What is the dual role of the letters e, e, u, i. Video lesson “The double role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, I Double letters e e yu i

Russian language lesson in the 5th grade of the teacher Nigmatzyanova R.S.

Topic: "The double role of letters e, e, u, i.

Lesson objectives: 1) know that the letters e, e, u, i can denote 1 and 2 sounds; be able to name the sounds denoted by the letters e, e, u, i; 2) develop the ability to designate sounds in writing by transcription, a cognitive interest in the Russian language; 3) bring up love for nature, for the Russian word and speech culture. Equipment: Computer, projector, slide projection screen, explanatory and spelling dictionaries, blackboard, chalk, textbooks…
During the classes. 1. Organizing time. - Hello guys! Sit down . Today in the lesson we will find out what two roles the letters play e, yo, yu, i, learn to distinguish between letters and sounds, name the sounds denoted by letters e, yo, yu, i. … They will go to the blackboard ... While individual students will complete their assignments, you (the rest of the class) will have to work together with those who work at the blackboard, that is, you need to write everything down in a notebook.
2. Actualization of previous knowledge. A sentence with missing letters is written on the board and on the slide. - ... please read us a sentence ... This is the first line from a poem by a famous Russian poet of the 19th century. Who will name this poet? .. The name of the poem ... Now the tasks for this sentence. a) 1 student Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence and inscribe above the words the parts of speech that they are. Storm in the haze .. bo cro .. t, vortex .. dream .. twisting deeppr ... (The gerund is pre-marked, the gerund is marked and indicated the study of this part of speech in grade 7). B) 2 students. Write out phrases(noun + verb) - verb phrase. Answer: The sky covers (noun + verb) - verbal s / s. (noun + adjective) - nominal phrase. Snow whirlwinds (noun + adjective) - nominal s / s. C) Parse the word by composition (parsing No. 2) snowy D) Perform tasks on cards for 2 hours. Card number 1. B..gray p.. helpers, come .. l p.. before about.. ba posp.. sew, hatdes(?) locality(?)ness. ATevillagesabouthelpers, prishyol paboutbefore aboutcampingba paboutcnesew, hatdesn th monthtness.
Card number 2. Divide the words into 2 groups, guiding them with arrows: 1) b - denotes the softness of the consonant, 2) b - is a delimiter. spruce, blizzard, sparrows, leaves, hemp, request, serious. Checking a job with slide.
D) Lexical work. Working with an explanatory dictionary (the dictionary is given to the student in advance, the page is laid down, the word is marked). Word Haze. - Guys, which of you knows the meaning of the word "mist" from our sentence? .. And now let's check the dictionary ...
3. Explanation of new material. - Vowels - 6. Letters - 10. Let's look at the slide. - Where did I go, e, e, u? Where did they hide? "Cunning" letters. - Imagine the following situation: you pricked yourself on the needles of a spruce and cried out: “Spruce!” We will clearly hear at the beginning of the word [ y'e ] le . Let's scream: "Hedgehog!" ... Let's say: "Pit!" ... "Yula" ... - In our sentence there is a letter e in the word covers. Sounds...

On the slade words appear from the parsed sentence

Spruce - [ th 'e ] l, cr about [ th 'e ]t, in b [ th 'e ]hd, [ n uh ]bo

Hedgehog - [y 'o] well, ser [y 'o] knowing

Pit - [y 'a] ma, leaf [y 'a]

Yula - [y 'y] la, hazy about [y'y], in b [y'y] ha, kru [t 'a]

Conclusion about the double role of vowels e, e, u, i using the table on slide.
Reading the rule on page 127. 4. Fixing the material. 4.1. Execution of exercise. 304. Reading a task. 3 positions -3 columns. I draw on the board. 1) 2) 3) Row assignment. Fill in the first column - 1 row, 2 - 2 rows, 3 - 3 rows. 3 words in each column. Output: Letters e, yo, yu, i in column 1 they represent 2 sounds, in column 2 - 1 sound, in column 3 - 2 sounds. 5. Physical education minute with assignments for slide.

4.2. Independent work on assignment for slide for 5 minutes. A similar task - ex. 306 is given at home for 1, 2 groups.
After 5 min. Check by slide.
Among these glories there were also words that we could not write down either in the first column or in the second. Why don't consonants soften? Answer: In Russian there are consonants that do not have a pair of softness - hardness ...

