Czech Republic Czech Krumlov. The city of Český Krumlov (Český Krumlov) and its main sights with descriptions and photos. When is the season. When is the best time to go

Of course, and without any doubt, Czech krumlov in terms of popularity, it is significantly inferior to the beautiful Prague and the resort Karlovy Vary. However, if you are lucky enough to visit it at least once, you can be sure that your heart will forever remain in this small town located in the very south of the Czech Republic.

The architectural richness and beauty of the historical center of the city made Cesky Krumlov one of the settlements of world value in the UNESCO gradation.

Founded in the 13th century Czech krumlov got its name from the ancient German word meaning “curved channel”, since it is in this place that the Vltava River bends picturesquely, almost almost crossing its own channel.
Throughout its existence, the city often changed its owners, belonging to representatives of various dynasties and various noble families. It was alternately owned by the Rožmberks, Habsburgs, Eggenbergs, and Schwarzenbergs. Thanks to such an impressive list of aristocratic families, the old city is represented by architectural monuments of amazing beauty, belonging to a variety of trends in architecture.

We will also try to wander around the historical part of the city and its environs, getting acquainted with the most important and valuable historical monuments and sights.

Krumlov Castle

Cesky Krumlov, or rather its historical center, was built according to traditional canons for the Middle Ages. The center of the old town is the city castle, which was built in the middle of the 13th century on the banks of the Vltava, in such a way that its bend protects its walls from three sides as much as possible. It should be recalled that the Krumlov City Castle is the second largest castle in Bohemia, slightly inferior only to the magnificent Prague Castle.

Surprising is the fact that almost all the buildings of the castle, which were built in the period from the 14th to the 19th century, have come down to our time in an almost unchanged appearance, retaining the interior details inherent in that time, decoration materials and other attributes. This fact became decisive at the time of the decision to grant it the status of a historical monument of architecture. Thus, since 1963, Krumlov Castle has become a city monument, in 1989 it acquires the status of a state reserve, and already in 1992 it is included in the lists of world historical heritage.

The castle itself was originally made in the Gothic style characteristic of that time, but at the beginning of the 18th century, its owner, Duke Josef Adam, following new trends in architecture, decided to rebuild the castle buildings in accordance with the canons of the then fashionable rococo style. It is in this form that the Krumlov Castle has come down to our time, proudly towering over the city buildings, most of which are represented by Renaissance and Baroque architectural styles.

The bastions and buildings of the castle themselves, together with the unique beauty Church of St. Vitus, are a kind of dominant and visiting card of the city, by which it is easy to recognize it in any photographs. The structure of the castle architectural complex now includes more than forty buildings and palace structures, compactly surrounding the courtyards, as well as a picturesque park covering an area of ​​more than seven hectares.

In winter, Český Krumlov Castle is closed to the public, but in summer, historical masquerade festivals are held on its territory, when ladies and gentlemen dressed in medieval costumes walk around the territory, and over a glass of the famous Czech beer you can see a knight rattling with metal armor.

Mint of Český Krumlov Castle

The four-story building of the Krumlov Mint, which is located on the most picturesque bank of the Vltava River, has an unusual architectural design. From the side of the river, it is represented by four floors, but from the side of the inner castle courtyard - only two. The building itself is made in the typical Baroque style, but its interior has subsequently undergone a major renovation and bears the imprint of typical classicism.

Erected by the architect Martinelli in 1731, the last building of the Mint was partly made of wooden elements, which were significantly damaged during the devastating fire of 1728. After that, the missing parts of the building were completely replaced with stone counterparts. An interesting fact is that the Mint from the moment of its creation has never been used for minting money. After the construction was completed, the local forestry Mansoin was located in its premises, and after some time the district archive with all its documentation moved there. In a certain historical period, the regional department of justice even sat on the first floor of the building.

Today, the building of the Mint regularly hosts exhibitions of exhibits stored in the vaults of the Český Krumlov Castle.

Cloak Bridge

Another attraction of Cesky Krumlov, which invariably arouses increased interest among tourists, is the Cloak Bridge, which is part of the castle architectural complex. The very name of the bridge comes from a special type of medieval fortifications, which were called "cloak" and were used in the western part of the Upper Krumlov Castle.

The bridge is a three-story arched structure supported by massive stone pillars. This unusual bridge connects the fourth and fifth castle courtyards. The lower passage of the bridge is intended for transitions between the theater and the Masquerade Hall, and the upper one connects the castle gallery with the gardens.

Initially, the Cloak Bridge, built in the 15th century, was wooden, and during the time of Rudolf Habsburg's ownership of the castle, it had a draw mechanism. However, the new owner of the castle, Johan Christian Eggenberk, ordered it to be replaced with a solid one, however, also made of wood. Only in the second half of the 18th century did the bridge become stone.

During the invasion of the French army, the long corridor of the bridge was destroyed and restored only in 1749. And after another 30 years, the final connection between the transitions was established. The bridge crossings themselves are picturesquely decorated with sculptural figures of locally venerated saints, which make them even more unusual and original.

Church of St. Vitus

As we have already mentioned, looking at Český Krumlov from the outside, one cannot but succumb to the feeling of a certain architectural symbolism in its appearance. Two architectural dominants rise above the city: the high Castle Tower, which personifies state earthly power, as well as the main tower of the Church of St. Vitus, symbolizing the harmony of church Christian power with worldly power.

