquarium.

Two types of frogs are currently kept in aquariums: the smooth clawed frog - xenopus (Xenopus laevis), which has been bred in captivity for many years, and the dwarf frog - hymenochirus (Hymenochirus boettgeri), which has become popular not so long ago. Adult frogs of these species vary greatly in size, appearance, behavior, and content. Frogs in pet stores are often kept in the same aquarium and when selling, they do not always focus on their species.

Spur frog.

So, if aquarium frogs are white or pinkish, with red eyes, then regardless of size, they are clawed. The albino clawed frog was artificially bred at the Moscow Institute of Developmental Biology for laboratory experiments.

If a small frog is grayish, brownish or olive in color with dark spots, then to determine the species, you should pay attention to the length and thickness of its limbs, the presence of webs between the fingers of the front paws and the pointedness of the muzzle. Wild-colored clawed frogs are more dense, they have thicker legs with bandages, like babies, a rounded muzzle, and there are no webbing on the fingers.

Hymenochirus, on the other hand, has membranes, long and slender legs, and a pointed muzzle. The size of an adult hymenochirus, as a rule, does not exceed 4 cm, while the clawed frog grows up to 10–12 cm.

pygmy frog

Behavioral features

These frogs also behave differently. The spurred ones are active, strong and completely shameless. They eat everything

what moves and fits in their mouths, they mercilessly dig up and tear aquarium plants, move stones and snags, dig the soil. But they are clearly visible, they have large expressive faces and they have a habit of stretching out beautifully to hang in the thickness of the aquarium water.

Hymenochiruses are calmer, quieter, slower and more delicate. They slowly crawl along the bottom, climbing on underwater objects and periodically freezing for a long time. As one amateur aptly put it, pygmy frogs resemble "meditating scuba divers." They almost do not damage plants, do not disturb fish (they simply do not have such an opportunity due to the size of their body and mouth), pollute the aquarium a little.

In a large aquarium, they are almost invisible, because they constantly hide at the bottom or in thickets of plants, and if active fish live nearby, then hymenochiruses may not keep up with food.

Aquarium frogs: maintenance and care

Both species are not too demanding on the conditions of detention. For clawed frogs, an aquarium of 20-30 liters per couple is enough, while it needs to be filled with water by half or a third. The aquarium should be closed with a lid or net. The soil is a large pebble. The aquarium is equipped with a compressor or a small internal filter, you can use a waterfall filter, but there should not be a strong current. There is no need for bright lighting.

The water temperature is about 22-25°C, xenopuses are practically indifferent to the chemical indicators of water. The exception is the content of chlorine and fluorine in the water, so it is recommended to defend it before adding it to the aquarium for at least 2-3 days. They change the water once or twice a week for 20-25%, a number of authors recommend changing less often, as it becomes cloudy.

Plants can only be planted hard-leaved, always in pots, otherwise they will be dug up immediately. Some lovers of these animals act as follows: they put a pot with a houseplant with hanging shoots next to the aquarium, and place these shoots in the aquarium. In this case, the aquarium becomes green, and the roots of the plant remain intact.

For hymenochiruses, the volume of the aquarium can be even smaller, 1-2 liters of water for such a frog is enough.

A cover is required - hymenochiruses, especially those caught in nature, often strive to escape.

The water temperature for them needs at least 24 ° C. A filter or compressor is desirable, but it should not be too powerful to leave areas of still, stagnant water in the aquarium.

At the bottom, it is necessary to equip small shelters under which these quivering creatures can hide. Plants are very desirable, it is good if they form dense thickets in places. It is also better to plant them in pots. It is necessary to equip the aquarium with lighting, since hymenochiruses sometimes like to rise among the thickets to the surface and bask under the lamp, sticking their head and upper body out of the water.


Decorative aquarium frogs - both xenopuses and hymenochiruses - are preferred.

For claws, these can be flour and earthworms, crickets, large bloodworms, fry and tadpoles. You can give pieces of liver, meat, fish, shrimp with tweezers.

Clawed frogs should not be fed tubifex, pork, fatty beef.

Hymenochiruses are fed with small bloodworms, live daphnia or fish. Dry and immobile frog food is usually ignored. Food for adult xenopus and hymenochirus should be given twice a week.

