The topic of the population lesson is a political map. Open lesson in geography on the topic: Formation of the political map of the world. Map Changes

On the modern political map of the world, the geographical position of countries, their political and administrative structure are indicated. The main political and geographical changes are reflected: the emergence of new independent states, a change in the political structure of countries, a change in their borders and territories, the names of countries and capitals, etc. The political map of the world and the patterns of changes on it are explored by a branch of geography called political geography.
The political map of the world reflects the state structure of countries, the features of their state management system, the relationship between states, as well as regional conflicts that arise in connection with the definition of state borders and the resettlement of the population. The political map of the world is constantly changing. The following factors contribute to this:
- wars at various levels;
- deprivation of the country of independence, change of borders of the territory;
-interstate and international agreements;
-formation of new independent states;
-changing the name of the country and capital;
- disintegration and unification of states;
- change in the structure and state system of government of the country;
- transferring the capital of the country to another city.
All events related to the formation of the modern political map of the world are conditionally divided into two periods: new - from the 17th century to the First World War and the latest - from the First World War to the present day. The newest period is divided into 4 stages. 1st stage from 1918 to 1945, 2nd stage from 1945 to stage 3rd stage from 1945 to 1985, 4th stage from 1985 to the present.
On the modern political map of the world, there are more than 200 states that have declared their independence. Among them, the number of countries recognized at the international level is 191. A number of objects of the modern political map of the world include 67 dependent territories that do not have the status of independent management.

Test questions

1. What is the name of the branch of geography that studies the political map of the world and the patterns of changes on it?
A) ecology
B) physical geography
C) biology
D) political geography

2. How many independent states are there on the modern political map of the world?
A) 400
B) 300
C) 200
D) 100
3. What 2 periods are conventionally divided into all events related to the formation of the modern political map of the world?
A) old and new
B) new and modern
C) new and latest
D) old and new

2. How many independent territories are there on the modern political map of the world?
A) 27
B) 47
Russian language
Kazakh language
English language
Socio-economic geography
Aleumettik-economical geography
Social-economic geography
Geographic discoveries
Geography ashular
Geographic openings
Great Travelers
Atakty sayakhatshylar
great travelers
A political map of the World
Duniye zhuzinin sayasi kartasy
political card of the world
Formation periods
Kalyptasu kezenderi
Periods of the shaping
Independent states
Tauelsiz memleketter
independent state
SRS Topics

1) Study the topic "Earth as a planet." L1, pp. 5-9.

Topics of the TSIS
1) Based on Scheme 5, analyze the changes that have taken place on the political map of the world using the example of one state. L1, pp. 78-81.

This lesson is the first lesson in 10th grade. This lesson introduces new terms, briefly talks about the main objectives of the course of study. Students get acquainted with the meaning of the economic and social geography of the world, its features, main concepts. In addition, the lesson discusses the features of the modern political map of the world, its quantitative and qualitative shifts.

Topic: Modern political map of the world

Lesson: Political map of the world

Economic and social geography of the world - social science that studies the patterns of territorial distribution of social production, the conditions and characteristics of its development and distribution in various countries and regions.

Economic and social geography combines elements of geography, economics, sociology, it makes extensive use of various research methods of both geographical science and other disciplines.

The subject of study of economic and social geography is the territorial aspect of social reproduction in specific socio-historical conditions.

The political map acts as an important tool for mastering knowledge of geography in grades 10 and 11. There are more than 230 countries on the modern political map of the world.

Rice. 1. Political map of the world

Types of changes in the political map of the world - various transformations on the political map.

Changes are both quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative changes:

1. Accession to the territory of the state of newly discovered lands.
2. Acquisition or loss of land after the war.
3. Voluntary concessions.
4. Disintegration or accession of territories.

Qualitative changes:

1. Changing the political system in the country.
2. Formation of military blocs.
3. Formation of economic unions.

There are two important concepts in economic and social geography: boundaries and territories.

Country border is a line and a vertical surface passing through it, dividing the territory state sovereignty(which includes land, water, subsoil).