6. Conclusion on the topic of the lesson based on the slide.

6.1. Fixing the rule.

6.2. The game "Third Extra" (recordings on slide).
- In each line you will be given 3 words. If superfluous by the number of sounds in letters e, yo, yu, i You will count the word to your left, then raise your left hand, if on the right - your right hand, if in the middle - take the “Napoleon pose”. Answers: A. Yama, family, charger . B. top, hook, cabin. V. Christmas tree, sings, honey. G. Spruce, ate, sky.

7. Homework with explanations.

D\z: 1) study paragraph 61, learn the rule from page 127.

2) ex. 305-III gr., 306 - I, II gr.

In the remaining time from the lesson, students replace data with one word for slide utterances and perform phonetic analysis.

Then they do their homework.

The purpose of the lesson: by observing examples, reveal the double function of letters i, yu, e, e; to teach students to distinguish the functions of these letters, improving pronunciation skills; development of productive speech of students.

Equipment: projector, individual cards.



  • To teach children to distinguish positions in which the letters e, e, u, i denote two sounds, while indicating the softness of the preceding consonants, and in which two.
  • Continue to work on the formation of transcription skills.
  • Work on the development of students' speech.


  • To instill in children the desire to help classmates in their work.
  • Cultivate an attentive attitude to linguistic phenomena.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

1. Perform a sound-letter analysis of words syllable, first.

2. Determine which sounds represent the selected letters in words: spruce, honey, hatch, my own, mine.(Knowledge of students is clearly not enough for accurate, reasonable answers. To do this, they need to know the rules about when the letters e, e, u, i denote one sound, and in which two sounds)

3. Problematic issue:

What is the role of letters e, e, yu, me?

IV. Search activity of students and the solution of an educational problem.

Examples are given for monitoring on the monitor. Students name the sounds that are indicated by the highlighted letters.

The students, guided by the teacher, conclude that at the beginning of the word the letters i, e, e, u represent two sounds: d+a, d+o, d+y, d+e.

In the same way, observations are made on the words:

Conclusion: after vowels i, yu, e, yo also represent two sounds : d + a, d + o, d + y, d + e.

i, yu, e, yo guys, after b and b?

Look at the table with the words, listen to them and draw conclusions:

Departure, shooting, blizzard, monkey

Conclusion: after ъ and ь letters i, yu, e, yo also represent two sounds d+a, d+o, d+y, d+e.

What sounds do letters represent? i, yu, e, yo after soft consonants?

Listen carefully to the words and draw your own conclusions. Bear, measure, sit down, here, led.

Conclusion: after consonants letters i, yu, e, yo represent one of the vowels a, e, y, o(and the softness of the preceding consonant)

The correctness of the conclusions obtained is checked according to this table on the monitor.

V. Formation of skills and abilities based on the acquired grammatical knowledge.


1. Game "1" or "2".

Children use cards to show how many sounds the letters make. e, yo, yu, i in words: forest, Julia, hatch, cabin, day, shooting, bright, porch, dog, anchor.

2. Expressively read the poem by S. Ya. Marshak:

To the grandfather's village

The mail delivered a letter to me,
On an envelope in the corner
Scribbled: "Pisaelu"
And lower: "Marshak."
With this address tricky
Good letter to me...
Glory to our postmen
With a thick shoulder bag!

Find the mistakes the kid made.

In the word tricky name the consonants. What sound does the letter represent? What sounds denote the letter u in the words to the writer and here?

Draw conclusions and prove their practical significance.

3. Read the riddle and guess it.

You can always find her in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet
It is prickly, like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress. (Hedgehog)

Name words that contain letters i, e, e, u. What sounds do they represent?

4. Checking the assimilation of the material.

I option

Indicate the word in which the letter Y makes two sounds.

a) chalk; b) hedgehog; c) brush

a) spruce; b) if; c) entry

what about the town; b) slippery; c) three

How many sounds in the word explain?

a) 8; b) 9; at 10 o'clock.

a) drive through b) purple; c) barks

Which word has the [y] sound?

a) snow; b) border; c) aspen

II option

Indicate the word in which the letter I gives 1 sound.

a) anchor; b) light; c) mint

Indicate which word has more sounds than letters.

a) filming b) grater; c) reception

Which word has fewer sounds than letters?

a) stump; b) mug; c) twist

How many sounds are in the word declare?