Located on the same river promontory, together with the Krumlov Castle, the St. Vitus Church forms a single integral architectural composition, which is impossible not to admire from the outside. The construction of the temple began at the beginning of the XIV century on the site of the former city parish church, and continued until the very end of the Hussite uprising. At that time, a German builder from Aldenberk named Linharta acted as a temple architect. Only at the end of 1439 the temple was completed and consecrated by the local bishop Mikulash.

As an architectural structure, the church is a typical Gothic pavilion-type temple with three identical naves, an elongated presbytery and two-story elongated sacristies on both sides of the hall. The side naves of the church are covered with semicircular vaults, which are supported by eight columns. The southern wall of the church is cut through by five windows, and the northern one by four. The interior decoration of the temple can be attributed to the neo-Gothic period in architecture, and three confessionals are made in an elaborate baroque style. In addition, there are two chapels in the temple, one of which is dedicated to Jan of Nepomuk, the patron of the noble Rosenberg family, who allocated funds for its construction, and the second is dedicated to the Resurrection.

The Temple of St. Vitus stretched out in length by 44 meters, and soared up to 20 meters. The same is true of its width.
The real decoration of the church is a large organ dating back to the 15th century, which is skillfully decorated with marble facing. Until now, it is used during religious services, as well as during numerous concerts of organ music.

City Hall

In the very center of the historical part of the ancient Cesky Krumlov, there is a city hall dating back to the 17th century. With its unusual shape, it is more reminiscent of an ordinary merchant's house than a municipal government building familiar to a medieval city. There is neither a characteristic spire nor a beautiful central entrance.

But such an unusual appearance is due to the fact that the Krumlov Town Hall was formed from three ordinary Gothic buildings of the 16th century, which were taken as its basis. When connecting their facades, the building of the city government was created. True, for some time the city fathers preferred to rent out part of its premises to various merchants, and only at the beginning of the 17th century the town hall began to fully correspond to its original purpose. The facade of the Krumlov Town Hall is decorated with the family coats of arms of famous dynasties that owned the city at different times, as well as the municipal coat of arms and the coat of arms of the Czech Republic.

Not so long ago, interesting medieval frescoes on biblical themes were discovered in one of the spacious halls of the town hall. To date, the town hall of Cesky Krumlov is an active institution, therefore its interior premises are closed to tourists. The only exception is the basement, which houses the exhibits of the Museum of Medieval Torture.

Synagogue of Cesky Krumlov

One of the attractions of the city and the pride of its entire Jewish community is the building of the synagogue, built in 1909, and which has unique acoustics for such structures. Funds for the construction of the religious building were collected by several wealthy Jewish manufacturers. Since the consecration of the synagogue, the number of Jewish residents in the city has more than doubled.

The building of the synagogue is made in the Neo-Romanesque architectural style and is spatially traditionally located towards the Eternal City of Jerusalem. It is crowned with an octagonal tower, the windows of which are the shape of the Jewish Torah. With its unusual interior and multicolored windows adorned with Stars of David, the synagogue has long been popular with visitors. Not far from the synagogue there is a picturesque green park, where there is a traditional Jewish hut for celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot.

During the last world war, a Christian church was organized in the synagogue for the needs of the soldiers of the allied army. This is evidenced by the symbolic American military badge, located on one of the walls of the hall.

Egon Schiele Cultural Center

This center, opened relatively recently - in 1992, is named after the famous Austrian artist Egon Schiele. Despite his short life (Schile lived only 28 years), he left behind a huge number of talented works of art, paintings and graphics. One of the halls of the center is reserved for a permanent exhibition of works by Egon Schiele, which is represented by more than three hundred paintings and several thousand graphic drawings. Few people today know that in addition to drawings, the talented artist also experimented with sculpture and even developed projects for modern furniture.

Today, the cultural center is very popular not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad, thanks to regular exhibitions of works by contemporary sculptors and artists. The Egon Schiele Cultural Center is a favorite meeting place for the local creative elite, who love to talk about current art trends over a cup of aromatic coffee sold in the local cafeteria.

The Wax Museum

The idea to create their own wax museum in Cesky Krumlov arose from local enthusiasts after the tremendous success that accompanied the opening of a similar institution in the capital Prague.

After the hard work of a whole group of local artists and sculptors, in 2001 the Krumlov Wax Museum opened its doors to the first visitors. Only unlike the Prague counterpart, the Krumlov Museum exhibited figures of historical figures of the city and South Bohemia.

Walking through six hundred square meters of exhibition halls, visitors will be able to plunge into the typical atmosphere of an old Czech tavern, visit the secret laboratory of a medieval alchemist, enter the workshop of a local artisan, and see many historical characters, from crowned persons to ordinary residents of the city. In addition, among the exhibits of the exhibition you can recognize our contemporaries, for example, the figures of Pope John Paul II, the politician Vaclav Havel, as well as the pop symbol Michael Jackson.

Brewery Eggenberg

Medieval Český Krumlov has another attraction that is especially dear to men and women who love the famous Czech beer. It is in this city that the famous Eggenberg beer is brewed. The history of the creation of this brewery goes back to the 14th century. It was then that the first beer was brewed in the city. At the beginning of the 16th century, the brewery passed into the possession of the Eggenberg family, whose representatives moved the brewery's facilities to its current location.