Borders are established on the basis of agreements between states. There are two ways to designate state borders:

1. Delimitation - the definition of boundaries on the map.
2. Demarcation - the definition and designation of boundaries on the ground with special boundary signs.

sovereign state- a politically independent state with autonomy in internal and external affairs. The state is the main object of the political map of the world.

Boundaries differ in the way they are drawn:

1. Orographic boundaries - are drawn along natural boundaries (rivers, mountains, etc.).
Examples: Russia - China, Russia - Georgia, USA - Mexico.
2. Geometric boundaries - are drawn in straight lines without taking into account the features of the terrain.
Examples: Niger - Mali, Chad - Libya, Libya - Egypt.
3. Astronomical boundaries - are drawn through points with certain geographical coordinates.
Examples: USA - Canada.

Rice. 2. US-Canada border

Territory- this is a part of the earth's surface with its inherent anthropogenic and natural resources, conditions.

Territories are state, international and with a mixed regime.

state territory- a piece of the earth's surface under the sovereignty of a state.

The composition of the state territory includes land, internal waters, territorial waters and subsoil.

Territorial waters are a strip of coastal waters from 3 to 12 nautical miles wide.

1 nautical mile - 1852 meters.

Territories with international regime- territories lying outside the state territory. These earthly spaces are in the common use of all states in accordance with international law.

Examples are Antarctica and outer space.

Territory with mixed regime- these are areas of the World Ocean, the bottom outside the territorial waters.

Special territorial regimes- these are international legal regimes that determine the procedure for the use of any territory.

Non-Self-Governing Territories:

1. Colonies.
2. Overseas departments or freely associated states.

The colony- a dependent territory, which is under the rule of a foreign state (metropolis), without independent political and economic power, governed on the basis of a special regime.

Small island nations in the Pacific Ocean are examples.

Currently, there are a huge number of disputed territories on the political map of the world.

Examples of such territories are Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands, Western Sahara, the Kuril Islands, and Nagorno-Karabakh.

As a result, there are unrecognized or partially recognized states- Territories that independently proclaimed their sovereignty without the consent of the UN.

Examples: Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kosovo, Taiwan.


Topic 1, P. 1

  1. What is a colony? In what parts of the world were colonial possessions preserved?



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 cells: Textbook for educational institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: Proc. for 10 cells. educational institutions / V.P. Maksakovskiy. - 13th ed. - M .: Education, JSC "Moscow textbooks", 2005. - 400 p.

3. Rodionova I.A., Elagin S.A., Kholina V.N., Sholudko A.N. Economic, social and political geography: the world, regions, countries: Educational and reference manual / Ed. prof. I.A. Rodionova. - M.: Ekon-Inform, 2008. - 492 p.

4. Universal Atlas of the World / Yu.N. Golubchikov, S.Yu. Shokarev. - M.: Design. Information. Cartography: AST: Astrel, 2008. - 312 p.

5. Atlas with a set of contour maps for grade 10. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Omsk Cartographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


  1. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., cart.: tsv. incl.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

  1. Geography: a reference book for high school students and university applicants. - 2nd ed., corrected. and dorab. - M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

1. Control and measuring materials. Geography: Grade 10 / Comp. E.A. Zhizina. - M.: VAKO, 2012. - 96 p.

2. The most complete edition of typical options for real USE assignments: 2010: Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Textbook / Comp. EM. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukov. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete edition of typical options for real tasks of the USE: 2010: Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

5. State final certification of 9th grade graduates in a new form. Geography. 2013: Textbook / V.V. Drums. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2013. - 80 p.

6. USE 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Tests in geography: Grade 10: to the textbook by V.P. Maksakovskiy “Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.V. Baranchikov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

political map geographical map of the globe, continent or region, which reflects the territorial and political division. The main elements of the content of the map are the borders of states and dependent territories, capitals, large cities, sometimes routes of communication are displayed on a political map, the boundaries of autonomous entities within states with a federal structure, capitals and centers of units of administrative-territorial division.