Which word has 2 vowels next to each other?

a) cut; b) washes; c) winnow

Which word has the [y] sound?

a) mountain ash; b) forward; c) army

Mutual verification.

Evaluation of a friend's work.

VII. Homework.

1) Come up with a fairy tale: "In what words did the cunning "Y"? Possible beginning: "On the planet Russian language there is a country Phonetics, in which a very tricky sound lives" Y" (optional).

VIII. Summing up the lesson.

Work with a summary table on the topic "Phonetics".



  • To acquaint students with the dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I, with the fact that these letters can represent one and two sounds. To teach students to name the sounds denoted by the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya. To work out the primary skills and abilities of students.
  • Repeat with students the softness of consonants, and how it is indicated. Recall the spelling rule CHK, CHN, LF, RK, NShch, RShch, etc.
  • Recall what phonetics is, and that it studies sounds and letters.
  • To instill in students an interest in the lessons of the Russian language, a love for the Russian language, to cultivate the attention and activity of students in the lesson, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.

Equipment: the word of the teacher, auxiliary writing on the board, illustrations, charts, tables, notebooks for reference signals, handouts, computer, interactive whiteboard.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition.

1. Spelling dictation:

weight ly, help schn and ki, about camping ba, mo sti to, zo nti k, bo rsh, days, river ah, vo back to.

2. Questions:

  • How do these words indicate the softness of consonants?
  • What should be remembered when looking at combinations such as: CHK, SC, SC?
  • What can you say, looking at the combinations of ZD, ST, NT in the words: carnation, umbrella, bridge?
  • Find a word with a doubtful consonant in the root and check.
  • What section of the language are we studying? (Phonetics)
  • What does phonetics study?
  • How many vowels are in Russian? What about sounds?
  • What sounds do you know? What sounds are vowels and consonants divided into?
  • What letters do not represent sounds? (b, b)

Teacher: This means that it also happens that in words there are fewer sounds than letters. After all, b and b signs of sounds do not designate, and unpronounceable consonants also do not designate sounds.

Complete the following task: determine in these words how many letters and how many sounds?

Terrain, hemp, rye, sun.

III. Explanation of new material.

1. Teacher: In elementary school, you guys only touched lightly on the subject of "The Dual Role of the Letters E, YO, YU, Z". Today in the lesson we will expand our knowledge on this topic (say the goal under number 1). We will take a deeper look at the dual role of these letters; find out why the same letters can mean one sound and two sounds; we will learn to name the sounds denoted by the letters E, E, Yu, Ya.

Table 1

Me ra-m’ [E]ra

By le t-floor’[O]t

To lu in-cl'[U] in

Xia du-s’ [A] du

Questions for table 1:

  • Look carefully at the words, at the underlined spellings and tell me where are the letters E, E, Yu, I? (After consonants)
  • Pay attention to transcriptions.
  • What consonants do they follow? (After soft)
  • So, in what case do the letters E, E, Yu, I denote one sound? (After consonants)

Teacher: Consider table 2.

table 2

E m-[y'e] m

E lka-[y'o] lka

YU la-[y'u] la

I ma-[y'A] ma

Questions for table 2:

  • (At the beginning of a word)
  • How many and what sounds do they represent?
  • So, in what case do the letters E, E, Yu, I denote two sounds?

Teacher: Now let's turn to table 3.

Table 3

B oh c-bo [y 'E] c

Etc ie m-pr and[ y'o]m

To ayu So a[ y'u]ta

St oya t-st about[ y'A)t

Questions for table 3:

  • Where are the letters E, E, Yu, I in the words? (After vowels)
  • How many and what sounds do they represent?
  • So, when the letters E, Yo, Yu, I denote two sounds?

Teacher: Let's look at the examples in Table 4.

Table 4

From ye h-from b[y'e ] zd

With ye mka-s b[y'O] kA

AT ew ha-v b[ y'u] ha

Obez ya on both sz[y'A] on

Questions for table 4:

  • Where are the letters E, E, Yu, I in the words? (After b and b signs)
  • How many and what sounds do they represent?
  • So, when else can the letters E, Yo, Yu, I denote two sounds?