A hundred years later, the brewery passed into the hands of the Schwarzenberg family, who modernized production, and also changed the facade of its central building, giving it baroque features.

After the formation of socialist Czechoslovakia, the Eggenberg brewery, like many private enterprises, was nationalized. Only in 1991, she again passed to private owners - the company Dionex. Today, Český Krumlov brews five types of beer under the Eggenberg brand.

Souvenirs of Cesky Krumlov

Tourists visiting Cesky Krumlov are offered a set of souvenirs traditional for small towns in the country. However, it is in Krumlov that the most popular beer mugs, as well as brightly colored magnets with the symbols of the local beer Eggenberg.

It is also worth looking into any of the souvenir shops, fortunately, there are a great many of them in Krumlov itself: almost every city museum has a small souvenir shop. In them you will be able to choose exactly what you are most interested in. For example, in puppet museum you can choose the most original toy for your child as a gift. The Seidel Photography Museum offers colorful calendars with views of the city from different historical eras. It is clear that at the Graphite Mine, souvenirs will also have a corresponding thematic focus.

But when leaving Český Krumlov, don't forget to bring a small bear cub, which has long been a symbol of this beautiful and ancient city. You can find a large selection of these funny club-toed bumpkins in a specialty shop located on the bridge called Lazebnicky most.

It should be said that more than one tourist who visited Cesky Krumlov was not disappointed. On the contrary, the full immersion in an unusually realistic medieval fairy tale, which constantly accompanies you while walking along the ancient bridges of the city, cannot be felt in any other city in the Czech Republic.

The Czech Republic is not only Prague. This small country is literally strewn with beautiful towns and villages. The pearl among them, without a doubt, is the city of Cesky Krumlov. It is located in the South Bohemian region on the bend of the Vltava River, which in a strange way resembles the sign of infinity familiar from school.

Plan-scheme of the historical part of the city

Very symbolic, because this small town gives endless pleasure. No matter how many times you come here, you still experience fresh and vivid feelings, as if you were in a fairy tale. Exactly the same opinion was expressed by UNESCO experts who in 1992 added the city to the World Heritage List. The historical center of Český Krumlov has more than 300 old buildings, which is 82% of the total development.

How to get there?

The easiest way to get to the city is by the yellow STUDENT AGENCY bus. Every day, 8 flights of this carrier depart from Prague from the Na Knížecí platform. The cost of a one-way ticket is 185 crowns (about 7 euros), the journey time is 3 hours. A comfortable bus will take you to the main bus station of Český Krumlov, from where the historic center can be easily reached on foot.

Bus station, the castle tower is visible in the distance

The city is really small, and one day is more than enough to slowly explore it. However, one of the most beautiful castles in Europe is located along the way - Hluboká Castle. Therefore, spending the night in Krumlov would be logical if you want to visit two of the most famous Czech sights at once.

City `s history

Český Krumlov is one of the most picturesque towns in the Czech Republic and in all of Europe, practically unaffected by time and people. Its name is derived from the German "Krumme Aue", which means "crooked meadow". The city got its name not by chance, it is located in a picturesque bend of the Vltava River, which forms a kind of peninsula.

Historians believe that a small castle on the left rocky bank of the Vltava was founded between 1230-1239 by the son of Vitek from Prchitse, the founder of the Vitkovych family, Vitek II the Elder. However, the first written mention of the structure dates back to 1240. The castle marked the beginning of the settlement of the area and already in 1274 a city arose here.

Vitek from Prčice was a steward in the retinue of the princes of Přemyslid between 1169 and 1176. As a reward for his faithful service, he received a number of lands in the south of the Czech Republic. Vitek had five sons, and in order to avoid strife in the preparation of the inheritance, he divided all his possessions into five equal parts. Thus, 5 branches of the Vitkovich family were formed. Since then, on all coats of arms of Vitkovychi there is a five-petal rose, symbolizing the unity of the family. Today, it can still be found on the coat of arms of Český Krumlov.

Picturesque streets of the old town

One of the family branches (a family of nobles from Krumlov) was founded by Vitek II the Elder, who inherited the lands of present-day Český Krumlov. By 1302, his family died out, and the city, with the permission of King Wenceslas II, passed to the kindred Rožmberk family, who remade and completed the castle, making it their main residence.

The members of the Rožmberk family were talented diplomats and skilled entrepreneurs, thanks to which wealth and influence grew. By that time, the possessions of the Rožmberkovs occupied a seventh of all Czech lands, numbered about 100 thousand subjects, 52 cities, about 570 villages in the Czech Republic, Moravia, Silesia and Austria.

With all their wealth, the Rožmberks were highly educated people, benefactors, and favored art. With each year of their reign, Krumlov grew richer and attracted more and more manufacturers, merchants, artists and singers from all over Bohemia, Austria, Bavaria, Hungary and Northern Italy. From there, from the rich and beautiful Venetian and Genoese possessions, the Renaissance came to the city and brought many masterpieces, for which tourists from all over Europe come here. So, for example, at the end of the 15th century, Italian architects Antonio Ericera and Balthazar Maggi rebuilt the originally Gothic castle into a real masterpiece of the Renaissance style.