The feeding behavior of representatives of these two species of frogs also differs. Spurs have an excellent sense of smell, in addition, they have a very developed sense of touch (the receptors are pits located on the sides of the frog and resemble the lateral line of fish). Therefore, frogs are good at detecting smells and the slightest movements of water, quickly find food and greedily pounce on it.

Hymenochiruses, on the other hand, usually need to bring food directly to the nose. You can teach them to feed in a certain place or according to a certain signal (for example, tapping with tweezers), but they will take a long time to get to the food, as if thinking along the way whether it is worth doing this at all.

Xenopus are extremely voracious and therefore prone to obesity, respectively, the amount of food they eat must be strictly controlled - a healthy frog must remain flat.

As for the clawed frog, knowing the peculiarities of its behavior, one can answer unequivocally - it has nothing to do in an aquarium with fish.

She will swallow anything that fits in her mouth, wipe out most of the plants, dig up the ground, raising the dregs, and move carefully placed scenery.

In addition, she does not like fresh water with a good current, and most fish will not like her usual swamp.

The only plus of cohabitation of fish and clawed frogs is that the skin mucus of frogs contains antimicrobial substances that can have a healing effect on diseased fish. But at the current level of development of aquarium pharmacology, this can hardly be considered a serious argument. If you really want to do without chemistry, it is much easier to place a sick fish in a small container, where the frog had been for some time before.

Some aquarists advise keeping xenopus with, as they feel good in old water and breathe atmospheric air. But why do it? A separate small aquarium with frogs will take up very little space, and everyone will be fine as a result.

With hymenochiruses, everything is not so scary. It is believed that they get along well with calm, not too large, non-predatory fish. They will not violate the beauty of the aquarium either. However, in a large aquarium, hymenochiruses spend a lot of time in shelters, so it is almost impossible to observe them, and it can be quite difficult to control the process of feeding them.

frog diseases

Aquarium frogs may experience the following health problems:

In the treatment of frogs, preparations for tropical aquarium fish are usually used, selecting them according to the causative agent of the disease (anthelmintic, antifungal or antibacterial). Sick frogs are isolated. With dropsy, a puncture of the skin is often effective.

You should know that usually individuals who live in unsuitable conditions for them, are prone to obesity or experience prolonged severe stress get sick.

And finally, some interesting facts about clawed frogs:

  • the clawed frog was the first vertebrate to be cloned;
  • at the beginning of the 20th century, clawed frogs were used to diagnose short-term pregnancy: if a frog is injected with the urine of a pregnant woman, under the influence of chorionic gonadotropin, she starts spawning;
  • the clawed frog does not have a tongue, therefore, when eating prey, it helps itself with its front paws, and it cannot bend its fingers, it keeps them stretched out, as if eating with Chinese chopsticks;
  • when clawed frogs accidentally entered the waters of the tropical part of the United States, they destroyed native species of frogs there, therefore in some states the keeping of clawed frogs is prohibited, while in others it is limited.

Fortunately, keeping frogs is allowed in our country, so everyone can get these undemanding funny animals at home, watch and care for them, getting a lot of positive emotions and acquiring the skills of keeping an aquarium. The latter will definitely come in handy in the future, because usually everything is just beginning with frogs.

Interview with a specialist: how to properly care for and feed freshwater aquarium frogs:

Frogs are quite unpretentious, varied and funny in their habits. But still, it is important for a novice breeder to take into account some of the features and basic requirements of these animals for keeping at home and take their new pets seriously.

Experienced amphibian breeders believe that keeping a frog in the house is not much different from having a cat or dog. Do not think that the small size of the frog automatically negates the efforts to create conditions and future care.

Amphibians require constant supervision, it is advisable to assume in advance who will take care of the pet during your vacation. Keeping a frog is more troublesome and different from keeping a goldfish - a pet will not survive for a week alone with food floating around it.

Another important point is that frogs and toads live a very long time, some species can live up to 15 years. A case of an incredibly long life in captivity of the amphibian species Common Toad, which has reached the advanced age of 40 years, has been recorded!

The legislation of some countries insists on special permits for keeping frogs at home. In Australia, for example, considerable fines are imposed on the owners of these animals, keeping them without a proper license.

Despite all their unpretentiousness and endurance, frogs will require daily chores.

They need to be regularly fed a variety of fresh foods, and food scraps are not good for them. Most species will be satisfied with commercially available dry or wet food, but some may need a couple of live insects or worms.