Teacher: We examined the tables and drew conclusions. And now let's compare our conclusions with the rule of the textbook and answer the question: have we made the right conclusions.

2. Work in notebooks for reference signals (OS). Drawing up a table-scheme.

Table-scheme No. 1

Teacher: Before filling in the table-scheme No. 1 with examples, we will do the following work: I will show you pictures with the names of objects, and you will fill in the examples according to the arrows of the table. I warn you, be careful!

See the presentation for drawings(slides 2-11).

Teacher: We check what is written.

Question: And why didn’t you write down such examples in the chart as: a frog, tulips, a lion?

Teacher: And now, guys, we draw a table-scheme No. 2.

Table-scheme No. 2

IV. Consolidation.

1. The game "Who is faster?"(there are two boys and two girls at the blackboard)

Exercise: write down words, determine how many letters and how many sounds, emphasize the studied spelling.

Train, cabin, spruce, bale, hatch, entrance, pour, yak, lighthouse.

2. Exercise- riddles.

Exercise: guess the word, write it down, underline the spelling, determine how many letters and sounds are in the words.

A) What does a bear like most in the world? (honey)

B) In what words is the letter-thorn YO found? (hedgehog, ruff, tree)

C) Guess the name of the girl by the first sounds of the words: sneak, thimble, aquarium. (Yana)

D) Where do birds fly to in autumn? (South)

e) What does your mother say when she feeds you? (eat)

3. Cards with tasks are distributed: write out words from the poem for the rule “The double role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya”, determine how many letters and sounds they contain, emphasize the spelling being studied.

Task card

All around are seized with fear:
Furious ogre
Announced that he will eat today
Wonderful lunch.

Teacher: Now let's compare your notes with the notes on the board and correct the mistakes.

4. Self-execution of exercises according to the textbook.

5. Verification.

V. Summary of the lesson.


  • What topic did we study today?
  • When do the letters E, Yo, Yu, I represent two sounds?
  • When do the letters E, Yo, Yu, I represent one sound?

Lesson grades. promotion.

VI. Homework.

The double role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, I

Let's find out how the letters e, e, u, i differ from other vowels.

To get started, look at the transcription and determine which words are in front of you.

If you look closely at the record of these words (spruce, forest, linen, honey, water, dish, anchor, meat), you will notice that they contain the letters e, e, u or i. But they correspond to different sounds! Why?

The thing is that in everyday life we ​​regularly encounter various phonetic processes occurring in the language. One of them is the positional alternation of sounds, i.e. such an alternation (replacement), which depends on the place (position) of the sound in the word. A letter is a special sign that is used to indicate a sound in a letter, because the sound can only be heard or pronounced. There are much more sounds in Russian than letters. Therefore, it is not surprising that some letters "have" to designate several sounds. This happened with the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya.

To figure out in which cases these vowels denote one sound, and in which two, we will do the following work. Let's pronounce the words and analyze the position in them of the vowels of interest to us.

So. M[e]ra, floor[o]t, class[u]v, s[i]du. In all these words, the letters e, e, u, i denote one sound, they stand after soft consonants.

Now let's look at the following examples: [ye] m, [yo] lka, [yu] g, [ya] sher. Here vowels are used to denote two sounds ([ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]), but stand at the absolute beginning of the word.

Another group of words: bo [ye] c, with [yo] m, ka [yu] ta, one hundred [ya] t. In these words, the letters e, e, u, i also denote two sounds, but are already after another vowel.

And more examples: ot [ye] zd, s [yo] mka, vy [yu] ha, monkey [ya] on. The vowels e, e, u, i again denote two sounds, and in the word they come after b or b.

Now, I think, you can easily formulate the rule:

The letters e, e, u, i denote two sounds if they are at the beginning of a word, after any other vowel or after hard and soft signs. These letters denote one sound if they stand after a consonant and indicate its softness.

The sounds denoted by the letters e, e, u, i are called iotized, because the sound y or yot is involved in their formation. In transcription, it is designated as [th], and sometimes as [j].