In 1601, the last representative of the Rožmberk family, Piotr Wok, was forced to give Krumlov to Emperor Rudolf II of Habsburg because of large debts. During the Thirty Years' War, the city was sacked several times.

Today, boat trips down the river are very popular with both citizens and tourists.

In 1622, Emperor Ferdinand II gave the city to Jan Oldrich from the Eggenberg family, after the extinction of which in 1719 Krumlov passed to new owners - the Schwarzenbergs. A wealthy noble family owned the city until 1940.

At the end of the 19th century, the seven thousandth population of Krumlov consisted of 82% Germans. In 1918, Czechoslovakia declared independence, Czech troops entered the city, suppressing the desire of the German majority to create an independent Šumava district, which was supposed to join Austria. The Czechoslovak authorities decided to close the question of the city's ownership forever and on April 30, 1920 officially attached the prefix "Chesky" to the name "Krumlov". So the city was called back in 1439, but the two-word name has not yet been fixed in state documents.

In 1938, the troops of Nazi Germany entered Cesky Krumlov. Liberation came with American soldiers in 1945. Almost immediately after the end of hostilities in Europe, all German-speaking residents of the city were forcibly deported to defeated Germany and Austria. The city itself became part of Czechoslovakia again.

During the years of the communist regime, Cesky Krumlov fell into decay, many of its buildings were seriously dilapidated and required urgent reconstruction. It became possible only after the "velvet revolution", when most of the buildings were returned to their original form. Today, the municipal authorities continue to allocate significant funds for the restoration of some culturally significant sites.

Walk around the city

There is only one road from the bus station to the historical center - it is impossible to get lost. Cesky Krumlov is very popular with tourists, so there are various shops and souvenir shops on its streets literally at every step.

In the summer, during several holidays, the city becomes more crowded than usual. For example, in June Krumlov hosts the Five-Petalled Rose Festival, a two-day festivity with medieval processions, fireworks and street fairs.

Feast of the Five Petal Rose in Cesky Krumlov

It also hosts a chamber music festival in early summer, an ancient music festival in July, and a jazz festival in August.

Despite the small size of the town and more purely tourist signs, we recommend that you go to the town hall building on the main Concorde Square (náměstí Svornosti) and take a free map there. Here, on the square, there is a plague room with a statue of the Virgin Mary, erected by the inhabitants as a thank you for protection from the plague.

Plague column in Place de la Concorde

Near the square is the Catholic Church of St. Vitus. Made in the Gothic style, it is the second most recognizable landmark of the city. The construction of the church began in 1340 and lasted almost 100 years.

Church of St. Vitus in Cesky Krumlov

A short climb from the city will lead to the entrance to the castle complex, which, after Prague Castle, is the second largest in the Czech Republic.

The entrance to the majestic building is located on the other side of a small bridge crossing a deep ditch, in which real brown bears live. Animals live their own lives and do not even suspect that they are playing the role of medieval scenery:

Above the entrance, which leads to a series of courtyards decorated with sgraffito and frescoes, rises the brightly painted castle tower, painted in 1590:

View of the castle complex from the observation deck of the tower

You can walk around the courtyards of the castle for free, but to visit the interior you will have to purchase one of several excursions. Most of the interiors are in the Baroque or Rococo style, and the collections displayed in some of the castle's 300 rooms include Chinese porcelain and rare tapestries. After passing through the unique covered Cloak Bridge, we will get to the building of the castle Baroque theater.

This is how the Cloak Bridge looks from the outside ...

... and so - from the inside.

On the territory of the park there is a summer pavilion of the theater with a unique revolving auditorium:

This auditorium is able to rotate during the performance

If we go even deeper into the park, we will find ourselves near a small pond, with ducks and fish swimming. - official website of the city - official website of Krumlov Castle

What to see during a trip from Prague to Cesky Krumlov for 1 day. Description of my walk through the best city in the Czech Republic.

Before starting a story about the city of Cesky Krumlov, I asked about the reviews of other travelers and tourists. It turned out that the city impressed not only me, and I think that after reading the article, it will not leave you indifferent either. But first about how to come here and where to stay.

There are not many options, but in order not to clog the story, a detailed description is in a separate article. You can read it by clicking on the title of this section. Below is a short excerpt for the lazy.

  1. Bus: departure every 30-60 minutes, and tickets from 1.2 €, which you can buy and.
  2. Train: travels 1 time per day round trip, tickets are sold from 10 €.
  3. . Kill two birds with one stone if you like to explore the city with a guide.

Who does not know how much time to devote to Cesky Krumlov when buying tickets, then take at least a day for it. Despite the small size, the local views can fascinate so much that you can lose track of time.

Accommodation in Cesky Krumlov

I made the same mistake as many tourists, arriving in the city in the morning and leaving in the afternoon. Somewhere I found information that because of this behavior of tourists, the city is unprofitable for tourists. Almost no one stays overnight, which means they leave no money here. These are the paradoxes with the most touristic city in the Czech Republic after Prague.

I’ll run ahead and say that it’s definitely worth staying here at least for one night. The whole city is a continuous observation platform. Wherever you stay in the city, there will be stunning views from your window or even a couple of minutes from the hotel. And to stay overnight means to see the sunset or sunrise over the city, depending on whether you are a lark or an owl.