In today's world, there are more 250 countries. They are diverse in their place in the international division of labor and in international relations, in terms of economic development, in size of territory, in population, in ethnic and national composition, in geographical location, and in many other indicators. 193 states are members of the United Nations(as of 01.01.2018) and 2 observer states: Holy See (Vatican) and the State of Palestine.

The diversity of the countries of the modern world.

The countries of the world are grouped according to different criteria. For example, stand out sovereign, independent countries (about 193 out of 250) and dependent countries and territories. Dependent countries and territories may have different names: possessions - the term " colonies» not used since 1971 (there are very few left), overseas departments and territories, self-governing territories. So, Gibraltar is a British property; Island reunion in the Indian Ocean Guiana in South America, the overseas departments of France; island country Puerto Rico declared a "state freely affiliated with the United States."

Grouping countries by area:

  • very large countries(territory over 3 million sq. km): Russia(17.1 million sq. km), Canada(10 million sq. km), China(9.6 million sq. km), USA(9.4 million sq. km), Brazil(8.5 million sq. km), Australia(7.7 million sq. km), India(3.3 million sq. km);
  • major countries(have an area of ​​more than 1 million km2): Algeria, Libya, Iran, Mongolia, Argentina, etc.;
  • medium and small countries: these include most of the countries of the world - Italy, Vietnam, Germany, etc.
  • micro-states: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican. They also include Singapore and the island states of the Caribbean and Oceania.

According to the population, they are 10 largest countries in the world : China (1318 million people); India (1132 million people); USA (302 million people); Indonesia (232 million people); Brazil (189 million people); Pakistan (169 million people); Bangladesh (149 million people); Nigeria (144 million people); Russia (142 million people); Japan (128 million people). The population of countries is constantly changing, so this "big ten" is also changing. Most of the world's countries are middle-sized states (less than 100 million people): Iran, Ethiopia, Germany, etc. The smallest countries in terms of population are micro-states. For example, 1,000 people live in the Vatican.

State system, forms of government and administrative-territorial structure of the countries of the world.

The countries of the world also differ in forms of government and by forms of territorial-state structure.

There are two main forms of government: republics , where the legislative power usually belongs to the parliament, and the executive power to the government (USA, Germany), and monarchy where power belongs to the monarch and is inherited (Brunei, UK).

Most countries in the world have a republican form of government. There are presidential republics, where the president heads the government and has great powers (USA, Guinea, Argentina, etc.), and parliamentary republics, where the role of the president is smaller, and the head of the executive branch is the prime minister appointed by the president. The monarchy is currently 29 .

Monarchies are constitutional and absolute. At constitutional monarchy the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution and the activities of parliament: the real legislative power usually belongs to the parliament, and the executive - to the government. The monarch at the same time "reigns, but does not rule", although his political influence is quite large. Such monarchies include Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, etc.

At absolute monarchy The power of the ruler is not limited by anything. There are only six states in the world with this form of government: Brunei, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and the Vatican.

Of particular note are the so-called theocratic monarchies , i.e. countries where the head of state is also its religious head (Vatican and Saudi Arabia).

There are countries that have a specific form of government. These include states that are part of the so-called commonwealth (until 1947 it was called the "British Commonwealth of Nations"). The Commonwealth is an association of countries that includes Great Britain and many of its former colonies, dominions and dependent territories (total 50 states). It was originally created by Great Britain to preserve its economic and military-political positions in previously owned territories and countries. AT 16 Commonwealth countries formally considered the head of state british queen. The largest of them include Canada, Australia, New Zealand. In them, the head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General, and the legislature is Parliament.

By forms of government distinguish unitary and federal countries.

AT unitary the state has a single constitution, a single executive and legislative power, and administrative-territorial units are endowed with insignificant powers and report directly to the central government (France, Hungary).