Tree green red-eyed frog about to dine

If you choose a type that feeds only on live insects, the first thing you need to think about is where you are going to take all sorts of beetles, larvae and whether you will be ready for creeping food to crawl around the house.

Some larger types of frogs can devour mice with appetite, which can also be a problem and not a very pleasant sight. Species that constantly eat live food at home need especially regular and thorough cleaning of terrariums, and especially their aquatic part, in order to maintain proper hygiene and prevent diseases.

Frogs at home - content features

Unlike other amphibians, frogs have a unique ability to adapt to most situations and environments and can live long and healthy lives in a terrarium or even a conservatory pond.

Still, stationary terrariums or aquariums are the most common homes for frogs in the home. Before choosing a tank, you need to evaluate the needs of your favorite species.

In order not to make a fatal mistake, it is best to consult with an experienced frog breeder or amphibian dealer, who will recommend one or more options suitable for your new pet.

Terrarium for land frogs

This type of housing is ideal for frogs living in dry areas and is the simplest solution. It usually consists of a special dry substrate, spread in a thick layer, and an accessible source of water - usually a ceramic bowl of water.

Slingshot in your home

Aquarium for aquatic species

For a frog that constantly lives in the aquatic environment, you will need a standard aquarium, equipped and configured as for keeping fish. This will require a powerful filtration system as these animals feed in the water and excrete waste products into the water.

A reliable mesh cover is needed on top - pets can deftly and quickly escape from the aquarium, which is fraught with imminent death for aquatic species.

Spur frog in the aquarium

Terrarium with aquatic environment

The most common and very attractive way of keeping includes a land area with soil and a water area, so that the frog can choose to stay on land or in water, fully justifying its name as an amphibian creature.

You can buy a ready-made terrarium of this type. Another, more budgetary option is to put another smaller one with low walls in a regular aquarium, fill it with water and surround it with large smooth stones.

Tall tanks

Some stunning species, such as tree frogs, will require a tall tank to allow them to climb higher and perch comfortably on a branch.

A tall aquarium filled with suitable plants and branches is best suited. This is an excellent home for beautiful bright frogs that usually live in trees.

White's frog on a branch in a tall aquarium

Frogs at home - the worst and best species for a beginner

There are many different types of frogs, some of which are more suitable for the beginner hobbyist, while others are not suitable at all.

When buying a cute little frog, you need to know exactly the name of the species and the size of an adult animal. So, young individuals of the African species Pyxicephalus adspersus they look amazing and, just looking at these cute, you can immediately decide that these are certainly wonderful pets.

Juvenile African bullfrog

However, these tiny amphibians are young African bullfrogs or water-bearers that grow huge, sluggish, very strong, and feed on mice.

An adult reaches a length of up to 24 cm and weighs up to two kilograms. This view is not at all suitable for a beginner.

Very large frogs by themselves are not recommended for home keeping by beginner hobbyists for several reasons. First, they can bite quite painfully. Secondly, they will need a lot of space, feed and care. And finally, thirdly, these are far from the most active, slow animals, so they may seem boring.

Adult African bullfrog

The only pleasant exception to this rule may be one of the various Slingshots ( Ceratophrys), which are also not very active, but are very hardy, insanely cute, and not as prone to disease as some other species.

Poison frogs are also definitely an undesirable choice for the budding hobbyist. Although they usually lose their toxic properties in captivity, in whole or in part, they still require a high level of specialized care and are fragile, vulnerable animals.

Frogs at home - decorated slingshot

Eastern toad ( Bombina orientalis) makes the perfect frog for the beginner hobbyist who wants a great experience keeping an amphibian frog. Toads will eat bloodworms, dried crickets, and will also need a vitamin supplement for amphibians.

Frogs are beautiful, quite active and do not grow very large. In addition, this species is undemanding to the ambient temperature and you will not need a heater for the terrarium.

Eastern firefly - a very beautiful frog

Of the charming tree species, an amateur should pay attention to a bright baby - White's frog ( Litoria caerulea). This is a completely charming cute creature with a pleasant appearance and funny habits that conquer others at first sight, especially children, who simply cannot be driven away from the terrarium.

The little amphibian is quite tolerant of increased attention, quickly adapts to new surroundings and is definitely an excellent first frog choice for a novice breeder.

White's beautiful frog

African pygmy frogs ( Hymenochirus boettgeri) are small, dynamic, attractive and truly comparable to goldfish in terms of the difficulty of keeping and caring for at home.