Studying the "Phonetics" section, we can see once again how rich, diverse and amazingly beautiful the Russian language is. But the Russian language is also considered one of the most difficult in the world. One of the difficulties of our language is that many words in it are spelled quite differently from how they are heard. It is necessary to take care of the beauty and correctness of your speech. Otherwise, you can get into such an absurd situation, which the poet Alexander Shibaev writes about in his poem "Sad News":

List of used literature:

  1. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. Russian language. Textbook for grade 5. - M .: Education, 2008-2012.
  2. Stronskaya I.M. Reference book on the Russian language for students in grades 5-9. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Literature", 2012.
  3. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I. and others. Russian language: Textbooks for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 cells. educational institutions / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. – M.: Bustard.
  4. Arsyriy A.T. Entertaining materials on the Russian language: Book for students / Ed. L.P. Krysina - M .: Education, 1995.
  5. Kalmykova I.R. The mysterious world of sounds. Phonetics and culture of speech in games and exercises. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1998.
  6. Golub I.B., Kokhtev N.N., Rozental D.E. Russian language. Sounds, letters, words / A book about language for the curious. - M .: "MIC" with the participation of JSC "CENTURY", 1998.
  7. Egorova N.V. Pourochnye development in the Russian language. Grade 5 – M.: Vako, 2013.
  8. Vasiliev I.P. Russian language lessons to the textbook by S.I. Lvova. A guide for the teacher. - M., 2013.
  9. Sychugova L.P. Summaries of lessons for the teacher of the Russian language. Grade 5 – Vlados, 2004.
  10. Gribanskaya E., Novikova L. Control and verification work on the Russian language for the textbook “Russian language. Grade 5". Educational and practical guide. - L .: Exam, 2004.
  11. Bogdanova G.A. Russian language lessons in the 5th grade. A book for the teacher - Genzher, 2000.
  12. I.B. Golub, D.E. Rosenthal. "Secrets of good speech". - M.: Intern. relations, 1993.

Technological map of the Russian language lesson, class 5 "A"

Lesson topic: “The double role of letters e, yo, yu, i"

The purpose of the teacher's activity: to update and restore knowledge about the dual role of letters e, yo, yu, i ; develop skills in determining phonetic positions in which letters e, yo, yu, i represent one or two sounds.

Lesson type : combined

Planned educational results:

  • subject (volume of development and level of competencies): know sound meaning of letters e, yo, yu, i in different phonetic positions; be able to distinguish the sound meaning of letters e, yo, yu, i in different phonetic positions, explain why the Russian language has 6 vowels and 10 letters denoting them;
  • metasubject (components of cultural-competence experience): the ability to realize the goals of educational activities and explain them; the ability to set a goal and organize its achievement, reflective thinking.
  • personal: awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the Russian language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture, the desire for speech self-improvement.

Methods and forms of education: observation of the language, research method, creation of a problem situation, individual, group, frontal

Equipment e: computer, multimedia projector.

Visual and demonstration material: presentation on the topic of the lesson

Implemented program:in Russian for grades 5-9. Authors: M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky and others / Moscow.: Education 2013

UMC: Russian language. Grade 5: textbook for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock Authors: T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Trostentsova, L.T. Grigoryan, I.I. Kulibaba, N.V. Ladyzhenskaya.

Lesson structure

Lesson stages

Educational and developmental components, tasks and exercises

Teacher activity

Student activities

Forms of organization of interaction

Formed Skills (UUD)

intermediate control

1. Organizational moment (motivation for learning activities)

Emotional psychological and motivational preparation of students for the assimilation of the studied material


Hello guys! I am glad to meet you today. Let the short time that we spend together bring you joy, be interesting and useful.

I wanted to start the lesson with a proverb, but it fell apart.2slide

Help me collect itKnowledge and wisdom adorn a person) 3slide

Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Listen to the teacher, participate in a dialogue with him.


Cognitive: they are aware of the educational and cognitive task

Regulatory: plan the necessary actions, operations

Communication: work in pairs

Oral responses

2. Actualization and trial learning action

Reproduction of previously studied, establishing successive links between old and new knowledge and applying them in new situations.

There are many different countries in the world. But you will not find the country we are going to today on the map, although we meet with its inhabitants at every lesson. It is called Phonetics

Guys, what are the names of the inhabitants of this country? (sounds, letters)

How is a sound different from a letter?

What are consonants made of?

How many vowels? How many vowels?

Let's turn to our proposal and write out those words in which there are more sounds than letters. Why is this happening?

What other letters can represent two sounds? yo, me.

Let's turn to the word Human. What role does the letter e play here?