AT federal In the state, along with uniform laws and authorities, there are other state formations - republics, states, provinces, etc., in which their own laws are adopted, there are their own authorities, i.e., members of the federation have a certain political and economic independence. But their activity should not contradict federal laws (India, Russia, USA). Most countries of the world are unitary, there are now a little more than 20 federal states in the world. The federal form of the state is characteristic of both multinational (Pakistan, Russia) countries and countries with a relatively homogeneous national composition of the population (Germany).

Lesson summary "Modern political map of the world".

Lesson topic: Political map of the world.


    Improve knowledge of the political map of the world.

    To get acquainted with the stages of formation of the political map of the world.

    Be able to explain quantitative and qualitative changes on the political map of the world.

    Improve the ability to work with the political map of the world.

Type of lesson: learning new material.

Equipment: Political map of the world, handouts, grade 10 atlas, textbook.

During the classes:

    Organizational target stage:


- Identification of absent students.

Checking homework

2. Actualization of educational knowledge, their generalization: Traveling on a physical map of the world "5 minutes". It takes place in several stages:

Stage 1: Students in pairs ask each other for a physical map of the world, in turn. (For example: mountains, plains, rivers, islands, etc.)

Stage 2: At the docks, on the map, they show the teacher geographic objects for a while. (Physical map).

Stage 3: Consolidation - students write from memory all the geographical objects known to him from the physical map of the world. Who is bigger.

Stage 4: Summing up.

3. Checking homework for questions.
— What does the socio-economic geography of the world study?

(The economic and social geography of the world is a social geographical science that studies the territorial organization of human society. Sociology is the science of society, of people's behavior.)
— What historical and geographical regions exist in the world?

(Historical and geographical regions of the world. The ancient civilized regions of the world were the valleys of the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, Indus, Ganges, Huang He and Yangtze, and later the territories of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.)
- What sources of geographical knowledge are most convenient for you to use and are the most informative? (The source of geographical knowledge is: maps, atlases, geography textbooks, geography reference books, geography magazines, geography books, photographs (satellite images, etc.), etc.
- What methods did you use when compiling the reference diagrams “Sources of Geographical Knowledge” and “Methods of Geographical Research”? (When compiling a reference outline, you should select key words, sentences, associations, schemes (for example, a well-known image allows you to revive a geographical object in memory by association ).
- Name the leading economic scientists - geographers. (Baransky N.N., etc.)

4. Motivation of educational and cognitive activity.
- Consider the political map of the world in atlases (page 3-4), as well as on the board, and try to formulate the concept of "political map of the world" (I write down all the options on the board).
- And now, from the recorded words, highlight the essential phrases, key words. As a result, we have formed several definitions.

Answer: Political map of the world -geographic map , reflecting countriespeace , themform of government andstate structure . The political map reflects the main political and geographical changes: the formation of new independent states, the change in their status, the merger and division of states, the loss or acquisitionsovereignty , changing the area of ​​states, replacing themcapitals , changing the names of states and capitals, changing forms of government, etc.

5. Learning new material.
1) Political map of the world.
Your interpretation is understandable, since in socio-economic geography the concept of "political map of the world" is used in a narrow and broad sense. In a narrow sense, the political map of the world is a geographical map of the Earth, which displays all the countries and states of the world, their borders and capitals, some other geographical objects of great political importance (settlements, communication routes, etc.)

2). Work with the textbook. Paragraph No. 1 and 2. read and answer the questions:

What is political geography? (Political geography is a branch of geography that studies the political map of the world and the patterns of its change)

How is political geography different from physical geography? (While changes in physical geography occur slowly (climate change, movement of lithospheric plates, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), in economic, political and social geography changes occur daily. Geography is happening here and now (change of borders, Russia's accession to the WTO, political upheavals that lead to economic and social changes, etc.)