These pets do not need a supply of live insects or mice, and although they can be bored and lethargic for a couple of weeks as they acclimate to new conditions, they are generally easy to care for.

African pygmy frogs in an aquarium

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It is in the albino version has a light yellow or white. The clawed frog becomes sexually mature at the age of one, and if the conditions are good, it can live up to fifteen years.

Spurs are quite picky. When choosing a volume for an aquarium, one must take into account that in some cases a frog can grow up to 16 cm, but for small individuals - one or two - a simple five-liter jar is enough.

What to feed a frog

In nature, the white frog lives in slowly flowing or stagnant lakes, swamps. It is able to move through the soil, for example, in search of a new place to live to replace the old dried one. But she will not be able to stay without water for a long time and eat.

Aquarium frogs are predators by nature and should not be kept with fry or small fish, guppies, neons. In the end, white frogs eat them, so only large and agile individuals can be kept in the same body of water with them. Feeding a frog with fish will be somewhat wasteful, and if there are only small individuals in the aquarium, it is better to put it in a separate aquarium and serve animal food, bloodworms, coretra, daphnia, small earthworms.

It is not recommended to feed a white frog with a tubifex - it can get food poisoning. As a substitute for the usual food, you can serve her lean meat in the form of strips or dry food, that is, dried daphnia.

White frogs love to eat, and in this process they must be limited. It is bad, that is, not enough, only elderly and old individuals eat. An adult frog with a good appetite must be fed twice a week, otherwise it will eat into obesity. A young white frog during a period of intensive growth should be fed more often.

How does a frog take food?

The white frog has depressions on its sides with tiny hairs that react to the current created by the water around the body. Thanks to the impulses, you can navigate even in a fast current - the hydrodynamic waves caused by aquatic inhabitants are quickly caught by the white frog. She has an excellent sense of smell: a couple of minutes after the food enters the water, they begin to rush around the pond in search of food.

Frogs stuff large pieces of food like bloodworms or earthworms into their mouths, while holding the worm with their fingers, small pieces are simply swallowed.

Frogs is a commonly used term, which in a broad sense unites all animals belonging to the order of tailless amphibians. However, from a scientific point of view, such a name defines only representatives from the family of true frogs, which include aquarium varieties.

Types of aquarium frogs, their features

Many aquarium frogs have been bred specifically for keeping in a home aquarium and are the result of successful selection of natural species.

Aquarists who keep frogs are an exceptional phenomenon, due to the need to provide unusual pets with exceptionally competent and complete care.

Despite the fairly large number of varieties of aquarium frogs, only the following, relatively unpretentious and interesting, species of amphibians have become widespread:

  • Pipa american- the owner of a flattened quadrangular body and a flat head with small triangular eyes. Sufficiently thin legs have swimming membranes. In the area of ​​​​the eyes and mouth, leathery folds hang down. The skin itself is wrinkled, with very characteristic cells on the surface of the back. The main coloration is yellowish-black-brown, and the abdomen has a light color and a noticeable, long black stripe. Under natural conditions, the species inhabits Brazil, Suriname and Guyana. The length of an adult is 20 cm. The species is of interest due to the unusual ability to carry its offspring in cells located on its back;
  • Red-bellied, Far Eastern and Yellow-bellied toads- differ in a very bright, "flashy" spotted color and are classified as poisonous. The poison frinolycin secreted by the mucous tubercles does not pose a danger to humans, but after caring for such amphibians, you will have to wash your hands thoroughly. The length of an adult individual does not exceed 60-70 mm. They are very easily tamed and, according to many breeders, are able to accurately predict the weather;
  • white frog- an artificially bred albino form of the clawed frog, which under natural conditions inhabits America and South Africa, and also has a characteristic dark brown color. The length of an adult does not exceed 9-10 cm. The species has a flattened head, and also has a rounded muzzle and small eyes. A characteristic feature is the presence on well-developed webbed hind legs of three formations that look like spurs. The color of albino individuals with red eyes is whitish-pink.

Most often kept by aquarists is Hymenochirus Bettger.. The fore and hind limbs are webbed. The average length of an adult, as a rule, does not exceed 30-40 mm. Hymenochirus has a long body with thin legs, a pointed muzzle and small eyes. The main color is grayish-brown. There are spots on the back and limbs, and the abdomen has a lighter color.