And in order to successfully select a hotel and not overpay, use the search engine. This site does not book hotels, but shows where to book them cheaper. And of course, where without.

Attractions Cesky Krumlov

We arrived in Cesky Krumlov by bus from Prague. The city began to amaze immediately, as soon as we walked a little forward from the bus station, enchanting views opened up before us. And although these are not yet the ones that were mentioned above, but already at the sight of such a panorama one could forget about time.

As soon as I stepped on the threshold of this city, he bewitched me, so much so that I could not stop looking at the winding river, red roofs, church towers, bridges. At that moment, I wanted to hug this city, because standing on a hill from where everything is in full view, it seemed so accessible and possible.

Maybe I'm not the only one. For me, cities are like people, with their own character, their soul, their own destiny. I even get used to them as people, and every time you say goodbye there is a feeling as if you are parting with someone you have known for a long time.

It seems to me that the soul of Český Krumlov is the Vltava River. It was on its shores that life originated in the 13th century, when people settled there and began to build houses. First they occupied the left bank, and a few years later they settled the right bank as well. The city was formed after both banks were connected by a bridge. And yet, look at the map, how beautifully the river frames the historical center, with what winding lines it passes through the city.

After all, I just arrived, this is just the first thing my eyes saw, but I’m already stuck in this place and don’t want to leave. Much like love at first sight...

But let's not stomp at the threshold, let's go inside and find ourselves on the first small square. Here we are waiting for cute gingerbread houses and narrow streets. Here is the first and probably empty hotel in the city. Further in the old town there are even more hotels, so for those who want to stay, the choice is huge. Here on the square and the first attraction - the municipal theater. We photograph it and move on.

Old arch bridge

Quite by accident I found a descent under the bridge, through which I was going to cross. If I had missed it, I would not have seen how the arched bridge looks from below. Don't miss the narrow passage opposite the theatre.

The yellow building behind the bridge is a regional museum, so if you're interested in learning about the history of the city, don't miss it. Entrance fee, 50 crowns.

I won't go to the museum, and for now I'll stay a little bit downstairs. According to the map, there should be a boat tour agency here, but instead of boats, I saw a quiet and calm river Vltava.

Cesky Krumlov is one big observation deck, because because of its hilliness, you can admire the city panoramas for free and as much as you like, just like in. And in order to look at them, we will climb the bridge, which we never reached.

From the bridge, on which we have already climbed, a building with a turret is visible - this is a monastic complex. And get ready, further overviews will be found at almost every step.

I promised beautiful views at every step, and so here they are, admire, the observation deck is located right behind the museum. From here you can see the main attraction of Český Krumlov - the Krumlov Castle, the castle tower, as well as the Church of St. John and like toy houses below.

It is still morning, the streets are almost empty, but very soon tourists will be brought here and the streets will be bustling.

Church of St. Vitus

Due to the fact that the streets are narrow, photographing St. Vitus Church was quite inconvenient. The best photos will be when we go to the other side of the Vltava, but for now I’ll show you how it looks like when photographed from the ground, and of course we’ll look inside.

Bypassing the cathedral, we got to another observation deck. Here we saw something similar to a piece of real life, in the sense of the local.

Often, when traveling to some cities, you have to take very little time and the inspection takes place in a hurry. Therefore, I am not used to the fact that my head constantly rotates 360 ° so as not to miss anything. Like this street for example. Did you recognize the tower in the photo? This is the tower of the Krumlov castle.

Central square of Český Krumlov

If the soul of the city is the Vltava, then the central square will be the heart. This is a small cozy square with gingerbread houses around the perimeter.

As it should be on the square, there should be a town hall and a plague column. The town hall houses an information center and a museum of torture. If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of terrible medieval times, then the ticket costs 130 crowns.

If you want to immediately go to the Krumlov Castle, then behind the town hall there will be a street that will lead to the bridge, and then to the castle. We decided to leave the castle for the last.

Behind the square hides a cozy street with colorful facades of houses. The Red House is a wax museum, the entrance to which is 130 crowns.

Anyone who reads me has noticed that in many of my stories I write about my great love for the old narrow streets.

On these streets there was a very originally decorated entrance to one of the city's restaurants in the form of a wooden waiter and original chairs for sitting.

South coast of Cesky Krumlov

There is a bridge ahead, and you won't be able to cross it without getting stuck on it. After all, this is another observation deck. At that moment, I again regretted that I had spent so little time on this city.

On the other side of the bridge, there is a much better view of St. Vitus Church, which I promised to show a little earlier.

Having crossed the bridge, we will again find ourselves in the arms of the Vltava. Remember the map at the very beginning of the story, where the river makes three loops around the city, and now we will be in the second. The streets here are still the same old and just as cute.

In this part of the city, you can find the Fotoatelier Seidel Museum, where the photographer Seidel lived and take a walk in the city park. It was raining that day and the photos of the park turned out to be gloomy. Therefore, I will show only the main attractions of this part of the city, the Chapel of St. Martin.

Here, as compensation, a surprise awaited me - seals carefully guarding their territory. By tradition, I take photos for my cat collection.

Ahead is the main attraction - Krumlov Castle, but for this you need to go back. Walking along the same streets is not interesting, and the time is the middle of the day, which means they are filled with tourists. So we go around along the river bank. The views here were also excellent and it was possible to take some beautiful shots.