Writing definitions in a notebook

Let's figure it out and write it down. (Verbally pronounce each reason)

Reasons for changing the formation of the political map of the world

    the revolution

    national liberation movements


    religious-ethnic conflicts

    changes in the economic formation

    political changes

Working with the textbook:

Stages of forming a political map

    Ancient (until the 5th century AD. The emergence and collapse of the first states)

    Medieval V-XVI centuries. (The emergence of large feudal states in Europe and Asia)

    New XVI - XIX centuries. (Formation of a colonial empire)

    The latest (1st half of the 20th century. Formation of socialist countries, collapse of the colonial system)


Stage 1 - the emergence of the world socialist system, the formation of independent states in Asia (40-50s of the XX century)

Stage 2 - the formation of independent states, mainly in Africa (60-70s of the XX century)

Stage 3 - the collapse of the socialist system, profound changes on the map of Europe and Asia (80-90s of the XX century)

Independent work: Find in the textbook in paragraph No. 1 definitions for groups, each option has its own cards.
Group 1. Determine the legal status of the concepts "country", "state".

(A state is a power-political organization that has sovereignty, a special apparatus of control and coercion, and establishes a legal order in a certain territory. A country is a state that occupies a certain, strictly limited territory.)
Group 2. Explain the essence of state sovereignty. (Sovereignty - supreme power, supremacy, domination) - the independence of the state in external and supremacy in internal affairs. Free, independent of any external forces, the supremacy of state power.)

6. Consolidation of new knowledge, skills and abilities.

Independent work in a notebook.

Based on the political map of the world in the atlas and additional material, write it out in a notebook, and then put it on a contour map.

a) the seven largest countries in the world; (1. Russia - 17,102,345 2. Canada - 9,976,139 3. China -9,640,821 4. USA - 9,522,057

5. Brazil - 8,511,965 6. Australia - 7,686,850 7. India - 3,287,590)

c) ten countries of the world with a population of over 100 million people (China1 347 350 000 2. India1 223 442 000 3. USA314 347 000 4. Indonesia 237 641 326 5. Brazil 197 059 000 6. Pakistan 176 728 500 68 628 .Bangladesh152,518,015 9.Russia145,452,581 10.Japan126,400,000)

c) 5 examples of peninsular and 5 island countries, 2 archipelagos;

(Peninsular Saudi Arabia, Denmark, South and North Korea

Island Cuba, UK, New Zealand

Archipelagos of Micronesia, Polynesia, Japan, Indonesia Great Britain (if you count Northern Ireland together with it)

e) 5 examples of inland countries (1. Andorra
2. Afghanistan 3. Botswana 4. Austria 5. Bhutan)

7. Lesson summary: So what is the political map of the world?

    What are the characteristics of sovereign states?

    List the main stages in the formation of the political map of the world.

8. Homework.

    Work out the paragraph of the textbook No. 1-2.

    Learn from additional sources of information about the centers of military or political conflicts in the world and mark them on the contour map.

    Prepare for practical work.

geography teacher MOU SOSH 176

slide 2

1. Stages of formation of the political map of the world

2. Division of countries:

  • according to the level of socio-economic development
  • by territory size
  • by population
  • by geographic location
  • by form of government
  • According to the peculiarities of the territorial - state structure

3. Political geography

slide 3

Stages of formation of the political map of the world

  • Ancient (before the 5th century AD) the emergence and collapse of the first states.
  • Medieval (V - XVI centuries) - the emergence of large feudal states in Europe and Asia
  • New (XVI-XIX centuries) - the formation of a colonial empire.
  • The latest (first half of the 20th century) - the formation of socialist countries, the collapse of the colonial system
  • Modern (second half of the 20th century - modern period)
  • slide 4

    Map Changes

    • quantitative
      • Territorial
      • acquisitions,
      • losses,
      • voluntary concessions
    • quality
      • change of formations
      • conquest of sovereignty
      • introduction of a new state structure
  • slide 5

    The level of socio-economic development. Expressed in terms of GDP and HDI

    • Economically developed countries
    • G7 countries (GDP - 20 - 30 thousand dollars)
    • Smaller countries of Western Europe (GDP, as in the countries of the "Big Seven"
    • Countries of resettlement capitalism (Dominions of Great Britain)
  • slide 6

    Countries with economies in transition

    Former socialist countries:

    1. Eastern Europe (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria ...) They can be attributed to economically developed countries