They answer questions. Build statements

We pronounce and hear sounds, we write and read letters

Vowels 10

Vowel sounds 6



Softens the previous consonant and denotes the sound (e)

Frontal, individual

Cognitive: carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task.

Communication: asking questions, answering questions from others

3. Goal-setting and building a project for getting out of difficulties

Disclosure of the essence of new concepts, assimilation of new ways of educational and mental activity of students. Checking assignments. Conversation on questions

Let's formulate the topic of our lesson. slide4

Creates a problematic situation in which students discover a lack of their knowledge and a desire to actively overcome emerging contradictions in the process of learning activities

Formulates the purpose of the trainingactivities together with the students who take it upon themselves.

Today we will work with unusual letters in Russian: e, e, yu, ya.

Their originality lies in the fact that they can play a dual role: to designate one or two sounds.

They also indicate the softness of the consonant. Slides 5-11

Let's turn to the textbook page 142 p.61.

Did our findings match the rule?

Personal: they are aware of their capabilities in learning, they are able to adequately reason about the reasons for their success or failure.

Cognitive: they extract the necessary information from the listened explanation of the teacher, the statements of classmates, systematize their own knowledge.

Regulatory: plan the necessary actions.

Communicative: build small monologues.

Oral responses

4. Practical activities for the implementation of the construction of the project

Exercise 310

Formulate the conclusion in what position of the letter yo represent the same sound?

When the letter e represent two sounds?

Answer the teacher's questions, formulate the rule, own conclusions in cooperation with the teacher and classmates Answer the teacher's questions, formulate the rule.


Frontal, individual

Cognitive: they read and listen, extracting the necessary information, independently find it in the materials of the textbook. Regulatory: they control learning activities, notice mistakes made, realize the rule of control and successfully use it in solving a learning problem.

Oral responses

5. Primary reinforcement with commentary in external speech

Generalization, systematization and formation of rational ways of applying them in practice. Conversation, table analysis

To sum up our research, let's try to make a table

Let's compare our table with the generalizing table "The double role of the letters e, e, u, i" ( slide12)

The double role of the letters e, e, u, i (artist letters)

Working on a spreadsheet

Formulate their own thoughts, draw a conclusion

Individual group

Cognitive: perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form, carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task. Communicative: ask questions, answer questions of others, formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view

Oral responses

6. Physical education minute

Educational game - warm-up.

Summarizing the knowledge gained in the lesson.

Tired? I suggest playing a little. If the vowels mean two sounds, the girls squat, if one, then the boys squat

Junga, bread, barrier, chandelier, stump, cranberry, memory, gun, lake, monument, blizzard, beetroot, cabin, stump, button accordion.

Take part in a learning game.


Personal: understand the meaning of knowledge for a person. Cognitive: acquire the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life. Regulatory: evaluate their work, correct and explain mistakes. Communicative: formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard

Performing multi-level exercises based on the textbook and didactic material

Independent performance of exercises of different complexity, selected by the teacher

1.Distributive dictation (work in pairs)

Exercise. Divide the words into 2 columns:

1) the letters E, Yo, Yu, I denote 1 sound,

2) the letters E, E, Yu, I represent 2 sounds.

Honey, food, anchor, cabin, forest, heat, tree, shadow, people, blizzard, pours, flies, webbing, pit, button accordion, river, sauna.(slide13)

2. Exercise - riddles.

Exercise: guess the word, write it down, determine how many letters and sounds are in the words.

  • What does a bear love most in the world?(honey)
  • What fish starts with Y?(ruff)
  • Where do the birds fly?(south)
  • The youngest sailor on the ship?(cabin boy)

3.exercise 331

Well done boys! And you did a great job with this one.



Cognitive: search for the necessary information. Regulatory: independently plan the necessary actions, operations, act according to the plan


8. Reflection of educational activity (summarizing the lesson)

Closing discussion on questions

(slide 14)

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What difficulties did you encounter while working?

Did you enjoy the lesson? Pick a strip and show me.

Let's evaluate the work of classmates.

Determine their emotional state in the lesson. Giving ratings.

Individual group

Cognitive: acquire the ability to motivate to organize their activities.

Regulatory: evaluate their work.

Communicative: build small monologues.

Evaluation of student work in class.

9. Homework

Dictates d / z upr312(slide 15)

Diary entry


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