Krumlov Castle

We get to the Barber's bridge to the castle, which I already wrote about above. Here I saw a piece of the Prague Charles Bridge, which is reminiscent of statues of saints.

We cross the bridge, but before entering the castle you still need to climb the stairs. You will reach the castle as soon as you cross the bridge.

A surprise was waiting at the main entrance - I definitely did not expect to see a bear. The bear is very easy to miss, because his enclosure is located at the foot of the castle, which is much lower than the entrance. If it weren't for the tourists staring from the bridge, I would definitely have passed by.

The castle was founded in the 13th century, at the same time when people settled on the banks of the Vltava. Below is a photo of the courtyards of the castle.

If you want to climb the castle tower, then it is paid. I did not climb higher, and this was enough for me to remember the city as a fairy tale.

Now the moment of the most interesting thing has come, for which it is worth going to Cesky Krumlov - panoramic views. And for free, admire how much time is enough, and in my case this became a luxury. After all, soon the bus in Ceske Budějovice.

Even before reaching the observation area, in some places it is worth looking out the window.

According to the plan, a visit to the botanical garden was next. After a long climb, disappointment awaited us, on this day the garden was closed. We could no longer linger in the city and left through the gate, which is closest to the bus stop.

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Happy travels!

Many who come to rest in the Czech Republic often stop only to visit Prague, but besides this wonderful city in the Czech Republic there are many other interesting sights! For example, Cesky Krumlov is a small town, the historical center of which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Cesky Krumlov is a city woven from many interesting legends and historical events, when you get to the historical center of this city, it will seem to you that you are in the Middle Ages!

Everything here is magical, including nature!

The very territorial location of the city of Cesky Krumlov cannot but attract attention. If you take a look at the map of Krumlov, you will see how the city is literally cut by the bends of the Vltava River.

And the entrance to its historical center passes through the huge medieval gates of the castle of the same name - Cesky Krumlov. This is the #1 attraction in town!

This medieval gate is nothing more than the arched Cloak Bridge, which is part of the castle complex. This bridge connects the castle buildings.

Český Krumlov Castle was built in the 13th century in the Gothic style, but later, in the 18th century, all the buildings of the castle, at the behest of its owner, Duke Josev Adam, were rebuilt in the Rococo style. It is in this style that we observe it in our time, the castle has been perfectly preserved in its original form!

The castle tower can be seen from everywhere!

And what a beautiful view of the city from the castle!

It is possible to look at Krumlov through the loopholes.

After walking a lot around the castle, go for a walk through the historical center of Cesky Krumlov and explore its other sights. As in Prague, in Cesky Krumlov you can also find a lot of architecture decorated with sgraffito. Painted windows and bale-reliefs adorn both the Český Krumlov castle and the houses located in the center.

Sgraffito is a technique for creating wall images that are distinguished by their durability.

The next important attraction of the city of Cesky Krumlov is the Church of St. Vitus, built in the 14th century in the Gothic style.

The tower that you see first in the photo below was previously the tower of St. Jost's Church. Today it is an ordinary residential building with a tower.

I really liked Český Krumlov, especially if you pay attention to the details, or look at the sgraffito. We very often walk the streets, looking at our feet or studying something on our mobile phones, but as soon as we look up, we notice interesting details.

We only had a day trip to Cesky Krumlov, but we would love to stay in this town for a few days to get to know the city in more detail!

175 km from Prague, at the foot of the mountains, there is a small town called Český Krumlov. Fancifully encircled by a blue ribbon, it resembles the scenery for a film about the era of brave knights and beautiful princesses. But narrow streets with neat houses, a magnificent castle, a majestic cathedral and other buildings are not props, but genuine historical buildings that have been well preserved to this day.

The history of Český Krumlov began in the middle of the 13th century. Then, by order of one of the princes of the Vitkovich family, a fortress was built on a high cliff above the Vltava, around which the settlement of Latran gradually arose. During its centuries-old history, the Krumlov lands have repeatedly passed to different owners. After the Vitkovičs, they were ruled by the Rožmberks, Emperor Rudolf II, the Eggenberks and the Schwarzenberks. Under each dynasty, the city was rebuilt. It reached its greatest prosperity during the time of the Rožmberks (XIII-XVII centuries).

Český Krumlov acquired its present appearance in the 18th century. Today, its historical center, where many attractions are compactly located, is officially protected by UNESCO (since 1992) as a cultural heritage site.

How to get from Prague to Cesky Krumlov

The easiest and fastest way to get to Krumlov is by bus. A direct flight departs almost every hour. The first flight is at 06:00, then every hour until 21:00. Travel time 2 hours 55 minutes. The price of a one-way ticket is about 8 euros (at the time of writing).

Main carriers:

  • LEO Express - 9 euros
  • Regio Jet - 8 euros

bus tickets

Departure city

Arrival city

Travel date Exact date +2 days +/-3 days +6 days

As an option, you can consider. This gives you complete freedom of movement and does not tie you to a schedule.

Fans of traveling by train are in for a slight disappointment in the form of a lack of direct flights from Prague to Krumlov. Trains run with one change at . Travel time with transfer is 3 hours 30 minutes.