    2. Post-socialist and socialist countries (Laos, Vietnam ..). They can be classified as developing countries

    Slide 7

    Developing countries

    • Key countries - have great natural, human and economic potential. GDP 350 dollars.
    • Latin America, Asia, North Africa. GDP 1000 dollars.
    • NIS - Newly Industrialized Countries - "Asian Tigers"
    • Oil exporting countries of the Persian Gulf. GDP 20 - 30 thousand dollars.
    • "Classic" developing countries lagging behind in their development, with a per capita GDP of less than 1 thousand dollars a year. Most countries in Africa, as well as Asia and Latin America.
    • The least developed countries of the "fourth world" 47 countries with a GDP of 100 - 300 dollars per year. Ethiopia, Haiti, Bangladesh...
  • Slide 8

    There are more than 200 countries and territories on the PCM, of which more than 190 are sovereign states, among them are:


    • The countries are giants, the area is more than 3 million square meters. km2 (Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil, Australia, India)
    • “Large countries”, their area is more than 500 thousand km2 (France, Spain ..), the area is more than 1 million square meters. km2 (Sudan, Algeria, Libya..)
    • Microstates - having an insignificant San Marino, Liechtenstein, area (Vatican, Singapore ..)
  • Slide 9


    • Giant countries numbering over 100 million people (China, India, USA, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia…)
    • Middle countries (Algeria, Mexico…)

    3. Small countries, microstates, with a population of 10 - 30 thousand people or less (Vatican, San Marino, Monaco ...)

    Slide 10


    • With a coastal position (Mexico, Argentina, Congo, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Russia..)

    2. Peninsular (Italy, India, Portugal, Korea, Denmark..)

    3. Island (Great Britain, Cuba, Iceland, Madagascar, ..)

    4. Inland countries (42 states are deprived of access to the ocean: Mongolia, Austria, Czech Republic, Chad, Rwanda ...)

    slide 11

    By form of government

    1. Republic - ¾ of all countries in the world

    slide 12

    2. Monarchies

    There are 30 of them in the world:

    • Oceania 2
    • Asia 13
    • Africa 3
    • Europe 12
  • slide 13

    3. States within the Commonwealth

    • 15 countries, former dominions of Great Britain,
    • formally, the head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General
  • Slide 14

    4. Submitted by Libya alone

    • Officially Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamaheriya (state of the masses)
  • slide 15

    According to the peculiarities of the territorial and state structure

  • slide 16

    political geography

    • Formation of the political map of the world and its individual regions
    • Changes in political boundaries
    • Features of the state system
    • Political parties, groups and blocs
    • Territorial aspects of mass election campaigns
    • GEOPOLITICS - expresses the state policy, primarily in relation to the country's borders and its interaction with others, primarily neighboring countries
  • Slide 17

    Complete the task:

    According to the form of the state system, countries are:

    A) monarchies

    B) democracies

    B) federations

    D) republics

    According to the form of state territorial structure, countries are divided into:

    A) theocratic

    B) totalitarian

    C) federal D) unitary

    The Commonwealth of Nations is an interstate association headed by:

    A) Russia

    B) Great Britain

    B) France

    Slide 18

    A) Bolivia D) Hungary

    B) Israel E) Mongolia

    C) Ukraine E) Mali

    • There are total monarchies in the world:

    A) 24 B) 30 C) 37 D) 43

    • Select countries with a republican form of government:

    A) Austria C) Great Britain B) Mexico D) Turkey

    Select countries that do not have access to the open sea:

  • Slide 19

    • This presentation can be used when conducting lessons in grade 10 in the course "Economic and social geography of the world". When studying the topic "Modern political map of the world".
    • Introduces students to new terms and concepts. Forms ideas and knowledge about modern PCM. Considers the features and stages of the formation of the PCM presents the main possible criteria for the typology of the countries of the world, forms ideas about the leading criteria for the modern typology of the countries of the world, forms ideas about geopolitics and political geography.
  • Have questions?

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