It is interesting! Beginning aquarists are advised to pay attention to the beautiful, intelligent and low-maintenance clawed frogs, which, subject to the minimum rules of keeping, can please the owner with their presence for several years.

Most aquarium frogs are unpretentious and original pets that do not require special conditions for home maintenance.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct choice of aquarium, as well as compliance with the feeding regimen.

Requirements for water and aquarium

Frogs are not demanding on water quality indicators, and the main condition for proper water treatment is settling for three days, which minimizes the amount of chlorine. The level of hardness and acidity of the water does not adversely affect the well-being of the amphibian.

Important! Experienced aquarists recommend that when performing a water change in a frog aquarium, do not pour it out. Such settled and drained water from the settled sediment is perfect for adding to aquariums with fish. Frogs secrete a secret that positively affects the well-being of fish.

The volume of the tank for a pair of American pipa frogs should be approximately one hundred liters. It is desirable to provide good filtration and low aeration, and fill the bottom with fine gravel as soil. Soft and slightly acidic water with a temperature in the range of 25-28 ° C is best suited for keeping pipa.

Toads are kept in special aqua terrariums. For a pair of adults, a reservoir with a volume of at least five liters is allocated. The daytime temperature regime should be 20-25 ° C, and at night it is allowed to lower the temperature by about five degrees. The soil at the bottom can be represented by sand or clean gravel. Be sure to install special shelters in the form of stones and plants inside.

Unpretentious clawed frogs do not require much space. To keep a pair of adults, you need to prepare an aquarium with a volume of ten liters. The standard temperature during the day and at night is 20-22 ° C. Soil, represented by pebbles or gravel, is poured onto the bottom of the tank. It is imperative to provide for the presence of shelters and vegetation in the aquarium, as well as a slatted cover, because this species often jumps out of the tank.

Caring for aquarium frogs

Aquarium frogs catch cold quite easily, therefore, with temperature changes in the air in the room, the amphibian's dwelling must be provided with high-quality heating. It is recommended to fill the tank with water by two-thirds, and then cover it with a net or rather heavy glass.

Be sure to leave a small gap between the aquarium wall and the “lid”. Water is replaced as it gets dirty, by updating 20% ​​of the volume. Vegetation is best used hard-leaved or grown in special pots.

Diet, what to feed

Amphibians are not picky about food, but in order to provide an aquarium frog with a complete diet at home, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • the main food of the toad is various invertebrates and insects;
  • pipa is fed with bloodworms, earthworms and small fish;
  • bloodworms, earthworms, crustaceans, shrimp, pieces of meat or fish are best suited for feeding a white frog;
  • Tubifex, bloodworm and daphnia are used as food for Hymenochirus.

It is advisable to feed an adult no more than a couple of times a week. More frequent meals often provoke obesity and problems with internal organs.

Important! Earthworms, before feeding to amphibians, must be kept for a day, and it is recommended to pre-freeze fish and meat, and chop well before feeding the frog.

Compatible with aquarium fish

Not all aquarium frogs can be kept in the same fish tank.. American pipa and toads, as well as the white frog, can only be kept with large and fairly mobile species of aquarium fish.

Hymenochirus get along quite well with not very large fish, but maintaining such an aquarium biosystem in decent condition will be much more difficult. Most frogs require standing water, while aquarium fish need good aeration.

Reproduction of aquarium frogs

Several times a year, aquarium frogs enter the mating season, and in some species this season is accompanied by loud chanting.

It is interesting! Before mating, aquarium male clawed frogs have very characteristic black stripes on their paws, so even a novice aquarist can easily determine the breeding season of this species.

The eggs laid by the female, as a rule, are fertilized within a day. Some species of frogs actively eat their eggs and tadpoles, so it is necessary to deposit adults in a separate tank.

Hatched young tadpoles are happy to feed on fresh or dry nettles, as well as a mixture of powdered milk and yeast. Tadpoles, as they develop and grow, need to be sorted by size, as cannibalism is often observed. After a month and a half, the tadpoles lie on the bottom and the water level needs to be lowered. The result is the appearance of many young frogs.

Frog diseases and their prevention

In too polluted aquarium water, as well as with insufficient oxygen, domestic frogs can get sick with an infectious disease called "red paw". It must also be remembered that a poor diet provokes the development of metabolic bone disease in amphibians. When choosing a feeding regimen, it is necessary to take into account the voracity of unusual pets and strictly control their weight.

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