Attractions Cesky Krumlov

Český Krumlov is a city with an amazing peaceful atmosphere, woven from the sound of water, the scents of flowers, the unhurried rhythm of life and the aristocracy emanating from ancient architectural monuments. In its small area you can find many interesting places. Let's consider the main ones.

Krumlov Castle

The castle, founded in XIII, is located in the center of Český Krumlov on a rock washed by the waters of the Vltava. The total area of ​​the grandiose palace complex exceeds 11 hectares. It consists of five courtyards, four dozen buildings, a theater, a park and several bridges.

Initially, the castle was built in the Neo-Gothic style, but after several reconstructions, it acquired Renaissance and Baroque features. The last large-scale, but very careful reconstruction was carried out in 2008.

Both the architectural structures and the interior decoration of the palace complex are of great cultural value. Among the most significant objects are the Red Gate that welcomes visitors, the Little Castle with a Gothic tower, from the observation deck of which a panorama of the city opens, a stone fountain of the 17th century, a cheese factory with a finish imitating brickwork, the core of the castle - the Upper Castle with allegorical frescoes, the chapel of St. Jiří, baroque theater with authentic decorations and so on.

The opening hours of the Krumlov Castle depend on the season. From June to September, tours are held from 9:00 to 18:00. The price of an excursion ticket is 150/80 kroons, the entrance to the tower is 50/30 kroons. A walk through the open territory of the complex (courtyards, park) is free of charge.

Read more about prices and excursions.

Cloak Bridge (Plášťový most)

The Cloak Bridge is a three-story arched corridor supported by stone pillars and connecting the fourth and fifth courtyards of the Krumlov Castle. It was erected in 1767 on the site of a wooden drawbridge. The name of the structure comes from the word "cloak", which in the Middle Ages denoted the type of fortification structures.

The lower floor of the bridge provides communication between the Masquerade Hall and the theater, and the upper one leads from the gallery of the palace to the park. The main decoration of the bridge are the baroque sculptures of the holy martyrs - Wenceslas, Antonin of Padua, John of Nepomuk and Felix.

Revolving auditorium (Otáčivé hlediště)

In the center of the park of the Krumlov Palace there is a unique structure - a revolving auditorium in the open air. Its capacity is 644 people. The park itself serves as the theatrical stage, and the audience is located in the center of the action, while the hall turns in a circle in both directions.

Today, this building is under threat of dismantling. But in the warm season, musical performances and ballet performances are staged in the theater.

Minorite Monastery (Minoritský klášter)

The Minorite Monastery, which today is called the Monastery of the Knights of the Red Cross, is located near the Krumlov Castle at Latrán 50. Built in the 14th century by order of Peter I von Rosenberg, the Gothic building was later rebuilt in the Baroque style.

In the center of the monastery complex is the church of the Body of God with a ribbed vault and high Gothic windows. The church was built in the 14th century and reconstructed in the middle of the 17th century in the Baroque tradition.

The most valuable among the interior decoration of the monastery ensemble are the statue of the Archangel Michael, the altar of Our Lady (XVII century), the chapel with the sculpture of St. Wolfgang (XIV century), as well as rare library manuscripts.

You can get to the monastery, on the territory of which there is a beautiful park, from 9:00 to 17:00 on any day.

St. Vitus Church

The Church of St. Vitus is located at Horní 156, on the same river headland with Krumlov Castle. The construction of the temple began in the 14th century under the guidance of the architect Linhart from Aldenberk. And its opening and consecration took place only in 1439.

The architecture of the church corresponds to the Gothic canons: the building has three identical naves, two-story elongated sacristies, symmetrically located on the sides of the hall, an elongated presbytery and semicircular vaults resting on columns.

The interior of the temple is made in the Neo-Gothic traditions, and the confessional - in the Baroque. Its decorations are a working organ of the 15th century with marble facing, as well as the main altar with ancient frescoes and carved wooden decor.

Near the church of St. Vitus there are two chapels - John of Nepomuk and the Resurrection. The first of them contains the tomb of the Schwarzenberg dynasty and the tombstones of the Rožmberk family.

The church is a functioning Catholic church, where services and concerts are regularly held. The entrance is free.


  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 17:00
  • Friday: 18:00
  • Sunday: 9:30

N amesti Svornosti)

Small in size, Place de la Concorde, paved with paving stones, is considered the main one in the city. In its center is the Plague Pillar (Kašna s morovým sloupem), a baroque stele with gilded details, decorated with sculptures of saints and crowned with a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Place de la Concorde is surrounded by very beautiful old houses, the walls of which are painted in a special technique - sgraffito, which creates the appearance of a volume of flat images. In addition, there is a decorative pond with a fountain, shops, shops, cafes, museums and so on.

City Hall (Stará radnice)

The town hall building is one of the many buildings that involuntarily makes you plunge into the atmosphere of past centuries. One of the main urban units was built at the end of the 16th century. It is notable for the fact that there is no main entrance and a high spire in nm. However, this is where the city administration is located. The town hall building itself is not included in tourist reviews. In the basement area of ​​​​400 squares is a museum of torture. The realism of the action is given by wax figures and sound accompaniment. To heighten fear, visitors are also affected by several audiovisual effects.

Ticket price: Full: 100 CZK. Children, students, pensioners: 80 CZK. Family: 240 CZK.

Museums of Cesky Krumlov

In the little Cesky Krumlov there are eight museums with interesting expositions.

Museum of Torture. Located in the basement of the Town Hall on Place de la Concorde. Visitors can see medieval instruments of torture - "Spanish boot", "iron maiden", pincers, rack and more. The ominous atmosphere is maintained with the help of background screams and squeaks.

Opening hours - from 9:00 to 20:00 seven days a week, ticket price - 100/80 kroons.

Wax Museum. A branch of the Prague Museum was inaugurated in Krumlov in 2001. On the museum square of almost 600 squares, you can get to know all the outstanding personalities not only of the city itself, but of the entire South Bohemian region. The figures are made so realistically, something is about to start a heart-to-heart conversation or shake hands. Each exposition of the museum is a separate story, a small scene from life. Everything passes before the eyes of visitors, accompanied by sound effects: intertwining dialogues and the strumming of spoons in an old tavern, the seething of an unknown composition of a liquid in an alchemy laboratory, or the sounds of a rotating potter's wheel in a workshop.

Address - Kájovská 68. The museum exhibits sculptures of famous personalities of the city and the whole of the Czech Republic - Frantisek Josef, Rudolf II and Charles IV, as well as world celebrities - Dali, Picasso, Armstrong, Michael Jackson and so on. The interiors of the building recreate the typical atmosphere of medieval Bohemia.

Opening hours - from 9:00 to 20:00 every day, ticket price - 100/80 kroons.

Regional (local history) museum (Regionální muzeum). Address - Horní 152. The museum is located within the walls of the former Jesuit seminary, from the top of which offers a magnificent view of the surroundings. It contains exhibits relating to the history of Krumlov since settlement. The pearl of the museum is a ceramic model of the city center.

Opening hours - Tuesday - Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00, break - from 12:00 to 12:30, ticket price - 50/25 kroons.

Egon Schiele Art Centrum. Address - Široká 71. The gallery hosts a permanent exhibition of works by the Austrian artist Egon Schiele, as well as expositions of contemporary sculptors and painters. This place enjoys special honor among the representatives of the creative elite.

Opening hours - from 10:00 to 18:00, lunch - from 12:00 to 12:30, day off - Monday, ticket price - 140/90 kroons.

Fairy house. Address - Radniční 29. The museum presents 300 historical dolls - heroes of legends, robbers, dragons, gnomes and so on. There is a puppet theater. Ticket price - 80/30 kroons.

Vltavin Museum (Muzeum vltavínů). Address - Panská 19. A modern museum with several expositions, the main of which is dedicated to the Vltavins (Moldavites) - "bottle stones".

Opening hours - from 10:00 to 18:00 daily, ticket price - 149/99 kroons.

Motorcycle Museum. Address - Široká 80. It is located in the building of an old mill. Its exhibition includes more than two dozen rare motorcycles of domestic and foreign production, as well as other objects related to the history of motoring.

Opening hours - from 10:00 to 22:00 every day, ticket price - 50/25 kroons.

Graphite mine. Address - Chvalšinská 243. Having visited the museum, located in a former mine, you can ride in a trailer through an underground tunnel, as well as learn a lot of interesting information about mining.

Opening hours depend on the season. From June to September, the mine welcomes guests from 09:00 to 16:00 every day, the ticket price is 150/100 kroons.


The most favorite event of the inhabitants of Cesky Krumlova is. It is celebrated every year on the twentieth of June (the days of the summer solstice). During this period, the city seems to return to the Middle Ages. People put on luxurious old costumes and arrange a procession with flags, torches and drums. Musicians play on the streets, theatrical performances are demonstrated, delicacies prepared according to ancient recipes are sold, jousting tournaments are organized, and so on.

In addition, the city regularly hosts international festivals: traditional music in July, as well as alternative and jazz in August. November in Český Krumlov is devoted to winemaking – ceremonial wine presentations take place, the best winemakers are selected, and so on. And during the Christmas holidays, fairs, nativity scenes and a post office for ordering gifts work on the streets of the city.

The leisure program in the city can be supplemented with a boat trip along, a visit to the city theater, as well as a meal in one of the many Krumlov restaurants with traditional cuisine and local brand beer.

Transport in Cesky Krumlov

With its small size, Český Krumlov precludes an extensive public transport network. The historical center of Český Krumlov, an impressive part of the city, is completely dedicated to the pedestrian zone.

The railway station is located 30 minutes from the city center. This time can be passed by using the local bus, which leaves every 15-25 minutes. Closest to the center and many attractions is the main bus station Autobusové nádraží.


If you are traveling by car, you should pay close attention to the stands at the entrance to the city. They inform about the parking system in Český Krumlov. There are several car parks in different parts of the city (P1-P4). The stay of vehicles in the parking lot for less than 20 minutes is free of charge. The cost of each subsequent hour, depending on the parking lot, varies from 5 to 35 kroons. In case of loss of a parking ticket - a fine of 250 kroons.

Český Krumlov is a renaissance city where every corner is permeated with romance and mystery. Staying in it allows you to forget about the bustling modernity for a while and plunge into the calm grandeur of the past centuries.

Where to eat

  • Laibon (Parkan 105)
  • Svejk Restaurant (Latran 12)
  • Krčma Barbakán (Horní 26)
  • Café Štrúdl (Latran 75)
  • Jakub Restaurant (Kajovska 54)
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